Quote: darkozQuote: rxwineHow would you know if it is a success if you don’t know if your case is going to be mild to moderate anyway? You could feel pretty sick for a few days or a week, or barely have symptoms.
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They aren't going by patients observation.
There are measurable biomarkers
Elevated interleukin-6, macrophages, IL-6, Cytokine levels.
It's not 'Hey, how you feel today" measurements.link to original post
You can show good claims from a lot of the unapproved products in a Heath food store. But they really need to have controls, be randomized, utilizing double-blinds.
Because the CDC, the FDA and the NIH are not going along with them. Can we spell B-i-g Pharma?Quote: billryanThe internet is full of miracle cures. People who were almost dead that were saved by taking hydroxy or some other medicine. Why aren't any of these miracles occurring in the dozens of trials conducted by hospitals?
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Professions that do not have direct harmful effects on my health and well being. In case we start seeing defenses of Big Pharma and the crooked Public Health establishment.Quote: rxwineWhich profession is fraud free? Just curious.
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Quote: SanchoPanzaProfessions that do not have direct harmful effects on my health and well being. In case we start seeing defenses of Big Pharma and the crooked Public Health establishment.link to original postQuote: rxwineWhich profession is fraud free? Just curious.
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Well, personally I think you have motive for distrust for anyone selling anything regardless of the source or the price offered.
If I owned a sugar company, I’d be happy if everyone thought the covid cure was an extra pack of sugar per day. Even happier if people thought that since it was so much cheaper than anything else it must be an honest claim.
I’d clean up on all the extra sales.
Never heard of CBD?Quote: rxwineQuote: SanchoPanzaProfessions that do not have direct harmful effects on my health and well being. In case we start seeing defenses of Big Pharma and the crooked Public Health establishment.link to original postQuote: rxwineWhich profession is fraud free? Just curious.
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Well, personally I think you have motive for distrust for anyone selling anything regardless of the source or the price offered.
If I owned a sugar company, I’d be happy if everyone thought the covid cure was an extra pack of sugar per day. Even happier if people thought that since it was so much cheaper than anything else it must be an honest claim.
I’d clean up on all the extra sales.link to original post
Quote: SanchoPanzaNever heard of CBD?link to original postQuote: rxwineQuote: SanchoPanzaProfessions that do not have direct harmful effects on my health and well being. In case we start seeing defenses of Big Pharma and the crooked Public Health establishment.link to original postQuote: rxwineWhich profession is fraud free? Just curious.
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Well, personally I think you have motive for distrust for anyone selling anything regardless of the source or the price offered.
If I owned a sugar company, I’d be happy if everyone thought the covid cure was an extra pack of sugar per day. Even happier if people thought that since it was so much cheaper than anything else it must be an honest claim.
I’d clean up on all the extra sales.link to original post
Never tried it.
Quote: SanchoPanzaNever heard of CBD?link to original postQuote: rxwineQuote: SanchoPanzaProfessions that do not have direct harmful effects on my health and well being. In case we start seeing defenses of Big Pharma and the crooked Public Health establishment.link to original postQuote: rxwineWhich profession is fraud free? Just curious.
link to original post
Well, personally I think you have motive for distrust for anyone selling anything regardless of the source or the price offered.
If I owned a sugar company, I’d be happy if everyone thought the covid cure was an extra pack of sugar per day. Even happier if people thought that since it was so much cheaper than anything else it must be an honest claim.
I’d clean up on all the extra sales.link to original post
Care Bears Dolls?
Fri, September 17, 2021, 8:47 PM
Amid persistent concerns that the protection offered by COVID-19 vaccines may be waning, a report released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds that America's workhorse shot is significantly less effective at preventing severe cases of disease over the long term than many experts had realized.
Data collected from 18 states between March and August suggest the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine reduces the risk of being hospitalized with COVID-19 by 91% in the first four months after receiving the second dose. Beyond 120 days, however, that vaccine efficacy drops to 77%.
Meanwhile, Moderna's vaccine was 93% effective at reducing the short-term risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and remained 92% effective after 120 days.
Quote: billryanMelissa Healy, Amina Khan
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Fri, September 17, 2021, 8:47 PM
Amid persistent concerns that the protection offered by COVID-19 vaccines may be waning, a report released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds that America's workhorse shot is significantly less effective at preventing severe cases of disease over the long term than many experts had realized.
Data collected from 18 states between March and August suggest the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine reduces the risk of being hospitalized with COVID-19 by 91% in the first four months after receiving the second dose. Beyond 120 days, however, that vaccine efficacy drops to 77%.
Meanwhile, Moderna's vaccine was 93% effective at reducing the short-term risk of COVID-19 hospitalization and remained 92% effective after 120 days.
The strong divide between the FDA panel and Pfizer/Fauci on approving a “booster shot” was the eye raising and concerning part of the article for me, certainly makes it rather ambiguous for those not considered at elevated risk of severe illness to make an informed decision. FDA overwhelmingly voted against full approval of a third shot for all 16+ adults by a vote of 16-2, citing the need for more age specific data to be presented regarding safety. They did unanimously vote to recommend it for 65+, and other elevated risk categories.
Commenting on not approving it beforehand being a “mistake” by someone in Fauci’s position seems a bit like meddling, undermining credibility of and trying to influence what’s supposed to be an independent decision but whatever.
there's a terrible shortage of health care workers all over the U.S.
the State of New York is now in dire straits because they have a vaccine mandate for health care workers which goes into force on Monday
the State is actually considering calling up the National Guard to fill multiple vacant positions that will come about Monday because of the mandate
the country is Covid weary - and many are letting down their guard but according to the CDC their were more than 130,000 new cases and more than 2,000 deaths yesterday
the Covid virus itself____________is not at all weary
Quote: lilredrooster_________
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there's a terrible shortage of health care workers all over the U.S.
the State of New York is now in dire straits because they have a vaccine mandate for health care workers which goes into force on Monday
the State is actually considering calling up the National Guard to fill multiple vacant positions that will come about Monday because of the mandate
the country is Covid weary - and many are letting down their guard but according to the CDC their were more than 130,000 new cases and more than 2,000 deaths yesterday
the Covid virus itself____________is not at all weary
Dropping the mandate to stop the worker shortage would make too much sense I guess.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: lilredrooster_________
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there's a terrible shortage of health care workers all over the U.S.
the State of New York is now in dire straits because they have a vaccine mandate for health care workers which goes into force on Monday
the State is actually considering calling up the National Guard to fill multiple vacant positions that will come about Monday because of the mandate
the country is Covid weary - and many are letting down their guard but according to the CDC their were more than 130,000 new cases and more than 2,000 deaths yesterday
the Covid virus itself____________is not at all weary
Dropping the mandate to stop the worker shortage would make too much sense I guess.link to original post
You guys are mixing and matching here.
There is no worker shortages in NY. In fact, we have coronavirus under control through strict mask wearing and vaccination proof requirements.
Here is the number of deaths in ALL NY STATE YESTERDAY.

In a state with a multiple decent size cities and one city with 8 million people, there were less than twenty who died yesterday. And less than fifty for the entire week! You think we have a shortage of workers?
The vaccine mandate is thinking ahead to prevent virus spread not the other way around.
But hey, to a guy who holds maskless parties during a pandemic that wouldn't make much sense.
Quote: darkoz
There is no worker shortages in NY.
you missed the point
there is a NY law requiring all health care workers to be vaccinated by Monday
a great no. have not been vaccinated and worker shortages are anticipated
the linked article states that tens of thousands of workers are unlikely to meet the Monday deadline
a plan to use the National Guard as health care workers is being considered by the Governor of NY
I clearly stated that there was shortage of health care workers all over the U.S. - I did not pick out NY
Quote: darkozlink to original post
But hey, to a guy who holds maskless parties during a pandemic that wouldn't make much sense.
Who wants to go to a party and wear masks?
Just worked a maskless poker tournament last week! Great stuff! Even the bartender did not bother with a mask.
Vaccinated AND masked? That's funny stuff.
Quote: GundySO glad I live in a free state where masks are long gone.
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Vaccinated AND masked? That's funny stuff.
May I ask which state that is?
Just so I can compare covid numbers to NYS.
Maybe I will get a laugh too.
Quote: GundySO glad I live in a free state where masks are long gone.
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Vaccinated AND masked? That's funny stuff.
My fully vaccinated sister-in-law died of covid after weeks in the hospital last month.
If you think you're protected because you're vaccinated you're living in a dream world.
as Covid ramps up, Costco is again limiting the purchases of toilet paper, water and cleaning supplies
Quote: EvenBobQuote: GundySO glad I live in a free state where masks are long gone.
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Vaccinated AND masked? That's funny stuff.
My fully vaccinated sister-in-law died of covid after weeks in the hospital last month.
If you think you're protected because you're vaccinated you're living in a dream world.link to original post
Many of us forget that the COVID-19 vaccines are not 100% effective at preventing hospitalizations and death.
This situation is similar to seat belts' not completely preventing death from auto accidents.
in Alaska the Covid crisis is so severe, Doctors must decide who gets care and who doesn't - who lives and who dies
the link is to the NYT - you'll have to figure out how to get past their paywall or find the story somewhere else
according to CDC there were 118,845 new cases yesterday and 2,027 new deaths
Quote: lilredrooster__________
in Alaska the Covid crisis is so severe, Doctors must decide who gets care and who doesn't - who lives and who dies
the link is to the NYT -
What an enviable position to be in. I would be taking large bribes.
Quote: lilredrooster__________in Alaska the Covid crisis is so severe, Doctors must decide who gets care and who doesn't
And yet another good reason not to live in Alaska. Alaska has the worst of everything, the worst alcoholics, the worst drug abusers, the most unemployment, the highest violent crime rate, the most violent prisons in the country are in Alaska. I've known about five people who lived in Alaska for different periods of time and every single one of them hated it. It's a great place to look at from the deck of a cruise ship and that's about it.
Which one?Quote: StarburgerA performing arts center near me is now requiring fully vaccinated passports or negative covid tests in order to see a show. This was once a sardonic joke that was "predicted," about the near future but has now come true.
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Link please.
Quote: StarburgerA performing arts center near me is now requiring fully vaccinated passports or negative covid tests in order to see a show. This was once a sardonic joke that was "predicted," about the near future but has now come true.
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Are they required to wear masks too?
In Vegas, and throughout the country, these PCR tests, which are good for travel too including abroad and to Hawaii, are administered by CVS Pharmacies. You just drive up to the CVS pharmacy window in your car and self-administer the test don't even have to be around any people. Even when I have taken the test on a Friday, I've received test results negative within 48 hours maximum. Take the test on a Monday - Thursday and you should receive results within 24 hours.
All tests are free. I provide my insurance card, but even without it any US resident with a social security number may obtain the tests free.
Knowing how easy to schedule these tests are, and that they are free with results provided rapidly, I shake my head at these athletes (and others) who provided faked test results.
A former N.B.A. player is arrested, accused of using a fake Covid test to enter Hawaii
Quote: OnceDearWhich one?Quote: StarburgerA performing arts center near me is now requiring fully vaccinated passports or negative covid tests in order to see a show. This was once a sardonic joke that was "predicted," about the near future but has now come true.
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Link please.
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This one is a summary overview
A more detailed link is here
good news, I hope - unless the stats are messed up for some reason
U.S. Covid deaths are way, way down in the last 3 days compared to prior statistics according to worldometers.info
Nov. 1________________550 new deaths
Oct. 31_______________ 412
Oct. 30_______________ 676
Oct. 29_______________ 1,555
Oct. 28_______________ 1,443
Oct. 27_______________ 1,697
Now we're in a new Transformer movie.
Quote: lilredrooster_________
good news, I hope - unless the stats are messed up for some reason
U.S. Covid deaths are way, way down in the last 3 days compared to prior statistics according to worldometers.info
Nov. 1________________550 new deaths
Oct. 31_______________ 412
Oct. 30_______________ 676
Oct. 29_______________ 1,555
Oct. 28_______________ 1,443
Oct. 27_______________ 1,697
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Just a dip
26 Nov (so far) 18,550 new cases and 148 new deaths in the United States
25 Nov 31,758 new cases and 404 new deaths in the United States
24 Nov 104,819 new cases and 1,691 new deaths in the United States
23 Nov 106,649 new cases and 1,461 new deaths in the United States
22 Nov 75,708 new cases and 555 new deaths in the United States
21 Nov 66,136 new cases and 368 new deaths in the United States
20 Nov 90,014 new cases and 820 new deaths in the United States
Quote: OnceDearQuote: lilredrooster_________
good news, I hope - unless the stats are messed up for some reason
U.S. Covid deaths are way, way down in the last 3 days compared to prior statistics according to worldometers.info
Nov. 1________________550 new deaths
Oct. 31_______________ 412
Oct. 30_______________ 676
Oct. 29_______________ 1,555
Oct. 28_______________ 1,443
Oct. 27_______________ 1,697
link to original post
Just a dip
26 Nov (so far) 18,550 new cases and 148 new deaths in the United States
25 Nov 31,758 new cases and 404 new deaths in the United States
24 Nov 104,819 new cases and 1,691 new deaths in the United States
23 Nov 106,649 new cases and 1,461 new deaths in the United States
22 Nov 75,708 new cases and 555 new deaths in the United States
21 Nov 66,136 new cases and 368 new deaths in the United States
20 Nov 90,014 new cases and 820 new deaths in the United States
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I get the impression that some states don't make daily reports and make weekly dumps instead. The daily reports are all over the place but the weekly's seem more steady.
a new variant - Omicron - in South Africa has made headline news today
it has also been detected in Belgium and Hong Kong
who knows what's happening or what's going to happen in the future?
the experts?_______I don't really have confidence in them____________I think the world is facing a great unknown
the old saying, "better the devil that you know then the devil that you don't know"
well, this is the devil that we don't know
Only 30% effective!!!
Hopefully prior infections offer some protection.
Quote: KeyserChina's Chernobyl isn't finished with us.
Hopefully prior infections offer some protection.
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They are looking into it.
So far they have observed 30 different spike mutations. The more spike mutations the more prior infection is meaningless and even the vaccines may be ineffective.
Quote: darkozMeanwhile Merks Covid take at home pill everyone said was the game changer has been discovered less effective than originally thought.
Only 30% effective!!!
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Gee, what a surprise!
NYS has a new mask mandate to last for a month because of increasing hospitalizations upstate from Delta and the threat of Omicron. If you have a vaccine passport you could be exempted from wearing a mask, but only if the bouncer at the door is checking for vaccine passports. If the bouncers aren't checking, just wear a mask so $1,000 fines don't appear out of nowhere. I would expect this mask mandate to be extended for several months.
JUST IN: Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that at least one patient has been confirmed to have died with the #Omicron variant of coronavirus (PA)
How many deaths from Omicron in NYS and USA?Quote: ChumpChangeNYS has a new mask mandate to last for a month because of increasing hospitalizations upstate from Delta and the threat of Omicron.
Quote: ChumpChangeOmicron is much more transmissible, so there'd be an overlay of Omicron that could be 10X more cases than Delta. So the USA has 50K new cases of Delta today, by next month there could be 500K new cases of Omicron per day, and the same 50K new cases per day of Delta. I don't think Delta is going anywhere unless there's a nationwide lockdown for 3 months.
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That fails the logic test, if omnicron exploded that much of would mean a reduction in Delta unless you’re trying to say the same person is going to be infected with both simultaneously.
The local casino brought back soda machines and bar service with the spread of vaccinated people. They may have to close them back up until everybody has booster shots.
Just In: SCOTUS won't stop vaccine mandate for NYS health workers.