Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: DieterQuote: EvenBobQuote: Dieter
It is far more depressing to see someone just sitting around, waiting to die.
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That's what we're all doing, from the day we're born. Some of us just fill in the blank space in the middle differently. I don't think about it a lot, but I also don't want to waste my time on crap that I know going to be boring and disappointing. My wife is constantly saying she wants to travel which is fine, just don't expect me to go with you. I hate traveling, it's one hassle after another with very little reward. Mark Twain felt exactly the same way, he hated being away from home, he hated being away from his own bed. I know exactly how he felt.
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I would put the emphasis on "just".
If you're doing useful or interesting things to fill some of the day, that's not "just" waiting to die.
Learn a new song on the guitar. Build something in the wood shop. Something more than absorbing TV.
All of my wives and girlfriends have been horrible at traveling. Breakups after roadtrips are a recurring theme.
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I’d like to be able to travel cross country in a convertible. But I’d never do the normal things. I saw WATB on YT list the worst towns in Montana. One had this little casino. I want to go to it. I want to find a few Bar Rescue bars to go to. I want to see the greenhouse in the snow where the guy has citrus growing in Nebraska as a bonus just a bit from Autohenge. I want to see the largest ball of twine. I want to do plant tours when I can.
But I have no interest in something like Disney. I do not like travel norm as l people like.
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Montana casinos are weird.
If it's the WATB video I just watched, be advised that the Apsaalooke Casino in Crow Agency has been closed the last dozen times I've driven by. I believe you can find some Class II action about 45 minutes east down the 212 on the far side of Lame Deer.
(Charging Horse won't let me in. All I can comment is that they've got billboards up for a few miles, advertising that they have Buffalo slots. (I find this hilarious.) Believe it or not, most of the "casinos" in Montana do not have Buffalo.... at least, not the ones I go to.)
June in Montana is lovely.
edit: I have friends who retired and bought a house in Laurel, which was also on the awful towns list. They love it.
Quote: EvenBob. If you think old age is in your fifties, you have a big surprise coming. A very big surprise.
Hopefully I will not live long enough to experience that. If I retire when I turn 62, my retirement savings should keep me alive until 64 or 65. Everything after that will be horrific.
For my part, other than that sports and exercise related injuries take longer to heal than they did when I was say, 20, I don't look or feel much different.
Quote: MDawgIt depends on how well you have taken care of yourself. Jim Morrison at 26 said he felt like he was 56. A year later he was dead.
For my part, other than that sports and exercise related injuries take longer to heal than they did when I was say, 20, I don't look or feel much different.
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Physically I feel like I am 75 years old, mentally I still think I am 25.
Quote: DRichQuote: EvenBob. If you think old age is in your fifties, you have a big surprise coming. A very big surprise.
Hopefully I will not live long enough to experience that. If I retire when I turn 62, my retirement savings should keep me alive until 64 or 65. Everything after that will be horrific.
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You make all your money with your brain, why would you retire your brain at 62. And you think you feel like you're 75 but you actually have no idea what 75 feels like. Let's hope you live long enough to find out. In my experience all the people I've known that thought they were going to die young never did. And more than a few of them who thought they were going to live long after retirement didn't even live to retirement or died shortly after.
Quote: EvenBob
You make all your money with your brain, why would you retire your brain at 62. And you think you feel like you're 75 but you actually have no idea what 75 feels like. Let's hope you live long enough to find out. In my experience all the people I've known that thought they were going to die young never did. And more than a few of them who thought they were going to live long after retirement didn't even live to retirement or died shortly after.
I have a feeling you are right. I will probably live too long. I thought I was going to be able to retire at 48 but a few things went south. I am tired of working and just ready to be a slug (or more of a slug than I already am). I just want to surf the internet 17 hours a day and sleep 7 hours, That would be the perfect ending for me.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBob. If you think old age is in your fifties, you have a big surprise coming. A very big surprise.
Hopefully I will not live long enough to experience that. If I retire when I turn 62, my retirement savings should keep me alive until 64 or 65. Everything after that will be horrific.
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You make all your money with your brain, why would you retire your brain at 62. And you think you feel like you're 75 but you actually have no idea what 75 feels like. Let's hope you live long enough to find out. In my experience all the people I've known that thought they were going to die young never did. And more than a few of them who thought they were going to live long after retirement didn't even live to retirement or died shortly after.
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I don't see myself making it past 70. I feel 10 years older than I am and always have. I don't get wanting to live to 100 like some people say they want to do. 70 will be plenty for me.
Quote: DieterQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: DieterQuote: EvenBobQuote: Dieter
It is far more depressing to see someone just sitting around, waiting to die.
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That's what we're all doing, from the day we're born. Some of us just fill in the blank space in the middle differently. I don't think about it a lot, but I also don't want to waste my time on crap that I know going to be boring and disappointing. My wife is constantly saying she wants to travel which is fine, just don't expect me to go with you. I hate traveling, it's one hassle after another with very little reward. Mark Twain felt exactly the same way, he hated being away from home, he hated being away from his own bed. I know exactly how he felt.
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I would put the emphasis on "just".
If you're doing useful or interesting things to fill some of the day, that's not "just" waiting to die.
Learn a new song on the guitar. Build something in the wood shop. Something more than absorbing TV.
All of my wives and girlfriends have been horrible at traveling. Breakups after roadtrips are a recurring theme.
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I’d like to be able to travel cross country in a convertible. But I’d never do the normal things. I saw WATB on YT list the worst towns in Montana. One had this little casino. I want to go to it. I want to find a few Bar Rescue bars to go to. I want to see the greenhouse in the snow where the guy has citrus growing in Nebraska as a bonus just a bit from Autohenge. I want to see the largest ball of twine. I want to do plant tours when I can.
But I have no interest in something like Disney. I do not like travel norm as l people like.
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Montana casinos are weird.
If it's the WATB video I just watched, be advised that the Apsaalooke Casino in Crow Agency has been closed the last dozen times I've driven by. I believe you can find some Class II action about 45 minutes east down the 212 on the far side of Lame Deer.
(Charging Horse won't let me in. All I can comment is that they've got billboards up for a few miles, advertising that they have Buffalo slots. (I find this hilarious.) Believe it or not, most of the "casinos" in Montana do not have Buffalo.... at least, not the ones I go to.)
June in Montana is lovely.
edit: I have friends who retired and bought a house in Laurel, which was also on the awful towns list. They love it.
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The one I saw I would only probably care about the poker room. The town has like 2 places to eat and a small motel.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: AZDuffman\
I’d like to be able to travel cross country in a convertible. But I’d never do the normal things.
When I was younger I pretty much circumnavigated the U.S. in my convertible. I drove from Las Vegas accross the whole south down to southern Florida. From Florida up to new York. From New York to Seattle and then back to Vegas. Stopped and saw friends and family along the way but never spent more than two nights in any city.
It was a fun trip as a young man but I wouldn't do it again. I hate driving more than three hours in my old age.
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Lots of things are fun when you're young because you've never done anything and it's all new. I feel put upon if I have to drive 3 miles let alone 3 hours. If you think old age is in your fifties, you have a big surprise coming. A very big surprise.
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I like the open road. A few hours with the top down, put on a podcast, it is one of the only things that relaxes me.
Quote: DRichQuote: EvenBob
You make all your money with your brain, why would you retire your brain at 62. And you think you feel like you're 75 but you actually have no idea what 75 feels like. Let's hope you live long enough to find out. In my experience all the people I've known that thought they were going to die young never did. And more than a few of them who thought they were going to live long after retirement didn't even live to retirement or died shortly after.
I have a feeling you are right. I will probably live too long. I thought I was going to be able to retire at 48 but a few things went south. I am tired of working and just ready to be a slug (or more of a slug than I already am). I just want to surf the internet 17 hours a day and sleep 7 hours, That would be the perfect ending for me.
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You could find a way to work from home, you're a smart guy. You wouldn't be making as much money as you are now but working is working. I'll be 75 on Elon Musk's birthday in June and I work everyday from home ever since they made internet gambling legal in Michigan. I expect to work as long as I'm compos mentos. This is sort of what I was working towards 15 years ago but I had no idea Michigan would have legal online gambling, this is just the icing on the cake. I thought I was going to have to go to Brick and Mortar Casinos, yuck..
Quote: AZDuffman
I don't see myself making it past 70. I feel 10 years older than I am and always have. I don't get wanting to live to 100 like some people say they want to do. 70 will be plenty for me.
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I never thought about it one way or the other, I just assumed I had better be ready if I made it past 65. Better to be ready than caught with your pants down.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: AZDuffman
I don't see myself making it past 70. I feel 10 years older than I am and always have. I don't get wanting to live to 100 like some people say they want to do. 70 will be plenty for me.
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I never thought about it one way or the other, I just assumed I had better be ready if I made it past 65. Better to be ready than caught with your pants down.
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I'll be ready to survive past but do not expect to. Leave half my money to my nieces and nephews, half to the dog shelter, and my body to science. If I am lucky I die either in my sleep or at the poker table like Wild Bill.
I started to hear the music for "Send In The Clowns"
you can click here to get the lyrics https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=send+in+the+clowns+lyrics
Quote: EvenBob
You could find a way to work from home, you're a smart guy. You wouldn't be making as much money as you are now but working is working.
I currently work from home 70% of the time and 30% in the office. Baically I work from home seven straight days and then go to the office for 3 days. Repeat every two weeks. The fact is I do not want to work anymore. I got my first job programming in 1984 and it is now 2024. 40 years seems like enough to me. I really expected to be retired 10 years ago and failed miserably.
Quote: DieterQuote: AZDuffmanQuote: DieterQuote: EvenBobQuote: Dieter
It is far more depressing to see someone just sitting around, waiting to die.
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That's what we're all doing, from the day we're born. Some of us just fill in the blank space in the middle differently. I don't think about it a lot, but I also don't want to waste my time on crap that I know going to be boring and disappointing. My wife is constantly saying she wants to travel which is fine, just don't expect me to go with you. I hate traveling, it's one hassle after another with very little reward. Mark Twain felt exactly the same way, he hated being away from home, he hated being away from his own bed. I know exactly how he felt.
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I would put the emphasis on "just".
If you're doing useful or interesting things to fill some of the day, that's not "just" waiting to die.
Learn a new song on the guitar. Build something in the wood shop. Something more than absorbing TV.
All of my wives and girlfriends have been horrible at traveling. Breakups after roadtrips are a recurring theme.
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I’d like to be able to travel cross country in a convertible. But I’d never do the normal things. I saw WATB on YT list the worst towns in Montana. One had this little casino. I want to go to it. I want to find a few Bar Rescue bars to go to. I want to see the greenhouse in the snow where the guy has citrus growing in Nebraska as a bonus just a bit from Autohenge. I want to see the largest ball of twine. I want to do plant tours when I can.
But I have no interest in something like Disney. I do not like travel norm as l people like.
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Montana casinos are weird.
If it's the WATB video I just watched, be advised that the Apsaalooke Casino in Crow Agency has been closed the last dozen times I've driven by. I believe you can find some Class II action about 45 minutes east down the 212 on the far side of Lame Deer.
(Charging Horse won't let me in. All I can comment is that they've got billboards up for a few miles, advertising that they have Buffalo slots. (I find this hilarious.) Believe it or not, most of the "casinos" in Montana do not have Buffalo.... at least, not the ones I go to.)
June in Montana is lovely.
edit: I have friends who retired and bought a house in Laurel, which was also on the awful towns list. They love it.
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It was WATB worst towns in Montana or something like that. He mentioned the casino in passing at most. But thanks for the heads up as long trip. At least 30 years ago there was no actual daytime speed limit in MT so that would have been fun.
Quote: AZDuffman
It was WATB worst towns in Montana or something like that. He mentioned the casino in passing at most. But thanks for the heads up as long trip. At least 30 years ago there was no actual daytime speed limit in MT so that would have been fun.
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My in-laws lived in Montana for the last 40 Years of their life. They said that Summer's 3 months long, that winter starts in September and ends in May. My wife's nephew was an insurance adjuster in Montana and made the big bucks because they couldn't find anybody else to do it. He only lasted 2 years because it's just too damn big and nobody lives there. He was single and all the decent women are nabbed in high school by their future husbands and he finally left before he lost his mind.
Quote: DRichQuote: EvenBob
You could find a way to work from home, you're a smart guy. You wouldn't be making as much money as you are now but working is working.
I currently work from home 70% of the time and 30% in the office. Baically I work from home seven straight days and then go to the office for 3 days. Repeat every two weeks. The fact is I do not want to work anymore. I got my first job programming in 1984 and it is now 2024. 40 years seems like enough to me. I really expected to be retired 10 years ago and failed miserably.
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I do not understand retirement. Why is sitting around doing absolutely nothing appealing. I hate that, I cram as much stuff into my day as I can and I always have way too much to do. To me retiring is the equivalent of dying, only it takes longer to do it. You haven't done it yet, you might be surprised that it's not all it's cracked up to be. Many people have retired for a few months and then went back to work because they just couldn't stand it.
Quote: EvenBob
I do not understand retirement. Why is sitting around doing absolutely nothing appealing. I hate that, I cram as much stuff into my day as I can and I always have way too much to do. To me retiring is the equivalent of dying, only it takes longer to do it. You haven't done it yet, you might be surprised that it's not all it's cracked up to be. Many people have retired for a few months and then went back to work because they just couldn't stand it.
You may be right and I may hate it. What I do know is that I will not hate the option of working or not. Obviously you enjoy doing things around the house, I do not. I loaned my lawnmower to a friend in the 1990's and have never asked for it back. I will never mow a lawn again, I will never clean my pool again, I will never pick up the dog dirt in my yard again. The only household chore I will do is the weekly grocery shopping because I enjoy that. Otherwise I will be spending almost all of my awake time sitting in bed with the TV on mute in the background while I surf the internet on my laptop.
Quote: EvenBob
I do not understand retirement. Why is sitting around doing absolutely nothing appealing. I hate that, I cram as much stuff into my day as I can and I always have way too much to do. To me retiring is the equivalent of dying, only it takes longer to do it. You haven't done it yet, you might be surprised that it's not all it's cracked up to be. Many people have retired for a few months and then went back to work because they just couldn't stand it.
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You're right, you don't understand retirement. It's not "sitting around doing absolutely nothing." It just means you're not in the workforce anymore. YOU'RE retired, EB.
Ageing and retirement happen at the same time but are different things. With ageing, some people will lose mobility, lose cognitive sharpness, and may become easily fatigued. They may have to endure chronic pain. That is due to ageing, not retirement.
Quote: TigerWu
You're right, you don't understand retirement. It's not "sitting around doing absolutely nothing." It just means you're not in the workforce anymore. YOU'RE retired, EB.
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I do now what I've always done and that is, anything I feel like doing. I never retired, I still sell stuff on eBay, I still play the online casinos everyday, I still have outdoor projects when it's warm out. I don't have as much energy as I used to but I have enough.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: AZDuffman
It was WATB worst towns in Montana or something like that. He mentioned the casino in passing at most. But thanks for the heads up as long trip. At least 30 years ago there was no actual daytime speed limit in MT so that would have been fun.
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My in-laws lived in Montana for the last 40 Years of their life. They said that Summer's 3 months long, that winter starts in September and ends in May. My wife's nephew was an insurance adjuster in Montana and made the big bucks because they couldn't find anybody else to do it. He only lasted 2 years because it's just too damn big and nobody lives there. He was single and all the decent women are nabbed in high school by their future husbands and he finally left before he lost his mind.
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I find that mixed. MGTOW means who cares if the good women are nabbed up, they probably wanted kids anyhow. I could see the town being too small driving you nuts. Met some people from MT once, their biggest complaint is it is very hard not to be poor there. Seems like big money people buy a ranch and the rest eke things out.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBob
You could find a way to work from home, you're a smart guy. You wouldn't be making as much money as you are now but working is working.
I currently work from home 70% of the time and 30% in the office. Baically I work from home seven straight days and then go to the office for 3 days. Repeat every two weeks. The fact is I do not want to work anymore. I got my first job programming in 1984 and it is now 2024. 40 years seems like enough to me. I really expected to be retired 10 years ago and failed miserably.
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I do not understand retirement. Why is sitting around doing absolutely nothing appealing. I hate that, I cram as much stuff into my day as I can and I always have way too much to do. To me retiring is the equivalent of dying, only it takes longer to do it. You haven't done it yet, you might be surprised that it's not all it's cracked up to be. Many people have retired for a few months and then went back to work because they just couldn't stand it.
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It isn't about doing nothing, it is about doing nothing you do not want to do. I could see taking a retirement job or two. Would try SBUX for a few months to learn to make the coffee drinks. Half wish I did that young so I could semi-retire open a stand in Belize or something. Or I might drive for Meals on Wheels. But mainly get my daily walk, hang at the coffee house (one now just 100 steps from my couch!) and dope out stocks or sports bets. Find a nice spa with a sauna and steam room. Or relax in my hot tub. Go to casino and play poker. Have a garden and always be futzing with this or that. Not even retired but hope to build a solar oven this year, they say you cannot burn things in one. All of that kind of stuff.
Then one day the coffee house notices I have not been in and someone finds me dead. On to better things.
Quote: AZDuffman
It isn't about doing nothing, it is about doing nothing you do not want to do. I could see taking a retirement job or two. Would try SBUX for a few months to learn to make the coffee drinks. Half wish I did that young so I could semi-retire open a stand in Belize or something. Or I might drive for Meals on Wheels. But mainly get my daily walk, hang at the coffee house (one now just 100 steps from my couch!) and dope out stocks or sports bets. Find a nice spa with a sauna and steam room. Or relax in my hot tub. Go to casino and play poker. Have a garden and always be futzing with this or that. Not even retired but hope to build a solar oven this year, they say you cannot burn things in one. All of that kind of stuff.
Then one day the coffee house notices I have not been in and someone finds me dead. On to better things.
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My dad was brought up on a farm in West Virginia that had no electricity till after World War II. He was long gone by then he left in the mid-thirties and joined the Navy. On the farm nobody retired, there was no such word. Everybody worked everyday no matter how old they were. They can still get out of bed somebody could find something for them to do. Sweeping floors, making butter, baking bread, beating rugs, everybody worked every day until you couldn't get out of bed anymore. Retirement is a newer concept, I like the old ways better. You felt like you were always contributing to the well-being of the family unit.
Quote: AZDuffman
I find that mixed. MGTOW means who cares if the good women are nabbed up, they probably wanted kids anyhow. I could see the town being too small driving you nuts. Met some people from MT once, their biggest complaint is it is very hard not to be poor there. Seems like big money people buy a ranch and the rest eke things out.
My wife grew up in Montana. They had to drive 17 miles to get to the bus stop to go to school.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: AZDuffman
It isn't about doing nothing, it is about doing nothing you do not want to do. I could see taking a retirement job or two. Would try SBUX for a few months to learn to make the coffee drinks. Half wish I did that young so I could semi-retire open a stand in Belize or something. Or I might drive for Meals on Wheels. But mainly get my daily walk, hang at the coffee house (one now just 100 steps from my couch!) and dope out stocks or sports bets. Find a nice spa with a sauna and steam room. Or relax in my hot tub. Go to casino and play poker. Have a garden and always be futzing with this or that. Not even retired but hope to build a solar oven this year, they say you cannot burn things in one. All of that kind of stuff.
Then one day the coffee house notices I have not been in and someone finds me dead. On to better things.
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My dad was brought up on a farm in West Virginia that had no electricity till after World War II. He was long gone by then he left in the mid-thirties and joined the Navy. On the farm nobody retired, there was no such word. Everybody worked everyday no matter how old they were. They can still get out of bed somebody could find something for them to do. Sweeping floors, making butter, baking bread, beating rugs, everybody worked every day until you couldn't get out of bed anymore. Retirement is a newer concept, I like the old ways better. You felt like you were always contributing to the well-being of the family unit.
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If I could I would have worked oil and gas just as I wanted and where I wanted. Go to Texas, Wyoming, or the like. Though some of that gets rough as there are few places to stay and the towns get boring. Or wish I could go digital nomad.
Quote: AZDuffman
If I could I would have worked oil and gas just as I wanted and where I wanted. Go to Texas, Wyoming, or the like. Though some of that gets rough as there are few places to stay and the towns get boring. Or wish I could go digital nomad.
Why didn't you? I knew lots of people working oil and gas in Oklahoma and Texas.
Look, I've been working for some 50 years now. The last five years of corporate life was one long stress-filled period, just waiting for the rug to be pulled out from under me. Fortunately, it never was, I got my pension locked in, sold my house in High Tax Ville, and moved 700 miles to a nicer and much more affordable place.
I feel sorry for those who cannot find enjoyment of any kind in life--either through temperament, poor economic circumstances, or bad health. But I've been blessed in life and feel the urge to return those blessings to my new community. It encourages me to fill my day with useful work--maybe not the conventionally remunerative kind, but uplifting to others regardless.
Not really. The energy of the Tiawan Earthquake was probably dissipated by the time it got to California, let alone NJ..Quote: rxwineWonder if the earthquake in Taiwan could have triggered the earthquake in the NY, NJ area?
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Quote: DRichQuote: AZDuffman
If I could I would have worked oil and gas just as I wanted and where I wanted. Go to Texas, Wyoming, or the like. Though some of that gets rough as there are few places to stay and the towns get boring. Or wish I could go digital nomad.
Why didn't you? I knew lots of people working oil and gas in Oklahoma and Texas.
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I cannot handle the chicken or feathers aspect of that lifestyle anymore.
Quote: BillHasRetiredNot really. The energy of the Tiawan Earthquake was probably dissipated by the time it got to California, let alone NJ..Quote: rxwineWonder if the earthquake in Taiwan could have triggered the earthquake in the NY, NJ area?
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Earthquakes do not "travel" like weather does.
Quote: AZDuffmanQuote: BillHasRetiredNot really. The energy of the Tiawan Earthquake was probably dissipated by the time it got to California, let alone NJ..Quote: rxwineWonder if the earthquake in Taiwan could have triggered the earthquake in the NY, NJ area?
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Earthquakes do not "travel" like weather does.
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No they travel like earthquakes do.
Not dead. Some guest dies. Stupid headline.
Quote: rxwineHoward Stern dead. Age 55
Not dead. Some guest dies. Stupid headline.
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I saw that headline too and thought the same thing. That editor needs a talking to.
Quote: TigerWuQuote: rxwineHoward Stern dead. Age 55
Not dead. Some guest dies. Stupid headline.
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I saw that headline too and thought the same thing. That editor needs a talking to.
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Quote: rxwineHoward Stern dead. Age 55.
Not dead. Some guest dies. Stupid headline.
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The rumor of his death was greatly exaggerated. That's what Mark Twain said about himself after he was declared dead in the newspapers
Didn't respond to Wizard's query either.
Quote: WizardQuote: MorstanaYour strategy's pretty smart on paper, highlighting how to play the system. Yet, there's the big "if" - trusting the game's fairness and the casino to pay out, especially for something planned over years. There's also the reality of sticking to such a long game plan. Has anyone actually tried something like this? Would love to hear real-world experiences!
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You have been randomly chose for a soul test. How many miles are in two miles?
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Is making a porn movie legal prostitution? Or is one allowed and not the other? What’s the difference? Filming it? Both are being paid.
The public wants to know. (Or just me)
Quote: MDawgThe actors aren't paying each other?
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True though you can introduce a third party that pays for someone else’s prositute also.
My memory is that states have generally found that anti-prostitution statutes don’t apply to porn based on (I) First Amendment Protection (subject to a narrow obscenity exception) and (II) the actors are being paid to act not to perform a sexual act for gratification of the other person.
Quote: DRichI see the Trump stock (DJT) is down from $66 to $26 in three weeks.
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Before the merger it was averaging around $15. I'm assuming that's where it's going to "settle" again, unless something happens with Truth Social.

Quote: rxwineOne of my early favorite one panel cartoons.
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I am embarrassed to say that I don't get it.
Quote: DRichQuote: rxwineOne of my early favorite one panel cartoons.
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I am embarrassed to say that I don't get it.
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The envelope says, "You may already be a wiener," and the guy reading it is a hot dog wiener.
Quote: TigerWuQuote: DRichQuote: rxwineOne of my early favorite one panel cartoons.
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I am embarrassed to say that I don't get it.
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The envelope says, "You may already be a wiener," and the guy reading it is a hot dog wiener.
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A play on mispronouncing “winner.”
Quote: TigerWuQuote: DRichQuote: rxwineOne of my early favorite one panel cartoons.
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I am embarrassed to say that I don't get it.
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The envelope says, "You may already be a wiener," and the guy reading it is a hot dog wiener.
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Thank you, I just assumed it said winner.
Quote: DRichQuote: TigerWuQuote: DRichQuote: rxwineOne of my early favorite one panel cartoons.
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I am embarrassed to say that I don't get it.
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The envelope says, "You may already be a wiener," and the guy reading it is a hot dog wiener.
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Thank you, I just assumed it said winner.
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Maybe when you see your favorite gas station food, you automatically think “winner”
Said they got a year and a half of rain in an afternoon. From living in Phoenix I can appreciate how this kind of thing can happen. But also wonder if their overbuilding ignored the possibilities. Remember that building they had to haul out the sewage because it did not connect to the sewers?
9 people have been arrested for a multi million dollar gold heist from a Canada Airport - Air Canada employees were among those arrested
only a small fraction of the gold has been recovered