Most sweetened teas have almost as much sugar as a coke. 2/3 gallon per day is insane. I’d estimate 200g of daily sugar, just in your drinks !Quote: DRichQuote: Ace2You are joking…right ?Quote: DRich
I would guess that 95% of my fluid consumption is Sweet Iced tea. I drink about two gallons every three days.
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No, I am not.
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You are have diabetes?
Quote: Ace2Most sweetened teas have almost as much sugar as a coke. 2/3 gallon per day is insaneQuote: DRichQuote: Ace2You are joking…right ?Quote: DRich
I would guess that 95% of my fluid consumption is Sweet Iced tea. I drink about two gallons every three days.
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No, I am not.
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You are have diabetes?
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I believe DRich does the equivalent of a carnivore diet with 3 gallons of sweet ice tea. From what I’ve surmised.
Quote: rxwineQuote: Ace2Most sweetened teas have almost as much sugar as a coke. 2/3 gallon per day is insaneQuote: DRichQuote: Ace2You are joking…right ?Quote: DRich
I would guess that 95% of my fluid consumption is Sweet Iced tea. I drink about two gallons every three days.
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No, I am not.
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You are have diabetes?
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I believe DRich does the equivalent of a carnivore diet with 3 gallons of sweet ice tea. From what I’ve surmised.
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He uses the tea to wash down the 2 lb of tater tots he eats everyday
Quote: Ace2Most sweetened teas have almost as much sugar as a coke. 2/3 gallon per day is insane. I’d estimate 200g of daily sugar, just in your drinks !Quote: DRichQuote: Ace2You are joking…right ?Quote: DRich
I would guess that 95% of my fluid consumption is Sweet Iced tea. I drink about two gallons every three days.
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No, I am not.
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You are have diabetes?
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Yes, it has an incredible amount of sugar. I have never been diagnosed with Diabetes and I am probably only five pounds overweight. Besides, as most know I value my time and enjoyment today much more than my future.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: rxwineQuote: Ace2Most sweetened teas have almost as much sugar as a coke. 2/3 gallon per day is insaneQuote: DRichQuote: Ace2You are joking…right ?Quote: DRich
I would guess that 95% of my fluid consumption is Sweet Iced tea. I drink about two gallons every three days.
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No, I am not.
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You are have diabetes?
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I believe DRich does the equivalent of a carnivore diet with 3 gallons of sweet ice tea. From what I’ve surmised.
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He uses the tea to wash down the 2 lb of tater tots he eats everyday
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I forgot about the tater tots, so I guess not carnivore. I was just looking at carnivore. How many diets plans are there that advertise, "if you're hungry, just keep eating"?
Look at this ladies first video.
Quite a change on later videos..
I remember back when the applesauce label didn't have to tell shoppers the contents tasted like "apple", rather than "strawberry".
Quote: Ace2Agree about enjoying today, but is it possible to really enjoy today without your health?
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I look at it, as long as my health today is not prohibiting me from living my lifestyle I am fine with it. I just am not terribly worried about my health down the line as I don't know if I will be killed in an accident tomorrow. I would hate to skip something I like today to just be hit by a bus tomorrow and realize that I "wasted" my last days.
I was supposed to be dead in 1980, so I just live for today.
Quote: DRichQuote: Ace2Agree about enjoying today, but is it possible to really enjoy today without your health?
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I look at it, as long as my health today is not prohibiting me from living my lifestyle I am fine with it. I just am not terribly worried about my health down the line as I don't know if I will be killed in an accident tomorrow. I would hate to skip something I like today to just be hit by a bus tomorrow and realize that I "wasted" my last days.
You do realize this is the dictionary definition of sloth, not wanting to deprive yourself of anything because you might not be here tomorrow.
Sloth definition: habitual disinclination to exertion; laziness; indolence: Indifference,
Quote: EvenBob
Sloth definition: habitual disinclination to exertion; laziness; indolence: Indifference,
I would say that pretty much sums me up.
Quote: DRichQuote: EvenBob
Sloth definition: habitual disinclination to exertion; laziness; indolence: Indifference,
I would say that pretty much sums me up.
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Quote: DRich
I would say
I'm curious if you don't mind my asking
iirc you stated that you were a very successful gambler
what was your game and your strategy___?
do you still gamble_____?
Quote: lilredroosterQuote: DRich
I would say
I'm curious if you don't mind my asking
iirc you stated that you were a very successful gambler
what was your game and your strategy___?
do you still gamble_____?
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I would not necessarily classify myself as a very successful gambler. I was a part-time AP who always had a full paying career. I mainly beat video poker opportunities with big bets and small edges. Most of my winnings were due to beating poorly constructed promotions.
I lived in Vegas for 30+ years and moved away about 18 months ago. I rarely gamble now because it is not convenient for me here in Florida. In Vegas there were so many opportunities.
when you heard that bell - the neighborhood went into panic mode
"Mommy, Mommy, the ICE CREAM MAN is here!!!!______________can I 𝑷𝑳𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑬 have some money for that ICE CREAM MAN."

Quote: lilredrooster.
when you heard that bell - the neighborhood went into panic mode
"Mommy, Mommy, the ICE CREAM MAN is here!!!!______________can I 𝑷𝑳𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑬 have some money for that ICE CREAM MAN."
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The fake snow on top of the bumper is a nice touch..
The summer I drove one of those trucks was a lot of fun.
Good one !Quote: DieterQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBob
Sloth definition: habitual disinclination to exertion; laziness; indolence: Indifference,
I would say that pretty much sums me up.
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+1Norwegian ships have barcodes so you can scan da navy in.
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Quote: EvenBobNever saw one ice cream truck when I was a kid in the 1950s. All we had was guys on bicycles that
I was almost sure, he was going to finish that with "threw rocks at you."
I've gotten to expect some miserable aspect of his childhood to be proffered.

Quote: rxwineI could only see this much of Evenbob's post before I opened the thread.
Quote: EvenBobNever saw one ice cream truck when I was a kid in the 1950s. All we had was guys on bicycles that
I was almost sure, he was going to finish that with "threw rocks at you."
I've gotten to expect some miserable aspect of his childhood to be proffered.
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When I was about 9 years old would have been 1958 my friend and I found a small paper bag on the side of the road that probably had 300 22 caliber bullets in it. How it got there God knows but instead of turning it into our parents which frankly never even occurred to us cuz you didn't do that in the fifties, we instead threw the entire bag into my friend's burn barrel in the backyard and started a bunch of trash on fire. When it was over the barrel looked like Swiss cheese and for years I thought how close to death we must have come. I didn't find out till much later that bullet's not shot out of a gun are not dangerous unless it hit you in the eye perhaps. They have no velocity behind them unless they're shot from a gun. But I told that story many times and everybody I told it to thought we should have died. LOL
of course way before my time, but anyway, Jack Johnson was the first black heavyweight champion
although, blacks fought whites in the ring, they were not allowed to compete for the Championship, until Johnson chased Tommy Burns all over the globe to get his shot - Johnson crushed Burns
married to a white woman, his boldness infuriated white America
after he became Champion the great writer, Jack London, wrote an article calling for a "Great White Hope" to step up and win back the pride of the white race
London wrote - "Jim Jeffries must now emerge from his Alfalfa farm and remove the golden smile from Jack Johnson's face. Jeff, it's up to you. The White Man must be rescued."
even the New York Times got into the act - they wrote - " if the black man wins thousands and thousands of his ignorant brothers will justify claims of much more than physical equality with their white neighbors"
in what was billed as "The Fight of the Century" Jeffries was knocked down twice in the 15th round and his corner threw in the towel
the aftermath of the fight triggered race riots all over the country - many whites felt humiliated by the defeat of Jeffries
ironically, Johnson grew up in the South with a gang of white boys as his friends - he said " I grew up with white boys as my friends. I ate with them, played with them and slept at their homes. Their mothers game me cookies and I ate at their tables. No one ever taught me that white men were superior to me.
what a great story - here is the vid highlights of the fight
one more look back at the great Pistol Pete - I just became aware of this - I somehow missed it when it actually happened
the night he dropped 68 on the Knicks
he surely would have had more than 80 if there was a 3 point shot
he also had 6 assists, 3 steals and 2 blocks
what an incredible baller he was - and what a joy to watch
Quote: DRichThe FDA just determined that companies can call things like "Almond Milk" as milk as long as they disclose there is no dairy.
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The principle of allowing products to be deceptive as long as you put the truth in fine print* has a long history. And it doesn't serve the public, IMO.
*or small print in a non-prominent position.
Quote: rxwineQuote: DRichThe FDA just determined that companies can call things like "Almond Milk" as milk as long as they disclose there is no dairy.
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The principle of allowing products to be deceptive as long as you put the truth in fine print* has a long history. And it doesn't serve the public, IMO.
*or small print in a non-prominent position.
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What is deceptive?
Quote: billryanQuote: rxwineQuote: DRichThe FDA just determined that companies can call things like "Almond Milk" as milk as long as they disclose there is no dairy.
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The principle of allowing products to be deceptive as long as you put the truth in fine print* has a long history. And it doesn't serve the public, IMO.
*or small print in a non-prominent position.
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What is deceptive?
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I guess it depends on if you agree with this statement conclusion. I would contend that less precise definitions are designed to confuse the public for sales purposes not logical purposes.
Quote:Thus far FDA enforcement on the labeling of “milk” products has not been consistent with the legal definition. The FDA allowed non-cow animal and plant based products to use the descriptor milk for their products. The cow-milk industry has petitioned FDA for several decades to more strictly enforce the definition. The dairy industry contends cow-based milk has a distinct nutritional profile when compared to plant-based milks; on this, they are technically correct as no plant-based substitute contains the exact same nutritional contents as cow milk. The dairy industry purports that the use of the word “milk” is confusing to consumers and that all milks need to have a standardized nutritional profile and those not adhering to this profile should be called imitation milk.
Quote: Ace2If you buy food that has a label and/or ingredient list then you’re doing it wrong. Real food doesn’t require a description for you to know exactly what it is
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Not sure I would recognize a small cut of dog meat in the grocery store over cow meat. Even if someone had abducted my own dog to make it.
Quote: billryanYour average consumer knows almonds are not mammals and have no nipples.
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You mean there are no female almonds?
Fortunately, my store doesn’t stock dog meat or dog milk. Though I’m pretty sure I could tell something was wrong if they tried to sell a dog cut as a grass fed ribeyeQuote: rxwineQuote: Ace2If you buy food that has a label and/or ingredient list then you’re doing it wrong. Real food doesn’t require a description for you to know exactly what it is
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Not sure I would recognize a small cut of dog meat in the grocery store over cow meat. Even if someone had abducted my own dog to make it.
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Quote: Ace2If you buy food that has a label and/or ingredient list then you’re doing it wrong. Real food doesn’t require a description for you to know exactly what it is
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This is just silly and wrong.
Quote: Ace2If you buy food that has a label and/or ingredient list then you’re doing it wrong. Real food doesn’t require a description for you to know exactly what it is
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This is just silly and wrong.
Please elaborate
Quote: Ace2If you buy food that has a label and/or ingredient list then you’re doing it wrong. Real food doesn’t require a description for you to know exactly what it is
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I just checked the bag of carrots in my fridge.
Ingredients: Carrots.
I like to live dangerously.
Quote: Ace2If you buy food that has a label and/or ingredient list then you’re doing it wrong. Real food doesn’t require a description for you to know exactly what it is
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in 1900, before many of the ingredients that are used today in food were available the average lifespan of a male was about 46.6 years
the average lifespan of a male now is about 74.5 years
the increased lifespan is not due to using these ingredients, but it doesn't appear that they are tremendously harmful
Quote: Ace2What is silly and what is wrong?
Please elaborate
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Your claim that "real food" doesn't have labels or ingredient lists.
Quote: lilredrooster
in 1900, before many of the ingredients that are used today in food were available the average lifespan of a male was about 46.6 years
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Average lifespans in the past are very heavily skewed due to infant mortality. Once you factor that in, then we aren't living too much longer than we did in, say, the Middle Ages.
EDIT: Okay, I just looked on Wikipedia, and if you take out infant mortality, the average human lifespan from the 12th to 19th centuries was about 55 years old.
Quote: Ace2One ingredient isn’t a “list” !
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Yeah, but the list was on the label. ;)
The much lower life expectancy is due to infant mortality, wars, famines and lack of modern medicine (routine things today like pneumonia or flesh wounds were often fatal back then).
according to the link - in 1950 - in the U.S. - when a man reached age 65 his life expectancy was then 12.8 years
in 2000 when a man reached 65 - his life expectancy had increased to 16.1 years
data such as this from before 1950 is not available - at least not here
Edit - the 2nd link gives more up to date info
according to it by 2014 the life expectancy of a 65 year old male was now 18 years
and then in 2020 it slipped back down to 17 years
It’s gotta be due to all the processed food they eat
Quote: mcallister3200You forgot drug overdoses and auto deaths have likely shot way up as time goes on.
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Auto deaths peaked in the late 70s at around 50,000 a year and have declined since. DWI enforcement, raising the drinking age, airbags, better road and car design, and young drivers honing their skills on video games are all given credit.