RT: Meanwhile, up to a million people expected in Times Square on new years. SMH

COVID variants seem to lose their upward trend of contagiousness after 2-3 months, but XBB.1.5. will not be the same.

Quote: ChumpChangeThere's a new COVID variant going hyperbolic. By the map, it's already the top variant in the Northeast, and the CDC didn't even mention it last week!
RT: Meanwhile, up to a million people expected in Times Square on new years. SMH
COVID variants seem to lose their upward trend of contagiousness after 2-3 months, but XBB.1.5. will not be the same.
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What is the big deal about people going to Times Square?
The newer variants may be immune-evasive and vaccine-evasive, so we're near back at square one with these diseases. Vaccines do not prevent you from getting COVID, they reduce the risk of severe illnesses by 99%. If the new variants are vaccine-evasive, it's like the vaccine isn't even there. NYS has a 92% vaccine rate, but the percentage getting bi-valent booster shot is very low.
TV says if it's been 4-6 months since my last booster shot, I should get the bi-valent booster shot, which will be any day now. But it may not protect against severe disease with some new variants, so it's almost already outdated. I also mean Omicron came out 13 months ago and I still haven't gotten a shot for it yet.
Predictive map has every state (lower 48) will have over 75% of thier COVID cases be this new XBB.1.5. variant by the end of January 2023. It could presage lockdowns like we saw in early 2020. I don't think masking and social distancing will be enough.
Quote: ChumpChangeIf there's a pandemic outbreak, the local NYC hospitals will be full by the third week of January.
The newer variants may be immune-evasive and vaccine-evasive, so we're near back at square one with these diseases. Vaccines do not prevent you from getting COVID, they reduce the risk of severe illnesses by 99%. If the new variants are vaccine-evasive, it's like the vaccine isn't even there. NYS has a 92% vaccine rate, but the percentage getting bi-valent booster shot is very low.
TV says if it's been 4-6 months since my last booster shot, I should get the bi-valent booster shot, which will be any day now. But it may not protect against severe disease with some new variants, so it's almost already outdated. I also mean Omicron came out 13 months ago and I still haven't gotten a shot for it yet.
Predictive map has every state (lower 48) will have over 75% of thier COVID cases be this new XBB.1.5. variant by the end of January 2023. It could presage lockdowns like we saw in early 2020. I don't think masking and social distancing will be enough.
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Masks really did nothing. Same with social distancing. We need to skip the lockdowns and just keep on with life. Just use a little common sense like closing off all travel to and from China. Otherwise live life.
Quote: ChumpChangeWe need N95 masks, that's why the initial masks that weren't N95's didn't work optimally.
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Buy them for yourself if you like. It has been proven most people hate the masks. They are just to make you think that something is being done when little can be done.
A virus will quite probably be what takes out mankind. Until then better to enjoy life.
Major city hospitals in China are overrun by the COVID sick & dying. No room left.
COVID will destroy your immune system. If you get re-infected, you have no immune system left.
Is it still Omicron? Second infection: 10 times more dangerous/Morocco: Chinese Traveler Not Allowed - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nfAZdQuCP0
LAS VEGAS FLASHBACK - SHUTDOWN DAY 7 (~March 25, 2020) - DRIVING THE LAS VEGAS STRIP - Bror Fredrik - Jan 14, 2023 - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pd3RQQJ9dkM
Quote: ChumpChangeMeanwhile, up to a million people expected in Times Square on new years.
Surprisingly, no surge in NYC cases following the holidays. Cases have been decreasing since 12/1.
Updated Boosters Now Available
Updated bivalent COVID-19 vaccine boosters are now available for people ages 6 months and older.
Everyone 5 years and older who received their last shot at least two months ago should get a bivalent booster, even if they have received prior booster shots.
Everyone 6 months through 4 years old who received the Moderna primary series should get a bivalent booster dose at least two months after their last vaccine dose.
The updated vaccines are specifically designed to protect you against both the original COVID-19 virus and the omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5.
You can get this updated booster at the same time as other vaccines, so schedule both your booster and your flu shot today.
Why thousands of nurses in NYC are striking | Nightline - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MRGNwyi3Aw
Why Rent In NYC Is Out Of Control Right Now - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7tgsUv3UlU
Quote: ChumpChangeFrom the above link: The difference between vaccinated and boosted vs. unvaccinated shows a 772% increase in hospitalizations and a 1,127% increase in deaths for the unvaccinated since January 2021. But cases show a 179% increase in the reported cases for the unvaccinated. So no, the vaccine is not near 100% effective, but it will reduce severe adverse effects nearly 90% of the time. Home testing and non-testing in 2022 have limited reporting of actual cases and most of what is reported is hospitalizations or doctor visits or CDC app testing results.
Updated Boosters Now Available
Updated bivalent COVID-19 vaccine boosters are now available for people ages 6 months and older.
Everyone 5 years and older who received their last shot at least two months ago should get a bivalent booster, even if they have received prior booster shots.
Everyone 6 months through 4 years old who received the Moderna primary series should get a bivalent booster dose at least two months after their last vaccine dose.
The updated vaccines are specifically designed to protect you against both the original COVID-19 virus and the omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5.
You can get this updated booster at the same time as other vaccines, so schedule both your booster and your flu shot today.
Why thousands of nurses in NYC are striking | Nightline - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MRGNwyi3Aw
Why Rent In NYC Is Out Of Control Right Now - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7tgsUv3UlU
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Did you have your advertisement approved before posting?
We've got vaccine deniers in charge. The health care system will fall.
Quote: ChumpChangezerohedge on Twitter: "NY Supreme Court Strikes Down COVID Vaccine Mandate For Health Care Workers
We've got vaccine deniers in charge. The health care system will fall.
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You mean the vaccine that does not stop the spread nor keep you from catching it?
Maybe SCONY just is seeing the science of vaccine mandates just does not add up.
But why are you worried as I assume you were among the first to get it?
CDC greenlights spring COVID booster for some. Do you need it?
Only side effect was a sore arm and I went to the gym and did my usual two hour workout right after the shot so - no side effects to speak of.
Although CDC has green lighted it, if the pharmacy where you go to get it realizes that you had a first bivalent booster (we did in Fall 2022, just before a lengthy travel trip), they might not allow it, even though the CDC is allowing it (not all pharmacies have caught up with the CDC's newest recommendation). As far as making sure that you are over 65 or immunocompromised, no, they don't check any of that anymore (I am not sure if the answers to all the questions posed when making the appointment even matter that much, other than saying No to the questions that ask about contraindications with vaccines).
Quote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
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And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
I don’t recommend it.
With my first COVID shot, my tit started bleeding on the drive home. I had to stop into a Best Buy restroom to clean it up and ask a worker for a band-aid. I could just blame it on my car seatbelt if I didn't want to impugn the vaccine and risk more trouble. I bet bleeding from the tits is one of the side effects of the original COVID shot.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
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And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
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Sample size of One proves nothing. No figuring involved.
Quote: ChumpChangeI got ill on both of my shingles shots. Had a 100°F+ fever for a day or two.
With my first COVID shot, my tit started bleeding on the drive home. I had to stop into a Best Buy restroom to clean it up and ask a worker for a band-aid. I could just blame it on my car seatbelt if I didn't want to impugn the vaccine and risk more trouble.
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High fever for a day or two means the vaccine is working as intended.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangezerohedge on Twitter: "NY Supreme Court Strikes Down COVID Vaccine Mandate For Health Care Workers
We've got vaccine deniers in charge. The health care system will fall.
link to original post
You mean the vaccine that does not stop the spread nor keep you from catching it?
Maybe SCONY just is seeing the science of vaccine mandates just does not add up.
But why are you worried as I assume you were among the first to get it?
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Vaccine never intended to keep you from catching the virus or keep you from infecting others. The vaccine works to lessen the effects or even prevent the disease caused by the virus.
Quote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
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And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
link to original post
Sample size of One proves nothing. No figuring involved.
link to original post
Only trying to prove I have skipped it and not gotten it despite the dire warnings from folks here,
Quote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangezerohedge on Twitter: "NY Supreme Court Strikes Down COVID Vaccine Mandate For Health Care Workers
We've got vaccine deniers in charge. The health care system will fall.
link to original post
You mean the vaccine that does not stop the spread nor keep you from catching it?
Maybe SCONY just is seeing the science of vaccine mandates just does not add up.
But why are you worried as I assume you were among the first to get it?
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Vaccine never intended to keep you from catching the virus or keep you from infecting others. The vaccine works to lessen the effects or even prevent the disease caused by the virus.
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Then it is not a vaccine.
Quote: rxwineI opted to get 3 vaccines at the same time. Other two were shingles and tetanus. Next day my fitness tracker recorded an hour and a half of pulse over 100 as credit like I was working out.
I don’t recommend it.
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That sounds perfect. You got your cardio in without doing anything. Sign me up.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangezerohedge on Twitter: "NY Supreme Court Strikes Down COVID Vaccine Mandate For Health Care Workers
We've got vaccine deniers in charge. The health care system will fall.
link to original post
You mean the vaccine that does not stop the spread nor keep you from catching it?
Maybe SCONY just is seeing the science of vaccine mandates just does not add up.
But why are you worried as I assume you were among the first to get it?
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Vaccine never intended to keep you from catching the virus or keep you from infecting others. The vaccine works to lessen the effects or even prevent the disease caused by the virus.
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Then it is not a vaccine.
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Says who?
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
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And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
link to original post
Sample size of One proves nothing. No figuring involved.
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Only trying to prove I have skipped it and not gotten it despite the dire warnings from folks here,
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I haven't skipped it and also have not gotten sick. I did and continue to do all the things the Republicans said were pointless and here I am, still healthy. I, in general, put my trust in stopping the avalanche before it occurs rather than catching the rocks while they are on the way down.
Quote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
link to original post
And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
link to original post
Sample size of One proves nothing. No figuring involved.
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If an unvaccinated person doesn't come down with Covid, most likely he was never exposed. The odds that he's one of those rare individuals with natural immunity, is very small.
A vaccinated person might be exposed and catch it but have his system suppress the virus, with the help of the boost from the vaccine.
Just saying that - show me a person who says "I never got Covid" and the likelihood that it means something on the immunity level is much higher if the person was vaccinated.
Substitute "Covid" for say mumps, polio, measles, and the above statements become even more clear.
Quote: ChumpChangeThe vaccine lowers your risk of hospitalization (and the bills that go with that) by at least 90%. I prefer to taste the orange in orange crush and not just the chemicals.
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There is actual orange in Orange Crush?
Quote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
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And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
link to original post
Sample size of One proves nothing. No figuring involved.
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Only trying to prove I have skipped it and not gotten it despite the dire warnings from folks here,
link to original post
I haven't skipped it and also have not gotten sick. I did and continue to do all the things the Republicans said were pointless and here I am, still healthy. I, in general, put my trust in stopping the avalanche before it occurs rather than catching the rocks while they are on the way down.
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Well, if you are more interested in politics than anything else when it comes to the virus I have to wonder why that would be. I can say that I have not put politics above common sense in this whole thing. And I wish more people did the same.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
link to original post
And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
link to original post
Sample size of One proves nothing. No figuring involved.
link to original post
Only trying to prove I have skipped it and not gotten it despite the dire warnings from folks here,
link to original post
I haven't skipped it and also have not gotten sick. I did and continue to do all the things the Republicans said were pointless and here I am, still healthy. I, in general, put my trust in stopping the avalanche before it occurs rather than catching the rocks while they are on the way down.
link to original post
Well, if you are more interested in politics than anything else when it comes to the virus I have to wonder why that would be. I can say that I have not put politics above common sense in this whole thing. And I wish more people did the same.
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I put objective facts above politics. What facts do you have?
Quote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
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And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
link to original post
Sample size of One proves nothing. No figuring involved.
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Only trying to prove I have skipped it and not gotten it despite the dire warnings from folks here,
link to original post
I haven't skipped it and also have not gotten sick. I did and continue to do all the things the Republicans said were pointless and here I am, still healthy. I, in general, put my trust in stopping the avalanche before it occurs rather than catching the rocks while they are on the way down.
link to original post
Well, if you are more interested in politics than anything else when it comes to the virus I have to wonder why that would be. I can say that I have not put politics above common sense in this whole thing. And I wish more people did the same.
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I put objective facts above politics. What facts do you have?
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I have you saying you based your decision to get the vax based on "the Republicans."
Me, I make my own decisions.
But I keep loving how crazy some people get when some of us choose not to get the vax. It is as if it somehow affects them. It is just so funny to see them get worked up over it.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
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And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
link to original post
Sample size of One proves nothing. No figuring involved.
link to original post
Only trying to prove I have skipped it and not gotten it despite the dire warnings from folks here,
link to original post
I haven't skipped it and also have not gotten sick. I did and continue to do all the things the Republicans said were pointless and here I am, still healthy. I, in general, put my trust in stopping the avalanche before it occurs rather than catching the rocks while they are on the way down.
link to original post
Well, if you are more interested in politics than anything else when it comes to the virus I have to wonder why that would be. I can say that I have not put politics above common sense in this whole thing. And I wish more people did the same.
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I put objective facts above politics. What facts do you have?
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I have you saying you based your decision to get the vax based on "the Republicans."
Me, I make my own decisions.
But I keep loving how crazy some people get when some of us choose not to get the vax. It is as if it somehow affects them. It is just so funny to see them get worked up over it.
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Did I elect to receive the vax because of the Repubs, in spite of the Repubs or did the Repubs's positions have no impact or influence in my decisions?
You got it all backwards, It's the anti-vax crowd that have lost their minds over the whole thing.
Make your own decisions, but nobody is free from consequences of their decisions.
Right, "somehow".Quote: AZDuffmanBut I keep loving how crazy some people get when some of us choose not to get the vax. It is as if it somehow affects them.
(forehead slap)
Quote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
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And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
link to original post
Sample size of One proves nothing. No figuring involved.
link to original post
Only trying to prove I have skipped it and not gotten it despite the dire warnings from folks here,
link to original post
I haven't skipped it and also have not gotten sick. I did and continue to do all the things the Republicans said were pointless and here I am, still healthy. I, in general, put my trust in stopping the avalanche before it occurs rather than catching the rocks while they are on the way down.
link to original post
Well, if you are more interested in politics than anything else when it comes to the virus I have to wonder why that would be. I can say that I have not put politics above common sense in this whole thing. And I wish more people did the same.
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I put objective facts above politics. What facts do you have?
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I have you saying you based your decision to get the vax based on "the Republicans."
Me, I make my own decisions.
But I keep loving how crazy some people get when some of us choose not to get the vax. It is as if it somehow affects them. It is just so funny to see them get worked up over it.
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Did I elect to receive the vax because of the Repubs, in spite of the Repubs or did the Repubs's positions have no impact or influence in my decisions?
You got it all backwards, It's the anti-vax crowd that have lost their minds over the whole thing.
Make your own decisions, but nobody is free from consequences of their decisions.
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GenoDrPh and AZDuffman are both suspended for 3 days for political discussion. This was getting political and then you guys starting mentioning a political party. This thread is intended to be about mathematics of Covid.
Quote: MDawgQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
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And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
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Sample size of One proves nothing. No figuring involved.
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If an unvaccinated person doesn't come down with Covid, most likely he was never exposed. The odds that he's one of those rare individuals with natural immunity, is very small.
A vaccinated person might be exposed and catch it but have his system suppress the virus, with the help of the boost from the vaccine.
Just saying that - show me a person who says "I never got Covid" and the likelihood that it means something on the immunity level is much higher if the person was vaccinated.
Substitute "Covid" for say mumps, polio, measles, and the above statements become even more clear.
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I am one of those "rare individuals" along with probably several billion others who have natural immunity (not sure the numbers are correct, but I am confident that there are several billion people in this world who have not caught COVID and not been vaccinated). I do not catch colds. COVID is a related virus.
From what I read about the vaccines, they were suppose to be about 90+% effective. 10% ineffective provides a rather large margin of error when millions have been vaccinated. I am sure someone could come up with a percentage of those tested for side effects also. How about some kinds of results for negative outcomes from multiple vaccinations? Those areas of research are quite sketchy.
Quote: tuttigymQuote: MDawgQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
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And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
link to original post
Sample size of One proves nothing. No figuring involved.
link to original post
If an unvaccinated person doesn't come down with Covid, most likely he was never exposed. The odds that he's one of those rare individuals with natural immunity, is very small.
A vaccinated person might be exposed and catch it but have his system suppress the virus, with the help of the boost from the vaccine.
Just saying that - show me a person who says "I never got Covid" and the likelihood that it means something on the immunity level is much higher if the person was vaccinated.
Substitute "Covid" for say mumps, polio, measles, and the above statements become even more clear.
link to original post
I am one of those "rare individuals" along with probably several billion others who have natural immunity (not sure the numbers are correct, but I am confident that there are several billion people in this world who have not caught COVID and not been vaccinated). I do not catch colds. COVID is a related virus.
From what I read about the vaccines, they were suppose to be about 90+% effective. 10% ineffective provides a rather large margin of error when millions have been vaccinated. I am sure someone could come up with a percentage of those tested for side effects also. How about some kinds of results for negative outcomes from multiple vaccinations? Those areas of research are quite sketchy.
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Except for my years in Vegas, I would have said I never had allergies. Now that I’m in the east again, seems like I never had them. I did live as far west as Texas for years but none there either. None up north. Never had them anywhere else. But bad in Vegas. Being outside was the worse, but even inside was bad.
Quote: rxwineQuote: tuttigymQuote: MDawgQuote: GenoDRPhQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeThese vaccines lose their effectiveness about 6 months after injection. So looks like a twice a year re-up on the vaccine. But with new variants coming out, it may take a year for a new vaccine to catch up with one of those. So nothing will be normal forever.
link to original post
And people wonder why some of us just skipped the whole thing?
Several people I know are vaxed and caught it. I am not and have not. Go figure.
link to original post
Sample size of One proves nothing. No figuring involved.
link to original post
If an unvaccinated person doesn't come down with Covid, most likely he was never exposed. The odds that he's one of those rare individuals with natural immunity, is very small.
A vaccinated person might be exposed and catch it but have his system suppress the virus, with the help of the boost from the vaccine.
Just saying that - show me a person who says "I never got Covid" and the likelihood that it means something on the immunity level is much higher if the person was vaccinated.
Substitute "Covid" for say mumps, polio, measles, and the above statements become even more clear.
link to original post
I am one of those "rare individuals" along with probably several billion others who have natural immunity (not sure the numbers are correct, but I am confident that there are several billion people in this world who have not caught COVID and not been vaccinated). I do not catch colds. COVID is a related virus.
From what I read about the vaccines, they were suppose to be about 90+% effective. 10% ineffective provides a rather large margin of error when millions have been vaccinated. I am sure someone could come up with a percentage of those tested for side effects also. How about some kinds of results for negative outcomes from multiple vaccinations? Those areas of research are quite sketchy.
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Except for my years in Vegas, I would have said I never had allergies. Now that I’m in the east again, seems like I never had them. I did live as far west as Texas for years but none there either. None up north. Never had them anywhere else. But bad in Vegas. Being outside was the worse, but even inside was bad.
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I found myself in the same situation. After 55plus years of never having allergies, I found myself visiting Urgent Care four times in about six weeks. I moved to Bisbee and while adjusting to the mile-high air took some doing, I haven't had an allergy issue.
Quote: tuttigymQuote: MDawg
If an unvaccinated person doesn't come down with Covid, most likely he was never exposed. The odds that he's one of those rare individuals with natural immunity, is very small.
A vaccinated person might be exposed and catch it but have his system suppress the virus, with the help of the boost from the vaccine.
Just saying that - show me a person who says "I never got Covid" and the likelihood that it means something on the immunity level is much higher if the person was vaccinated.
Substitute "Covid" for say mumps, polio, measles, and the above statements become even more clear.
link to original post
I am one of those "rare individuals" along with probably several billion others who have natural immunity (not sure the numbers are correct, but I am confident that there are several billion people in this world who have not caught COVID and not been vaccinated). I do not catch colds. COVID is a related virus.
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Unless you were tested for covid antibodies soon after this event where you believe you were exposed and yet your body suppressed the coronavirus, you can't know that you were exposed at all.
The lucky few to never get coronavirus could teach us more
Quote: KeyserI wish we could hold China accountable for the Wu Flu since it came from their labs!
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7 days, rule 19, political speech.
See prior infraction
This doesn't seem mathy.
Quote: MDawgQuote: tuttigymQuote: MDawg
If an unvaccinated person doesn't come down with Covid, most likely he was never exposed. The odds that he's one of those rare individuals with natural immunity, is very small.
A vaccinated person might be exposed and catch it but have his system suppress the virus, with the help of the boost from the vaccine.
Just saying that - show me a person who says "I never got Covid" and the likelihood that it means something on the immunity level is much higher if the person was vaccinated.
Substitute "Covid" for say mumps, polio, measles, and the above statements become even more clear.
link to original post
I am one of those "rare individuals" along with probably several billion others who have natural immunity (not sure the numbers are correct, but I am confident that there are several billion people in this world who have not caught COVID and not been vaccinated). I do not catch colds. COVID is a related virus.
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Unless you were tested for covid antibodies soon after this event where you believe you were exposed and yet your body suppressed the coronavirus, you can't know that you were exposed at all.
The lucky few to never get coronavirus could teach us more
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Unless your Juris doctor law degree has been expanded to include an M.D. in immunotherapy or a Ph.D. in microbiology, your post is misleading and meaningless.
I also have a natural immunity to peanut and shell fish allergies. How about you??
Unless you were tested for antibodies right after you contend you were exposed but cleared the coronavirus, how can you know whether you were infected at all.
Quote: tuttigymQuote: MDawgQuote: tuttigymQuote: MDawg
If an unvaccinated person doesn't come down with Covid, most likely he was never exposed. The odds that he's one of those rare individuals with natural immunity, is very small.
A vaccinated person might be exposed and catch it but have his system suppress the virus, with the help of the boost from the vaccine.
Just saying that - show me a person who says "I never got Covid" and the likelihood that it means something on the immunity level is much higher if the person was vaccinated.
Substitute "Covid" for say mumps, polio, measles, and the above statements become even more clear.
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I am one of those "rare individuals" along with probably several billion others who have natural immunity (not sure the numbers are correct, but I am confident that there are several billion people in this world who have not caught COVID and not been vaccinated). I do not catch colds. COVID is a related virus.
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Unless you were tested for covid antibodies soon after this event where you believe you were exposed and yet your body suppressed the coronavirus, you can't know that you were exposed at all.
The lucky few to never get coronavirus could teach us more
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Unless your Juris doctor law degree has been expanded to include an M.D. in immunotherapy or a Ph.D. in microbiology, your post is misleading and meaningless.
I also have a natural immunity to peanut and shell fish allergies. How about you??
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Babble…. ‘Immunity to peanut and shellfish allergies’?? There is no such thing. Either you are allergic to something or you aren’t.
But your concept is correct. Some people will not get sick with the same exposure that would kill others.
MDawg is also correct. No way to be sure about ‘if you had it’ without testing.
Quote: MDawgSo then it's another of your "it's because I say so that it must be" - like when you posted about how Banks notify the IRS when large checks are deposited? I know your IRS statement was in error, and I contend that this statement of yours is without proof that it is as a result of immune response.
Unless you were tested for antibodies right after you contend you were exposed but cleared the coronavirus, how can you know whether you were infected at all.
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So then those giant wins at bac are really tax free because you do not get W-2G's and the IRS is never notified unless you self-report. You stated in a previous post that you paid your taxes which is fine, but do they (IRS) avail themselves of the MDawg challenge or do you do it for free?
I did not say large checks I stated what a bank officer relayed to me that his bank notifies the IRS of deposits or withdrawals in excess of $10k.
I do volunteer work for a local food bank and several of the volunteers came down with COVID with a couple being hospitalized. I wasn't affected or infected. Great genes.
You cannot know whether you were infected, since a large percentage of people are asymptomatic, and in the case of Omicron, most of those infected have no idea they were infected.Quote: tuttigymI do volunteer work for a local food bank and several of the volunteers came down with COVID with a couple being hospitalized. I wasn't affected or infected. Great genes.
I suspect I have a very low sensitivity to just about everything, including poison ivy and poison oak. Note I'm not using the word immunity.
No particular point, just my two cents.
Quote: MichaelBluejayYou cannot know whether you were infected, since a large percentage of people are asymptomatic, and in the case of Omicron, most of those infected have no idea they were infected.Quote: tuttigymI do volunteer work for a local food bank and several of the volunteers came down with COVID with a couple being hospitalized. I wasn't affected or infected. Great genes.
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And, YOU cannot know that I have the natural immunity. Your post is meaningless.
Real world changes I noticed:
June 30, 2023, was the last day the public health departments had free covid testing sites set up around town. Probably had to do with the government's no longer covering the cost of on site testing.
At some point too, probably in June, pharmacies such as CVS stopped offering the more accurate PCR based tests, and currently offer only the antigen based tests which are no more accurate than the at home tests. And, not all insurance companies cover the cost of testing any longer.