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February 23rd, 2024 at 9:52:54 AM permalink

Pretty sure all retirement portfolios at ATH’s. WoV up 150% as we speak. Market up a lot last day and a half. Hope (not confident at all) it lasts!

I’m going to casino today to risk 1% of my daily market gain…
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Been a joy to watch the stock market yesterday and today
I'm very bullish and believe it can go much higher
I'm actually pretty shocked how well the market is doing with our current very high interest rates
Can't wait for the Feds interest rate cuts and they are absolutely coming
Its just a forum. Nothing here to get obsessed about.
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February 23rd, 2024 at 10:42:47 AM permalink
Quote: terapined


Pretty sure all retirement portfolios at ATH’s. WoV up 150% as we speak. Market up a lot last day and a half. Hope (not confident at all) it lasts!

I’m going to casino today to risk 1% of my daily market gain…
link to original post

Been a joy to watch the stock market yesterday and today
I'm very bullish and believe it can go much higher
I'm actually pretty shocked how well the market is doing with our current very high interest rates
Can't wait for the Feds interest rate cuts and they are absolutely coming
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I'm selling May 1 and re-balancing. I need more Bonds.
Craps is paradise (Pair of dice). Lets hear it for the SpeedCount Mathletes :)
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March 4th, 2024 at 10:05:39 AM permalink
Quote: odiousgambit

Quote: terapined

Quote: odiousgambit

Quote: terapined

Im probably unbalanced
80% stocks
20% bonds

My best score, Nvidia NVDA
I sold my house 3 1/2 years ago and had lots of cash to invest
Just happened to listen to Cramer on CNBC and he was raving about NVDA
So I bought in for just 2k. Just dipping my toe in
Went up 433%
My 2k worth over 11k
Thanks Cramer
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ya jinxed it by talking about it
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Earnings report was fabulous
Stock way up this morning
Enjoying the ride :-)
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it was a fabulous buying opportunity!
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NVDA, the star of my portfolio
Up 5% this morning
A year ago trading at 222.00
Today around 866.00
3 1/2 years it's gone up almost 600%
My next closest high performer not even close
CAT. Caterpillar up 130% over 3 1/2 years
NVDA amazes me, thanks Cramer
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March 12th, 2024 at 8:32:24 AM permalink
NVDA up 6% this morning
I'm giddy
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March 12th, 2024 at 10:32:56 AM permalink
take some profits
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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March 12th, 2024 at 11:25:02 AM permalink
No way
Letting it ride
I dont trade
I'm a ploppy
I buy and hold till I need the money
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March 12th, 2024 at 6:10:05 PM permalink
Quote: terapined

No way
Letting it ride
I dont trade
I'm a ploppy
I buy and hold till I need the money
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That is pretty much my strategy too. I rarely sell.
At my age, a "Life In Prison" sentence is not much of a deterrent.
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March 20th, 2024 at 8:19:17 PM permalink
Great day. Portfolio now up 154% from inception. QQQ has been my best idea…..
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March 21st, 2024 at 1:44:34 AM permalink
This thread started ten years ago. Do you mean that over the course of ten years, your portfolio is now valued at approximately 2.5 X what it was?
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
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March 21st, 2024 at 1:16:29 PM permalink

Great day. Portfolio now up 154% from inception. QQQ has been my best idea…..
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I'm up 61% over 3 1/2 years since I bought and held
Amazon was holding me back but I was patient and it's finally paying off. Same with TSM
Nividia is my darling and continues to soar
I have 15 stocks in this portfolio
My best performers have been CAT, ORCL, MSFT , COST
Its just a forum. Nothing here to get obsessed about.
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May 15th, 2024 at 9:09:17 AM permalink
Quote: MDawg

This thread started ten years ago. Do you mean that over the course of ten years, your portfolio is now valued at approximately 2.5 X what it was?
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Yes. Now 2.56x. I’m sure I could have done better if just all in SPY or QQQ. But bonds of course have tamped down results a little. And usually a percent or two in cash hurts performance a tad. But I’m generally content.

My TSM is in a different portfolio. It’s around double from a year ago. Selling more today. Still leery about Taiwan.
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May 15th, 2024 at 10:04:23 AM permalink

My TSM is in a different portfolio. It’s around double from a year ago. Selling more today. Still leery about Taiwan.
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What concerns do you have about Taiwan?
(I'm going there later this year)
Craps is paradise (Pair of dice). Lets hear it for the SpeedCount Mathletes :)
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May 15th, 2024 at 10:09:56 AM permalink
Quote: 100xOdds


My TSM is in a different portfolio. It’s around double from a year ago. Selling more today. Still leery about Taiwan.
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What concerns do you have about Taiwan?
(I'm going there later this year)
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Some form of takeover/war by mainland China. Or even just the threats of such. I would still go there if I had planned to, as I don’t think there can be a ‘surprise’ attack anymore with no real warning.
I’ve already been burned by owning Russian and Chinese stocks due to our government’s sanctions/delisting etc.

Personally, I’m just way over invested in TSM. I’ve had it for a while and it’s up 15-20 fold. I’ll peek back and get a more accurate figure. Also, wifey wants some stuff that I need money for!
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May 20th, 2024 at 5:59:52 AM permalink
Taking some profits myself with DOW over 40k, then immediately putting in a buy order to buy mostly the same stocks back at a lower price, having a hunch that there will be a cycle now of busting 40k, then retreating back. We'll see

Check out the chart at

by clicking the box "inflation adjusted" you can see we have only just gotten back to 2021 with the 40k , adjusted for inflation. Still I expect this cycle for a while

Same thing with S&P500 if you prefer that
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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June 18th, 2024 at 7:00:14 AM permalink
Now up 161%.

Of more interest is my TSM, which is now a 20 bagger. My cost basis is around 9, it’s now 180ish. It’s in a taxable account, and of course when I sell a bit it’s virtually all capital gains. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m still nervous about it. I may sell more today.
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June 18th, 2024 at 7:25:02 AM permalink

Now up 161%.

Of more interest is my TSM, which is now a 20 bagger. My cost basis is around 9, it’s now 180ish. It’s in a taxable account, and of course when I sell a bit it’s virtually all capital gains. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m still nervous about it. I may sell more today.
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Why not just write some covered calls on it?
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others
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June 19th, 2024 at 9:35:57 AM permalink
CMG (Chipotle Mexican Grill) is a high flying stock and their restaurants must be fantastically popular

the funny thing - to me anyway - is that they're in a mall very close to me in the food court

they're not even remotely close to being the most popular joint in the food court - a couple of little Asian joints are crushing them in popularity

I've had Chipotle's food a couple of times - I'm not impressed at all with it - very bland - kinna meh

it is healthy for the most part - I will give them that - fwiw

the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him
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June 19th, 2024 at 10:26:04 AM permalink
Quote: lilredrooster

CMG (Chipotle Mexican Grill) is a high flying stock and their restaurants must be fantastically popular

the funny thing - to me anyway - is that they're in a mall very close to me in the food court

they're not even remotely close to being the most popular joint in the food court - a couple of little Asian joints are crushing them in popularity

I've had Chipotle's food a couple of times - I'm not impressed at all with it - very bland - kinna meh

it is healthy for the most part - I will give them that - fwiw

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McDonald's has to be killing themselves for letting that one go. I find them nothing special. Not bad not great.s to the mall eateries, most seem to have consolidated under just 1-2 parents. I forget the name of one, it is Canadian, thus I forget how you would invest. But it is one of those "has-a-stranglehold-on-a-mature-market" kind of things.
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others
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June 22nd, 2024 at 7:33:24 AM permalink
Was bored so looked at my portfolios this morning. My TD Ameritrade accounts all moved over to Schwab. So I went in to my new representative there and moaned about the near zero interest rates the old TD money market funds paid. He told me to just buy SWVXX as it is currently paying over 5%. So I did. But my cash in the accounts sits around as cash until I actively buy the SWVXX. So now once a week or so I gotta do that. I checked the WoV portfolio. Around 10% is in SWVXX. It’s around 15% across all my retirement portfolios. For my earlier years it was 1 or 2%.

I own a bunch of Berkshire. It of course has done great over the years. For many years I was worried that when Munger and/or Buffett died it would significantly negatively affect the stock. I’m not afraid of that anymore.
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June 22nd, 2024 at 8:08:29 AM permalink

Was bored so looked at my portfolios this morning. My TD Ameritrade accounts all moved over to Schwab. So I went in to my new representative there and moaned about the near zero interest rates the old TD money market funds paid. He told me to just buy SWVXX as it is currently paying over 5%. So I did. But my cash in the accounts sits around as cash until I actively buy the SWVXX. So now once a week or so I gotta do that. I checked the WoV portfolio. Around 10% is in SWVXX. It’s around 15% across all my retirement portfolios. For my earlier years it was 1 or 2%.

I own a bunch of Berkshire. It of course has done great over the years. For many years I was worried that when Munger and/or Buffett died it would significantly negatively affect the stock. I’m not afraid of that anymore.
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I think my Morgan Stanley account is paying around 4.75% for what is not invested. My Bask Bank Savings account is at 5.5% now I think.
At my age, a "Life In Prison" sentence is not much of a deterrent.
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June 22nd, 2024 at 10:16:29 AM permalink

moaned about the near zero interest rates the old TD money market funds paid. He told me to just buy SWVXX as it is currently paying over 5%. So I did.
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Symbol: SWVXX, Net Expense Ratio: 0.34%

ouch on the ER.
why not buy 3 month t-bills instead?

Why are you no longer worried about Brk.B when buffett dies?
Craps is paradise (Pair of dice). Lets hear it for the SpeedCount Mathletes :)
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June 22nd, 2024 at 11:35:58 AM permalink
Quote: 100xOdds


moaned about the near zero interest rates the old TD money market funds paid. He told me to just buy SWVXX as it is currently paying over 5%. So I did.
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Symbol: SWVXX, Net Expense Ratio: 0.34%

ouch on the ER.
why not buy 3 month t-bills instead?

Why are you no longer worried about Brk.B when buffett dies?
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Just easier to get the 5.25% via the MM. I did notice that expense ratio! But the 5.25% is net after those expenses.

I just think as Buffet has aged it will no longer be a surprise to the company when he dies, and I’d expect it to be a seamless transition. Buffett’s ‘magic’ has stalled over the past decade. I don’t think he is that important to BRK anymore.
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June 22nd, 2024 at 2:45:20 PM permalink
FLTR 6.24% 0.14%
FLOT 5.89% 0.15%
FLRN 5.85% 0.15%
JPST 5.15% 0.18%
SWVXX 5.19% 0.34%
MSPB 4.75% (N/A)

I have several serving the same kind of cash parking-space function, as I find it suits me to keep the distinction of different ones in different accounts that are held within the different brokerages used by me for different purposes. A bit eccentric, but I can be that way if I wanna.

I hadn’t heard of SWVXX before, even though I also have one of those accounts that was once a Scottrade brokerage, eventually gobbled up by TD Ameritrade, that subsequently got eaten by Schwab. Looks like it only exists internally with Schwab. The $1/share seems like it could be handy for scooping up the last bits of loose change; the others are $25 to $50.

MSPB is not a ticker symbol; it is Morgan Stanley Private Bank, an FDIC (to $500k) “savings account” rather than a security for purchase, and is connected to ETrade after that brokerage was swallowed up by Morgan Stanley last year. The utility of that one for me is that the balance parked in that account is immediately available for use (or for withdrawal) with both of my connected ETrade accounts (that became part of MS), without having to wait for funds to “settle” in a transaction involving “sales” of “shares” in the others.

I am annoyed enough with what I’ve come to view as a downgrade from Scott/TD to Schwab that I’m looking to move the portfolio held in that account. But I don’t yet know where else, I prefer to keep that portfolio separate from my MS/ETrade accounts, and not sure how I’ll go about evaluating other options. I’m a bit skeptical of Robinhood; maybe I’ll look into IBKR (Interactive Brokers)?
Last edited by: DrawingDead on Jun 22, 2024
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June 22nd, 2024 at 3:03:13 PM permalink
I use Fidelity and like it.
The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but that is the way to bet.
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June 23rd, 2024 at 7:24:19 AM permalink
Quote: DrawingDead

I am annoyed enough with what I’ve come to view as a downgrade from Scott/TD to Schwab that I’m looking to move the portfolio held in that account. But I don’t yet know where else, I prefer to keep that portfolio separate from my MS/ETrade accounts, and not sure how I’ll go about evaluating other options. I’m a bit skeptical of Robinhood; maybe I’ll look into IBKR (Interactive Brokers)?
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What's your problem with Schwab. I've been using them for 40 years without a major beef. On the other hand, I haven't used anyone else in 40 years so I have no basis for comparison.
Last edited by: TumblingBones on Jun 23, 2024
My goal of being well informed conflicts with my goal of remaining sane.
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June 23rd, 2024 at 8:10:33 PM permalink
Quote: TumblingBones

Quote: DrawingDead

I am annoyed enough with what I’ve come to view as a downgrade from Scott/TD to Schwab that I’m looking to move the portfolio held in that account. But I don’t yet know where else, I prefer to keep that portfolio separate from my MS/ETrade accounts, and not sure how I’ll go about evaluating other options. I’m a bit skeptical of Robinhood; maybe I’ll look into IBKR (Interactive Brokers)?
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What's your problem with Schwab. I've been using them for 40 years without a major beef. On the other hand, I haven't used anyone else in 40 years so I have no basis for comparison.
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Mostly, the software platform. Which is the same complaint I’ve seen most commonly being expressed by others who’ve been leaving after the merger. But I suspect it is perfectly OK for a lot of people. Probably so for most folks. Especially those with typical retirement accounts involving very long held securities, and I’m sure more than sufficient for those using investment advisors. But it doesn't suit me. TD's mostly did.

TD Amertrade provided three distinctly different platforms, with differing strengths, two of which were useful to me as a self-directed individual investor doing my own research and analysis on my own criteria while actively managing my investments on a daily basis. I know most people don’t really do this, and if they don’t, probably shouldn’t. Schwab brought one of those three platforms in as a second option alongside their existing software, keeping the (to me cartoon-ish) one I didn’t ever use, and killed the two I did. For me, their legacy platform is clunky & insufficiently customizable for much of what I’m up to.

But if you’ve found you’re able to do what you want to do with it in the way you want to do it, then you are, and there’s no good reason for me to want you to think otherwise; I have no interest in talking you out of it.

There are some other things involving mis-quoting of prices in a few cases, with one spectacular example of an ADR/REIT that for a few months was quoted as if it was trading up 1,000%+ daily, after routinely resetting to the real price nightly. Those dizzy gyrations only existed on their legacy platform. Maybe I should’ve tried to sell at that ludicrously fictitious price & see how that went. It was a small holding, and it eventually did quit doing the weird price quote gymnastics in their system before I closed out that position for unrelated reasons. And, some gripes about accomplishing some funds transfers. But the platform is really the thing. But it’s probably analogous to what kind of weather defines the tolerable range for someone, and where do you comfortably set your thermostat. If it seems fine for you, then it is.
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June 23rd, 2024 at 8:19:09 PM permalink
i had TD and of course it got switched to Schwab
I liked how TD showed how my stocks were doing after market
Schwab didn't show me that and that disappointed me
Now Schwab shows that info so I'm ok with Schwab now
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June 23rd, 2024 at 8:27:12 PM permalink
For a trader, one ability that a lot of the platforms lack is the ability to set a GTC that includes the pre- after- hours markets. Once a GTC is set, who cares when it is filled. It's hard to keep track of all the buyouts and mergers of the different brokers, but this is a capability that has existed on some platforms, then been taken away after acquisition or merger.

It's actually even hard to explain what this is to some brokers - most don't get it.

There are variations on the above that some of the brokers used to have, but these days, for example eTrade has only one GTC and that covers the day market only. Also there is no way to enter a trade at eTrade that covers only the pre- or only the AH, it either covers everything, or just the day.

The ability to do GTC + Extended disappeared at OptionsHouse once eTrade acquired it. Another thing that disappeared was the ability to set a pre- buy or sell ( @ limit ) the night before. With eTrade, if you want to set a buy (or sell) for a stock at a limit price in the pre-, you have to be up at 4am PST to enter it manually. This may be a big deal sometimes, where I expect a stock to pop (or drop) in the pre- and the price I want might not be available, at least not right away or possibly not at all, after the bell.

Schwab which was Ameritrade does have a GTC + Extended, and does allow you to pick specific pre- or AH trades.

When I first started trading full service brokers used to tout their ability to get better fills than the e-brokers, but no one pushes that malarkey any longer. Although, in the early days of these ebrokers (early for me would be the mid to late 1990s), mistakes were made such as orders sitting on desks or whatever and not getting sent in. Especially in years like 1999, that was a big deal, and I had a few adjustments made on big trades I did where it was obvious to me that the order had not been filled immediately.

Nowadays what happens sometimes is the system gets overloaded. One morning (or afternoon, if earnings on a given stock are released), it might be eTrade that is dead, another time it might be Schwab. When this happens and you are stuck in a trade you have to get hold of someone on the phone right away to get action, and they can and will make adjustments if you lodge an objection to something going on quickly enough.

Ever since all of the brokerages went commission free (you still have to pay SEC fees when you sell, but the broker doesn't get any of that), I wondered how they make money. I suppose they still make money off commissions for options, and also by floating your funds that they underpay interest on, but in any case, they all seem to be doing fine, even with these regular "deposit bonuses" they offer.

I was interested for a while in getting access to the 1am to 4am PST trading ability, but the brokers that offer access to that are a little sketchy, and as well during those times the buy/sell gaps may be tremendous - like, CMG, at almost all times! and the amount of shares available, thin. But it is interesting sometimes to watch, a given stock pop in the 1am to 2am PST period, only to fade off and not hit that price again for many days, or even weeks.
Last edited by: MDawg on Jun 23, 2024
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
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June 25th, 2024 at 1:00:06 PM permalink
Quote: DrawingDead

FLTR 6.24% 0.14%
FLOT 5.89% 0.15%
FLRN 5.85% 0.15%
JPST 5.15% 0.18%
SWVXX 5.19% 0.34%
MSPB 4.75% (N/A)

I have several serving the same kind of cash parking-space function, as I find it suits me to keep the distinction of different ones in different accounts that are held within the different brokerages used by me for different purposes. A bit eccentric, but I can be that way if I wanna.
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Why not keep everything in FLTR 6.24% 0.14%?
since it's an etf, you can buy it for all your brokerage accts
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July 1st, 2024 at 11:06:16 AM permalink
Quote: 100xOdds

Quote: terapined


Pretty sure all retirement portfolios at ATH’s. WoV up 150% as we speak. Market up a lot last day and a half. Hope (not confident at all) it lasts!

I’m going to casino today to risk 1% of my daily market gain…
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Been a joy to watch the stock market yesterday and today
I'm very bullish and believe it can go much higher
I'm actually pretty shocked how well the market is doing with our current very high interest rates
Can't wait for the Feds interest rate cuts and they are absolutely coming
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I'm selling May 1 and re-balancing. I need more Bonds.
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well, i was lazy, didn't sell and lucked out with the sp500 up 10% since my above post months ago.

Jp Morgan says the market will crash 20%.
'JPMorgan's price target for S&P 500 remains 4,200, which signals a 23% downside risk from current levels. '

i'm not selling because of the above but i do need to rebalance.
my portfolio is even more overweight in stocks with the rise these past few months
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July 1st, 2024 at 1:34:32 PM permalink
Quote: 100xOdds

Jp Morgan says the market will crash 20%.

'JPMorgan's price target for S&P 500 remains 4,200, which signals a 23% downside risk from current levels. '

why believe JP Morgan________?

they're no better than a tout who charges you to tell you the Pirates are a sure thing to win tonight

how many times have they and other similar companies predicted something similar and have been wrong over the last 10 years______?

lots and lots and lots

JP Morgan cannot accurately predict the direction of the market short term - nobody can

I just put "stock market will continue to rise" into Google and got several hits from so called experts who agree with that statement

their predictions also have no value

the only thing that investors can be reasonably sure about is that the market will rise long term - and even that's not a 100% sure thing - there is the possibility of various types of catastrophes which could effect even long term investing

Last edited by: lilredrooster on Jul 1, 2024
the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him
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July 12th, 2024 at 12:32:49 PM permalink
all-time highs in S&P500, the Dow, and Nasdaq, should close there or essentially at top in all

food producers down some, I'm buying some Conagra, CAG, which is bound to go up I think and is paying nearly 5% in dividends [I think because they don't want to lower the div]
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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July 16th, 2024 at 6:56:52 AM permalink
Now up 171%. Was at up 161% one month ago. Many positions at ATH’s.

TSM hovering around $190. If it hits $200 I think sell some more.
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