The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence

Apr 30, 2016 Posted by Mission146

As with other animals, human beings have grown, changed and ultimately evolved over time. This is true not only in the context of the human race taken as a whole, but also is the case in each of...

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News & Notes 4/24/16

News & Notes 4/24/16

Apr 24, 2016 Posted by Mission146

However, I want to extent the greatest of kudos to the Plaza for offering a gusty Promotion this past Monday by which they awarded a Bonus of 28% (in the form of Free Play) on all taxable jackpots...

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A Question of Psychology

A Question of Psychology

Apr 21, 2016 Posted by Mission146

While Bob Dancer is undoubtedly a more intelligent gambler and more accomplished Advantage Player than myself, I must take exception with his assertion that the gentleman's decision to quit...

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It's a Strange World

It's a Strange World

Apr 18, 2016 Posted by Mission146

"People are strange, when you're a stranger," or so say The Doors in the appropriately named song, "People are Strange." The greatest truisms are often those that are simply put, and the one...

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False Flags

False Flags

Apr 17, 2016 Posted by Mission146

It was recently announced at the Forums (as well as a multitude of other places) that the Plaza Casino in Las Vegas is having a Promotion for Tax Day Monday, April 18th, in which there is a 28%...

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Increased Legitimacy

Increased Legitimacy

Apr 14, 2016 Posted by Mission146

While online gambling is mostly legal for players throughout the United States (despite what some may think) and is effectively legal for everyone when one takes into consideration that any...

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News & Notes (4/14/2016)

News & Notes (4/14/2016)

Apr 13, 2016 Posted by Mission146

In what will be the final update for this story, Chloe Scordianos has officially decided, through her attorney, to plead guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conduct for her partner-in-crime, Phillip...

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How Do You Lose?  (Part III of III)

How Do You Lose? (Part III of III)

Apr 11, 2016 Posted by Mission146

In the first two of these Articles, we took a look at some of the Math related to 6:5 Blackjack compared to 3:2 Blackjack at different Table Minimums and also compared Blackjack to Craps in terms...

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Meet the Parent

Meet the Parent

Apr 10, 2016 Posted by Mission146

While it is undeniably so that the majority of WoV Members realize this already, and are full owned and operated by our parent site It...

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How Do You Lose? (Part II of III)

How Do You Lose? (Part II of III)

Apr 08, 2016 Posted by Mission146

In the first part of this Article, we took a look at what should be a somewhat fundamental equation to determine hourly Expected Loss for a $10 6:5 Blackjack game as opposed to a $25 3:2 Blackjack...

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A Question of Equity (Part II of II)

A Question of Equity (Part II of II)

Apr 07, 2016 Posted by Mission146

In the previous Article of this two-part series, we took a look at a specific Promotion for a new car and determined that, for a dollar-level 9/6 Jacks or Better player, the equity in that...

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How Do You Lose? (Part I of III)

How Do You Lose? (Part I of III)

Apr 07, 2016 Posted by Mission146

Most of the Articles I write are focused on Advantage Play, News or other aspects of the gaming world, but and seeks to appeal to all gamblers, not just AP's,...

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A Question of Equity (Part I of II)

A Question of Equity (Part I of II)

Apr 06, 2016 Posted by Mission146

"Come one, come all, to the Golden Goose Hotel & Casino where this Tuesday we are having a drawing for a brand new Toyota Corolla, five other Second Place finishers will get $100 Free Play. Simply...

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News & Notes (4/3/2016)

News & Notes (4/3/2016)

Apr 04, 2016 Posted by Mission146

It is unsurprising that the State of Nevada enjoyed a revenue increase of 7% for the month of February 2016 as compared to February of 2015. It is almost doubtlessly the case that the entirety of...

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Approaches to Online Gambling AP

Approaches to Online Gambling AP

Apr 03, 2016 Posted by Mission146

There exists a skepticism among those that have never gambled online not just that online gambling is often rigged, but also that if you manage to win despite that supposed fact, that you may not...

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People in Gambling III

People in Gambling III

Apr 01, 2016 Posted by Mission146

"When someone's illegally detained, in your neighborhood, who are you going to call? Bob Nersesian!" Bob Nerseian has a legal career as an advocate for the players spanning decades. Most...

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The End of Resort Fees?

The End of Resort Fees?

Apr 01, 2016 Posted by

Senator Claire McCaskill of the State of Missouri has laid out Senate Bill S.2599 in the 114th Congress known as the, "Truth in Hotel Advertising Act of 2016," that would effectively put an end to...

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Pornhub Casino

Pornhub Casino

Mar 29, 2016 Posted by Mission146

The combination of gambling and sex is also one that has occasionally presented itself in subtle ways: The expanse of, "Party Pits," consisting of scantily clad dancers and dealers in many of the...

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