Quote: billryanThese are different than shills?
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I'm hazarding a total guess that a prop player is an employee who may have other duties.
While a shill is a patron with a temp deal from the casino.
I forget where but it was some gambling memoir of the seventies the guy mentioned he would go broke and to scrounge up cash he had a deal to shill. He had to hand back all the winnings of course and he lamented he always seemed to have better luck winning when shilling than when playing for real.
I planned to stop at Spirit Mountain for a bit, then Chinook winds, then Spirit Mtn. again on the way home.
I made it as far as SM.
Walked into the high limit room as always, and when I got to my Double Diamond slot I saw that the previous player left it after hitting single bar, Double Diamond, single bar for two hundred bucks.
"Damn" I thought to myselt, "No way I'll win after he just got a hit."
I pit in a hundred, and on my first bet of ten bucks it came up Double Diamond, triple bar, triple bar for eight hundred bucks.
I immediately cashed out from that machine, got my winnings, walked around a bit, sipped coffee then motored home, stopping only for gas, flower and kief.
kinna interesting - to me anyway
the history of the martingale - can't be sure it's 100% accurate - it's from hundreds of years ago - anyway - here we go:
"The name of this method has been attributed to an 18th century London casino owner, John Henry Martindale, who is alleged to have encouraged the gamblers in his casino to wager using this method. He already knew that it looked too good to be true, but also had the mathematics to prove it would work.
Add into the mix his abundance of loyal customers and he felt sure that the house edge would prevail in his favour. This and the fact that any potential liability would always be held with the gambler and not the casino. Whether it worked for him or not is unknown but eventually, his casino would close.
However, as if to prove his point and further the reputation of martingale, a version of this method was used to good effect by famous gambler Charles De Ville Wells in 1891, who took it, and a 4000 franc bankroll, to Monte Carlo. After five days at the tables, he eventually turned it into a million. It only served to add to the allure that the system could change the fortunes of the ordinary man."
Even though the USA is a small part of the planet
I'd estimate the odds are easily 99% if not higher
Those are fascinating odds
take the money and run as Steve Miller band would say. Your $100 seed money probably filled the gas tank with price of gad,but at least it was on the house. Nice hit and congrats knowing when to walk. Double diamond is one of my favorites. Few years back was at Caesars southern Indiana. Put my $100 in nothing until my very last 2 credits. Red 7 double diamond red 7.$1600 they were still sailing at the time sogot a large pizza had2 slices and left when they docked. I thought iwas done until that last spin. Happy ending thoughQuote: MrVYesterday I motored toward the coast for a day of gambling..
I planned to stop at Spirit Mountain for a bit, then Chinook winds, then Spirit Mtn. again on the way home.
I made it as far as SM.
Walked into the high limit room as always, and when I got to my Double Diamond slot I saw that the previous player left it after hitting single bar, Double Diamond, single bar for two hundred bucks.
"Damn" I thought to myselt, "No way I'll win after he just got a hit."
I pit in a hundred, and on my first bet of ten bucks it came up Double Diamond, triple bar, triple bar for eight hundred bucks.
I immediately cashed out from that machine, got my winnings, walked around a bit, sipped coffee then motored home, stopping only for gas, flower and kief.
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"Quantum" internet is getting closer to reality
it is potentially a major advance that could possibly fast forward technology in our world
from the article:
"Using the mysterious powers of quantum mechanics, the technology will perform tasks in minutes that even supercomputers have been unable to complete in thousands of years. In the fall of 2019, Google unveiled an experimental quantum computer showing that this is possible. Two years later, a lab in China did the same."
Quote: terapinedWhat are the odds that the next school shooting massacre takes place in the USA
Even though the USA is a small part of the planet
I'd estimate the odds are easily 99% if not higher
Those are fascinating odds
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Rule 19 violation. Four days, to be served consecutively after current suspension.
Quote: lilredroosterQuote: Ahigh
Hey Rooster, what do you call a CHINESE GUY with a ROOSTER?
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hey Ahigh___________I think I know the answer but I don't think it will get by the WOV censors so I'll just pass
go ahead and post the answer, maybe I'm wrong and they'll let it fly
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Quote: AhighQuote: lilredroosterQuote: Ahigh
Hey Rooster, what do you call a CHINESE GUY with a ROOSTER?
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hey Ahigh___________I think I know the answer but I don't think it will get by the WOV censors so I'll just pass
go ahead and post the answer, maybe I'm wrong and they'll let it fly
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when you popped out of your momma's belly the mold was broken
you are truly one of a kind___________________________________________________________~:/
Not mine, alas.
Dealt four threes.
(Is this a "live" machine, or a personally owned amusement?)

I think I did notice the gun when I was young, but have since forgotten it. It seems weird today, doesn't it?

I think I did notice the gun when I was young, but have since forgotten it. It seems weird today, doesn't it?
Raoul Wallenberg saved between 5,000 and 100,000 Jews (the unknown numbers because there were no records kept and Raoul came to a tragic end.
He was a Swiss diplomat who's job took him around Europe AND he had knowledge of how the Nazi's created their Identification papers.
He forged thousands turning Jews into Swiss citizens and got them over the border into neutral Switzerland.
For those unable to travel, he turned some structures into Swiss embassies and hid thousands of Jews in the buildings.
One man saved thousands. Imagine if many more people had given an effort inside Europe.
He was arrested by the Soviet Union in 1945 as a spy (, possibly because he had in his possession so many forgery passports) and died probably in 1947 imprisoned. Not much is known unfortunately.
He is only one of two men ever given honorary US citizenship without needing to apply, (voted in by Congress) the other person being Winston Churchill.
And I never heard of this guy until last night. What a shame.
Quote: WizardQuote: terapinedWhat are the odds that the next school shooting massacre takes place in the USA
Even though the USA is a small part of the planet
I'd estimate the odds are easily 99% if not higher
Those are fascinating odds
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Rule 19 violation. Four days, to be served consecutively after current suspension.
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I definitely disagree with this one but I do understand that it is your site and your rules. He was asking a question about odds.
Ray Liotta just passed in his sleep - he was a highly regarded actor - his most impressive work was probably in the excellent movie "Goodfellas"
I was thinking about this and about the public's fascination with crime - both fictional and real
true crime stories are fantastically popular now with series such as Dateline and 20/20 featuring many true crime events
I've kinna lost interest lately
but was wondering what the reason for this fascination was - do we secretly admire criminals and wish we were more like them____?_____ I dunno - maybe not
or do we just enjoy seeing stories about people who live outside the norms of society_________????______I think that more likely explains it
but I'm really not 100% sure of the reason
Quote: lilredrooster____________
Ray Liotta just passed in his sleep - he was a highly regarded actor - his most impressive work was probably in the excellent movie "Goodfellas"
I was thinking about this and about the public's fascination with crime - both fictional and real
true crime stories are fantastically popular now with series such as Dateline and 20/20 featuring many true crime events
I've kinna lost interest lately
but was wondering what the reason for this fascination was - do we secretly admire criminals and wish we were more like them____?_____ I dunno - maybe not
or do we just enjoy seeing stories about people who live outside the norms of society_________????______I think that more likely explains it
but I'm really not 100% sure of the reason
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My guess is that most people just want to see justice done.
- War
- Hospital/Medical drama
- Law/Courtroom
- Crime: Police and/ or Criminals
- Espionage
- Show Business
- Fantasy/ Horror
- Superheroes
It's much harder to make a movie or TV series about the retail business or an office environment (although that has been done, obviously).
I suspect I'll never see a movie that is about forum moderators. Movies tend to shy away from mental illness.
- War
- Hospital/Medical drama
- Law/Courtroom
- Crime: Police and/ or Criminals
- Espionage
- Show Business
- Fantasy/ Horror
- Superheroes
It's much harder to make a movie or TV series about the retail business or an office environment (although that has been done, obviously).
I suspect I'll never see a movie that is about forum moderators. Movies tend to shy away from mental illness.
where I live are a couple of major 5 lane highways that I often use
the speed limit is still 55 - I guess pretty common in the U.S.
nobody does 55 - if they did even in the slow lane they would be tailgated
I believe the average speed on these highways is about 78 - quite a few are doing 85 or 90
the cops don't pull over anyone - maybe because it's too dangerous
it's really a ridiculous situation
what's the point of having a speed limit that nobody sticks to and nobody enforces______________???
on the interstate near me the speed limit is 65
I don't use it often but I'm all but sure the average speed there is over 80
Quote: lilredrooster
what's the point of having a speed limit that nobody sticks to and nobody enforces______________???
lin k to original post
I know I've seen people pulled over. Maybe they did irritate the officer's delicate sensibilities by swerving across 3 lanes of traffic, then swooping back across all 5 and then failing to observe the double white line to make their exit, but I expect that speed may be a penalty multiplier.
I do see some enforcement. Sometimes it's a trooper proudly standing with a radar gun where the interstate speed drops to 40 (there's a quirky hill/curve/bridge/exit ramp combination; around exit 43); sometimes I see radar-camera cars conspicuously parked near work zones.
I drive around a bit. Conspicuous cameras seem to be a deterrent. "Zero Tolerance" signs seem to be a deterrent. ("Strictly Enforced" signs, not so much. "Photo Enforced" depends on the area.) Curves that are sharp enough to get your attention are a natural deterrent, especially when they're hugging a somewhat looming mountain.
I couldn't really care if people pass me while I toodle along in the slow-poke lane, gawping at the scenery. It ticks me off when they allow less than 9 inches between my bumper and their fender when they swerve into my lane going 40mph faster than I am. I assume, based on the number of classes that Skip Barber offers, that they're probably not highly trained precision drivers, and they're imminently close to running out of talent - which is an event I would prefer not to be further delayed by.
Speeding tickets are low hanging fruit that governments use to pad their budgets. Speeding tickets are almost NEVER issued for a traffic accident. Accident investigators at the scene mostly issue following too close; failure to yield; or driving too fast for conditions along with DUI's etc.
I was under the impression that gets applied in some cases.
Quote: DieterIsn't there some magic threshold where "speeding" becomes "reckless driving"?
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My quick Google-fu shows that it appears to be different based on the state. California it is 15 over where as Colorado is 25 over. Some states don't have a specific hard number either and it is up to the LEO and DA's discretion.
Quote: tuttigymThe state of Georgia has some unusual speeding and enforcement laws. Local, city, county, and school police canNOT issue a speeding citation unless the driver is exceeding the speed limit by more than 10 mph. State cops do not have that restriction, but they usually honor it. Cops have to be visible by at least 500 feet. No hiding behind signs or hedges, etc. That includes at night so the cop car must have his headlights on while standing in position. There are more, but that gives you an idea of "unusual."
Speeding tickets are low hanging fruit that governments use to pad their budgets. Speeding tickets are almost NEVER issued for a traffic accident. Accident investigators at the scene mostly issue following too close; failure to yield; or driving too fast for conditions along with DUI's etc.
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I thought it was only the Waze app that warned of speed traps, but I was using google maps the other day and it warned me of two speed traps.
I'm much less worried about speed traps than I am about drivers doing illogical and unpredictable stuff - and a lot of it at high speeds
there are some real yahoos out there
and in the last 15 years it's become much worse because of all the cell phone freaks
I don't really care about losing some pocket change
I care about us losing our lives
often I'm sitting on my balcony enjoying the good weather and I see some cars go flying past at around 50 skirting the speed bumps on this tiny little residential street where I live - one little lane each way - cars have to move all the way to the right not to hit each other
Quote: lilredrooster______________
I'm much less worried about speed traps than I am about drivers doing illogical and unpredictable stuff - and a lot of it at high speeds
there are some real yahoos out there
and in the last 15 years it's become much worse because of all the cell phone freaks
I don't really care about losing some pocket change
I care about us losing our lives
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Unfortunately cops cannot give tickets for DWS (driving while stupid)
hey, hey, hey, scientists can now reverse the aging process in mice - they get physically younger - the goal is to do the same with humans
𝗜 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝟮𝟮 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻_______!!!!!
gotta go - gonna start working on my dance moves - plan to hit the clubs
later today will hit the mall - buy some flashy clothes, some gold chains - get a couple of awesome tats
this is so very, very great_________ ~:\

youth cage fighting - Mixed Martial Arts - ages 8 to 17 is now a thing - the UFC has a division
is this insane or is this insane_____________?????____________yes, this is insane
regulators say they're insuring that it's safe - I don't buy that at all


little girls are in on the action too__________________really sick:

𝙄𝙏'𝙎 𝙃𝙊𝙏____________________especially for you Vegas dudes
predicted_______________108 today_________104 Wednesday____________109 Thursday______________106 Friday
and it's not even the middle of June ____________________𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝙮𝙚𝙩
best crime movie I ever saw - "Point Blank" - 1967 - Lee Marvin tough crook
an organization man beat him out of his end on a caper - $93K
he aims to get his $93K back - he wants his money
_________awesome flick IMO

Quote: lilredrooster____________
youth cage fighting - Mixed Martial Arts - ages 8 to 17 is now a thing - the UFC has a division
is this insane or is this insane_____________?????____________yes, this is insane
regulators say they're insuring that it's safe - I don't buy that at all
little girls are in on the action too__________________really sick:
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Didnt we have wrestling in elementary school? In high school one of my classmates died in Varsity wrestling.
I boxed as a kid.
My son took karate as a 5 year old.
Alan, there is a world of difference between what you're talking about and Cage Fighting - MMA - mixed martial arts
these kids are knocking each other out unconscious - kicks to the head - blows to the head
many injuries have been suffered by the kids - they've gotten concussions and are exposed to brain injuries
if adults want to entertain themselves watching each other beaten into submission and likely to get CTE - fair enough
but getting entertained by watching 8 year olds do this - not if it was my decision to make - not by a longshot
Quote: lilredrooster______________
Alan, there is a world of difference between what you're talking about and Cage Fighting - MMA - mixed martial arts
these kids are knocking each other out unconscious - kicks to the head - blows to the head
many injuries have been suffered by the kids - they've gotten concussions and are exposed to brain injuries
if adults want to entertain themselves watching each other beaten into submission and likely to get CTE - fair enough
but getting entertained by watching 8 year olds do this - not if it was my decision to make - not by a longshot
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What I read in the Washington Post article is that head strikes are banned and head gear must be worn.
yes, now, in most places after problems happened
from the article:
"the league caught the attention of lawmakers in 2013 after a video emerged of a young boy landing a hard right cross to the chin of a 9-year-old female fighter."
and still this:
from the article:
" Youth MMA remains unregulated or illegal in many states, "
from the article:
" Rose Gracie, a member of the legendary Brazilian jujitsu Gracie family, doesn’t believe athletes should be able to enter the ring until 25 — when their brains are fully developed. “The younger these children are exposed to this type of damage, the earlier they will show signs of something major in the future,” she said. "
wearing headgear does not mean that a fighter will not suffer head injuries - it only lessens the likelihood and the impact - it doesn't eliminate the danger
and this from the article:
"and an ambulance with medical personnel would be required at each event."
the implication of this is that there is significant danger - this is not required for youth soccer or basketball
and this stuff won't be there when the kids are just training - sparring
assuming a child will always be conscious of and will always follow all of the rules is far fetched
Quote: AlanMendelson
Didnt we have wrestling in elementary school? In high school one of my classmates died in Varsity wrestling.
I boxed as a kid.
My son took karate as a 5 year old.
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I was wrestling at age 6. I had to quit at age 14 when I lost a kidney. It was very popular in the midwest.
I confess that I have not read the Washington Post article. However, I have seen the three photos that lilredrooster posted and that Alan quoted, with two of them being records of live action. It certainly appears that a head shot was landed in the first photo (two boys) and that neither of those boys and neither of the girls in the third photo are wearing head gear. The Post article must be describing a very different kind of event.Quote: AlanMendelsonWhat I read in the Washington Post article is that head strikes are banned and head gear must be worn.
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so many Americans see children fighting in cages as being so entertaining
how about senior cage fighting_________????_________(snicker snicker)
I bet a lot of my fellow countrymen would love to throw down a few bruskies and watch a couple of 85 year olds go at each other in a cage
no headgear required - no need to ban head shots___________________ -:)
and how about men against women in a cage______________?????_________________why not______________?????
of course 99% of really strong men will be able to crush really strong women but so what - if they're willing to do it___________?????
the women will get paid really well in exchange for getting pummeled into submission or unconsciousness
for a lot of people it would be fun to watch - they would pay good money to see it_____________ -:)
Ban wrestling.
Quote: AlanMendelsonJerry Leo died from a broken neck while wrestling, with coaches looking on, at an authorized inter high school wrestling match. He was 17.
Ban wrestling.
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great, great point Alan
a man died in a car crash a couple of blocks from me last week
ban cars
children fighting in cages won't be banned - it will provide entertainment for the masses for many years to come
what's the purpose of the cage______?????____________for children or adults____________?????
we put animals in the zoo in a cage
is there supposed to be some suggestion of the fighters being animalistic____________?????
Quote: AlanMendelsonJerry Leo died from a broken neck while wrestling, with coaches looking on, at an authorized inter high school wrestling match. He was 17.
Ban wrestling.
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Clearly kids need to toughen up today. When I was a kid we wrestled with broken necks and were forced to run laps if we complained about the pain.