The person who can't afford to fix / replace their furnace can stay at a friend's place.
The person who lives in a cardboard box near the traintracks probably belongs in a mental health setting or should be given basic shelter by the government.
All of the above are results of choices people made. You don't have a choice to get sick most of the time. 40% of Canadians will get cancer at some point in their lifetime. There's heart disease, parkinson's, accidents, birth defects, autism, and all of these diseases out there that really are the results of God's dice throw (or random chance with some genetics and environmental factors built in). Yeah, there's fat people, smokers, alcoholics and others who bring it on themselves too. Above all there's age. You don't have a choice to get old.
My view, and I know others don't agree with me, is that your sickness is really out of your control, and that rich or poor, you should have access to the things that make you better.
that is the attitude of people of authority in "commie china"......
this guy must be a "commie"
a true american would not be threatened by the free speech of others.
a true american with a brain could cogently debate an issue
but when it gets over his head...just fall back on "if you dont like it..leave the country".
that is the kneejerk reaction of a run away
the valiant stay and fight and voice opinions
Quote: AlanI plan to, when I reach retirement age I am out of here, Philippines, Thailand, Ecuador, some damn place besides here, unless it changes. What's better, is cheaper health care and cheaper everything else. Thanks for the suggestion.
And you know what, if I do that, I'll have to give up my guns, so be it. Add Panama or any place around that neck of the woods to the list, + Malaysia.
Quote: boymimboThe guy living in the flood zone who can't get insurance can move outside of the flood zone.
The person who can't afford to fix / replace their furnace can stay at a friend's place.
The person who lives in a cardboard box near the traintracks probably belongs in a mental health setting or should be given basic shelter by the government.
All of the above are results of choices people made. You don't have a choice to get sick most of the time. 40% of Canadians will get cancer at some point in their lifetime. There's heart disease, parkinson's, accidents, birth defects, autism, and all of these diseases out there that really are the results of God's dice throw (or random chance with some genetics and environmental factors built in). Yeah, there's fat people, smokers, alcoholics and others who bring it on themselves too. Above all there's age. You don't have a choice to get old.
My view, and I know others don't agree with me, is that your sickness is really out of your control, and that rich or poor, you should have access to the things that make you better.
I smoke and I drink(beer), I do not want sympathy(minority probably). Just let me die, but I'm happy smoking and drinking. I'm going to die anyway, so what the hell.
The person who can't afford to fix / replace their furnace can stay at a friend's place.
The person who lives in a cardboard box near the traintracks probably belongs in a mental health setting or should be given basic shelter by the government.>>>
and what if they dont have friends, what if they cant move(it takes money and resources to move) that my problem. You make assumptions.that may not exsit.....if the govt wants to help these folks relocate or get their furnace fixed, or providde friends for them....thats fine. And if the govt wants the people with pre-exisiting conditions to have insurance...well then the govt can provide it....just as they do welfare programs. Dont ask the insurance companies to give handouts...and then have me pay for them
Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.Quote: AlanI plan to, when I reach retirement age I am out of here, Philippines, Thailand, Ecuador, some damn place besides here, unless it changes. What's better, is cheaper health care and cheaper everything else. Thanks for the suggestion.
they guy is saying that the people who are freezing can go live with a friend, and the people living in flood plains can move....well using that logic...people without insurance can get a job and be grandfathered in where pre-exisiting conditions are ok in the group policy.
so the guy ruined his own argument. If people can have the know how to move away, and have social skills enough to go live in a friends house..then they should go get a job....if they want insurance.
oh can ask people to move, you can ask people to go impose themselves on friends....but you cant ask them to get a job?
so if my house has a tree fall on it or get hit by lightening, and insurance wont pay for an act of god...its society that must make me whole?
I had no choice in the someone else has to pay.
nice try.
sonetime bad things happen to good people...that doesnt men others have to pay for them.
Quote: s2dbakerDon't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
I'm an asshole, I don't deny that.
Quote: s2dbakerDon't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
Actually, liberals are the ones who should be leaving. If they love Europe so much, they should pack up and move there.
Quote: Beethoven9thActually, liberals are the ones who should be leaving. If they love Europe so much, they should pack up and move there.
Oh, you don't know how cool I am with that Idea, move anywhere(and screw up their views/economy/lifestyle, etc..). I am being run out of my own country. Like being kicked out of your own home for which you owe
Quote: LarrySsonetime bad things happen to good people...that doesnt men others have to pay for them.
Maybe someone can run on no more declared emergencies or federal money. Sandy/tornadoes, all that. Zero money for aid.
Let them try to get elected.
Everyone, including you wants to dictate what level of federal government is right. It's just personal opinion worth the hole in the backside of a butt.
Except that we won the election in 2012. We'll win the election in 2014 and 2016. It's time for conservatives to go back to the USSR.Quote: Beethoven9thActually, liberals are the ones who should be leaving.
Quote: boymimboThe guy living in the flood zone who can't get insurance can move outside of the flood zone.
The person who can't afford to fix / replace their furnace can stay at a friend's place.
The person who lives in a cardboard box near the traintracks probably belongs in a mental health setting or should be given basic shelter by the government.
All of the above are results of choices people made. You don't have a choice to get sick most of the time. 40% of Canadians will get cancer at some point in their lifetime. There's heart disease, parkinson's, accidents, birth defects, autism, and all of these diseases out there that really are the results of God's dice throw (or random chance with some genetics and environmental factors built in). Yeah, there's fat people, smokers, alcoholics and others who bring it on themselves too. Above all there's age. You don't have a choice to get old.
My view, and I know others don't agree with me, is that your sickness is really out of your control, and that rich or poor, you should have access to the things that make you better.
That was well said. Bravo. I totally Agree. Instead of complaints, those against, what is your solution? I have compassion for those that are sick, especially the poor.
Quote: s2dbakerExcept that we won the election in 2012.
We know, that is why unemployment is still over 7% and the economy keeps slowing.
Quote: s2dbakerExcept that we won the election in 2012.
But you lost elections in 1968, 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000 & 2004.....yet you guys are still around. lol
Quote: s2dbakerIt's time for conservatives to go back to the USSR.
Well, Obama's doing a pretty good job turning this country into the USSA. *chuckle*
the govt is getting involved in healthcare...the same will happen
the govt is involved in pre-college education, and the beurocracy is choking off money from where the money really needs to go.....
our education system is failing, and getting worse every year...if anyone had a choice between a public funded school or a private school, they would select the private school hands down
our college costs are sky hi via the liberal availability of 100k to almost anyone who asks
and now the insurance industry is being reshaped by the govt turning it into a welfare system that is paid for by the insured via increased ccopays, and deductables
and there are liberals who sit back and say.....we need more govt involvement.
how many more major aspects of our lives have to be made a shambles of by govt involvement..before people stop asking for more and more involvement
we already pay over 50 percent of our wages to federal and local giovt thru income taxes, sales taaxes, gasoline taxes, phone usage taxes, state taxes
for the right to now pay extrafor medical, college tuition, and private schools for our children if we can afford to avoid the crumbling public schools.
oh yeah..and the govt is losing a billion dollars a year running the postal service.
and some wonder why people are not wanting the goivt involved in healthcare........
if the postal service and education are any gauge...our healthcare system should be shot to hell in just a decade or 2.
See, I'm not telling anyone to leave the country. Just go back to your simpler ways.
Quote: rxwineTime machine, set to 1776, good luck.
That's exactly the year liberals want to take us back to on gun control. *chuckle*
Quote: LarryS..if anyone had a choice between a public funded school or a private school, they would select the private school hands down
Actually, there is no particular reason to not have private schools only. They still have to meet certain standards. Can't have the South and the North teaching their own versions of the Civil War.
Many middle-class Californians with individual health plans are surprised they need policies that cover more — and cost more.Quote: Excerpt from articleThousands of Californians are discovering what Obamacare will cost them — and many don't like what they see.
These middle-class consumers are staring at hefty increases on their insurance bills as the overhaul remakes the healthcare market. Their rates are rising in large part to help offset the higher costs of covering sicker, poorer people who have been shut out of the system for years.
I said it before, and I'll say it again: People who voted for Obama & Obamacare (like the O-bots in the People's Republic of California) can shut it!
Quote: LarryS
if the postal service and education are any gauge...our healthcare system should be shot to hell in just a decade or 2.
I'm pretty satisfied with the postal service. If I mail something, the cost is reasonable and it always gets there. No complaints here. I had a public school education, again no complaints. I had some excellent teachers. Thanks Govt.
Overall, pretty happy. Will be in Vegas in less a week. A happy Obama voter. Life is good.
Quote: Beethoven9th
I said it before, and I'll say it again: People who voted for Obama & Obamacare (like the O-bots in the People's Republic of California) can shut it!
Pam Kehaly, president of Anthem Blue Cross in California, said she received a recent letter from a young woman complaining about a 50% rate hike related to the healthcare law.
"She said, 'I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,'" Kehaly said.
These stories warm my heart. And this isn't even the
tip of the tip of the iceberg, 99.9% of Americans have
no idea how high their rates are going yet. This is
more fun than than when Bill got caught with Monica..
You just left yourself wide open after this line, bro, but I'll restrain myself.....hehehehe *chuckle* ;)Quote: terapinedI had a public school education...Thanks Govt.
I love hearing idiots like the "young woman" complain. Music to my ears.Quote: EvenBobPam Kehaly, president of Anthem Blue Cross in California, said she received a recent letter from a young woman complaining about a 50% rate hike related to the healthcare law.
"She said, 'I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,'" Kehaly said.
In fact, as much as I love Ted Cruz & Rand Paul, there's a part of me that's hoping for a Hillary Clinton win in 2016. Her victory would complete the destruction of the USA as we know it, and then maybe we can rebuild the country from the rubble.
Quote: EvenBobPam Kehaly, president of Anthem Blue Cross in California, said she received a recent letter from a young woman complaining about a 50% rate hike related to the healthcare law.
"She said, 'I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,'" Kehaly said.
My day also gets made when I hear this! Shows what those of us not in the low-information-Obamamania universe said the entire time, "wait until the Obama voters find out Obamacare isn't 'free health care.'"
Quote: AZDuffman
My day also gets made when I hear this! Shows what those of us not in the low-information-Obamamania universe said the entire time, "wait until the Obama voters find out Obamacare isn't 'free health care.'"
The 'affordable' part is only true if you don't have
a job, apparently. It should rightly be called the
'Wealth Redistribution Healthcare Act', but that's
not very catchy. Wealth being defined as you make
more than minimum wage..
He was listing all the Lib's who are coming out of the
woodwork now, moaning that their premiums have doubled
or tripled. Rush has been telling them from before the
law was passed that this would happen. He's been saying
it for 5 years, hundreds of times, that Obamacare will ruin
healthcare in this country forever. He said at the end of
the piece, in response to the whiners:
"You were told. You just chose not to listen to it. Stupid, idiot, glittering jewels of colossal ignorance."
He seldom talks like that, but boy was he pissed today. It
was great.
There are still some that don't get it...this President is doing a poor job and, at the end of the day, he won't be able to just blame his poor performance on GWB. Both will end up judged on their own merits.
Obamacare is horrible. Poorly done and falling apart. We deserve better.
Quote: RonCThere are still some that don't get it...this President is doing a poor job and, at the end of the day, he won't be able to just blame his poor performance on GWB. Both will end up judged on their own merits.
Quote: RonCThe government shutdown is behind us--time to focus on the lies of the President (keeping your doctor and healthcare appear to be KNOWN lies; not unexpected consequences). Democrats are going to need to distance themselves from the President in the 2014 election. They're already starting to question him.
There are still some that don't get it...this President is doing a poor job and, at the end of the day, he won't be able to just blame his poor performance on GWB. Both will end up judged on their own merits.
Obamacare is horrible. Poorly done and falling apart. We deserve better.
Absolutely, you deserve better.
Quote: boymimboAbsolutely, you deserve better.
Thing is we had better, far better before the ACA a//k/a Obamacare was signed into law.
Quote: RonCThere are still some that don't get it...this President is doing a poor job and, at the end of the day, he won't be able to just blame his poor performance on GWB. Both will end up judged on their own merits.
Obamacare is horrible. Poorly done and falling apart. We deserve better.
There's no hiding it anymore. I had mad hope back in '08, being a harsh critic of GWB. I did think a lot of the bad O dealt with was fallout from GWB. And to be fair, some (most? all?) of it was.
But that ship has sailed. Did I expect things to be "fixed"? No. I took us a long time to get here, should take even longer getting out. But we've gotten worse by leaps and bounds, and there's only one person on whose shoulders that fault lies.
Obama: The Presidon't of American't.
Quote: AZDuffmanThing is we had better, far better before the ACA a//k/a Obamacare was signed into law.
True, for most Americans.
Quote: boymimboTrue, for most Americans.
Probably for upwards of 90%.
Quote: FaceThere's no hiding it anymore. I had mad hope back in '08, being a harsh critic of GWB. I did think a lot of the bad O dealt with was fallout from GWB. And to be fair, some (most? all?) of it was.
All POTUSs have to deal with what was left behind. In reality, Bush had handled most of the immediate fallout from the Panic of 2008. Periodic panics happen in a capitalist system, but after they pass you recover. What Obama has done is followed the Japan (and soon to be China) model of propping up businesses and individuals to avoid sharp pain, but at the expense of a anemic recovery.
Five years of unemployment over 7%? Has that happened since the Great Depression? Despite what people like to say, 1958 and 1982 were at least as bad as the Panic of 2008's resulting recession.
Quote:[Obama: The Presidon't of American't.
As you didn't trademark this I may use it, outside NY of course.
Quote: Sabretom2We deserve exactly the government we voted for, twice. Dumbasses.
I happy with our current Govt. Of course the Govt could be better but so far I am satisfied. Life is good. Good job, good health care insurance. Having fun. My company golf team shot a 70 on the golf course Sat at our yearly tournament ( best ball tournament, 4 players hit, we simply play the best shot and all 4 hit again from best shot). We lost, winning team shot a 59 lol. I voted for O twice, life is good, hitting Vegas Sat. yipeee
Quote: AZDuffmanAll POTUSs have to deal with what was left behind.
I know, I’m just saying. You can’t blame O in ’08 for the War, or for $2.00 gas, or 7% unemployment. That’s fair. But if he ain’t started to improve things by ’10 and damn sure by ’12, you start to point fingers. When things ain’t got better but have in fact become worse… then it’s time to break out the pitchforks.
Quote: AZDuffmanAs you didn't trademark this I may use it, outside NY of course.
I’m posting from the rez. My jurisdiction ends where the roads get smooth, so your use inside NYS is permitted ;)
Quote: FaceObama: The Presidon't of American't.
Hey, I like that one! May have to steal it & use it myself sometime. ;)
that sometimes her eyes actually flash. Be still my heart..

Nope, just doesn't rhyme.
Quote: EvenBobMegyn Kelly gets so angry about Obamacare on her show
that sometimes her eyes actually flash. Be still my heart..
Only reason to watch foxnews. Great legs too, got to see them during the infamous rove meltdown.
Quote: terapined
Only reason to watch foxnews. Great legs too, got to see them during the infamous rove meltdown.
It's not just her looks, she's frighteningly intelligent.
She can go one on one with anybody and hold her
own. I loved when she interviewed Weiner at various
times, she filleted him like a fish.
Quote: EvenBobMy wife is irate... But what really got her going were the race and religion questions.
When I'm asked a question that I feel is nobody's business I check "other." If given the chance to elaborate I'll make up something. For example, in the last census for race I checked "other" and wrote in "human." If asked about religion on other forms I'll put "druid."
While there are medical reasons for knowing a patient's race, I oppose being asked such things for bean counting purposes.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." -- MLK jr.
Tagging the four fifths for the benefit of the one fifth is exactly what social engineers do (usually unsuccessfully) for a living. Spare us from those so-called experts.Quote: AZDuffmanThing is we had better, far better before the ACA a//k/a Obamacare was signed into law.
Quote: boymimboTrue, for most Americans.