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February 5th, 2022 at 9:58:39 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

Really? Are you saying Harrahs, Trump, the Trop and the rest didn't offer Free Play back then? That they only gave out bus bonus cash?
link to original post

Reading is FUNdamental.

I said bus bonus. I didn't mention other offers. I wasn't doing Freeplay twenty years ago except the bus cash so I don't really know.

I know ceasars and Harrah's wasn't even downloadable Freeplay until around 2013.

You can speak to that since you are expert at Freeplay practice from twenty years ago.
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February 6th, 2022 at 6:35:25 AM permalink
Quote: Sandybestdog

...Yes of course it’s everyone else’s fault that you don’t make that money anymore. Don’t these people know not to kill the gig so you can come in and play clean up?
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lol you couldn't be much further from the truth. Good try though =).

Looking forward to the next installment of the story.
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February 6th, 2022 at 12:13:00 PM permalink
Part three of my adventures:

So to recap I was being held in the backroom at the Golden Nugget in June of 2019 accused of theft for using other people's players cards and trespassing for two prior incidents.

I have related the first incident in December 2016 where after a mistake that I had a warrant out for my arrest, the security supervisor had apologized and given me a buffet, I had gambled and earned $100 Freeplay for the new members offer.

I had offers at most AC properties except the GN for the reasons I described last time. I would check them online. And it so happened I had $200 Freeplay at Harrah's in Chester Pennsylvania.

It was now January 2017, one month since the Valley Forge incident (to be discussed) and a few weeks after the GN mistaken warrant incident. I decided to go collect my Freeplay at Harrah's in Chester, using just my own personal card.

I normally wouldn't travel just for one card two states over but it just so happens my daughter lives in Chester, not ten minutes from Harrah's so a family visit made sense.

But at Harrah's there was no offer. Armed with my mailer I go to the desk where I am informed corporate has closed my account. I'm ineligible for offers. Hmmm!

After my family visit I log online and discovered I am pin locked out of my Golden Nugget account (which means they closed it) and pretty much every offer in my name from New Jersey to Delaware is wiped clean.

It's quite clear something and obviously the Valley Forge has been doing their best to destroy my career.

Of course my MO is using OTHER people cards so at places I was hitting, now instead of, say, ten cards with offers including my own, now I had only nine cards with offers. Memo to casinos: you should have left my card on and just followed me around when I used it, discovered all my accounts being used and shut my entire operation. But hey, I am not complaining. The casinos felt like they had achieved something while I kept hitting them. You can't help stupid!

But since I now had my account closed at Golden Nugget I didn't go back in for a few years.

During those years, my daughter kept going. She actually enjoyed the Nugget. They are easy to hit as far as offers. It's maintaining the offers that's the issue. And my daughter kept reporting they had tightened up so bad that as little as ONE offer taken would result in an account being pin locked

I'm not one to shy away from challenges so it was in January of 2019, three years since the previous incident with the warrant that I decided to test if I could circumvent the Golden Nuggets tight policing of offers.

January 2019. We are five months before I am surrounded and backroomed in June of 2019.

I had been inside Golden Nugget for a week. Not in the hotel. Pretty certain that was Resorts which in January had rooms for $49 with dinner included. But every day I had traveled to GN to do prep work. Not to be discussed here!!!

I had pretty much finished and just had to wait a few months to make my profit. And then XYZ events occurred. I suppose I should have just left the building

First was I received a call from friends who were about an hour away from AC. We agreed to have dinner together since they were coming to AC. I suggested the Golden Nugget because while eating they could grab me player's cards.

So I had an hour to kill at the Nugget. As you all know I don't drive and sightseeing on a Jitney would be ridiculous. Returning to my room at Resorts would be a waste as well. So I did the next best thing. I went gambling!

I sat down at a Stinking Rich. Fun game. I was using my own cash. Had no player's card in the machine. I knew I was ineligible for offers so didn't bother getting my own card. I was just killing time.

And within five minutes I have a bonus round. Thirty free spins at max bet.

The machine was paying well too. I was up to just over $1100 with one spin left. Did it spin a win for over $100, pushing me into a jackpot?

No, it didn't. It spun three bonus round symbols and triggered another thirty spins.

So, finally, my bonus is concluded and I have close to $1,800 and a handpay. But what's to be concerned about?

I gave the attendant my ID, informed him I was not using my players card and waited.

And waited and waited some more.

After waiting forty minutes, I knew this was, for some reason, going to be a problem. I phoned my friends and changed the location of our dinner and said I would let them know what was happening as soon as I knew what was happening.

It didn't take much longer. I soon noticed a security guard to my East about fifty feet away, speaking on his radio. Another was positioned fifty feet to my West. And two more were arriving equidistant to my North and South.

Note to casino security:. You need a new act!

Finally the group of guards tightened their phalanx and a security supervisor approached.

"You know you aren't supposed to be here, correct?"

I looked at him from my seat in front of Stinking Rich. "I'm not trespassed here and have every right to be in here," I informed him.

"No, you were trespassed in 2016. I've seen the surveillance. You were surrounded by security and they warned you not to come back"

"No, they didn't. They even apologized and gave me a buffet."

"Well, on that occasion they still trespassed you."

"Well, I was never told"

At which point, the security supervisor said, "we don't have to tell you."

Uhhh, note to casino. If you are open to the public, the law says you have to notify someone if they are trespassing otherwise how are they to know and suddenly it's not trespassing.

"So, what happens now?" I asked.

"We are going to ask you to leave and unfortunately we are not going to be paying you for this jackpot."

Calmly but stern, I replied, "No, you have to and will pay me my money. It's the law."

As all security supervisors seem to think they know the law, he replied, "I know the law and there is nothing on this Earth that is going to make us pay you. So I am asking you to leave."

Instead of rising, I replied, "then this has now risen to a customer dispute and it's my right by CCC regulations to have an on-site CCC official or DGE officer come and settle the dispute. By law you have one on property twenty four hours of the day. Please summon him or her and you can explain to them why you refuse to pay me.".

"The DGE officer is here and I don't know where."

"Let me help you," I smirked. "His office is right behind the main security podium.". And we were within eyesight of it so I pointed to it. Actually I wasn't 100% certain that's where his office was, I was on pure instinct at this point.

"I mean, he isn't in his office. I know where his office is. But he is somewhere on the gaming floor and I don't know where."

This guy was really trying it, lol. "Well, this isn't the 1990's. Use your cell phone to call him. I know you have his number. Inform him he is needed to settle a customer dispute."

It definitely helps to know local regulations. And any casino that refused such a simple request could be in hot water so the supervisor instructed the guards to stay by me while he searched for the DGE official.

So, I waited another twenty minutes, preparing what I was going to tell the DGE when they arrived.

But they never did arrive.

The same security supervisor who told me nothing on this Earth would compel him to pay my jackpot returned and said, "Apparently we are going to be paying your jackpot after all."

Really, I don't know who these guys thought they were messing with.

I assumed they got ahold of the DGE and my situation was so cut and dried he didn't even need to hear my side of the story. He just ordered them to pay out. (That was an assumption that was correct as I discovered later in court documents.)

And it should not escape you guys the irony that it was me calling the authorities on the casino to prevent them from commiting the crime of theft!!!

"Unfortunately," continued the supervisor, " we closed your account and have no automated way of reopening it. We have a tech guy on his way here. We need to reopen it for tax reporting purposes. You will have to wait another twenty minutes. Is that okay?".

Well, naturally. What could I do? If I had to wait, so be it

Soon enough, the slot attendant arrived with my cash. I signed my W2-G, got paid and being late now for my dinner appointment and not comfortable in that place after having my butt parked for ninety minutes trying to get paid on a jackpot, I cashed out my remaining funds in Stinking Rich, redeemed my slot voucher and left.

As I reached the escalators to go down to the lobby and exit, this same security supervisor rushed up to me and said, "sorry for the misunderstanding."

"You knew you had to pay me," I sternly scolded and went down the escalator.

So, with a DGE decision that I wasn't evicted and they had to pay me, with yet a second apology from a security supervisor (his apologies would be important later so remember him) and after all, I had been caught doing nothing but winning a jackpot, I felt confident when I left that I was still not trespassed under the law.

And so we can finally return to my being in the backroom at Golden Nugget in June of 2019.

To be continued
Last edited by: darkoz on Feb 6, 2022
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February 6th, 2022 at 6:19:28 PM permalink
The tragedy about casinos trying not to pay jackpots is that it is essentially a freeroll for them. They can try not to pay you and the worst case scenario is that they have to pay you! There is never any massive fine to deter them from going for this move.
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February 9th, 2022 at 11:47:28 AM permalink
Part four of my adventures:

Having had two encounters now with Golden Nugget security, I had to weigh whether to do the Freeplay myself in the upcoming months. I know a few of you are wondering why I took the gamble and handled the offers myself.

The issue was this whole exercise was to determine if there was some way to circumvent the GN extremely tight monitoring of the cards. Simply sending someone in and the cards get shut off in one day wasn't the answer. I didn't know yet what would work in camouflage for the cards AND still turn s profit. I would not have trusted anyone to properly gather the Intel.

Also coloring my decision was the 2014 incident when they had called all my female card holders first to ascertain if the Freeplay was being used with permission. They obviously knew using Freeplay with permission of the cardholder wasn't illegal and falsely imprisoning someone without a crime or an investigation into whether a crime was committed could land them with a lawsuit.

I didn't think they would break that protective protocol and so there I was inside the Golden Nugget myself in June of 2019 when they surrounded me and escorted me physically restrained into the backroom.

I repeatedly informed them I was using the cards with permission of the patrons but they simply refused to ascertain that possibility. In their minds, I was a thief of offers. There was no other aspect to entertain.

The DGE officer took an hour to arrive. So it felt like quite a long time. My situation was probably low priority.

The door to my holding room was open the whole time so I knew when DGE arrived and heard the conversation. The GN supervisor informed him I had been using player's cards and had been trespassed on prior occasions. The Golden Nugget wished to press full charges applicable.

The DGE asked if the GN had contacted the patrons and received Victim Impact Statements. They informed him they intended to do so after processing me. To this, the DGE said he would NOT entertain the issue of the casino cards until that was completed. They could contact the DA at their convenience. He would address the trespassing only.

The DGE approached me and I began to explain that I had not been trespassed at the Golden Nugget but he disengaged my speech mid-sentence. With a very polite misdemeanor and genuine smile he said, "I'm not here to argue guilt or innocence. A charge of trespassing has been made against you. All I am doing is issuing a summons to appear in court. You can argue your case to the judge."

And so there wasn't more to say on that matter.

Since DGE was there and I suspected the casino would try to be criminals, I enquired about cashing out my vouchers before being ejected from the premises which totalled close to $1000.

The DGE officer glanced at the security supervisor who said to me, "Are you going to cause any problems?"

They were both looking to me for an answer. "Problems? You mean am I going to get violent? Of course not!"

"Okay, we will cash him out," the supervisor informed the DGE and promptly, the DGE official left.

The next fifteen minutes was the usual rigmarole. They had me stand for my photo, explained I could not enter the property blah, blah, de blah, ,blah.

They asked me to sign an official notice I was trespassed which included the verbiage that I now understood I could not enter the property and I now understood what I was signing.

I happily signed it. And if you are asking why, it should not escape you (it didn't escape me) that the document I was signing was time stamped for half an hour AFTER the summons saying I had been trespassed at a prior time. Go figure!

The security supervisor instructed the same two guards who had dragged me upstairs to now escort me out the building. I kindly reminded them we needed to stop first at a redemption machine to cash out my vouchers and, so, so predictable, the security supervisor says, "I don't know. You just stole that money from us. I don't believe we need to let you leave with it. Let me make a phone call first."

Shaking my head, I replied, "You have to cash me out. This is my money "

The supervisor then gave me what I thought was a really dumb reply. "It's printed on Golden Nugget paper, correct? It's not your money!"

As he made the phone call, I brought their attention to the fact the vouchers were bearer bonds and said so on the back. "So, you see, if you don't allow me to cash out then you are stealing!"

This accusation seemed to really anger the female security guard who had first approached me. "STEALING? YOU USE OTHER PEOPLE OFFERS AND ACCUSE US OF STEALING. DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND THE DEFINITION OF STEALING?"

In a slightly elevated and now indignant voice, I replied, "Yes, I do know the definition of stealing and that's what YOU are attempting to do. Your supervisor is contacting the DGE if I am not mistaken and I guarantee they will rule in MY favor, not yours and then YOU will understand the definition of stealing."

They didn't reply probably because they hadn't said who they were calling and I had shown I knew every move they were making. Casino security hates when they feel someone else has knowledge of their system.

Another fifteen minutes later and the phone rang, the supervisor mumbled into the phone and when he hung up, he instructed the guards to FIRST escort me to a redemption machine to cash me out, then escort me off the property. I gave the female security guard a knowing smirk.

"It's okay," she squealed. "You are just going to temporarily enjoy that money. Be prepared to pay it back as reparations once we finish preparing our case. You can enjoy it for a few months. See you in court."

I returned a quizzical look mostly because I still didn't understand their absolute belief I had to be using the cards without permission. What was it that had sealed their decision not to even bother investigating while I had been held for nearly two hours?

As I was escorted out of the backroom I overheard the supervisor say, "Okay let's get that list of phone numbers and start making these calls."

After getting my money at the redemption and being escorted out, I waited at the Jitney stand located right in front. It was June so weather was pleasant.

Before the Jitney had a chance to arrive I already was getting my first call from my card members.

And I got calls from all of my card members who gave me verbal transcripts of their contact with Golden Nugget security .

The first call went like this:. "I am sorry to bother you but you will never guess what we just uncovered here. Someone was using your players card to take your offers at the Golden Nugget. Now, did you give ANYONE your players card and pin with permission to use it?"

"Yes, I did."

A pregnant pause! "Well, why would you do that? Are you aware it's against the rules of the casino to allow anyone use of that card except yourself?"

"Yes, I am aware!"

Another pregnant pause. "Well can you confirm the name of the person you gave permission to use your card?"

"It was Darkoz". (okay, she didn't say Darkoz but you get the point.)

Seemingly, frustrated, the security guard then asks, "well, we need to confirm that the person you gave the card to was absolutely the same person who we discovered using your card tonight. Can you give me a visual description of his appearance?"

Angry and annoyed now, my card holder snapped, "Lady, I just told you who I gave permission to use my card. I know who he is and he is using my card with permission. I'm not sitting here describing him to you. Good night!".

And she hung up on the security guard.

As the conversations were related to me through the evening, it became clear the Golden Nugget security was more belligerent with each call, going from friendly, "hey we are saving you from the malicious machinations of a career criminal" to "holy crap, what legal peril have we just gotten ourselves into by falsely imprisoning someone without even an investigation for nearly two hours".

Of course my people all are connected in some way so by the time they called the final person, he already was forewarned and expecting the call which went something like this

"Hello, this is Golden Nugget security. Who am I speaking to?"


Back in my hotel room at Resorts, my cardholders and I had a bunch of good laughs at the conversations.

But now I needed to find an attorney for tort. My NY attorney had already informed me she would not be able to represent me in New Jersey.

And I needed to attain the services of a local trespassing attorney as well. So I began the search. Thank you, Google!

To be continued
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March 1st, 2022 at 8:24:51 PM permalink
<tapping fingers on table...>
Craps is paradise (Pair of dice). Lets hear it for the SpeedCount Mathletes :)
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March 2nd, 2022 at 7:57:15 AM permalink
Quote: 100xOdds

<tapping fingers on table...>
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Lol, it's on my to-do list. I just added a pinball update.

By this Saturday I will put up the next update. I have been in the middle of a family dispute which went so far as to have me rolling on the floor trading punches with a family member twenty two years my junior. We both claim the other struck first and none of the family witnesses can remember naturally, but they were drunk and I was sober.

Nothing too serious. No police called. I'm sure we will be laughing about it a year from now.

If you are wondering who "won", my face is terribly swollen but everyone says I nearly suffocated the other person when I got my arms around their neck (I was very aware and sober and didn't put enough pressure on to kill).

The argument was not casino related and over something trivial (don't argue with drunk people)
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March 2nd, 2022 at 8:08:17 AM permalink
Mr.darkoz: To the best of your considerable knowleged and experience, do most or all state gaming commissions require DGE or similar entities to be present at all casinos in their jurisdiction on a 24/7 basis for monitoring and/or disputes?

The narrative is interesting and provides great insight. Thank you.

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March 2nd, 2022 at 8:24:25 AM permalink
Quote: tuttigym

Mr.darkoz: To the best of your considerable knowleged and experience, do most or all state gaming commissions require DGE or similar entities to be present at all casinos in their jurisdiction on a 24/7 basis for monitoring and/or disputes?

The narrative is interesting and provides great insight. Thank you.

link to original post

I'm not sure.

Atlantic City yes and Pennsylvania yes

Other locations you may have to call them from an outside location. But I can't imagine a gambling venue without such oversight available to the player.

Perhaps Indian Land casinos are different.

One piece of AP knowledge:. Indian owned and Indian Land are not the same.

For example, Mohegan Sun in Connecticut is on tribal land and treated as sovereign nation territory HOWEVER Mohegan Sun Poconos in Pennsylvania is owned by the tribe but situated on US territory land and you have all legal protections including the right to sue for tort there as you would in any non-Indian casino.

EDIT: Technically you can sue the Indian tribal land for tort as well but it always gets thrown out under sovereign nation rulings.
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March 2nd, 2022 at 9:03:37 AM permalink
I thought Atlantic City did away with gaming having to actually be physically present on-site years ago? Did they change it back? I know there was a time gaming was not physically present. They may have technically still had an office or something on site but they weren't being manned by anyone.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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March 2nd, 2022 at 9:20:37 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Perhaps Indian Land casinos are different.

One piece of AP knowledge:. Indian owned and Indian Land are not the same.
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Read the applicable gaming compact.

It is filled with fascinating information and often available on a website.
May the cards fall in your favor.
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March 2nd, 2022 at 9:41:22 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

I thought Atlantic City did away with gaming having to actually be physically present on-site years ago? Did they change it back? I know there was a time gaming was not physically present. They may have technically still had an office or something on site but they weren't being manned by anyone.
link to original post

To my understanding CCC (Casino Control Commission) was the on-site representative for many years and no longer has a representative on site however the decision power for onsite customer disputes is now with DGE (Division of Gaming Enforcement) which has an on site representative full time

Supposedly, DGE will rule and if you aren't happy with the ruling you write in to the CCC for an overturn

But DGE as you see ruled in my favor so didn't have to do that.

At the time of the incident described I requested CCC representative and was informed it was now DGE onsite. That's June 2019!
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March 3rd, 2022 at 12:21:36 PM permalink
I have info concerning Mississippi's gulf-coast casinos. However, it may be out of date, since it pre-dates Hurricane Katrina (2005). While schmoozing with two casino eye-in-the-sky security staff at a conference social, I learned the following:
  • MS Gaming did not keep agents on site, but they were probably at some casino, your casino or one of the others. Usually 2 gaming agents worked at any given time, but I don't know about how they staggered schedules.
  • If a casino dispute required a gaming agent, one usually arrived within 20 minutes (but it could also be 2 hours sometimes).
  • The state regulated the minimum number of eye-in-the-sky security staff each casino must have working at any given time. Usually 2 staff were the minimum allowed, but "smaller" casinos could sometimes operate with only one eye-in-the-sky for the whole casino.

Again, only for historical value. There were many regulatory changes following Hurricane Katrina. Plus, today's technology allows game and player scrutiny never imagined back then. (And, I second tutti's appreciation of the darkoz adventure.)
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March 5th, 2022 at 7:04:29 AM permalink

I awoke around five AM the morning after I was backroomed and started leaving messages with lawyer firms that represented trespassing cases in AC. I was surprised when around six AM one of the attorneys returned my call sounding very aware and awake and we discussed my case at length. His fee was $2,000 and if it went to trial an additional $1,000.

His name is John Tumelty and if you need an AC attorney for minor infractions, I recommend using him. He is very genial and understands the law And he always replied to me in a timely manner.

Trespassing issues in Atlantic City, especially involving casinos, is so common that they are handled by rote, a script with minor changes depending on circumstances so attorneys fees aren't too terrible

My court summons was for the following week but my attorney assured me I did not need to attend as he would alert the court he was now my legal representation. The appearance would be postponed.

That's because unlike you and I who are told when to appear, lawyers are given deference by the court. It's not unusual for an attorney to handle multiple cases and it serves no good for an attorney to be required in front of different judges in different courts at the same time. The court confirms schedule options with your attorneys. So I was not needed back in AC for a month instead of a week as it turned out

The immediate question was what to do about my Resorts International hotel room. I was booked for three more nights. Resorts had been my hotel of choice since all my offers (comped rooms) had been cancelled three years earlier. They were right near the Steel Pier amusement park (I have family including kids and I am a big kid myself) and I liked their restaurants.

But with Golden Nugget ending my AP at their property I really had nothing to do for three days. I tried to get my daughter to come visit but she couldn't make it out. So, after stopping at the office of my attorney to sign documents and pay the retainer fee, I hopped on a NJ Transit bus to Pennsylvania for a family visit with my daughter and grandkids.

The trip was uneventful and by ten PM I was back at Resorts still unsure if I should just go home and throw away the three nights remaining. I had booked through and prepaid for the trip.

When I arrived back at my room, the key didn't work so I traipsed back to the hotel lobby where they replaced the key and admonished me for keeping it near my cellphone - which I never do.

Back at my room, the new key didn't work either. Frustrated I returned to the hotel lobby. The front desk clerk took a look into the computer and then said there was some glitch she would need a technician to correct. I needed to wait for about fifteen minutes.

I sucked my teeth as this sounded eerily familiar to when I was told my players card account had a technical glitch.

The Resorts International hotel lobby is quite spacious so I began observing the corners and sure enough within fifteen minutes, I noticed a security guard about fifty feet to my West, and another fifty feet to my East and shortly after another one getting into position to my South (North was the hotel lobby desk so nothing to occupy). (And don't hold me to those North/South directions. Honestly I don't know what direction they were coming from. I'm just being dramatic).

This time, they waited to approach until a supervisor arrived and after a few words with the front desk clerk like I didn't exist, turned to me and said I was being evicted from my room.

I argued they can't do that and legally they can't. Not in Atlantic City and not most places where you already paid for your room and haven't committed a crime.

He then waived a paper with a photograph of me taken at the Golden Nugget (after staying at Resorts off and on for years it was obvious who had spoken to them anyway) and asked if that was me.

It was kind of dumb because it obviously was a picture of me. So I responded, "Yeah!!!"

"Okay, so what you do is criminal and we don't allow criminals to remain on our property".

"If you believe I am a criminal, then call the police. I will wait!"

"No, I am not calling the police. You have to get your belongings and get out."

"So, stop with crapola about me being a criminal. I don't do anything illegal. Otherwise you would be on the phone to the cops and detaining me for arrest" I replied.

Security guards hate when they lose control of a conversation so they rely on scare tactics. They suddenly raise their voices in an irate manner, as this one did with the "YOU WANT TO ESCALATE THIS BECAUSE I AM BEING QUITE REASONABLE BUT IF YOU WANT TO ESCALATE THIS WE WILL. YOU WON'T GET YOUR BELONGINGS BACK AND YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO LEAVE THE PREMISES EMPTY HANDED."

Of course, resort to theft of my property proving who the real criminals were. But I had about $10,000 cash in the safe of my room, still unsure if they hadn't already confiscated it, so, I gave a quiet shrug to just lead the way to my room.

They hadn't opened the safe and after being allowed inside, I gathered my belongings and this supervisor escorted me out.

I actually asked HIM to supply me with a trespassing notice. I wanted it official because I was being evicted illegally from my hotel room and trespassing notices have an explanation of why you are being evicted. He tells me they don't need it in writing. Every casino eviction in the past they had shoved an eviction notice into my hands with a time I could return (the one day, one month, one year, five years option always left blank and the lifetime option always checked off) but now suddenly casino security didn't need or want my signature.

Come on, it's obvious who understands they should not be doing what they do!

Before I exited the building I enquired about a refund for the remainder of my stay. "You forfeit that. Good day, sir!". More theft by the casino! If anyone who isn't an AP wants to understand our animosity to casino staff and security this exemplifies why. They literally label us criminal while perpetrating theft themselves. And they appear to not recognize that fact, as if people they don't like gives them license to steal!

After I exited the building I went right across the street to a cheap beach motel. It was almost midnight now and I wasn't taking a bus home with ten grand cash at that time of night. I was tired after the events of the last two days, evicted from Golden Nugget the night prior, dealing with attorneys, and my family detour.

At any rate, my decision whether to remain in AC for a few more days had been made for me. The next morning I was on a bus back to New York.

But first things first. After checking into the hotel across the street, the view of the Resorts International lobby clear from my window, I called and notified them of my eviction, that I was not accused of any crime and was evicted simply because I was a professional gambler. The worker asked if there was any reason besides what I said for my eviction, any physical altercation, etc and I assured them there wasn't.

They put me on hold while they called the Resorts International front desk. After ten minutes they returned and said, the desk confirmed I was evicted without altercation and they would be refunding me in full including the current night for which I had been evicted.

"Great, so does Resorts have to reimburse you"

"It will be handled" was the cryptic response. Not quite a yes or no. I figure they either have some indemnity in their agreement or are covered by insurance.

At any rate, Resorts International failed to steal my hotel reservation payment.

The small battles of life.

To be continued.
Last edited by: darkoz on Mar 5, 2022
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March 5th, 2022 at 9:44:22 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

PART FIVE The Resorts International hotel lobby is quite spacious so I began observing the corners and sure enough within fifteen minutes, I noticed a security guard about fifty feet to my West, and another fifty feet to my East and shortly after another one getting into position to my South (North was the hotel lobby desk so nothing to occupy). (And don't hold me to those North/South directions. Honestly I don't know what direction they were coming from. I'm just being dramatic).

This time, they waited to approach until a supervisor arrived and after a few words with the front desk clerk like I didn't exist, turned to me and said I was being evicted from my room.

I argued they can't do that and legally they can't. Not in Atlantic City and not most places where you already paid for your room and haven't committed a crime.

He then waived a paper with a photograph of me taken at the Golden Nugget (after staying at Resorts off and on for years it was obvious who had spoken to them anyway) and asked if that was me.

It was kind of dumb because it obviously was a picture of me. So I responded, "Yeah!!!"

"Okay, so what you do is criminal and we don't allow criminals to remain on our property".

"If you believe I am a criminal, then call the police. I will wait!"

"No, I am not calling the police. You have to get your belongings and get out."

"So, stop with crapola about me being a criminal. I don't do anything illegal. Otherwise you would be on the phone to the cops and detaining me for arrest" I replied.

Security guards hate when they lose control of a conversation so they rely on scare tactics. They suddenly raise their voices in an irate manner, as this one did with the "YOU WANT TO ESCALATE THIS BECAUSE I AM BEING QUITE REASONABLE BUT IF YOU WANT TO ESCALATE THIS WE WILL. YOU WON'T GET YOUR BELONGINGS BACK AND YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO LEAVE THE PREMISES EMPTY HANDED."

I actually asked HIM to supply me with a trespassing notice. I wanted it official because I was being evicted illegally from my hotel room and trespassing notices have an explanation of why you are being evicted. He tells me they don't need it in writing. Every casino eviction in the past they had shoved an eviction notice into my hands with a time I could return (the one day, one month, one year, five years option always left blank and the lifetime option always checked off) but now suddenly casino security didn't need or want my signature.

Come on, it's obvious who understands they should not be doing what they do!

Before I exited the building I enquired about a refund for the remainder of my stay. "You forfeit that. Good day, sir!". More theft by the casino! If anyone who isn't an AP wants to understand our animosity to casino staff and security this exemplifies why. They literally label us criminal while perpetrating theft themselves. And they appear to not recognize that fact, as if people they don't like gives them license to steal!

You handled yourself quite admirably. Your previous experiences obviously served you well. It seems that you were aware of what was to follow in your confrontation. Did you have your cell phone with you, and, if so, did you record any of the conversations?

The information you are giving us shows that real knowledge allows one to step up, confront, and be strong. You did/do that, thank you.

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March 5th, 2022 at 10:52:53 AM permalink
Quote: tuttigym

Quote: darkoz

PART FIVE The Resorts International hotel lobby is quite spacious so I began observing the corners and sure enough within fifteen minutes, I noticed a security guard about fifty feet to my West, and another fifty feet to my East and shortly after another one getting into position to my South (North was the hotel lobby desk so nothing to occupy). (And don't hold me to those North/South directions. Honestly I don't know what direction they were coming from. I'm just being dramatic).

This time, they waited to approach until a supervisor arrived and after a few words with the front desk clerk like I didn't exist, turned to me and said I was being evicted from my room.

I argued they can't do that and legally they can't. Not in Atlantic City and not most places where you already paid for your room and haven't committed a crime.

He then waived a paper with a photograph of me taken at the Golden Nugget (after staying at Resorts off and on for years it was obvious who had spoken to them anyway) and asked if that was me.

It was kind of dumb because it obviously was a picture of me. So I responded, "Yeah!!!"

"Okay, so what you do is criminal and we don't allow criminals to remain on our property".

"If you believe I am a criminal, then call the police. I will wait!"

"No, I am not calling the police. You have to get your belongings and get out."

"So, stop with crapola about me being a criminal. I don't do anything illegal. Otherwise you would be on the phone to the cops and detaining me for arrest" I replied.

Security guards hate when they lose control of a conversation so they rely on scare tactics. They suddenly raise their voices in an irate manner, as this one did with the "YOU WANT TO ESCALATE THIS BECAUSE I AM BEING QUITE REASONABLE BUT IF YOU WANT TO ESCALATE THIS WE WILL. YOU WON'T GET YOUR BELONGINGS BACK AND YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO LEAVE THE PREMISES EMPTY HANDED."

I actually asked HIM to supply me with a trespassing notice. I wanted it official because I was being evicted illegally from my hotel room and trespassing notices have an explanation of why you are being evicted. He tells me they don't need it in writing. Every casino eviction in the past they had shoved an eviction notice into my hands with a time I could return (the one day, one month, one year, five years option always left blank and the lifetime option always checked off) but now suddenly casino security didn't need or want my signature.

Come on, it's obvious who understands they should not be doing what they do!

Before I exited the building I enquired about a refund for the remainder of my stay. "You forfeit that. Good day, sir!". More theft by the casino! If anyone who isn't an AP wants to understand our animosity to casino staff and security this exemplifies why. They literally label us criminal while perpetrating theft themselves. And they appear to not recognize that fact, as if people they don't like gives them license to steal!

You handled yourself quite admirably. Your previous experiences obviously served you well. It seems that you were aware of what was to follow in your confrontation. Did you have your cell phone with you, and, if so, did you record any of the conversations?

The information you are giving us shows that real knowledge allows one to step up, confront, and be strong. You did/do that, thank you.

link to original post

I did have my cellphone but I suck at remembering to record the events.
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March 5th, 2022 at 2:53:42 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

I did have my cellphone but I suck at remembering to record the events.
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OOOPs Well you need to practice, so if there is a next time, you will be armed and really ready.

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March 5th, 2022 at 3:01:27 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

I did have my cellphone but I suck at remembering to record the events.
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I understand there are some useful shortcuts out there to send a few messages to your rescue team and begin recording to the cloud.

Maybe a search for "Hey Siri, I'm getting pulled over" will turn up interesting features.
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March 5th, 2022 at 3:33:21 PM permalink
Quote: Dieter

Quote: darkoz

I did have my cellphone but I suck at remembering to record the events.
link to original post

I understand there are some useful shortcuts out there to send a few messages to your rescue team and begin recording to the cloud.

Maybe a search for "Hey Siri, I'm getting pulled over" will turn up interesting features.
link to original post

The problem is I am a bit old school. I don't use my phone for watching videos (since I was a little tyke I dreamed of owning a home theater with huge screen instead of my 19" TV. So, Watching movies on a 3" cell seems like going backwards.)

I don't use my phone for apps except a few for shopping (eBay, Amazon, PayPal).

I really use my phone for what phones were made for. Making phone calls. And I text a lot.

I don't have Siri. I have a $99 Android.
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March 5th, 2022 at 4:10:44 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

I don't have Siri. I have a $99 Android.
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I expect there may be similar functionality for Android.

You don't need to watch the video, but your lawyer may want to.
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March 5th, 2022 at 4:15:37 PM permalink
Possibly of interest:
Last edited by: Dieter on May 9, 2022
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March 12th, 2022 at 2:44:47 PM permalink

Once my attorney notified the court he was representing me, they rescheduled my appearance for a month later.

At 9:30 AM on a July morning, I appeared in Atlantic City court located on Atlantic Boulevard about a five minute walk from the Tropicana.

When you enter, after going through metal detectors, you go to the proper floor which in my case was the second floor which handles trespassing and parking violations.

The top of the stairs leads through into a vestibule or waiting area. Opposite the stairs is the court room which when in session is open to the public but you have to abide by no talking, reading, writing, eating, sleeping or cell phone use so if you are waiting for a case most people stay in the outer vestibule.

To the right as you enter the second floor is a cashier's cage for payment of fines and parking tickets

To the left are two rooms for the district attorneys. The district attorneys when I was there (each visit) were both female, one blonde, one brunette. One handles trespassing cases while the other handles the parking. The two offices and assignments were handled interchangeably however. One visit the blonde handled trespassing, the next visit it was the brunette, then the next the blonde. How they made the decision I don't know, it maybe just was to keep away the boredom of handling what pretty much amounts to mundane cases.

Naturally, everyone is told to show up at the same time so expect an all day wait. This first visit was not a trial. First comes meeting with the DA to determine if the matter can be settled without trial.

My attorney advised most trespassing cases don't go to trial. Most people admit they trespassed and agree to a deal. He felt however that my case was going to be fiercely fought by the casino due to my circumstances.

You wait in the vestibule for your name to be called by the DA. She calls in the attorney cases first so if you have no attorney you will be there all day. After she meets with attorneys, she then asks unrepresented defendants to line up outside her office and she brings them in one by one and discusses the particulars.

Since I was represented, my attorney went in. What was very frustrating for me is when represented, only your attorney is allowed in to discuss the case. I'm guessing it's to avoid coloring my testimony or perhaps to protect my attorney client privelege which would be compromised if the DA heard us conversing.

So, I had to sit outside in the waiting area while my attorney discussed the case behind closed doors with the DA.

However, also in the DA room was the security guard who had manhandled me when he grabbed my arms and pulled me upstairs to the backroom. He was representing the golden Nugget, (and not an attorney) so he gets to go inside and discuss my case!!!

Golden Nugget attorneys don't handle these paltry type of cases. Those attorneys are reserved for tort lawsuits, acquisitions and mergers, dealing with the gaming commission, union and labor issues, etc.

For trespassing issues, it would be the district attorney for the state.

Eventually, my attorney comes out of the meeting. Now he is handling multiple cases so he actually has discussion for them all simultaneously with the DA to save time. So when he comes out he alerts me he will discuss my case last as it's the most complicated. He wanted to deal with the other clients he had in the room.

Fine by me. I like the attention.

So, I wait until he wraps up with his other clients and then he notifies me that Golden Nugget has informed the DA that they will not accept any type of settlement, they want a trial and full repercussions.

My attorney noted that I was not charged with anything beyond trespassing, that I deny the charge, and I have never been in trouble with the law previously however the casino security officer said upper management demanded this issue was followed through to the fullest extent.

The district attorney was going to give the casino which she dealt with often leeway so for now we had to wait for their evidence to be proffered.

My attorney informs me the Golden Nugget has assured the DA that they have enough evidence to prove I was trespassing. I argued I had never signed any trespassing document until after I had received the summons saying I had been previously trespassed so what documentation could they have?

In order to prove trespassing they needed to show I signed a document that I understood I was not allowed onto the property and I ignored this warning. That's the essence of defiant trespassing. And I had never signed such a document.

"Well, they say they have documentation so we will just have to wait and see what they send over. We should have it within a week."

The court assigned me a return date for six weeks later and I went back to New York.

About a week later my attorney sent over an email with the documents from the Golden Nugget and asked me to go over them. We scheduled a day for us to meet to discuss them.

I downloaded the documents and was quite surprised at what I saw.

The evidence supplied by the Golden Nugget against me was over twenty pages long!!!!

To be continued
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March 12th, 2022 at 4:29:40 PM permalink
The few times I have been trespassed I refused to sign anything. The casino always said it doesn’t matter whether I sign or not and that they have proof and witnesses. So if I came back on the property I would be charged with trespassing.
So I might have missed it but even though you didn’t sign anything were you told verbally?
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March 12th, 2022 at 5:06:56 PM permalink
Quote: Hunterhill

The few times I have been trespassed I refused to sign anything. The casino always said it doesn’t matter whether I sign or not and that they have proof and witnesses. So if I came back on the property I would be charged with trespassing.
So I might have missed it but even though you didn’t sign anything were you told verbally?
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Go to part three on page six of this thread for the full account.

The short answer is I won a jackpot, they refused to pay me and said I was being evicted. I insisted on Gaming making a decision which went in my favor at which time the Golden Nugget reversed, paid me and apologized.

So yes, I was verbally told to leave but then it was reversed.

And you can see why this isn't a simple open and shut case.
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March 12th, 2022 at 5:12:11 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

To be continued
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I think I need to learn to read as slowly as I type.
Nice cliffhangers, makes me want more, but mellow enough that I still feign patient waiting.
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March 13th, 2022 at 2:36:19 PM permalink
Maybe Jersey is different, but in most jurisdictions a signed acknowledgement of a trespass isn't required by law. What's necessary is proof that they verbally trespassed you (such as a lying secuirty officer or shift manager) or that they mailed a trespass letter to you.

BTW, If you could, please post your installments with less time between them. This is like waiting for the second half of the final season of Ozark :-) This is the most interesting and AP-relevant thread I've seen on this forum in a very long time.
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March 13th, 2022 at 2:45:34 PM permalink
I hope this doesnt end with Dorothy waking up in her bed surrounded by loved ones after a bad dream.
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March 13th, 2022 at 3:50:14 PM permalink
Quote: AlanMendelson

I hope this doesnt end with Dorothy waking up in her bed surrounded by loved ones after a bad dream.
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You got the wrong Oz! I'm DarkOz, not Wizard of
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March 13th, 2022 at 4:02:48 PM permalink
Quote: 21forme

Maybe Jersey is different, but in most jurisdictions a signed acknowledgement of a trespass isn't required by law. What's necessary is proof that they verbally trespassed you (such as a lying secuirty officer or shift manager) or that they mailed a trespass letter to you.

BTW, If you could, please post your installments with less time between them. This is like waiting for the second half of the final season of Ozark :-) This is the most interesting and AP-relevant thread I've seen on this forum in a very long time.
link to original post

Thanks for the compliment.

Yes, Jersey is the same. A verbal trespassing is legally enforceable however there are complications in Jersey that aren't the same elsewhere. But I will get to all that.

I wasn't claiming they verbally trespassed me and didn't get it in writing. I claim they didn't trespass me period.
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March 13th, 2022 at 4:17:33 PM permalink
When I was taking law classes in college we cheated when we would read court decisions.

The first page we'd look at would be the last page of the court decision. We'd look at the last line which might say "we find for the claimant" or "decision affirmed."

So how about giving us the court and case number so we can cheat and skip to the last line?

Then, like we did in college, go back and read the other XXX pages of the decision.
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March 13th, 2022 at 4:51:37 PM permalink
Quote: AlanMendelson

When I was taking law classes in college we cheated when we would read court decisions.

The first page we'd look at would be the last page of the court decision. We'd look at the last line which might say "we find for the claimant" or "decision affirmed."

So how about giving us the court and case number so we can cheat and skip to the last line?

Then, like we did in college, go back and read the other XXX pages of the decision.
link to original post

Oh, I don't cheat. I'm an AP.

You will have to wait.
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March 13th, 2022 at 6:51:03 PM permalink
I like the installments we have been receiving...looking forward to more when you can post them
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March 17th, 2022 at 2:05:21 PM permalink
Part seven:

(Timeline correction:. I have been placing the majority of events in 2019. That is winning the Golden Nugget jackpot in January 2019 and being backroomed the following June of 2019.

Upon downloading the old emails and documents from the case I discovered the correspondence is all dated from 2018. It's actually January 2018 I won the GN jackpot and June 2018 I was backroomed. These events don't feel like 4 years have passed. Time flies )

So there I was with twenty pages of "evidence" compiled against me by the Golden Nugget in my trespassing case and now uploaded to the court and naturally forwarded to me so I could prepare my defense.

First let's check out the photo they took of me in the backroom.

Yes, I was smirking. I admit it was a bit mischievious of me but most backroomed pix are of angry depressed Advantage Players and I wanted the Golden Nugget security to realize I really wasn't fazed.

They included the incident report describing when I was backroomed by security. I would post that here but it's literally doxxing info I would have to cross off all through and through (my name, security officers names, player's account names and GN associated numbers, addresses, physical descriptions.). It's just easier for me to not post.

However, the security guard writing contemporaneously was spot on with his reporting. His description of events pretty much matched my own recollection of events so really there is nothing from the June 2018 incident report to contest.

After the incident report they listed the card holders info and their attempts to contact them about my use of their cards. They obviously were expecting incriminating testimony that no one had given me permission to use their cards and we're quite taken aback when they found out I had everyone's permission.

Here are the two pages of names with info REDACTED by them and additional info crossed off by me. Check out the response in parentheses of my people where it says "acknowledged D..." (Coincidentally my last name starts with D just like Darkoz)

Okay, so they included all that in the documentation. But also much more. As I perused page after page of detailed notes on me, a veritable dossier on most all my movements and whereabouts for the last few years I started to realize the Golden Nugget had done me a really solid favor

What I now had in my possession was an Advantage Player's wet dream!

Thanks to the Golden Nugget I now was privy to information clearly never meant for my eyes. I had copies of internal memos, activity reports, methodology of surveillance, different events that had triggered scrutiny.

I had correspondence between casinos. I knew who was talking to whom. I knew the Golden Nugget was closely sharing information with Resorts International (which was no surprise since they had quickly evicted me after my GN backroom) but they had been discussing me for years.

I now knew Golden Nugget subscribed to Biometrica and I was handed documents that pertained to my Biometrica file. I learned Resorts International subscribed to OSN as did Mohegan Sun Connecticut and Poconos and Plainridge Park casino in Massachusetts.

The dossier contained documents distributed by the state troopers in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and which almost certainly was the contributing factor in me getting repeatedly surrounded by security (THAT'S for another post in this thread coming soon).

I learned about their understanding of how I operated and obtained offers (three different speculations and one was kind of close but none were completely accurate. It was clear they were seriously behind the curve on what I do. And let's face it, Golden Nugget had assumed my advantage was simply stealing other people's offers without their knowledge. If that was all they could envision I did, then they really had no clue.

I also read about the supposed five associates of mine that had been identified through OSN. One was indeed an associate of a high enough position that I had to reassign him. Thanks for the heads up Golden Nugget.

But the other four were interesting. Two were just minor associates that must have been seen with me at one time or another but two of my "associates" I had never laid eyes on. They identified these people as players using multiple cards in my employ. One of them seemed to be involved in an actual criminal fraud involving cards but who knows what is correct. It was becoming obvious all the surveillance and dossiers were faulty and full of misinformation.

Even the supposed pictures of me from different angles. They had three pics of me, one pic of me in my mask and two pics of some other person complete with the wrong ID! Check it out. The pics on the top of the dividing line are me (the face not blurred is me in my mask, no need to cover that up). And below the dividing line are pics of someone else. Did they assume anyone multicarding was working for me or me in a new mask?

And happily, I now had the confirmation that when it came to the jackpot and the Golden Nugget being forced to pay me, it was indeed the DGE ruling in my favor. If you remember, I had made that assumption once I was paid but never actually met or spoke to the DGE officer when I demanded a dispute settlement.

So, it was a lot to digest.

My attorney wanted to meet with me to discuss the evidence sent over. In my inner mind, I went over what defense I had. First thing I wanted to do was deny what was not actually attributable to me, such as these associates I never met and who didn't work for me. I practiced and rehearsed what to say and discuss with my attorney for a week or two. It seems like ages when you have these scenes play out in your head and you imagine the arguments and cross responses.

But finally came my office visit with my attorney. We spread out the dossier which his assistant had printed and as I began to argue all my points, my attorney just told me (nicely) to be quiet.

"I haven't actually read these documents," my attorney informed me in a matter of fact manner. "I skimmed through them for just a moment."

I was shocked! I had confidence in my attorney but I at least expected him to read through the evidence.

I enquired about this damning dossier they had acquired on me and my attorney just waved it off and asked me some very pertinent questions.

"Where is the page showing you were trespassed prior to your backroom incident in June of 2018? Where is the incident report and the actual trespassing notice?"

I looked down at the mountain of paperwork. "They supplied the incident report and trespass I signed when they backroomed me in June" I replied. "But I didn't see any other incident report or trespassing notice."

"Correct. All this other paperwork is just a tax on my printing ink. It's junk. Inadmissible. This case is about whether you defiantly entered the Golden Nugget after being trespassed. I don't see that here. Without that proof, without an incident report or trespassing notice, there simply isn't a case."

I looked wistfully at my dossier that I had created so many arguments about and shrugged. "Oh, well, that's good!"

And this is why you hire an attorney!

To be continued
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March 17th, 2022 at 6:58:34 PM permalink
Well, this sums it up:

"This case is about whether you defiantly entered the Golden Nugget after being trespassed. I don't see that here. Without that proof, without an incident report or trespassing notice, there simply isn't a case."

But are you going to tell us the judge still sided with the casino? Or, will your story now be about your counter-suit for damages?

Which plotline will make the better screenplay?

I vote for the judge siding with the casino because his son is an up and coming casino exec and the judge owns stock in several casino companies and his wife is a casino host.
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March 17th, 2022 at 7:06:38 PM permalink
Quote: AlanMendelson

Well, this sums it up:

"This case is about whether you defiantly entered the Golden Nugget after being trespassed. I don't see that here. Without that proof, without an incident report or trespassing notice, there simply isn't a case."

But are you going to tell us the judge still sided with the casino? Or, will your story now be about your counter-suit for damages?

Which plotline will make the better screenplay?

I vote for the judge siding with the casino because his son is an up and coming casino exec and the judge owns stock in several casino companies and his wife is a casino host.
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This tale ends the way it actually happened.

It appears you don't believe these events occurred?
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March 17th, 2022 at 7:22:22 PM permalink
I believe... if there's a case number you can sell the story.
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March 22nd, 2022 at 3:03:57 PM permalink
I will post the next part in a few hours.

Not too many comments on part 7. I thought that one would get lots of chatter.
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March 22nd, 2022 at 8:10:22 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

I will post the next part in a few hours.

Not too many comments on part 7. I thought that one would get lots of chatter.
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Don't worry about the number of comments. I for one, haven't commented but can't wait for the next part!
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March 22nd, 2022 at 10:46:06 PM permalink
Part 8:

So, to recap, I was backroomed in June of 2018 at the Golden Nugget where they claimed I was previously trespassed and hit me with a trespassing charge. They wanted to hit me with theft charges for my use of other people players cards but I used those legally with permission and to this day I have never had a charge involving use of players cards anywhere!

This trespassing charge was based on two prior incidents I had at the Golden Nugget as described in prior posts, one in December 2016 where I was surrounded by security because they mistakenly thought I was wanted by the police and the second in January 2018 where I won a jackpot and they mistakenly thought I was evicted the previous incident and refused to pay me(with the DGE ruling in my favor).

So, now I sat in my attorneys office going through a twenty page dossier with all types of fascinating documents on my AP history but not included was a document showing I was trespassed on either of those two previous encounters with GN security. And my attorney saying nothing in the dossier on me matters but those missing documents that would prove I actually was trespassed.

My attorney had only skimmed the dossier so he asked me what information pertaining to my two run-ins with security actually was in the dossier.

Now casinos are a check and balance business. Financial businesses usually are and this includes security and surveillance which are two separate departments that work in tandem but also act as that check and balance system.

While security had not supplied a trespassing document nor an incident report describing the incident as it occurred, the surveillance department had a written log of events they had observed.

This WAS in the dossier! It was listed bullet points style (and in reverse order so the first event listed was the most recent and each successive event went further back in time so I found it best to read in reverse order.)

Even though there were only two prior incidents involving security the surveillance department had logged any contact involving me, so for instance, they logged the day and time they received documents from the Valley Forge alerting them to me. They logged as a separate incident receipt of an inter-casino memo from Resorts International.

Basically, if you just glanced at the log it would appear I had plenty of historical incident with the golden Nugget but in reality it was just these two prior incidents.

My attorney and I went through these two incidents logged by surveillance. What did surveillance report they saw? Well you are going to read it yourself and up till now you have maybe took what I reported with a grain of salt. Did Darkoz really have two run-ins with Golden Nugget security and not get trespassed either time? Let's view what surveillance reported.

(Now I crossed out the bullet points about other incident so you can see it easier! Below is the singular incident where I was surrounded and then they apologize, allow me to gamble, I earn 1000 points per the special, the $100 freeplay isn't available, they claim I am still pin locked due to security and they lift it. Note that this singular incident is spread out onto the next page so scroll down the two pics below.)

Okay so, surveillance backs up my testimony that a security supervisor reported to card services to "reset pin". More importantly, the last sentence as reported by surveillance was indisputable evidence I wasn't trespassed on that prior occasion. "...exits valet on his own. Security did not ask him to leave at this time."

Ummm, okay! Clearly I wasn't trespassed on that occasion!!!!

Okay, so this left the second incident involving the refusal to pay the jackpot because security claimed I had been trespassed (surveillance now refuting that) on the prior occasion and the DGE ruling in my favor.

What did surveillance observe?

Okay so there is a bit to unpack here. First, surveillance notes the exact date and time the incident began which is January 7th, 2018 at 15:48 or 3:48 PM. "Slots department notices me". Well, that's because I called them over to pay me a jackpot! So figure I won the jackpot ten minutes earlier. The slot attendant came quick but probably didn't catch I was flagged until he got to wherever they go(cashier?).

They note the jackpot is $1,772. They don't explicitly admit they refused to pay me but it's implied by " is determined (Darkoz) is to be paid jackpot amount of $1,772 at 17:11 all cash."

They wouldn't need to "determine" if I was to be paid unless they had denied me at first. Also, note the time they pay me is 17:11. So I sat in a seat in front of my slot from 15:48 (actually ten minutes earlier) until 17:11. That's a huge amount of time to get paid a jackpot!

The next two sentences are interesting. "M/R informed by S-2 xxx he is to be re-evicted.". So M/R, an internal department in the GN informed security officer S-2 (I crossed off his name) that I am to be re-evicted. Well, first off, by surveillance own records above I wasn't evicted in the first place so they can't "re-evict" me. But, the VERY NEXT SENTENCE,. The very next observation is that I "...exits at 17:13 thru valet and waits for jitney".

That is all they observed????

They didn't observe me being informed I couldn't come back? (Yes, they made the decision internally but they didn't observe ME being informed). Note, surveillance doesn't even state I was ESCORTED off the property. You would think if I was being evicted, surveillance would have made note of this. I simply "exit at 17:13".

So, based on the evidence supplied directly by the Golden Nugget themselves, my attorney stated he would ask for a dismissal at the next court date.

And I was certain this would close the chapter on this situation. But, of course, nothing ever goes the way you expect in court.

At the next meeting, my attorney again goes inside the DA office with GN security officers representing the GN while I have to remain outside.

When my attorney comes out he reports thus:. The DA said if the GN can't come up with a trespassing document before the afternoon is over, my case is dismissed. The security guards at the meeting notified GN and they were "searching" for the mislaid document.

And so I passed the time in the court waiting room still expecting my case would be dismissed. I mean, come on, GN has a 20 page dossier on me and the only thing missing is the evidence that proves their case? Hmmmm!

After 90 minutes or so my attorney notified me the GN has LOCATED the errant document and was sending it to the court now.

So, we wait and about half an hour later the court clerk presents a printout of a trespassing document!!! My attorney and I go over it.

It's a standard copy of a trespassing eviction notice, with the date of my jackpot incident, an eviction for life ticked off, the usual statement that I understood I was formally evicted from the property and could never return or face arrest.

I quickly scanned down to the bottom. IT WASN'T SIGNED!

"What good is this? I never saw this and I didn't sign it!"

My attorney returns to the DA office and comes back out. "They claim the unsigned document means you were verbally trespassed and in New Jersey, verbal trespass is as binding as a signed written trespass."

"WOW, so unsigned documents are now legally binding. This is crazy!"

My attorney solemnly enquires, "Are you certain they didn't ask you to leave?"

I recounted again the circumstances of my winning the jackpot. They had asked me to leave without paying me, I asked DGE be called in, they ruled in my favor, I was paid, I left AND one of the main security guys actually apologized for the "misunderstanding". (Again, keep him in mind. He comes up in a later post.)

I point out surveillance didn't report I was escorted out in their own log.

Furthermore, I waited with my butt parked in a seat for close on 90 minutes waiting to be paid. DGE ruled in my favor, I hadn't done anything to be evicted! All I did was win a jackpot (NJ law is you can't be evicted without cause, let me remind you.) They had to reopen my GN account and create tax documents and I signed the W2-G!!! AND with all that happening and all that time available they didn't present me with a trespassing document to sign to make it official?

AND THEN, they misplaced the document? Come on!

My attorney agreed that sounded somewhat unbelievable! So he returns to the DA office.

When he returns, he informs me he has also complained that the GN has not supplied the Incident report which by law must be recorded by the exact same security guard who formally evicted me. Lacking that evidence, he requested a dismissal again and the Golden Nugget now claims they have "mislaid" that document as well.

It all sounded very suspect to me. What do you guys think?

At any rate, the DA gives them six weeks to find it. I now have to return for my next court date!

To be continued
Last edited by: darkoz on Mar 22, 2022
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March 23rd, 2022 at 1:54:15 AM permalink
Wow. I had forgotten how painful low resolution faxes are.
Reminds me of those travel timeshare offers I used to get in the middle of the night.
May the cards fall in your favor.
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March 23rd, 2022 at 4:11:36 AM permalink
Quote: Dieter

Wow. I had forgotten how painful low resolution faxes are.
Reminds me of those travel timeshare offers I used to get in the middle of the night.
link to original post

Sorry but it is what it is.

Were you able to read it though?
For Whom the bus tolls; The bus tolls for thee
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March 23rd, 2022 at 6:20:56 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Quote: Dieter

Wow. I had forgotten how painful low resolution faxes are.
Reminds me of those travel timeshare offers I used to get in the middle of the night.
link to original post

Sorry but it is what it is.

Were you able to read it though?
link to original post

Well, other than the red digital crayon scribbles, but I kinda thought that was by design... still trying to parse some of the details.

Keep typing! There is more to this story, and we want it!
May the cards fall in your favor.
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March 23rd, 2022 at 8:00:57 AM permalink
The GN presented a "print out" of the original document? Did your lawyer ask for the actual original document? If the "print-out" had just recently been "manufactured," the original would show years of age and perhaps even handling. The same would hold true for the second searched for document. Criminality by the GN is a real possibility.

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March 23rd, 2022 at 8:08:58 AM permalink
6-0 180?

C'mon man.
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March 23rd, 2022 at 8:10:54 AM permalink
Quote: tuttigym

Criminality by the GN is a real possibility.

What if they scan originals to store them electronically? Is that criminal?
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March 23rd, 2022 at 8:11:27 AM permalink
Quote: coachbelly

6-0 180?

C'mon man.
link to original post

Right. Then this couldn't be about DarkOz, it's a story about someone else.
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
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March 23rd, 2022 at 8:13:28 AM permalink
Quote: MDawg

Then this couldn't be about DarkOz

There are members here that have seen DO...isn't he closer to 5ft than 6ft tall?
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March 23rd, 2022 at 8:15:11 AM permalink
I believe he has said so himself, yes.

I also pictured him as looking more sinister, like a character out of...Dark Oz...that picture is of someone who looks quite innocuous. And is supposedly 6 feet tall 180 lbs. Couldn't be DO. In fact, that pic doesn't even match the body type of anyone 6' 180 lbs. there is a disconnect there. What's going on here, are we being fed a line?
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
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March 23rd, 2022 at 8:54:57 AM permalink
Quote: MDawg

I believe he has said so himself, yes.

I also pictured him as looking more sinister, like a character out of...Dark Oz...that picture is of someone who looks quite innocuous. And is supposedly 6 feet tall 180 lbs. Couldn't be DO. In fact, that pic doesn't even match the body type of anyone 6' 180 lbs. there is a disconnect there. What's going on here, are we being fed a line?
link to original post

I believe you are referring to this?

Those are physical descriptions of the different card holders. Probably taken directly off their ID when they signed up. I covered up most of the descriptions but one slipped through. You can see they are showing the reactions of each person they called.

I had no idea what you guys were even talking about at first.

Nice try to discredit me. Sorry, to burst your bubble again.
For Whom the bus tolls; The bus tolls for thee
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March 23rd, 2022 at 8:58:02 AM permalink
So then who is this guy?

I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
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