Quote: AZDuffman
I do not see them trying to ban the vax, only ban having it forced on them.
it's arguable as to whether persons have the right to refuse or resist a vaccine mandate - by popularizing this idea they are potentially influencing people in the wrong direction
but it's not arguable that they have the right to prevent their children from being vaccinated -
a child doesn't have the ability to make an informed decision
just because a person is a parent - that doesn't give them the right to create great risk to a child's health and a child's life - see link
Quote: lilredroosterQuote: AZDuffman
I do not see them trying to ban the vax, only ban having it forced on them.
it's arguable as to whether persons have the right to refuse or resist a vaccine mandate - by popularizing this idea they are potentially influencing people in the wrong direction
but it's not arguable that they have the right to prevent their children from being vaccinated -
a child doesn't have the ability to make an informed decision
just because a person is a parent - that doesn't give them the right to create great risk to a child's health and a child's life - see link
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It is not arguable. They basically do have that right. The virus is not smallpox.
Quote: AZDuffman
It is not arguable. They basically do have that right.
you are not the ultimate determiner of what rights people have or should have
in this country that determination is made by Courts of Law and/or elected officials
they could be wrong about some of the determinations they make but that's the best system available to make a determination
you could say that any person has a right to do anything -
that doesn't make it true
Quote: rxwineIf you want to claim you're not anti-something, when all you've done is make negative comments about it for the last couple years,
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I'll eep saying it, I don't care if people vax themselves into an early grave, I don't like getting vaccinated because I don't trust it. If you trust it and knock yourself out. How was that being an anti-vaxxer.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: rxwineIf you want to claim you're not anti-something, when all you've done is make negative comments about it for the last couple years,
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I'll eep saying it, I don't care if people vax themselves into an early grave, I don't like getting vaccinated because I don't trust it. If you trust it and knock yourself out. How was that being an anti-vaxxer.
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Do you think everyone is pro-EB roulette or Bac "method" because no one is actually trying to stop you? I don't think so. When they make so many negative comments about it not working they are definitely anti-EB "method."
Quote: rxwine
Do you think everyone is pro-EB roulette or Bac "method" because no one is actually trying to stop you? I don't think so. When they make so many negative comments about it not working they are definitely anti-EB "method."
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Please quit trying to hijack this thread by bringing that up. If I do that I get suspended.
Quote: rxwineYou guys are trying to pretend you're practicing some sort of Swiss-neutrality about coromavirus vaccine.
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Who is pretending? As long as there is no mandate we do not care what anybody does about it. You are the side who wants to stick your nose in the business of others. You took the jab so relax as you are safe from the virus.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: rxwineYou guys are trying to pretend you're practicing some sort of Swiss-neutrality about coromavirus vaccine.
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Who is pretending? As long as there is no mandate we do not care what anybody does about it. You are the side who wants to stick your nose in the business of others. You took the jab so relax as you are safe from the virus.
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That's a load of BS. For someone who only says he doesn't want a mandate, you've made more than a small amount of uneducated commentary about ifs efficacy.
I had shingles before there was a vaccine
really, really bad - horrible - I wouldn't wish it on anybody
Quote: lilredrooster.
I had shingles before there was a vaccine
really, really bad - horrible - I wouldn't wish it on anybody
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That is why I got that shot. Tested proper and works. I knew people had it and heard how bad it is.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: lilredrooster.
I had shingles before there was a vaccine
really, really bad - horrible - I wouldn't wish it on anybody
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That is why I got that shot. Tested proper and works. I knew people had it and heard how bad it is.
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How many Americans died from shingles in the last five years compared to COVID-19?
Quote: billryanQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: lilredrooster.
I had shingles before there was a vaccine
really, really bad - horrible - I wouldn't wish it on anybody
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That is why I got that shot. Tested proper and works. I knew people had it and heard how bad it is.
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How many Americans died from shingles in the last five years compared to COVID-19?
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No idea. Google it if you need to know. I can’t say I care to bother looking it up for myself.
The US Food and Drug Administration’s committee of independent advisers voted unanimously Wednesday to recommend that the agency tell vaccine manufacturers to update the Covid-19 shots so they will be more effective against the JN.1 lineage of the coronavirus.
The decision now goes to the full FDA. If the agency agrees with its advisory committee, the new shot will be a monovalent vaccine, offering protection against one coronavirus variant. Some previous vaccines have been bivalent, meaning they were formulated to protect against two variants.
JN.1 and its descendants KP.2 and KP.3 are the versions of the virus that are most common in the US right now, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The FDA told the advisory committee Wednesday that studies have shown that currently available Covid-19 vaccines appear to be less effective against the variants that are now in circulation.
The advisers agreed that more people need to get updated vaccines. Only about 25% of adults have gotten the most recent shot, according to a presentation to the committee.
In only the fall and winter months last season, Covid sent more than half a million people in the US to the hospital and killed 40,000, according to data presented at the meeting.
Novavax said its updated shot would need to be the JN.1 version because its protein vaccine takes about six months to make, and that’s the version it has been working on. The company said it could get the shot to US warehouses by August.
Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines can be developed more quickly, and those companies said they could have either a JN.1 shot or a KP.2 shot ready for fall. Moderna said it could supply the US market by mid-August, and Pfizer said its shot could be immediately ready upon approval.
The committee discussed but did not vote on whether the shot should match JN.1 or KP.2. Most of the members preferred JN.1 so Americans would have an option to get an mRNA vaccine or a more traditional protein-based vaccine.
That's not true, it's just that N-95 is the most effective. I'm not gonna dig it up, but I read one study (the actual study, not the reporting about the study in the media) were they tested all manner of masks, including homemade. They all had some level of efficacy, but of course N-95 was the best.Quote: ChumpChangeI know an N-95 is the only mask that might be useful...
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What changed to make the person decide to wear a mask that day? And not another day?
Obviously the most effective would be if everyone in the room wore a mask, but those days are over, and probably should be over.
Weekly U.S. COVID update:
- New cases: 53,367 est.
- Average: 47,370 (+1,522)
- In hospital: 1,676
- In ICU: 195
- New deaths: 418
- Average: 443 (-35)
COVID cases increased for a 4th week in a row with cases going up in 22 out of 32 states with consistent (but limited) data. Overall, COVID levels are still relatively low.
This is the 220th week in a row with more than 400 new COVID deaths in the U.S., or nearly 1.2 million during the same period.
So far this year, more than 3.3 million COVID cases have been reported in the U.S., causing 285,747 hospitalizations and 29,788 deaths.
So that's a near 10% reported hospitalization rate, and nearly 10% of those hospitalized are dying.
Quote: MichaelBluejayThat's not true, it's just that N-95 is the most effective. I'm not gonna dig it up, but I read one study (the actual study, not the reporting about the study in the media) were they tested all manner of masks, including homemade. They all had some level of efficacy, but of course N-95 was the best.Quote: ChumpChangeI know an N-95 is the only mask that might be useful...
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"Some level of efficiency?" That covers a ton. Could mean anything. The maskers clearly do not want masks to be seen for the waste that they were.
Quote: MDawgWhat's interesting to me, is to go someplace where you see the same workers in an office, or other workplace, and one week you see an employee with no mask, then sometime later in the month same employee is wearing a mask, then another time, no mask.
What changed to make the person decide to wear a mask that day? And not another day?
I have seen people wear them when they came back from a few days off with the virus. Also if they are going to part of the building with a lot of customers. So maybe something like that.
Quote:Obviously the most effective would be if everyone in the room wore a mask, but those days are over, and probably should be over.
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The more and more we look back the more useless the whole mask thing looks. Some, like myself, saw what a waste they were from the start. An office is not an OR kept in a sanitized condition. IMHO the masks do more harm than good as people keep wearing and reusing the dirty masks.
No, that's a ridiculous conclusion. There was obviously a measured value for each kind of mask studied. Here's one such study, there are others. Search PubMed.Quote: AZDuffman"Some level of efficiency?" That covers a ton. Could mean anything. link to original post
Did Elvis tell you that? Scientific testing shows that masks work. They reduce the volume of exhaled respiratory droplets into the surrounding air, just as one should expect they would.Quote: AZDuffmanThe maskers clearly do not want masks to be seen for the waste that they were.
Quote: MDawgWhat's interesting to me, is to go someplace where you see the same workers in an office, or other workplace, and one week you see an employee with no mask, then sometime later in the month same employee is wearing a mask, then another time, no mask.
What changed to make the person decide to wear a mask that day? And not another day?
Obviously the most effective would be if everyone in the room wore a mask, but those days are over, and probably should be over.
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People should probably stop assuming every time you see someone with a mask, you know what's it's for. Could be a bad allergy day. Maybe their doctor suggested it after chemo. Maybe they had surgery on their face. Maybe work is being done nearby kicking up dust.
Quote: MichaelBluejayNo, that's a ridiculous conclusion. There was obviously a measured value for each kind of mask studied. Here's one such study, there are others. Search PubMed.Quote: AZDuffman"Some level of efficiency?" That covers a ton. Could mean anything. link to original post
Did Elvis tell you that? Scientific testing shows that masks work. They reduce the volume of exhaled respiratory droplets into the surrounding air, just as one should expect they would.Quote: AZDuffmanThe maskers clearly do not want masks to be seen for the waste that they were.
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Using a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to keep flies out. The problem with your position is that “scientific tests’ done in a lab are not reality. Reality is most people kept using the same mask over and over. They did not keep changing to a fresh one. That alone compromises everything.
The study I would like to see is why some people thought marks were going to sss as ge them. To the point of wearing them alone in the car or even at home. Meanwhile others and I will include myself never bought into any of it.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: MichaelBluejayNo, that's a ridiculous conclusion. There was obviously a measured value for each kind of mask studied. Here's one such study, there are others. Search PubMed.Quote: AZDuffman"Some level of efficiency?" That covers a ton. Could mean anything. link to original post
Did Elvis tell you that? Scientific testing shows that masks work. They reduce the volume of exhaled respiratory droplets into the surrounding air, just as one should expect they would.Quote: AZDuffmanThe maskers clearly do not want masks to be seen for the waste that they were.
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Using a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to keep flies out. The problem with your position is that “scientific tests’ done in a lab are not reality. Reality is most people kept using the same mask over and over. They did not keep changing to a fresh one. That alone compromises everything.
The study I would like to see is why some people thought marks were going to sss as ge them. To the point of wearing them alone in the car or even at home. Meanwhile others and I will include myself never bought into any of it.
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Here's the beginning of a simple explanation as to why your analogy of a chain link fence is incorrect, I'm not going to bother to give you the rest of the info, if you haven't figured it out after 4 years you'll never understand.
"It is counter-intuitive that cloth can be useful in this setting — it’s been compared to putting up a chain-link fence to stop mosquitoes. However, that analogy is wrong in many ways. According to aerosol science........"
Quote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MichaelBluejayNo, that's a ridiculous conclusion. There was obviously a measured value for each kind of mask studied. Here's one such study, there are others. Search PubMed.Quote: AZDuffman"Some level of efficiency?" That covers a ton. Could mean anything. link to original post
Did Elvis tell you that? Scientific testing shows that masks work. They reduce the volume of exhaled respiratory droplets into the surrounding air, just as one should expect they would.Quote: AZDuffmanThe maskers clearly do not want masks to be seen for the waste that they were.
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Using a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to keep flies out. The problem with your position is that “scientific tests’ done in a lab are not reality. Reality is most people kept using the same mask over and over. They did not keep changing to a fresh one. That alone compromises everything.
The study I would like to see is why some people thought marks were going to sss as ge them. To the point of wearing them alone in the car or even at home. Meanwhile others and I will include myself never bought into any of it.
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After 4 years we can see how useless the masks were. The whole thing was just to get people to think "something was being done." Remember the later phases when places like Florida were done with the masks yet places like Portland were still going full-blown masker? No big outbreaks in the maskless places. To me the crazy part remains the people who wore them when they were alone. What sheep.
Here's the beginning of a simple explanation as to why your analogy of a chain link fence is incorrect, I'm not going to bother to give you the rest of the info, if you haven't figured it out after 4 years you'll never understand.
"It is counter-intuitive that cloth can be useful in this setting — it’s been compared to putting up a chain-link fence to stop mosquitoes. However, that analogy is wrong in many ways. According to aerosol science........"
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Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MichaelBluejayNo, that's a ridiculous conclusion. There was obviously a measured value for each kind of mask studied. Here's one such study, there are others. Search PubMed.Quote: AZDuffman"Some level of efficiency?" That covers a ton. Could mean anything. link to original post
Did Elvis tell you that? Scientific testing shows that masks work. They reduce the volume of exhaled respiratory droplets into the surrounding air, just as one should expect they would.Quote: AZDuffmanThe maskers clearly do not want masks to be seen for the waste that they were.
link to original post
Using a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to keep flies out. The problem with your position is that “scientific tests’ done in a lab are not reality. Reality is most people kept using the same mask over and over. They did not keep changing to a fresh one. That alone compromises everything.
The study I would like to see is why some people thought marks were going to sss as ge them. To the point of wearing them alone in the car or even at home. Meanwhile others and I will include myself never bought into any of it.
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After 4 years we can see how useless the masks were. The whole thing was just to get people to think "something was being done." Remember the later phases when places like Florida were done with the masks yet places like Portland were still going full-blown masker? No big outbreaks in the maskless places. To me the crazy part remains the people who wore them when they were alone. What sheep.
Here's the beginning of a simple explanation as to why your analogy of a chain link fence is incorrect, I'm not going to bother to give you the rest of the info, if you haven't figured it out after 4 years you'll never understand.
"It is counter-intuitive that cloth can be useful in this setting — it’s been compared to putting up a chain-link fence to stop mosquitoes. However, that analogy is wrong in many ways. According to aerosol science........"
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"In Florida, the pandemic can be split into two major phases: the pre-Delta variant phase from March 2020 to July 2021 and the Delta variant and beyond the stage that began July 2021 (Figure 2). During the first phase of the pandemic, the White Coronavirus Task Force and CDC recommendations were followed by the state, including physical distancing, crowd avoidance, vulnerable population protection, and face mask use (76). During this phase, the state locked down in April 2020, and state reopening began in early May 2020. In August 2020, public K-12 schools and universities opened for face-to-face activities. When it became available, an aggressive campaign to promote COVID-19 vaccination, especially in those who were older than 65 years (77). Reflecting the impact of these public health and vaccination measures, including 9 months before the COVID-19 vaccine became available, Florida ranked 20th and 26th among states in cases and deaths of COVID-19 per capita on June 30, 2021, before the Delta variant phase, respectively (78)."
"The second phase of COVID-19 in Florida followed rising political opposition to COVID-19 mitigation measures and vaccines that began in early 2021, resulting in substantial population vulnerability to COVID-19. The 5 months of the Delta variant wave from July through November 2021, took a brutal toll on Floridians. Almost two-thirds as many people died during this period as over the 16 months before, as Florida had one of the highest actual and per capita death rates in the country during this time. By the end of the Delta variant wave, Florida rose to 10th in cases and deaths per capita. Reflecting the fact that Florida COVID-19 death rates have continued in excess of the rest of the United States, Florida now ranks 8th in death per capita (3)."
There's that.
I don't have a comment on people wearing them alone, who knows, and I don't care. My only point was your chain link analogy is incorrect, you decided to bring up Florida, so I thought I'd share some info on that. Don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs and please enjoy looking down on other people for whatever reason, you never know what someone might be going through.
The winners boast they knew something and achieved something.
The losers remain quiet. In the case of pandemic that's because the losers died.
Welcome to the world of human nonsense.
Quote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MichaelBluejayNo, that's a ridiculous conclusion. There was obviously a measured value for each kind of mask studied. Here's one such study, there are others. Search PubMed.Quote: AZDuffman"Some level of efficiency?" That covers a ton. Could mean anything. link to original post
Did Elvis tell you that? Scientific testing shows that masks work. They reduce the volume of exhaled respiratory droplets into the surrounding air, just as one should expect they would.Quote: AZDuffmanThe maskers clearly do not want masks to be seen for the waste that they were.
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Using a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to keep flies out. The problem with your position is that “scientific tests’ done in a lab are not reality. Reality is most people kept using the same mask over and over. They did not keep changing to a fresh one. That alone compromises everything.
The study I would like to see is why some people thought marks were going to sss as ge them. To the point of wearing them alone in the car or even at home. Meanwhile others and I will include myself never bought into any of it.
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After 4 years we can see how useless the masks were. The whole thing was just to get people to think "something was being done." Remember the later phases when places like Florida were done with the masks yet places like Portland were still going full-blown masker? No big outbreaks in the maskless places. To me the crazy part remains the people who wore them when they were alone. What sheep.
Here's the beginning of a simple explanation as to why your analogy of a chain link fence is incorrect, I'm not going to bother to give you the rest of the info, if you haven't figured it out after 4 years you'll never understand.
"It is counter-intuitive that cloth can be useful in this setting — it’s been compared to putting up a chain-link fence to stop mosquitoes. However, that analogy is wrong in many ways. According to aerosol science........"
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"In Florida, the pandemic can be split into two major phases: the pre-Delta variant phase from March 2020 to July 2021 and the Delta variant and beyond the stage that began July 2021 (Figure 2). During the first phase of the pandemic, the White Coronavirus Task Force and CDC recommendations were followed by the state, including physical distancing, crowd avoidance, vulnerable population protection, and face mask use (76). During this phase, the state locked down in April 2020, and state reopening began in early May 2020. In August 2020, public K-12 schools and universities opened for face-to-face activities. When it became available, an aggressive campaign to promote COVID-19 vaccination, especially in those who were older than 65 years (77). Reflecting the impact of these public health and vaccination measures, including 9 months before the COVID-19 vaccine became available, Florida ranked 20th and 26th among states in cases and deaths of COVID-19 per capita on June 30, 2021, before the Delta variant phase, respectively (78)."
"The second phase of COVID-19 in Florida followed rising political opposition to COVID-19 mitigation measures and vaccines that began in early 2021, resulting in substantial population vulnerability to COVID-19. The 5 months of the Delta variant wave from July through November 2021, took a brutal toll on Floridians. Almost two-thirds as many people died during this period as over the 16 months before, as Florida had one of the highest actual and per capita death rates in the country during this time. By the end of the Delta variant wave, Florida rose to 10th in cases and deaths per capita. Reflecting the fact that Florida COVID-19 death rates have continued in excess of the rest of the United States, Florida now ranks 8th in death per capita (3)."
There's that.
I don't have a comment on people wearing them alone, who knows, and I don't care. My only point was your chain link analogy is incorrect, you decided to bring up Florida, so I thought I'd share some info on that. Don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs and please enjoy looking down on other people for whatever reason, you never know what someone might be going through.
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Florida also has a higher than average age and thus higher risk people. It amazes me how the maskers will never give up their charade.
The chain-link analogy is spot on. Viruses are so small they can and will pass right thru the masks. As to "looking down" I will laugh and laugh my head off at the people so afraid they think they are going to die because I will not mask up.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MichaelBluejayNo, that's a ridiculous conclusion. There was obviously a measured value for each kind of mask studied. Here's one such study, there are others. Search PubMed.Quote: AZDuffman"Some level of efficiency?" That covers a ton. Could mean anything. link to original post
Did Elvis tell you that? Scientific testing shows that masks work. They reduce the volume of exhaled respiratory droplets into the surrounding air, just as one should expect they would.Quote: AZDuffmanThe maskers clearly do not want masks to be seen for the waste that they were.
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Using a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to keep flies out. The problem with your position is that “scientific tests’ done in a lab are not reality. Reality is most people kept using the same mask over and over. They did not keep changing to a fresh one. That alone compromises everything.
The study I would like to see is why some people thought marks were going to sss as ge them. To the point of wearing them alone in the car or even at home. Meanwhile others and I will include myself never bought into any of it.
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After 4 years we can see how useless the masks were. The whole thing was just to get people to think "something was being done." Remember the later phases when places like Florida were done with the masks yet places like Portland were still going full-blown masker? No big outbreaks in the maskless places. To me the crazy part remains the people who wore them when they were alone. What sheep.
Here's the beginning of a simple explanation as to why your analogy of a chain link fence is incorrect, I'm not going to bother to give you the rest of the info, if you haven't figured it out after 4 years you'll never understand.
"It is counter-intuitive that cloth can be useful in this setting — it’s been compared to putting up a chain-link fence to stop mosquitoes. However, that analogy is wrong in many ways. According to aerosol science........"
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"In Florida, the pandemic can be split into two major phases: the pre-Delta variant phase from March 2020 to July 2021 and the Delta variant and beyond the stage that began July 2021 (Figure 2). During the first phase of the pandemic, the White Coronavirus Task Force and CDC recommendations were followed by the state, including physical distancing, crowd avoidance, vulnerable population protection, and face mask use (76). During this phase, the state locked down in April 2020, and state reopening began in early May 2020. In August 2020, public K-12 schools and universities opened for face-to-face activities. When it became available, an aggressive campaign to promote COVID-19 vaccination, especially in those who were older than 65 years (77). Reflecting the impact of these public health and vaccination measures, including 9 months before the COVID-19 vaccine became available, Florida ranked 20th and 26th among states in cases and deaths of COVID-19 per capita on June 30, 2021, before the Delta variant phase, respectively (78)."
"The second phase of COVID-19 in Florida followed rising political opposition to COVID-19 mitigation measures and vaccines that began in early 2021, resulting in substantial population vulnerability to COVID-19. The 5 months of the Delta variant wave from July through November 2021, took a brutal toll on Floridians. Almost two-thirds as many people died during this period as over the 16 months before, as Florida had one of the highest actual and per capita death rates in the country during this time. By the end of the Delta variant wave, Florida rose to 10th in cases and deaths per capita. Reflecting the fact that Florida COVID-19 death rates have continued in excess of the rest of the United States, Florida now ranks 8th in death per capita (3)."
There's that.
I don't have a comment on people wearing them alone, who knows, and I don't care. My only point was your chain link analogy is incorrect, you decided to bring up Florida, so I thought I'd share some info on that. Don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs and please enjoy looking down on other people for whatever reason, you never know what someone might be going through.
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Florida also has a higher than average age and thus higher risk people. It amazes me how the maskers will never give up their charade.
The chain-link analogy is spot on. Viruses are so small they can and will pass right thru the masks. As to "looking down" I will laugh and laugh my head off at the people so afraid they think they are going to die because I will not mask up.
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Yep, you're right, I've always found anecdotal evidence is much more accurate than scientific studies. Congratulations!
Quote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MichaelBluejayNo, that's a ridiculous conclusion. There was obviously a measured value for each kind of mask studied. Here's one such study, there are others. Search PubMed.Quote: AZDuffman"Some level of efficiency?" That covers a ton. Could mean anything. link to original post
Did Elvis tell you that? Scientific testing shows that masks work. They reduce the volume of exhaled respiratory droplets into the surrounding air, just as one should expect they would.Quote: AZDuffmanThe maskers clearly do not want masks to be seen for the waste that they were.
link to original post
Using a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to keep flies out. The problem with your position is that “scientific tests’ done in a lab are not reality. Reality is most people kept using the same mask over and over. They did not keep changing to a fresh one. That alone compromises everything.
The study I would like to see is why some people thought marks were going to sss as ge them. To the point of wearing them alone in the car or even at home. Meanwhile others and I will include myself never bought into any of it.
link to original post
After 4 years we can see how useless the masks were. The whole thing was just to get people to think "something was being done." Remember the later phases when places like Florida were done with the masks yet places like Portland were still going full-blown masker? No big outbreaks in the maskless places. To me the crazy part remains the people who wore them when they were alone. What sheep.
Here's the beginning of a simple explanation as to why your analogy of a chain link fence is incorrect, I'm not going to bother to give you the rest of the info, if you haven't figured it out after 4 years you'll never understand.
"It is counter-intuitive that cloth can be useful in this setting — it’s been compared to putting up a chain-link fence to stop mosquitoes. However, that analogy is wrong in many ways. According to aerosol science........"
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link to original post
"In Florida, the pandemic can be split into two major phases: the pre-Delta variant phase from March 2020 to July 2021 and the Delta variant and beyond the stage that began July 2021 (Figure 2). During the first phase of the pandemic, the White Coronavirus Task Force and CDC recommendations were followed by the state, including physical distancing, crowd avoidance, vulnerable population protection, and face mask use (76). During this phase, the state locked down in April 2020, and state reopening began in early May 2020. In August 2020, public K-12 schools and universities opened for face-to-face activities. When it became available, an aggressive campaign to promote COVID-19 vaccination, especially in those who were older than 65 years (77). Reflecting the impact of these public health and vaccination measures, including 9 months before the COVID-19 vaccine became available, Florida ranked 20th and 26th among states in cases and deaths of COVID-19 per capita on June 30, 2021, before the Delta variant phase, respectively (78)."
"The second phase of COVID-19 in Florida followed rising political opposition to COVID-19 mitigation measures and vaccines that began in early 2021, resulting in substantial population vulnerability to COVID-19. The 5 months of the Delta variant wave from July through November 2021, took a brutal toll on Floridians. Almost two-thirds as many people died during this period as over the 16 months before, as Florida had one of the highest actual and per capita death rates in the country during this time. By the end of the Delta variant wave, Florida rose to 10th in cases and deaths per capita. Reflecting the fact that Florida COVID-19 death rates have continued in excess of the rest of the United States, Florida now ranks 8th in death per capita (3)."
There's that.
I don't have a comment on people wearing them alone, who knows, and I don't care. My only point was your chain link analogy is incorrect, you decided to bring up Florida, so I thought I'd share some info on that. Don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs and please enjoy looking down on other people for whatever reason, you never know what someone might be going through.
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Florida also has a higher than average age and thus higher risk people. It amazes me how the maskers will never give up their charade.
The chain-link analogy is spot on. Viruses are so small they can and will pass right thru the masks. As to "looking down" I will laugh and laugh my head off at the people so afraid they think they are going to die because I will not mask up.
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Yep, you're right, I've always found anecdotal evidence is much more accurate than scientific studies. Congratulations!
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All the "studies" on the china virus have had agendas. For starters, I prefer to listen to doctors who treat patients instead of those who just administrate.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MichaelBluejayNo, that's a ridiculous conclusion. There was obviously a measured value for each kind of mask studied. Here's one such study, there are others. Search PubMed.Quote: AZDuffman"Some level of efficiency?" That covers a ton. Could mean anything. link to original post
Did Elvis tell you that? Scientific testing shows that masks work. They reduce the volume of exhaled respiratory droplets into the surrounding air, just as one should expect they would.Quote: AZDuffmanThe maskers clearly do not want masks to be seen for the waste that they were.
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Using a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to keep flies out. The problem with your position is that “scientific tests’ done in a lab are not reality. Reality is most people kept using the same mask over and over. They did not keep changing to a fresh one. That alone compromises everything.
The study I would like to see is why some people thought marks were going to sss as ge them. To the point of wearing them alone in the car or even at home. Meanwhile others and I will include myself never bought into any of it.
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After 4 years we can see how useless the masks were. The whole thing was just to get people to think "something was being done." Remember the later phases when places like Florida were done with the masks yet places like Portland were still going full-blown masker? No big outbreaks in the maskless places. To me the crazy part remains the people who wore them when they were alone. What sheep.
Here's the beginning of a simple explanation as to why your analogy of a chain link fence is incorrect, I'm not going to bother to give you the rest of the info, if you haven't figured it out after 4 years you'll never understand.
"It is counter-intuitive that cloth can be useful in this setting — it’s been compared to putting up a chain-link fence to stop mosquitoes. However, that analogy is wrong in many ways. According to aerosol science........"
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"In Florida, the pandemic can be split into two major phases: the pre-Delta variant phase from March 2020 to July 2021 and the Delta variant and beyond the stage that began July 2021 (Figure 2). During the first phase of the pandemic, the White Coronavirus Task Force and CDC recommendations were followed by the state, including physical distancing, crowd avoidance, vulnerable population protection, and face mask use (76). During this phase, the state locked down in April 2020, and state reopening began in early May 2020. In August 2020, public K-12 schools and universities opened for face-to-face activities. When it became available, an aggressive campaign to promote COVID-19 vaccination, especially in those who were older than 65 years (77). Reflecting the impact of these public health and vaccination measures, including 9 months before the COVID-19 vaccine became available, Florida ranked 20th and 26th among states in cases and deaths of COVID-19 per capita on June 30, 2021, before the Delta variant phase, respectively (78)."
"The second phase of COVID-19 in Florida followed rising political opposition to COVID-19 mitigation measures and vaccines that began in early 2021, resulting in substantial population vulnerability to COVID-19. The 5 months of the Delta variant wave from July through November 2021, took a brutal toll on Floridians. Almost two-thirds as many people died during this period as over the 16 months before, as Florida had one of the highest actual and per capita death rates in the country during this time. By the end of the Delta variant wave, Florida rose to 10th in cases and deaths per capita. Reflecting the fact that Florida COVID-19 death rates have continued in excess of the rest of the United States, Florida now ranks 8th in death per capita (3)."
There's that.
I don't have a comment on people wearing them alone, who knows, and I don't care. My only point was your chain link analogy is incorrect, you decided to bring up Florida, so I thought I'd share some info on that. Don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs and please enjoy looking down on other people for whatever reason, you never know what someone might be going through.
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Florida also has a higher than average age and thus higher risk people. It amazes me how the maskers will never give up their charade.
The chain-link analogy is spot on. Viruses are so small they can and will pass right thru the masks. As to "looking down" I will laugh and laugh my head off at the people so afraid they think they are going to die because I will not mask up.
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Yep, you're right, I've always found anecdotal evidence is much more accurate than scientific studies. Congratulations!
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All the "studies" on the china virus have had agendas. For starters, I prefer to listen to doctors who treat patients instead of those who just administrate.
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I've found in life that ignorant people believe they know all the answers, intelligent people ask what they don't know. Doctors that treat patients rely on scientist that preform studies, the law of large numbers. You certainly know all the answers!
Quote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MaxFlavorQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: MichaelBluejayNo, that's a ridiculous conclusion. There was obviously a measured value for each kind of mask studied. Here's one such study, there are others. Search PubMed.Quote: AZDuffman"Some level of efficiency?" That covers a ton. Could mean anything. link to original post
Did Elvis tell you that? Scientific testing shows that masks work. They reduce the volume of exhaled respiratory droplets into the surrounding air, just as one should expect they would.Quote: AZDuffmanThe maskers clearly do not want masks to be seen for the waste that they were.
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Using a mask to stop a virus is like using a chain link fence to keep flies out. The problem with your position is that “scientific tests’ done in a lab are not reality. Reality is most people kept using the same mask over and over. They did not keep changing to a fresh one. That alone compromises everything.
The study I would like to see is why some people thought marks were going to sss as ge them. To the point of wearing them alone in the car or even at home. Meanwhile others and I will include myself never bought into any of it.
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After 4 years we can see how useless the masks were. The whole thing was just to get people to think "something was being done." Remember the later phases when places like Florida were done with the masks yet places like Portland were still going full-blown masker? No big outbreaks in the maskless places. To me the crazy part remains the people who wore them when they were alone. What sheep.
Here's the beginning of a simple explanation as to why your analogy of a chain link fence is incorrect, I'm not going to bother to give you the rest of the info, if you haven't figured it out after 4 years you'll never understand.
"It is counter-intuitive that cloth can be useful in this setting — it’s been compared to putting up a chain-link fence to stop mosquitoes. However, that analogy is wrong in many ways. According to aerosol science........"
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"In Florida, the pandemic can be split into two major phases: the pre-Delta variant phase from March 2020 to July 2021 and the Delta variant and beyond the stage that began July 2021 (Figure 2). During the first phase of the pandemic, the White Coronavirus Task Force and CDC recommendations were followed by the state, including physical distancing, crowd avoidance, vulnerable population protection, and face mask use (76). During this phase, the state locked down in April 2020, and state reopening began in early May 2020. In August 2020, public K-12 schools and universities opened for face-to-face activities. When it became available, an aggressive campaign to promote COVID-19 vaccination, especially in those who were older than 65 years (77). Reflecting the impact of these public health and vaccination measures, including 9 months before the COVID-19 vaccine became available, Florida ranked 20th and 26th among states in cases and deaths of COVID-19 per capita on June 30, 2021, before the Delta variant phase, respectively (78)."
"The second phase of COVID-19 in Florida followed rising political opposition to COVID-19 mitigation measures and vaccines that began in early 2021, resulting in substantial population vulnerability to COVID-19. The 5 months of the Delta variant wave from July through November 2021, took a brutal toll on Floridians. Almost two-thirds as many people died during this period as over the 16 months before, as Florida had one of the highest actual and per capita death rates in the country during this time. By the end of the Delta variant wave, Florida rose to 10th in cases and deaths per capita. Reflecting the fact that Florida COVID-19 death rates have continued in excess of the rest of the United States, Florida now ranks 8th in death per capita (3)."
There's that.
I don't have a comment on people wearing them alone, who knows, and I don't care. My only point was your chain link analogy is incorrect, you decided to bring up Florida, so I thought I'd share some info on that. Don't let facts get in the way of your beliefs and please enjoy looking down on other people for whatever reason, you never know what someone might be going through.
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Florida also has a higher than average age and thus higher risk people. It amazes me how the maskers will never give up their charade.
The chain-link analogy is spot on. Viruses are so small they can and will pass right thru the masks. As to "looking down" I will laugh and laugh my head off at the people so afraid they think they are going to die because I will not mask up.
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Yep, you're right, I've always found anecdotal evidence is much more accurate than scientific studies. Congratulations!
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All the "studies" on the china virus have had agendas. For starters, I prefer to listen to doctors who treat patients instead of those who just administrate.
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I've found in life that ignorant people believe they know all the answers, intelligent people ask what they don't know. Doctors that treat patients rely on scientist that preform studies, the law of large numbers. You certainly know all the answers!
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I have found in life that there is a huge difference between "educated" and "smart." "Educated" people love reading studies and will believe them if other "educated" people did them. They also prefer to only discuss things if they can quote or discuss things done and found in "studies." IOW, they discuss things like they are in a classroom.
"Smart" people might or might not look at a study. If a study makes no sense they are not afraid to say even a "peer reviewed study" makes no sense. (e.g.: the UBI studies). They know that most people doing studies are doing them for political reasons and start rigging it to get the desired outcome.
"Educated" people tend to do what other educated people tell them to do. "Smart" people evaluate what they are told to do and only do what makes sense.
Wrong. Numerous studies, including the one I shared with you, which you didn't read, show exactly the opposite.Quote: AZDuffmanViruses are so small they can and will pass right thru the masks. link to original post
But why are you arguing here on a gambling forum? Ring up the scientists and explain to them your superior understanding.
Quote: MichaelBluejayWrong. Numerous studies, including the one I shared with you, which you didn't read, show exactly the opposite.Quote: AZDuffmanViruses are so small they can and will pass right thru the masks. link to original post
But why are you arguing here on a gambling forum? Ring up the scientists and explain to them your superior understanding.
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Your own belief in science has been selective, so please do not call me out on it.
No study is needed to see that viruses are small and pass thru. I am not buying politically motivated "studies" rigged to show masks did something. Lots of people are believing them, but the kind isn't wearing any clothes. It was not masks that did or did not cause pockets of outbreaks. Case in point is my local area. One county of five in the metro always had higher cases than the other four. Was it masks? Nope, it was because that county had more nursing homes in relation to the rest of the population vs. the others.
Ever notice how from masks to Hydroxychloroquine use all seem to push the agenda that the powers wanted pushed? Or do you just figure that because the people doing said studies have letters before and after their names they must know what they are doing?
I am discussing it on a gambling forum because the thread is here.

But some doctors say this latest COVID rise challenges a long-held myth: Although new COVID infections are often mild compared with a first brush with the disease, they still can cause severe illness. Even if someone doesn’t need to visit the emergency room or be hospitalized, people sometimes describe agonizing symptoms.
“The dogma is that every time you get COVID, it’s milder. But I think we need to keep our minds open to the possibility that some people have worse symptoms,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, a UC San Francisco infectious diseases expert.
The recommendation remains to stay up to date on the latest boosters. We got the last one in September 2023, which is the latest version available right now. The next version will be out in Fall 2024.
Quote: ChumpChangeI got 3 shots last fall that probably cost around $500 retail. Free shots are long gone for most people.
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Big Pharma loves all of this.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeI got 3 shots last fall that probably cost around $500 retail. Free shots are long gone for most people.
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Big Pharma loves all of this.
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Not even close to true. First, I’m sure Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries don’t pay, nor will those privately insured. Maybe a small co pay, but mine has always been free.
As far as AZ’s comment, Big PHARMA prefers the opposite. If it is covered by all insurers then more people will be getting poked, thus more shots sold, and more money. They don’t care if they get the $$ from your pocket, a private insurer, or the government. The number of people that would actually take $500 from their own pocket to pay for one of these boosters is negligible.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ChumpChangeI got 3 shots last fall that probably cost around $500 retail. Free shots are long gone for most people.
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Big Pharma loves all of this.
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Not even close to true. First, I’m sure Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries don’t pay, nor will those privately insured. Maybe a small co pay, but mine has always been free.
As far as AZ’s comment, Big PHARMA prefers the opposite. If it is covered by all insurers then more people will be getting poked, thus more shots sold, and more money. They don’t care if they get the $$ from your pocket, a private insurer, or the government. The number of people that would actually take $500 from their own pocket to pay for one of these boosters is negligible.
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I said nothing about who paid. My comment refers to big pharma loving people who line up every year to get the booster. It is recurring revenue. That I keep seeing a few people wearing masks shows that the lines will still be there until whatever the next big thing to come out in a few years.
It’s a powerful feeling to sense all those mRNA coursing through one’s system.