We still haven't even gotten the sub-18 age group vaccinated.
2022 is gonna be much worse than 2021.
Quote: billryanWould an annual flu/covid shot be that bad a thing?
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It will not be a good thing.
Quote: StarburgerI feel that eventually we will need a Vaccine needed for every Variant that pops up and that worries me.
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But that will make pharmacies like Walgreens, as an example, wealthy!
$:o) I see what you did there.Quote: SOOPOOBut that will make pharmacies like Walgreens, as an example, wealthy!
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Quote: ChumpChangeThe scientists are gonna be at least 6 months behind on getting new vaccines for variants that make older vaccines irrelevant.
We still haven't even gotten the sub-18 age group vaccinated.
2022 is gonna be much worse than 2021.
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Don't you wish this was a gambling site and you could. bet big bucks against feces like this?
Quote: DeMangoQuote: ChumpChangeThe scientists are gonna be at least 6 months behind on getting new vaccines for variants that make older vaccines irrelevant.
We still haven't even gotten the sub-18 age group vaccinated.
2022 is gonna be much worse than 2021.
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Don't you wish this was a gambling site and you could. bet big bucks against feces like this?
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"Feces like this?" Please clarify. Feces like What?
Insult to CC intended?
Quote: OnceDearQuote: DeMangoQuote: ChumpChangeThe scientists are gonna be at least 6 months behind on getting new vaccines for variants that make older vaccines irrelevant.
We still haven't even gotten the sub-18 age group vaccinated.
2022 is gonna be much worse than 2021.
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Don't you wish this was a gambling site and you could. bet big bucks against feces like this?
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"Feces like this?" Please clarify. Feces like What?
Insult to CC intended?
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Impossible. We all died in August 2020
Well, July 2020, actually... according to ChumpChange's numbers.Quote: RogerKintImpossible. We all died in August 2020
Quote: OnceDearQuote: DeMangoQuote: ChumpChangeThe scientists are gonna be at least 6 months behind on getting new vaccines for variants that make older vaccines irrelevant.
We still haven't even gotten the sub-18 age group vaccinated.
2022 is gonna be much worse than 2021.
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Don't you wish this was a gambling site and you could. bet big bucks against feces like this?
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"Feces like this?" Please clarify. Feces like What?
Insult to CC intended?
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Feces. Kaka. Dung. The numbers that have been brought up for two years by the chumpster. As mentioned by posts above, the fact that we died back in 2020. So now and everyday a new set of numbers (Kaka) that the moderators let slide, despite objections from other posters. I just voiced my opinion I could make a few shekels betting against the chumpsters figures he pulls out of his keister.
So it's his unreliable numbers you attacked. Thanks for clarifying.Quote: DeMangoQuote: OnceDearQuote: DeMangoQuote: ChumpChangeThe scientists are gonna be at least 6 months behind on getting new vaccines for variants that make older vaccines irrelevant.
We still haven't even gotten the sub-18 age group vaccinated.
2022 is gonna be much worse than 2021.
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Don't you wish this was a gambling site and you could. bet big bucks against feces like this?
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"Feces like this?" Please clarify. Feces like What?
Insult to CC intended?
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Feces. Kaka. Dung. The numbers that have been brought up for two years by the chumpster. As mentioned by posts above, the fact that we died back in 2020. So now and everyday a new set of numbers (Kaka) that the moderators let slide, despite objections from other posters. I just voiced my opinion I could make a few shekels betting against the chumpsters figures he pulls out of his keister.
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Have a nice Day
Surgeon General Vivek Murthy announced Friday that he has tested positive for COVID-19, days after he said that his 4-year-old daughter had the virus.
Murthy wrote on Twitter that his wife and his 5-year-old son were also positive for the virus and had "mild symptoms." His daughter is "doing ok" and has an improving fever, he added.
In a comment below:
3,187 Americans died OF covid yesterday.
3,069 of them were UNVACCINATED
Meanwhile, in most vaccinated Vermont: 2
I believe the main infection vector at the moment is kids bringing the infection home from school and once it gets in the home, every family member succumbs. Just anecdotal evidence, but every case I've encountered in family and my limited circle of friends, has resulted in the whole immediate family getting it.Quote: ChumpChangeSurgeon general tests positive for COVID-19 | TheHill
Surgeon General Vivek Murthy announced Friday that he has tested positive for COVID-19, days after he said that his 4-year-old daughter had the virus.
Quote:In a comment below:
3,187 Americans died OF covid yesterday.
3,069 of them were UNVACCINATED
Meanwhile, in most vaccinated Vermont: 2
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CC, can you cite sources when you post numbers like that? neither JohnHopkins, nor https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ shows those numbers, as far as I can tell.
Not that numbers will convince anyone on this site.
Quote: DeMangowhen NYT was delivered to appropriate classrooms - I would trust The Economist before a US rag/paper that has become a political POS.
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greatest newspaper in the world - by far - no other newspaper can touch it - sure it has a political bias - so does every single other newspaper in the world - so what_________? - who cares______________?
90% of the stories are not political
savvy readers know when the stories are biased - for any newspaper - that's part of the calculation as to the value of the story
you sound real bitter - like you think every newspaper has an obligation to have the same political views as you - ridiculous
Quote: lilredroostergreatest newspaper in the world - by far - no other newspaper can touch it - sure it has a political bias - so does every single other newspaper in the world - so what_________? - who cares______________?
90% of the stories are not political
savvy readers know when the stories are biased - for any newspaper - that's part of the calculation as to the value of the story
you sound real bitter - like you think every newspaper has an obligation to have the same political views as you - ridiculous
No, IMO your analysis above is incorrect on two fronts: (1) News stories can and are written with political bias. The "journalist" can and does insert their "slant." and (2) The paper's editorial board can and does censure stories and news that does not fit a certain narrative or the paper's political agenda.
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Quote: lilredroosterQuote: DeMangowhen NYT was delivered to appropriate classrooms - I would trust The Economist before a US rag/paper that has become a political POS.
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greatest newspaper in the world - by far - no other newspaper can touch it - sure it has a political bias - so does every single other newspaper in the world - so what_________? - who cares______________?
90% of the stories are not political
savvy readers know when the stories are biased - for any newspaper - that's part of the calculation as to the value of the story
you sound real bitter - like you think every newspaper has an obligation to have the same political views as you - ridiculous
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I prefer truth. You do not. I grew up basically without bias, you seem to embrace it. Sometimes what does not get reported is the truth. So how does your savvy ass get the information the NYT buries on page 34, Or does not report at all?
Quote: DeMango. I grew up basically without bias, _______ your savvy ass
nobody grows up without bias or lives without bias as an adult_____________it's everywhere___________you're dreaming
you have biases just as I do____________you just fantasize that you're totally objective_____________a pipe dream
and using the word "ass" to insult me again shows your bitterness
Quote: lilredroosterQuote: DeMango. I grew up basically without bias, _______ your savvy ass
nobody grows up without bias or lives without bias as an adult_____________it's everywhere___________you're dreaming
you have biases just as I do____________you just fantasize that you're totally objective_____________a pipe dream
and using the word "ass" to insult me again shows your bitterness
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So you project being biased on everyone because you are biased. Yup, that argument works.
Quote: DeMangoSo you project being biased on everyone because you are biased. Yup, that argument works.
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Bias is debate. Bias is point of view. Likes and dislikes are bias. Bias is never limited; it just is.
The CDC has found that 74% of covid deaths occurred among people age 65 AND OVER.
IMHO group think and hysteria, based on the above, is misplaced.
Quote: tuttigymThe Washington Post: U.S. "excess deaths" (by govt. mortality stats) top 1M over a two year period . The vast majority of which were from covid. The stats expose swollen numbers of deaths from heart disease, hypertension, dementia, and other ailments. The CDC's analysis estimates 208,431 excess deaths from all the non-covid 19 causes since the start of the pandemic (2 year period). A CDC official (Robert Anderson) stated that many people who died of covid were elderly, sick, or very frail, and even without the pandemic, some might not have survived across the two-year span of the pandemic, and therefore are not, strictly speaking, "excess deaths."
The CDC has found that 74% of covid deaths occurred among people age 65 AND OVER.
IMHO group think and hysteria, based on the above, is misplaced.
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It's disconcerting that people keep forgetting having many people sick or dying all close together would have been massive actual major problem regardless of the fact of how soon they might of died from age and other causes. Let's compress all the deaths and illness into 6 months instead of 2 years. Do people think anyone else would need a hospital bed or a doctor in that 6 months? Are you going to get good care even if you get in with beds outside in tents? Are going kill all your medical people from overwork so you have even fewer working?
I say this, as it seems people seem to think letting it run rampant or not worry about it was the right move all along.
10) more variants on the way. More trouble.
New lineages designated today. This is what happens when mass infection is the new idiotic pandemic strategy.
At some point:
- almost everyone has developed some degree of natural immunity
- this seems to look more like the influenza
- the existence of vaccines and availability of medical therapies makes this kind of a "meh"
1 million American fatalities from COVID approaching and will be reached within hours. <4K deaths to go.
Dr. Birx says people over 70 years old are dying at the highest rate from COVID rn, and cases in NYS are rising over the past month.
Yeah, central NYS is turning red with new cases over 50/100K per day per county.
Vaccines will have to become regular because they don't last all that long.
With 2/3rds of Americans vaccinated and less than half boosted, and kids with very low vaccination rates, this pandemic will continue unabated for years.
Herd immunity for this disease is over 95% vaccinated.
your post above omitted something very important_____________covid cases are now much less serious___________at least in the U.S.
in January of 2021 the U.S. was averaging more than 3,300 deaths per day
this is from today from the front page of the online edition of the New York Times

Quote: ChumpChange
and for the unvaccinated, it isn't any less dangerous.
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that is incorrect_____________it is less dangerous for both the vaccinated and unvaccinated_______________because there are a great many fewer deaths both in the numerical total and in the % of those who get infected that die
as shown in my above post
I'd have to see hospital data about percentage of people who are unvaccinated in the ICU vs. vaccinated in the ICU. I would expect 20 to 1 unvaccinated to vaccinated still in the ICU.
Are health insurance plans barring payments for unvaccinated people for COVID complications since last fall? Maybe those people don't even go to the hospital anymore.
Hospitalization rates, NYC:
Unvaxxed: 66.6/100,000
Vaxxed: 2.9/100,000
Vax + Booster: 1.8/100,000
0-4 years old: 1.3/100,000
NEW: Update from @nycHealthy on NYC's BA.2 wave.
Shows hospitalizations remain low but starting to rise—for the unvax'd. They're now *37.8* times more likely to be hospitalized than vax'd NYers.
One thing remains true through all the ups & downs of this pandemic: VACCINES WORK.
Minimizers focus only on the denominator, ignoring the numerator.
Over 100,000 kids have been hospitalized.
Some won’t share that fact.
Looks like new cases per day are expected to double each week.
for the first time in many weeks (I follow it every day) according to the NYT the 14 day average of new deaths is up (by 1%) although it is still way, way down when compared to January of 2021 - it had been going way down until recently
the 14 day average for hospitalizations is way up, and the average for new cases is way, way up
the Administration is warning of a Fall surge in infections and believe it or not quoted the number of potential new infections as being__________100 million
Quote: DeMangoThe sky is falling again! BUT we won't be fooled again!
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I don't understand this. I see it often. A misbelief that if something has been somewhat beaten and no longer a threat then it must never have been a threat
I lost a few friends and family to Covid including my Advantage Play partner. Covid is very real to those who suffered from it.
These types of pandemic situations do go away over time. Does anyone feel Spanish Flu was never a serious threat because today no one catches it? Bubonic plague?
It's sad some people felt this was some type of political checkmate move but if that were the case, the whole pandemic would have disappeared on November 8th after the election. It didn't go away immediately did it? (Oh, right, it never existed in the first place, SMH).
Quote: ChumpChangeShould I get my 2nd COVID booster next month or get a Monkeypox vaccine next month?
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If you've had chickenpox already then it is my understanding that you're immune to monkeypox.
The following is from this source monkeypox transmission article
While it is still early and much is not known, almost all the African cases were detected in sexual health clinics in men who have sex with men and were seeking health services related to that.
Airborne transmission has not yet been confirmed. (Can anyone confirm this?)
Rats can carry the monkey pox virus, and are believed to transmit it to humans when they are eaten by humans (more relevant to Africa, than to the U.S., I hope)
I got my 2nd COVID booster at Rite Aid today. The pharmacist is unaware of new variants of COVID vaccines or new vaccines for Monkeypox. I just had some free time at the store getting some ear drops, and I rarely visit the store.

Also, the pre-insurance pay cost of the new Pfizer vaccine only $2.59 - the flu vaccine $66.99
"Outdoor activity didn’t save them from the virus. #Ba5 is that transmissible. Don’t risk it—get the #BoosterShot."
In other news, the New York Governor declared a state of emergency from polio spread/low vaccination rates.
Source: Me. Licensed pharmacist since 1993.
I do wear a mask whenever I enter a store.
I stopped wearing a mask at the casinos, but I play alone at a table where only the dealer and pit boss are near me. I see many dealers still wearing masks - I probably would too if I had a job that required me to be close to thousands of different people each month.
Quote: ChumpChangeEven with all the current boosters, it won't stop you from getting mild COVID which can irreparably harm your lifestyle/life/health. Mask up, social distance, and get boosted. Don't expect COVID to be over this decade. There will be local lulls but it will always come back a few weeks or months later.
In other news, the New York Governor declared a state of emergency from polio spread/low vaccination rates.
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Last month at my physical my doctor asked if he should stop asking if I want the vax.