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119 members have voted
Quote: bobbartopThe democrats have delivered everything their constituents must want. The problem has been that the republicans go along with them. It was essentially the pissed off republican voters who put Trump in. They were sick of the lying McConnells and McCains, etc. The democrat voters didn't have anything to be mad about. Their guys deliver.
No, the Democrats have not. Some of the states that helped Trump to win were solidly Democrat for the past few elections.
It took dissatisfaction with the "status quo" from BOTH sides for this to happen.
If the Dems were so "happy" why did they lose so much ground in so many elections, including a great opportunity to win the Senate?
Quote: MathExtremistSo you're suggesting that when a law says "foreign" and "abroad," it super-secretly means "domestic" and "at home"? How Carrollian. "Impenetrability! That's what I say!"
Quote: H.R. 5181(3) to develop, plan, and synchronize, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, the Director of National Intelligence, the Broadcasting Board of Governors, and other relevant departments and agencies, whole-of-government initiatives to expose and counter foreign information operations directed against United States national security interests and proactively advance fact-based narratives that support United States allies and interests.
True Logic:................If A equals B and B equals C then A must equal C.
bobbartop logic:.....A doesn't equal B and B doesn't equal C but A still has to equal C. Why? Because I said so. And it feels so right.
Quote: lilredroosterTrue Logic:................If A equals B and B equals C then A must equal C.
bobbartop logic:.....A doesn't equal B and B doesn't equal C but A still has to equal C. Why? Because I said so. And it feels so right.
A not equaling B and B not equaling C does not mean A does not equal C.
Quote: RSA not equaling B and B not equaling C does not mean A does not equal C.
If A does equal C it's not BECAUSE A doesn't equal B and B doesn't equal C.
Quote: RonC
I just don't see this as being directed at domestic entities. I also know that First Amendment protections would keep it from going in that direction. ANY law can potentially be misused, it is up to us to pay attention and make sure it doesn't happen.
You have a lot of faith. Respectfully, I don't think you understand how far gone we already are.
Quote: RonCOn another front, where is the proof that the hacking happened here and was not by any foreign entity and/or foreign actor?
I believe Julian Assange. And how long did it take Hillary & Company to start blaming the Russians? I don't buy it, but you're right, I don't have any proof.
Quote: RonCNo, the Democrats have not. Some of the states that helped Trump to win were solidly Democrat for the past few elections.
It took dissatisfaction with the "status quo" from BOTH sides for this to happen.
If the Dems were so "happy" why did they lose so much ground in so many elections, including a great opportunity to win the Senate?
You are right, again. But it wasn't a lot of democrats, and I'm guessing it wasn't the staunch liberal democrats, just the democrats that still retain some common sense. That eliminates my state of California. My main point is still valid, us republicans have been screwed over by our own wishy-washy party for a long long time, and THAT is what the main hub-bub is about.
Quote: lilredrooster
bobbartop logic:.....A doesn't equal B and B doesn't equal C but A still has to equal C. Why? Because I said so. And it feels so right.
I think you were the guy who brought up the lizard people last time, so you've left this conversation as far as I'm concerned. But this ain't my forum, so knock yourself out.
Quote: bobbartopI think you were the guy who brought up the lizard people last time, so you've left this conversation as far as I'm concerned. But this ain't my forum, so knock yourself out.
The difference is this: Everyone was joking about the reptilian theory, including you who said, "my mistake" when RS said Hilary Clinton was a reptilian. But you, you're not joking about your disjointed, illogical, false and unprovable theories.
Quote: lilredroosterThe difference is this: Everyone was joking about the reptilian theory, including you who said, "my mistake" when RS said Hilary Clinton was a reptilian. But you, you're not joking about your disjointed, illogical, unprovable tautologies.
Did I hear a dog fart?
What liberals, and Philly ultra liberal idiot Mayor Kenney don't understand is that these are working class people that march in the Mummers Parade. They are UNION workers and everyday Americans. You remember them? The ones that the Dems seem to have forgotten about. They are not racist, but like so much of America are sick of being told how they should act and what they should say.
It will be interesting seeing it debated on the Cable Networks next week because the footage will be everywhere.
And liberals wont get the message because they still cant understand why Hillary lost.
Or even sources within the U.S., like ticked-off Sanders insiders or remnants of the old Occupy crowd. Just look at how bent on tumult an establishment institution like the Harvard Law School acted when it took a lead role to abrogate a part of the Constitution that it does not like.Quote: RonCOn another front, where is the proof that the hacking happened here and was not by any foreign entity and/or foreign actor?
Some people hear voices in their heads, you hear canine flatulence. And this from the same mind in which "foreign" secretly means "domestic." A psychologist might recommend repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy, but conventional wisdom indicates a simpler solution:Quote: bobbartopDid I hear a dog fart?

But it turns out that tin foil hats don't actually work! It's all a government coverup to make it easier to read your mind!
Oh no!Quote: articleIf the helmet is designed or worn with a loose fit, radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation can still get up underneath the brim from below and reveal your innermost thoughts to the reptilian humanoids or the Bilderberg Group.
Quote: BozNext weeks news is brewing in Philadelphia and will show up Sunday. The Mummers, a Philly tradition right up there with Cheesesteaks and booing Santa, has plans for many Anti-PC groups. There are rumors of Hillary, Trump and BLM brigades after last years Bruce Jenner debate.
Is this English? Did I have a stroke?
Why do these words not appear to make any sense?
Quote: ams288Is this English? Did I have a stroke?
Why do these words not appear to make any sense?
Because of the part you didn't quote about how liberals like you still have no clue why you lost the election. Your quick to call anyone against you racist, stupid and homophobic, yet you refuse to see why so many White Middle Class Americans either voted for Trump or just stayed home. But please keep it that way, while your worrying about social concerns, America will find it footing again. The Dems will continue to look stupid and become a minor party, like they are today in many states.
And no, most people don't care what people do in their bedroom. And we don't hate Jews either....unless supporting Israel is part of the evil plan to rid the world of them.
Hatred of people makes you what you seem to protest so loudly against.
And if you are not sure about what and who the Mummers are, Google is your friend. And it doesn't always lead you to BBC, unlike what Ted showed in the movie.
Quote: BozBecause of the part you didn't quote about how liberals like you still have no clue why you lost the election.
No it was because the way you worded your post didn't make any sense.
Quote: ams288No it was because the way you worded your post didn't make any sense.
I read it and it made enough sense to me. It could have been worded better with an extra comma or two I reckon, but it certainly wasn't all garbled up like some of Axel's posts.
A stroke is definitely a possibility. Are you having trouble swallowing?
Quote: BozBecause of the part you didn't quote about how liberals like you still have no clue why you lost the election.
And I think that's wonderful. The election
was 7 1/2 weeks ago and they are still
in the dark about why they lost. Obama
punished Russia because they 'interfered
in the 2016 election by hacking the emails
of Democratic Party officials.' lol
Libs everywhere are jumping for joy, that
has to be why they lost! It wasn't the worst
candidate in history, or that she had no
discernible agenda, or was so low energy
she couldn't fill the corner of a grade
school gym. It's the Russians!
If they stay this clueless till 2020 they'll
prop up yet another loser and Trump
will win by another landslide. Frankly,
I don't think Hillary would have won in
2008 if she got the nomination. I don't
think she's electable and would ever
have gotten 270 EC votes.
Quote: bobbartop
I asked you earlier about the "Democracy Now!" website. You got an answer to that, or are you going to conveniently dodge that?
Yeah, that's what I thought. Crickets.
Quote: EvenBob
If they stay this clueless till 2020 they'll
prop up yet another loser and Trump
will win by another landslide.
Maybe they'll run Tim Kaine. lol He's a beauty.
Trump's strong response to foreign agencies interfering with our election process? Computers complicate our lives and we should move on.
He is now begrudgingly agreeing to be briefed by the intelligence community, to be told things that he should already know.
You can't make this stuff up.
to Bush at 9, and Obama at 10. He's going to have
a much shorter parade. He's going to work right
after he's sworn in and will work on and off all
day. People who know him well say he's a seven
day workaholic who gets 4 hours of sleep a night
and never takes vacations. That's one thing nobody
ever accused Obama of, working too much. In
his first term he often spent hours a day in the
WH gym, shooting hoops. It will be interesting
to see an actual worker in the WH for a change.
Trump loves more than anything else getting
things done, accomplishing something.
Quote: EvenBobTrump is only attending 3 inaugural balls
Surprised there is more than one. Is Trump paying for the other two? How many actors is he paying to be his supporters?
Quote: EvenBobTrump is only attending 3 inaugural balls, compared
to Bush at 9, and Obama at 10. He's going to have
a much shorter parade.
This is what you call "spin."
Donald would attend 20 inaugural balls if he could. The demand isn't there.
He's the most unpopular PEOTUS in history. He can't get any celebrities to perform for him and it's driving him mad.
But if you ask EvenBob, he's "beloved." (Seriously, EB said that.)
I think the only thing Trump will accomplish in his first 100 days will be the complete and total disappointment of the people who elected him on the premise that he'd fix their economic problems. Obama had a 65%/29% approval/disapproval ratio at the end of his first 100 days. It wouldn't surprise me if Trump's numbers for his first 100 days were flipped.Quote: EvenBobIt will be interesting
to see an actual worker in the WH for a change.
Trump loves more than anything else getting
things done, accomplishing something.
Quote: MathExtremistI think the only thing Trump will accomplish in his first 100 days will be the complete and total disappointment of the people who elected him on the premise that he'd fix their economic problems.
Yeah right. Most of the Trump voters who truly voted based on "economic issues" are too dumb to realize they have been swindled that quickly. It will take longer than 100 days for that to sink in.
Quote: MathExtremistI think the only thing Trump will accomplish in his first 100 days will be the complete and total disappointment of the people who elected him.
He's done anything but disappoint so
far, the exact opposite. Keep predicting,
you guys have been 100% wrong on
everything so far, why break your streak.
Quote: EvenBobHe's done anything but disappoint so
far, the exact opposite.
See Bob, when all you do is listen to Rush, you miss stuff!
Can't believe you haven't heard of Trumpgrets!
#Trumpgrets website compiles regretful Trump voters’ lamentations for your reading pleasure
Quote: EvenBobKeep predicting,
you guys have been 100% wrong on
everything so far, why break your streak.
Because they want to be right and see things in a way to highlight their correctness. Every time they see something "wrong", they can't fathom it being no big deal or not being as big of a deal as it really is. They keep saying how minorities hate Trump, but the election results show otherwise.
People read stupid articles and don't bother reading more info it. Many articles are written to get people to read them, sort of like a movie -- they aren't necessarily trying to show the truth, but gain popularity and clicks on their page.
How often do you hear liberals cry about "Faux News" (Fox), or Brietbart or anything else they don't find appealing to their agenda?
Read from multiple sources and don't immediately support the one that favors your agenda and completely ignore the sources that are against your agenda. Read from conservative and liberal sources. Read from the extreme and the non-extreme stuff. None of it is 100% accurate (IMO), but there is some accuracy to almost all of them. Just because you think it's balgone, doesn't mean it is balogne.
After reading whatever it is, come up with your own opinion.
The media, for the most part, has been completely wrong regarding this election.
When talking to MaxPen about the election (and another unnamed person), they were both about as spot on as you could get regarding the election. MaxPen would talk about stuff in the media and give his opinion about how it's going to effect things going forward, that others hadn't even touched on and wasn't in the media.
Months before the election, MaxPen was saying Clinton is "winning" in the polls because when Trump supporters were polled, they'd say they were going to vote for Hillary and didn't want the almost-certain predictable response of "YOURE A RACIST!" It wasn't until after the election that I saw anything in the media about this.
Form your own opinion -- and there's a decent chance the opinion isn't out there in the media. Don't believe everything you hear, but don't discredit everything you hear, either.
Quote: RonC
On another front, where is the proof that the hacking happened here and was not by any foreign entity and/or foreign actor?
Here is the "proof". Hillary, Obama, the dems, are all saying it's the Russians. See? That's the proof that it is NOT the Russians. See how that works?
Quote:Months before the election, MaxPen was saying Clinton is "winning" in the polls because when Trump supporters were polled, they'd say they were going to vote for Hillary and didn't want the almost-certain predictable response of "YOURE A RACIST!"
It terrifies the media that the Right voters
are so media savvy. They knew how to steer
the polls and then come out and vote for
Trump. The Left believes every word the MSM
spews and believed it when they were told
Hillary was in the bag to win. So they stayed home,
yawn, the MSM said it was a slam dunk. Good
little Leftie Lemmings.
Quote: EvenBobIt terrifies the media that the Right voters
are so media savvy. They knew how to steer
the polls and then come out and vote for
Trump. The Left believes every word the MSM
spews and believed it when they were told
Hillary was in the bag to win. So they stayed home,
yawn, the MSM said it was a slam dunk. Good
little Leftie Lemmings.
The Left thinks the left-biased MSM is "center". Whatever the heck "center" means. Seriously, some liberals think the NYT, Wash Post, etc., lean "conservative". I've known a lot of people like that. They're so indoctrinated they wouldn't recognize the truth if it was in a phone booth with them
In other words, they can't see the forest for the trees.
And that's fine, when you're a teenager. But when you've lived nearly half a century, you oughtta get it by then.
Quote: ontariodealerhey you americans...please do not send us any of your lefty liberals, we got enough of them here....f.y.i. we have our own trump (kevin O'leary) ramping up to run in the next election and restore the sanity in our gov't.
Wait, I thought we had a deal. If Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Streisand go to Canada, you can't send them back. No returns. All sales are final.
Quote: ontariodealerwe got enough problems here right now with fidel castro jr running things.
lol I hear ya, bro, that was disgusting.
Neither Whoopi nor Barbra like tacos. And I think that extends to tostada and tamales. And no, you can't pour maple syrup on top of them. But Canadian bacon will work well.Quote: ontariodealersend them south....we got enough problems here right now with fidel castro jr running things.
Quote: RS
When talking to MaxPen about the election (and another unnamed person), they were both about as spot on as you could get regarding the election.
There's always going to be people who are spot on. I mean, there are only millions guessing.
Max also suggested he was going to be spot on about the popular vote. He wasn't.
Now if someone predicts a parrot will land on Trump's shoulder at 12 noon tomorrow and say "Melania never orgasms." that will be a real prediction!
He's already walked back all of his major campaign promises. Perhaps you already knew he was a con man and expected him to backtrack, but I doubt it. Special investigator for Clinton, build a wall, repeal the ACA, deport all the illegals, tear up the Iran deal, drain the swamp. Take your pick, he's already moved past any of those promises and onto doing whatever he wants. This is a man for whom vocal utterances are merely a means to an end. If he can string together a few well-chosen words and make one party happy, then utter a few different words to accomplish his next goal, then it doesn't matter to him that the two sets of words happen to mean entirely opposite things. Such internal inconsistency is anathema to most normal people, but Trump literally does not care what sounds come out of his mouth as long as they get the job done.Quote: EvenBobHe's done anything but disappoint so
far, the exact opposite. Keep predicting,
you guys have been 100% wrong on
everything so far, why break your streak.
When an honorable man gives his word, he takes pains not to break it.
Trump is not an honorable man.
If you foolishly believe everything he said during the campaign, that foolishness will be fully exposed in the coming months.
Quote: SanchoPanzaNeither Whoopi nor Barbra like tacos. And I think that extends to tostada and tamales. And no, you can't pour maple syrup on top of them. But Canadian bacon will work well.
you really need to get out more.
Quote: rxwine
Now if someone predicts a parrot will land on Trump's shoulder at 12 noon tomorrow and say "Melania never orgasms." that will be a real prediction!
Tacky post, seriously.
If there were a "no thank you" button I would click it.
Quote: rxwineThere's always going to be people who are spot on. I mean, there are only millions guessing.
Max also suggested he was going to be spot on about the popular vote. He wasn't.
Now if someone predicts a parrot will land on Trump's shoulder at 12 noon tomorrow and say "Melania never orgasms." that will be a real prediction!
And most of those people guessing, from what I've read at least on here or social media, people say the same stuff they see in the media. You can look up videos on YouTube of (I forgot who does the videos) going around asking Hillary supporters if they support her policy to support Sharia Law....or asking Trump supporters if they support Trump's policy for whatever else (something Hillary supports and Trump doesn't support). Or videos of Hillary supporters being asked why they think Trump is racist/sexist/xenophobic/anti-Mexican/mysognist, etc. and they can't come up with an answer, but they keep saying he's a racist and rapist and everything else. Or videos of Trump supporters being asked what evil things Hillary has done and they can't name one, but keep saying she's evil and this or that. (Although, she is evil. ;) )
Point is, so many people click on a "news" ad someone posted on Facebook or twitter, read it, take it to either be the Holy truth or as complete and utter nonsense, without even thinking about verifying the source or looking up other sources to back-up or disprove other sources. One good source is snopes.com, it seems to be about as unbiased as can be.
With MaxPen, it was completely different. Had several conversations with him about politics or hearing him talk to someone else. Although some of it was stuff that was in the media (and kinda hard to talk about politics if you don't talk about stuff in the media), much of it was about stuff that was not in the media. Instead of repeating what was written online, it'd be more like what this means and how it effects stuff going forward and how something similar that happened in the past effected the future.
Yeah, millions of people are guessing at sh**, but half are guessing one way and half are guessing the other, and a few are saying stuff many aren't thinking about.
Quote: MathExtremistHe's already walked back all of his major campaign promises. Perhaps you already knew he was a con man and expected him to backtrack, but I doubt it. Special investigator for Clinton, build a wall, repeal the ACA, deport all the illegals, tear up the Iran deal, drain the swamp. Take your pick, he's already moved past any of those promises and onto doing whatever he wants. This is a man for whom vocal utterances are merely a means to an end. If he can string together a few well-chosen words and make one party happy, then utter a few different words to accomplish his next goal, then it doesn't matter to him that the two sets of words happen to mean entirely opposite things. Such internal inconsistency is anathema to most normal people, but Trump literally does not care what sounds come out of his mouth as long as they get the job done.
When an honorable man gives his word, he takes pains not to break it.
Trump is not an honorable man.
If you foolishly believe everything he said during the campaign, that foolishness will be fully exposed in the coming months.
Exactly. This is what I don't fully understand. He's clearly not going to fulfill his most strident promises which is what most of his supporters were so passionate about. Yet this doesn't seem to bother them much or at least not many of them. My guess is that it's okay with his supporters because at least with words he's shown he's basically on their side. I remember seeing Trump walk through Taj Mahal many years ago before his reality show fame and he got swarmed by people. They were literally swooning. My only explanation is that he has some very powerful personal magnetism which is carrying him through. They don't seem to care that he's moved past all of his bully bully talk. If Bernie Sanders ever moved one iota away from his agenda his supporters would have trashed him.
So you're saying here Trump people deliberately lied to the pollsters to mislead them. There's character for you. There's integrity. Way to emulate the person who's finding new ways to lower the Presidential bar every day.
Quote: ams288Yeah right. Most of the Trump voters who truly voted based on "economic issues" are too dumb to realize they have been swindled that quickly. It will take longer than 100 days for that to sink in.
My net worth is up around 10% since he was elected. I am happy so far. Time will tell if you are right.
Quote: beachbumbabsIt's the stupid tv show. Trump demonstrated to several million people what it was to lie, cheat, backstabbing and con your way to richness in this country. A lot of people say "all is fair in love and war" and worship his celebrity. They don't care that he's ignorant, selfish, another dozen things most folks were raised not to be.
So you're saying here Trump people deliberately lied to the pollsters to mislead them. There's character for you. There's integrity. Way to emulate the person who's finding new ways to lower the Presidential bar every day.
I have never seen a tv show of his. Obviously I knew of Trump because he has casinos and his name would be in the news, but I never followed him and couldn't really tell you anything about him. Then when he started running for president and was in the news for that every day, first thing I did was google him and see if he is connected to any of these world government groups I talk about. I didn't find him on any lists, but I did find his connections to some mobster family and a construction job or business he had back east. Right now I can't even remember the details, but that was the first negative I knew of him. And that's a pretty big negative.
Here's something that concerned me today. I was listening to the GWAE Show and they mentioned that Sen. Sessions is in favor of continuing with civil forfeitures (I think that's the word) for like when they stop guys on the freeway and find their gambling bankroll. That doesn't sound good. I don't think a President Ron Paul would favor something like that. Anyway, that was my understanding of what they said on the podcast.
Quote: SOOPOOMy net worth is up around 10% since he was elected. I am happy so far.
Did you ever think that the fate of the country might be more important than your net worth?
Quote: @realDonaldTrumpHappy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!
He is a moron.
I don't get why so many righties are such sore winners. Donald is the biggest one of all.
Quote: lilredroosterDid you ever think that the fate of the country might be more important than your net worth?
I think they may be intertwined. My net worth mimics the stock market. Which is a general indicator of national prosperity. I know the fate of the country would have had a negative trajectory with HRC as President. We have a better chance with DJT. I know that Republican control of the House and Senate is better than Democratic control. I am more concerned when 1 party controls all 3. But the only totally unacceptable scenario is all 3 Democratic. We are at least four years from that scenario
He is charging money for tickets to his New Year's party at his resort in Florida, a textbook example of "pay to play." He used other people's charitable donations to pay his legal bills and then lied about it on Twitter. How can anyone be "happy so far" with such a dishonorable, unethical man headed for the White House? Do you really think he'll magically turn into a man of integrity and quality on January 20th?Quote: SOOPOOMy net worth is up around 10% since he was elected. I am happy so far. Time will tell if you are right.