How NOT to Play Promotions Part 2

How NOT to Play Promotions Part 2

Dec 21, 2015 Posted by Mission146

In the first Article of this three-part series, we took a look at the worst ways to play Loss Rebates and determined that betting on low denomination games, blindly picking high-denomination games...

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How NOT to Play Promotions Part 3

How NOT to Play Promotions Part 3

Dec 21, 2015 Posted by Mission146

The second installment of this series of Articles explored Double Jackpot Promotions and the worst ways to play those while the first installment took a look at Loss Rebate Promotions. This...

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Mat Franco

Mat Franco

Dec 21, 2015 Posted by Wizard

I first noticed Mat Franco when he did an amazing disappearing cell phone trick on the NBC show America's Got...

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News & Notes (12/20/2015)

News & Notes (12/20/2015)

Dec 20, 2015 Posted by Mission146

Eventually this will stop being repeated, but I am going to reiterate that my (hopefully weekly) News & Notes is going to be an Article to go over the Week in gaming that consists of items that do...

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The Multitudinous, The Vast, Hollywood Casinos

The Multitudinous, The Vast, Hollywood Casinos

Dec 20, 2015 Posted by Mission146

For those of you not up on your Ohio Valley casino slogans, the title of this Article is a play on The Meadows tagline of, "The One, The Only, The Meadows." While I certainly believe that such a...

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Seven Unusual Game Quirks

Seven Unusual Game Quirks

Dec 11, 2015 Posted by Mission146

I recently wrote an article about five strange casino policies, so this is essentially something of a follow up to that article. This one, however, is about seven game quirks (machines and tables)...

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Killing the Goose?

Killing the Goose?

Dec 11, 2015 Posted by Mission146

The first thing that I would like to do is thank Wizard of Vegas Member and renowned Advantage Player, 'Axelwolf,' for inspiring this Article. In fact, I should actually take it a step past,...

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Administration of WoV

Administration of WoV

Dec 11, 2015 Posted by Mission146

As with any other position of even minor authority, the decisions of the Administration of WoV are often questioned, so I am opting to offer this Article (which I think might largely apply to many...

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News & Notes

News & Notes

Dec 10, 2015 Posted by Mission146

It has been a long time coming, but the Seminole Tribe and Florida Governor Rick Scott have finally agreed to terms on a three billion dollar revenue sharing deal (over seven years) that will not...

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Video Poker (Part 2 of ?)

Video Poker (Part 2 of ?)

Dec 10, 2015 Posted by Mission146

Generally, when we think of, "Bonus Games," which are often termed, "Free Games," much to my chagrin, the immediate assumption is that the statement is referring to a slot game or Video Keno game. ...

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Five Strange Policies

Five Strange Policies

Nov 29, 2015 Posted by Mission146

For anyone who has spent a significant amount of time gambling in either brick and mortar casinos or online, there are probably any number of policies that an individual might find inconvenient or...

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One Drink, Ten Beans

One Drink, Ten Beans

Nov 27, 2015 Posted by Mission146

For the drinkers of certain mixed drinks, this really shouldn't be too painful a development depending on what your liquor of choice is. For example, I would imagine that very few people can...

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Nov 27, 2015 Posted by Mission146

There is arguably no more thrilling game on the casino floor than Craps. If you're ever in a casino and hear hooting, hollering and the slapping of hands in high fives all around, it's a more...

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Video Poker (Part 1 of ?)

Video Poker (Part 1 of ?)

Nov 27, 2015 Posted by Mission146

For an inexperienced player walking into a casino's bank of Video Poker machines, selecting the, 'Right,' game can often prove to be a daunting task. For this series of Articles, we are going to...

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Revel, Again?

Revel, Again?

Nov 27, 2015 Posted by Mission146

One of the largest (and fastest) failures in the history of casinos has to be Atlantic City's Revel Casino. There are a myriad of factors that contributed to a downfall of bizarrely epic...

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Will Peyton Play Again?

Will Peyton Play Again?

Nov 27, 2015 Posted by Mission146

Recently, Peyton Manning played in not, 'One of the worst,' as many media outlets like to claim, but absolutely the worst game of his NFL Career. He completed five out of twenty passes for...

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Perfect Regular Season

Perfect Regular Season

Nov 27, 2015 Posted by Mission146

A recent hot topic of discussion on these Forums as well as the Sports World outside of these Forums is the prospect of one or more undefeated NFL Teams this year. For those interested, the...

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Casino Countermeasures

Casino Countermeasures

Nov 22, 2015 Posted by Mission146

This Article, however, is going to focus on the general idea of whether or not it is advisable to take countermeasures against machine players, in general. For those of you who have followed our...

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