Western beltway trail
Trails Park trail
Angel Park trail
Rampart trail
What do you think?
I'm thinking of getting a model to pose in some future guides, to spice them up a bit.
Another out-of-state student got killed here by a girl who drifted off hiway and hit biker.
I use bike lanes, but opposing traffic. I want a chance to avoid the drunk or texter who might kill me.
But so-called serious bikers say I am crazy. Be that as it may, what's your opinion !
She was running late to a court hearing for drugs. Fell asleep in cop car on way to hospital and again on way to jail.
I like the trails; I would bike them and dog-walk them but not run them, except the 1/2 mile one. I so stink at running, even when I was in top shape.
" No use having long hair if nobody can see it. "
Quote: BuzzardA quick question. What is your opinion to riding on paved roads, with or against traffic ?
With. For one thing, if you go against traffic, cars making left turns across traffic won't generally check for bikers riding the wrong way.
The only exception might be at night if I don't have any lights, or only one in front. However, I almost never ride at night anyway.
Quote: WizardI'm just getting started on a new feature of the site to cover some of many running/biking paths in Las Vegas. As a fitness buff, I spend a lot of time on them. Here are four I've written up so far.
Western beltway trail
Trails Park trail
Angel Park trail
Rampart trail
What do you think?
I'm thinking of getting a model to pose in some future guides, to spice them up a bit.
I Bike a lot, I commute to work weather permitting and bike on the weekends. Own 2 decent bikes Trek Soho 3.0 and a Trek Navigator 700.
I probably do about 3k miles a year.
When commuting, I try to stick to sidewalks. I find bike lanes right next to cars very dangerous.
Glad you have trails in Vegas but they all look pretty boring. Where's the shade? 3 are very short. The Western I would consider a trail. I like the bridges. Its always nice when city's build bridges for bikes. Trails and Angel , I would consider a short bike ride and Rampart, 1/2 mile, you can coast a 1/2 mile sometimes.
They all look kind of boring. But then it is the desert, its to be expected I guess.
I got one here in Tampa right by my house, Upper Tampa Bay Trail. About 7 1/2 miles, beautiful, shade, view of river, water fountains, bridges and tunnels, so only 1 intersection to deal with. They spent a lot of tax dollars on it and for once, it was well spent.
I come from Maryland before moving to Tampa 10 yrs ago.
My favorite all time trail, Took my bike on the DC metro, get off near the White House, ride to Georgetown, follow the historic C & O Canal tow path north. Get to north dc, ride over to Rock Creek Park (parts closed to traffic on weekends) and ride through the park past the National Zoo back to Georgetown . Fantastic Trail. About 18 miles.
Quote: superrickHenderson has more bike trails then Vegas does, did you know that you can ride the bike trail on the south side of the 215 and hit two casinos, here is a link to all the bike trails in Henderson. There is something for everybody! http://www.mapmyride.com/us/henderson-nv/
Thanks. Not to diminish that site, but I suspect some of those are bike lanes as opposed to trails. Once I finish with the best, I mean west, side of town I'll use that site to write up some Henderson trails. However, I already know the River Mountain loop is a high priority.
Quote: terapinedGlad you have trails in Vegas but they all look pretty boring. Where's the shade?
When you live in the desert everything kind of looks the same. So, yes, they can be boring. Regarding shade, some of them have underpasses under streets.
Quote:I come from Maryland before moving to Tampa 10 yrs ago. My favorite all time trail, Took my bike on the DC metro, get off near the White House, ride to Georgetown, follow the historic C & O Canal tow path north.
So do I. I rode from Glen Burnie to Anapolis often. That was the only trail somewhat close to where I lived. When in DC I took the C&O to Mount Vernon sometimes. There was also a dirt path going all the way to Pennsylvania, from Timonium, if I remember correctly.
Quote: WizardWhen you live in the desert everything kind of looks the same. So, yes, they can be boring. Regarding shade, some of them have underpasses under streets.
So do I. I rode from Glen Burnie to Anapolis often. That was the only trail somewhat close to where I lived. When in DC I took the C&O to Mount Vernon sometimes. There was also a dirt path going all the way to Pennsylvania, from Timonium, if I remember correctly.
Wow, we've done a lot of the same trails. I took my bike on the metro, got off at Ronald Reagan National Airport, and biked that beautiful trail to My Vernon.
I did that Glen Burnie to Anapolis trail a bunch of times. I love Rails to Trail. That's like my 2nd all time favorite trail. Always fun to have a great destination as Anapolis at the end of a trail. I always wore my helmet so the guard would let me ride through the beautiful Naval Academy. Rode near a wedding in Dress Whites once, they yelled at me for inadvertently getting close. Lunch in Anapolis and then back to trail head near BWI airport.
It is insane.
Not necessarily in a good way, either.
Lots of rabid bikers who feel they can duel with cars, and win.
And let's not talk about the indescipherable, impossible to understand special "green" lanes for bikes throughout the heart of the damned city.
Keep Portland Weird, indeed.
Quote: MrV
Keep Portland Weird, indeed.
Too bad you don't accept PM's, I'd send you
a funny link about Portland.
Do bikes get in Free there?
Have you biked Glenwood Canyon? I know it's a good distance from Grand Junction, home of one of my favorite places in America, but it's even farther from Chicago and I've ridden it.
You mean the only place in the U.S. you can bike on the interstate?Quote: wroberson
Have you biked Glenwood Canyon? I know it's a good distance from Grand Junction, home of one of my favorite places in America, but it's even farther from Chicago and I've ridden it.
Quote: coilmanHow long would the RED ROCK CANYON be?
Do bikes get in Free there?
The Red Rock loop is about 15 miles. Bikes are no longer free. I think they have to pay $3 or so. One could easily sneak in with a bike by going in the visitor center exit.
Quote: robbiehoodI may be able to use them to entice my wife to travel to Las Vegas again this year.
None of the ones I've posted so far would be appropriate for a tourist who likes to go 25 miles at a time. So far I've posted mostly running trails, except the Western Beltway. That one is too remote and boring to entice a tourist to come out for. However, I do plan to write up the Lone Mountain Loop as soon as I can. That I think she would like, if she can handle 35 miles.
I just added another page on the Bonanza Trail.
Quote: WizardJust added the Lone Mountain Trail.
You are right Wiz, trail still there in Timonium. So is the State fair and Timonium race track. But only races two weekends a year now.
Back in 50's and 60's AP was possible at the track. They would have 1 guy posted at upper window, watch the break, and holler what number broke on top. ( No cell phones, OK ) Windows were different denominations. A guy stationed at the $100 would have the teller
punch tickets till electro-mechanical machine locked up.
The Fair was right outside and I would run bet for guys that were barred from the track. Corn on the cob and occasionally tip the
operator to stop the ferris wheel so I could watch a race.
Them days are gone forever. LOL
Quote: BuzzardThey would have 1 guy posted at upper window, watch the break, and holler what number broke on top.
Are you suggesting you could past-post?
Quote: wrobersonHave you biked Glenwood Canyon? I know it's a good distance from Grand Junction, home of one of my favorite places in America, but it's even farther from Chicago and I've ridden it.
I've been through the Glenwood Canyon many times, by car or train, but never by bike. It took a lot of years to build the interstate through it. They weren't allowed to blast out a roadbed so much of the interstate through the Glenwood Canyon is built on cantilever.
Actually might have gone on for a few more years. The delay from opening gate to machines locking up was there, but sometime in
mid 60's, the Racing Commission got tired of delays as tracks wanted to get every last dollar bet. Not unusual for horses to wait at gate 5 or 6 minutes before starting to load, horse sent back to paddock for jockey change etc. So law was changed and machines locked up at post time.
Quote: WizardAs a fitness buff,
Its always good to keep fit. I never want to be dropping a die prematurely or dealing from the top of the deck by mistake. You don't never want to wander outside a casino... its like dropping off the edge of the earth...there ain't no air conditioning. Bicycles are good things... sweet young things ride them and I've arranged to be re-incarnated as Beyonce's bicycle seat, but until then what would I want to be out in the hot sun on a bike for? You can't drink and ride a bike and that sort of proves that bike riding in Vegas ain't a good thing at all. I can definitely attest to the fact that you get zero comps for it Yeah, now The M Resort...they got a bike path and a bike rack but that bike rack is what architect's call an aesthetically acceptable security barrier.
Quote: WizardJust added a page on the Peccole Ranch trails.
Noooo, disc golf. I stopped going to my township park
because of the drunk disc golfers. Can anybody actually
play that game well?
Quote: FleaStiffYou don't never want to wander outside a casino... its like dropping off the edge of the earth...
What I do is, I ride a path that includes all the bus stops, that way I get reliable cigarette smoke, plus exhaust fumes if my timing is right. Sure, I'll encounter occasional patches of fresh air, but that's a minor annoyance. And by avoiding designated trails, I can achieve superior levels of danger. When's the last time you were knocked unconscious playing a Wheel of Fortune machine?
Quote: EvenBobCan anybody actually play that game well?
I've seen people play that game so well it is sickening. I'm sure you could find Youtube videos of some top players.
I'm curious about safety, which may be more of an issue for me because I tend to run rather than bike, so I'm more vulnerable.
Security is frequently visible along some trails, such as the ones in Peccole Ranch, but others are more desolate.
I have a question about a particular situation. Here's a map of the area east of the beltway near Charleston:

The Cottonwood Canyon trail extends west-east from near the beltway to Hualapai (beyond view on the map). The circled area appears to be functioning as an unconventional residence. To the left of Town Center Drive is a small park with covered picnic tables. On either side of the roadway are partially sheltered seating areas overlooking the canyon. The seating areas are overwhelmed with cigarette butts, including large concentrations in the decorative planters:

The empty cigarette packages are properly deposited in the wastebasket:

Stashed in the bushes are betting sheets from nearby Red Rock.
Occasionally during the day along the trail I've seen individuals who look "out of place."
Are there any regulations against residing in the common areas? I was hoping maybe one of the maintenance guys could pass through occasionally and spray with a giant can of Raid.
Quote: gpac1377Awesome feature Wizard, thanks!
You're welcome.
Quote:I'm curious about safety, which may be more of an issue for me because I tend to run rather than bike, so I'm more vulnerable.
Security is frequently visible along some trails, such as the ones in Peccole Ranch, but others are more desolate.
Maybe I should address that better. I think any trail with lighting in a highly populated area is probably safe at night. One trail that makes me a little nervous in places is the Lone Mountain trail. There are long parts where you're fenced in on both sides for a long distance, like a tunnel, and the trail gets little traffic.
Quote:I have a question about a particular situation. Here's a map of the area east of the beltway near Charleston:
Thanks for bring that to my attention. I'll check it out later this week.
Quote:Occasionally during the day along the trail I've seen individuals who look "out of place."
Are there any regulations against residing in the common areas? I was hoping maybe one of the maintenance guys could pass through occasionally and spray with a giant can of Raid.
Yeah. Sometimes you get strange individual hanging out in the tunnels, especially the two on the Bonanza Trail. For a while there was always some guy playing the harmonica all day long in the west tunnel. Personally, I oppose hassling people just for looking "out of place." So far, I haven't had any trouble with them.
I am thinking of a scooter when I day I move to Vegas for a year or 2 in say a couple of years.
Hahaaaaa, I am a trouble maker....
Quote: WizardPersonally, I oppose hassling people just for looking "out of place."
I can respect that. I loaned out my libertarian handbook, but I'm assuming the proper response could vary depending on whether the property is considered public or private, which in this case I don't know. I'll drop that line of inquiry since it's not really on-topic.
Quote: WizardCheck out my new page on the Cottonwood Canyon trail. I welcome all comments.
Nice! When I run on the trail, I always feel like I'm annoying the people with dogs, but it's mixed use, I guess.
I think the cottonwood trees are known for their very aggressive root structures that seek water. You can see the roots along the surface in some of the grassy areas.
(check your spelling of Pavilion near the top of the page)
Quote: gpac1377Nice! When I run on the trail, I always feel like I'm annoying the people with dogs, but it's mixed use, I guess.
Thanks! I feel like the people dogs are annoying me.
Quote:I think the cottonwood trees are known for their very aggressive root structures that seek water. You can see the roots along the surface in some of the grassy areas.
They are. In Peccole Ranch they cut all of them down because their roots were causing too much damage.
Quote:(check your spelling of Pavilion near the top of the page)
Good catch, thanks.
I welcome all comments.
I welcome all comments.
Quote: WizardAnother new addition today, the Tropicana Flamingo Wash Trail.
I welcome all comments.
No shade at all. Anywhere. Is this known as the suicide
trail in July-August?
Quote: EvenBobNo shade at all. Anywhere. Is this known as the suicide
trail in July-August?
That would be a good name for it. No source of water along the way either. However, the weather was perfect today for the trail and I had it almost all to myself.
Quote: EvenBobNo shade at all. Anywhere. Is this known as the suicide
trail in July-August?
You're definitely not in Summerlin anymore.
I think Wizard nicely conveyed the lack of amenities by commenting twice on the blue sky, lol.
Nevertheless, all the trail postings are giving me the itch to bike-ride rather than just running in the vicinity of my residence.
One proofreading question: the text mentions an eastern terminus of Russell at Edmond, but the Key Facts summary at the top specifies "Tropicana Flamingo Wash." Is that as intended? I may be confused.
Quote: gpac1377One proofreading question: the text mentions an eastern terminus of Russell at Edmond, but the Key Facts summary at the top specifies "Tropicana Flamingo Wash." Is that as intended? I may be confused.
Good catch. That was a holdover from another trail that I forgot to update.
I welcome all comments and corrections.
I welcome all comments.
I welcome all comments.
Quote: WizardThe Lower Las Vegas Wash Trail has just been posted.
I welcome all comments.
I see shade and hardly any dead bodies, I vote
for this one.
Quote: EvenBobI see shade and hardly any dead bodies, I vote
for this one.
Damn. I also did the Upper Las Vegas Wash Trail today, but haven't published it yet. At one point there was a covered picnic table with a couple bums sleeping under it, with all sorts dirty laundry and junk scattered all over the place. I was tempted to take a picture, since they seemed to be sleeping, but thought better of it. I should have taken it, just for your benefit.