Quote: gamerfreakQuote: EvenBob"Overall, sea ice extent during January 2019 increased by 614,000 square miles. This was 104,000 square miles above the 1981 to 2010 average rate for the month." Artic Sea Ice News and Analysis, National Snow and Ice Data Center
Seasonally, In very particular areas. Overall decrease in polar ice is yuge. Sea levels are rising. We can argue about the cause until we are blue in the face but those are facts.
more leftist nonsense.....what were the levels 500 years ago, 2000 years ago, 20000 years ago.....the earth heats up and cools down and nothing we do down here can change that.
Quote: MintyWhat problems? As the one making the claim, it's on you to provide the evidence.
Wind farms kill birds and bars. They can have oil leaks. They have to be isolated due to noise. They do not provide steady and predictable power, meaning you have to have another power plant to fire up if the wind dies or demand spikes. And wind turbines do not provide all that much power relative to the so-called carbon footprint to make them.
Solar can produce power less than 50% of the time, for those of you in Rio Linda the other half of the time is called "night." Solar is still very expensive and is still at best wasted 60% of the sunlight that hits the panels. Without a southern exposure, solar is useless, and because of this most of those new houses forced to have solar in CA will be wasting thousands of dollars. The materials needed to make solar need to be mined, which causes again more environmental impact for 1/10 the energy of fossil fuels.
Quote: gamerfreakHeard dat.
I can think of a ton of high level politicians, cabinet members, ex Vice Presidents... who would be PISSED if we reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
Follow the money.
Really? I can't think of any. The difference is fossil fuel companies are not getting paid subsidy from the government while the GW crowd is all about the government directing money to them from both government coffers and forcing people to buy what they make.
Fossil fuel industries provide hundreds of thousands of jobs selling what people want to produce wealth.
Quote: Steverinos
The same can be said for GW. What if we're right and you're wrong? We only have one planet. Why risk it? The science is in fact suggesting that it's happening. Let's take, as Minty pointed out above, let's take an insurance policy out just in case. My kids and grandkids and their grandkids want a planet to live on too.
Climate change deniers are selfish.
Why risk it? Because the "solution" is worse than the problem. You sound too young to remember the 1970s. Back then we were worried about another ice age. We also thought there would be worldwide famine by now. GW is just the latest alarmists.
GW believers rarely lead by example. Your leader Algore lives in a mansion, flies to GW rallies on a private jet, and will have his driver idle the SUV he came in so the A/C keeps it cold. This is why I compare GW believers to those televangelist believers. IMHO it is no coincidence that GW belief and atheism are strongly correlated. GW belief is the religion in the believers life. Forget actual science, they gotta believe!
GW believers are the selfish ones. They could sell their cars to the junkyard so they no longer are a problem and move to very small living quarters. Have no A/C in summer. That sort of thing. But noooo. They want to tax everyone to death for their "religion."
Quote: Face
On the other hand, I'm at a complete loss when trying to relate to deniers. The resistance to being hoodwinked, yes, I get that completely. But it's almost as if you deny science itself. Do you not camp? Anyone knows that when it's thunderstormy it's a one layer night, whereas if you spend the evening stargazing you better bundle up. The more stuff in the air, the more we're insulated, just like every other example and analogy there is. You can't deny that. And surely you must understand we put a ton of stuff into the air. That is likewise undeniable. It seems like y'all've clung to the last bastion, this idea that climate flux is uncontrollable and involves too many factors to both 1) accurately predict and 2) do anything about. And that I do understand. But... ain't your reaction a little fatalistic, even unrealistic? I mean, we can't stop all storms, and we can't stop the damage they do. But don't we pass legislation to protect reefs and mangrove forests and wetlands to ensure that the damage, however unpreventable, is at least lessened? Doncha bag for floods despite damage you'll receive anyways, or board windows despite the hurricane / tornader messing up a bunch of s#$% anyway? Your resistance doesn't make sense, to the point it seems manufactured.
Seems the best thing well meaning people can do is lead by example and convert through action. And if that's the wrong answer and all goes to hell, at least we'll be rid of Fla and NYC.
The thing is that the legislation must make some sense. Take the wetlands for example. They became a thing around 1990. Legislation to "protect" them came about. Under the legislation, some parking lots fell under "wetland." It has since changed. I interviewed for a job at a company that was making a profit *shudder* protecting wetlands. Now it is allowable to replace a wetland. Say the Senecas finally decide to pave the highways they will not allow NYS to fix (to all but Face and me, this is an in-joke) and decide to add a few more billboards they are allowed on the road but nobody else does, destroying a few acres of wetland. This place "installs" new wetland in the area, for a profit *more shudder.*
OTOH, if Gov King Cuomo decides that what is needed to protect NYC is less fossil fuel use because of some distant maybe effect of GW raising seal level a millimeter a decads, well that is useless.
Speaking of NY, one of the reasons the USA has had the biggest reductions of CO2 emissions is the natural gas boom via fracking. Guess what, the GW believers hate fracking! They banned in in NYS, costing landowners in the Binghamton area untold millions. IOW, here is the best solution to GW we have today, AND THE GW BELIEVERS TRY TO BAN IT! (NOTE: I am not saying I believe in GW when I call it a solution, I am saying it is the biggest CO2 reducer.)
GW a religion? Best solution and they do not want it. While they hate gas wells, they love EVs which the mines for materials for the batteries are really wicked environmentally. But those mines are in far away lands, where they cannot see them. Well, they cannot see the gas wells, but one is good and one is bad. Why?
Wind farms are a joke. I've read
article after article that they will
never make money without
being propped up by subsidies.
Only rich countries can afford to
play that Greenie game.
In the hiking videos I watch from
Calif, there is part of the PCT that
goes by a giant wind farm that
goes on for miles, hundreds if
not thousands of towers. At
any given time, none of them are
moving, or maybe half of them
are. If it's not making money
24/7 what use is it.
It's different with a fossil fuel power
company. They only lose money
what that meter on your house
stops working in an outage. A
repair guy told me in an outage that
they don't care that I can't watch
TV, they care that the wheel in my
meter wasn't spinning.
Quote: EvenBob"They do not provide steady and predictable power, meaning you have to have another power plant to fire up if the wind dies or demand spikes."
Wind farms are a joke. I've read
article after article that they will
never make money without
being propped up by subsidies.
Only rich countries can afford to
play that Greenie game.
In the hiking videos I watch from
Calif, there is part of the PCT that
goes by a giant wind farm that
goes on for miles, hundreds if
not thousands of towers. At
any given time, none of them are
moving, or maybe half of them
are. If it's not making money
24/7 what use is it.
It's different with a fossil fuel power
company. They only lose money
what that meter on your house
stops working in an outage. A
repair guy told me in an outage that
they don't care that I can't watch
TV, they care that the wheel in my
meter wasn't spinning.
You're quoting AZD at the top of this. You MUST attribute when quoting another member, and you should note that it's an exerpt. Thanks for your compliance.
Quote: beachbumbabsYou're quoting AZD at the top of this. .
I'm lazy, it was faster just nabbing
the quote.
Quote: EvenBobI'm lazy, it was faster just nabbing
the quote.
We’re friends. Saul Goodman.
This coming week will be a great week for alternative energy folks to hug their windmills and solar panels in the midwest. Temperatures in the single digits and record snowfall.Quote: EvenBob"They do not provide steady and predictable power, meaning you have to have another power plant to fire up if the wind dies or demand spikes."
Wind farms are a joke. I've read
article after article that they will
never make money without
being propped up by subsidies.
Only rich countries can afford to
play that Greenie game.
In the hiking videos I watch from
Calif, there is part of the PCT that
goes by a giant wind farm that
goes on for miles, hundreds if
not thousands of towers. At
any given time, none of them are
moving, or maybe half of them
are. If it's not making money
24/7 what use is it.
It's different with a fossil fuel power
company. They only lose money
what that meter on your house
stops working in an outage. A
repair guy told me in an outage that
they don't care that I can't watch
TV, they care that the wheel in my
meter wasn't spinning.
Meanwhile Exxon announces a new "super giant" NG find off the waters of Cypress, they say it is the 3rd largest discovery of NG ever found. It is their second such announcement in as many years. Exxon also announced discovery's off the coast of Guayana will produce many times what they had hoped for.
In the PNW, energy demand will spike over the coming week." Power for delivery for the Pacific Northwest has already spiked to more than $890 per megawatt-hour, according to Intercontinental Exchange Inc. Gas for delivery this weekend in Sumas, Washington, surged to $200, the highest spot price recorded in the Lower 48." z/h The highest recorded price for ng, even though the gov has blotted out the sky with windmills in the Columbia Gorge killing vast numbers of migrating birds and waterfowl.
The discovery off the coast of Cypress is in conjunction with Qutar oil, who owns part of the largest field in the world j/v with Iran. New super giant fields discovered off of Israel and Egypt run as far under the ocean as Cypress. Hundreds of years worth of clean burning natural gas, the Cypress find is large enough to put Gazprom sales to Europe in question.
But we continue to force fake windmill schemes on the unsuspecting tax donkeys.
Quote:MIDDLETOWN, N.C. —The salty patches were small, at first — scattered spots where soybeans wouldn’t grow, where grass withered and died, exposing expanses of bare, brown earth.
But lately those barren patches have grown. On dry days, the salt precipitates out of the mud and the crystals make the soil sparkle in the sunlight. And on a damp and chilly afternoon in January, the salt makes Dawson Pugh furrow his brow in dismay.
“It’s been getting worse,” the farmer tells East Carolina University hydrologist Alex Manda, who drove out to this corner of coastal North Carolina with a group of graduate students to figure out what’s poisoning Pugh’s land — and whether anything can be done to stop it.
Quote: AZDuffmanReally? I can't think of any. The difference is fossil fuel companies are not getting paid subsidy from the government while the GW crowd is all about the government directing money to them from both government coffers and forcing people to buy what they make.
Fossil fuel industries provide hundreds of thousands of jobs selling what people want to produce wealth.
I would be very happy to take an oil company job, I might even be more tempted to vote Republican if I got one. Job security, obv. Lol
In other news, Disney just turned on a solar farm whose goal is to power one-half of their Disney World parks. If there was a government subsidy, I'm not aware of it. They don't care if it's 100% efficient. Fossil fuels are only about 37% efficient for electricity anyway. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil_fuel_power_station But since it's in Orlando, it still can be economically feasible. It might even save them money longterm!
Please note that this company also loves money too. I know from the prices while staying there.
Quote: tringlomaneI would be very happy to take an oil company job, I might even be more tempted to vote Republican if I got one. Job security, obv. Lol
In other news, Disney just turned on a solar farm whose goal is to power one-half of their Disney World parks. If there was a government subsidy, I'm not aware of it. They don't care if it's 100% efficient. Fossil fuels are only about 37% efficient for electricity. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fossil_fuel_power_station But since it's in Orlando, it's still can be economically feasible. It might even save them money longterm!
Please note that this company also loves money too. I know from the prices from staying there.
Disney did a bunch of things in Florida to keep from being under local government jurisdiction. All their utilities are privately built and administered. They're almost completely self-reliant. I think Downtown Disney is the only one subject to county/city/utility.
There are several good books about it. Or Google the Reedy Creek Improvement District. That was their corporate name to keep the development under wraps, and they built their own waterworks, sewage treatment, powerplant, and police district under it.
Quote: tringlomanen other news, Disney just turned on a solar farm whose goal is to power one-half of their Disney World parks.
Publicity stunt, a loss leader to
show how Green Disney is.
If it's so great why not dump
all outside power instead of
only half. It's a stunt.
Quote: EvenBobPublicity stunt, a loss leader to
show how Green Disney is.
If it's so great why not dump
all outside power instead of
only half. It's a stunt.
Maybe. But considering the site I pulled it off though, it's not going to increase park visitation a bunch. I've visited Disney Parks 8 times in this decade since my g/f, who you thought was the narrator to "Spaceship Earth", is a Disney freak. Even with her being a Disney fanatic, I was still personally unaware of this development until today, and it came from a site with a likely similar visitation numbers that you pull your "facts" from.
And as for "loss leaders"/publicity stunts, I guess if you owned casinos you wouldn't offer "full pay" video poker then? And I'm sure you would be testing the roulette wheels daily to prevent people like yourself. Keep in mind CET loves to claim they are "green" by doing a lot of things. But it also saves them money.
who says he's one of Cohen's best friends
says Cohen's wife was up to her eyeballs
in some of the things Cohen's going
to jail for.
In exchange for letting her off the hook,
Cohen had to roll over on Trump. But
he really had nothing, as he showed
in his testimony this week. In fact, most
of what he said exonerated Trump.
Cohen is being pulled in 14 different
directions, the stress on him must
be horrific. Oh well, don't lie, cheat
and steal and leave a paper trail, dummy.
Quote: EvenBobInterestinger and interestinger.
Not even.
the cuff. What other president could do
that. He just talked and talked and they
loved him. I love him..
The use of a two or three dog night would have been good here.Quote: Face
Do you not camp? Anyone knows that when it's thunderstormy it's a one layer night, whereas if you spend the evening stargazing you better bundle up.
Since we don't have any rug rats and I'm probably not going to get cryogenically frozen. I just don't worry about all the climate stuff.
Is it just me, or does it seem like portable batteries haven't really kept up with technology?
My nephew (still in his 20's)just got a promotion in the oil field industry running a rig crew. He is making between 20k and 30k a month with lots of perks. Then again, he has to live in North Dakota.Quote: tringlomaneI would be very happy to take an oil company job, I might even be more tempted to vote Republican if I got one. Job security, obv. Lol
Quote: rxwineMore effects of climate change. Saltwater intrusion.
This farmland was developed by draining brackish, swampy areas...
"where the dark and fertile soil is a legacy of nutrient-rich swamps that were drained to make the region arable. "
"challenges he would face with the brackish Pamlico Sound within spitting distance and just the thin sandy barrier of the Outer Banks between his farmland and the open ocean."
"Hurricanes Matthew in 2016 and Florence in 2018 brought several feet of storm surge that inundated the area with seawater."
Brackish water can always become more or less salty based on storms and drainage into the area--storms may bring saltwater; storms may bring freshwater. Farming an area that close to the ocean is problematic to begin with...
"This issue may be compounded by the slow sinking of North Carolina’s coastal plain since the end of the last ice age about 12,000 years ago."
This story is full of holes as far as it being about "climate change" completely. We know that we have some impact on the climate and we should work to do reasonable things about it. You can't deny billions of earthlings making some changes to things because of the things we do; it is more about working on solutions that stand on their own (not subsidized) and don't use more energy than they produce. However, hurricanes have been happening forever--and they do bring saltwater inland. The coastal plain sinking does not seem to be the result of human-caused climate change.
Quote: AxelWolfMy nephew (still in his 20's)just got a promotion in the oil field industry running a rig crew. He is making between 20k and 30k a month with lots of perks. Then again, he has to live in North Dakota.
The biggest problem with people who work in the rugged end of the oil economy--the blue collar had-working folks--is what happens to that money. People can make a fortunate during an oil boom; keeping the fortune is an issue many people have problems with as the bust cycle comes eventually. Things are more expensive in oil towns plus some people think the money will keep coming at that rate forever, so they spend way too much.
I know of several hotels down in the oil patches near Beeville, Texas that were full for years from oil companies renting out blocks of rooms. Room supply was so tight one year that our crew had to wait and see if anyone showed up for the already rented rooms before the motel would rent rooms to them (second rental of the same night!). One guy talked about making enough in two years to pay off his hotel. Lots of people live in RVs and camps of differing kinds.
The money is great...keeping it is the trouble for many!
Quote: RonCThe biggest problem with people who work in the rugged end of the oil economy--the blue collar had-working folks--is what happens to that money. People can make a fortunate during an oil boom; keeping the fortune is an issue many people have problems with as the bust cycle comes eventually. Things are more expensive in oil towns plus some people think the money will keep coming at that rate forever, so they spend way too much.
I know of several hotels down in the oil patches near Beeville, Texas that were full for years from oil companies renting out blocks of rooms. Room supply was so tight one year that our crew had to wait and see if anyone showed up for the already rented rooms before the motel would rent rooms to them (second rental of the same night!). One guy talked about making enough in two years to pay off his hotel. Lots of people live in RVs and camps of differing kinds.
The money is great...keeping it is the trouble for many!
I see this all the time with the people I work with. One of the new kids actually listened to it. I told him all the time that the business is "chicken or feathers" and that you have to get the mindset of a AA level shortstop. Meaning one day the coach will call you in and say you have been cut but he knows a guy who knows a guy who knows this guy in Boise who might be able to use one. When things slowed he was told me how right I was.
I keep telling him not to blow his money and to SAVE, SAVE, SAVE/invest. Even back when he was making less, I kept telling him to pay as much of his house off as he could. So far, so good on that aspect. He has a side business where he can hire others to do the work if he wants to. Hopefully, he can afford to invest more money into that. He has also been learning how to do other trades along the way. He's very smart hard working kid. Unfortunately, he has been known to play very hard as well, buts that's to be expected when you grow up half your young life in ND. He wants to eventually move to Vegas, but I think that's a bad idea for him. Not to mention, he has a bunch of rug rats.Quote: RonCThe biggest problem with people who work in the rugged end of the oil economy--the blue collar had-working folks--is what happens to that money. People can make a fortunate during an oil boom; keeping the fortune is an issue many people have problems with as the bust cycle comes eventually. Things are more expensive in oil towns plus some people think the money will keep coming at that rate forever, so they spend way too much.
I know of several hotels down in the oil patches near Beeville, Texas that were full for years from oil companies renting out blocks of rooms. Room supply was so tight one year that our crew had to wait and see if anyone showed up for the already rented rooms before the motel would rent rooms to them (second rental of the same night!). One guy talked about making enough in two years to pay off his hotel. Lots of people live in RVs and camps of differing kinds.
The money is great...keeping it is the trouble for many!
Quote: RonCkeeping the fortune is an issue many people have problems with as the bust cycle comes eventually.
That's exactly the thought I had when
I saw he was in his 20's. Too often they
blow it on expensive vehicles, drugs,
and a lifestyle they can't afford. Then
when the job disappears they're in
debt with nothing to show for it.
Quote: RonCThis farmland was developed by draining brackish, swampy areas...
"where the dark and fertile soil is a legacy of nutrient-rich swamps that were drained to make the region arable. "
"challenges he would face with the brackish Pamlico Sound within spitting distance and just the thin sandy barrier of the Outer Banks between his farmland and the open ocean."
"Hurricanes Matthew in 2016 and Florence in 2018 brought several feet of storm surge that inundated the area with seawater."
Brackish water can always become more or less salty based on storms and drainage into the area--storms may bring saltwater; storms may bring freshwater. Farming an area that close to the ocean is problematic to begin with...
"This issue may be compounded by the slow sinking of North Carolina’s coastal plain since the end of the last ice age about 12,000 years ago."
This story is full of holes as far as it being about "climate change" completely. We know that we have some impact on the climate and we should work to do reasonable things about it. You can't deny billions of earthlings making some changes to things because of the things we do; it is more about working on solutions that stand on their own (not subsidized) and don't use more energy than they produce. However, hurricanes have been happening forever--and they do bring saltwater inland. The coastal plain sinking does not seem to be the result of human-caused climate change.
Well, yes rising water will likely return the cultivated land to the sea. You think that's desirable? Greater and more storms higher tides means more erosion, and pressure inland for saltwater infusion. Contaminated land with salt means ruined land. What part of that wouldn't be enhanced by predicted climate change?
Oh right, don't worry about it. thanks.
Quote: rxwineWell, yes rising water will likely return the cultivated land to the sea. You think that's desirable? Greater and more storms higher tides means more erosion, and pressure inland for saltwater infusion. Contaminated land with salt means ruined land. What part of that wouldn't be enhanced by predicted climate change?
Oh right, don't worry about it. thanks.
No need to worry about what you cannot control. Climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years and will for 4 billion more.
Quote: AZDuffmanNo need to worry about what you cannot control. Climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years and will for 4 billion more.
The earth has been continually warming
since the start of the end of the last
ice age 20K years ago. The question should
be, when will the next ice age begin.
Quote: rxwineWell, yes rising water will likely return the cultivated land to the sea. You think that's desirable? Greater and more storms higher tides means more erosion, and pressure inland for saltwater infusion. Contaminated land with salt means ruined land. What part of that wouldn't be enhanced by predicted climate change?
Oh right, don't worry about it. thanks.
Since I didn't fully endorse that "man-made climate change" was the entire cause of the issue you wrote "Oh right, don't worry about it. thanks." and completely dismissed this:
"We know that we have some impact on the climate and we should work to do reasonable things about it. You can't deny billions of earthlings making some changes to things because of the things we do; it is more about working on solutions that stand on their own (not subsidized) and don't use more energy than they produce."
Your reply makes me think that you believe no one can have ANY skepticism about any part of the whole man-made climate change deal.
The topology of the land was a man-made change to drain a brackish swamp for farmland. Who would have thought that sinking land might mean that it would go back to a brackish swamp. Did man cause part of it? Yes, but very far from all of it.
Quote: EvenBobInterestinger and interestinger.
Oh, indeed.
Quote: EvenBobCohen is being pulled in 14 different
directions, the stress on him must
be horrific. Oh well, don't lie, cheat
and steal and leave a paper trail, dummy.
My fragile brain hasn't the strength, so I'll admit I struggle with the TDS. I'm actually struggling right now, so I come to you with hopes you'll help me out.
Cohen was...oh, hell, where's my notes... here we go...
Quote: WikiCohen was a vice-president of The Trump Organization, and the personal counsel to Trump, and was often described by media as Trump's "fixer".[3][4] He previously served as co-president of Trump Entertainment and was a board member of the Eric Trump Foundation, a children's health charity.[5] From 2017 to 2018, Cohen was deputy finance chairman of the Republican National Committee.[6][7]
Bolding mine.
Please note the dates 2017-2018 refer to his time with the RNC; his employment with the rest of Trump's business and affairs began in 2006. That's roughly 10-12 years, serving all at positions within a step or three to the highest position, most of which were Trump himself.
Here's where my TDS kicks in. The man who "hires the very best" hires this piece of mess and finds him fit to serve at some of the highest positions in mega corps and trusts for a decade plus. So, was Trump in on it? Or is he just really bad at things?
See what I mean? The TDS only allows for those two options. What's the real answer?
Quote: FaceOh, indeed.
My fragile brain hasn't the strength, so I'll admit I struggle with the TDS. I'm actually struggling right now, so I come to you with hopes you'll help me out.
Cohen was...oh, hell, where's my notes... here we go...Quote: WikiCohen was a vice-president of The Trump Organization, and the personal counsel to Trump, and was often described by media as Trump's "fixer".[3][4] He previously served as co-president of Trump Entertainment and was a board member of the Eric Trump Foundation, a children's health charity.[5] From 2017 to 2018, Cohen was deputy finance chairman of the Republican National Committee.[6][7]
Bolding mine.
Please note the dates 2017-2018 refer to his time with the RNC; his employment with the rest of Trump's business and affairs began in 2006. That's roughly 10-12 years, serving all at positions within a step or three to the highest position, most of which were Trump himself.
Here's where my TDS kicks in. The man who "hires the very best" hires this piece of mess and finds him fit to serve at some of the highest positions in mega corps and trusts for a decade plus. So, was Trump in on it? Or is he just really bad at things?
See what I mean? The TDS only allows for those two options. What's the real answer?
The real answer is that Trump knew exactly what Cohen was doing and directed him to do it. All of it. Trump used to brag about things like that.
And Cohen might be the "best" that Trump could find who was willing to be a combination lawyer, enforcer, and threatener. He testified he threatened people at least 500 times on Trump's behalf. You think Trump didn't know it, order him to do it? Not a chance.
It's not going to rest on Cohen testimony, either. Too many people were recipients of his threats, too many other employees were aware or complicit in Cohen's deals, too much documentation exists in 4000+ lawsuits, depositions, sales documents, industry profiles, and tax records.
Not to mention about 15 hours in closed session so far, and 70+ hours with Mueller people, and ongoing SDNY activity. This thing is just getting started.
Quote: FaceHere's where my TDS kicks in. The man who "hires the very best" hires this piece of mess
He wasn't the 'piece of mess' when Trump
hired him, he went gradually downhill
after he was given important jobs to
do. Happens all the time.
Do you know who was Trump's friend and go
to fixer attorney, who was a REAL piece
of work, in the 70's and 80's? Roy Cohn.
He was eventually disbarred just like
Ring a bell, that name, Roy Cohn. If
not Google him. You'll say 'Oh my fricking
god, HE was Trump's fixer??'
Yet another GW believer who says do as I say, not as I do.
Not sure why that is news. It is old news that GW believers want to be told what to do so bad that they will listen to anything.
Quote: AZDuffmanGas-guzzling car rides expose AOC’s hypocrisy amid Green New Deal pledge
Yet another GW believer who says do as I say, not as I do.
Not sure why that is news. It is old news that GW believers want to be told what to do so bad that they will listen to anything.
Congresswoman rides in car.
Wonder if the networks will cut into programming to cover this.
Quote: ams288Quote: AZDuffmanGas-guzzling car rides expose AOC’s hypocrisy amid Green New Deal pledge
Yet another GW believer who says do as I say, not as I do.
Not sure why that is news. It is old news that GW believers want to be told what to do so bad that they will listen to anything.
Congresswoman rides in car.
Wonder if the networks will cut into programming to cover this.
You miss the point.
She is the face of the Democrat Party that calls for cars to be banned and says the world will end in 7 years without the GND, Shows what hypocrites the average Democrat who pushes GW really is.
Does she take the subway? No. Does she do what she tells you to do? No.
But keep begging her to raise your taxes and take away your freedom in the name of helping GW!
Quote: AZDuffmanYou miss the point.
She is the face of the Democrat Party that calls for cars to be banned and says the world will end in 7 years without the GND, Shows what hypocrites the average Democrat who pushes GW really is.
Does she take the subway? No. Does she do what she tells you to do? No.
But keep begging her to raise your taxes and take away your freedom in the name of helping GW!
AOC can cut through your nonsense much better than me:
Quote: ams288AOC can cut through your nonsense much better than me:
Just her covering up her hypocrisy. Believe it if you want. The whole GW believer thing is not my circus and not my monkeys. But it does show you how a guy like Jones had followers living in squalor signing over their welfare checks to him while he lived in luxury.
Quote: ams288AOC can cut through your nonsense much better than me:
I know snappy tweets are all the rage but I would actually like to hear her tell us how she is doing her part right now, without a green new deal. Serious believers should be doing all they can without legislation and telling us about how they reduced their carbon footprint or whatever. Yes, you have to get around in a campaign...and as a Congresswoman..but you can be more green about it than it appears she has been..
I wonder how many here are actually doing anything at all about the issue.
I made my house more energy efficient and saved money by using less electricity, which also reduced my "carbon footprint". I bet I have done more than a lot of activists have to cut the amount of pollution that our family causes. I live in a much smaller house than I can afford--why heat and cool 3,000 sq ft when I can live nicely in 1,600?
I am also amazed she thought that she could get in the public eye and not have people snap pictures of her all the time...
Quote: RonCI know snappy tweets are all the rage but I would actually like to hear her tell us how she is doing her part right now, without a green new deal. Serious believers should be doing all they can without legislation and telling us about how they reduced their carbon footprint or whatever. Yes, you have to get around in a campaign...and as a Congresswoman..but you can be more green about it than it appears she has been..
I wonder how many here are actually doing anything at all about the issue.
I made my house more energy efficient and saved money by using less electricity, which also reduced my "carbon footprint". I bet I have done more than a lot of activists have to cut the amount of pollution that our family causes. I live in a much smaller house than I can afford--why heat and cool 3,000 sq ft when I can live nicely in 1,600?
Thank you, my thoughts exactly! The "smaller house" thing is one of the biggest things most people can but don't do. Not just HVAC, but you fill a bigger house with junk you probably do not use much. More furniture, more clothes, more everything.
The believers rarely do much on their own, always waiting for government to "make everyone do something."
Quote:I also amazed she thought that she could get in the public eye and not have people snap pictures of her all the time...
That does not amaze me as she is not very intelligent or street wise. She is one of these types that seems to have had much done for her and people defer to her and expects to keep living that way. Not a ton different than someone who was a very good student in college and then gets into the work world and has to learn the hard way that the work world is not what they are used to.
Quote: EvenBobHe wasn't the 'piece of mess' when Trump
hired him, he went gradually downhill
after he was given important jobs to
do. Happens all the time.
Do you know who was Trump's friend and go
to fixer attorney, who was a REAL piece
of work, in the 70's and 80's? Roy Cohn.
He was eventually disbarred just like
Ring a bell, that name, Roy Cohn. If
not Google him. You'll say 'Oh my fricking
god, HE was Trump's fixer??'
Are you proud of Trumps association with Roy Cohn? To me, it's just another indication of what a piece of shite that the man is, was and is destined to be.
Quote: AZDuffmanJust her covering up her hypocrisy. Believe it if you want. The whole GW believer thing is not my circus and not my monkeys.
Ever notice the GW fanatics that
want us to change to 'save' the
planet are usually the biggest
offenders of what they want us
to stop doing? Private jets,
chauffeur driven SUV's, $29K
in Uber rides.. Algores electric
bill for his palace is thousands
a month..
Quote: EvenBobAlgores electric
bill for his palace is thousands
a month..
Maybe you could do your part and send him some of your candles.
Quote: billryanAre you proud of Trumps association with Roy Cohn?
Cohn got things done, just like Cohen
did. Cohn was Gay and Trump was one
of his best friends. This can't be true, we
all know what a raging homophobe
Trump is as reported on MS/CNN..
Quote: EvenBobEver notice the GW fanatics that
want us to change to 'save' the
planet are usually the biggest
offenders of what they want us
to stop doing? Private jets,
chauffeur driven SUV's, $29K
in Uber rides.. Algores electric
bill for his palace is thousands
a month..
Been noticing for years. GW believers are also usually the most clueless about the environment. The most informed and those who care the most I have found to be your rural deer hunter types. The kind that actually, you know, spend time out in the woods.
2 choices
Believe the clear majority of scientists
Or don't believe in science
I believe the majority of scientists
Too me its a no brainer
Quote: RonCI know snappy tweets are all the rage but I would actually like to hear her tell us how she is doing her part right now, without a green new deal. Serious believers should be doing all they can without legislation and telling us about how they reduced their carbon footprint or whatever. Yes, you have to get around in a campaign...and as a Congresswoman..but you can be more green about it than it appears she has been..
I wonder how many here are actually doing anything at all about the issue.
I made my house more energy efficient and saved money by using less electricity, which also reduced my "carbon footprint". I bet I have done more than a lot of activists have to cut the amount of pollution that our family causes. I live in a much smaller house than I can afford--why heat and cool 3,000 sq ft when I can live nicely in 1,600?
I am also amazed she thought that she could get in the public eye and not have people snap pictures of her all the time...
Ron.... have you been spying on me? I too live in a 1600 sq ft house while I can afford one much larger! I drive a small energy efficient car. I do my darndest to recycle cans, bottles, boxes, etc.... I try and carpool when me and some friends go out to dinner (really more so we can have a DD...).
But I will fly a lot. Golf a lot. (Golf courses are notoriously bad environmentally). And my fiance keeps the house at a stifling hot number....
So I do a little to be eco friendly, but not enough to have the hubris to tell others what to do.
I just don't promote a political platform and then do the exact opposite of what it stands for.
Quote: terapinedGW
2 choices
Believe the
Believe the skewed lied about numbers,
ignore the huge number of real scientists
who say manmade GW isn't a real thing,
those are the real 2 choices if you want
to be a GW zealot.
Hole in the ground, meet head.

You've heard of bear baiting? I had a native friend that would take old tires to the beach and put a dead seal on top of them, then light the tires. Next day there would be bears all over the beach looking for where the smell of burning seal was coming from. Good times.
Quote: petroglyphI find that while trying to burn brush and stumps, just using diesel and a brush fan works really well. But if I stack a few old tires under the pile before pouring on the gas and diesel it really helps get the stump fire going . Tires burn great once you get them started. That's how I like to recycle. I wish at the time I had some coal to sprinkle throughout the pile.
You've heard of bear baiting? I had a native friend that would take old tires to the beach and put a dead seal on top of them, then light the tires. Next day there would be bears all over the beach looking for where the smell of burning seal was coming from. Good times.
Diesel to start a fire? Never heard of that. Not the best accelerant I would think.
Quote: EvenBobBelieve the skewed lied about numbers,
ignore the huge number of real scientists
who say manmade GW isn't a real thing,
those are the real 2 choices if you want
to be a GW zealot.
Hole in the ground, meet head.![]()
There IS no "huge number of real scientists who say man made GW isn't a real thing". That's simply an untruth. Not even "alternative fact". The deniers have no scientific support for their contention.