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Quote: EdCollins
Several times throughout the day Alex (apparently) stumbled a tiny bit while reading the questions. (Okay, reading the answers.) For example, he might mispronounce a company name, or he might miss saying the word "a" that was part of the clue or something very small like that. The producers and others monitoring everything from the front of the stage would catch this. So during the breaks they would point this out to him and so he would take a moment and recite that clue again, into the microphone. (Later, during the editing process of course, the second recitation will be inserted into the broadcast.)
I wonder if it’s ever occurred that Alex’s misreading of a clue led to a contestant giving a wrong answer, and what they’d do in that instance.
Quote: EdCollinsI was happy Alex took two of my questions.
My question would be if Alex has ever tried to convince the producers he needs female models like "Price is Right" to sashay about for whatever reason they can think of.
Quote: rxwineAlso the button, the button, what about the button?! Was it like you expected, the responsiveness, slowness. etc.,
The button is an first on-air-date discussion, imo, so I'll reserve any answer about it.
We did have some time to rehearse with the podiums, buttons, writing screens, other mechanics, in a controlled rotation, a few questions each and twice around, before the audience was admitted.
Ed covered the timing question pretty well. Those breaks were allowed to be as long as they needed to be, not only for Alex, but also for anything the contestants needed and anything the production crew wanted to address with them or the show in general before the next segment. They moved fast without hurrying us. I think all of them were very careful not to add any stress to any of us, and it was very much appreciated.
Quote: beachbumbabsThe button is an first on-air-date discussion, imo, so I'll reserve any answer about it.
We did have some time to rehearse with the podiums, buttons, writing screens, other mechanics, in a controlled rotation, a few questions each and twice around, before the audience was admitted.
Ed covered the timing question pretty well. Those breaks were allowed to be as long as they needed to be, not only for Alex, but also for anything the contestants needed and anything the production crew wanted to address with them or the show in general before the next segment. They moved fast without hurrying us. I think all of them were very careful not to add any stress to any of us, and it was very much appreciated.
Congratulations again BBB! We are all very proud of you. I look forward to watching the broadcast. Has the date been finalized?
Quote: michael99000I wonder if it’s ever occurred that Alex’s misreading of a clue led to a contestant giving a wrong answer, and what they’d do in that instance.
As I recall it, there was a situation where a question was so badly flubbed by Alex and then a contestant gave a wrong response. I think one of the judges halted the show while they reviewed situation. What ended up happening is they just scrapped that clue and inserted another one they had on stand-by. Somebody explained, probably Alex, that they have one or two stand-by clues per category, for such situations.
Perhaps another one in the group will recall it differently.
Yea, what happened there exactly?Quote: WizardAs I recall it, there was a situation where a question was so badly flubbed by Alex and then a contestant gave a wrong response. I think one of the judges halted the show while they reviewed situation. What ended up happening is they just scrapped that clue and inserted another one they had on stand-by. Somebody explained, probably Alex, that they have one or two stand-by clues per category, for such situations.
Perhaps another one in the group will recall it differently.
I recall it was the very first game. I also believe it was the only time during those first three games that I attended that they stopped the show completely. (Meaning, the producers and other people sitting up front didn't even bother to wait for a commercial break. They stopped everything right there in mid game.)
Do you think the contestant gave a wrong response? They had Alex read another clue (or maybe he just re-read the same clue?) and they did remind Alex that the woman in the middle still had control of the board. (Alex needed to know that when they re-taped his response, so that he could mention that she still had control.) And maybe she still had control because no one was able to answer that question at all?
Yea, that all happened fast... so I'm not sure all of what went down, and now parts of that entire day is somewhat jumbled together anyhow. When we re-watch it all again in September, I'll bet that won't help us.
And yes, it was Alex who told us they keep a couple of clues for each category in reserve, in case they have to throw one out completely.
Quote: EdCollinsYea, what happened there exactly?
I recall it was the very first game. I also believe it was the only time during those first three games that I attended that they stopped the show completely. (Meaning, the producers and other people sitting up front didn't even bother to wait for a commercial break. They stopped everything right there in mid game.)
Do you think the contestant gave a wrong response? They had Alex read another clue (or maybe he just re-read the same clue?) and they did remind Alex that the woman in the middle still had control of the board. (Alex needed to know that when they re-taped his response, so that he could mention that she still had control.) And maybe she still had control because no one was able to answer that question at all?
Yea, that all happened fast... so I'm not sure all of what went down, and now parts of that entire day is somewhat jumbled together anyhow. When we re-watch it all again in September, I'll bet that won't help us.
And yes, it was Alex who told us they keep a couple of clues for each category in reserve, in case they have to throw one out completely.
I wonder how often that happens. I have never noticed it while watching but I guess they are so good at editing that you would never know.
How long does 1 show take them to tape? Are there retakes and stuff?
Quote: GWAEHow long does 1 show take them to tape? Are there retakes and stuff?
35 to 40 minutes. There were no retakes per se, but as mentioned, if he stumbled on a question or pronounced a word incorrectly, he did a voice over during the breaks.
One example... the campground company koa.... he pronounced it "koa" instead of "K-O-A". They made him re-read the clue because they called the company and asked how they pronounced the name and they indicated the spelling pronunciation.
I didn't have a watch with me and in fact, I lost all track of time. However, I can say things seemed to move along VERY quickly. You'd probably expect it to be because time is money and by now they should have pretty much everything down to a science. :) It just takes Alex a few seconds to re-read a clue or two, if needed. He chatted with the audience three different times (during the three games I watched) but I don't think he spent oh, more than six or seven minutes doing so at the most. The first segment he did was certainly less than that.Quote: GWAEHow long does 1 show take them to tape? Are there retakes and stuff?
I'll bet most shows are over and done in 30-40 minutes, especially if there are no problems. Yes, I said earlier that the commercial breaks are noticeably longer than what you see on television... but not THAT much longer.
Quote: GWAEI have never been to a game show. Always wanted to go but I have read that you have to get there really early and there is no guarantee that you get in. How was this process?
I mentioned several times I had been to a taping of a short-lived game show in the early 80's, but couldn't remember the name. After some searching, it was That ... Quiz Show.
Quote: rsactuaryOne example... the campground company koa.... he pronounced it "koa" instead of "K-O-A". They made him re-read the clue because they called the company and asked how they pronounced the name and they indicated the spelling pronunciation.
Reminds me, another good thing to review is common mispronunciations as it can cost you on the game.
Quote: EdCollinsYea, what happened there exactly?
I recall it was the very first game. I also believe it was the only time during those first three games that I attended that they stopped the show completely. (Meqaning, the producers and other people sitting up front didn't even bother to wait for a commercial break. They stopped everything right there in mid game.)
Do you think the contestant gave a wrong response? They had Alex read another clue (or maybe he just re-read the same clue?) and they did remind Alex that the woman in the middle still had control of the board. (Alex needed to know that when they re-taped his response, so that he could mention that she still had control.) And maybe she still had control because no one was able to answer that question at all?
Yea, that all happened fast... so I'm not sure all of what went down, and now parts of that entire day is somewhat jumbled together anyhow. When we re-watch it all again in September, I'll bet that won't help us.
And yes, it was Alex who told us they keep a couple of clues for each category in reserve, in case they have to throw one out completely.
Alex had started to read the clue. The graphic did not come up properly, whatever it was. He stopped about 6 words in, when they halted the game. They called it a technical difficulty.
I don't think he flubbed the reading of it (but we'll never really know); I think they have a Standards and Practices rule that, if a clue has been started and there's an issue, it gives the contestants extra thinking time that could change the outcome of the game if they restarted that clue. So they use the backup to keep it fair, not just for the 3 up there, but for those who will follow and not have that extra time.
I could be wrong. But that's how I took it when it happened.
Quote: rsactuaryWhat did the contestant coordinators talk to you about during the commercial breaks? From our view it seemed like they just tried to keep things relaxed and fun.
They were talking to us about anything that affected the game. Audio issues, button timing (they can see what each of us is ringing in on and whether we're early, late, or on target, and they are allowed to coach us if we're getting cut out all the time), re-applying makeup, speak up or stop shouting, etc. There's a guy whose job is just to give us each our numbered bottle of water in each break and take it back before the taping starts again.
During the last break, they also give us scratch paper to figure out our FJ bets, make sure it gets written legibly, and we lock it in before the answer is revealed. They're not allowed to coach us on the amount or the strategy. They just verify it says what we want it to say, and make sure it registers. Then they take away the scratch paper and file it with the show records.
Then they have us put the first word of the question into the box. I think that's to prompt you, to ensure no one misses FJ just because of not being in the form of a question. If you forget the question mark, that also doesn't disqualify you. The first word is either "who" or "what", and they tell you which to write. You must remember to put in a verb before your answer, though, so it's in the form of a question.
They told us during the briefing that we would not beLIEVE the letters they get, and that all these picky rules have grown out of pedantic little issues, that viewers write in about. But there's a lot of money at stake, so I can see why they have to do it.
Quote: GWAEI have never been to a game show. Always wanted to go but I have read that you have to get there really early and there is no guarantee that you get in. How was this process?
I can only speak about this show.
The tickets are free. You probably have to check the show's website every day if you want to go to a taping. Then you just request tickets for the day you want to see, and if they have them, you'll get them assigned to you. They'll send you instructions on what time to show up and which security gate and door to come in.
I had guests. They were treated a little differently, had an earlier report time than the audience. I had to call the week before and give them the names, and they had to show id that matched to get on the lot. They were seated in a particular section which was just across the aisle from us. However, I was not allowed to greet them, look at them, wave, or anything else.
One of the cooler things they do is the executive producer went out to the guest holding area before taping started and greeted them, talked to them a little about how they knew me, said something about me - I think she did the same for each person's guests. My guests really enjoyed her.
My guests probably thought it was odd when I was pulled from the audience for my first game and refused to look at them. (I didn't know the order I would play in until they said, "you're up", and then we drew on the spot for podium position among the two challengers). We had to climb the stairs back to the green room and pass within inches of them. I just looked at my feet so I wouldn't make eye contact or smile or anything else.
Any perceived signaling between us would have disqualified me right then, and they had contestants standing by to take my place (or anyone's) in case something like that happened. We were not allowed to go anywhere for even a second without one of the contestant coordinators there, even bathroom escorts. We had 2 unisex bathrooms that were single-person occupancy, rather than public restrooms. We also were not allowed to use our phones - I gave mine to one of my guests to hold so there could be no mistake.
I think we had to climb the audience stairs that one time and go down the back to avoid the people who had just played. They were escorted off on the floor and cleared out before we reached the green room. When we got there, they did one last makeup touch-up, gave us one last pee, then escorted back onto the set.
If people wanted to stay and watch after they were done, they had to move over to the guest area - they were not allowed to say a word to those still waiting to play.
They also warned the audience that they had VERY sensitive mics all through the ceiling, and would hear if anyone said any answers. So they asked everyone not to say anything at any point that might be a possible answer. I think, but don't know, that they were also guarding against an audience member cueing a contestant via a hidden earpiece or something.
No, probably not. I wasn't one of your guests (I sat in the other section), and yet even I was told (or I overheard) that the contestants were not allowed to talk to or interact with the audience members in any manner. So I suspect all of your guests knew this too.Quote: beachbumbabsMy guests probably thought it was odd, when I was pulled for my first game and refused to look at them.
Quote: beachbumbabsThey were talking to us about anything that affected the game. Audio issues, button timing (they can see what each of us is ringing in on and whether we're early, late, or on target, and they are allowed to coach us if we're getting cut out all the time), re-applying makeup, speak up or stop shouting, etc. There's a guy whose job is just to give us each our numbered bottle of water in each break and take it back before the taping starts again.
I'm sure Ronaldo (Rolando??) got coached on his button pushing. He was crazy with that thing and it clearly wasn't working because he was getting timed out.
Quote: EdCollinsNo, probably not. I wasn't one of your guests (I sat in the other section), and yet even I was told (or I overheard) that the contestants were not allowed to talk to or interact with the audience members in any manner. So I suspect all of your guests knew this too.
Thanks. It makes sense they would do that, but I didn't know they did.
Quote: AxelWolfso far.
I'm hoping I get the nuance......
Steve Harvey was killing it as usual!
I gonna be pissed if Steve isnt on the new season
Quote: JoemanAlex Trebek is done with chemo and back at Jeopardy! for Season #36!
Yeah, they shot that the day before we were there, for the week 1 shows of the new season. One of the people who didn't get on Monday rode in with me on Tuesday and was telling us about it. (She was the woman who will be on starting Sept. 17. You can hear her singing - she studied opera at some point and went for the big finish.)
She said they took a lot of time (relative) before starting the taping while Alex came out and talked to everybody, and they did the cake thing. The producers finally cut it off so they could get started.
They inserted a camera that shoots over the audience seating area in the direction of the stage. In that shot you could see a row of seats with monitors just behind the cameras. Are these the judges? I always pictured them in a small office filled with reference books....
Has the date of BBB's debut been set?
Quote: AyecarumbaSaw the opening of the season premiere. Alex looks good, but sounded slow. Maybe he needs to warm up over the course of a few shows.
They inserted a camera that shoots over the audience seating area in the direction of the stage. In that shot you could see a row of seats with monitors just behind the cameras. Are these the judges? I always pictured them in a small office filled with reference books....
I didn't see that, but there are about five judges that right next to the stage. As I recall, they sit in a sunken pit, probably to not obscure the view of the audience.
Quote:Has the date of BBB's debut been set?
If I'm not mistaken, her first show* is Sept. 18.
* "First show" is not necessarily meant to imply the first of many. I am not at liberty to say the outcome.
I would say the cancer treatments have not left him untouched. He's thinner, paler, wearing a hairpiece, relatively low energy compared to the reruns the last 6 weeks, a bit impatient.Quote: AyecarumbaSaw the opening of the season premiere. Alex looks good, but sounded slow. Maybe he needs to warm up over the course of a few shows.
Edited to add: Just before they started that show, they had an emotional audience thing that included a cake and the audience singing happy birthday to Alex. That was the day before my taping (s) started, so I wasn't there, but I'm told he got pretty choked up, so that may have had something to do with his voice being a bit low and odd.
They inserted a camera that shoots over the audience seating area in the direction of the stage. In that shot you could see a row of seats with monitors just behind the cameras. Are these the judges? I always pictured them in a small office filled with reference books....
I'm not sure which side of the stage you're referring to. There is a broad apron with 3 steps leading up to the stage. The first row of audience seating is raised 4 or so steps as well - pretty sure that's so everyone can see over the top of the dolly cameras that travel the floor. On the floor level, house left (looking from the audience) there is a small lit soundproofed but open alcove where the announcer sits.
Immediately adjacent to that, along the floor is a row of about 6 people who have monitors. They are the producer, the head writer, another writer, the head researcher, another researcher, the standard and practices person, and the guy who runs the question cue light manually based on the clue ending, including resets for incorrect answers.
On house right at floor level, there is a table of 4 or so, with monitors. They are the contestant coordinators, mic guy, waterboy, makeup person, a couple others I'm not sure who they are. One of the things they're watching is a running graph of who is ringing in when on each question, including whether you're ringing in early and getting locked out. Another is sound readouts showing mic levels and what's getting picked up, including if you're holding your button too close to your body mic.
The center floor aisle surrounding the apron is left clear for the 2 cameras to move. There is also an overhead camera on a track, and a stationary camera onstage directly across from contestant row, and another stationary camera behind contestants but on the floor for the wide shot of the board.
And there's a guy who carries a shouldercam who comes on stage to shoot Alex from behind our backs during the interviews and at a couple other points. Alex is careful to stand at a weird angle during those so the contestant can be shot. And he cheats his face where it looks on camera like he's talking to you, but he's looking past you like he doesn't want to be there. I found that pretty disconcerting when trying to tell my story/stories.
There's also a control booth somewhere, up high overlooking the stage, where the director and one of the contest coordinators and probably several other people sit. I couldn't find their window - I expected a large one back of house, but didn't see it. It wasn't far offstage, though, because the director was down with Alex in every break, doing any recues necessary, and discussing whatever.
Has the date of BBB's debut been set?
Sept. 18. We're having a little watch party here, some friends and family. I encourage everybody to watch.
I made a short commercial for local media, and had some photos with Alex and on stage done. I think they're sending me digital files of those. If I can figure out how, I'll post them here.
Quote: beachbumbabs
Sept. 18. We're having a little watch party here, some friends and family. I encourage everybody to watch.
What time and channel, I haven't
seen a game show since the 70's.
Quote: EvenBobWhat time and channel, I haven't
seen a game show since the 70's.
It depends on your location and television content provider.
Quote: EvenBobWhat time and channel, I haven't
seen a game show since the 70's.
If you put in your zip code on this page, it will tell you station and time. It's syndicated to all networks, so it depends on which station owns the rights in your area.
Edit: it's showing you (if I understand your viewing area correctly) as having both Daytime Jeopardy and the main Jeopardy! on the channel. Daytime is reruns from past seasons. The new shows appear to be on CBS at 7:30 pm, but you should definitely check for yourself.
Quote: AyecarumbaSaw the opening of the season premiere. Alex looks good, but sounded slow. Maybe he needs to warm up over the course of a few shows.
I hate to predict bad news, but i’ll Be surprised if he lasts 3 more months.
Quote: beachbumbabsThe new shows appear to be on CBS at 7:30 pm, but you should definitely check for yourself.
How many times did you think during
the taping "What the hell am I doing
..... Wrote a whole bunch of stuff.Quote: beachbumbabs
Kind of looks like you spent a lot of time there. Maybe days. ;)
Quote: EvenBobHow many times did you think during
the taping "What the hell am I doing
They made my head spin several times.
I will have a lot more to say once it airs. If people want to pick my appearance(s) to death on here, you'll still be behind me in doing that.
Quote: beachbumbabsThey made my head spin several times.
Linda Blair effect
Quote: rxwineI hate to predict bad news, but i’ll Be surprised if he lasts 3 more months.
Is your window open?
Quote: SOOPOOHopefully more parties on subsequent days.....
I'd host one here, but I think all the active Vegas WoV members were at the taping.
Quote: WizardI'd host one here, but I think all the active Vegas WoV members were at the taping.
Definitely not true. Some of us were not invited.
Quote: DRichDefinitely not true. Some of us were not invited.
Sort of true, sort of not true. My apologies. You were not excluded on purpose. I was told I could bring x number of audience members. Those spots went immediately. Other people reserved tickets online. Others took their chances, and I was able to get a couple more in just before the taping. But nobody was NOT invited from this forum. And everyone was invited to go out after that taping day in LA, many did, some didn't.
I thought I asked a couple times, but didn't know you were interested. Again, sorry you felt excluded.
Quote: EvenBobDon't worry, I'm certain the taping
of a TV game show is even more
boring than watching it on TV. You
didn't miss anything. I went to the
set of a TV show taping when I
lived in Calif, fell asleep 3 times.
Was an extra in a movie in Santa
Barbara, most boring three days
of my life.
I was lucky enough to attend a taping of Tic Tac Dough and it was anything but boring. I enjoyed it.
Quote: michael99000I was lucky enough to attend a taping of Tic Tac Dough
That's an actual show? No it's not..
Quote: EvenBobThat's an actual show? No it's not..
Sure it was. With Wink Martindale, I think.