Celebrity death.
Quote: rxwineI stared at Red Fox while he was playing cards at Bally's once. He looked up at me and I figured he was irritated. Years later he died.
Celebrity death.
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I watched that guy snort so much cocaine while playing the slots at Sam's Town. He never even tried to hide it.
Quote: rxwineI stared at Red Fox while he was playing cards at Bally's once. He looked up at me and I figured he was irritated. Years later he died.
Celebrity death.
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Redd Foxx?
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: rxwineI stared at Red Fox while he was playing cards at Bally's once. He looked up at me and I figured he was irritated. Years later he died.
Celebrity death.
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Redd Foxx?
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Him too
A New Counting System for Beginners
My Fellow GCers,
We have had many, many, many long threads begun by newbie counters who want to start with the perfect count system. However, once they settle on a system, they cannot resist the impulse to "tweak" the system, either by trying to make it into something it's not, like True-Counted KO, or by side-counting some neutral cards, like the infamous "7 Sidecount" for HiLo.
Thus, I have toiled long and hard to devise a system simple enough for the newbies, but nearly immune to tweaking, which I am presenting here.
First, newbies often have trouble with true counting, so I decided that my new system would have to be a running-count-based system. However, KO itself is too prone to modification (as we've seen ad naseum), so I started with Arnold Snyder's excellent "Red 7 Count".
The problem with Red 7 itself, though, is it leaves a few ranks uncounted, namely the 8's and 9's, so to prevent the newbies from attempting to "improve" my new system, I took note of how Ralph Stricker's "Silver Fox" counts 7's and 9's, and decided to count the 9's as well.
Finally, to make the system unbalanced, I went back to an idea from Red 7, and decided to count just the Red 8's.
Therefore, the IRC and tags for the new system are as follows:
IRC = -2*(number of decks)
Rank Tag
A -1
2 +1
3 +1
4 +1
5 +1
6 +1
7 +1
Red8 +1
Blk8 0
9 -1
X -1
By counting so many of the cards, this system foils the newbie inclination to sidecount the neutral cards. I suppose a determined newbie could sidecount the Black 8's... oh well, nobody's perfect!
As for betting, CVCX simulations suggest the following schedule for a 1:15 spread:
RC Units
<-2 1
-2 3
-1 4
0 6
+1 7
+2 9
+3 10
+4 13
>4 15
The Illustrious 18 indexes for this system are as follows:
1. Insurance at +4
2. Hard Hit/Stand Table - 16 vs. 9: Hit < 11
3. Hard Hit/Stand Table - 16 vs. X: Hit < -7
4. Hard Hit/Stand Table - 15 vs. X: Hit < 6
5. Hard Hit/Stand Table - 13 vs. 2: Hit < -12
6. Hard Hit/Stand Table - 13 vs. 3: Hit < -15
7. Hard Hit/Stand Table - 12 vs. 2: Hit < 4
8. Hard Hit/Stand Table - 12 vs. 3: Hit < -2
9. Hard Hit/Stand Table - 12 vs. 4: Hit < -8
10. Hard Hit/Stand Table - 12 vs. 5: Hit < -15
11. Hard Hit/Stand Table - 12 vs. 6: Hit < -22
12. Hard Double Down - 11 vs. A: DD >= -8
13. Hard Double Down - 10 vs. X: DD >= 5
14. Hard Double Down - 10 vs. A: DD >= 3
15. Hard Double Down - 9 vs. 2: DD >= -2
16. Hard Double Down - 9 vs. 7: DD >= 5
17. Splitting Pairs - X,X vs. 5: Split >= 9
18. Splitting Pairs - X,X vs. 6: Split >= 7
Simulations show that for a 6D, H17, DAS game with 75% pen, this new system gives an IBA of 0.942% for a play-all approach.
Since this new system is the synthesis of the Red 7 and Silver Fox systems, I naturally decided to name it the "Redd Foxx" system.
The best part of playing Redd Foxx is the built-in cover, though. The counter plays the shoe, waiting for the moment when the count turns favorable enough for a max bet (RC of +5, by the way). At this point he stands and shoves a huge stack of chips into the betting circle with his left hand, while with his right hand he grasps his upper left arm and exclaims, "This is it! This is the BIG ONE!" a la Fred Sanford, as played by Redd Foxx.
Well, I hope this new system is helpful to our many newbie GCers.
Dog Hand
Quote: EvenBobNo you didn't, why would somebody as famous as him want to ride in a pedicab just because it's free.
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I believe he would have said that had he remembered his name. I'm sure he wouldn't have expected a "yes" answer.
Quote: darkozSinead O'Connor. Age 56.
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I find myself listening to vidoes of her on YouTube a lot. RIP. Another celebrity I've outlived.
Quote: darkozSinead O'Connor. Age 56.
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We lost another voice of reason
Quote: ThomasHow99Quote: darkozSinead O'Connor. Age 56.
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We lost another voice of reason
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Someone else died? Please post who.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: ThomasHow99Quote: darkozSinead O'Connor. Age 56.
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We lost another voice of reason
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Someone else died? Please post who.
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Real classy. Insulting the dead.
Quote: gordonm888I'm sorry, I think Sinead O'Connor was a despicable human being. Hateful and publicly racist. Not worth the electrons to follow while she was alive or to mourn now that she is dead.
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I think the only reason she was famous was because she was controversial. I can only think of the one hit she had like 30 years ago. If she wasn't so crazy she would have been long forgotten by now.
Quote: darkozQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: ThomasHow99Quote: darkozSinead O'Connor. Age 56.
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We lost another voice of reason
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Someone else died? Please post who.
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Real classy. Insulting the dead.
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I did? When?
Quote: gordonm888I'm sorry, I think Sinead O'Connor was a despicable human being. Hateful and publicly racist. Not worth the electrons to follow while she was alive or to mourn now that she is dead.
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Class act. She dared to voice an opinion you disagreed with.
Quote: gordonm888I'm sorry, I think Sinead O'Connor was a despicable human being. Hateful and publicly racist. Not worth the electrons to follow while she was alive or to mourn now that she is dead.
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Could you expand on why you feel that way? I know nothing of her other than she was a singer.
Quote: TigerWuQuote: gordonm888I'm sorry, I think Sinead O'Connor was a despicable human being. Hateful and publicly racist. Not worth the electrons to follow while she was alive or to mourn now that she is dead.
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I think the only reason she was famous was because she was controversial. I can only think of the one hit she had like 30 years ago. If she wasn't so crazy she would have been long forgotten by now.
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She wasn't crazy. She was revolutionary, to a generation of Irish youth. She didn't stop making music, she stopped doing it commercially and took up social causes that rocked the boat. She didn't want to spend her time making records and touring, but ask her to do something for a cause she embraced and she'd be there in a second. Maybe she was nuts.
Quote: billryanQuote: gordonm888I'm sorry, I think Sinead O'Connor was a despicable human being. Hateful and publicly racist. Not worth the electrons to follow while she was alive or to mourn now that she is dead.
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Class act. She dared to voice an opinion you disagreed with.
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Yes, BillRyan, she voiced an opinion that I disagreed with.
From Wikipedia article on Sinead O'Connor:
"After her conversion to Islam, O'Connor called those who were not Muslims "disgusting" and criticised Christian and Jewish theologians on Twitter in November 2018. She wrote: "What I'm about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it. But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again (if that's what non-muslims are called). Not for one moment, for any reason. They are disgusting."
references given in Wikipedia Article:
"Sinead O'Connor says she 'never wants to spend time with white people again' following conversion to Islam". The Independent. 6 November 2018.
"Sinead O'Connor upsets Muslims, says she won't associate with 'disgusting' white people". USA Today. Archived from the original on 8 November 2020. Retrieved 12 November 2018."
What I am trying to express is that I think its questionable whether we should be praising this person in this forum. Not a moderator ruling, just a personal opinion.
May she rest in peace.
She apologized for the remarks Gordon chose to base his opinion of her entire life on, but that is his prerogative, and I'm sure she would forgive him. It's a shame one would clip an excerpt from an article without reading the whole thing, but that is the world we live in.
If I can accomplish one one-hundredth of the good she did, I'll have lived a great life.
Quote: vegasRandy Meisner, founding member of the Eagles died at age 77
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I hated the Eagles in the 70s. I'm not sure what inspired it but I really detested the band and was shocked when Joe Walsh joined them.
I never understood their appeal, but over the years a lot of their music has grown on me. It's amazing the careers these guys had.
Wiki Eagles https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eagles_(band)
Wiki Randy Meisner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randy_Meisner
Released: December 7, 1976
Quote: TigerWuPee-Wee Herman, dead at 70 from a secret six-year battle with cancer.
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I absolutely loved his portrayal of Mr. Vargas on The Blacklist.

Quote: MDawgI'd choose to remember him more for his performance in Blow.
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Boston George went to HS with my Mom, and his parents were my next door neighbor when I was but a wee lad. I could tell stories...
I grew up loving The Price is Right and especially Bob's easygoing style. Summer vacations were spent watching cartoons and game shows, and TPIR was the anchor to that lineup!
With that said, the first joke I came up with regarding this news was Satan announcing "come on down!"
Quote: smoothgrhBob Barker has died at age 99.
I grew up loving The Price is Right and especially Bob's easygoing style. Summer vacations were spent watching cartoons and game shows, and TPIR was the anchor to that lineup!
With that said, the first joke I came up with regarding this news was Satan announcing "come on down!"
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I rarely watched the show but did spend a small fortune playing the slot.game at The Sands in AC. I saw a clip a few years ago when my favorite wrestler Ox Baker was on the show and did pretty well.
RIP Mr Barker.
Quote: smoothgrhBob Barker has died at age 99.
I grew up loving The Price is Right and especially Bob's easygoing style. Summer vacations were spent watching cartoons and game shows, and TPIR was the anchor to that lineup!
With that said, the first joke I came up with regarding this news was Satan announcing "come on down!"
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I'm 74 and Bob Barker was on TV everyday when I was a kid. Amazing. The guy had a smoothness and a grace that was so professional I don't think it's ever been duplicated on game show TV.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: smoothgrhBob Barker has died at age 99.
I grew up loving The Price is Right and especially Bob's easygoing style. Summer vacations were spent watching cartoons and game shows, and TPIR was the anchor to that lineup!
With that said, the first joke I came up with regarding this news was Satan announcing "come on down!"
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I'm 74 and Bob Barker was on TV everyday when I was a kid. Amazing. The guy had a smoothness and a grace that was so professional I don't think it's ever been duplicated on game show TV.
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And he had a great left jab and right hook according to Adam Sandler.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: smoothgrhBob Barker has died at age 99.
I grew up loving The Price is Right and especially Bob's easygoing style. Summer vacations were spent watching cartoons and game shows, and TPIR was the anchor to that lineup!
With that said, the first joke I came up with regarding this news was Satan announcing "come on down!"
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I'm 74 and Bob Barker was on TV everyday when I was a kid. Amazing. The guy had a smoothness and a grace that was so professional I don't think it's ever been duplicated on game show TV.
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Bob was on the show? I just waited for Holly to come out.
Quote: smoothgrhA better joke: Bob Barker got closest to 100 without going over!
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Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: EvenBobQuote: smoothgrhBob Barker has died at age 99.
I grew up loving The Price is Right and especially Bob's easygoing style. Summer vacations were spent watching cartoons and game shows, and TPIR was the anchor to that lineup!
With that said, the first joke I came up with regarding this news was Satan announcing "come on down!"
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I'm 74 and Bob Barker was on TV everyday when I was a kid. Amazing. The guy had a smoothness and a grace that was so professional I don't think it's ever been duplicated on game show TV.
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Bob was on the show? I just waited for Holly to come out.
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Bob had an affair with one of those spokesmodels while he was in his 70s,
Quote: rxwineQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: EvenBobQuote: smoothgrhBob Barker has died at age 99.
I grew up loving The Price is Right and especially Bob's easygoing style. Summer vacations were spent watching cartoons and game shows, and TPIR was the anchor to that lineup!
With that said, the first joke I came up with regarding this news was Satan announcing "come on down!"
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I'm 74 and Bob Barker was on TV everyday when I was a kid. Amazing. The guy had a smoothness and a grace that was so professional I don't think it's ever been duplicated on game show TV.
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Bob was on the show? I just waited for Holly to come out.
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Bob had an affair with one of those spokesmodels while he was in his 70s,
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So apparently Bob wasn't spayed or neutered
(I never understood fighting hard for Animal rights while espousing the removal of their sex life. Would anybody here feel comfortable with someone fighting for your personal rights who wanted you to get a vasectomy or hysterectomy?)
Quote: darkozQuote: rxwineQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: EvenBobQuote: smoothgrhBob Barker has died at age 99.
I grew up loving The Price is Right and especially Bob's easygoing style. Summer vacations were spent watching cartoons and game shows, and TPIR was the anchor to that lineup!
With that said, the first joke I came up with regarding this news was Satan announcing "come on down!"
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I'm 74 and Bob Barker was on TV everyday when I was a kid. Amazing. The guy had a smoothness and a grace that was so professional I don't think it's ever been duplicated on game show TV.
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Bob was on the show? I just waited for Holly to come out.
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Bob had an affair with one of those spokesmodels while he was in his 70s,
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So apparently Bob wasn't spayed or neutered
(I never understood fighting hard for Animal rights while espousing the removal of their sex life. Would anybody here feel comfortable with someone fighting for your personal rights who wanted you to get a vasectomy or hysterectomy?)
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I'd probably be upset if I kept having to ask someone to go outside all the time. Don't you think there are already too many unadopted pets already? Just about everywhere. Everywhere I've been there's been no shortage of pets waiting to be adopted.
Quote: rxwineSpeaking of famous dead people. This is definitely a different era of famous deaths than I've been used to. More and more I see news link announcements of "famous" TikTokers deaths. Of course, this is always the first I've heard of them. And when I look at the news blurb about them, I sometimes still don't know why they were so well-known.
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I don't know that I have ever watched a Tiktok video
Quote: DRichQuote: rxwineSpeaking of famous dead people. This is definitely a different era of famous deaths than I've been used to. More and more I see news link announcements of "famous" TikTokers deaths. Of course, this is always the first I've heard of them. And when I look at the news blurb about them, I sometimes still don't know why they were so well-known.
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I don't know that I have ever watched a Tiktok video
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If I have it's by accident because I've certainly never gone there on purpose. I don't like short videos
Quote: DRichI don't know that I have ever watched a Tiktok video
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It's a young or at least younger person's thing. My wife is sending them to me regularly and I don't generally have time to look at most of them, but I make her believe that I have. The ones she sends range from humorous to self improvement.
However, my first exposure to Tiktok was with the Sarah Cooper Trump imitation videos, you don't remember those? I actually looked forward to each new one.
When you start realizing that you're dealing with a different generation is when someone you meet at the Baccarat tables asks you what your "IG is" and it takes you a moment to realize what that is.
While it's used for short form it's also used for long commentary especially on video games.
For example you could post a video stream of you playing a video game while using a camera to catch your own expressions and reactions usually in a corner of the screen.
People who see your videos for the first time can take videos of their reactions to your video.
So it's created this interactive video creation content that many find addictive both watching and creating.
It may seem foreign to us old timers but it's really no different than WOV just with consistent users who post and interact with each other on video.
Just like you guys know EB as a prolific poster and myself due to my exploits and MDawg due to his adventures thread. Just take that concept and make it posting and creating of videos instead of just prose posts.
Bob was involved with Dian Parkinson for a bit. She even did a pictorial for Playboy. When she was interviewed on geraldo and asked why she did it she quipped 'the price was right'Quote: rxwineQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: EvenBobQuote: smoothgrhBob Barker has died at age 99.
I grew up loving The Price is Right and especially Bob's easygoing style. Summer vacations were spent watching cartoons and game shows, and TPIR was the anchor to that lineup!
With that said, the first joke I came up with regarding this news was Satan announcing "come on down!"
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I'm 74 and Bob Barker was on TV everyday when I was a kid. Amazing. The guy had a smoothness and a grace that was so professional I don't think it's ever been duplicated on game show TV.
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Bob was on the show? I just waited for Holly to come out.
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Bob had an affair with one of those spokesmodels while he was in his 70s,
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