Quote: DieterQuote: EvenBobQuote: Dieter
The culprit is suspected to be to cute little black one that snuggles me with very pointy feet.
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They make an aerosol spray that keeps cats off things because it's offensive to them. You can't smell it but they can. Get some and spray your problem areas and they'll stay away. Problem solved. You don't even need to do it a lot, just once in awhile and the residual spray will keep them away. But then you'll have nothing to complain about..
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I've sprayed feline repellent in that spot at least 4 times over the past 7 weeks.
... and again just now.
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The repellent is obviously not working so get another brand and try that one until you get the one that they don't like.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: DieterQuote: EvenBobQuote: Dieter
The culprit is suspected to be to cute little black one that snuggles me with very pointy feet.
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They make an aerosol spray that keeps cats off things because it's offensive to them. You can't smell it but they can. Get some and spray your problem areas and they'll stay away. Problem solved. You don't even need to do it a lot, just once in awhile and the residual spray will keep them away. But then you'll have nothing to complain about..
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I've sprayed feline repellent in that spot at least 4 times over the past 7 weeks.
... and again just now.
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The repellent is obviously not working so get another brand and try that one until you get the one that they don't like.
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Preaching to the choir.
The "cat people" in the house only approve certain forms of "better living through chemistry", even though the forms they approve seem ineffective.
It's essential oil wishful thinking, if you ask me, but they've deluded themselves into thinking it works without critically reviewing the results. (Repellent sprayed furniture is still getting clawed; repellent sprayed areas are still getting marked).
It has a child-safe pleasant clove oil smell.
I've relocated my luggage. Again.
Quote: DieterQuote: EvenBobQuote: DieterQuote: EvenBobQuote: Dieter
The culprit is suspected to be to cute little black one that snuggles me with very pointy feet.
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They make an aerosol spray that keeps cats off things because it's offensive to them. You can't smell it but they can. Get some and spray your problem areas and they'll stay away. Problem solved. You don't even need to do it a lot, just once in awhile and the residual spray will keep them away. But then you'll have nothing to complain about..
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I've sprayed feline repellent in that spot at least 4 times over the past 7 weeks.
... and again just now.
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The repellent is obviously not working so get another brand and try that one until you get the one that they don't like.
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Preaching to the choir.
The "cat people" in the house only approve certain forms of "better living through chemistry", even though the forms they approve seem ineffective.
It's essential oil wishful thinking, if you ask me, but they've deluded themselves into thinking it works without critically reviewing the results. (Repellent sprayed furniture is still getting clawed; repellent sprayed areas are still getting marked).
It has a child-safe pleasant clove oil smell.
I've relocated my luggage. Again.
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Secretly get a spray they don't know about and hide it sounds like you're using some kind of BS save the environment type spray which cats laugh at. Believe me there are sprays out there they don't like and your kids will never know the difference.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: DieterQuote: EvenBobQuote: DieterQuote: EvenBobQuote: Dieter
The culprit is suspected to be to cute little black one that snuggles me with very pointy feet.
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They make an aerosol spray that keeps cats off things because it's offensive to them. You can't smell it but they can. Get some and spray your problem areas and they'll stay away. Problem solved. You don't even need to do it a lot, just once in awhile and the residual spray will keep them away. But then you'll have nothing to complain about..
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I've sprayed feline repellent in that spot at least 4 times over the past 7 weeks.
... and again just now.
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The repellent is obviously not working so get another brand and try that one until you get the one that they don't like.
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Preaching to the choir.
The "cat people" in the house only approve certain forms of "better living through chemistry", even though the forms they approve seem ineffective.
It's essential oil wishful thinking, if you ask me, but they've deluded themselves into thinking it works without critically reviewing the results. (Repellent sprayed furniture is still getting clawed; repellent sprayed areas are still getting marked).
It has a child-safe pleasant clove oil smell.
I've relocated my luggage. Again.
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Secretly get a spray they don't know about and hide it sounds like you're using some kind of BS save the environment type spray which cats laugh at. Believe me there are sprays out there they don't like and your kids will never know the difference.
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You describe yet another perpetual battle with my loving family.
Last time I tried to indelicately replace the eco-friendly chemicals with stuff that works, I woke up to the 4 year old contemplating how to open my femoral artery. I don't think her big sister put her up to it; she was just trying to make a good guess about how to off me without too much mess.
(My wiley instincts for self-preservation prevailed. I survived, although there is a fairly dramatic cut in a pair of blue jeans I keep as a reminder.)
Quote: Dieter
You describe yet another perpetual battle with my loving family.
Last time I tried to indelicately replace the eco-friendly chemicals with stuff that works, I woke up to the 4 year old contemplating how to open my femoral artery. I don't think her big sister put her up to it; she was just trying to make a good guess about how to off me without too much mess.
(My wiley instincts for self-preservation prevailed. I survived, although there is a fairly dramatic cut in a pair of blue jeans I keep as a reminder.)
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There's one thing you never mention in all these talks about your cats and the problems you have is your wife. Where does she stand on all this, certainly between the two of you you can figure out how you can hide a can of cat spray. Are your children really smarter than you? As far as I can see the cats so far are smarter than everybody in this scenario.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: Dieter
You describe yet another perpetual battle with my loving family.
Last time I tried to indelicately replace the eco-friendly chemicals with stuff that works, I woke up to the 4 year old contemplating how to open my femoral artery. I don't think her big sister put her up to it; she was just trying to make a good guess about how to off me without too much mess.
(My wiley instincts for self-preservation prevailed. I survived, although there is a fairly dramatic cut in a pair of blue jeans I keep as a reminder.)
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There's one thing you never mention in all these talks about your cats and the problems you have is your wife. Where does she stand on all this, certainly between the two of you you can figure out how you can hide a can of cat spray. Are your children really smarter than you? As far as I can see the cats so far are smarter than everybody in this scenario.
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The cats have the wife convinced that they are desirable to have around.
I am often away on travel, so I usually don't care.
The wife is also convinced that organic free-range homeopathic household chemicals are superior, despite their general ineffectiveness. She has the children convinced of this.
Again, the real plan is to get cleared to go back to sweeping floors (and other lucrative endeavours) in faraway lands in a week or two, and let them sort the messes out themselves.
The cats will stay here. I'll take my clothing beyond the splash zone. The world will be right again, aside from still having next to nothing for freeplay.

It was cool to watch it eat mice, then rats, then guinea pigs, but a year later, after he moved out, it was claimed he fed it cats.
One morning I awoke from my slumber on the lower bunk, opened my eyes and saw that the snake had wrapped his lower body in the coils supporting the upper bunk, leaving his upper body and head free to hang down...his head was an inch or two from my face when I first opened my eyes.
I figure he was eyeing me, trying to figure out if he could eat me.
Quote: MrVWhen I was a freshman in college my room mate had a thing for snakes; he let a full sized boa constrictor run "free" in our dorm room.
I figure he was eyeing me, trying to figure out if he could eat me.
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He must have thought you were soon to be like a family member! You were pre-law, right?
So as not to hijack, cats are very cute.
Quote: SOOPOOHe must have thought you were soon to be like a family member! You were pre-law, right?
What's up, doc?
Show me ONE DOCTOR that has something good to say about lawyers.
As if WE'RE the cause of the sky-high malpractice premiums facing sawbones today...
Quote: MrVQuote: SOOPOOHe must have thought you were soon to be like a family member! You were pre-law, right?
What's up, doc?
Show me ONE DOCTOR that has something good to say about lawyers.
As if WE'RE the cause of the sky-high malpractice premiums facing sawbones today...
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Please don't hijack the cat thread with this kind of junk.
Stinky litter, Stinky clothing, and a massive horrible Stinky place. Your dulled senses don't notice what's right there in front of your nose/face.
Don't fool yourself in thinking cats only use the litter box in grace, because in a group it been proven they $h!t, piss ans puke all over the place
FYI, your clothing and blankets are especially not safe, because
The hair, cat puke, hairballs, piss, and poop
you can never escape.
What a nasty, vary nasty miserable world it must be living with multiple cats that do nothing but...shed, poop and pee.
Quote: AxelWolf2 cats or more = Cat piss, cat piss, cat piss..
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I have some advice for you. Please take it under consideration.
Don't get a cat. You're welcome.
I could see "Monkey Monkey" but "Here, kitty kitty kitty" just wouldn't resonate in the baccarat pit.
Quote: MrVWhat is a thread about cats doing on a gambling forum, anyway?
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Why is there a thread about food, or remembering the past, or any of the other dozens of threads that have nothing to do with gambling.
We have had 2 at once. I knew better than having more than one at a time. But... I was in the Walmart parking lot during one of the hottest days in summer when I noticed a desperate kitten not looking good. It scamperd into an engine compartment where I fished it out. I swear it was about to die until I held it under the air-conditioning and gave it drops of water and probably mouth to mouth. We kept it. She is still doing well to this day, however I'm certain she had some brain damage that day for various reasons.Quote: EvenBobQuote: AxelWolf2 cats or more = Cat piss, cat piss, cat piss..
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I have some advice for you. Please take it under consideration.
Don't get a cat. You're welcome.
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Our first cat passed away after a very, very long life. Our current cat was a kitten around 2010-20012.
No more cats or animals for us( we have/had too many).
we just got a puppy a year ago and we will not be getting anything new for a very, very long time.
We have had so many different animals, it's crazy.
Dart frogs, red eye tree frog's, 3 different kinds of turtle's, a small golden Greek tourist,
Hehgogs, a fancymouse, a ferret that passed away
I love owning animals, but it's so heartbreaking.
Our outside turtles should outlive us.

Quote: AxelWolfWe have had so many different animals, it's crazy. Dart frogs, red eye tree frog's, 3 different kinds of turtle's, a small golden Greek tourist,..
Was the small golden Greek tourist named Jason, and did he fleece you?
*J/K...funny typo*

Anyone else having this problem?
Dog Hand
Quote: DogHandEvenBob's last three photos show just placeholders for me. All his previous photos are fine.
Anyone else having this problem?
Dog Hand
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They are displaying for me.

Fries would go well with the little guy...
Oh, wait...wrong thread.

Quote: EvenBob
I am so jealous of you and your cats.
Quote: DRichQuote: EvenBob
I am so jealous of you and your cats.
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You wouldn't be if you had to feed them. I personally mix their food and feed them five times a day. Just because I want to make sure everybody gets enough to eat even though they have a big continuous feed dry food bowl. Their last meal of the day is I come out of my office with an 18 inch Pizza pan covered with the mixture of wet food dry food and chicken broth and on top of that is 6 or 7 oz of cut up chicken, cooked chicken. Believe me they're all there for that one, a couple of them will growl when they snatch a piece of chicken and run away and eat it. It's instinct, and it's hilarious when they do it. Especially when the kittens do it it's really funny.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: DRichQuote: EvenBob
I am so jealous of you and your cats.
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You wouldn't be if you had to feed them. I personally mix their food and feed them five times a day. Just because I want to make sure everybody gets enough to eat even though they have a big continuous feed dry food bowl. Their last meal of the day is I come out of my office with an 18 inch Pizza pan covered with the mixture of wet food dry food and chicken broth and on top of that is 6 or 7 oz of cut up chicken, cooked chicken. Believe me they're all there for that one, a couple of them will growl when they snatch a piece of chicken and run away and eat it. It's instinct, and it's hilarious when they do it. Especially when the kittens do it it's really funny.
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My cats only got dried food and I would leave it out all the time. They just ate when they were hungry. I could put food out for the whole week and they would be fine if I left for a week.
Quote: DRich
My cats only got dried food and I would leave it out all the time. They just ate when they were hungry. I could put food out for the whole week and they would be fine if I left for a week.
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If you ever get cats again please give them wet food also, it's very bad for a cat to have only dry food. If you don't believe me look it up. Causes all kinds of problems for them. The best thing you can do is mix the wet food with the dry food, this is what I do along with chicken broth. But not the canned chicken broth it has too much salt in it, I have to make my own broth.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: DRich
My cats only got dried food and I would leave it out all the time. They just ate when they were hungry. I could put food out for the whole week and they would be fine if I left for a week.
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If you ever get cats again please give them wet food also, it's very bad for a cat to have only dry food. If you don't believe me look it up. Causes all kinds of problems for them. The best thing you can do is mix the wet food with the dry food, this is what I do along with chicken broth. But not the canned chicken broth it has too much salt in it, I have to make my own broth.
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Too much effort.

Quote: DRichToo much effort.
Turn it into an advantage play: feed em dry food til they die, then sell them to the purchaser at your nearby Vietnamese restaruant for incorporation into one of their dishes called "tiểu hổ", literally "little tiger" or "baby tiger",
Quote: MrVLooks tasty.
Fries would go well with the little guy...
Oh, wait...wrong thread.
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Quote: MrVQuote: DRichToo much effort.
Turn it into an advantage play: feed em dry food til they die, then sell them to the purchaser at your nearby Vietnamese restaruant for incorporation into one of their dishes called "tiểu hổ", literally "little tiger" or "baby tiger",
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I for one have not enjoyed your recent contributions to this thread.
I hope that you are trying to interject some humor with these "eat the cat" posts, but I feel your attempts are missing the mark. Perhaps you should start a thread about ALF?

Dog Hand
You may not have enjoyed the TRUE posts about serving cat as an entree, but it's a topic that lots of Asians can't wait to sink their teeth into.
FWIW I've owned cats for most of my adult life and never consumed one, not even a tiny morsel.
Quote: MrVNot sure I'm "trying" to do anything other than stay on topic and having a bit of fun comparing the Westrern adoration of felines with the Asian view that they're a food source..
You may not have enjoyed the TRUE posts about serving cat as an entree, but it's a topic that lots of Asians can't wait to sink their teeth into.
FWIW I've owned cats for most of my adult life and never consumed one, not even a tiny morsel.
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We know cats will eat their owners if the food stops coming. Whereas a a faithful dog will probably starve to death.
Technically, I suppose a cat is just practical when it has to be. But a dog can earn a tribute for its loyalty. (not that it knows that)