City: Dublin, Ireland
Casino: Merrion
I like to walk around new cities when I visit. When there are casinos, I wander around in their general direction and eventually wander in to enjoy some gambling before heading out and walking some more. Dublin was perfect for this with card rooms and casinos scattered around the city with lots of other cool stuff to see. Whatever directory I had listed the Merrion as open, so I got to wander around quite a lot as I looked for it. Eventually I gave up. A Merrion chip popped up in Colossus (that will come later), where they confirmed that this casino is closed.
This is one of the chips denominated in Irish pounds. Front and back the same.

City: Dublin, Ireland
Casino: Temple Bar Casino
Temple Bar is a famous pub on a fun pedestrian walkway in the heart of Dublin. I have no idea what Temple Bar Casino is. The directory I was using to find places to collect chips listed a casino in the same area as Temple Bar. It was hard to find and the names didn't match. I'm not sure the address matched either, but I did run into a place near the address that advertised gambling on a nearby street. It was a small bar with a blackjack table in the corner. I sidled up and played. While playing, attractive women who had no interest in my charm or appearance stopped by with offers. I played (blackjack!) for a little while and then ventured back out to the street to enjoy the atmosphere.
The chips say Temple Bar Casino, so that's the heading for this post. These chips are ceramic. The design on each face mimcs edge spots, but they have white ring around the perimeter so the fake edge spots don't make it to the edge. The sides of the chips have like-colored marks at a different location. You can barely see some of the edge spots on the side of the chip in the chip images. It's easiest to see in the 1 euro chip at higher resolution (click on the image.) Front and back are the same.

Sorry these posts make you sad. There are only a few more. Looking through the chip guide at MoGH it looks like there are more casinos there now, if only they stay open by the time you make it over there.
In the category of fantasies that will probably never happen, when I was in Dublin I thought it would be fun to take a bike trip through the countryside with stops at casinos in cities along the way. I've never taken a long distance bike trip, so that's a fantasy that is unlikely with or without the virus.
City: Dublin, Ireland
Casino: Macau
I wandered by this place when walking around Dublin. They don't offer poker so it wasn't on my list. This is a pretty small place. I don't really remember where it was but have a vague recollection of it being like a random store front along a busy street. I stopped in, played a few hands of blackjack, and was on my way.
This chip design is a little different and doesn't really identify the casino except for the logo. Front and back are the same.

Quote: RideTheEdgeI ended up in Dublin for the same reason. The cheapest flights to Amsterdam stopped there.
Sorry these posts make you sad. There are only a few more. Looking through the chip guide at MoGH it looks like there are more casinos there now, if only they stay open by the time you make it over there.
In the category of fantasies that will probably never happen, when I was in Dublin I thought it would be fun to take a bike trip through the countryside with stops at casinos in cities along the way. I've never taken a long distance bike trip, so that's a fantasy that is unlikely with or without the virus.
Haha if by bike you mean motorcycle then I’m in but I’m too fat to bike long distance or short distance. Sad is ok, corona has cancelled 4 trips already for me and postponed this Europe one so I guess 5.
Quote: PokerGrinderThose are really cool chips. I’m assuming each denom has a different shape in the background.
That's my guess also. I don't remember the higher denominations and the MoGH chip guide doesn't have images from this place. I didn't notice the shapes until looking at the photos. Noticed the yellow square one first and thought it was a problem with the background color of the graphic not matching the background color of the chip. Looking at the yellow chip you can barely tell. The pentagon on the blue chip makes it clear the design is intentional.
City: Dublin, Ireland
Casino: Fitzwilliam
I only have a few memories of Fitzwilliam. This place was more of a poker room than casino, though I think they also had the usual casino games. The 1/2 no limit game was must move (if a seat opens up at the main table, someone at the second table is required to fill it), I think with several tables in a heirarchy. People coveted a seat at the main table. Or so I'm told, I played a tournament. Tournaments were upstairs in a much less attractive room with a bunch of poker tables lined up. I was lucky to have a fun crowd at my table and had a good time despite loss of the entry fee.

City: Dublin, Ireland
Casino: Colossus
Colossus is on a tiny street, more like an alley, off of a nice main street with some pubs. It is a nice small casino with table games. While playing some blackjack I spotted a chip denoted in pounds instead of euros. Apparently they had at least one other chip from another casino mixed in. It was the long lost Merrion that I had searched for in vain. They kindly let me swap for that chip, which I pocketed with a few others before heading out to a pub while waiting until the next (and last) Dublin casino on this visit opened later that night.
The half euro chip is the same front and back.

City: Dublin, Ireland
Casino: Jackpot
To close out my Ireland posts I have a story about... drinking.
I was surprised to find that the bars in Dublin closed early, I think about midnight. The casinos, being private clubs, served alcohol later. I was playing in a tiny casino called the Jackpot Club (located across the alley from Colossus) around pub closing time. Someone who had enjoyed quite a few came in with some friends to continue their party and sat at the poker table. I find it lots of fun to play with a drunk at the table. Despite the game being much slower it is also more profitable and generally pretty entertaining. It was not much fun for the staff. The dealer constantly had to get the drunk to act when it was their turn, forestall rule infractions, and generally try to control their behaviour. The floor supervisor kept an eagle eye on the table. After drinking a little more the guy got cut off and the games began as he manuevered to get someone else to order a beer for him. Threats of those people getting cut off followed, which of course happened as those rules got broken. I had a ball, made up my losses from the previous few nights and a little more before heading back to the hotel.
In an earlier post I mentioned that I had 2 chips denominated in Irish pounds instead of Euros. This is one of them. Apparently the Jackpot Club did not have new chips made when Ireland adopted the Euro. Front and back the same.

Doc posted about Holland Casino. I used to go to Amsterdam every year for business, and most years we had the pleasure of staying across the street from this casino. Doc's guess was that the 2 euro chip is used at all locations. Maybe, but mine looks a little different. I got the 1 and 2 euro chips in the poker room at the facility in Amsterdam. I got at least one of the other chips at the same airport location Doc visited to get his chip.
I notice that Doc labelled his location as the airport. For at least two of my chips my location is different. Since I got chips from the casino proper rather than the small room at the airport, let me know if this merits an official CCotD post.
The poker game here was quite favorable. One year I made enough to cover a stopover for a few days stay in Madrid (no chips from Madrid unfortunately.) Holland Casino offers a 2/2 no limit hold 'em game with unusual (for me) chip denominations. The chips were 2, 10, and I think 100 euro. There were also 1 euro chips that made it easier to tip and collect rake but there weren't many in play. This made it cumbersome to count my stacks and choose the right chips to wager the desired amount as I'm used to 1/5/25.
The 100 euro might have been plaques instead of chips. As the higher denominations went up, the plaques got bigger.
The 2 euro chip has an unusual feature. The top diamond is transparent. If I place it on paper with some print it also magnifies a little, which explains why I can't see through the clear diamond unless it is directly on top of something (the image will be blurred out of focus if not held in precisely the correct place in relation to my eye and the object being viewed.) The half euro chip is ceramic with "Caribbean Stud" on the back.

The casino has a 5 euro entry fee. Fortunately, my hotel had a stack of free admission tickets. These two different varieties were obtained in different years.

Quote: RideTheEdgeThat's it for my Irish chips. I might as well cover the rest of my European chips now (all 4 of them) though they are from a casino that was already visited in this thread.
Doc posted about Holland Casino. I used to go to Amsterdam every year for business, and most years we had the pleasure of staying across the street from this casino. Doc's guess was that the 2 euro chip is used at all locations. Maybe, but mine looks a little different. I got the 1 and 2 euro chips in the poker room at the facility in Amsterdam. I got at least one of the other chips at the same airport location Doc visited to get his chip.
I notice that Doc labelled his location as the airport. For at least two of my chips my location is different. Since I got chips from the casino proper rather than the small room at the airport, let me know if this merits an official CCotD post.
The poker game here was quite favorable. One year I made enough to cover a stopover for a few days stay in Madrid (no chips from Madrid unfortunately.) Holland Casino offers a 2/2 no limit hold 'em game with unusual (for me) chip denominations. The chips were 2, 10, and I think 100 euro. There were also 1 euro chips that made it easier to tip and collect rake but there weren't many in play. This made it cumbersome to count my stacks and choose the right chips to wager the desired amount as I'm used to 1/5/25.
The 100 euro might have been plaques instead of chips. As the higher denominations went up, the plaques got bigger.
The 2 euro chip has an unusual feature. The top diamond is transparent. If I place it on paper with some print it also magnifies a little, which explains why I can't see through the clear diamond unless it is directly on top of something (the image will be blurred out of focus if not held in precisely the correct place in relation to my eye and the object being viewed.) The half euro chip is ceramic with "Caribbean Stud" on the back.
The casino has a 5 euro entry fee. Fortunately, my hotel had a stack of free admission tickets. These two different varieties were obtained in different years.![]()
I have seen the same “window” feature on a chip before, not sure if it’s in my collection or just one I saw while travelling. I have too many chips to want to try and find it lol.
Quote: DocI do not see a need for an additional CCotD post, provided we try to maintain links to new chip images if they become available. Please let me know if I have overlooked some important consideration.
I really hope I didn't offend by the way the question was posed. I totally appreciate all the work you do to maintain this thread and provide a way for us to share our collections.
Thank you Doc and all who have welcomed me and commented on my posts.
City: Jacksonville
Casino: St. Johns Greyhound Park
This place was discussed in this post from 2016. I had the pleasure of a Jacksonville trip back in 2011 when two poker rooms were running with nearly identical chips. The Orange Park Kennel Club is the other. I made a habit back then of extending any business trip into the weekend to view the local sites. I didn't find much to view in Jacksonville, but did spend some time playing poker and picked up a few chips.

I also have chips that have not been posted yet from places that are in the index at the beginning. Any preference on the order I post these? I think I'll cover a state/region at a time. In addition to 4 casinos in Canada (2 Quebec, 2 British Columbia), I plan to present some chips from the following states: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington (state), West Virginia, and of course Nevada.
The posting sequence is not important. Just post the images, tell us about the chips and the casinos, and add whatever (truthful) stories embellish the tale! ;-)Quote: RideTheEdgeAny preference on the order I post these?
Edit: Links to the "non-CCotD" posts of chip images above have now been added to the most convenient of my posts following the CCotD posts for the same casinos.
City: Sequim
Casino: Seven Cedars
My cousin got married in Seattle in the summer of 2016. After the wedding my son and I rented a car and went camping in Olympic National Park. Wouldn't you know there was a casino on the way. I stopped on the way back to grab some chips but didn't stay since my son had no interest.
(edited to remove erroneous claim that I lack Suquamish Clearwater chips, stay tuned...)

City: Suquamish
Casino: Suquamish Clearwater
Somehow I missed this casino when reviewing what I had to share.
To get to my cousin's wedding back in 2016, we took a ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island, and then a shuttle bus to a very nice place on the water for the ceremony and party. In addition to the wedding party shuttle, there was a casino shuttle meeting the ferry and we drove right by the casino itself. I was pretty sure I could walk to the casino after the wedding and take the casino shuttle to the ferry to get back to the hotel. For some reason this made my family nervous. To placate them I missed the chance to see the casino that night.
We had to take that same ferry to get to Olympic National Park, and drove right by that same casino. Time didn't allow a stop since we had a drive ahead of us and still had to check in, rent a bear canister, and hike in to the first night's campsite before it got too dark. So again I drive by the casino without the pleasure of a visit.
I thought we stopped here on the way back, but when reviewing my chips I found the Seven Cedars chips (see last post) and somehow missed these. I just went through all my chips again preparing to share chips that haven't been pictured yet and there they were. I had a chance to stop in quickly for chips after all.

City: Charles Town
Casino: Hollywood
Year: 2011 (Rabbit)
While scanning the chips to include as additional images for casinos that are already covered in this list, I discovered a Chinese New Year chip from West Virginia. I've also see one of these in Foxwoods, but was unable to obtain one for my collection. This is barely distinguishable from a normal $5 chip, but is clearly marked "Year of the Rabbit."
When I collected this chip my employer was based in Connecticut, but they built an office in Virginia that they staffed up over time. I used to go back and forth with stops at casinos on the way back. This casino was close enough to the office that I took a day when I was in Virginia to stop there, play some cards, and pick up some chips. There might not have been a no limit game when I went because I remember playing 3/6 limit hold 'em. This was a white chip game, so the rack had to have a lot of white chips to handle rebuys. One dealer was unhappy with so many white chips in his rack, and had most of them swapped out for higher denominations. Subsequent dealers suffered through a rack that was not suited to the game.

After my cousin's wedding near Seattle I hopped over to Canada. If I had thought to take the ferry near Olympic National Park to Victoria it would have been a short hop. The ferry from Seattle was more expensive. Surprisingly, a trip on a sea plane was about the same price and more of an adventure. The pilot loaded the luggage and eyeballed each passenger for seating assignments that evened out the weight. One lucky passenger sat in the copilot's seat. The pilot spotted a pod of whales on the way and circled around (high enough to avoid disturbing them) so we could get a better look.
A ferry ride from Victoria to Vancouver led to River Rock casino en-route. My $1 River Rock chip collected in 2016 looks slightly different from Doc's posted in 2013

Followed by Edgewater Casino in Vancouver itself. Again the $1 chip has changed since Doc posted.

Last fall I took a drive up to Montreal and visited Casino de Montreal (the 2.50 chip is the only one with different image on the back):

and Playground Poker, among other non-gambling sites. PG posted one of the $1 chips, I also have another.

A note on capturing the images. To better process in bulk I decided to use a document scanner for the rest instead of using my camera phone. I was surprised to find the image quality much better, especially the focus. I can scan 35 chips at a time. It takes a little longer to edit but I'm happier with the results.
I dropped my son off at a friend of his after our camping trip and had a night before the flight to Canada, so I cruised around to hit as many places as I could.
Club Hollywood

Goldies Shoreline Casino

Hideaway Card Room

Red Dragon Casino

Royal Casino

I had no idea that there was a casino on that ferry. As I check into it now, I can find no mention of there being a casino aboard. I suppose it is possible that teddys was just joshing with me, but it seems more likely that this ship-board amenity has been discontinued. Of course, right at the moment the ferry isn't operating at all. Does anyone know the full story on the (possible) casino on that ferry?Quote: teddysYou could drive to Nova Scotia, ferry it from Yarmouth to Portland, Maine, and pick up another casino chip from the casino on the ferry!!
MoGH lists two different casinos in Ventura with different names:
- Player's Casino:
- Player's Club:
RDW posted a ceramic chip from Player's Casino (same picture as the MoGH entry) and mentioned that they that they had just moved to a new location. My chip looks like one from Player's Club on MoGH.

Question: Should I post a CCotD for Player's Club in Ventura, CA? The rationale would be a different name and presumably different location. I don't remember when/how I got this chip. I did not collect any California chips in or before 2011 when RDW reports that it moved. The picture of the venue on MoGH does not look familiar (or even like a card room or casino despite the signage.) It may have been the chip that a dealer gave me from their tips at a different casino.
Now rdw presented us with a chip from the new establishment, and you have a chip from the former establishment, which is not yet represented in this thread. I have no idea how/when/where you got your chip, but I'm certainly not going to make a big deal about that!
My opinion on this is that it is entirely appropriate to recognize the original (1930) establishment with a CCotD post, no matter how you came up with the chip. Have at it!
City: Ventura
Casino: Player's Club
Quote: RideTheEdgeI'm putting together a post of my California chips and got confused by Player's Club when looking up the previous entry for this casino.
MoGH lists two different casinos in Ventura with different names:
- Player's Casino:
- Player's Club:
RDW posted a ceramic chip from Player's Casino (same picture as the MoGH entry) and mentioned that they that they had just moved to a new location. My chip looks like one from Player's Club on MoGH.
Question: Should I post a CCotD for Player's Club in Ventura, CA? ...
Doc says
So here it is.Quote: DocHave at it!
Where did I get this chip: I dunno
When did I get this chip: I dunno
Do I have a story to tell about it: If I did it, it's so good I don't remember it.
I have been to southern California a few times. I've even been in Ventura, though not before this place is reported to be no more.
The dirty, well traveled, with stories to tell if only it could talk, chip:

The one that is currently bugging me the most is the number of CCotD posts for which the chip image is now either missing or is obscured by something added by the image hosting service. I am only aware of such issues after I scan back through the thread looking for something and encounter a missing image. Maybe someday I will get around to scrolling the entire thread, listing the defective posts, and asking each poster whether they still have the image and can get it reinstated at the hosting site.
I think you (doc) are the only one of us who can update old posts in this thread. So if i do have to make updates, I'll have to make a list and get BBB or OD to make them.
Also, I've never been sure just what "special" authority I have for editing this thread. When they imposed limits on the time that you could wait and still edit a post, I raised strong objections because it would destroy my ability to maintain a thread index. An adjustment was made, and I can edit my own posts in this thread, but not in other threads nor can I edit anyone else's posts in this thread. Somewhere along the way I got the impression that others may be able to edit their own posts in this thread without regard to delay, but I may be completely mistaken about that, which is one reason I so greatly appreciate the support the moderators have given to this thread.
Quote: rdw4potusMany trip report pictures had broken links while others were still working. I host everything in a paid photobucket account, so that's frustrating.
So I decided to check through the thread to identify just which chip images are missing, and I began that effort today. I am going through the CCotD posts in the index order, and I'm not really investigating (at least not yet) the later chip postings representing the same casinos. To this point, I have only made it down through California.
So far, rdw4potus, I have not found any of your chip images to be missing, but you are missing several of the photos you included to show the casinos themselves. I suppose you may have just linked to photos provided by the casinos' web sites, and those links no longer work.
To this point, I have found six CCotD posts made by wezvidz and Konbu for which the chip images are either missing or obscured. It appears in each case the image was stored at photobucket and is no longer available. My guess is that photobucket initially offered free hosting of images but later started to charge a fee (as in rdw's reference to a "paid photobucket account") but that wezvidz and Konbu elected not to pay the fee, so their images are lost, or at least not available for linking to in a CCotD post.
I'll keep going through the index, and when I have a reasonably complete list of missing chip images, I try to figure out whether we can do anything about that.
Yes, for the most part I used casino images that were available online. I took a handful myself, particularly when I did the tour-de-harrah's thing in 2011 and 2012, but most were just from casino websites or other guests. I suppose those have been moved/removed/changed in the several years since I posted them.
I'm going to try 4 casinos per post to start for venues that have are already in the index, with attempts to link back to previous posts (hopefully making Doc's job easier) and avoid repeating chips that have already had images posted. Comments will usually be a little limited.
Apologies for the cropping and failing to rotate all the images properly. I put some chips too close to the edge of the scanner, plus my photo editing software cannot rotate an arbitrary amount without cropping if the chip was scanned near the edge of the scanner. Unfortunately, I discovered this after scanning all my chips and loaning the scanner out for a family photo scanning project. Another deficiency in my scanning ability is putting the chips too close together, resulting in some adjacent chips sneaking into the edited images, especially when I rotate the image.
Anybody know why so many $5 California chips are yellow instead of red?
Artichoke Joe's

Didn't notice how the inlay gets bubbled with time until looking at the hi-res scan.

My $5 chip is different from RDW's

I have four different $1 chips from Commerce, two are here. The $5 below is different from RDW's post.

Hawaiin Gardens/Gardens
RDW posted a "the Gardens" version of the $5 chip, while mine says Hawaiian Gardens.

Gold Country
PG already posted the $1, here is the back of that chip along with my $5. I picked up this chip on the way back from my niece's gymnastic's competition, and the Marysville chip in the next post on the way there. I got caught for speeding on the way back. The ticket was only $35, but the fees associated with the ticket brought the total over $300.

Hollywood Park
RDW posted the $5 chip in the official post, while the $1 was posted here

The chips with photos of models are two sided, both sides pictured. All the others are the same front and back, only one side pictured.

Lucky Lady

Casino Marysville


I've got .50, $2, $3, $5, and two identical $1 chips form Normandie, but others have posted all but the $1. See also this post

Well, it turns out that for the 1,288 casinos currently represented in the thread, there are 118 of them for which the chip images are no longer available for us to see. That is annoyingly close to 10% of the casinos. In the vast majority of the cases, the images were originally hosted at photobucket, and I suspect the problem began when that site started to charge for this service, and the posting member declined to participate in that manner. I found that Konbu had shifted from photobucket to imgur at some point, but his earlier CCotD posts have missing chip images.
There have also been a few posts for which the chip images were hosted at tinypic and are now gone. I know nothing about that hosting site.
There are two posts that are a bit more unusual. In one case, the member did not want to go to the effort to write up a CCotD post, but he did have a chip image that he had stored on-line. He sent some info to me, along with a link to the image at, and I did the write-up. Now that link is no longer valid. The other case was one where a former member (now banned, I think) apparently edited his post and deleted the links to the chip images. I really have no idea what that was all about.
I have a list of all 118 problem posts, and I am trying to figure out how best to address this issue. I am open to suggestions.
Quote: Doc
I have a list of all 118 problem posts, and I am trying to figure out how best to address this issue. I am open to suggestions.
Are there places that we've now been to? We could replace images with your chip or mine (or PG's or RTE's), or even re-do the posts as though they were new now.
Not that it helps with the missing pics, but it can help going forward.
Some of the missing images are from casinos that had ceased to exist years before the image was posted -- before I ever visited the area. Some are from foreign countries. A couple are Chinese New Year commemoratives. Quite a variety of difficulties. In some cases, there are other chips from the same casino (or even the same chip) already posted elsewhere in the thread.Quote: rdw4potusAre there places that we've now been to?
My current thoughts about approaches to deal with this begin with trying to contact the original poster to see whether they still have the chip or at least the image so we can look into how to get them reposted. If images are available, the next step would be to get them hosted somewhere. After that, it would involve the tedium of getting the CCotD posts edited to include links to the revised hosting URL.
The simplistic viewpoint/grumble is that it would be convenient to members if the WoV site hosted images for the posts here, but I understand why the management didn't want to provide permanent storage space for every picture someone might want to post for a moment's amusement.
I think it is okay that I keep posting chip images while the important discussion about how to handle missing images proceeds. Here are some Vegas chips. I was planning to be in Vegas this month for the WSOP. Oh well.
Not surprisingly, most of my Vegas chips have been posted already though there are some where I have one chip (often an odd denomination) that I didn't find. Apologies for any inadvertent duplicates. I'll try 6 casinos per page and will post them as I finish each batch rather than waiting until I finish all of them.
I also have a $5 chip with a more orange tint than the chip from RDW that Doc put in his initial post, but the design is the same and my photo doesn't match the color well anyway so I'll leave that off.

RDW has my $5 chip, which Doc posted in his original post, and my $1 is already posted here

Another chip used mostly for poker, again because much of my collection is but a shadow of Doc's and RDW's.

Casino Royale
My $1 chip looks like the $5 RDW posted

Circus Circus
This $1 chip from Circus Circus has a design that is very similar to the ceramic Chipco chip Doc posted in his original post, but it's "clay"

zippyboy posted my other $1 chip.
RDW posted a $5 chip here, but I'm going to post a couple more because I'm unsure which of my chips is a duplicate. I have two $5 Circus Circus chips. One of them is similar to RDW's on both sides, while the other is similar on just one side.
Same front and back

Different image on one side


The D

Downtown Grand

El Cortez
RDW posted one of my $5
and Doc posted the similar $1. Here are a couple other $5 chips. The 75th anniversary chip is two sided, the other is the same on both sides.

Ellis Island

RDW's $5
The "Party Pit" chip is two sided. The others are the same on both sides.

Not sure whether or not to post anything from Fitzgerald's. I have the $1 "fitz" chip. Doc included Ayecarumba's image in his original post, but that image is marred by a photobucket ad. There is a clear image of the front and back of this chip at the links provided to (also in Doc's CCotD post), but those are only links and not images. I'll err on the side of redundancy and provide less obscured (but a little due to scanning issue), directly viewable, images.

My $1 chip differs from Ayecarumba's (in Doc's CCotD post) because of the edge spots. I also have the $1 chip without edge spots.

RDW posted a $5 chip Here are a few more:

Flamingo has a chip for each decade (70s version pictured). I balked at the expense of picking up all of them on one trip, and will get others if I go back. I don't know why I don't like getting many $5 chips in one visit, but it seems okay to spend just as much (eventually) while getting a few chips each time. Same expense and I end up with a less complete collection.
Four Queens

The $5 10.10.10 chip was the start of my indulgence of getting $5 chips. For some reason I found this chip distinctive and saved it, starting me on the expensive path of collecting denominations above $1. I only got the commemorative, not a "plain" $5 from Four Queens. Not sure why I never picked up more $5 chips here.
Doc posted my $1 chip and RDW posted my $5. I also have a 25 cent chip and a token.

Gold Coast
As if often the case, Doc has my $1 chip and RDW posted my $5. Here is another $5 chip from Gold Coast.

Golden Gate

Hard Rock
Almost every $5 chip here is different. I started putting aside $5 chips to collect at a poker table in the Hard Rock one day, and then settled on just a single $5 chip (along with a $1 that Doc already posted.) Many of the $25 chips are also different from each other. I hear some people specialize in collecting Hard Rock chips.

Tenerife have 3 casinos and all have same design on their chips, the only difference is the name.

€1 from Casino Playa de Las Americas, mainly used for the side bet on the Caribbean Draw Poker.

€1.25 from Casino Taoro in Puerto de la Cruz, not playable and only used to pay Black Jack or the "en prison" rule on roulette.

€2.50 use their standard design and is the same on €5-10-50-(100)-250-500 chips.
2.50 Zloty Chip: