Quote: DocRDW, I think that is what RaleighCraps was suggesting.
maybe it was. I guess my point is that I see two problems here. Ahigh insulted a group that JW apparently belongs to, and JW insulted Ahigh personally. I think in real life there's a chance that a punch is thrown for either of those things.
Always easy to insult someone when you are beyond their reach. Cyber bullies are usually sissies in real life.
Quote: rdw4potusmaybe it was. I guess my point is that I see two problems here. Ahigh insulted a group that JW apparently belongs to, and JW insulted Ahigh personally. I think in real life there's a chance that a punch is thrown for either of those things.
I think you're probably right with your assessment here. I was objecting to the more personal attack registered. And I also agree with your thought that a punch would have been the result from either comment.
I will admit I am probably a bit biased here too, although I did not realize it at the time. I have brought ALL of the original post that is relevant:
Quote: Ahigh
The kind of annoying I'm talking about at Main Street Station:
(1) Young drunk twenty something males that barely understand the game and do way too much screaming and asking questions explaining the game to their buddies etc
(2) 60 to 80 year old male and female Asians who take ten second to move a single chip from the rail to the bet (they are nice, just HURRY UP .. OK?)
(3) Toothless wonders who just got $10 from handouts on the Fremont Experience who want to hop bets but nobody can understand what they're saying
You just don't get as many of these types on Boulder Highway. Aside from the #2, you find #1 and #3 all over downtown. But there are more bigger-bank asian players at Main Street Station than anywhere else. And many of them aren't really true craps players as much as they are just looking for low edge high dollar bets. If you're into the game, even the big bets can be annoying too!
Also, this is just from the perspective of someone who is trying to stay focused while playing. If you seriously don't give a hoot about the other players at the table and what they're doing to affect your thought process and focus and the math is the only thing that matters, all of these comments don't mean anything.
Your comments made me realize I did not see anything wrong with what Ahigh wrote, primarily because I mostly agree with him, as these are things that annoy me as well. Although I wouldn't have defined the 20 somethings, since a drunk 50 year old causes the same problems. Same with the bigger bettors. That is not a problem with any one race, it can be pretty much universally applied to anyone with money who doesn't really understand craps. And, I try not to ever take any shots at the less fortunate among us, irrespective of how they got there. Again, the problem of people making bets that are not understood is not limited to vagrants.
So, you are correct. Ahigh did manage to insult a large number of people, although as a class, not an individual. I believe one of my blogs referred to people who make horn bets and then argue about the payout, or if the bet was even up, as f'ng idiots, so I too have insulted a large number of players, although not by class.
I guess it would be interesting to know what the admin found objectinable in JW's post. Was it the f bomb? The personal nature of the attack? Or, perhaps, neither by itself was that bad, but combined together, was enough to cause the suspension.
Quote: rdw4potusI think we need a rigid interpretation of the insult rule. What JW17 said was "you SOUND LIKE..." That's different than "you ARE"
Insult by analogy happens here every day, and it goes unpunished. Evenbob does it so much that the move could be named after him. Why the suspension this time?
Compound error in the insult and expletive. In the spirit of self-policing I myself have told people here to please avoid that kind of language. It is not needed and an intelligent person does not need to use it to make their point in a forum like this. I applaud.
Quote: rdw4potusI think we need a rigid interpretation of the insult rule. What JW17 said was "you SOUND LIKE..." That's different than "you ARE"
Insult by analogy happens here every day, and it goes unpunished. Evenbob does it so much that the move could be named after him. Why the suspension this time?
Quote:Im sorry you are so above everyone with your great craps play.
Adds to the insult by analogy, so it's the culmination of both lines that results in the suspension rather than the line you reference taken alone. Although, that line taken alone, given the fact that an expletive was directed specifically at another member in an insultive manner, would have drawn one day.
Quote: Mission146This:
Adds to the insult by analogy, so it's the culmination of both lines that results in the suspension rather than the line you reference taken alone. Although, that line taken alone, given the fact that an expletive was directed specifically at another member in an insultive manner, would have drawn one day.
That makes sense to me. Now...do they have to be expletives?
What would happen if I called you a Hoosier-faced Wolverine? :-)
I would counter that I am a fan of the Rutgers Scarlet Knights, so a Hoosier-faced Wolverine is probably an improvement.
Didn't you learn anything in my bubble craps tutorial at the Palms? Well, I don't blame you for abandoning that strategy . . . :)Quote: rdw4potusHell, I don't drink, and I'm not 20-something; but I'd sure hold up a craps table with my lack of understanding if I ventured off of my passline-only strategy. That's WHY I have a passline only strategy:-)
Quote: teddysDidn't you learn anything in my bubble craps tutorial at the Palms? Well, I don't blame you for abandoning that strategy . . . :)
I did! and that was great, but I still don't think I'm ready to try it on a live table. I've been practicing my tiles play as well, now that I'm addicted to that game:-)
Quote: BuzzardAre you saying that's a good thing or a bad thing ? Just wondering. Sure seemed like a lot more fun back then.
Agree with Buzzzzzz.......
I suspect that some of these are new spammers.Quote: 1BBPerhaps not technically suspensions but there have been names put in red with the restricted member label. One occurred less than a week ago. They don't all make the list.
I.E. "Members" that nobody knows, and where it would be pointless to discuss or include in the list.
Quote: 1BBYou shouldn't get away with personal insults by putting a smiley face at the end of it however if someone called me a nitwit in that context I may not like it but I wouldn't get overly upset.
I don't think it would have warranted a suspension except that Nareed seemed to be specifically asking for one given the following comment.
Quote: FarFromVegasSo "nitwit" isn't too harsh for Willy Wonka or Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but for a Vegas forum? I'm keeping my mouth shut around here! :X
Another woman's promise to be soon broken.
Whatever, though. It's not for me to say, except I think that suspension was weak sauce.
Quote: BuzzardAnother woman's promise to be soon broken.
Mmmph mmmph mmmph mmph! :X
Quote: MoscaSince this is a discussion, I didn't get the impression from Nareed's post that she was trying to insult; it seemed more like, "ya big dummy" than "I think you are a pinhead."
Whatever, though. It's not for me to say, except I think that suspension was weak sauce.
Especially since Nareed wanted SOOPOO to be suspended for calling her a "dork" many months ago. I feel like "nitwit" followed by a ;) doesn't pass the Statler and Waldorf test for a suspension, but again, context. She did kind of ask for it.
I understand what you mean. However, I took it as a direct insult. I was not amused.Quote: MoscaSince this is a discussion, I didn't get the impression from Nareed's post that she was trying to insult; it seemed more like, "ya big dummy" than "I think you are a pinhead."

-Berkeley Breathed
Quote: FarFromVegas
-Berkeley Breathed
Less tahn 2 hours after promising to be quiet.
Quote: SOOPOOI think a suspension for the word 'nitwit' is a bit much. A little too sensitive here..... Is it a 12 hour suspension, or more than that?
You know, the more I think about it the more I feel that if this had occurred face to face there would have been just a chuckle and nothing more. This was a comment made to a long time top poster by another who probably considered DJ an internet friend. I just don't see malicious intent there. Internet savvy people must understand that the written word is not always clear.
I'd be interested in knowing whose call the suspension was. Was it DJ, Mission or someone else?
Quote: 1BBYou know, the more I think about it the more I feel that if this had occurred face to face there would have been just a chuckle and nothing more. This was a comment made to a long time top poster by another who probably considered DJ an internet friend. I just don't see malicious intent there.
Nareed and I have butted-heads on more than one occasion. "Internet friend" is a questionable description. I've blocked her posts and later unblocked them. More than once in fact. Had this occured face-to-face, I suspect a word stronger than "nitwit" would have been used.
However, in retrospect, I suppose I over-reacted.
A few minutes ago, I sent the Wiz a PM that I woudn't object if he lifts Nareed's suspension early. (Does that violate the PM rule?)
Quote: DJTeddyBearNareed and I have butted-heads on more than one occasion. "Internet friend" is a questionable description. I've blocked her posts and later unblocked them. More than once in fact. Had this occured face-to-face, I suspect a word stronger than "nitwit" would have been used.
However, in retrospect, I suppose I over-reacted.
A few minutes ago, I sent the Wiz a PM that I woudn't object if he lifts Nareed's suspension early. (Does that violate the PM rule?)
You're the bigger man DJ. Oh oh do I have to put a smiley after that? :-)
Quote: WizardPlease note that Nareed's suspension has been lifted and expunged from the record.
Gee, DJ has outdone Perry Mason !
Quote: iluvdisco33I was shocked when I saw this thread. Suspensions? For anonymous insults and using childish words? On something that when closed down on your browser it's out of sight/out of mind? Really?
For an internet forum site, this one had been very civil for over a year. Then a couple of people got into a battle and hijacked every thread with their personal war. That was when the vast majority asked for some rules to be implemented, to keep this site civil.
There are a lot of good conversations on here. Not everyone agrees with each other, but that happens without 3rd grade name calling. I won't speak for our admins, but for me personally, if a person needs to resort to name calling and insulting to make their points, I would just as soon see them leave. All it does is weaken their points, and make them look like arses anyway.
Quote: iluvdisco33I was shocked when I saw this thread. Suspensions? For anonymous insults and using childish words? On something that when closed down on your browser it's out of sight/out of mind? Really?
If you don't like the rules, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out !
Quote: 1BBDoes anyone have any thoughts about about members especially new ones putting spam in their signatures? They're not clickable but they are there nevertheless.
I'd vote for increased length of newbie status, which means minimal posting, if a URL of any kind is in the signature line. But that is all.
Quote: 1BBDoes anyone have any thoughts about about members especially new ones putting spam in their signatures? They're not clickable but they are there nevertheless.
I've had one before and would like to again. But I think there needs to be a standard for it. I have seen other sites where you have to last x days and make x posts. Given the level of self-policing here I would say make them stay 6 months and 50-100 posts. That should be enough to keep the spammer-backlink-builders away. As long as it is legal a URL in the line is sort of a reward for you giving valuable content to this site without being too intrusive. Like a ballplayer wearing a hat for New Deal Used Cars in the postgame interview.
Quote: AZDuffmanI've had one before and would like to again. But I think there needs to be a standard for it.
Perhaps it does need to be spelled out better. There is already a rule against spam. I consider somebody who is obviously only posting to get his/her URL or Email in the signature as a spammer. Lately I've seen a lot of new members saying something like "Hi, I'm new here," with a URL in the signature to a commercial site, usually an Internet casino. Those posts are quickly busted and the member nuked, without even the dignity of being remembered in the suspension list.
Quote: WizardPerhaps it does need to be spelled out better. There is already a rule against spam. I consider somebody who is obviously only posting to get his/her URL or Email in the signature as a spammer. Lately I've seen a lot of new members saying something like "Hi, I'm new here," with a URL in the signature to a commercial site, usually an Internet casino. Those posts are quickly busted and the member banned, without even the dignity of being remembered in the suspension list.
I've knocked out a few of those myself in recent weeks.
There was one exception, which I noticed yesterday, in which the thread...somehow...had two pages of replies! I typically like to delete the thread, as well, but did not in that case.
Quote: iluvdisco33I was shocked when I saw this thread. Suspensions? For anonymous insults and using childish words? On something that when closed down on your browser it's out of sight/out of mind? Really?
This is probably the strictest site I have seen. It's definitely moderated tighter than 2+2 Poker. I'm okay with that though since I generally behave myself.
Quote: WizardPlease note that Nareed's suspension has been lifted and expunged from the record.
Could you please expunge my prior suspension, too?
I've been a good boy this year, Santa Wiz, really I have.