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May 6th, 2016 at 4:40:58 PM permalink
Quote: MichaelBluejay

Exhibit A: Trump says at a rally, about his proposed wall, ""Once they get up there they're in trouble, 'cause there's no way to get down! [pause] Maybe a rope..."

Splendid example of considering what he says before he speaks.

Big deal.

Has he barked like a dog an a speech? Has he said there will be no snow in 10 years?

I still want the answer to the question of what would make the CIA think he would not protect intel?
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May 6th, 2016 at 4:46:31 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

I still want the answer to the question of what would make the CIA think he would not protect intel?

Well, blurting out a takedown of his own plan at a rally should certainly give one pause. It doesn't give you pause, I know, but you asked what would make the *CIA* wary, not you.
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May 6th, 2016 at 5:06:25 PM permalink
Quote: MichaelBluejay

Well, blurting out a takedown of his own plan at a rally should certainly give one pause. It doesn't give you pause, I know, but you asked what would make the *CIA* wary, not you.

Clearly he was making a bit of a joke with the rope thing. Surely you get that,
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May 6th, 2016 at 5:43:49 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Clearly he was making a bit of a joke with the rope thing. Surely you get that,

Oh sure, that's why there was ABSOLUTELY NO LAUGHTER IN AN ENTIRE ARENA FULL OF HIS SUPPORTERS when he said that. The silence was the collective thunder of the entire audience thinking, "Oh, shit!", all at once.

I think the rope idea suddenly occurred to him, and he just blurted it out -- no filter.
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May 6th, 2016 at 5:52:10 PM permalink
Quote: MichaelBluejay

Oh sure, that's why there was ABSOLUTELY NO LAUGHTER IN AN ENTIRE ARENA FULL OF HIS SUPPORTERS when he said that. The silence was the collective thunder of the entire audience thinking, "Oh, shit!", all at once.

I think the rope idea suddenly occurred to him, and he just blurted it out -- no filter.

Not all jokes work. Trump does not poll test his speeches. Like his business life, he uses his judgement and if it does not work he gets up and tries again. Which is why he has caught fire. People are tired of focus-group-tested-to-death politicians.

And still, Hillary is the one who has shown she will willfully leave secrets out in the open.
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May 6th, 2016 at 8:24:34 PM permalink

What you have to realize about Nate Silver is,
he's written a lot about Trump in the last year,
a ton, as they say. And 95% of it was doom and
gloom. He was absolutely convinced Trump
was dead meat. All his charts and graphs and
polls pointed in that direction. But he was totally
wrong. Now what. He's supposedly the gold
standard in the business. Who will ever trust
him again. It happened to Dick Morris in 2012.
He predicted Romney in a landslide. Romney
lost and Dick Morris disappeared from cable

Nate let his own prejudices get in the way of rational thought this year.

Question: Given Hillary's careless disregard and utter incompetence handling states secrets and technology, can anyone imagine Hillary as the CEO of any of Trumps businesses? How about as president?

I think even Sara Palin would be a more qualified candidate.
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May 6th, 2016 at 10:29:50 PM permalink
Quote: Keyser

Nate let his own prejudices get in the way of rational thought this year.

That's part it. Mostly it's that his methods are
based on past performance of voters. They're
like Lemmings, very predictable. But it's different
this year. As a CNN commentator said this week,
he's from TN and the political scene back home
is 'white hot'. People are unemployed, under
employed, in this joke of an Obama presidency,
and it's that way all over the country. We're
being over run on the border and nobody in
DC seems to care. Silver had no way to put
any of that into his formula.

So we can predict all we want, something palpable
is going on in this country. People are pissed off
and are sick of the status quo establishment only
looking out for themselves while Rome burns. If
Trump gets elected and doesn't do what he says,
watch out. If Hillary gets elected and it just keeps
going the same, double watch out. We haven't
had *anarchy here in a long time.

*anarchy; a state of disorder due to absence or disregard of authority.
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May 6th, 2016 at 11:17:33 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob this joke of an Obama presidency...

As I've pointed out before, historians and presidential scholars put Obama as #17 out of the 44 presidents. And you can't cry liberal bias because they rank Reagan higher, and Bill Clinton similar to Bush Sr.

Like it or not, that's the reality. I'm not an Obama fan, and I didn't vote for him last time, but calling his presidency a joke is only for the grossly uninformed or grossly partisan.
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May 6th, 2016 at 11:36:32 PM permalink
Quote: MichaelBluejay

As I've pointed out before, historians and presidential scholars put Obama as #17

Wow, you should get that news to the voting
public, they think he's just awful and is to
blame for their lives sucking right now.
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May 7th, 2016 at 12:05:51 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Wow, you should get that news to the voting public, they think he's just awful and is to blame for their lives sucking right now.

That's true on Fox News, but it's not true back here on Planet Earth.

Pew shows presidential job approval ratings all the way back to Eisenhower. Obama's approval by his own party is similar to that of most presidents of *both* parties (i.e., Kennedy, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, and Bush Jr.) His approval rating in Year 7 of his term rivals that of Reagan in Year 7 of his own term. And his lowest approval rating is higher than EVERY SINGLE OTHER president's low since 1968. These accomplishments are all the more impressive when you consider that he's the first Democratic president to have to bear the brunt of Fox News, which is where I presume you get your misinformation.

Really, you've got to just stop pulling things you *wish* were true out of thin air (or Fox News) and proclaiming them to be fact.
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May 7th, 2016 at 4:14:13 AM permalink
Quote: MichaelBluejay

As I've pointed out before, historians and presidential scholars put Obama as #17 out of the 44 presidents.

No serious historian would consider a "historical" rank of a POTUS while still in office worth a bucket of spit. Right now we can really take a serious look at most at Bush41. A look at Obama shows the longest period of over 7% unemployment and under 3% GDP growth. It also shows worsening race relations and the rise of violent racist groups of minorities such as BLM. At best the guy can be considered average.

Quote: MichaelBluejay

These accomplishments are all the more impressive when you consider that he's the first Democratic president to have to bear the brunt of Fox News, which is where I presume you get your misinformation.

So is what you are saying here is that he is the first POTUS to have to deal with not having the entire media in the tank for him and has to deal with a network giving fair and balanced coverage? Because that is what this statement sounds like.

The reality on the ground is that the Obama era is a very gilded age, Wages have stagnated, in my business most places want to pay the same rate as they did 8 years ago. People do not feel they are gaining ground and are POed about it. His embrace of illegal immigration is really not helping himself among the masses, and college protestors are not the masses.

Remember, this is a POTUS who had less margin, states, and votes in 2012 than in 2008.
Last edited by: AZDuffman on May 7, 2016
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May 7th, 2016 at 4:35:54 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Quote: MichaelBluejay

Exhibit A: Trump says at a rally, about his proposed wall, ""Once they get up there they're in trouble, 'cause there's no way to get down! [pause] Maybe a rope..."

Splendid example of considering what he says before he speaks.

Big deal.

I still want the answer to the question of what would make the CIA think he would not protect intel?

Paul Manafort
I don't trust this guy
He's sleazy and in bed with the Russians
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May 7th, 2016 at 6:39:47 AM permalink
Quote: MichaelBluejay

As I've pointed out before, historians and presidential scholars put Obama as #17 out of the 44 presidents.

Any poll that asks 1,000 adults "Who do you think was the greatest President?" is a joke.

That kind of poll is nothing more than a popularity contest.

Abe Lincoln would end up at the bottom of the list if they surveyed Native Americans.


Franklin Roosevelt is credited with lifting the nation out of the Great Depression, yet his economic policies prolonged the Depression by seven years.


He refused to condemn the lynching of Black's in the South, despite repeated requests from his wife.

He also refused to integrate the Armed Services.

Do you think the historians and scholars made the right call on that one?

Examine their economic, social and foreign policy accomplishments.

Then decide for yourself.
Last edited by: Tanko on May 7, 2016
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May 7th, 2016 at 12:58:54 PM permalink
You guys should at least try to invite Trump on here. He's up half the night on the computer, anyway. My sister-in-law talks to him all the time. Really.

All this he says she says is for the birds.
So much bullshit; so little time!
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May 7th, 2016 at 1:00:38 PM permalink
Quote: MichaelBluejay

Okay, so AZDuffman's opinions about Obama's performance are "utterly useless" also? Or it's just historians' and presidential scholars' opinions which are useless? Please clarify.

The given example, as well as similar, should make the point clearly. It is the same thing with, say, the most admired women. First ladies are practically always on the top 10 list while their spouse is in office. Five years later, nowhere near so much. Ask people who deal with popular culture, and even on a mass scale, the public is nothing short of fickle and quick to respond either positively or negatively to visceral events.
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May 7th, 2016 at 3:40:26 PM permalink
"She's been the total enabler. She would go after these women and destroy their lives," Trump said. "She was an unbelievably nasty, mean enabler, and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful."

And so it begins. Is there anything more soul
satisfying than Hillary battering? 6 months
of this coming. Ahhhhh......
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May 7th, 2016 at 3:48:20 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

And so it begins. Is there anything more soul
satisfying than Hillary battering? 6 months
of this coming. Ahhhhh......

Where have you been?
The Repubs have been going after the Clintons for the last 2 decades
Its a broken record
Prediction, days before the election Foxnews will do a special on Benghazi

By the way, how about original posts instead of exact duplicates from DT
or is it the other way around lol
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May 7th, 2016 at 5:48:22 PM permalink
Quote: terapined

The Repubs have been going after the Clintons for the last 2 decades

Not by Trump and not during a presidential
election. If Trump wasn't shy about commenting
on Fiorina's face, imagine what he's going to say
about Hillary. Who will come to her defense on the
Left. Even those voting for her can't stand her as
is witnessed by the paltry crowds that go to her
rallies. Energy Level-Minus 3
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May 7th, 2016 at 5:59:28 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

If Trump wasn't shy about commenting
on Fiorina's face, imagine what he's going to say
about Hillary. Who will come to her defense on the
Left. Even those voting for her can't stand her as
is witnessed by the paltry crowds that go to her
rallies. Energy Level-Minus 3

I can't vote for Trump. One of the reasons is his penchant for being an a-hole about once a day during this whole campaign.

And people keep rewarding him for it.

That's exactly the opposite I do for A-holes. I don't reward their behavior. People like Trump may have learned that's they way they get ahead. Too bad. Won't get my vote even if he holds every view I do. Which, who knows, maybe he will at some point.
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May 7th, 2016 at 6:38:48 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

I can't vote for Trump. One of the reasons is his penchant for being an a-hole about once a day during this whole campaign.

And people keep rewarding him for it.

Have you ever listened to Tom Leykis's Leykis-101 segment? He basically tells guys to be A-holes because that is who gets more women. In the case of Trump, he is getting people like myself because he is not playing the usual game and the usual mumbo-jumbo. People do not want political speak. Same as they do not like corporate speak. Oh, a certain class of folks like it. Same kind of people who crave the job of writing the corporate mission statement. Those people do not make the world work,

He calls Jeb "low energy" and that kind of people get offended. The people that matter think, "GD right he is low-energy! Low energy helped sink McCain! Enough of that!" Instead of apologizing over and over as the media demands, Trump keeps moving on.

Look at who is for him--blue collar working class folks. Look at who is against him, illegal aliens and snowflake teacups on college campuses who demand "Safe Spaces." I know which side I prefer.
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May 7th, 2016 at 11:22:49 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

In the case of Trump, he is getting people like myself because he is not playing the usual game and the usual mumbo-jumbo..

If you go back and look at what I said about Trump,
I didn't really like him. He was too bombastic. But
I came to see he really has no hidden agenda, he
means what he says. And why is DC terrified of him?
Why weren't they terrified of Obama. He was a
clueless newbie, he'd never run anything, he
knoe how to do nothing except give speeches.

The insiders knew they could control him, that's why
they weren't terrified. They can't control Trump and
they don't know what will happen to their insider
power grid if he's elected. Maybe he'll win, maybe
not. But he won't be easy to stop. It's eye opening
to see what's really going on, though. The fat cats
we elect could give one shit about us, it's the continual
feathering of their nests that they care about.
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May 7th, 2016 at 11:35:58 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Look at who is against him [Trump], illegal aliens and snowflake teacups on college campuses who demand "Safe Spaces."

Trump's disapproval rating is 65%. I was unaware that illegal aliens and college teacups made up such a large percentage of America.
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May 8th, 2016 at 3:28:53 AM permalink
Quote: MichaelBluejay

Quote: AZDuffman

Look at who is against him [Trump], illegal aliens and snowflake teacups on college campuses who demand "Safe Spaces."

Trump's disapproval rating is 65%. I was unaware that illegal aliens and college teacups made up such a large percentage of America.

He polls higher than 35% so you seem to be missing the point, Look at who the protestors rioters are when he speaks. Illegal aliens and teacups.
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May 8th, 2016 at 4:44:53 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Quote: MichaelBluejay

Quote: AZDuffman

Look at who is against him [Trump], illegal aliens and snowflake teacups on college campuses who demand "Safe Spaces."

Trump's disapproval rating is 65%. I was unaware that illegal aliens and college teacups made up such a large percentage of America.

He polls higher than 35% so you seem to be missing the point, Look at who the protestors rioters are when he speaks. Illegal aliens and teacups.

Actually its much worse for Trump. Its 67% disapproval

When Trump shows up, hard working Americans like me show up to protest
I was at the Tampa Convention Center
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May 8th, 2016 at 1:45:06 PM permalink
I could vote for Trump.
Or I could write-in Putin.
Almost a coin toss ;-)
Youuuuuu MIGHT be a 'rascal' if.......(nevermind ;-)...2F
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May 8th, 2016 at 2:33:09 PM permalink
Quote: TwoFeathersATL

I could vote for Trump.
Or I could write-in Putin.
Almost a coin toss ;-)

So many polls; so little choice. The art of dictatorship.
So much bullshit; so little time!
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May 8th, 2016 at 3:05:44 PM permalink
See what happens when you organize a protest at the last moment. I saw 10 or 11 Mexican flags in the Anti-Trump crowd. Geez, the push for amnesty crowd stopped showing that flag after they started get heat for it.
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May 12th, 2016 at 5:32:54 AM permalink
I see Trump is afraid to release his tax return
Must be hiding a bombshell
Can you imagine the outrage on the right if Clinton refused
There would be specials on Fox every nite complaining about this

And another note, Trump must hate youtube
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May 12th, 2016 at 7:30:31 AM permalink
Quote: terapined

I see Trump is afraid to release his tax return
Must be hiding a bombshell
Can you imagine the outrage on the right if Clinton refused
There would be specials on Fox every nite complaining about this

Well, his income is probably way lower than he would want you to believe.

And his charitable giving is probably a disgrace.

We will never see his tax returns. Guaranteed.

His ego couldn't take that hit.
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May 12th, 2016 at 8:21:30 AM permalink
There's income to consider.
And there's cash flow to consider.
And there's equity to consider.

Surprised they don't just tax us on net worth each year, as a percentage.
Pls don't put another Demo rat in the White House! Pls....

<edit> Demo rat really was a typo. I decided not to fix it ;-)
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May 12th, 2016 at 12:18:56 PM permalink
Please...go ahead and leave as soon as you can if you don't want to be here should Trump be elected. We won't miss you!

"You're not the only American weighing a move up North in order to escape the horrors of a potential Trump administration. If anything, you're a bit late to the game. Following Trump's domination of Super Tuesday, Google saw a 350 percent spike in searches for variations on “How can I move to Canada” in the United States. "

Me? I don't like Trump all that much but I will survive should Hillary be elected. She and Bill could be the first couple to serve as President and be impeached!!!
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May 12th, 2016 at 12:29:25 PM permalink
How many of the 350% increase were illegal aliens ?
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May 12th, 2016 at 12:45:39 PM permalink
Quote: RonC

Me? I don't like Trump all that much but I will survive should Hillary be elected. She and Bill could be the first couple to serve as President and be impeached!!!

On that note, I suspect Trump could also be impeached.

For what? I'll start a list of possibilities.
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May 12th, 2016 at 1:32:48 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

On that note, I suspect Trump could also be impeached.

For what? I'll start a list of possibilities.

LOL - I've been saying for a while Trump seems like the kind of President who will be impeached the first year of his Presidency.
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May 12th, 2016 at 2:09:08 PM permalink
Trump has dubbed her, "Crooked Hillary." A nice shot. It will stick because it's true and she has no defense. Sums her up in two words. Occasionally, she is confronted about her open corruption and she just changes the subject or lies more.

Against most opponents, Trump would be a long shot. Hillary was custom made for him, though. She still is, and should be a favorite, but after months of this, how many people are going to pull the lever for Crooked Hillary? Bernie's gone easy on her and she barely beat him, with every advantage.

There are things to dislike about Trump, and I dislike him on the whole, but there are things to like. With Hillary, there's nothing to like. Her whole premise is being less unlikable.
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May 12th, 2016 at 2:10:34 PM permalink
Quote: Rigondeaux

Trump has dubbed her, "Crooked Hillary." A nice shot. It will stick because it's true and she has no defense. Sums her up in two words. Occasionally, she is confronted about her open corruption and she just changes the subject or lies more.

Against most opponents, Trump would be a long shot. Hillary was custom made for him, though. She still is, and should be a favorite, but after months of this, how many people are going to pull the lever for Crooked Hillary? Bernie's gone easy on her and she barely beat him, with every advantage.

There are things to dislike about Trump, and I dislike him on the whole, but there are things to like. With Hillary, there's nothing to like. Her whole premise is being less unlikable.

If you think Hillary will lose, put your money where your mouth is.

There are members on the board who will take your action.
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May 12th, 2016 at 2:30:59 PM permalink
I think she'll win, as I said. She should be the favorite. Edit: My point was, any decent candidate would be a bigger favorite.

I'll take "Not Hillary" for president at +300, if anybody wants to book it.
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May 12th, 2016 at 2:33:03 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

On that note, I suspect Trump could also be impeached.

For what? I'll start a list of possibilities.

It is is just that Hillary may already have a head start on it!
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May 12th, 2016 at 3:04:58 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

On that note, I suspect Trump could also be impeached.

For what? I'll start a list of possibilities.

Please, name a few. I don't see any.
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May 12th, 2016 at 3:10:55 PM permalink
I turn my back for just a few minutes and I miss 3 chances to give AMS a hard time ;-)
Are we having fun yet?
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May 12th, 2016 at 3:21:12 PM permalink
Quote: TwoFeathersATL

Dagnabbit!Are we having fun yet?

Hump Trillary.

So much bullshit; so little time!
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May 12th, 2016 at 3:26:46 PM permalink
I'm open to being convinced otherwise but how in the world can anyone be for welfare, if their are jobs to be had? I just don't understand it
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May 12th, 2016 at 4:09:01 PM permalink

I would guess that his charitable contributions are a disgrace for someone who claims to be worth $10 billion.
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May 12th, 2016 at 7:15:12 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Please, name a few. I don't see any.

Are you the guy who could watch a platoon with Gomer Pyle in it for an hour, and then remark, naw I don't see any difference between him and the other guys?

Trump is an unconventional and most self-centered individual imaginable, given to answering to no one, and most likely just an unprincipled opportunist who used bankruptcy to further his own ends, hides his tax returns, and probably already has an enemies list longer than Nixon's two arms, and apparently ignorant of even some basic constitutional principles and bunch of other stuff and whose opinions vary like the leaves blowing on a windy day, tells the truth less than most politicians, and rarely regrets any of any of his actions no matter how offensive they are.

Once he is behind closed doors and doesn't need your vote, look out! Seems like the perfect guy to find himself impeached.
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May 13th, 2016 at 2:35:26 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Are you the guy who could watch a platoon with Gomer Pyle in it for an hour, and then remark, naw I don't see any difference between him and the other guys?

Trump is an unconventional and most self-centered individual imaginable, given to answering to no one, and most likely just an unprincipled opportunist who used bankruptcy to further his own ends, hides his tax returns, and probably already has an enemies list longer than Nixon's two arms, and apparently ignorant of even some basic constitutional principles and bunch of other stuff and whose opinions vary like the leaves blowing on a windy day, tells the truth less than most politicians, and rarely regrets any of any of his actions no matter how offensive they are.

Once he is behind closed doors and doesn't need your vote, look out! Seems like the perfect guy to find himself impeached.

Obama seems far more self-centered than Trump. And Hillary gives far fewer answers. But enough of discussing the word-soup you have above. I will ask you for the second time, why is it easy to see Trump impeached? What crime has he committed, what has he done that should show a crime? You made a charge, man-up and back it.
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May 13th, 2016 at 3:45:03 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

. I will ask you for the second time, why is it easy to see Trump impeached? What crime has he committed, what has he done that should show a crime? You made a charge, man-up and back it.

The answer is obvious
Tax evasion
Tax fraud
Hel's afraid to release his taxes
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May 13th, 2016 at 10:31:31 AM permalink
Posts about Bluejay's creds and cargo trip, Global Warming, and forum members' expertise have been split to here in RonC's honor. I would like that hour of my life back again, please.

Also, due to massive trolling in the same thread, and previous offenses, TheGrimReaper13 has been suspended, nuclear option.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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May 13th, 2016 at 10:53:32 AM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Posts about Bluejay's creds and cargo trip, Global Warming, and forum members' expertise have been split to here in RonC's honor. I would like that hour of my life back again, please.

Also, due to massive trolling in the same thread, and previous offenses, TheGrimReaper13 has been suspended, nuclear option.

I apologize.
From under the fridge.
Youuuuuu MIGHT be a 'rascal' if.......(nevermind ;-)...2F
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May 13th, 2016 at 11:05:03 AM permalink
Quote: terapined

The answer is obvious
Tax evasion
Tax fraud
Hel's afraid to release his taxes

Lolololol! What a hoot!
Are you freaking serious?
OMG. Please, keep this going.
$1700, 18, 19, 1920, 40, 60,... :/ Thx 'Do it again'. I'll try
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May 13th, 2016 at 11:20:59 AM permalink
I posted this on DT, but it deserves to be posted here as well:

I want "Crooked Hillary" to start referring to Trump as "John Miller."
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
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