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49 members have voted
- The object is to find solve for the word of the day in as few turns as possible, with a maximum of six.
- The word of the day is always five letters.
- The player may submit any five-letter word as a turn. Non-existent words may not be used.
- After submitting a turn, the game will mark correct letters in position in green, correct letters out of position in yellow, and letters that aren't in the word of the day in grey.
- I am not sure how it works if the word of the day or the guess have multiple identical letters, but imagine Master Mind rules would be followed.

Here I chose AUDIO as my first word. I chose it because it has lots of vowels. I was told only the A was correct, but in the wrong position.
For my second guess, I went with GRANT. I was told the A was still there but out of position. An N and T were also correct, but out of position.
For my third guess, I went with TANKS (perhaps because I just watched the news). I was told the A was in the right position and the T, N, and S were out of position.
For my fourth turn, I correctly chose NASTY.
That said, let's play and share results. I would like to state in advance that I suck at word puzzles and I probably won't get the answer in four guesses very often.
The question for the poll is what do you think of Wordle?
I usually do POINT - READS - MULCH as my first three, unless it becomes clear earlier.
The only one I haven’t solved was my first day when I had no idea what I was doing.
If you wanna test your prurient mind, try Lewdle. It's Wordle, but every guess must be dirty.
But the one that will likely be popular among this forum is Nerdle, which is Wordle with a mathematical equation instead of a word.
Quote: ams288My strategy is usually just to eliminate a bunch of the most commonly used letters with the first three words.
I usually do POINT - READS - MULCH as my first three, unless it becomes clear earlier.
The only one I haven’t solved was my first day when I had no idea what I was doing.
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Looks about like my distribution. Perfect over a couple months. Twice got it on second try. Only needed all 6 twice. Once you get the hang of it it’s not that hard.

I can't make this up: I solved it in 2 words.
I started with TRIES because it had two vowels and common letters.
T and R were green, and S was yellow! Very lucky.
the S clearly needed to be the 4th letter, so all I could think of was:
And that was the solution.
I can't make this up: I solved it in 2 words. My first time ever.
I started with TRIES because it had two vowels and common letters.
T and R were green, and S was yellow! Very lucky.
the S clearly needed to be the 4th letter, so all I could think of was:
And that was the solution.
Quote: WizardStupid question -- On any given day does everyone get the same word or a random one?
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I think the same word. There was an article recently about wordle cheating.
Quote: gordonm888Based on this thread, I decided to download Wordle and play it.
I can't make this up: I solved it in 2 words.
I started with TRIES because it had two vowels and common letters.
T and R were green, and S was yellow! Very lucky.
the S clearly needed to be the 4th letter, so all I could think of was:
And that was the solution.
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Wordle is not an app, it's a website. If you're playing an app, you're playing a knockoff and will be playing a different word than the rest of us.
Quote: WizardStupid question -- On any given day does everyone get the same word or a random one?
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Everyone who plays on the NYT website should get the same word, although there have been reports of some people inexplicably getting a different word from others. Probably as a result of the original powerlanguage website now redirecting to the NYT website.
Quote: HunterhillHaven’t played it yet but I read that trace is the best word to start with ...
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I tried that today and got it in 4.

I have a streak of 10 days in a row getting it in 3 or less.
Quote: mwalz9I love the game nerdle. It's basically wordle, but a math equation.
I have a streak of 10 days in a row getting it in 3 or less.
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Here is a link to Nerdle. I just tried for the first time and surprisingly got it in two turns.

Quote: DeucekiesQuote: gordonm888Based on this thread, I decided to download Wordle and play it.
I can't make this up: I solved it in 2 words.
I started with TRIES because it had two vowels and common letters.
T and R were green, and S was yellow! Very lucky.
the S clearly needed to be the 4th letter, so all I could think of was:
And that was the solution.
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Wordle is not an app, it's a website. If you're playing an app, you're playing a knockoff and will be playing a different word than the rest of us.
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I'm on a desktop computer, and you are correct - its a website.
I try to use 8 unique digits in my first guess so I can see what symbols/numbers are used quickly.
I typically start with 9+8-7=10
Quote: gordonm888The solution to Wordle can definitely have repetitions of the same letter. I just had one 5-letter puzzle in which the solution had a total of three different letters,
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I agree. Im not saying one strategy is better than any other. I just like to use 8 unique digits in nerdle and 5 unique commonly used digits in WORDLE for my 1st guess.
I use 9+8-7=10 to start nerdle and STARE to start WORDLE daily.
Quote: mwalz9Quote: gordonm888The solution to Wordle can definitely have repetitions of the same letter. I just had one 5-letter puzzle in which the solution had a total of three different letters,
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I agree. Im not saying one strategy is better than any other. I just like to use 8 unique digits in nerdle and 5 unique commonly used digits in WORDLE for my 1st guess.
I use 9+8-7=10 to start nerdle and STARE to start WORDLE daily.
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I have now played nerdle quite a few times and I have never seen a 0 digit used in a solution. There may actually be some reasons why use of a 0 may tend to make a nerdle solution use some digits repetitively. What have others seen?

This was my snail-paced code - averages closer to 4.2 guesses but it works.
import random as r
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None # default='warn'
threshold = 0.1 # word probability at which robot will guess actual answers instead of information seek
#words = ['forms', 'moist', 'proxy', 'witch', 'point', 'bikes', 'lemon', 'piked', 'spike', 'wipes', 'swipe', 'frank', 'clown']
words = []
with open("wordle_library.txt", "r") as f:
for line in f:
answers = []
with open("wordle_answers.txt", "r") as g:
for line in g:
library = pd.DataFrame(words, columns=['word'])
def score_table():
i = library
i["guess_value"] = ""
i["answer_prob"] = ""
return i
def guesses_table():
i = pd.DataFrame(columns=['guess', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'])
return i
def pick_word(a = answers):
i = r.randint(0, len(a)-1)
return a
def guess_word(guess, comparison):
output = [guess]
for l in range(0, 5):
if guess== comparison:
elif guessin comparison:
return output
def update_letter_weights(word_list):
letter_counts = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(Counter(chain.from_iterable(word_list['word'])), orient='index').reset_index()
letter_counts = letter_counts.rename(columns={'index': 'letter', 0: 'count'})
letter_counts['weight'] = letter_counts.apply(lambda x: x['count']/letter_counts['count'].sum(), axis=1)
return letter_counts
def guess_value(word, letters):
w = 0
unique_letters = list(set(word))
for i in unique_letters:
w += letters['weight'].loc[letters[letters['letter'] == i].index[0]]
return w
def update_probabilities(word_list, last_guess):
n_letters = []
r_letters = []
rp_letters = []
all_letters = last_guess[0]
for l in last_guess[0]:
letter = last_guess[last_guess[0].find(l) + 1]
if letter == 'n':
elif letter == 'r':
elif letter == 'rp':
for i in range(0, len(word_list)):
word = word_list['word']
k = 0
#for j in all_letters:
# if j in word:
# k += 1
y = 0
for j in n_letters: # Check if word contains known non-letters
if j in word:
k += 1
for u in r_letters: # Check that word contains known letters
if u not in word:
y += 1
elif word.find(u) == last_guess[0].find(u):
k += 1
for m in rp_letters:
pos = answer.find(m) # Check that word contains known letters in the right place
if word[pos] != m:
y += 1
if k > 0 or y > 0:
word_list['answer_prob'] = 0
if k > 0:
word_list['guess_value'] = 0
#Calculate Answer Probabilities
word_list['answer_prob'] = np.where(word_list.answer_prob != 0, 1 / len(word_list[word_list['answer_prob'] != 0]), word_list.answer_prob)
#set probability of remaining words
word_list = update_guess_value(word_list)
return word_list
def update_guess_value(word_list):
letter_weights = update_letter_weights(word_list[word_list['guess_value'] != 0])
word_list['guess_value'] = word_list.apply(lambda row: guess_value(row['word'], letter_weights) if row['guess_value'] != 0 else 0, axis=1)
return word_list
def generate_guess(word_list, x = threshold):
max_prob = word_list['answer_prob'].max()
if max_prob == '':
max_prob = 0
if max_prob >= x:
guess = word_list['word'].loc[word_list[word_list['answer_prob'] == max_prob].index[0]]
if max_prob < x:
#print(word_list.sort_values('guess_value', ascending=False).head(10))
guess = word_list['word'].loc[word_list[word_list['guess_value'] == word_list['guess_value'].max()].index[0]]
return guess
def check_win(guess,answer):
if guess == answer:
return True
return False
wins = 0
total_guesses = 0
rounds = 1
for i in range(0,rounds):
scores = score_table()
guesses = guesses_table()
answer = pick_word()
answer = 'bench'
scores = update_guess_value(scores)
#print(scores.sort_values('guess_value', ascending=True).head(10)) # worst words
print("Target Word: " + answer)
k = 1
while k <= 6:
win = 0
guesses.loc[len(guesses)] = guess_word(generate_guess(scores), answer)
scores = update_probabilities(scores, guesses.iloc[-1].tolist())
if check_win(guesses.iloc[-1].tolist()[0],answer):
win = 1
k += 1
wins += win
total_guesses += k
print("Guesses per Round: " + str(round(total_guesses/rounds,2)))
print("Win Rate: " + str(round(wins/rounds,2)))
Quote: SOOPOOThere was an article recently about wordle cheating.
I do not understand why folks cheat. I do like you can share your results and not give away the answer to others. Unless, of course, you publicly state your first guess(es).
In the options, you can designate "hard mode"; which I find is really not much harder.
I usually solve the puzzle in 3-4 moves. A few took me a bit more, a couple I didn't solve, and I guessed it in two once.

Wordle 260 5/6*
I like it. It has a huge MasterMind feel, of course, and I used to LOVE to play MasterMind when I was a kid. Although I'm not a huge word game fan, I have enjoyed playing some word games in the past, notably Scrabble.
What's considered cheating? Can I look at a word list to help determine what words the puzzle could be?
I solved today's Times puzzle, my very first Wordle puzzle ever, in three attempts. However, I did pull up a word list to help narrow down my choices.
Quote: EdCollinsWhat's considered cheating? Can I look at a word list to help determine what words the puzzle could be?
Maybe cheating is too strong a word. I suppose some would search for the answer to keep their stats 'better'. If you want to use a word list, cool. If I don't, cool. We win the same prize.
In the end, I think it's a fun game too.
Quote: EdCollinsI solved today's Times puzzle, my very first Wordle puzzle ever, in three attempts. However, I did pull up a word list to help narrow down my choices.
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"Cheating" is a harsh word.
If you reference a word list, I think you should mention it if comparing your performance with others.
Only you can decide how much creativity with the card handling is "cheating" at your solitaire game.
fyi... Note that CHOTA your third guess, could not possibly have been valid. (There were no As in the word, as shown from the first clue.)Quote: WizardFour turns today.
Let's say you played the word FRANK on your first guess, and received feedback indicating RANK were all perfect.
Well done, right? Well... not so fast. Yes, there are only five valid words left (BRANK - CRANK - DRANK - PRANK - TRANK, assuming the ENABLE word list is used) bu all five words are equally possible.
Your solution expectancy from this point forward is Row 4... with three more guesses on the average needed. (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) / 5 = 15 / 5 = Row 3 plus the one guess already used = Row 4.
Guessing any of these words is as good as another. (One could argue that BRANK and TRANK are less likely to be the solution than the other three words, but we can ignore that for the sake of this discussion.) Note that any invalid guesses don't help your case any, other than to simply eliminate that guess.
However, if your second guess is BCDPT, that solution will, of course, be invalid... but with the feedback you receive you'll then know exactly what the code is! This invalid guess will guarantee a solution on your third guess, and lower your overall solution expectancy by a full row, from 4 to 3.
This type of idea comes up in MasterMind all the time, especially Super MasterMind, with the addition of the extra peg slot and the extra colors that are used. Sometimes it's best to play a guess that you know is invalid, when it will provide more feedback than you would get otherwise.
Quote: EdCollinsOf course, my previous post assumes you can play invalid words. Having never played before today, I don't know if that is possible.
From my experience, Wordle will not provide feedback on invalid words.

After my initial guess for today's puzzle (3/7/2022), there were only two words left... and yet I picked the wrong one.

Quote: EdCollinsfyi... Note that CHOTA your third guess, could not possibly have been valid. (There were no As in the word, as shown from the first clue.)Quote: WizardFour turns today.
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I know. I couldn't think of any valid guesses, so went with something that was close to being valid.
Quote: EdCollins
After my initial guess for today's puzzle (3/7/2022), there were only two words left... and yet I picked the wrong one.
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I think I was in the same boat, unless there are qualifying words I don't know about.
Five turns today.
My average turns over 7 games is 32/7 = 4.57.

Quote: EdCollins
After my initial guess for today's puzzle (3/7/2022), there were only two words left... and yet I picked the wrong one.
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Incorrect. I tried the correct first 4 letters with a Y as the last letter. That was a third possibility after you got letters 2,3, and 4 correct.
Quote: SOOPOOIncorrect. I tried the correct first 4 letters with a Y as the last letter. That was a third possibility after you got letters 2,3, and 4 correct.
What was the third possibility?
According to a website that listed the entire word list that the site uses, only...
...board and hoard were valid after my first guess, with that feedback I was given.
Quote: EdCollinsQuote: SOOPOOIncorrect. I tried the correct first 4 letters with a Y as the last letter. That was a third possibility after you got letters 2,3, and 4 correct.
What was the third possibility?
According to a website that listed the entire word list that the site uses, only...
...board and hoard were valid after my first guess, with that feedback I was given.
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