Quote: lilredrooster.
I'm addicted to true crime shows
there are tons of them on cable now
what's really freaky is you now see women committing homicides
I don't remember ever hearing about women killers when I was growing up - maybe there were some but I think it was pretty rare
they usually bump off their husbands and sometimes the woman their husbands were cheating on them with
it's really kinna dumb - men do it too - you know the spouse is going to be immediately suspected by the cops -
a lot of these tales are really twisted - you couldn't make this stuff up
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Right now I'm hooked on the cop body cam videos on YouTube there are hundreds and hundreds of them and they are real quality now. This is reality TV, the true reality TV. How there can be this many stupid people always amazes me. And what's with their addiction to their smartphones. Do they think they are some kind of magical protection or something? Watch a few of them you'll see what I mean. They get pulled over by the cops and they immediately reach for their phone like it's going to save them. They get hauled out of the car still talking on their phone. They cry and scream for their phones all the way to the police station. What did they do before phones, scream for their mama? There was one I saw the other day where it took two cops to pull the phone out of this woman's hand. She had a death grip on it and was screaming the whole time they were trying to take it. Very entertaining.
Quote: lilredrooster.
I'm addicted to true crime shows
there are tons of them on cable now
what's really freaky is you now see women committing homicides
I don't remember ever hearing about women killers when I was growing up - maybe there were some but I think it was pretty rare
when women become killers it's usually their husbands that they whack
it's really kinna dumb - men do it too - you know the spouse is going to be immediately suspected by the cops -
a lot of these tales are really twisted - you couldn't make this stuff up
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If you have HULU, you should put the limited (5 episodes) series "Candy" on your watch list.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: lilredrooster.
I'm addicted to true crime shows
there are tons of them on cable now
what's really freaky is you now see women committing homicides
I don't remember ever hearing about women killers when I was growing up - maybe there were some but I think it was pretty rare
they usually bump off their husbands and sometimes the woman their husbands were cheating on them with
it's really kinna dumb - men do it too - you know the spouse is going to be immediately suspected by the cops -
a lot of these tales are really twisted - you couldn't make this stuff up
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Right now I'm hooked on the cop body cam videos on YouTube there are hundreds and hundreds of them and they are real quality now. This is reality TV, the true reality TV. How there can be this many stupid people always amazes me. And what's with their addiction to their smartphones. Do they think they are some kind of magical protection or something? Watch a few of them you'll see what I mean. They get pulled over by the cops and they immediately reach for their phone like it's going to save them. They get hauled out of the car still talking on their phone. They cry and scream for their phones all the way to the police station. What did they do before phones, scream for their mama? There was one I saw the other day where it took two cops to pull the phone out of this woman's hand. She had a death grip on it and was screaming the whole time they were trying to take it. Very entertaining.
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and it's how they catch them too
they'll check out the phone and find out the murderer and the co-conspirator texted each other 100 times on the day of the murder, stuff like that
that guy that killed the students in Idaho, Kohberger, turned off his phone so pinging wouldn't locate him in the area. This became evidence since the cops figured out he never turns off his phone!
cameras are all over the place now making it hard for criminals to hide their whereabouts during the commission of a crime
pretty soon cameras may be just about everywhere - at least in public places - making it even harder
and the cameras will of course be getting better - with even sharper images
Quote: TigerWuSovereign Citizen videos are hilarious.
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Never seen a sovereign citizen video where the person did not have a suspended driver's license. Has it dawned on them that if being a sovereign citizen is so great why isn't everybody doing it. And how do so many people lose their driver's licenses. I've had mine since 1965 and never even come close. Last ticket I had was in 1982. I protect my driver's license like it's the important part of my life that it is. But so many treat it like it's toilet paper. Then they lose it and drive around with expired license plates, no insurance, a broken brake light and they constantly violate the rules of the road like they're begging to be pulled over. How stupid can you be.
Quote: odiousgambitQuote: EvenBobQuote: lilredrooster.
I'm addicted to true crime shows
there are tons of them on cable now
what's really freaky is you now see women committing homicides
I don't remember ever hearing about women killers when I was growing up - maybe there were some but I think it was pretty rare
they usually bump off their husbands and sometimes the woman their husbands were cheating on them with
it's really kinna dumb - men do it too - you know the spouse is going to be immediately suspected by the cops -
a lot of these tales are really twisted - you couldn't make this stuff up
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Right now I'm hooked on the cop body cam videos on YouTube there are hundreds and hundreds of them and they are real quality now. This is reality TV, the true reality TV. How there can be this many stupid people always amazes me. And what's with their addiction to their smartphones. Do they think they are some kind of magical protection or something? Watch a few of them you'll see what I mean. They get pulled over by the cops and they immediately reach for their phone like it's going to save them. They get hauled out of the car still talking on their phone. They cry and scream for their phones all the way to the police station. What did they do before phones, scream for their mama? There was one I saw the other day where it took two cops to pull the phone out of this woman's hand. She had a death grip on it and was screaming the whole time they were trying to take it. Very entertaining.
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and it's how they catch them too
they'll check out the phone and find out the murderer and the co-conspirator texted each other 100 times on the day of the murder, stuff like that
that guy that killed the students in Idaho, Kohberger, turned off his phone so pinging wouldn't locate him in the area. This became evidence since the cops figured out he never turns off his phone!
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I admit to a great deal of satisfaction when the body cam/dash cam/cell phone cam captures police misconduct resulting in sanctions or even firing.
Quote: billryanRulez are for suckers. An occasional tow and impound fee is cheaper than insurance and registration fees.
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Ever been in a car accident with no insurance? I can't imagine what a nightmare that would be. I got struck as a pedestrian in the 90s and my car insurance paid all my hospital bills and even paid me a weekly sum for being out of work. Tens of thousands of dollars in the end and with no insurance I would have been screwed.
Quote: mcallister3200It’s difficult to lose a driver’s license if you only leave your house once a month.
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I'm 75 years old now. Do you think it's possible that I might not have lived this way all my life? I used to drive for a living when I had the cab company.
Quote: GenoDRPh
I admit to a great deal of satisfaction when the body cam/dash cam/cell phone cam captures police misconduct resulting in sanctions or even firing.
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My schadenfreude kicks in big time when I watch the body cam videos. Especially when they decide they don't want a ticket so they run. And then they wreck their car and get hauled off to jail with multiple felonies all so they could avoid getting a traffic ticket. Or they have some nothing burger warrant that the cop will find that will cost them a couple hundred bucks so instead they wreck their car and rack up thousands of dollars in fines. Those videos are greatly satisfying to me. Or they pull some guy over for doing 80 in a 55 and he has $200,000 worth of cocaine in his trunk. I mean how big a moron are you. They say no you can't search my car and the cop says okay, I'll just run my dog around it a few times. Then the driver says you can't do that I know my rights. 5 minutes later the cop is slapping on the handcuffs. I love it when they say I know my rights and the cop says that's what I do for a living, knowing your rights.. Or the cop will say okay, tell me what your rights are. And they never have an answer, it's hilarious.
what's really shocking is when a wealthy person such as a Doctor or a high flying Lawyer gets convicted of murder and gets life in prison or 40 years to life or something like that
they show the tiny cell - it's just a thin mattress on a tiny cot, a sink, and a toilet
and they have to be in that cell 23 hours of the day - except maybe for meals - not sure about that - they let them outside in the yard for 1 hour per day
so very horrible what their life has become
many will say that's what they deserve
I guess you shouldn't feel sorry for murderers, but when I see that cell, that cot, that sink and that toilet - and I think about the rest of their life in there - I do
Quote: EvenBobQuote: GenoDRPh
I admit to a great deal of satisfaction when the body cam/dash cam/cell phone cam captures police misconduct resulting in sanctions or even firing.
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My schadenfreude kicks in big time when I watch the body cam videos. Especially when they decide they don't want a ticket so they run. And then they wreck their car and get hauled off to jail with multiple felonies all so they could avoid getting a traffic ticket. Or they have some nothing burger warrant that the cop will find that will cost them a couple hundred bucks so instead they wreck their car and rack up thousands of dollars in fines. Those videos are greatly satisfying to me. Or they pull some guy over for doing 80 in a 55 and he has $200,000 worth of cocaine in his trunk. I mean how big a moron are you. They say no you can't search my car and the cop says okay, I'll just run my dog around it a few times. Then the driver says you can't do that I know my rights. 5 minutes later the cop is slapping on the handcuffs. I love it when they say I know my rights and the cop says that's what I do for a living, knowing your rights.. Or the cop will say okay, tell me what your rights are. And they never have an answer, it's hilarious.
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You'll get no argument from me. Rules are rules, and you gotta follow the rules. Drive on a suspended/revoked license, or an unregistered MV, or have contraband or outstanding warrants at your own peril. But, again, cop rules are cop rules. And cops gotta follow the rules, too.
Quote: lilredrooster.
what's really shocking is when a wealthy person such as a Doctor or a high flying Lawyer gets convicted of murder and gets life in prison or 40 years to life or something like that
they show the tiny cell - it's just a thin mattress on a tiny cot, a sink, and a toilet
and they have to be in that cell 23 hours of the day - except maybe for meals - not sure about that - they let them outside in the yard for 1 hour per day
so very horrible what their life has become
many will say that's what they deserve
I guess you shouldn't feel sorry for murderers, but when I see that cell, that cot, that sink and that toilet - and I think about the rest of their life in there - I do
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3 hots and a cot. House everyone safely, protected from prison violence, give them vocational opportunities and recreational opportunities to pass the time and perhaps a meaningful opportunity for parole after a few decades (like the Federal system) and I'm good.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: billryanRulez are for suckers. An occasional tow and impound fee is cheaper than insurance and registration fees.
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Ever been in a car accident with no insurance? I can't imagine what a nightmare that would be. I got struck as a pedestrian in the 90s and my car insurance paid all my hospital bills and even paid me a weekly sum for being out of work. Tens of thousands of dollars in the end and with no insurance I would have been screwed.
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If you have insurance, you also have the chance to buy uninsured motorist insurance. Who is at fault for not spending a few extra bucks, especially when seeing the world as dark and scary? In Arizona, it is estimated that as many as twenty-five percent of cars are either uninsured or driven by an unlicensed driver. Knowing that, you should plan accordingly.
I have never lost my license and I’ve had one for 47 years. I think people are just too careless .Quote: mcallister3200It’s difficult to lose a driver’s license if you only leave your house once a month.
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Quote: HunterhillI have never lost my license and I’ve had one for 47 years. I think people are just too careless .Quote: mcallister3200It’s difficult to lose a driver’s license if you only leave your house once a month.
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I can’t recall ever having done so either. I have had to get a replacement social security card though, that’s probably worse.
Quote: HunterhillI have never lost my license and I’ve had one for 47 years. I think people are just too careless .Quote: mcallister3200It’s difficult to lose a driver’s license if you only leave your house once a month.
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I've had a license for 60 years and I can tell you every single ticket I got because there are so few. I've always treated my license like it's made out of gold because I've seen people who lost theirs and their lives were a total wreck because of it. Like they always say driving is a privilege it's not a right and if you lose that privilege good luck to you. I did some stupid things but I never got caught. Like the last year I lived in California and owned the bar I drove home drunk every night because I hated that place towards the end. But luckily it was always really late at night and I only lived six blocks away and I always took the back streets and never saw a single cop. Penalties for drunk driving in those days weren't that harsh anyway, nothing like they are now. First offense you didn't even lose your license. First offense drunk driving in California now is loss of your license for 6 months to a year and then after that is restricted driving.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: HunterhillI have never lost my license and I’ve had one for 47 years. I think people are just too careless .Quote: mcallister3200It’s difficult to lose a driver’s license if you only leave your house once a month.
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I've had a license for 60 years and I can tell you every single ticket I got because there are so few. I've always treated my license like it's made out of gold because I've seen people who lost theirs and their lives were a total wreck because of it. Like they always say driving is a privilege it's not a right and if you lose that privilege good luck to you. I did some stupid things but I never got caught. Like the last year I lived in California and owned the bar I drove home drunk every night because I hated that place towards the end. But luckily it was always really late at night and I only lived six blocks away and I always took the back streets and never saw a single cop. Penalties for drunk driving in those days weren't that harsh anyway, nothing like they are now. First offense you didn't even lose your license. First offense drunk driving in California now is loss of your license for 6 months to a year and then after that is restricted driving.
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I think I head that like 20% of people in CA are on the edge of losing their license for all kinds of reasons, lots of them unpaid fines. There used to be a YT channel called "People behaving badly" where the guy was a news reporter who went out with cops and showed all kinds of moving violations. People using an exit and re-entry ramp to jump up just a little in traffic was a favorite of mine. Or massive fines for parking in handicap spots and people amazed they got caught. If those fines were not paid, and lots seem to have not been, license in jeopardy.
I cannot see how people live like they do out there. Some things he covered were very valid. Others were revenue-raising on the part of the cops, such as where you put your GPS on the windshield.
Quote: AZDuffman
I think I head that like 20% of people in CA are on the edge of losing their license for all kinds of reasons, lots of them unpaid fines. There used to be a YT channel called "People behaving badly" where the guy was a news reporter who went out with cops and showed all kinds of moving violations. People using an exit and re-entry ramp to jump up just a little in traffic was a favorite of mine. Or massive fines for parking in handicap spots and people amazed they got caught. If those fines were not paid, and lots seem to have not been, license in jeopardy.
I cannot see how people live like they do out there. Some things he covered were very valid. Others were revenue-raising on the part of the cops, such as where you put your GPS on the windshield.
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Tinted windows are always a big one that people are getting tickets for on these cop videos. And they always say the same thing, I bought it that way. Like that's going to get them out of it. I don't understand the point of driving a car that you can't see out of. That's why they get tickets because they're a danger to everybody else and cops can't see who's driving. It's like people who wear sunglasses inside a building, I don't get it. I have done it a couple times and you almost have to feel your way around because you can't see anything.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: AZDuffman
I think I head that like 20% of people in CA are on the edge of losing their license for all kinds of reasons, lots of them unpaid fines. There used to be a YT channel called "People behaving badly" where the guy was a news reporter who went out with cops and showed all kinds of moving violations. People using an exit and re-entry ramp to jump up just a little in traffic was a favorite of mine. Or massive fines for parking in handicap spots and people amazed they got caught. If those fines were not paid, and lots seem to have not been, license in jeopardy.
I cannot see how people live like they do out there. Some things he covered were very valid. Others were revenue-raising on the part of the cops, such as where you put your GPS on the windshield.
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Tinted windows are always a big one that people are getting tickets for on these cop videos. And they always say the same thing, I bought it that way. Like that's going to get them out of it. I don't understand the point of driving a car that you can't see out of. That's why they get tickets because they're a danger to everybody else and cops can't see who's driving. It's like people who wear sunglasses inside a building, I don't get it. I have done it a couple times and you almost have to feel your way around because you can't see anything.
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Another one this guy showed was people driving with headphones on, a very dangerous thing. I mean, you have a radio in virtually every car yet you want to wear headphones? The people they pulled over were always oblivious about how dangerous it is.
So, is that first spark of new life still possible today, or is it even worse than that, and the planet only had a really short time period where that first life would occur? In other words very special conditions that don’t exist today. Just because life can exist in current conditions doesn't mean that is ideal for it starting.
If so, that would certainly reduce the chance we ever find anyone else out there.
Quote: AZDuffman
I cannot see how people live like they do out there. Some things he covered were very valid. Others were revenue-raising on the part of the cops, such as where you put your GPS on the windshield.
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The biggest "revenue raising" ticket events are speeding citations. Speeding is almost NEVER cited at the scene of an accident. Depending on the jurisdiction, going a few mph over the limit results in more fines than any other traffic offense and raises big money for govt entities. It is low hanging fruit because of speed detection devices with almost no push back from offenders. While the fines are not really great, the increases in insurance premiums will last for 3+ years and can be very costly 30% or more.
Quote: tuttigymQuote: AZDuffman
I cannot see how people live like they do out there. Some things he covered were very valid. Others were revenue-raising on the part of the cops, such as where you put your GPS on the windshield.
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The biggest "revenue raising" ticket events are speeding citations. Speeding is almost NEVER cited at the scene of an accident. Depending on the jurisdiction, going a few mph over the limit results in more fines than any other traffic offense and raises big money for govt entities. It is low hanging fruit because of speed detection devices with almost no push back from offenders. While the fines are not really great, the increases in insurance premiums will last for 3+ years and can be very costly 30% or more.
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I've been pulled over on highways dozens of times and never received a speeding ticket. I believe police use the visual of a car pulled over as an aid to get people to slow down. Make a cop's job easier, and they are likelier to cut you a break. Make your argument in court, not on the side of the road.
Quote: billryanQuote: tuttigymQuote: AZDuffman
I cannot see how people live like they do out there. Some things he covered were very valid. Others were revenue-raising on the part of the cops, such as where you put your GPS on the windshield.
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The biggest "revenue raising" ticket events are speeding citations. Speeding is almost NEVER cited at the scene of an accident. Depending on the jurisdiction, going a few mph over the limit results in more fines than any other traffic offense and raises big money for govt entities. It is low hanging fruit because of speed detection devices with almost no push back from offenders. While the fines are not really great, the increases in insurance premiums will last for 3+ years and can be very costly 30% or more.
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I've been pulled over on highways dozens of times and never received a speeding ticket. I believe police use the visual of a car pulled over as an aid to get people to slow down. Make a cop's job easier, and they are likelier to cut you a break. Make your argument in court, not on the side of the road.
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Watch some police bodycam video on YouTube to see people who do not get this. Thing is I’ve seen people in person not speeding but other things just make themselves get in worse trouble.
Kind of natural selection in action.
Edit: don't know why they are all sideways

Quote: tuttigymQuote: AZDuffman
I cannot see how people live like they do out there. Some things he covered were very valid. Others were revenue-raising on the part of the cops, such as where you put your GPS on the windshield.
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The biggest "revenue raising" ticket events are speeding citations. Speeding is almost NEVER cited at the scene of an accident. Depending on the jurisdiction, going a few mph over the limit results in more fines than any other traffic offense and raises big money for govt entities. It is low hanging fruit because of speed detection devices with almost no push back from offenders. While the fines are not really great, the increases in insurance premiums will last for 3+ years and can be very costly 30% or more.
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Hopefully in the future technology will be required in all vehicles to prevent going over the speed limit.
Quote: DRichQuote: tuttigymQuote: AZDuffman
I cannot see how people live like they do out there. Some things he covered were very valid. Others were revenue-raising on the part of the cops, such as where you put your GPS on the windshield.
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The biggest "revenue raising" ticket events are speeding citations. Speeding is almost NEVER cited at the scene of an accident. Depending on the jurisdiction, going a few mph over the limit results in more fines than any other traffic offense and raises big money for govt entities. It is low hanging fruit because of speed detection devices with almost no push back from offenders. While the fines are not really great, the increases in insurance premiums will last for 3+ years and can be very costly 30% or more.
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Hopefully in the future technology will be required in all vehicles to prevent going over the speed limit.
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Hopefully in the future technology will exist to allow speed limits to be safely and substantially raised.
Quote: DRichQuote: tuttigymQuote: AZDuffman
I cannot see how people live like they do out there. Some things he covered were very valid. Others were revenue-raising on the part of the cops, such as where you put your GPS on the windshield.
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The biggest "revenue raising" ticket events are speeding citations. Speeding is almost NEVER cited at the scene of an accident. Depending on the jurisdiction, going a few mph over the limit results in more fines than any other traffic offense and raises big money for govt entities. It is low hanging fruit because of speed detection devices with almost no push back from offenders. While the fines are not really great, the increases in insurance premiums will last for 3+ years and can be very costly 30% or more.
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Hopefully in the future technology will be required in all vehicles to prevent going over the speed limit.
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Speed Limit limiters now required in new cars sold in the EU.
Ford patents system for cars to report speeders to the police
Quote: GenoDRPh
Speed Limit limiters now required in new cars sold in the EU.
Ford patents system for cars to report speeders to the police
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Thank you, I didn't realize EU was doing that.
Quote: DRichQuote: GenoDRPh
Speed Limit limiters now required in new cars sold in the EU.
Ford patents system for cars to report speeders to the police
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Thank you, I didn't realize EU was doing that.
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They are proposing it in the USA. There is a segment of the population that wants it.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: DRichQuote: GenoDRPh
Speed Limit limiters now required in new cars sold in the EU.
Ford patents system for cars to report speeders to the police
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Thank you, I didn't realize EU was doing that.
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They are proposing it in the USA. There is a segment of the population that wants it.
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I'm going to try not to get (excessively) political or controversial.
I see a lot of "glitches" where the GPS (satnav) thinks I'm driving on an adjacent or intersecting road and get an alarm for overspeed. Despite my repeated patient explanations, the software just doesn't understand that 60 mph is fine on the expressway, and the 30mph speed limit under the bridge just doesn't apply to me right now.
Fix the glitches, then it's fine.
Having the speednanny system hit the brakes when it loses its mind sounds like a recipe for rear end collisions.
Ultimately I suspect if it's nor mandated by law, the implementation will be determined by the consumer.
Once new cars with a system to notify police of speeding results in poor sales, with consumers choosing models that don't report their own drivers to the police, they car companies will stop installing.
BTW I was just taking a trip in a rental which started an incessant beeping whenever traveling over 70mph. The driver kept slowing down to avoid the noise while speeding cars zoomed by us (like the entire highway waa speeding and we kept slowing traffic).
Finally we just lived with the incessant beeping and kept up with trafdic.
Quote: darkozThere is also a segment of the population that clearly doesn't want it because whenever I am on the highway it seems everyone is speeding.
Ultimately I suspect if it's nor mandated by law, the implementation will be determined by the consumer.
You are 100% correct. It will only work when mandated by law.
Quote: DRichQuote: darkozThere is also a segment of the population that clearly doesn't want it because whenever I am on the highway it seems everyone is speeding.
Ultimately I suspect if it's nor mandated by law, the implementation will be determined by the consumer.
You are 100% correct. It will only work when mandated by law.
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On Autoline podcast they said the percent of people who want it. My thought is the type of people who like living in a HOA want it mandated. I find it the same bad idea the DUI detection mandate is. 90% of drivers will drive at a safe speed. Quit punishing everyone for actions of a few.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: DRichQuote: darkozThere is also a segment of the population that clearly doesn't want it because whenever I am on the highway it seems everyone is speeding.
Ultimately I suspect if it's nor mandated by law, the implementation will be determined by the consumer.
You are 100% correct. It will only work when mandated by law.
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On Autoline podcast they said the percent of people who want it. My thought is the type of people who like living in a HOA want it mandated. I find it the same bad idea the DUI detection mandate is. 90% of drivers will drive at a safe speed. Quit punishing everyone for actions of a few.
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The speed limit is considered the maximum safe speed to go in that location.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: DRichQuote: darkozThere is also a segment of the population that clearly doesn't want it because whenever I am on the highway it seems everyone is speeding.
Ultimately I suspect if it's nor mandated by law, the implementation will be determined by the consumer.
You are 100% correct. It will only work when mandated by law.
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On Autoline podcast they said the percent of people who want it. My thought is the type of people who like living in a HOA want it mandated. I find it the same bad idea the DUI detection mandate is. 90% of drivers will drive at a safe speed. Quit punishing everyone for actions of a few.
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How is equipping a car with speed detection equipment punishing anyone who doesn't speed?
Quote: billryanQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: DRichQuote: darkozThere is also a segment of the population that clearly doesn't want it because whenever I am on the highway it seems everyone is speeding.
Ultimately I suspect if it's nor mandated by law, the implementation will be determined by the consumer.
You are 100% correct. It will only work when mandated by law.
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On Autoline podcast they said the percent of people who want it. My thought is the type of people who like living in a HOA want it mandated. I find it the same bad idea the DUI detection mandate is. 90% of drivers will drive at a safe speed. Quit punishing everyone for actions of a few.
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How is equipping a car with speed detection equipment punishing anyone who doesn't speed?
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It is not detection it is a governor. And saying it does not punish you is not an excuse to put it on your car. It is about control. If they can put that in your car they can disable your car. You want that?
Quote: DRichQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: DRichQuote: darkozThere is also a segment of the population that clearly doesn't want it because whenever I am on the highway it seems everyone is speeding.
Ultimately I suspect if it's nor mandated by law, the implementation will be determined by the consumer.
You are 100% correct. It will only work when mandated by law.
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On Autoline podcast they said the percent of people who want it. My thought is the type of people who like living in a HOA want it mandated. I find it the same bad idea the DUI detection mandate is. 90% of drivers will drive at a safe speed. Quit punishing everyone for actions of a few.
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Montana had no set max for years.
The speed limit is considered the maximum safe speed to go in that location.
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Not really. The real max safe is what the 85th percentile is driving at. We had 55 mph for years but you could go far faster safer. Speed limits were 75mph or more one day then 55 the next.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: billryanQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: DRichQuote: darkozThere is also a segment of the population that clearly doesn't want it because whenever I am on the highway it seems everyone is speeding.
Ultimately I suspect if it's nor mandated by law, the implementation will be determined by the consumer.
You are 100% correct. It will only work when mandated by law.
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On Autoline podcast they said the percent of people who want it. My thought is the type of people who like living in a HOA want it mandated. I find it the same bad idea the DUI detection mandate is. 90% of drivers will drive at a safe speed. Quit punishing everyone for actions of a few.
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How is equipping a car with speed detection equipment punishing anyone who doesn't speed?
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It is not detection it is a governor. And saying it does not punish you is not an excuse to put it on your car. It is about control. If they can put that in your car they can disable your car. You want that?
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Would I like the police to be able to shut down a car being driven by a drunk driver or speeder? Yes. Am I worried that the police might use such technology on me? No. Do you think people have the right to drive drunk or speed?
Your mis-indicated speeding may be being reported to your insurance company*Quote: DieterI'm going to try not to get (excessively) political or controversial.
I see a lot of "glitches" where the GPS (satnav) thinks I'm driving on an adjacent or intersecting road and get an alarm for overspeed. Despite my repeated patient explanations, the software just doesn't understand that 60 mph is fine on the expressway, and the 30mph speed limit under the bridge just doesn't apply to me right now.
We just got a car that the manual, "I think" , says an upgrade model reports such, but not our model. If we had the upgrade model, there is nothing in the manual that says how to turn that off
If your car does that then it probably also reports the so-called speedingQuote:Fix the glitches, then it's fine.
Having the speednanny system hit the brakes when it loses its mind sounds like a recipe for rear end collisions.
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* the intention of the reporting to some entity in the cloud was not to give your insurance company a report, but the companies are getting hold of these
Quote: billryanQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: billryanQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: DRichQuote: darkozThere is also a segment of the population that clearly doesn't want it because whenever I am on the highway it seems everyone is speeding.
Ultimately I suspect if it's nor mandated by law, the implementation will be determined by the consumer.
You are 100% correct. It will only work when mandated by law.
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On Autoline podcast they said the percent of people who want it. My thought is the type of people who like living in a HOA want it mandated. I find it the same bad idea the DUI detection mandate is. 90% of drivers will drive at a safe speed. Quit punishing everyone for actions of a few.
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How is equipping a car with speed detection equipment punishing anyone who doesn't speed?
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It is not detection it is a governor. And saying it does not punish you is not an excuse to put it on your car. It is about control. If they can put that in your car they can disable your car. You want that?
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Would I like the police to be able to shut down a car being driven by a drunk driver or speeder? Yes. Am I worried that the police might use such technology on me? No. Do you think people have the right to drive drunk or speed?
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See, you should be worried that they will turn it off on you. Easy to see it happening. It is not worth it to me that maybe they use it on a DUI case.
Quote: billryanYou are welcome to worry about it, if you so desire. As someone who has lost friends and brothers to suicide car bombers, I look at differently from someone afraid the cops might use it on a DUI.
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Those who trade freedom for safety will have neither.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: billryanYou are welcome to worry about it, if you so desire. As someone who has lost friends and brothers to suicide car bombers, I look at differently from someone afraid the cops might use it on a DUI.
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Those who trade freedom for safety will have neither.
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Those who trade safety for freedom will have neither.
Quote: darkozQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: billryanYou are welcome to worry about it, if you so desire. As someone who has lost friends and brothers to suicide car bombers, I look at differently from someone afraid the cops might use it on a DUI.
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Those who trade freedom for safety will have neither.
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Those who trade safety for freedom will have neither.
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Ask a former East German if that is true.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: darkozQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: billryanYou are welcome to worry about it, if you so desire. As someone who has lost friends and brothers to suicide car bombers, I look at differently from someone afraid the cops might use it on a DUI.
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Those who trade freedom for safety will have neither.
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Those who trade safety for freedom will have neither.
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Ask a former East German if that is true.
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I asked the guys who had freedom from invasive boarding procedures on 9/11 and they all replied they had neither as they died trading their safety for freedom.
I also asked the former East Germans and they said they felt very safe. If someone tried anything the government spies would take care of the interloper.