Quote: tuttigymThere are many tech/devise savvy members here on the forum. With all the noise and investigations ongoing about Tik Toc, specifically about capturing and compromising personal data, I wonder how many of those afore-mentioned members have downloaded such on their personal devises. For those who have, what remedies, if any, are available to relieve personal data theft?
I personally do not engage in any social media with the one exception of this forum, i.e., no facebook, twitter, etc. Would it be prudent to divorce your devises from tic toc and abandon it forever??
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The most you can do is delete your TikTok account and remove the app.
If you wanted to be extra paranoid you could do a factory reset on the device, but I don’t think that’s necessary, especially on iOS.
Do be Vigilant. Don't be a Herb.
Yeah, the whole TikTok thing resurfaced my discontent with virtually the way we are sold out to everyone, not just China.
lately, I'm getting upset with the word "guard"
why is a "u" in there - there's no "u" sound
I don't know any other word that puts a "u" in there and the sound of the word is like "guard"
it's just not right - and it never should have been spelled that way - it's a terrible, terrible thing
Quote: lilredrooster.
lately, I'm getting upset with the word "guard"
why is a "u" in there - there's no "u" sound
I don't know any other word that puts a "u" in there and the sound of the word is like "guard"
it's just not right - and it never should have been spelled that way - it's a terrible, terrible thing
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Okay, but, hear me out for a second.
Why are there states in the Midwest (Ohio, Michigan, part of Indiana) that are in the EASTERN time zone?
It makes no damn sense. Colorado and Wyoming should be considered the “MidWEST” states.
Quote: mcallister3200Quote: lilredrooster.
lately, I'm getting upset with the word "guard"
why is a "u" in there - there's no "u" sound
I don't know any other word that puts a "u" in there and the sound of the word is like "guard"
it's just not right - and it never should have been spelled that way - it's a terrible, terrible thing
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Okay, but, hear me out for a second.
Why are there states in the Midwest (Ohio, Michigan, part of Indiana) that are in the EASTERN time zone?
It makes no damn sense. Colorado and Wyoming should be considered the “MidWEST” states.
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you rocked on top with that one
and what's this bull**** with changing the clocks twice a year
why not just put it at the half hour and leave it that way
gimme a ******* break - like life isn't tough enough without that
Quote: lilredrooster.
lately, I'm getting upset with the word "guard"
why is a "u" in there - there's no "u" sound
I don't know any other word that puts a "u" in there and the sound of the word is like "guard"
it's just not right - and it never should have been spelled that way - it's a terrible, terrible thing
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Quote: lilredrooster.
lately, I'm getting upset with the word "guard"
why is a "u" in there - there's no "u" sound
I don't know any other word that puts a "u" in there and the sound of the word is like "guard"
it's just not right - and it never should have been spelled that way - it's a terrible, terrible thing
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Gauge is vaguely different.
Quote: DieterQuote: lilredrooster.
lately, I'm getting upset with the word "guard"
why is a "u" in there - there's no "u" sound
I don't know any other word that puts a "u" in there and the sound of the word is like "guard"
it's just not right - and it never should have been spelled that way - it's a terrible, terrible thing
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Gauge is vaguely different.
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imagine somebody new to the English language and trying to pronounce them as they're spelled______
g(you)est_________________it definitely could happen________________(-:/
Quote: tuttigymThere are many tech/devise savvy members here on the forum. With all the noise and investigations ongoing about Tik Toc, specifically about capturing and compromising personal data, I wonder how many of those afore-mentioned members have downloaded such on their personal devises. For those who have, what remedies, if any, are available to relieve personal data theft?
I personally do not engage in any social media with the one exception of this forum, i.e., no facebook, twitter, etc. Would it be prudent to divorce your devises from tic toc and abandon it forever??
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I personally don't care if anyone tracks my internet habits but have also never used TikTok.
Quote: vegasQuote: lilredrooster.
lately, I'm getting upset with the word "guard"
why is a "u" in there - there's no "u" sound
I don't know any other word that puts a "u" in there and the sound of the word is like "guard"
it's just not right - and it never should have been spelled that way - it's a terrible, terrible thing
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Quote: beachbumbabsQuote: vegasQuote: lilredrooster.
lately, I'm getting upset with the word "guard"
why is a "u" in there - there's no "u" sound
I don't know any other word that puts a "u" in there and the sound of the word is like "guard"
it's just not right - and it never should have been spelled that way - it's a terrible, terrible thing
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Welcome back BBB. I mean this sincerely…. the forum misses you! Hope you are back as an active poster/moderator.
There is a new eclipse thread that I think of you every time I access it! It was a great WoV get together….
I second that!Quote: SOOPOOWelcome back BBB. I mean this sincerely…. the forum misses you! Hope you are back as an active poster/moderator.
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Name still in green too!
Quote: DRichQuote: tuttigymThere are many tech/devise savvy members here on the forum. With all the noise and investigations ongoing about Tik Toc, specifically about capturing and compromising personal data, I wonder how many of those afore-mentioned members have downloaded such on their personal devises. For those who have, what remedies, if any, are available to relieve personal data theft?
I personally do not engage in any social media with the one exception of this forum, i.e., no facebook, twitter, etc. Would it be prudent to divorce your devises from tic toc and abandon it forever??
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I personally don't care if anyone tracks my internet habits but have also never used TikTok.
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It's not "internet habits" but all personal info such as banking, spending, medical, friends, family, leisure, politics, any info available through your devises. Basically every keystroke you produce can be accessed.
I'm sure certain tweeters are having a horror-fit about these new proposals.
Quote: tuttigymQuote: DRichQuote: tuttigymThere are many tech/devise savvy members here on the forum. With all the noise and investigations ongoing about Tik Toc, specifically about capturing and compromising personal data, I wonder how many of those afore-mentioned members have downloaded such on their personal devises. For those who have, what remedies, if any, are available to relieve personal data theft?
I personally do not engage in any social media with the one exception of this forum, i.e., no facebook, twitter, etc. Would it be prudent to divorce your devises from tic toc and abandon it forever??
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I personally don't care if anyone tracks my internet habits but have also never used TikTok.
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It's not "internet habits" but all personal info such as banking, spending, medical, friends, family, leisure, politics, any info available through your devises. Basically every keystroke you produce can be accessed.
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From this article in Wired it makes it sound like they are just tracking TikTok interactions and not things outside of the app. I have never used TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Yesterday my iphone told me that I have 11 minutes per day of usage. I would guess 95% of that is just texting people.
Quote: tuttigymThere are many tech/devise savvy members here on the forum. With all the noise and investigations ongoing about Tik Toc, specifically about capturing and compromising personal data, I wonder how many of those afore-mentioned members have downloaded such on their personal devises. For those who have, what remedies, if any, are available to relieve personal data theft?
I personally do not engage in any social media with the one exception of this forum, i.e., no facebook, twitter, etc. Would it be prudent to divorce your devises from tic toc and abandon it forever??
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How paranoid do you want to be?
Is it enough?
I assume that my carrier and Apple or Google* know everything that is on the phone, or is said near the phone, and what might be coming out of any nearby TV or radio.
If there is an Alexa or Facebook device nearby, then Amazon or Facebook*, too.
Samsung TV or phone or tablet... Samsung.
You gotta trust someone, or forego networked technology.
*: Alphabet/Meta, if you prefer.
I keep an Alexa speaker in my rear window so I can listen to music while outside. so I'm having a discussion about sword and sorcery movies from our youth- Sons of Hercules, etc ,etc hen someone brings up a Jack Palance movie that fits the bill. None of us recall the movies name but two insist that Palances brother was also in it. That night, I'm laying in bed and turn on my Amazon firestick and the 1962 Jack Palance movie pops up on the lists of movies I might be interested in.
Quote: DieterQuote: tuttigymThere are many tech/devise savvy members here on the forum. With all the noise and investigations ongoing about Tik Toc, specifically about capturing and compromising personal data, I wonder how many of those afore-mentioned members have downloaded such on their personal devises. For those who have, what remedies, if any, are available to relieve personal data theft?
I personally do not engage in any social media with the one exception of this forum, i.e., no facebook, twitter, etc. Would it be prudent to divorce your devises from tic toc and abandon it forever??
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How paranoid do you want to be?
Is it enough?
I assume that my carrier and Apple or Google* know everything that is on the phone, or is said near the phone, and what might be coming out of any nearby TV or radio.
If there is an Alexa or Facebook device nearby, then Amazon or Facebook*, too.
Samsung TV or phone or tablet... Samsung.
You gotta trust someone, or forego networked technology.
*: Alphabet/Meta, if you prefer.
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Trust no one and nothing.
Be pure. Be Vigilant. Behave.
we poke fun at ChatBots and their errors
but all of this stuff keeps getting better
imagine what they might be able to do in 10 years
and how tech will change the world in 25 years
I'm not ocd but I admit it - I have a fear of tech
that as it changes I won't be able to adapt
that I'll be left behind
Quote: lilredrooster.
we poke fun at ChatBots and their errors
but all of this stuff keeps getting better
imagine what they might be able to do in 10 years
and how tech will change the world in 25 years
I'm not ocd but I admit it - I have a fear of tech
that as it changes I won't be able to adapt
that I'll be left behind
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I've often thought the perfect bot will come in handy if you end up in a nursing home in your last days. You might be much happier to have a tireless companion to chat with and assist you unlike the more typical overall experience at those times. On the other hand, your assistant might rip out one of your arms trying to help you out of bed in some sort of terrible malfunction or stick you in the shower with just the hot water turned on, or force your entire meal down your throat while singing your favorite songs.
Quote: rxwine
I've often thought the perfect bot will come in handy if you end up in a nursing home in your last days. You might be much happier to have a tireless companion to chat with and assist you unlike the more typical overall experience at those times. On the other hand, your assistant might rip out one of your arms trying to help you out of bed in some sort of terrible malfunction or stick you in the shower with just the hot water turned on, or force your entire meal down your throat while singing your favorite songs.
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This reads like a good premise for a short story or a short film.
Scientists in Brazil were able to capture clear images of a lightning strike with a camera that records 40,000 images per second__________pretty cool

I bought a last minute airline ticket for a domestic coach seat and it was $1,984. Ouch. I have never paid even near that for a domestic coach ticket.
malls and anchor stores are under pressure now
a large mall near me just closed - the Nordstrom there closed and previously Sears
Nordstrom and Macy's are now closing stores
but not yet close to closing great numbers of them - but maybe that is not too far in the future
Nordstrom has completely shut down in Canada - Bed Bath and Beyond is closing a great no. of stores and is under intense pressure and will prolly disappear soon
people love shopping online - and we may have shot ourselves in the foot
spending a lazy weekend winter day in a mall can be an enjoyable thing - lots of tempting food choices as well as people watching
of course, physical stores are extremely costly and Execs have to decide whether or not to keep them open
things keep changing - but they don't always change for the better
Quote: lilredrooster.
malls and anchor stores are under pressure now
a large mall near me just closed - the Nordstrom there closed and previously Sears
Nordstrom and Macy's are now closing stores
but not yet close to closing great numbers of them - but maybe that is not too far in the future
Nordstrom has completely shut down in Canada - Bed Bath and Beyond is closing a great no. of stores and is under intense pressure and will prolly disappear soon
people love shopping online - and we may have shot ourselves in the foot
spending a lazy weekend winter day in a mall can be an enjoyable thing - lots of tempting food choices as well as people watching
of course physical stores are extremely costly and Execs have to decide whether or not to keep them open
things keep changing - but they don't always change for the better
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I don't know that I have been in a shopping mall in ten years. The only stores I go to occasionally are Home Depot and Target.
Other states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming have similar permitless carry laws on the books.
Florida just joined the ranks.
Quote: ChumpChangeCriminals in Tennessee are breaking into cars to steal guns because it is a permitless open carry state.
Other states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming have similar permitless carry laws on the books.
Florida just joined the ranks.
link to original post
I live in Tennessee. Do you have a source for this claim about what Tennessee criminals are doing?
The GOP aim to arm the teachers with firearms nationwide.
If Republicans vote to remove the three members on Thursday, they might not be gone for long. The Tennessee Democratic Party is already fundraising to back the three in special elections. If constituents send them back, Tennessee’s Constitution does not allow members to be expelled twice for the same offense.
Tennessee Republicans push to expel lawmakers may set future precedent https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/05/tennessee-house-lawmaker-expulsion-vote-future-of-gop/70081721007/
Tennessee House GOP moves to expel 3 Democrats after participation in gun control protest | PBS NewsHour https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/tennessee-house-gop-moves-to-expel-3-democrats-after-participation-in-gun-control-protest
RT: I think their teacher shortage is about to increase.
Axel, this is Melvin(interesting their name always starts with Mason, Malcome. Myels) your account manager.
I wanted to let you know I have an exciting offer for you. It's a 300% bonus on your next 3 deposits. The max bonus per deposit is $2500 the minimum deposit amount is $100.
Me: Is that in the casino slots or for sports?
Melvin: It's for sports. If you want a casino slot bonus I can get you a 200% bonus on top of that.
Me: What's the rollover on the sports bonus?
Melvin:15x wagering.
Me: surly you must mean 100% on my next 3 deposits. if so, that's not a 300% bonus, that's just a 100% bonus 3 different times.
Melvin: Yes, 100% 3 times is 300%, just like I said. How much would you like to deposit today?
Me: 300%
Melvin: You mean $300?
No: 300%
Melvin: Yes, you get 300%. How much money would you like to deposit today?
Me: $33.34
Melvin: I'm sorry Axel but the minimum deposit required for this bonus is $100
Me: Ya, I know, 33.34 3 times is $100.2 😁
Melvin: I'm sorry Axel, but you can't do it that way it must be a single deposit of $100 or more to be eligible.
Me: I think I'll pass for now, let me know when you have 125% or more sports bonus and ill come in for the max. Places are offering me 125% - 150%.
Melvin: I will contact my manager and see what we can do for you. Keep in mind we have fast payouts and a great reputation, but you already know that. Places offering big bonuses like that do not always have the best reputations and fast payout as we do.
I will contact you soon and let you know if I can get you a 125% bonus.
Have a great day Axel.
Reavis was born in the East and joined the Confederate Army at the start of the Civil War. He proved to be an excellant scavenger and got out of fighting because his abilities usually had him far from battle. He soon switched sides and became a specialist in producing fake Confederate documents.
He may have had a Spanish speaking grandmother and he used his ability to speak spanish to help some of the original settlers when he moved to Texas, whose land deeds predated American interests. He learned that the US Government was honoring Spanish land grants, as long as they could be documented.
Not much is really known about where he spent the next fifteen years but speculation is he spent much of it in Spain, working as a volunteer at religious institutes of learning. Working in the library, Reavis was able to plant fake documents into official records, where they would be discovered years later and thought to be real.
Returning to Arizona in 1879, he went around the Territory burying stones that marked the boundries of the make believe Land Grant he was creating. Someone searching a library in spain would find an old paper that contained the location of a boundry stone, and a search would " discover" the stone right where it said. It must have seemed quite convincing.
When all was in readiness, he and his wife produced paperwork showing they were the decendents of the owners of 120,000 square miles of land, including Phoenix, Tucson and the entire Grand Canyon. Their records showed they even owned the land the government was trying to give to the Apaches and Navaho.
Reavis wanted to be a Baron. He was quite benevolent and offered very fair terms. If it was going to cost a farmer $100 to fight him in court, he would settle for $30, which the farmer would gladly pay to save $70. It was literally cheaper to recognize his claim and settle than to fight him. Soon he was collecting more than a million dollars in rent. His claims were interfering with the Administrations plans for the new Territory and they were concerned with all the new mining operations falling into the hands of a single man so they entered into negotiations with him to quitclaim his land.
While this was going on, Reavis and his wife pissed off a lot of powerful people. They drove around town in a carraige drawn by six white horses and dressed like European Nobility. He supposedly turned down twenty five million dollars which annoyed the US Government which then decided to take a closer look at Reavis and his wife. It was quickly discovered that she was an orphan, whose peasant parents had died years before and that Reavis had taught her a fake family background. A sharp-eyed lawyer noticed a similarity in phrasing between a document Reavis prepared with one found in a Spanish chuch. Further examination revealed the ink on the document was much newer than the paper. A linguist testified that some of the words in the 17th century document weren't found in other documents until fifty years later.
Reavis was put on trial for an assotment of financial and moral crimes and found quilty, but sentenced to only two years in prison. His property was auctioned off but because of collusion brought in only pennies on the dollar and he emerged from prison a pauper. His estate and mansion was used as a hog farm for several generations and lays in ruins today.
What could he have been thinking? Turning down twenty five million dollars in 1880 when he knew it was all a fraud? Too bad he didn't take the money and partner with PT Barnum.
I believe you can add Indiana to permitless alsoQuote: ChumpChangeCriminals in Tennessee are breaking into cars to steal guns because it is a permitless open carry state.
Other states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming have similar permitless carry laws on the books.
Florida just joined the ranks.
link to original post

Quote: avianrandyI believe you can add Indiana to permitless alsoQuote: ChumpChangeCriminals in Tennessee are breaking into cars to steal guns because it is a permitless open carry state.
Other states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming have similar permitless carry laws on the books.
Florida just joined the ranks.
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Quote: mcallister3200Gary, Indiana was such a peaceful place before they revoked that gun permit law.
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Has there been trouble lately?
I haven't been keeping up. I just know I don't usually hear any particular ruckus, haven't been panhandled in a few years, and generally don't feel "unsafe" if I walk down Grant Street.
Gordon were you or anybody you know affected by that Tennessee school shooting?Quote: gordonm888Quote: ChumpChangeCriminals in Tennessee are breaking into cars to steal guns because it is a permitless open carry state.
Other states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming have similar permitless carry laws on the books.
Florida just joined the ranks.
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I live in Tennessee. Do you have a source for this claim about what Tennessee criminals are doing?
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ChatGPT cooked up a fake sexual harassment scandal.
They named a real Law Professor and accused him of assaulting students on a trip he never took.
ChatGPT cited a non existent Washington Post story.
I did not, either. I've flown in/out of some pretty small airports -- GNV had only two gates at the time I flew in/out -- but they had multiple flights. When I flew out of Flagstaff in the late 90's, the same guy was my taxi driver, ticket agent, baggage handler, and gate agent! Seriously, I half expected him to also be the pilot!Quote: DRichDid you know there is a commercial airport that only has one flight per day? I did not.
I give. Which airport is it?
Yikes! Was this to the airport alluded to above?Quote:I bought a last minute airline ticket for a domestic coach seat and it was $1,984. Ouch. I have never paid even near that for a domestic coach ticket.
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Quote: JoemanI did not, either. I've flown in/out of some pretty small airports -- GNV had only two gates at the time I flew in/out -- but they had multiple flights. When I flew out of Flagstaff in the late 90's, the same guy was my taxi driver, ticket agent, baggage handler, and gate agent! Seriously, I half expected him to also be the pilot!Quote: DRichDid you know there is a commercial airport that only has one flight per day? I did not.
I give. Which airport is it?Yikes! Was this to the airport alluded to above?Quote:I bought a last minute airline ticket for a domestic coach seat and it was $1,984. Ouch. I have never paid even near that for a domestic coach ticket.
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Pocatello Idaho. Only flight is on Delta one flight per day arrives around 1130pm and departs around 6:30 am to and from SLC.
Quote: ChumpChangeJust an interview on TV from one of the three Dem Reps getting expelled from the Tennessee House for promoting the protest against guns by hordes of teens at the state capitol last week following a mass shooting at a school.
The GOP aim to arm the teachers with firearms nationwide.
If Republicans vote to remove the three members on Thursday, they might not be gone for long. The Tennessee Democratic Party is already fundraising to back the three in special elections. If constituents send them back, Tennessee’s Constitution does not allow members to be expelled twice for the same offense.
Tennessee Republicans push to expel lawmakers may set future precedent https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/05/tennessee-house-lawmaker-expulsion-vote-future-of-gop/70081721007/
Tennessee House GOP moves to expel 3 Democrats after participation in gun control protest | PBS NewsHour https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/tennessee-house-gop-moves-to-expel-3-democrats-after-participation-in-gun-control-protest
RT: I think their teacher shortage is about to increase.
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I am suspending ChumpChange for political speech. He has persisted in making "informational posts" that report on events that are entirely political and then adding comments that contain his own viewpoints. In this instance, as a Tennessee resident, I asked him for a source on his out-of-the blue comment about "criminals in Tennessee breaking into cars to steal guns." He provided that source (a TV interview) and then used that as an opportunity to discuss the controversy in the Tennessee legislature involving gun control, and mentioning the mass shooting at a Christian school in Tennessee.
Full disclosure: I have family members who knew one of the victims at that school, and who are still grieving.
Look, currently there are crazy things going on in Tennessee and New York and California and Florida that have nothing to do with casino gambling and have everything to do with politics. And I get that people have viewpoints about 'gun control' and 'hate crimes against Christians' and "Democrats leading an illegal insurrection against the Tennessee State Legislature." But this is not the forum to discuss this type of crap. Furthermore, in this particular instance, you are politicizing a tragedy that is still a source of pain for some of us, including me. And, IMO, this is certainly not the forum to post politically-charged nonsense about "criminals in Tennessee breaking into cars to steal guns" (and without any prior conversation that might have led up to such a comment!)
I will ask the other moderators to set the term of ChumpChange's suspension or to remove the suspension if they disagree with it.
Edit: Suspension is for 3 days.
Quote: avianrandyGordon were you or anybody you know affected by that Tennessee school shooting?Quote: gordonm888Quote: ChumpChangeCriminals in Tennessee are breaking into cars to steal guns because it is a permitless open carry state.
Other states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming have similar permitless carry laws on the books.
Florida just joined the ranks.
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I live in Tennessee. Do you have a source for this claim about what Tennessee criminals are doing?
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Yes, unfortunately. I have family members who knew one of the victims (a teacher.)
Any such plans afoot, Wiz?
I am very sorry to hear that. I debated whether to ask that,but I figured nothing ventured nothing gained. Thank you for answeringQuote: gordonm888Quote: avianrandyGordon were you or anybody you know affected by that Tennessee school shooting?Quote: gordonm888Quote: ChumpChangeCriminals in Tennessee are breaking into cars to steal guns because it is a permitless open carry state.
Other states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming have similar permitless carry laws on the books.
Florida just joined the ranks.
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I live in Tennessee. Do you have a source for this claim about what Tennessee criminals are doing?
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Yes, unfortunately. I have family members who knew one of the victims (a teacher.)
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Quote: avianrandyI am very sorry to hear that. I debated whether to ask that,but I figured nothing ventured nothing gained. Thank you for answering
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No problem at all. I'm impressed that someone was considerate enough to ask. It's not directly traumatizing to me; I didn't know the individual who was a victim. But some family members I'm close to spent 10 years in Nashville in various positions of Christian ministry and they're sad and hurting and angry. I'm surprised at how much second-hand sorrow I feel. The world is what it is and we are who we are and I guess we all just need to do the best that we can.