I've completely lost interest in gambling of any kind
not sure why this happened now
maybe it's really hit home that the winning or losing would be meaningless since I'm not willing to bet big enough to really make a difference in my finances
I used to see it as a fun challenge - not anymore - I know that if I am good enough to win it will only be by a small %
I've gotten back into reading books -
I have just read a couple of Elmore Leonard's books - pretty light stuff but very entertaining
and I re-read my favorite book from Faulkner - "Light in August" - probably my favorite book of all time - just an amazing work of literature
Quote: EvenBobThis is why Elon Musk will be the world's first trillionaire. He had all this in his head 20 years ago and everybody thought it was impossible. Listen to the crowd reaction as to what they accomplished here today.
As many reasons as there is to not like the guy, he is a visionary and a person that makes things happen. He may go down in history similar to Thomas Edison.
Spectrum called and offered 1 gigabit download & upload speed internet and TV Select for $140/month, which is $100/month less than they were charging just 6 months ago for much slower internet & TV. It was a special backroom call, a deal not made in stores. I turned them down this time. I'm paying less currently for my present services. But I'll consider moving back if I get going on the 4K viewing train because there are data caps on my current plan that will kick in. I guess Netflix is charging extra for 4K, so maybe I should just buy a 1080p TV anyway, that should have analog audio outputs.
Quote: ChumpChangeI went looking for a new TV at BJ's a week ago, saw one with some gamer label that attracted me (AMD FreeSync VRR). Came home, got the instruction manual off the internet. The TV didn't have RCA audio out or headphone out; only optical audio out or HDMI out.
You can buy an HdMI to RCA out cable for less than $10.
Quote: DRichQuote: EvenBobThis is why Elon Musk will be the world's first trillionaire. He had all this in his head 20 years ago and everybody thought it was impossible. Listen to the crowd reaction as to what they accomplished here today.
As many reasons as there is to not like the guy, he is a visionary and a person that makes things happen. He may go down in history similar to Thomas Edison.
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Personally I’m mixed on him. Lots of his ideas may be “cool” but take billions of dollars to a mixed end. Also the guy cannot get it into his head that at his level he can’t make off the cuff comments about business finance like he is a basement YouTuber.
Quote: DRichQuote: EvenBobThis is why Elon Musk will be the world's first trillionaire. He had all this in his head 20 years ago and everybody thought it was impossible. Listen to the crowd reaction as to what they accomplished here today.
As many reasons as there is to not like the guy, he is a visionary and a person that makes things happen. He may go down in history similar to Thomas Edison.
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Name a fantastically wealthy person in the United States thatwas ever well liked. They were mostly reviled and hated because of their wealth. Jealousy of rich people is embedded in our genes.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBobThis is why Elon Musk will be the world's first trillionaire. He had all this in his head 20 years ago and everybody thought it was impossible. Listen to the crowd reaction as to what they accomplished here today.
As many reasons as there is to not like the guy, he is a visionary and a person that makes things happen. He may go down in history similar to Thomas Edison.
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Name a fantastically wealthy person in the United States thatwas ever well liked. They were mostly reviled and hated because of their wealth. Jealousy of rich people is embedded in our genes.
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Taylor Swift
Aboriginal Australians are still around and living a relatively primitive lifestyle
they make up about 3.8% of Australia's population
they are one of the oldest living populations in the world outside of Africa
their ancestors left the African continent about 75,000 years ago
the pic is of the Yoingu people

Quote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBobThis is why Elon Musk will be the world's first trillionaire. He had all this in his head 20 years ago and everybody thought it was impossible. Listen to the crowd reaction as to what they accomplished here today.
As many reasons as there is to not like the guy, he is a visionary and a person that makes things happen. He may go down in history similar to Thomas Edison.
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Name a fantastically wealthy person in the United States thatwas ever well liked. They were mostly reviled and hated because of their wealth. Jealousy of rich people is embedded in our genes.
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Dolly Parton comes to mind.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBobThis is why Elon Musk will be the world's first trillionaire. He had all this in his head 20 years ago and everybody thought it was impossible. Listen to the crowd reaction as to what they accomplished here today.
As many reasons as there is to not like the guy, he is a visionary and a person that makes things happen. He may go down in history similar to Thomas Edison.
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Name a fantastically wealthy person in the United States thatwas ever well liked. They were mostly reviled and hated because of their wealth. Jealousy of rich people is embedded in our genes.
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Taylor Swift
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I should have put that I meant in the past. Billionaires today if they're worth under 10 billion are pipsqueaks compared to the billionaires of the past like the robber barons. Rockefeller at the height of his wealth calculated in today's dollars was worth about $450 billion and everybody hated his guts. They hated all the robber barons mostly just because they were rich. Didn't matter how much money they gave to charity how many colleges and libraries they built people still hated their guts because that's what people do.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: SOOPOOQuote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBobThis is why Elon Musk will be the world's first trillionaire. He had all this in his head 20 years ago and everybody thought it was impossible. Listen to the crowd reaction as to what they accomplished here today.
As many reasons as there is to not like the guy, he is a visionary and a person that makes things happen. He may go down in history similar to Thomas Edison.
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Name a fantastically wealthy person in the United States thatwas ever well liked. They were mostly reviled and hated because of their wealth. Jealousy of rich people is embedded in our genes.
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Taylor Swift
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I should have put that I meant in the past. Billionaires today if they're worth under 10 billion are pipsqueaks compared to the billionaires of the past like the robber barons. Rockefeller at the height of his wealth calculated in today's dollars was worth about $450 billion and everybody hated his guts. They hated all the robber barons mostly just because they were rich. Didn't matter how much money they gave to charity how many colleges and libraries they built people still hated their guts because that's what people do.
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There is still so much envy in this country. People hated Gates and Jobs. Never mind the great products they gave us, if they made profit so much of society hates them. You can suggest why not just invest in these companies if they make so much money. Nope, this segment will never consider that, they want the money taken away simply because there is something not right.
There are some of these types I do not like (Mark Cuban) but if I do not like them it is something about them, not that they have money.
I think Warren Buffet is generally well liked.Quote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBobThis is why Elon Musk will be the world's first trillionaire. He had all this in his head 20 years ago and everybody thought it was impossible. Listen to the crowd reaction as to what they accomplished here today.
As many reasons as there is to not like the guy, he is a visionary and a person that makes things happen. He may go down in history similar to Thomas Edison.
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Name a fantastically wealthy person in the United States thatwas ever well liked. They were mostly reviled and hated because of their wealth. Jealousy of rich people is embedded in our genes.
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Quote: EvenBobQuote: SOOPOOQuote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBobThis is why Elon Musk will be the world's first trillionaire. He had all this in his head 20 years ago and everybody thought it was impossible. Listen to the crowd reaction as to what they accomplished here today.
As many reasons as there is to not like the guy, he is a visionary and a person that makes things happen. He may go down in history similar to Thomas Edison.
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Name a fantastically wealthy person in the United States thatwas ever well liked. They were mostly reviled and hated because of their wealth. Jealousy of rich people is embedded in our genes.
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Taylor Swift
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I should have put that I meant in the past. Billionaires today if they're worth under 10 billion are pipsqueaks compared to the billionaires of the past like the robber barons. Rockefeller at the height of his wealth calculated in today's dollars was worth about $450 billion and everybody hated his guts. They hated all the robber barons mostly just because they were rich. Didn't matter how much money they gave to charity how many colleges and libraries they built people still hated their guts because that's what people do.
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Perhaps they should have called themselves super-heroes instead of robber barons. Robber Barons has such a negative vibe.
George Washington was the richest man in America. Teddy Roosevelts father was the richest man in New York.
Quote: billryanQuote: EvenBobQuote: SOOPOOQuote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBobThis is why Elon Musk will be the world's first trillionaire. He had all this in his head 20 years ago and everybody thought it was impossible. Listen to the crowd reaction as to what they accomplished here today.
As many reasons as there is to not like the guy, he is a visionary and a person that makes things happen. He may go down in history similar to Thomas Edison.
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Name a fantastically wealthy person in the United States thatwas ever well liked. They were mostly reviled and hated because of their wealth. Jealousy of rich people is embedded in our genes.
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Taylor Swift
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I should have put that I meant in the past. Billionaires today if they're worth under 10 billion are pipsqueaks compared to the billionaires of the past like the robber barons. Rockefeller at the height of his wealth calculated in today's dollars was worth about $450 billion and everybody hated his guts. They hated all the robber barons mostly just because they were rich. Didn't matter how much money they gave to charity how many colleges and libraries they built people still hated their guts because that's what people do.
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Perhaps they should have called themselves super-heroes instead of robber barons. Robber Barons has such a negative vibe.
George Washington was the richest man in America. Teddy Roosevelts father was the richest man in New York.
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I think Robert Morris to name one was better off than Washington. Before he went broke anyhow.
I don't hate Gates because of his wealth, I hate him because he got rich having us pay to beta test Microsoft's software. He rushed Windows 95 (which he essentially stole from Apple... who stole it from Xerox, but that's, as they say, a "whole nother story") to market to head off IBM's arguably superior OS/2 Warp operating system. The result was a buggy OS that, while undeniably a significant technological advance, caused a bunch of headaches (and I'm not even an IT guy).Quote: AZDuffmanThere is still so much envy in this country. People hated Gates and Jobs. Never mind the great products they gave us, if they made profit so much of society hates them. You can suggest why not just invest in these companies if they make so much money. Nope, this segment will never consider that, they want the money taken away simply because there is something not right.
There are some of these types I do not like (Mark Cuban) but if I do not like them it is something about them, not that they have money.
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Well, that and his Moe Howard haircut!
I never had anything against Jobs. Although I don't own any Apple products, I appreciate their significance.
Quote: JoemanHe rushed Windows 95 (which he essentially stole from Apple... who stole it from Xerox, but that's, as they say, a "whole nother story") to market to head off IBM's arguably superior OS/2 Warp operating system. The result was a buggy OS that, while undeniably a significant technological advance, caused a bunch of headaches (and I'm not even an IT guy).
Don't forget, Microsoft developed most of OS/2 for IBM. OS/2 is still used in many ATM's in the middle east.
Quote: JoemanI don't hate Gates because of his wealth, I hate him because he got rich having us pay to beta test Microsoft's software. He rushed Windows 95 (which he essentially stole from Apple... who stole it from Xerox, but that's, as they say, a "whole nother story") to market to head off IBM's arguably superior OS/2 Warp operating system. The result was a buggy OS that, while undeniably a significant technological advance, caused a bunch of headaches (and I'm not even an IT guy).Quote: AZDuffmanThere is still so much envy in this country. People hated Gates and Jobs. Never mind the great products they gave us, if they made profit so much of society hates them. You can suggest why not just invest in these companies if they make so much money. Nope, this segment will never consider that, they want the money taken away simply because there is something not right.
There are some of these types I do not like (Mark Cuban) but if I do not like them it is something about them, not that they have money.
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Well, that and his Moe Howard haircut!
I never had anything against Jobs. Although I don't own any Apple products, I appreciate their significance.
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OS/2 was out years before Windows95 I thought. I would not put it as "stolen from Apple." By that point it was all going in a similar direction. Sort of similar to saying Ford stole the assembly line from Oldsmobile.
Quote: rainmanQuote: rainmanIt's October folks the Monsters are out, Heed this warning... "Beware the Puffy Coat"
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If you watch closely you will see this is a team of older Asian Women
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Wind Creek in Bethlehem PA. That's one of the last places that welcomes buses from Chinatown.
Roosevelt let it be known he would run again in 1920, but died suddenly from a coronary issue.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: SOOPOOQuote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBobThis is why Elon Musk will be the world's first trillionaire. He had all this in his head 20 years ago and everybody thought it was impossible. Listen to the crowd reaction as to what they accomplished here today.
As many reasons as there is to not like the guy, he is a visionary and a person that makes things happen. He may go down in history similar to Thomas Edison.
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Name a fantastically wealthy person in the United States thatwas ever well liked. They were mostly reviled and hated because of their wealth. Jealousy of rich people is embedded in our genes.
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Taylor Swift
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I should have put that I meant in the past. Billionaires today if they're worth under 10 billion are pipsqueaks compared to the billionaires of the past like the robber barons. Rockefeller at the height of his wealth calculated in today's dollars was worth about $450 billion and everybody hated his guts. They hated all the robber barons mostly just because they were rich. Didn't matter how much money they gave to charity how many colleges and libraries they built people still hated their guts because that's what people do.
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Sam Walton.
The Mars family (yes from the candy), they might be as rich as the Waltons but they tend to stay out of everything, so they're neither liked nor disliked. You could probably meet a Mars and not realize they were anyone special.
The difference might be that they are very mainstream products and companies and we don't think of Walmarts and Milky Way bars as something outside of our lives.
I think "Warp" was the 3rd version of OS/2, which came out about the same time as Win95.Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: JoemanI don't hate Gates because of his wealth, I hate him because he got rich having us pay to beta test Microsoft's software. He rushed Windows 95 (which he essentially stole from Apple... who stole it from Xerox, but that's, as they say, a "whole nother story") to market to head off IBM's arguably superior OS/2 Warp operating system. The result was a buggy OS that, while undeniably a significant technological advance, caused a bunch of headaches (and I'm not even an IT guy).Quote: AZDuffmanThere is still so much envy in this country. People hated Gates and Jobs. Never mind the great products they gave us, if they made profit so much of society hates them. You can suggest why not just invest in these companies if they make so much money. Nope, this segment will never consider that, they want the money taken away simply because there is something not right.
There are some of these types I do not like (Mark Cuban) but if I do not like them it is something about them, not that they have money.
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Well, that and his Moe Howard haircut!
I never had anything against Jobs. Although I don't own any Apple products, I appreciate their significance.
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OS/2 was out years before Windows95 I thought.
I was in college at the time, and I went to a presentation on campus by IBM touting the benefits of OS/2 Warp, saying how much better it would be than "Chicago" (it wasn't publicly known as "Windows 95" at the time). They handed out demo CD-Rom's of it at the presentation. I remember showing mine to a friend who was a Computer Information Science major. He just scoffed at it! He was confident that it would be eclipsed by Win95.
Fair point, but when I first saw Win95, I was struck by how close to identical it was to Apple's GUI. It's like MS just said, "Let's just use Apple's GUI, except change the 'Trash Can' to a 'Recycle Bin!'"Quote:I would not put it as "stolen from Apple." By that point it was all going in a similar direction. Sort of similar to saying Ford stole the assembly line from Oldsmobile.
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Quote: JoemanI think "Warp" was the 3rd version of OS/2, which came out about the same time as Win95.Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: JoemanI don't hate Gates because of his wealth, I hate him because he got rich having us pay to beta test Microsoft's software. He rushed Windows 95 (which he essentially stole from Apple... who stole it from Xerox, but that's, as they say, a "whole nother story") to market to head off IBM's arguably superior OS/2 Warp operating system. The result was a buggy OS that, while undeniably a significant technological advance, caused a bunch of headaches (and I'm not even an IT guy).Quote: AZDuffmanThere is still so much envy in this country. People hated Gates and Jobs. Never mind the great products they gave us, if they made profit so much of society hates them. You can suggest why not just invest in these companies if they make so much money. Nope, this segment will never consider that, they want the money taken away simply because there is something not right.
There are some of these types I do not like (Mark Cuban) but if I do not like them it is something about them, not that they have money.
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Well, that and his Moe Howard haircut!
I never had anything against Jobs. Although I don't own any Apple products, I appreciate their significance.
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OS/2 was out years before Windows95 I thought.
I was in college at the time, and I went to a presentation on campus by IBM touting the benefits of OS/2 Warp, saying how much better it would be than "Chicago" (it wasn't publicly known as "Windows 95" at the time). They handed out demo CD-Rom's of it at the presentation. I remember showing mine to a friend who was a Computer Information Science major. He just scoffed at it! He was confident that it would be eclipsed by Win95.Fair point, but when I first saw Win95, I was struck by how close to identical it was to Apple's GUI. It's like MS just said, "Let's just use Apple's GUI, except change the 'Trash Can' to a 'Recycle Bin!'"Quote:I would not put it as "stolen from Apple." By that point it was all going in a similar direction. Sort of similar to saying Ford stole the assembly line from Oldsmobile.
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95 came out right after I got out of college. I barely used the previous Windows and to be honest at the time thought DOS based was easier. 95 changed everything. I do not get why they changed the START button in the latest version. To me it is like they did on car headlights. Used to be pull the switch to turn the lights on, left for dome light, right to dim the dash. Much has been changed since, none have improved it. START was bottom left and controlled everything. Why mess around with it?
Standards in computers happen like that. Early web pages were all over the place. But standards emerged. By 1998 corporate pages all had "About us", "Contact", "Careers" and such all at the top or bottom. What is copyrightable and not works under common law. Meaning that we have some laws but as new things come up the courts will decide the details as needed.
Apple made the same mistake as Sony. They wanted total control of a proprietary standard. It might have been superior in some ways, but when 90% of the market uses the common standard you have lost the battle.
pretty amazing - world's first in rocketry
Musk's Space X booster rocket returns to Earth and is captured on its lander by mechanical jaws
Quote: AutomaticMonkeyQuote: EvenBobQuote: SOOPOOQuote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBobThis is why Elon Musk will be the world's first trillionaire. He had all this in his head 20 years ago and everybody thought it was impossible. Listen to the crowd reaction as to what they accomplished here today.
As many reasons as there is to not like the guy, he is a visionary and a person that makes things happen. He may go down in history similar to Thomas Edison.
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Name a fantastically wealthy person in the United States thatwas ever well liked. They were mostly reviled and hated because of their wealth. Jealousy of rich people is embedded in our genes.
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Taylor Swift
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I should have put that I meant in the past. Billionaires today if they're worth under 10 billion are pipsqueaks compared to the billionaires of the past like the robber barons. Rockefeller at the height of his wealth calculated in today's dollars was worth about $450 billion and everybody hated his guts. They hated all the robber barons mostly just because they were rich. Didn't matter how much money they gave to charity how many colleges and libraries they built people still hated their guts because that's what people do.
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Sam Walton.
The Mars family (yes from the candy), they might be as rich as the Waltons but they tend to stay out of everything, so they're neither liked nor disliked. You could probably meet a Mars and not realize they were anyone special.
The difference might be that they are very mainstream products and companies and we don't think of Walmarts and Milky Way bars as something outside of our lives.
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The Johnsons, who own Fidelity.
According to my wife, this is our song.
Quote:Record For Largest Known Prime Number Broken By Amateur Mathematician Using Free Software
"Doctor, I have what I think is a yeast infection in my groin area, is it flammable?"
some possible causes of Global Catastrophe - see link
no one should panic - it's not likely to happen in our lifetime - although possible - but one of these events will prolly happen sometime in the distant future of the universe
A gigantic asteroid could collide with the Earth and destroy our planet or much of it
Planetary or Interstellar Collision - scientists say there is a 1% chance that the planet Mercury's orbit could be made unstable by Jupiter's gravitational pull and that it possibly could collide with Earth
The Sun - a powerful solar flare, solar superstorm or solar micronova could cause a drastic increase or decrease in the Sun's power and could have severe consequences for life on Earth
Uninhabitable Universe - the expansion of spacetime could cause the destruction of all matter in a Big Rip scenario - I don't really understand this one at all
Extraterrestial Invasion - intelligent alien life if it exists could invade Earth and destroy it or enslave humans or exploit the planet's resources
Natural Pandemic - viruses and diseases caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria - similar to and worse than smallpox, bubonic plague and Covid
Natural Climate Change - such as an ice age
Super Volcano - the eruption of a super volcano could lead to a volcanic winter similar to a nuclear winter - human extinction is possible
Nuclear War or Chemical warfare
Quote:Queen Elizabeth's Corgis Were Actually "Psycho," Apparently
In his new biography of the late queen, Craig Brown documents the dogs' many, many crimes against
people and furniture.
Quote: rxwineAh, story behind paywall unfortunately.
Quote:Queen Elizabeth's Corgis Were Actually "Psycho," Apparently
In his new biography of the late queen, Craig Brown documents the dogs' many, many crimes against
people and furniture.
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Were they crimes of passion?
Hail (Mary) to the Redskins, hail victory.........
Quote: AZDuffman
Hail (Mary) to the Redskins, hail victory.........
Blasphemy!!! It was the Commanders.
Quote: DRichQuote: AZDuffman
Hail (Mary) to the Redskins, hail victory.........
Blasphemy!!! It was the Commanders.
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That's their slave name.
sign of the times -
for maybe about a year now grocery stores in my area have posted private Security Guards in uniform by the exits due to an increase in shoplifting
now, in the last week I've been to 2 very large stores - and they both now have a County Policeman carrying a gun and baton and wearing a bullet proof vest at the exit
maybe the shoplifters didn't respect the private Security Guards and walked out with the products even though they were there
I've very surprised that the County Police are willing to utilize their manpower in this manner -
my area is very safe and there is almost no crime except I guess for shoplifting
Quote: lilredrooster.
I've very surprised that the County Police are willing to utilize their manpower in that manner -
Most counties allow their policemen to work outside of the department on their time off. I believe many places hire off duty cops.
Quote: DRichQuote: lilredrooster.
I've very surprised that the County Police are willing to utilize their manpower in that manner -
Most counties allow their policemen to work outside of the department on their time off. I believe many places hire off duty cops.
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yes, I'm aware of that
but I wouldn't expect them to be wearing their County Police Uniform
in any event - I've never seen this before about one week ago -
Quote: lilredrooster.
sign of the times -
for maybe about a year now grocery stores in my area have posted private Security Guards in uniform by the exits due to an increase in shoplifting
now, in the last week I've been to 2 very large stores - and they both now have a County Policeman carrying a gun and baton and wearing a bullet proof vest at the exit
maybe the shoplifters didn't respect the private Security Guards and walked out with the products even though they were there
I've very surprised that the County Police are willing to utilize their manpower in this manner -
my area is very safe and there is almost no crime except I guess for shoplifting
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They are probably being paid. Lots of police departments will post a cop for an hourly rate as long as manpower is available.
Quote: lilredroosterQuote: DRichQuote: lilredrooster.
I've very surprised that the County Police are willing to utilize their manpower in that manner -
Most counties allow their policemen to work outside of the department on their time off. I believe many places hire off duty cops.
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yes, I'm aware of that
but I wouldn't expect them to be wearing their County Police Uniform
in any event - I've never seen this before about one week ago -
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At all the events I've been to that hired off duty officers as security, the officers have been in official (county/city/state) uniform.
I think once I saw an off duty officer moonlighting as a guard at a hospital; they were in the security company's uniform.
What they wear may have something to do with how they are hired for the job.
Quote: lilredroosterQuote: DRichQuote: lilredrooster.
I've very surprised that the County Police are willing to utilize their manpower in that manner -
Most counties allow their policemen to work outside of the department on their time off. I believe many places hire off duty cops.
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yes, I'm aware of that
but I wouldn't expect them to be wearing their County Police Uniform
in any event - I've never seen this before about one week ago -
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Check where they wear their badges. In Florida, cops can work off-duty in uniform but must wear their badges on the right side, not over their heart. That lets everyone know who is on duty and who is working a side gig when there is a problem. Cops working a side gig in NY can't be uniform. It differs from place to place.
Quote:A couple in California lost their home insurance after their insurance company claimed they saw "moss" growing on the roof of their house in a satellite photo.
Turned out to be solar panels, but still...
mysterious white blobs have been washing up on Newfoundland's shores - see link
the Canadian Feds have been called in to investigate - but they can't figure out what they are - nobody knows

Quote: lilredrooster.
mysterious white blobs have been washing up on Newfoundland's shores
Slimy, glowing orange ‘alien egg pods’ discovered in river — and they’re ‘spreading rapidly’

Quote: TankoQuote: lilredrooster.
mysterious white blobs have been washing up on Newfoundland's shores
Slimy, glowing orange ‘alien egg pods’ discovered in river — and they’re ‘spreading rapidly’
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I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords.
Quote: DieterI, for one, welcome our new alien overlords.
an obvious attempt to curry favor early on and obtain special status when the takeover is complete
prolly hoping to become a "Moderator" operating freely in the margins between the two entities
very, very shrewd
Quote: lilredrooster.
mysterious white blobs have been washing up on Newfoundland's shores - see link
the Canadian Feds have been called in to investigate - but they can't figure out what they are - nobody knows
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Strikingly similar to one of EBs culinary masterpieces. I'm getting a MIB vibe.
Quote: lilredroosterQuote: DieterI, for one, welcome our new alien overlords.
an obvious attempt to curry favor early on and obtain special status when the takeover is complete
prolly hoping to become a "Moderator" operating freely in the margins between the two entities
very, very shrewd
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Shoot an angle?
Yeah, probably.
one more of these incredible true crime stories - so very devious - this one just happened - will prolly come to Dateline soon - it's a double homicide - see link
an Au Pair (nanny) and the husband get hot and bothered together and hatch a plan to kill the wife
she lures a stranger there from an internet app to have sex
when he gets there the husband shoots him dead and then stabs his wife to death
they then try to convince the Cops that the stranger attacked the wife and killed her and so the husband was justified in shooting the stranger dead
didn't work - she has confessed - this is really crazy stuff