Quote: rainmanlink to original post
What Horse and who killed it?
What I'm trying to do AL is engage another Human being who I am certain
has a higher intellect than me that I believe has a presupposition that
is wrong, so if I lead this man of higher intellect down the path of righteousness
and enlightenment AL, I will feel pretty good about myself. And If I fail AL,
I also win for I will be the enlightened one.
Rainman, Others,
Let's move forward. Let's not try to codify 'the rules' to the most absolute definition or else we mods might get replaced by a bit of autonomous Artificial Intelligence.
I'm reminded of some song lyrics
Quote: CatatiniaIf all you’ve got to prove today is your innocence
Calm down, you’re as guilty as can be
If all you’ve got to lose alludes to yesterday
Yesterday’s through, now do anything you please
You could be taking it easy on yourself
You should be making it easy on yourself
Incidentally, she doesn't sing all those words.
You want us to move forward onto a different topic, or whatever, when the tittle of this thread is ...60 SOME WINNING HANDS IN A ROW. I think that would be considered highjacking. No?Quote: OnceDearQuote: rainmanlink to original post
What Horse and who killed it?
What I'm trying to do AL is engage another Human being who I am certain
has a higher intellect than me that I believe has a presupposition that
is wrong, so if I lead this man of higher intellect down the path of righteousness
and enlightenment AL, I will feel pretty good about myself. And If I fail AL,
I also win for I will be the enlightened one.
Rainman, Others,
Let's move forward. Let's not try to codify 'the rules' to the most absolute definition or else we mods might get replaced by a bit of autonomous Artificial Intelligence.
I'm reminded of some song lyrics
Incidentally, she doesn't sing all those words.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_bL0EqlDEk&t=36slink to original post
MDawg, perhaps not 60, but can you tell us how many you know it was for sure, how far off are you on that 60 in a row?? This way we can better gauge what percentage off you are when making other claims.
Quote: AxelWolflink to original post
MDawg, perhaps not 60, but can you tell us how many you know it was for sure, how far off are you on that 60 in a row?? This way we can better gauge what percentage off you are when making other claims.
What a fabulous idea from Axelwolf! From now on everyone must report their exact results. No more approximations. And let's go one better: show proof including photos, tax documents and photos of hand pays.
And if you play with an edge, prove your edge.
That's just the perfect solution.
I suppose I am running the largest multi-carding operation in the world, apparently?
But it's just a matter of scale.
Let's take one person. Bring him to ten different casinos each for a players card. Okay, you got ten different accounts off one person. (I usually stagger it so people look forward to the next trip but you get the idea).
We all agree $100 Freeplay in a day is possible? So now I got $100×10 per day from just that one person. Of course different casinos, different schedules, it's never so cut and dry but just giving a general idea.
Okay so schedule is different at each casino, some are three days a week, some seven, some just one, but at the end of the week I can generate $4,000 from that one person's ten cards.
And while I am driving one person around to get cards, apparently, only a genius like myself would say, "hey, how about renting a minivan and bringing ten people on the trip and multiplying my $4,000 profit (and of course expenses) by ten.
What a novel concept. But that type of thinking is too shocking for this forum.
As for getting caught, I myself and I know at least one other regular member on this forum has related being banned for using as little as three people players cards. So my feeling on it is if three cards gets you banned for life, then might as well go whole hog and hit em with everything you got. Twenty, a hundred, a thousand, whatever you can afford. It's all legal so grab what you can.
Quote: darkozWe all agree $100 Freeplay in a day is possible? So now I got $100×10 per day from just that one person.
Oh, I believe you!
But for those that don't carefully explain how ten different casinos give $100 each to a new player just for signing up and with no previous play.
Spare no details so everyone clearly understands your routine.
You shouldn't have any problem.
Quote: AlanMendelsonOh, I believe you!
link to original post
But for those that don't carefully explain how ten different casinos give $100 each to a new player just for signing up and with no previous play.
Spare no details so everyone clearly understands your routine.
You shouldn't have any problem.
The problem is you already have made assumptions that are wrong in your above statement.
But for those that do understand what I do, I can't quite spill those secrets.
Quote: darkozlink to original post
But for those that do understand what I do, I can't quite spill those secrets.
I tend to agree. There's enough there to at least recognize the method as potentially viable.
You wrote:
"Let's take one person. Bring him to ten different casinos each for a players card. Okay, you got ten different accounts off one person. (I usually stagger it so people look forward to the next trip but you get the idea).
"We all agree $100 Freeplay in a day is possible? So now I got $100×10 per day from just that one person. Of course different casinos, different schedules, it's never so cut and dry but just giving a general idea.
"Okay so schedule is different at each casino, some are three days a week, some seven, some just one, but at the end of the week I can generate $4,000 from that one person's ten cards."
No where did you write anything about any play being required for this stream of free play. So I wrote:
"carefully explain how ten different casinos give $100 each to a new player just for signing up and with no previous play."
Please, where did I go wrong?
The worst part is on 2 of the 11 hands I had a pair of 7's against a dealer 3 both times. Both times I split the 7's and still lost both hands, so technically I lost 13 hands in 11 hands played.
Quote: AlanMendelsonDon't spill any secrets... but tell me what assumptions are wrong.
link to original post
I expect any useful reply would tend to spill secrets.
Quote: DieterQuote: AlanMendelsonDon't spill any secrets... but tell me what assumptions are wrong.
link to original post
I expect any useful reply would tend to spill secrets.link to original post
Gosh, I guess I'll never understand how he makes $20k a week getting $100 free play with his posse.
Quote: mwalz9I lost 11 hands of blackjack in a row yesterday. It was a rough run.
link to original post
The worst part is on 2 of the 11 hands I had a pair of 7's against a dealer 3 both times. Both times I split the 7's and still lost both hands, so technically I lost 13 hands in 11 hands played.
That would seem to be around a 1 in 6333 occurrence; the numbers feel small enough to be plausible.
As usual, math checks are welcomed; my math is sort of ok, but not great.
Rough luck, mwalz.
I don't believe you.Quote: MDawg
Also, one night when I was beating the h out of the house at single deck, won sixty some hands in a row, they kept changing decks (although this had zero effect, I just kept winning every single hand anyway
Quote: teliotI don't believe you.
link to original post
I don't think you should be suspended for that post. But maybe you have time to change it?
Quote: FinsRuleQuote: teliotI don't believe you.
link to original post
I don't think you should be suspended for that post. But maybe you have time to change it?link to original post
Oh, I see the wizard has gone against a mod and we can say "I don't believe you". A great change and one I will use. Thanks!
Quote: darkozI really don't see why my claim of making $20,000 a week (not every week) is so unbelievable.
link to original post
I think what's unbelievable is clinging to saying "I make $20,000. a week."
Yes, we get that you were in the movie business, and as you know I've posted about how in that business people sometimes make great sums for weeks at a time, and nothing at all for long periods too, but...why not just clarify with an average annual? or just say, "I have made $20,000 on a good week." Not everyone who comes along understands the history of your saying "I make $20,000. a week" and knows to add immediately the big asterisk of "but not every week."
Quote: darkozI can't quite spill those secrets.
link to original post
Anyway, if it's okay for you to keep your methods secret then it should be okay for anyone else to not post everything there is to why he stays ahead consistently in the casinos.
Quote: FinsRuleQuote: FinsRuleQuote: teliotI don't believe you.
link to original post
I don't think you should be suspended for that post. But maybe you have time to change it?link to original post
Oh, I see the wizard has gone against a mod and we can say "I don't believe you". A great change and one I will use. Thanks!link to original post
I have discussed that contradiction with wizard and his ruling over-rules mine. I'm perfectly happy that it does.
One can indeed say "I Don't believe you" and not get suspended.
Quote: MDawgThis happened some two decades ago. Could I swear it was 60 in a row? No. Which is why I say "some sixty."
link to original post
But, I do know how little I was betting and how much I won. There were double downs and blackjacks along the way, but as I recall most of the hands were regular wins. You do the math on how many hands in a row I won to get some 70K betting only about eight hunny a hand. It was a lot of wins in a row.
The entire pit was in a muddle over the continuity of my wins, which is why they kept changing dealers (superstition), changing decks, even got to the point of shuffling after every single deal to me. Nothing stopped my streak. They talked about it for years to come, almost every time I went to that casino someone would mention about how I had so and so (pit boss) in a panic that night.
You know the story of the "no shoes bandit," right? cashed his social security check and took it to about a million and a half, at Blackjack, before losing it all? I have met more than one person who was present personally during that event and described it to me in detail. I am sure the no shoes bandit won a lot of hands in a row, especially initially, to get far enough ahead to start winning the seriously big big deng. What are the odds of taking $600. to a million and a half at blackjack in just a day or so? Come to think of it, what are the odds of losing a million and a half at a regular blackjack table in just a day (assuming correct play)? Streaks happen.
Quote: MDawgWell, what I remember is that I kept winning and winning and then when I finally lost two hands in a row I left. Which is why I recall no losses along the way....
link to original post
Plus all the commotion over my streak to the point where they would deal only one hand to me and then immediately shuffle, every single time. And that they kept talking about it for years. It was quite a night. I mean, when I got a 16 and dealer had ten up I was already tucking my cards as the 5 came my way, I already knew what was coming. It was like that. There was a small crowd around me talking about how lucky I was. I didn't even consider it all that extraordinary at the time, as it was pretty much near the beginning of my gaming days. If I had realized how extraordinary it was I would have bet a lot more, which is what people were saying around me, that I should be betting maximum. Instead, I was just flat betting about eight hunny a hand. And got to about 70K ahead before I lost the two hands and left.
Again, could I swear to that I did not lose a single hand along the way? No.
I know there were pushes along the way.
Quote: MDawgQuote: ThatDonGuySo it's possible that you were up 60 hands (taking blackjacks and splits/doubles into account) before you lost two in a row? That sounds more feasible than "won 60-some hands in a row."
link to original post
Possible, yes. If I understand what you are saying?
I very much recall how shocked I was that I lost two in a row, plus it was so late at night by then that I was really hungry and tired, and I just left, which is why I don't recall any losses before that although - again, I could not swear to that I did not lose a single hand along the way, nor to the exact numbers, which is why I said "some."link to original post
As well, the shoeless bandit took $400. (it was $400. not $600., my mistake there too), to about $1.5M or so, at [a] Blackjack table(s) where the table limit at that time (Treasure Island in the mid 1990s) was I believe 2500 or 5000. (I recall seeing 10K limit Blackjack at Bellagio by about 2000, but I don't think Treasure Island had those 10K tables, almost certainly not in the mid 1990s. In the mid-1990s Golden Nugget Vegas definitely had 2500 limit Blackjack which is why it's possible that so did Treasure Island.)
...Quote: MDawg
It should be "some sixty" hands in a row.
Quote:In any case, yes, it did happen.
link to original post
MDawg. Just Own It. You made a claim that many do not believe. You almost instantly doubled down. Some say you tripled down and quadrupled down in later posts. Your only backpedal so far seems to be the juxtaposition of the word "Some" in a way that really didn't backpedal very far.
Oh. And I see that you 'would not swear to it' that there were no losers. How about acknowledging that there probably was one or more losers.
All we all have to do is agree that your memory might be a bit flawed and that the some 60 consecutive wins MIGHT have had the odd, easily forgotten, loser interspersed. Such a scenario would not have stopped you winning all that money in the streak. Such a scenario might even be plausible.
Frankly, if it were not seen through my own eyes, I would not believe that you, a lawyer, would hold so tightly to your incredible claim without conceding that possibility.
Quote: MDawgQuote: darkozI really don't see why my claim of making $20,000 a week (not every week) is so unbelievable.
link to original post
I think what's unbelievable is clinging to saying "I make $20,000. a week."
Yes, we get that you were in the movie business, and as you know I've posted about how in that business people sometimes make great sums for weeks at a time, and nothing at all for long periods too, but...why not just clarify with an average annual? or just say, "I have made $20,000 on a good week." Not everyone who comes along understands the history of your saying "I make $20,000. a week" and knows to add immediately the big asterisk of "but not every week."Quote: darkozI can't quite spill those secrets.
link to original post
Anyway, if it's okay for you to keep your methods secret then it should be okay for anyone else to not post everything there is to why he stays ahead consistently in the casinos.link to original post
Because in general I make $20,000 a week but not every week.
I don't know why that's such a difficult concept for people.
If I said I made $1,000 an hour would you assume I made $24,000 a day? Would I really need to add ,"but not every hour"?
When a McDonald's worker says he makes $15 an hour do you get mad because he should have said not every hour of the day and he should have just given his daily pay?
There are certain reasons why particular weeks I don't make as much or even anything. It's cyclical. But I can't explain that aspect as it would be giving away too much of my secret process.
Quote: darkozAnd while I am driving one person around to get cards, apparently, only a genius like myself would say, "hey, how about renting a minivan and bringing ten people on the trip
The idea came to you while you were driving?
Quote: darkozQuote: MDawgQuote: darkozI really don't see why my claim of making $20,000 a week (not every week) is so unbelievable.
link to original post
I think what's unbelievable is clinging to saying "I make $20,000. a week."
Yes, we get that you were in the movie business, and as you know I've posted about how in that business people sometimes make great sums for weeks at a time, and nothing at all for long periods too, but...why not just clarify with an average annual? or just say, "I have made $20,000 on a good week." Not everyone who comes along understands the history of your saying "I make $20,000. a week" and knows to add immediately the big asterisk of "but not every week."Quote: darkozI can't quite spill those secrets.
link to original post
Anyway, if it's okay for you to keep your methods secret then it should be okay for anyone else to not post everything there is to why he stays ahead consistently in the casinos.link to original post
Because in general I make $20,000 a week but not every week.
I don't know why that's such a difficult concept for people.
If I said I made $1,000 an hour would you assume I made $24,000 a day? Would I really need to add ,"but not every hour"?
When a McDonald's worker says he makes $15 an hour do you get mad because he should have said not every hour of the day and he should have just given his daily pay?
There are certain reasons why particular weeks I don't make as much or even anything. It's cyclical. But I can't explain that aspect as it would be giving away too much of my secret process.link to original post
Talk about people doubling/tripling/ad infinitum on something and being unwilling to clarify or retract....
Okay! so you make $20,000. a week.

Quote: coachbellyThe idea came to you while you were driving?
link to original post
Yes, because someone else was behind the wheel while I was lounging in the passenger seat.
I don't have a driver's license. I live in NYC. Keep up now!
Quote: MDawgQuote: darkozQuote: MDawgQuote: darkozI really don't see why my claim of making $20,000 a week (not every week) is so unbelievable.
link to original post
I think what's unbelievable is clinging to saying "I make $20,000. a week."
Yes, we get that you were in the movie business, and as you know I've posted about how in that business people sometimes make great sums for weeks at a time, and nothing at all for long periods too, but...why not just clarify with an average annual? or just say, "I have made $20,000 on a good week." Not everyone who comes along understands the history of your saying "I make $20,000. a week" and knows to add immediately the big asterisk of "but not every week."Quote: darkozI can't quite spill those secrets.
link to original post
Anyway, if it's okay for you to keep your methods secret then it should be okay for anyone else to not post everything there is to why he stays ahead consistently in the casinos.link to original post
Because in general I make $20,000 a week but not every week.
I don't know why that's such a difficult concept for people.
If I said I made $1,000 an hour would you assume I made $24,000 a day? Would I really need to add ,"but not every hour"?
When a McDonald's worker says he makes $15 an hour do you get mad because he should have said not every hour of the day and he should have just given his daily pay?
There are certain reasons why particular weeks I don't make as much or even anything. It's cyclical. But I can't explain that aspect as it would be giving away too much of my secret process.link to original post
Talk about people doubling/tripling/ad infinitum on something and being unwilling to clarify or retract....
Okay! so you make $20,000. a week.link to original post
Okay to make MDawg happy I now retract my statement that I make $20,000 a week.
I actually make about $2,000 an hour. Generally I work about ten hours a week.
But not every week.
Until you understand or accept that saying "I make $20,000. a week" does in fact mean that you make that every week, which is clearly not what you mean to say, this debate will go nowhere.
I could add a quote or youtube video from Pulp Fiction here, but, I shall refrain from doing so.
Of course, as AxelWolf has already pointed out more than once, DarkOz will never admit that he was wrong.
Gee, you must be the first person to have thought about and done that.🙄 What year did you go full-blown AP agian?Quote: darkoz
And while I am driving one person around to get cards, apparently, only a genius like myself would say, "hey, how about renting a minivan and bringing ten people on the trip and multiplying my $4,000 profit (and of course expenses) by ten.
Imagine if someone actually had a license and knew how to drive and rented a super van before you even got off the streets. Does that make them a Super Genius?
p.s. Let's not hijack this thread, It's about winning 60 hands in a row.
Quote: MDawgAs has already been pointed out, there is a big difference between saying "I charge $2000. an hour" and "I make $2000. an hour." I could say the former, I would not say the latter, as it would be meaningless and imprecise unless I worked full time and collected $2000. for every hour I showed up for work.
link to original post
I could add a quote or youtube video from Pulp Fiction here, but, I shall refrain from doing so.
But what is showing up for work even mean?
If I stay home all week while my team travels by themselves all week and then returns with $20,000 profit does that mean I made zero per hour because I didn't show up for work at all?
Quote: darkozlink to original post
But what is showing up for work even mean?
If I stay home all week while my team travels by themselves all week and then returns with $20,000 profit does that mean I made zero per hour because I didn't show up for work at all?
By absurd extension, almost nobody makes money on stocks because they don't go to the exchange floor in person to trade them.
Quote: darkozI don't have a driver's license. I live in NYC. Keep up now!
This doesn't sound like you were driving...you wrote earlier that you were driving, and then doubled-down on that claim.
When you lounge in the passenger seat on the bus, you're not driving the bus...right?
Quote: coachbellyThis doesn't sound like you were driving...you wrote earlier that you were driving, and then doubled-down on that claim.
link to original post
When you lounge in the passenger seat on the bus, you're not driving the bus...right?
So when you are driving behind the wheel and your wife is seated in the passenger seat next to you and you hear her say to her friend on the phone, "hey, girl, we driving around town", you make certain to interject, "Sorry honey, but you aren't driving around town, baby. I'm doing the driving. You just a passenger."
Quote: AxelWolfDarkOz will never admit he was wrong
link to original post
AxelWolf was talking about one specific statement you made, but in general, he's right about most everything you post. You'll never admit!
Quote: MDawgHere
Quote: AxelWolfDarkOz will never admit he was wrong
link to original post
AxelWolf was talking about one specific statement you made, but in general, he's right about most everything you post. You'll never admit!link to original post
Why admit you are wrong when you aren't?
Quote: darkozSo when you are driving behind the wheel and your wife is seated in the passenger seat next to you
My wife would say "we are riding around town"...she wouldn't claim to be driving.
But since you don't drive, then who is doing all of that driving? Can you even rent a van without a DL?
Quote: coachbellyMy wife would say "we are riding around town"...she wouldn't claim to be driving.
link to original post
But since you don't drive, then who is doing all of that driving? Can you even rent a van without a DL?
Who said I personally was renting a van? Or for that matter that I was even in the van when my people were driving around.
And yes, I reserve the right to say the people including passengers were driving around town.
You seem to be someone who demands that if someone says the shit hit the fan you want specific confirmation that a pile of feces actually flew through the air and struck a bladed appliance
Quote: darkozYou seem to be someone who demands that if someone says the shit hit the fan you want specific confirmation
I don't know about all that, I've made no demands, just trying to gain an clear understanding of your adventures.
If you wrote "while I am driving" , then you claimed that you were driving.
You have the right to say whatever nonsense pops into your head, reservations not required.
But while you may have been riding around, it's clear that you were not driving.
Quote: darkozWho said I personally was renting a van? Or for that matter that I was even in the van when my people were driving around.
You haven't gotten that far with your story yet, so far you're only up to having ideas while driving.
Who were you talking to when the following conversation took place?....
Quote: darkozmyself would say, "hey, how about renting a minivan and bringing ten people on the trip..."
Quote: coachbellyI don't know about all that, I've made no demands, just trying to gain an clear understanding of your adventures.
link to original post
But if you wrote "while I am driving" , then you claimed that you were driving.
You have the right to say whatever nonsense pops into your head, reservations not necessary.
But while you may have been riding around, but it's clear that you were not driving.
You haven't gotten that far with your story yet, so far you're only up to having ideas while driving.
Who were you talking to when the following conversation took place?....
I was talking to MDawg. We were discussing how some guy named Coach would find it offensive.
MDawg was the one actually driving. We were trying to catch up to Axel who was throwing two yo yos (physically they look like half circles with string in the middle) while counting cards. Axel was able to count up to fifty two cards which he determined were the total in the pack. Until some guy dressed as a coach came along and told him it was actually fifty six cards in a pack because there were two jokers and two company cards at which point Axel thanked him for not needing that correction in the first place.
At that point the Coach said he was going to keep driving while his wife kept riding him, ahem, riding with him.
Amusing anecdote Darkoz.Quote: darkozQuote: coachbellyI don't know about all that, I've made no demands, just trying to gain an clear understanding of your adventures.
link to original post
But if you wrote "while I am driving" , then you claimed that you were driving.
You have the right to say whatever nonsense pops into your head, reservations not necessary.
But while you may have been riding around, but it's clear that you were not driving.
You haven't gotten that far with your story yet, so far you're only up to having ideas while driving.
Who were you talking to when the following conversation took place?....
I was talking to MDawg. We were discussing how some guy named Coach would find it offensive.
MDawg was the one actually driving. We were trying to catch up to Axel who was throwing two yo yos (physically they look like half circles with string in the middle) while counting cards. Axel was able to count up to fifty two cards which he determined were the total in the pack. Until some guy dressed as a coach came along and told him it was actually fifty six cards in a pack because there were two jokers and two company cards at which point Axel thanked him for not needing that correction in the first place.
At that point the Coach said he was going to keep driving while his wife kept riding him, ahem, riding with him.link to original post
Warning to Coachbelly: Stop trolling. All I ever see in your posts is nitpicking.
Suggestion to Darkoz. Don't feed the troll
CoachBelly is not just unrelenting with his quest for the bottom line truth, but thorough and methodical with his approach, while DarkOz has a more freewheeling, Marx Brothers approach to the truth (I make $20,000 a week, the FDA and the government are conspiring to hide the truth about CYDY, etc.).
As much as I hate to agree with CB. I do find it odd that he said, "And while I am driving one person around" that statement clearly states that he was driving. Being that DO is a writer he should know better than to write a confusing sentence like that. I know some years ago on this very forum the bus/van thing was eluded to when referencing me more than once. IIRC one time was by RogerKnit. I sort of remember because I cringed a little.Quote: OnceDearAmusing anecdote Darkoz.Quote: darkozQuote: coachbellyI don't know about all that, I've made no demands, just trying to gain an clear understanding of your adventures.
link to original post
But if you wrote "while I am driving" , then you claimed that you were driving.
You have the right to say whatever nonsense pops into your head, reservations not necessary.
But while you may have been riding around, but it's clear that you were not driving.
You haven't gotten that far with your story yet, so far you're only up to having ideas while driving.
Who were you talking to when the following conversation took place?....
I was talking to MDawg. We were discussing how some guy named Coach would find it offensive.
MDawg was the one actually driving. We were trying to catch up to Axel who was throwing two yo yos (physically they look like half circles with string in the middle) while counting cards. Axel was able to count up to fifty two cards which he determined were the total in the pack. Until some guy dressed as a coach came along and told him it was actually fifty six cards in a pack because there were two jokers and two company cards at which point Axel thanked him for not needing that correction in the first place.
At that point the Coach said he was going to keep driving while his wife kept riding him, ahem, riding with him.link to original post
Warning to Coachbelly: Stop trolling. All I ever see in your posts is nitpicking.
Suggestion to Darkoz. Don't feed the trolllink to original post
Whatever the case, DO should have simply said he wrote it incorrectly.
Quote: darkozQuote: MDawgQuote: darkozQuote: MDawgQuote: darkozI really don't see why my claim of making $20,000 a week (not every week) is so unbelievable.
link to original post
I think what's unbelievable is clinging to saying "I make $20,000. a week."
Yes, we get that you were in the movie business, and as you know I've posted about how in that business people sometimes make great sums for weeks at a time, and nothing at all for long periods too, but...why not just clarify with an average annual? or just say, "I have made $20,000 on a good week." Not everyone who comes along understands the history of your saying "I make $20,000. a week" and knows to add immediately the big asterisk of "but not every week."Quote: darkozI can't quite spill those secrets.
link to original post
Anyway, if it's okay for you to keep your methods secret then it should be okay for anyone else to not post everything there is to why he stays ahead consistently in the casinos.link to original post
Because in general I make $20,000 a week but not every week.
I don't know why that's such a difficult concept for people.
If I said I made $1,000 an hour would you assume I made $24,000 a day? Would I really need to add ,"but not every hour"?
When a McDonald's worker says he makes $15 an hour do you get mad because he should have said not every hour of the day and he should have just given his daily pay?
There are certain reasons why particular weeks I don't make as much or even anything. It's cyclical. But I can't explain that aspect as it would be giving away too much of my secret process.link to original post
Talk about people doubling/tripling/ad infinitum on something and being unwilling to clarify or retract....
Okay! so you make $20,000. a week.link to original post
Okay to make MDawg happy I now retract my statement that I make $20,000 a week.
I actually make about $2,000 an hour. Generally I work about ten hours a week.
But not every week.link to original post
You made me happy too! It lets the reader truly understand what you are saying.
The last 5 years of my career I was on salary from the hospital I worked at. I could say I made $XX,XXX a week. Before that, my income was somewhat variable and I’d say I averaged $YY,YYY a week.
I had variable, often unpredictable hours. If asked how much I made per hour I’d say ‘it averages around $ZZZ’.
1. It was not sixty some hands which implies over sixty. As I stated right away, that was a typo – it was “some sixty” which means, under sixty.
2. I cannot swear that there was not a loss along the way – this was some two decades ago.
3. I do know that I flat bet about eight hundred and walked with some seventy grand after losing two hands in a row, so – you calculate how many hands I must have won. Figure exactly 800 for calculation purposes.
4. I recall occasionally playing two hands at once, but never more than two.
5. I definitely did not lose two hands in a row until the end, when I walked.
6. SINGLE DECK Blackjack.
a. 3:2
b. Crapola rules otherwise - as I recall not even allowed to double other than on 10 or 11.
And, here is the original post about it, followed by the clarifications:
Quote: MDawgThe slight advantage to advantage play over the course of as few hands as Johnson played especially given the flat betting can't explain entirely his huge winning streaks. Just plain luck and leaving while ahead before the lucky streak ended, actually make more sense, in his case.
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Just as if you're getting 12s and 13s all night you'll lose no matter what the count is, if you're getting 20s or hitting to 21 all night you'll win no matter what the count too.
One night I was playing a single deck and almost every hand I was winning, either getting blackjacks, twenties or hitting to twenty one no matter how crappy my first two cards were. The house tried everything to break my streak, changing dealers, changing decks, shuffling after each deal, nothing worked I just kept winning up to a peak of just under $70K. I wasn't even betting that much around $800. per hand but I just couldn't lose that night. If Johnson had a run like that or even close to a run like that easy to see how he'd win millions in one session.
I've seen a BJ player go from his last five thousand dollar chip to practically draining the dealer's tray, or Baccarat players go from ten grand up to a million. But more often than not they keep playing, and lose it all. Ever heard of the no shoes bandit (speaking of the homeless)? Look it up. Walking after a winning streak is key. If everyone in Vegas stopped playing after losing half his winnings Vegas would go dark by the end of the year. Ask any pit boss, they've seen it all: "Why do people lose?" - "Because they won't quit while ahead."
That Canadian mattress maker in Theroux's documentary, he was ahead $50K at roulette right after arrival, but in an Owning Mahoney-esque statement, declared that he hadn't flown six hours just to play twenty minutes. Not hard to see how or why the mattress millionaire ended up selling off his companies to pay gambling debts, eventually fired as an officer of his former companies, and finally, a broke Uber driver. The house advantage isn't what did him in so quickly - it was his inability to stop when ahead, making it so that he never had any winning sessions.
You just can't undervalue the value of quitting while ahead.
Quote: MDawglink to original post
It should be "some sixty" hands in a row.
And yes, I have posted about this at WOV before.
Quote: MDawgSince it very much seems to be still food for fodder I would point out the following three posts I made, for clarification.
Quote: MDawgThis happened some two decades ago. Could I swear it was 60 in a row? No. Which is why I say "some sixty."
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But, I do know how little I was betting and how much I won. There were double downs and blackjacks along the way, but as I recall most of the hands were regular wins. You do the math on how many hands in a row I won to get some 70K betting only about eight hunny a hand. It was a lot of wins in a row.
The entire pit was in a muddle over the continuity of my wins, which is why they kept changing dealers (superstition), changing decks, even got to the point of shuffling after every single deal to me. Nothing stopped my streak. They talked about it for years to come, almost every time I went to that casino someone would mention about how I had so and so (pit boss) in a panic that night.
You know the story of the "no shoes bandit," right? cashed his social security check and took it to about a million and a half, at Blackjack, before losing it all? I have met more than one person who was present personally during that event and described it to me in detail. I am sure the no shoes bandit won a lot of hands in a row, especially initially, to get far enough ahead to start winning the seriously big big deng. What are the odds of taking $600. to a million and a half at blackjack in just a day or so? Come to think of it, what are the odds of losing a million and a half at a regular blackjack table in just a day (assuming correct play)? Streaks happen.Quote: MDawgWell, what I remember is that I kept winning and winning and then when I finally lost two hands in a row I left. Which is why I recall no losses along the way....
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Plus all the commotion over my streak to the point where they would deal only one hand to me and then immediately shuffle, every single time. And that they kept talking about it for years. It was quite a night. I mean, when I got a 16 and dealer had ten up I was already tucking my cards as the 5 came my way, I already knew what was coming. It was like that. There was a small crowd around me talking about how lucky I was. I didn't even consider it all that extraordinary at the time, as it was pretty much near the beginning of my gaming days. If I had realized how extraordinary it was I would have bet a lot more, which is what people were saying around me, that I should be betting maximum. Instead, I was just flat betting about eight hunny a hand. And got to about 70K ahead before I lost the two hands and left.
Again, could I swear to that I did not lose a single hand along the way? No.
I know there were pushes along the way.Quote: MDawgQuote: ThatDonGuySo it's possible that you were up 60 hands (taking blackjacks and splits/doubles into account) before you lost two in a row? That sounds more feasible than "won 60-some hands in a row."
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Possible, yes. If I understand what you are saying?
I very much recall how shocked I was that I lost two in a row, plus it was so late at night by then that I was really hungry and tired, and I just left, which is why I don't recall any losses before that although - again, I could not swear to that I did not lose a single hand along the way, nor to the exact numbers, which is why I said "some."link to original post
As well, the shoeless bandit took $400. (it was $400. not $600., my mistake there too), to about $1.5M or so, at [a] Blackjack table(s) where the table limit at that time (Treasure Island in the mid 1990s) was I believe 2500 or 5000. (I recall seeing 10K limit Blackjack at Bellagio by about 2000, but I don't think Treasure Island had those 10K tables, almost certainly not in the mid 1990s. In the mid-1990s Golden Nugget Vegas definitely had 2500 limit Blackjack which is why it's possible that so did Treasure Island.)link to original post
Quote: WizardQuote: MDawgWhat are the odds of taking $600. to a million and a half at blackjack in just a day or so? Come to think of it, what are the odds of losing a million and a half at a regular blackjack table in just a day (assuming correct play)? Streaks happen.
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Let's simplify the question and use the pass bet in craps. If the shoeless man won just 11 bets in a row, he could parlay that $600 to $1,228,800. The probability of that is just 1 in 2,395. What you are claiming has a probability of 1 in 107,294,826,280,306,000,000.link to original post
Based on the above post I’d ask that both odds be recalculated based on the shoeless bandit's taking $400. ($400. is the correct starting figure) to $1.5M (I understand he peaked at $1.5M not $1.2M) in one day or perhaps just a few days of play based on a 2500 table limit for the shoeless bandit,
and also recalculating the odds for my streak, based on my clarifications above:
1. It was not sixty some hands which implies over sixty. As I stated right away, that was a typo – it was “some sixty” which means, under sixty.
2. I cannot swear that there was not a loss along the way – this was some two decades ago.
3. I do know that I flat bet about eight hundred and walked with some seventy grand after losing two hands in a row, so – you calculate how many hands I must have won. Figure exactly 800 for calculation purposes.
4. I recall occasionally playing two hands at once, but never more than two.
5. I definitely did not lose two hands in a row until the end, when I walked.
6. SINGLE DECK Blackjack.
a. 3:2
b. Crapola rules otherwise - as I recall not even allowed to double other than on 10 or 11.
If MDawg won 70K at blackjack betting 800 a hand, and left after losing two hands in a row having not lost more than one in a row along the way, how many hands did he or could he have won in a row?
Quote: MDawglink to original post
Based on the above post I’d ask that both odds be recalculated based on the shoeless bandit's taking $400. to $1.5M based a 2500 table limit for the shoeless bandit,
and also recalculating the odds for my streak, based on my clarifications above:
1. It was not sixty some hands which implies over sixty. As I stated right away, that was a typo – it was “some sixty” which means, under sixty.
2. I cannot swear that there was not a loss along the way – this was some two decades ago.
3. I do know that I flat bet about eight hundred and walked with some seventy grand after losing two hands in a row, so – you calculate how many hands I must have won.
4. I definitely did not lose two hands in a row until the end, when I walked.
Let me make sure that I clarify this:
1.) It was somewhere between 0-59 in a row.
2.) Except it might not have been in a row, because there may or may not have been one, or more, losses.
3.) You flat bet, "About $800," so we can assume that means something between whatever Table Minimum was and, I don't know, $10,000 per hand? You're going to have to define, "About," and provide some sort of more specific range for what that could mean.
Because $800 * 59 = $47,200----so you're going to need to have a ton of winning split hands, doubles and naturals in there.
Basically, you would need 28.5 base bets worth (plus 1 extra base bet worth for every hand pushed) in doubles, splits and naturals...and that's if you won every single hand.
4.) You did not quit until you lost two in a row.
---Basically, it sounds like you had a Blackjack session that was almost an hour long during which you had a great run and played probably anywhere from 60-100 hands without ever losing twice in a row. During this time, you probably had one or two winning streaks of significant length.
Anyone else can do what they want with that. I don't know and I don't care because someone else's Blackjack session from twenty years ago doesn't change my life all that much.
The only stipulation is that I will only play Blackjack at the Longhorn Casino on Boulder Strip.
Now it sounds like an LSAT "games" question:
If MDawg won 70K at blackjack betting 800 a hand, and left after losing two hands in a row having not lost more than one in a row along the way, how many hands did he or could he have won in a row?
You spent quite a lot of time posting already, so why not take it further and calculate, but anyway, I was asking the Wizard, not you, to recalculate the odds for both me and the shoeless bandit.
Quote: MDawgIt was right around 800. Figure exactly 800 for calculation purposes. It is precisely because of the small amount of the bet - and getting just under 70K ahead - that makes it remarkable and means that I must have won many in a row. That's why the entire pit crew around my table was in a muddle trying everything to break my streak, including changing decks, changing dealers, and finally - dealing no more than one hand at a time to me before shuffling for each deal.
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Now it sounds like an LSAT "games" question:
If MDawg won 70K at blackjack betting 800 a hand, and left after losing two hands in a row having not lost more than one in a row along the way, how many hands did he or could he have won in a row?
You spent quite a lot of time posting already, so why not take it further and calculate, but anyway, I was asking the Wizard, not you, to recalculate the odds for both me and the shoeless bandit.
"Sixty some is over sixty. Some sixty is under sixty."
Well, I never knew that!
Not how I read it as English English.
I read 'Some' as a synonym of 'about' when used as a prefix
'Sixty some' I read as not particularly having meaning, but I acknowledge it could mean
Sixty plus some indeterminate small number,
But for 'some sixty' I see the 'some' as meaning 'about'
'about sixty'
'-an indeterminate negative number plus sixty'
Are you thinking in Latin
Anyway, onto the homework.
Quote: MDawgIt was right around 800. Figure exactly 800 for calculation purposes....
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If MDawg won 70K at blackjack betting 800 a hand, and left after losing two hands in a row having not lost more than one in a row along the way, how many hands did he or could he have won in a row?
Lots of variables.
He won 70K at 800 per hand
Possibility #1:-
He had 58 hands that were all Blackjacks plus one hand where he won.
58 * 3/2 * 800 +800 = 70400
That could have been a streak of 29 blackjacks, followed by one win, followed by 29 blackjacks.
Unlikely. Counts nicely as Some 60: Just less than 60.
Possibility #2:-
He had a somewhat choppy session which went something like WLWWLWWlWWLWWL...WWLLwhere he won the first hand and lose every second hand after that. No doubles or splits. We know he lost the last two hands of 800, so he must have been up by 71600 at that point. That would have needed him to win 71600/800 = 90 more hands won than lost. So Win one followed by LWW 90 times, followed by LL. Thats a max wins in a row of 2 and 273 hands played. There is no upper limit on how many hands he played, because he could have interspersed any number of Win/Loss pairs.
Dratt. I just re-read the question.
Quote:If MDawg won...
I think my answer would be in the narrative."Who cares? I don't."