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January 12th, 2017 at 6:02:09 PM permalink
Where are our resident conspiracy theorists? Let's see what they make of this:
Maxine Waters (D-CA) was speaking on C-SPAN about Russia, when the C-SPAN broadcast was interrupted by Russian television network Russia Today.
Quote: article

“I just think it’s strange,” Ms. Waters said. “At a time when our intelligence agencies are very confident and basically have confirmed that Russia hacked the D.N.C. and other political interests, and then we have, while I’m on the floor of the House, talking about Trump and Russia, I get interfered with and interrupted by Russia Today.”

"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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January 12th, 2017 at 7:06:11 PM permalink
Quote: lilredrooster

A crumb can be the difference between life and death.
Between eternal misery and future happiness.
For example the opioid addicts who don't have the resources to pay for rehab.

Yea, that next cock is a debate in your mind. Never mind the guy willing to pay the $10
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January 12th, 2017 at 10:23:55 PM permalink
A Russian comments on Trump's press conference.


Congratulations, US media! You’ve just covered your first press conference of an authoritarian leader with a massive ego and a deep disdain for your trade and everything you hold dear. We in Russia have been doing it for 12 years now — with a short hiatus when our leader wasn’t technically our leader — so quite a few things during Donald Trump’s press conference rang my bells. Not just mine, in fact — read this excellent round-up in The Moscow Times.

more here
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January 12th, 2017 at 10:33:56 PM permalink
Quote: MathExtremist

Where are our resident conspiracy theorists?

Too busy researching flat earth theory. We've almost solved the south celestial pole problem! Oh, and Trump and Biden are the same person.
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January 12th, 2017 at 11:49:27 PM permalink
Quote: RogerKint

Too busy researching flat earth theory. We've almost solved the south celestial pole problem! Oh, and Trump and Biden are the same person.

If only Trump were 1/10 the person Biden is...
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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January 13th, 2017 at 12:03:34 AM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

If only Trump were 1/10 the person Biden is...

*patiently waits for the punch line*
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January 13th, 2017 at 12:20:46 AM permalink
Quote: Face

Thanks you, dear Babs.

But to clarify, since we're trying to do just that, I'm not anti-giving. My personal preference on that is time, usually helping to do what those who cannot do need. I love stopping the truck to get the bitch pile some plow left for a lil old lady, or putting an arm around a kid and telling him great hit but you're not to checking age yet, and taking the time to explain why it was wrong and how he could do it better, instead of just binning him for 2min. Or any of the many random acts of kindness, whether retrieving a blown about garbage can or buying a vet lunch on the sly. Paying it forward is rewarding on many levels.

I just can't be arsed on a macro level. ME believes the benefit of many outweighs the abuse of the few. I'll admit both that I lack the ability to see things in a macro sense, and also that EMOTION flat out overrides my logic in this case. It is very hard for me to think of a struggling poor doing all they can and needing just a crumb to break free, because the emotion of anger overrides it, thinking back to that day standing in line with two items while a bunch of able bodied teens come up with arms full of junk with their EBT. I know it's "wrong", a fault of my person. But I can't yet break it. It's gotta be like 7 years since that day happened, and I STILL feel that mf'er owes me a cut lawn and a raking. Money ain't but a tangible form of time. That mf'er shorted my life with no compensation to me. I can't get passed it.


I was raised to help wherever needed. To not close my eyes or turn away. The idea was not so much organized charities as it was that charity begins at home. Someone is stuck in the snow, you get on the bumper and push kind of help. You hold the door for the family coming through, give up your seat on the metro for the guy on crutches, buy a bag of burgers for the beggars huddled up against the side of the McD's. You just do, because you see something, it's in your world, and since you decide what your world will be, that's your response. Gibberish, I suppose, but if everybody reaches out when they see a need, nobody fails as hard or as often. Which makes for a better world.

In that spirit, Charleston, 1994. Had done a thing or two for Habitat for Humanity before, but got involved for some reason. Was building a house for a couple with 6 kids, family living in the basement of her folks. She was putting in the hours; he was a no-show. He finally turned up after a couple weeks, couldn't pick up a hammer or paintbrush, but boy, could he run his out about what a man he was, putting 6 kids in her. Wandered off after an hour or so, without helping anyone, people detour ing around him as he held court.

That was it for me with them. Never bothered HfH with my help again. I was so ANGRY at him, thinking he DESERVED all these folks building him a house because he'd fathered all these kids. Still angry about it. Same way those EFT abusers angered you. Don't they get it?

Be easy to say nobody is deserving once you run into one of those. But then you have to look at why you did it, or do it. Can't save the whole world. But bits and pieces, here and there, are worth your effort and caring. Some charities do what they say they will, and don't overpay their execs. Some folks strap on a snowplow and go get the neighbors taken care of. Like you. Like me.

You need to get to a dentist if you have a hole you can stuff a pepper into. That's how people get brain damaged, meningitis, blood infections that kill them; the bacteria is constantly infecting you, trying to break down your immune defenses. Travels right to your brain from your jaw. Happened to my dad when I was 2. Damaged him to where they moved him from a package designer with numerous patents, to a salesman. He would struggle mentally for things that used to be right there for him, but no longer.

You gotta get seen, Face. Even if you have to come down to Florida and see my guy. Let me know, you independent cuss.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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January 13th, 2017 at 5:25:16 AM permalink
Trump says, "Big pharma is getting away with murder."

Corey Booker, who Dems want to be the next pres, votes with big pharma, and against you, in exchange for a truck load of campaign contributions.

Democrats still think they lost because everyone is an evil bigot.

Trump could very well be full of it, but at least he's going through the motions.
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January 13th, 2017 at 10:46:42 AM permalink
Quote: Rigondeaux

Trump says, "Big pharma is getting away with murder."

Corey Booker, who Dems want to be the next pres, votes with big pharma, and against you, in exchange for a truck load of campaign contributions.

Democrats still think they lost because everyone is an evil bigot.

Trump could very well be full of it, but at least he's going through the motions.

If you are trying to defend Trump and the Republican party, hypocrisy is an awful argument.
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January 13th, 2017 at 1:06:46 PM permalink
Quote: Rigondeaux

Corey Booker, who Dems want to be the next pres, votes with big pharma, and against you, in exchange for a truck load of campaign contributions.

New Jersey is holding out as the major center of American pharmaceutical companies. The likes of Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Bristol Myers Squibb, not to mention those centered on the Nutley area. They may just be the most profitable economic segment left in Jersey.
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January 13th, 2017 at 1:40:32 PM permalink
Quote: Rigondeaux

Trump says, "Big pharma is getting away with murder."

Corey Booker, who Dems want to be the next pres, votes with big pharma, and against you, in exchange for a truck load of campaign contributions.

Welp, most Democratic voters want election reform to take out big money interests. Republicans have done even less to help that then the Democrats, the way I see it, barring individual congressmen. IN fact they are often first to defend free speech is money argument.
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January 13th, 2017 at 9:07:29 PM permalink

Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said late Friday that his committee will investigate possible contacts between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia, reversing himself one day after telling reporters that the issue would be outside of his panel’s ongoing probe into Moscow’s election-disruption efforts.


The committee will use “subpoenas if necessary” to secure testimony from Obama administration officials as well as Trump’s team, Burr and Warner said.
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January 14th, 2017 at 5:41:43 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine


Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said late Friday that his committee will investigate possible contacts between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia, reversing himself one day after telling reporters that the issue would be outside of his panel’s ongoing probe into Moscow’s election-disruption efforts.


The committee will use “subpoenas if necessary” to secure testimony from Obama administration officials as well as Trump’s team, Burr and Warner said.

I'm okay with that--investigate away. Let's see what they find.

My prediction is that they will find little or nothing, much less than they did in the Hillary e-mail and Benghazi things, and they will make it out to be much more than they find. To recap, the FBI Director DID NOT say Hillary was cleared of everything; only that there was not enough evidence to charge her with a crime. That isn't at all like saying nothing happened. If they come up with information indicating to a violation of the laws, then proceed from there.

It does kind of seem that they are putting the cart (the Senate investigation) ahead of the cart (the investigation by an actual investigative agency, like the FBI). Perhaps we should make sure Trump gets the same due process in the investigation as Clinton did, maybe??? In the court of public opinion? it doesn't matter...everyone will say what they will about it.

Go ahead, lefties, do just what you told righties not to do...presume guilt even before any results are announced. I admit it...I did and still do believe that Clinton's email scandal was worthy of a criminal prosecution and that Lynch and Comey muffed the whole deal...but you lefties denounced that all as unproven (even though there is evidence of illegal activities, just not at a level the Director felt could be prosecuted). Now y'all run along and do the same thing after all your self-righteous indignation. And AMS2888 still thinks both sides aren't a lot alike...
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January 14th, 2017 at 8:13:52 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

Go ahead, lefties, do just what you told righties not to do...presume guilt even before any results are announced. I admit it...I did and still do believe that Clinton's email scandal was worthy of a criminal prosecution and that Lynch and Comey muffed the whole deal...but you lefties denounced that all as unproven (even though there is evidence of illegal activities, just not at a level the Director felt could be prosecuted). Now y'all run along and do the same thing after all your self-righteous indignation. And AMS2888 still thinks both sides aren't a lot alike...

Let's assume that both sides are entirely guilty of their respective alleged infractions. Hillary Clinton set up an illegal, insecure email server for government communications. Donald Trump and his colleagues conspired with Russian intelligence agents to put him in the White House. If both are guilty, Hillary is guilty of violating federal secrecy statutes, while Trump and his co-conspirators are guilty of treason.

Your ongoing false equivalency is a dangerous way of thinking. It's the same reasoning that led people to say "hey, Trump's sexual perversions are okay, just look at Bill Clinton." You're effectively saying "Trump's international influence-peddling conspiracy is okay, just look at Hillary Clinton." Neither are okay, and you shouldn't be giving Trump a pass for orchestrating foreign involvement in domestic affairs just because you didn't like Hillary's email server. Hillary, if she broke the law, did it for the benefit of the United States. If Trump broke the law, he did it for the benefit of Russia and his own bank account.

It seems that a lot of Trump supporters are basically saying "f**k it, we don't care about the news reports anymore, just let Trump do his thing." That's a dangerous line to cross, because it's just a tiny step from there to everyone else (including the majority left-leaning population) also saying "f**k it, we don't care anymore either, now it's on." People can only tolerate so much blatant hypocrisy before they get fed up. Perhaps you didn't hear what Comey said to Sen. Ron Wyden when questioned this week about the FBI's investigation into the Russian tampering question vis-a-vis Trump and his picks (e.g. Flynn):
Quote: James Comey

I would never comment on investigations, whether we have one or not, in an open forum like this.

Are you kidding me?

Trump is running a blatant game of corruption and influence peddling in full view of everyone. Part of me thinks it's to probe our national indignation to see how much we will tolerate, much as a hacker probes the ports of a firewall to see where the defenses are weakest. We are being played, but that's not the worst part. The worst part is that you and millions of Trump supporters don't care.
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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January 14th, 2017 at 8:45:57 AM permalink
Quote: MathExtremist

Let's assume that both sides are entirely guilty of their respective alleged infractions. Hillary Clinton set up an illegal, insecure email server for government communications. Donald Trump and his colleagues conspired with Russian intelligence agents to put him in the White House. If both are guilty, Hillary is guilty of violating federal secrecy statutes, while Trump and his co-conspirators are guilty of treason.

Your ongoing false equivalency is a dangerous way of thinking. It's the same reasoning that led people to say "hey, Trump's sexual perversions are okay, just look at Bill Clinton." You're effectively saying "Trump's international influence-peddling conspiracy is okay, just look at Hillary Clinton." Neither are okay, and you shouldn't be giving Trump a pass for orchestrating foreign involvement in domestic affairs just because you didn't like Hillary's email server. Hillary, if she broke the law, did it for the benefit of the United States. If Trump broke the law, he did it for the benefit of Russia and his own bank account.

It seems that a lot of Trump supporters are basically saying "f**k it, we don't care about the news reports anymore, just let Trump do his thing." That's a dangerous line to cross, because it's just a tiny step from there to everyone else (including the majority left-leaning population) also saying "f**k it, we don't care anymore either, now it's on." People can only tolerate so much blatant hypocrisy before they get fed up. Perhaps you didn't hear what Comey said to Sen. Ron Wyden when questioned this week about the FBI's investigation into the Russian tampering question vis-a-vis Trump and his picks (e.g. Flynn):Are you kidding me?

Trump is running a blatant game of corruption and influence peddling in full view of everyone. Part of me thinks it's to probe our national indignation to see how much we will tolerate, much as a hacker probes the ports of a firewall to see where the defenses are weakest. We are being played, but that's not the worst part. The worst part is that you and millions of Trump supporters don't care.

Do you even bother to read things before you make replies like this?

I have stated that they should move forward with whatever action is appropriate should they find something:

Quote: RonC

If they come up with information indicating to a violation of the laws, then proceed from there.

I also said that lefties should practice what they preached in the Hillary case about assuming guilt.

So I'll make it clear for everyone:

IF actual investigations, not just allegations, prove that Trump did something worthy of prosecution, removal from office, etc. I SUPPORT THOSE ACTIONS BEING TAKEN.

Is that clear enough for you?
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January 14th, 2017 at 9:14:57 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

So I'll make it clear for everyone:

IF actual investigations, not just allegations, prove that Trump did something worthy of prosecution, removal from office, etc. I SUPPORT THOSE ACTIONS BEING TAKEN.

Is that clear enough for you?

No, because Trump has already done things worthy of prosecution and removal from office. He's already under prosecution for fraud and on January 20th he will be violating the Constitution with his GSA hotel lease. He has more conflicts-of-interest than probably all prior presidents combined (hey, let's hire my son-in-law for a chief advisory post!) yet nobody's doing a thing about it.

What actions do you support being taken given Trump's existing infractions? Nothing?
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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January 14th, 2017 at 9:32:40 AM permalink
Quote: MathExtremist

He's already under prosecution for fraud

If you're referring to the Trump University case, the suits involving that were settled a couple of months ago. If not that case, then which one is being referred to?
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January 14th, 2017 at 9:51:14 AM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

Quote: MathExtremist

He's already under prosecution for fraud

If you're referring to the Trump University case, the suits involving that were settled a couple of months ago. If not that case, then which one is being referred to?

I thought the golf course one was also a fraud case but I was wrong. It's a class-action breach of contract where Trump took money for golf club memberships and then didn't actually let the members use the golf club:
It's a similar high-level pattern to the Trump U case: Trump offers a bogus product or service with his name on it, takes money from gullible public, then fails to deliver. Trump is involved in a lot of other lawsuits. Some of them are frivolous, to be sure -- anyone can file a lawsuit -- but many are not. There is documented evidence of Trump stiffing contractors and screwing business partners.

The moral of the story is this: we've got a dishonest, unethical businessman heading into the White House and he's carrying out his influence-peddling in front of our eyes. Yet nobody cares enough to do anything about it, and the most common justification I hear for that is "well, at least it's not an insecure email server."
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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January 14th, 2017 at 11:19:34 AM permalink
Quote: MathExtremist

"well, at least it's not an insecure email server

The funny thing is, what Hilary did was not good but in Washington the thought that mishandling a classified document is an unusual thing is laughable. Everyone with access to classified info and who wants to discuss it is verbally is supposed to only use a secure phone; not their cell or ordinary office landline. They're also supposed to go into a special soundproof room if it's face to face. I hope nobody here really thinks that actually happens. DC leaks like a sieve. Probably almost every single political appointee thinks he's a big shot for whom the rules don't really apply. And that thought trickles down all the way to the GS5s. Truly laughable.
the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him
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January 14th, 2017 at 11:32:27 AM permalink
I watched Paul Ryan's townhall on Healthcare.

When asked what the plan was for replacement if the ACA was repealed, he said he didn’t want to get into “all of the legislative mumbo-jumbo.”

Scum of the earth.
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January 14th, 2017 at 12:07:44 PM permalink
Let's take these items one at a time:

Quote: MathExtremist

No, because Trump has already done things worthy of prosecution and removal from office. He's already under prosecution for fraud

I don't see any search results saying that he is personally indicted or awaiting trial for anything.

Is he actually CHARGED with something? Has he been found guilty in a trial?

Legally, he seems to be in the clear from immediate prosecution at this point (well, as of the 20th):

"According to the memorandum written by the Office of Legal Counsel in 1973, a criminal trial empowering a jury of twelve individuals to, in effect, overturn a national mandate as expressed through the election of a President through a guilty verdict is unacceptable. Instead, as written in that memorandum, the decision to terminate the service of a President “is more fittingly handled by the Congress than by a jury, and such congressional power is founded in the Constitution” through the impeachment process."

Quote: MathExtremist

and on January 20th he will be violating the Constitution with his GSA hotel lease.

Even someone who supports him giving up the lease states that there is no clear violation of the Constitution:

"“The president-elect isn’t going to be ‘admitted’ to the lease, he’s already the tenant,” Drabkin said. “That clause is inartfully written, but the way that it is written talks about admitting someone to the lease after the lease was entered into.”"

Quote: MathExtremist

He has more conflicts-of-interest than probably all prior presidents combined

Being a successful businessman over a long period of time and having investments all over the world certainly does present a lot of opportunities for conflicts of interest. It is an issue to be taken seriously, but it'd be kind of the lefties to wait for an actual violation before getting in themselves too worked up.

Quote: MathExtremist

(hey, let's hire my son-in-law for a chief advisory post!) yet nobody's doing a thing about it.

"The law prohibits elected officials from appointing relatives to Cabinet positions, but may not apply to a job as White House adviser. However that is not completely certain."

Quote: MathExtremist

What actions do you support being taken given Trump's existing infractions? Nothing?

I guess maybe the first thing we should do is actually examine each issue with an open mind. Then do the necessary investigations, or whatever, if necessary and go from there...

Again, investigate away. Prefer charges when you have something. A Republican Senate and House could, of course, ignore them but there is always a point where they either lose their majority or fear losing it.
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January 14th, 2017 at 12:11:47 PM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

I watched Paul Ryan's townhall on Healthcare.

When asked what the plan was for replacement if the ACA was repealed, he said he didn’t want to get into “all of the legislative mumbo-jumbo.”

Scum of the earth.

I wonder...did you say the same thing about Pelosi when we did not know the details of the ACA and she made the statement about passing the law to know what is in it?

I don't disagree with you about knowing more about what is going to be done and also hope the plan continues to be to replace as they repeal, but shady shit on the whole ACA deal didn't start last week or even with the past couple of years...
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January 14th, 2017 at 12:16:38 PM permalink
Quote: RonC

I wonder...did you say the same thing about Pelosi when we did not know the details of the ACA and she made the statement about passing the law to know what is in it?

Yep that's equally ridiculous. I'm not a democrat, I don't care about the affiliation of politicians that say and do stupid things.
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January 14th, 2017 at 12:32:07 PM permalink
Quote: RonC

Being a successful businessman over a long period of time and having investments all over the world certainly does present a lot of opportunities for conflicts of interest. It is an issue to be taken seriously, but it'd be kind of the lefties to wait for an actual violation before getting in themselves too worked up.

That's like saying you should let the train derail and clean up the mess later, rather than try to stop the train, even though you see the break in the tracks up ahead. Elected officials have a duty to the public to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Foreign diplomats have admitted that they are booking stays at Trump's hotels around the world precisely because it will curry favor with Trump:
Quote: WaPo article

Perhaps nowhere is that possibility more obvious than Trump’s newly renovated hotel a few blocks from the White House, on Pennsylvania Avenue. Rooms sold out quickly for the inauguration, many for five-night minimums priced at five times the normal rate, according to the hotel’s manager.
“Believe me, all the delegations will go there,” said one Middle Eastern diplomat who recently toured the hotel and booked an overseas visitor. The diplomat said many stayed away from the hotel before the election for fear of a “Clinton backlash,” but that now it’s the place to be seen.

In interviews with a dozen diplomats, many of whom declined to be named because they were not authorized to speak about anything related to the next U.S. president, some said spending money at Trump’s hotel is an easy, friendly gesture to the new president.

“Why wouldn’t I stay at his hotel blocks from the White House, so I can tell the new president, ‘I love your new hotel!’ Isn’t it rude to come to his city and say, ‘I am staying at your competitor?’ ” said one Asian diplomat.

If you don't have a problem with foreign diplomats currying favor with the President by lining his pockets, that just proves Trump right. He really could shoot someone and get away with it. If you won't hold him to task for blatant, open corruption, you won't hold him to anything.
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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January 14th, 2017 at 12:48:03 PM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

I watched Paul Ryan's townhall on Healthcare. When asked what the plan was for replacement if the ACA was repealed, he said he didn’t want to get into “all of the legislative mumbo-jumbo.” Scum of the earth.

Since Jan. 19, 2011, the House has voted to repeal or modify the Affordable Care Act 54 times. Each effort was stopped dead in its tracks by none other than the pride of Las Vegas, Mr. Reid. washpost
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January 14th, 2017 at 1:42:32 PM permalink
Quote: MathExtremist

That's like saying you should let the train derail and clean up the mess later, rather than try to stop the train, even though you see the break in the tracks up ahead. Elected officials have a duty to the public to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Foreign diplomats have admitted that they are booking stays at Trump's hotels around the world precisely because it will curry favor with Trump:

Quote: WaPo article

Perhaps nowhere is that possibility more obvious than Trump’s newly renovated hotel a few blocks from the White House, on Pennsylvania Avenue. Rooms sold out quickly for the inauguration, many for five-night minimums priced at five times the normal rate, according to the hotel’s manager.
“Believe me, all the delegations will go there,” said one Middle Eastern diplomat who recently toured the hotel and booked an overseas visitor. The diplomat said many stayed away from the hotel before the election for fear of a “Clinton backlash,” but that now it’s the place to be seen.

In interviews with a dozen diplomats, many of whom declined to be named because they were not authorized to speak about anything related to the next U.S. president, some said spending money at Trump’s hotel is an easy, friendly gesture to the new president.

“Why wouldn’t I stay at his hotel blocks from the White House, so I can tell the new president, ‘I love your new hotel!’ Isn’t it rude to come to his city and say, ‘I am staying at your competitor?’ ” said one Asian diplomat.

If you don't have a problem with foreign diplomats currying favor with the President by lining his pockets, that just proves Trump right. He really could shoot someone and get away with it. If you won't hold him to task for blatant, open corruption, you won't hold him to anything.

ME, you still aren't listening.

I didn't vote for Trump. I don't like a lot of what he does and has done. We can argue all day about the choices we had for President; you can pretty much summarize my feelings as they were a bad lot to pick from.

I'm not saying he won't do something wrong or that aren't a lot of potential messes, but just what the hell do you think can be done about any of them now (no one has brought forth a case that worked to derail him on any existing issue) or until he actually does something wrong (not questionable, but something wrong that action can be taken on) after Friday?

Questionable? Obama is doing a lot of questionable things right now to make Trump's job harder. The wet foot/dry foot thing is laughable--if it was really important to him and not just obstructionism, he would have done it earlier... NONE of them are ACTIONABLE...they do not seem to be illegal and many might favor them but they are clearly being done to slow Trump down as opposed to being done on their merits alone.
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January 15th, 2017 at 8:31:41 PM permalink
Quote: ams288

I have no idea what #disruptj20 is.

I posted this on December 28th, almost three weeks ago. Do you know what it is now?

You better pay attention.
'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.
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January 15th, 2017 at 9:08:02 PM permalink
Quote: RonC

ME, you still aren't listening.

I didn't vote for Trump. I don't like a lot of what he does and has done. We can argue all day about the choices we had for President; you can pretty much summarize my feelings as they were a bad lot to pick from.

And that's still a false equivalency. Say what you will about Hillary's politics or her poor IT choices, but she's always been a public servant. Trump has always been a vainglorious ladder-climber who looks out for nobody but number one. If Trump's actions as president end up benefiting any of his non-wealthy voters, it will only be as a happy accidental side effect of him lining his pockets and accumulating more personal power.


I'm not saying he won't do something wrong or that aren't a lot of potential messes, but just what the hell do you think can be done about any of them now (no one has brought forth a case that worked to derail him on any existing issue) or until he actually does something wrong (not questionable, but something wrong that action can be taken on) after Friday?

Beats me, but a good start would be if more people called him on his nonsense. We've never had a president who made a blatant lie out of the oath of office. He's going to swear to uphold the Constitution, yet he will violate its provisions later that night when dozens of foreign diplomats staying at his properties pay their hotel tabs.

Jason Chaffetz heads the House Oversight Committee and said he has "no plans" to look into Trump's international conflicts of interest. Why?
Quote: Jason Chaffetz

I think the world and certainly the American voters understand that Donald Trump has mass holdings. He’s worth billions of dollars. He’s been very successful in business. And I think the American voters understood that when they voted him in.

In other words, the folks in charge of ethics in Congress think that being elected president means you get a pass on breaking the law. As Trump said himself, "the law’s totally on my side, meaning, the president can’t have a conflict of interest." Can you imagine if Obama had bought a hotel in DC in 2013 and foreign diplomats started staying there? He'd have been impeached.

Might want to buckle up now, we're all getting taken for a ride.
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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January 16th, 2017 at 12:44:15 AM permalink
Quote: MathExtremist

And that's still a false equivalency. Say what you will about Hillary's politics or her poor IT choices, but she's always been a public servant. Trump has always been a vainglorious ladder-climber who looks out for nobody but number one. If Trump's actions as president end up benefiting any of his non-wealthy voters, it will only be as a happy accidental side effect of him lining his pockets and accumulating more personal power.

Again, I didn't say anything about the choices being EQUAL--I said that they were bad. That isn't a false equivalence; it is a fact. The Clinton legacy is filled with actual scandals while supposedly serving the country. The Clintons are not unlike Trump in that they are always looking out for number one. They chose to do it through public service instead of in private business. They had a speaker who used to be equal to Trump at convincing people to like him.

You don't listen. I am not not making an argument "FOR" Trump; I am just saying our choices were shitty. The one who was supposed to win failed to run a good enough campaign and didn't get enough votes to win. The election was hers for the taking. She just didn't do enough to take it. The one who did win capitalized on pent up frustration and actually listened to the people. I know you think the people are dumb, but I bet you weren't saying that when there were people making statements about Obama paying their car payment and stupid shit like that. Nope. Those dumb people were just fine because they toed your line.

Perhaps instead of blaming it all on the "deplorables" who voted for Trump, more time should be spent blaming the candidate who did not do the work needed to win. Hell, a couple of more visits to Wisconsin and Michigan might just have done the job for her. Not calling people "deplorables" might have helped. Nope. She was so smart that she didn't learn the lesson of Romney and the 47%.

Quote: MathExtremist

Beats me, but a good start would be if more people called him on his nonsense. We've never had a president who made a blatant lie out of the oath of office. He's going to swear to uphold the Constitution, yet he will violate its provisions later that night when dozens of foreign diplomats staying at his properties pay their hotel tabs.

Jason Chaffetz heads the House Oversight Committee and said he has "no plans" to look into Trump's international conflicts of interest. Why?
In other words, the folks in charge of ethics in Congress think that being elected president means you get a pass on breaking the law. As Trump said himself, "the law’s totally on my side, meaning, the president can’t have a conflict of interest." Can you imagine if Obama had bought a hotel in DC in 2013 and foreign diplomats started staying there? He'd have been impeached.

Might want to buckle up now, we're all getting taken for a ride.

There is a way off the ride, if that is what it is. There appears to be some wiggle room on some of these issues; I'll leave that to the legal scholars and court decisions, but it doesn't all appear as cut and dry as you seem to think.

If Trump does commit an impeachable offense, and the Republicans don't impeach him, the path to taking care of the issue is to win the NEXT election instead of whining about the PAST election. There are 21 months or so until every single member of the House and about one third of the Senate will have to face an election. The Republicans will have to stand in that election based on what they do in the first couple of years of the Trump Presidency.

Sure, we could be getting taken for a ride. Everything everyone says that is wrong with Trump can be true. The great thing about our election process is that the way out--or at least the way to start getting out--is never more than two years away.
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January 16th, 2017 at 4:06:14 AM permalink
I'm about as liberal as one can get, and even I realize Hillary was an awful candidate and Trump is the man we need to be president. Every previous election I voted democrat. Not this one.
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January 16th, 2017 at 12:50:33 PM permalink

Robots free money consideration.

Hmm, one day it may be less a about a chicken in every pot, but a robot in every job?
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January 16th, 2017 at 12:59:56 PM permalink
Quote: RS

I'm about as liberal as one can get, and even I realize Hillary was an awful candidate and Trump is the man we need to be president. Every previous election I voted democrat. Not this one.

I'm not sure you understand what a liberal is.
The older I get, the better I recall things that never happened
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January 16th, 2017 at 1:13:27 PM permalink
Quote: MathExtremist

Trump has always been a vainglorious ladder-climber who looks out for nobody but number one.

Not the impression I got at all. Over
the years winners of The Apprentice
have said in interviews that Trump
was nicest, kindest, most helpful
mentor they ever had. He went out
of his way to help these people and
they loved him for it.

Look at Omorosa. She was on The
Apprentice in the first season, and
has risen through the ranks and became
part of Trump's campaign and is now
on his transition team, soon to enter
the WH as an assistant director in the
communications office.

Does this sound like the work of a bigot,
for Trump to have this outspoken Black
woman as a friend and confidant for the
last 13 years, and to keep her by his
side all along the way? Omorosa said
in an interview with Frontline:

“Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump. It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Donald, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged him. It is the ultimate revenge.."

Last edited by: EvenBob on Jan 16, 2017
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January 16th, 2017 at 1:20:32 PM permalink
Bob you don't post here enough anymore. Relish in the liberal misery in a way only you can. We need you to make them see the error of their ways. It won't work, but it sure is good to know they have nothing but their failed views and policies left.
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January 16th, 2017 at 1:43:13 PM permalink
Sanitized for Your Protection
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January 16th, 2017 at 3:22:46 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

“Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump. It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Donald, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged him. It is the ultimate revenge.."

Are you looking forward to a society where this happens?
You can venerate Dear Leader all you want, but you should expect a bloody civil war if you try to overturn the First Amendment and force everyone else to.
"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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January 16th, 2017 at 3:34:24 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Not the impression I got at all. Over
the years winners of The Apprentice
have said in interviews that Trump
was nicest, kindest, most helpful
mentor they ever had. He went out
of his way to help these people and
they loved him for it.

Look at Omorosa. She was on The
Apprentice in the first season, and
has risen through the ranks and became
part of Trump's campaign and is now
on his transition team, soon to enter
the WH as an assistant director in the
communications office.

Does this sound like the work of a bigot,
for Trump to have this outspoken Black
woman as a friend and confidant for the
last 13 years, and to keep her by his
side all along the way? Omorosa said
in an interview with Frontline:

“Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump. It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Donald, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged him. It is the ultimate revenge.."

Great... a fan of Amagrossa... she is deplorable and disgusting. It was fun watching Morgan destroy her on the show. But you should know that Donald didn't hire her because she is smart. Well we know why he hired her..... to con those who now think he is not a racist.
'Winners hit n run... Losers stick around'
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January 16th, 2017 at 3:35:27 PM permalink
Quote: MathExtremist

Are you looking forward to a society where this happens?

What I expect is the Left to keep calling
Trump a bigot when he clearly is not.
The Left playing the race card doesn't
work anymore. The election clearly
showed nobody is listening to them
or taking them seriously.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 16th, 2017 at 3:58:24 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

What I expect is the Left to keep calling
Trump a bigot when he clearly is not.
The Left playing the race card doesn't
work anymore. The election clearly
showed nobody is listening to them
or taking them seriously.

Good god, for a party that is all about self reliance and "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps", ya'll LOVE to play victim as soon as someone uses a meanie word to describe your candidate.
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January 16th, 2017 at 4:09:39 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

What I expect is the Left to keep calling
Trump a bigot when he clearly is not.
The Left playing the race card doesn't
work anymore. The election clearly
showed nobody is listening to them
or taking them seriously.

That's an overly-charitable interpretation. The election showed that 63 million people didn't care that Trump displayed racist comments, not that Trump didn't.
Quote: Paul Ryan

I regret these comments that he made. Saying a person can't do their job because of their race is sort of the textbook definition of racist comments. ... I think that should be absolutely disavowed.

But why are you bringing up Trump's bigotry now anyway? We've been talking about Trump's conflicts of interest with respect to the Constitution:
Quote: Prof. Eliason

Hopefully Trump does not really believe he is free to pursue federal policies designed to benefit his personal financial interests. The universe of concerns about conflicts of interest is not encompassed by the federal criminal code; simply because something may not be a felony does not make it appropriate Presidential behavior. Indeed, the Emoluments Clause itself is plainly animated by a desire to avoid even a perception of potential conflicts of interest.

And in case you don't think the author knows what he's talking about:
Quote: About Professor Eliason

The author, Randall D. Eliason, is a law professor, writer and commentator on corporate and white collar criminal law. He is a former Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, where he served as Chief of the Public Corruption/Government Fraud section.

"In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice." -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563
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January 16th, 2017 at 4:09:56 PM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

as soon as someone uses a meanie word

A meanie word? Have you any watched media
at all in the last 18 months?
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 16th, 2017 at 4:15:57 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

A meanie word? Have you any watched media
at all in the last 18 months?

Sure, the concerns are not at all invalid or unfounded.
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January 16th, 2017 at 5:17:14 PM permalink
Here's a great story. Last Friday Bill O'Reilly
had on the president of one of the oldest
Black colleges, Talladega University. They
were going to be in the inauguration parade
and the president has been getting death
threats ever since he accepted the invitation.

The super tolerant Left has been threatening
a Black college president 24/7. The students
want to go, 99% have never been to DC. At
the end of the show O'Reilly mentioned a Fund
Me site where you could donate money. Today,
3 days later, the fund has already taken in over
$500,000 to pay for the Black kids trip and
lodging. So much money that part of it will
be used for scholarships. And it's not done,
people are still giving.

The bigoted scum deplorable Trump voters
are supporting Talladega, a Black college.
How can that be be possible from such awful
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 16th, 2017 at 5:53:59 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Here's a great story. Last Friday Bill O'Reilly
had on the president of one of the oldest
Black colleges, Talladega University. They
were going to be in the inauguration parade
and the president has been getting death
threats ever since he accepted the invitation.

The super tolerant Left has been threatening
a Black college president 24/7. The students
want to go, 99% have never been to DC. At
the end of the show O'Reilly mentioned a Fund
Me site where you could donate money. Today,
3 days later, the fund has already taken in over
$500,000 to pay for the Black kids trip and
lodging. So much money that part of it will
be used for scholarships. And it's not done,
people are still giving.

The bigoted scum deplorable Trump voters
are supporting Talladega, a Black college.
How can that be be possible from such awful

I think you're conflating some things. Not every person who voted for Trump is a bigot, by far. However, nearly every person who supports bigotry supported Trump, and he made only a token protest, twice that I saw, about the alt-right support from white power, the kkk, other dedicated groups. He brought in Bannon as his first and most powerful advisor. He used anti-semitic, anti-latino, anti-black phrasing, symbols, and platforms to appeal to that faction. These are PROBLEMS.

It may be real, it may be symbolic, it may be a ploy to get elected, but it's freaking out a lot of people who have been bullied, or crapped on, or passed over, or worse, then thinking things had improved, evolved, to now be faced with steps back into that. And the only path forward seems to be to organize into groups large enough to protect individual would-be victims.

So, yeah, there's pressure not to support what Trump has done so far, because all of it seems aimed at dismantling what people see as hard-fought gains. Who knows what's really going on at this point; there have been more mixed signals than a broken traffic light, and at least as much chaos as a result.

Btw, holding up omarosa as a token black to prove anything is a joke. She's not anybody's idea of a good role model. Really.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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January 16th, 2017 at 6:17:17 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Btw, holding up omarosa as a token black to prove anything is a joke. She's not anybody's idea of a good role model. Really.

She's Black, and he's is a supposed bigot who
hates Blacks. Yet he has been instrumental
in the career of Omarosa, helping her
every step of the way. You hear these
stories all the time about Trump helping
people from all walks of life. For decades
we've been hearing them. Now somebody
will say he tore down an old ladies house
to build a casino, and I'll lol.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 16th, 2017 at 6:40:45 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

She's Black, and he's is a supposed bigot who
hates Blacks. Yet he has been instrumental
in the career of Omarosa, helping her
every step of the way. You hear these
stories all the time about Trump helping
people from all walks of life. For decades
we've been hearing them. Now somebody
will say he tore down an old ladies house
to build a casino, and I'll lol.

I think you guys are mixed up on the definition of bigot. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with race.

A bigot is someone who is intolerent of opposing opinions.
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January 17th, 2017 at 5:42:27 PM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

A bigot is someone who is intolerent of opposing opinions.

Libs claim Trump is a bigot and a racist,
and any other word that has 'ist' on
the end of it. What's funny is, Obama
has let out of jail over 1200 inmates,
the vast majority of them are Black.
He better hurry, Trump will sign
25 executive orders on Monday
'effectively erasing the Obama
presidency'. I hope Trump gets
rid of the whole EPA.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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January 17th, 2017 at 5:48:57 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Libs claim Trump is a bigot and a racist,
and any other word that has 'ist' on
the end of it. What's funny is, Obama
has let out of jail over 1200 inmates,
the vast majority of them are Black.
He better hurry, Trump will sign
25 executive orders on Monday
'effectively erasing the Obama
presidency'. I hope Trump gets
rid of the whole EPA.

Is this just random musings? You say 4 disconnected things as if there's any causal relationship.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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January 17th, 2017 at 6:20:14 PM permalink
Yeah screw the EPA, let's just use the excuse "but it was good for the economy" to future generations. Who cares right, some of us will be dead by then anyways?
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January 17th, 2017 at 6:21:33 PM permalink
Quote: beachbumbabs

Is this just random musings? You say 4 disconnected things as if there's any causal relationship.

It's evenbob, not really worth your time trying to make sense of it, it rarely does. Are we just noticing this now?
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