Then he got massively robbed as I remember. Can't remember his business but had commercials.
No one on this forum can really advise you in your search for the thief. But, my instincts are that you should be very careful about your physical safety whenever you confront your suspect. Please do not make the mistake of assuming that the culprit acted alone.
Quote: FaceSometimes it's easier to talk to strangers. Or sometimes you just need to "get it out". I'm guilty of it, too.
Bad run, darkoz. Nothing I hate more than a thief. The thought of it being a known entity and in your own home turns my stomach. Good to see it hasn't affected your creative writing; I'd be nothing but a string of curses and Homeland Security triggers right now.
Genuinely hope things get rectified and you come out on top.
I have several friends who are crooks. It's just a business with them. But they all hate a thief. A thief will steal from his mother
It was obviously done by a pro. Someone gave them all the info that was needed. Do not dismiss anyone.
My girlfriend has all the attributes that makes a good AP. Smart and quick mentally. It was these same attributes that made everyone believe she was the thief. She was smart enough to go for a crazy long con that had finally paid off
When I told the others I doubted this I was accused of falling for the con hook line and sinker
I made the phone call but was smart enough not to accuse her. You have to be delicate if you want to keep your girlfriend in this situation
Basically I lamented to her how someone I knew was lying directly to my face and I had no clue who it was except I trusted everyone equally
And I didnt know how to move forward except to talk to each and every person
She said she understood. She wishes I never showed her any hiding places but she knew I had to look at everything
"I am not that type of person who would do this but lets just say I was. Obviously I would be trying to get away with it and obviously I am feeling pretty confident I can if I am pulling off this caper, right?"
"Ok," I replied
"So I would want you to get back on your feet financially as soon as possible so maybe I can do it again. I might take the money and the valuables but I would not take the casino cards. I know they are useless to me and take away your chance to rebuild. If I robbed you, which I did not but if I did I would not take the cards for that reason.
"Now lets say this person does have your pins"
"He doesnt," I assured her
"Lets just say he did. What would you do next?"
"I would have everyone go change their pins"
"Right. So this person was being vindictive. Even with the pins the cards had limited value since all your people would just go down and block the guy. This person knows that and is just trying to hurt you. And so we come back to your former son-in-law I guess as the main suspect.
"Now I have been aware of your schedule for these whole three years. I had plenty of opportunities to rob you before. Why would I do it now?
"Everyone else says its some long con you had planned.," I pointed out
"For three years? I have been giving you my loving for three years just to do a con? I can tell you one thing. If it was a long con, I would not have been THAT generous.
"Why cant I just be with you because I genuinely want to?"
"I know, I know. I'm just clueless right now. Its just your short tenure versus everyone else so everyone is looking at you."
"Well, thats messed up but if its about short tenure then isnt your daughters fiance the likely suspect? They've known each other shorter than we have.
"Yeah but he was with my daughter the day of the robbery. And he knows very little about what I do."
"But hes with your daughter all the time right?"
"Even in the casinos when shes gambling?"
"Yeah," I replied. "They're inseparable."
"So he sees money coming in from the cards. He knows they're valuable but doesnt know how. Doesn't know that if he swiped them they would be worthless?"
She had my attention. I hadnt thought of plain old stupidity as a possibility for the cards being taken.
"That does not explain how he would know where everything was in my house. My daughter swears she didnt tell him. I certainly didnt."
"Well, my memory just got jogged so let me jog yours. Remember when you joked I was losing my cleaning job a few weeks ago."
I knew what she was referring to. For three years my girlfriend had been cleaning my house on the regular. She was a neat freak and I am a bit of a slob so that worked out perfectly. The Christmas holidays had kept her away and the house was a bit messier than usual. My daughter's fiance had cleaned it because he said it was getting a bit overboard. I had wittily joked my gf was about to lose her cleaning job
"But that just proves hes a neat freak like you. Thats the argument my daughter will make."
"Did you see the condition of that bathroom? I was laughing because I wasnt losing any job. He left cigarette butts and hair clogged in the sink, open toothpaste and hair grease smudges
"I am a neat freak. That is the first place I would have cleaned and certainly wouldn't have left it that way. That man is NOT a neat freak. He suddenly decides to clean the whole house and skips the bathroom?
"He wasnt cleaning your house. He was casing your house. Looking for the hiding spots"
After my throat finished constricting, I said, "You know why you are one of my most trusted confidants? BECAUSE YOU MAKE A LOTTA GODDAMN SENSE!!!"
My future son-in-law was now added to the list of suspects.
I went back to the others with the accusations thinking it was obvious now who did it but was met with severe skepticism. Everyone else was convinced it was still my girlfriend.
My ex-girlfriend laughed. "She is sharp, that one. She just played you. Got you thinking it was someone else with just one conversation did she? Hell, if shes that good let her keep the money."
My daughter was even more scathing. "My fiance was with me the whole time. You dont think I am lying do you?"
"No, of course not"
"Then we are back to your girlfriend. She has safe cracker skills? If she does then she is it."
"Not to my knowledge," I defended. Although a quick memory of my girlfriend using a hairpin to open a pair of handcuffs when a bondage session had gone wrong vomited out of my subconscious. But out of necessity I couldnt tell that little detail to my daughter.
"Well, then, maybe she had an accomplice who does. Someone she told where to go and what to do. Someone with safecracking skills. It looks like a professional right?"
I literally was stunned. The accomplice possibility meant my girlfriend could have done it
It meant my daughters fiance could have done it even though my daughter seemed to not realize she had just negated her earlier defense of him.
It meant my own son who was with me that day could have done it
It meant anyone could have done it
I was back to square one!
It was only the first day of this nightmare and I was no closer to understanding who had done this.
But after a sleep-deprived night I woke up with a simple plan.
A stupidly simple plan.
in the 90's I regularly had $30K-$50K in
cash in the house. I had a hiding place
only I knew about. If I died, the only
way to find it was by chance. I trust
nobody, a secret isn't a secret anymore
if you tell just one person.
You already know who it is, probably.
I would. Their mistake was, they didn't
know only 5 people knew, or they
would have covered their tracks better.
If others have said this I won't know
because I only read the first post.
I remember your hustler stories about Sands and the buses back in the day. All were true accounts of how it happened before the bust, the bus company name, the towns involved, etc. I never doubted you were telling truth but you also said you have wrote fictional screenplays back on the day.
If this one wasn’t so sad, it might make a good one.
what about staking out the casino to see which acquaintance shows up with cards?
Quote: RogerKintHis first mistake was not hiding the cash in pill bottles right Bob?
He'd still have the cash if he did and
kept it a secret. I use the green
bottles now, they work great.

Quote: RogerKintHis first mistake was not hiding the cash in pill bottles right Bob?
I actually use an old match safe
now. 100 years ago men would
carry kitchen matches in a metal
'match safe' to keep them dry and
keep them from lighting accidentally.
Mine's a little wider than this and I can
fit 30 $100 bills in it. It's has a little
weight to it and I can feel it in my
Quote: HunterhillEvenbob,I'm sure this has been mentioned before but regular thieves steal pill bottles all the time,so I don't think that's such a great idea .
It never leaves my person. If you get
mugged, they usually get your wallet
and take off, seldom do they make
you empty your pockets because they're
in a hurry. And if they do, the money is
gone no matter what it's in.
I don’t think it was any of the 5 who did it directly. One of them hired someone to do it.
Quote: EvenBobIt never leaves my person. If you get
mugged, they usually get your wallet
and take off, seldom do they make
you empty your pockets because they're
in a hurry. And if they do, the money is
gone no matter what it's in.
Ok, I thought you meant in your house.
Quote: mcallister3200If it is a story, it would probably be the most extreme case of trolling I’ve seen in a history of way too much time on Internet forums.
IDK ,remember when an ex member here had somone post that he had died,that wasn't a cool thing to do.
Quote: AcesAndEightsI call BS on the whole thing, just a made up fantasy. Good writing though, enjoying it!
This needs to be reiterated.
Quote: EvenBobI actually use an old match safe
now. 100 years ago men would
carry kitchen matches in a metal
'match safe' to keep them dry and
keep them from lighting accidentally.
Mine's a little wider than this and I can
fit 30 $100 bills in it. It's has a little
weight to it and I can feel it in my
At least im not the only expoing where the money is kept on a forum
I have been on here for over a decade. My record for truthfulness should stand on its own
When I posted a NY AP move everyone said I was BS and they were proven wrong
The Wizard cant verify details this time so believing in my veracity is up to you
These events did happen this week.
And yeah, they are pretty damn incredible
Quote: JohnzimboPolygraphs for the five suspects I say, and off with the head of anyone who fails
This ^^^
Tell them all that this is the only way that you AND THE POLICE can determine who the thief is.
Don't tell them that polygraph results are too unreliable to be admitted into evidence if it goes to court: let them think you are working with the authorities and that they suggested you go the polygraph route.
The one who refuses to be tested is the thief.
Who else had a key to your house at any point?
Which of the suspects is the sketchiest and most likely to know professional thieves?
Sounds like either an inside job or a farmed-out pro job.
Quote: darkoz"Well, then, maybe she had an accomplice who does. Someone she told where to go and what to do. Someone with safecracking skills. It looks like a professional right?"
I literally was stunned. The accomplice possibility meant my girlfriend could have done it
It meant my daughters fiance could have done it even though my daughter seemed to not realize she had just negated her earlier defense of him.
It meant my own son who was with me that day could have done it
It meant anyone could have done it
I was back to square one!
You hadn't considered an accomplice AT ALL up until this point of the story? Come on bro.
Oh my dear god, you told a GIRLFRIEND
where all the treasure was? Why? I wouldn't
even tell my wife, and I trust her. A GF is
never supposed to get the castle secrets.
I know, you love each other dearly. I'd start
with her & find out which of her brothers or
ex boyfriends she blabbed to. Does she
have adult kids? There ya go..
Quote: AcesAndEightsYou hadn't considered an accomplice AT ALL up until this point of the story? Come on bro.
He has only claimed to be the most feared east coast AP team leader.😉
The fact that you are wriitng about it now is telling me that you know who did it and have come to some resolution... I hope.

Quote: boymimbo
The fact that you are wriitng about it now is telling me that you know who did it and have come to some resolution... I hope.
Wait... is this a game of Clue?
Scarlet in the ballroom with a knife.
Quote: rxwineWait... is this a game of Clue?
Scarlet in the ballroom with a knife.
If this ends up with a horse's head in someone's bed then I'll retract my doubting Thomas attitude.
Quote: rxwineWait... is this a game of Clue?
Scarlet in the ballroom with a knife.
It's fairly clear to me that the darkoz was able to discern the party and motive using clues and that he is feeding us the story as it unfolded to him. He is using past tense in all of his notes.
Quote: boymimboIt's fairly clear to me that the darkoz was able to discern the party and motive using clues and that he is feeding us the story as it unfolded to him. He is using past tense in all of his notes.
I thought that was clear.
All of the events related so far took place last weds
The next post will start to cover events from last Thursday
The burglary happened around here
I told everyone I needed some time after the break in. This thread is the report of what happened
Sorry if that wasnt clear
You're doing a great job of telling the story.
Quote: billryanNathan would have told it better.
Personal insult :)
Quote: darkozWhoa
Personal insult :)
So that's it, no more to the story?
Do you have clue one as to who
did it?

Quote: EvenBobSo that's it, no more to the story?
Stories take time to write.
When i got 12 total responses on the last Vegas trip report I wrote here, plus the annoying formatting that differs from other forums, plus you wondering if i nicknamed my gf after an 85 year-old woman and were then shocked that I'm not a James Bond aficionado, I stopped wasting my time here on them.
Quote: tringlomaneStories take time to write.
When i got like 12 total responses on the last Vegas trip report I wrote here, plus the annoying formatting that differs from other forums, plus you wondering if i nicknamed my gf after an 85 year-old woman and were then shocked that I'm not a James Bond aficionado, I stopped wasting my time here on them.
I for 1 miss them.
Quote: GWAEI for 1 miss them.
Thanks. You were one of the 12 responses. Lol They are on other forums. Just not here. I spent hours reformatting just for this site. This site's code is totally different than every other forum I post at. Blah.
Quote: GWAEI for 1 miss them.
I for 2.
Personally, I don't think he is making it up.
I guess I could think of a situation where an AP went broke for various AP related reasons. Instead of admitting they failed they might make up some story. Again, I'm not suggesting this is the case with DarkOz. That's just one motivation I could think of as to why one would make up a story like this.