Quote: Beethoven9thThat's good advice, AZ. Hell, the NFL itself is pathetic. They have no problem associating with liberal acts and will let libs like Jennifer Lopez own a team, yet they'll be damned to treat Rush Limbaugh the same way.
I'm getting fed up with pop culture in general.
When the NFL was happy to take Vick back but said Limbaugh wasn't wanted was the last straw for me. Vick alone is bad enough. The last two years I have been so busy on Sundays all I had time for was to listen on radio. I hardly missed it!
If you ask me what the Kardashians are all about I would have to google it. And I am proud to say that. Pull the cable plug. Make a resolution to learn 10 "hard skills" (ie: skills you use your hands and tools for). Walk a mile after work. You will be amazed how little the pop-culture crap matters.
"If we cannot be proud enough as a country to sing "American the Beautiful" in English in a commercial during the Super Bowl, by a company as American as they come — doggone we are on the road to perdition."
Perdition - 1.punishment in hell: in some religions, the state of everlasting punishment in hell that sinners endure after death
2.hell: hell itself as a location
Surely, you jest.
"Proud enough as a country"? What in the bloody hell does that have to do with anything? I'm scared to ask who said this, as I fear it will be someone I like and would ultimately end up losing respect for.
The US ain't that old. It's young enough that a lot of us probably have or had parents or grandparents that came here speaking something other than English. I know I was subject to my fair share of German as my immigrant grandmother, who came here to escape the war, often used it. And I ain't that old. That is supposed to be offensive?
When I go watch the Leafs I'm surely singing, and I sing "O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!" because "Protégera nos foyers et nos droits!" is hard for me to pronounce. If only I knew I was risking my Canadian friend's mortal souls by doing so. Sorry, boymimbo. Sorry, thecesspit. Coilman (?)...sorry.
The xenophobia is shocking. Here's a fun game. On your lunch break, go back to one of these opine sites where a piece like this exists. Scroll down to the comments and read only those by the fellows crying about "this is 'Murica, speak English or GTFO". For every post that one of them makes that is grade A, industrial strength irony - incorrect spelling, poor grammar, incomplete sentences, you know, NOT PROPER ENGLISH - drink. 10:1 you'll be hammered before you receive your entree.
For what it's worth, I think that song is lovely in any language, I didn't even notice any gheys, and I still think Coke is gross.
Ahhh.... the "Pitch a Bitch" thread. I should start every morning here, I feel so much better =)
Quote: Beethoven9thLike I've said 3 times now, nobody agrees with you. Not even people who love the ad. Everyone (other than you) can see it was a political/social statement.
On this thread since the SB, there have been 3 posters: you, me, and AZD. AZD has said in essence that he has chosen to ignore pop culture and so tuned out commercials. (Side note: I agree that probably is a healthy choice, kudos to AZD.) So unless there are a bunch of accounts you are speaking for, let's cut out the "everyone" claim. Do you have data on general reaction? (Not just pundit chatter; there has been plenty of positive support for the ad in the pundit class as well.)
Further, on this site we are a rather small subset of the coke buying audience. So I doubt that even a consensus here would be concerning to coke's bottom line.
This is a forum. It is a place to discuss things and ideas. If your goal is to be in a place where you will only hear you opions parroted back at you, you might want to check out: http://www.audio-production-tips.com/create-your-echo-chamber.html
thinks it's fine to move to the US and never learn to
speak English. What's the point of the commercial,
This is how you sing an American song about America.
Good thing Coke didn't use this one. Written by Irving
Berlin in 1918, when he was in the army.
It's a quote from Allen West. He was speaking metaphorically.Quote: Face"Proud enough as a country"? What in the bloody hell does that have to do with anything? I'm scared to ask who said this, as I fear it will be someone I like and would ultimately end up losing respect for.
This is Lt. Col. Allen West:Quote: FaceThe xenophobia is shocking.

Gee, thanks for the info, Sherlock. lolQuote: endermikeThis is a forum. It is a place to discuss things and ideas.
You really need to read my posts before replying. I said "everyone who liked the ad". A simple google search will confirm what I had said earlier.Quote: endermikeSo unless there are a bunch of accounts you are speaking for, let's cut out the "everyone" claim. Do you have data on general reaction? (Not just pundit chatter; there has been plenty of positive support for the ad in the pundit class as well.)
+1Quote: EvenBobThe impression I got was, great, another company who
thinks it's fine to move to the US and never learn to
speak English. What's the point of the commercial,
For whatever reason, some people here think the commercial was a "hug", not a political/social statement.
Quote: endermikeWhy is there a right and wrong way to sing a song about the USA? Can't we try to embrace the good that each person brings here?
"Can't we aaaaaalllllllllllllllll just get along????" lol
Quote: Beethoven9thIt's a quote from Allen West.
Quote: Beethoven9thThis is Lt. Col. Allen West:
Oh. I was thinking ADAM West. Dunno who this guy is, but I suspect it doesn't matter.
Seeing this thread today was the first I saw the commercial. Without the comments, I'd have forgotten it already. It ain't the first time an iconic song has been redone in another language, or has been done so to be used for personal gain.
Knowing that, I'm very interested to know what is this "hidden message" you see? You say you see exactly what they're doing and are sorry that we can't. I suppose if forced to look, I'd say I see a company trying to appeal to everyone and exclude no one. Asian? Buy a Coke! Gay? Buy a Coke! Young? Old? Black? White? Whoever you are, we got you covered! Buy a Coke!
That...seems like typical marketing. What am I missing?
Quote: Beethoven9thYou really need to read my posts before replying. I said "everyone who liked the ad". A simple google search will confirm what I had said earlier.
I did a Google search. There are plenty of folks who like the ad.
Quote: Beethoven9thFor whatever reason, some people here think the commercial was a "hug", not a political/social statement.
Quote: endermiketheir statement was "we want to hug you."
Quote: Beethoven9thYou really need to read my posts before replying.
Making the statement is different from actually giving a hug. I agreed with you it was a statement. My point was it is friendly statement.
LOL...you obviously don't read my posts because I never disputed that.Quote: endermikeI did a Google search. There are plenty of folks who like the ad.
Nope, never claimed either of those things. Nothing is "hidden" in the ad. What I had said to endermike is that people—including those who liked the ad—believe that it was a political/social statement. In fact, that's the exact reason why they like it and applaud it so much.Quote: FaceKnowing that, I'm very interested to know what is this "hidden message" you see? You say you see exactly what they're doing and are sorry that we can't.
Quote: FaceBatman?
Quote: Beethoven9thThis is Lt. Col. Allen West:
Oh. I was thinking ADAM West. Dunno who this guy is, but I suspect it doesn't matter.
And you're extremely LUCKY to not know who he is.
He's a teabagger nutcase who used to be a congressman til his district kicked his ass outta there.
Quote: ams288He's a teabagger nutcase...
What is a "teabagger nutcase"?
LOL!Quote: rob45What is a "teabagger nutcase"?
Quote: rob45What is a "teabagger nutcase"?
People who believe in freedom. You know. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin. Guys like that.
Quote: ams288
And you're extremely LUCKY to not know who he is.
One of the MANY benefits of not having TV. AZD doesn't know the Kardashians, I don't know politicians, and our respective blood pressures continue to plummet as a result ;)
Quote: Beethoven9thNope, never claimed either of those things. Nothing is "hidden" in the ad. What I had said to endermike is that people—including those who liked the ad—believe that it was a political/social statement. In fact, that's the exact reason why they like it and applaud it so much.
I hate the "put words in my mouth" game, but I guess I'll keep playing.
It seems, that while I see just a marketing ploy, and I must assume you just see a marketing ploy, that it bothers you that others, specifically, "Liberals", see it as a Yay! Gay!, Yay! Minority!, Yay! Diversity! political statement. Did I win this time?
If so... I guess that's worthy of pitching a bitch. I'd personally group it with people who see Jesus in a grilled cheese sandwich, but if a bitch is what you want, then a bitch you shall have.
Quote: FaceOne of the MANY benefits of not having TV. AZD doesn't know the Kardashians, I don't know politicians, and our respective blood pressures continue to plummet as a result ;)
It is too bad we are not neighbors, we could really build something cool in a barn. No idea what, but you can bet it would be cool.
Quote: AZDuffmanIt is too bad we are not neighbors, we could really build something cool in a barn. No idea what, but you can bet it would be cool.
If Cuomo keeps up his garbage, we might wind up being neighbors before too long.
You have a barn? If not, then I know what we can build first =)
Quote: FaceIt seems, that while I see just a marketing ploy, and I must assume you just see a marketing ploy, that it bothers you that others, specifically, "Liberals", see it as a Yay! Gay!, Yay! Minority!, Yay! Diversity! political statement.
Nah, I think it's more than that. More than my own perception, that is. For example, if Coke just had "marketing" in mind, they could have easily used a different song with different visuals, and there would have been no criticism whatsoever.
But they didn't. Now if this was some small, rinky-dink company with a tin ear, then I'd be inclined to agree with your take. But Coke is run by smart people who could surely anticipate how their audience would react. (Big companies always conduct surveys, run focus groups, etc.) Plus, big companies are always ultra-sensitive when it comes to "offending" liberal groups. So unless Coke executives are totally inept (which they're not), then they knew exactly what they were doing with this commercial.
If anything, liberals are the ones who see controversy where it doesn't exist. Like that Burger King commercial with Mary J. Blige. In that case, I do think BK had a tin ear, yet that didn't stop libs from screaming "Racism!"
(On a side note: I love this thread. The place where WoV'ers can come to bitch about anything! lol)
Quote: FaceIf Cuomo keeps up his garbage, we might wind up being neighbors before too long.
You have a barn? If not, then I know what we can build first =)
Send your resume to Rivers. No barn, two car garage for now.
Not sure what your idea is, but my feeling is we could turn a 1989 Pontiac Grand Am into a machine to provide power to Marietta, OH as long as we had a good set of tools including a saws-all and TIG Welder. It would be fueled by two porcupines and six tons of raisin bran.
Quote: AZDuffmanIt is too bad we are not neighbors, we could really build something cool in a barn. No idea what, but you can bet it would be cool.
It's a shame you don't watch TV.
You are like the real life Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation.

Quote: AZDuffmanSend your resume to Rivers. No barn, two car garage for now.
Not sure what your idea is...
My idea is building a barn, obviously. 12,000lbs of bran ain't gonna store itself, and it'll keep prying eyes away from our project, which we shall dub "brown energy" XD
Quote: Beethoven9thQuote: FaceIt seems, that while I see just a marketing ploy, and I must assume you just see a marketing ploy, that it bothers you that others, specifically, "Liberals", see it as a Yay! Gay!, Yay! Minority!, Yay! Diversity! political statement.
Nah, I think it's more than that. More than my own perception, that is. For example, if Coke just had "marketing" in mind, they could have easily used a different song with different visuals, and there would have been no criticism whatsoever.
But they didn't. Now if this was some small, rinky-dink company with a tin ear, then I'd be inclined to agree with your take. But Coke is run by smart people who could surely anticipate how their audience would react. (Big companies always conduct surveys, run focus groups, etc.) Plus, big companies are always ultra-sensitive when it comes to "offending" liberal groups. So unless Coke executives are totally inept (which they're not), then they knew exactly what they were doing with this commercial.
So not that "Liberals" saw it as a political message, but that it actually was a political message, sponsored by Coke?
A huge, multi-billion-dollar corporation influencing politics? Now I've seen everything! ;)
So Coke, knowing full well what they're doing, slides a little Liberal politics into their ads to get everyone abuzz. And the media, knowing full well what they were doing, hyped up the comments of some backwoods redneck to get everyone abuzz. And Rush Limbaugh, knowing full well what he's doing, hypes up everything to get everyone abuzz. And MSNBC, knowing full well what they're doing, hypes what Limbaugh says to get everyone abuzz.
And we just keep dancing from hot topic to hot topic, dancing like the puppets we've allowed ourselves to become.
Two weeks from now it'll all be forgotten, and we'll be back to whether Beiber turned his life around or keeps self destructing, or whether Jennifer Aniston finally found love, and we'll continue to ignore that Ukraine is burning, until we find that next, ultimately pointless topic to get us abuzz again.
And I'll still be staring out my window, sharpening fish hooks and cleaning my guns, wondering how at 33 can I be this damn old.
Quote: ams288It's a shame you don't watch TV.
You are like the real life Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation.
If it is on Netflix I may eventually see it.
Quote: FaceQuote: AZDuffmanSend your resume to Rivers. No barn, two car garage for now.
Not sure what your idea is...
My idea is building a barn, obviously. 12,000lbs of bran ain't gonna store itself, and it'll keep prying eyes away from our project, which we shall dub "brown energy" XD
I guess I walked right into that.
Quote:So Coke, knowing full well what they're doing, slides a little Liberal politics into their ads to get everyone abuzz. And the media, knowing full well what they were doing, hyped up the comments of some backwoods redneck to get everyone abuzz. And Rush Limbaugh, knowing full well what he's doing, hypes up everything to get everyone abuzz. And MSNBC, knowing full well what they're doing, hypes what Limbaugh says to get everyone abuzz.
Coke did a modern version of the LBJ daisy-girl commercial. Air it once and get loads of exposure forever. Yes, they knew what they did. If you people did like me and actually went to the bathroom during the commercials the effect would not be as great. Or maybe I was posting about opening-safeties on a vegas blog when I missed it?
Quote:, or whether Jennifer Aniston finally found love,
Why I have skipped the popular culture. If she wants to find love she needs to stop being completely annoying. Dressing like she is 43 instead of 22 would also help.
Quote:And I'll still be staring out my window, sharpening fish hooks and cleaning my guns, wondering how at 33 can I be this damn old.
Old at 33? Meh. I've got ten years on you and feel old as well.
Quote: AZDuffmanRemake "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" for crying out loud. Put in all the gay couples you like, I've been a Pepsi drinker since childhood.
Maybe you should try another drink.
Pepsi Continues To Sponsor Homosexual Agenda: Boycott Continues
Idaho Bar Boycotts Pepsi, MillerCoors For Being Pro-Gay
Pepsi's Gay Ad Aggravates Christian Group
Quote: chickenmanOn the topic of commercials, what the deal with Masareti advertising on the Super Bowl? Are they trying to increase U.S. penetration from-what, ten?- to 14 units sold? Or did I just not get the gist of the whole thing? At $134,000 per second plus the huge cost of the ad's production I had to suspend my disbelief at what I was seeing.
Maybe they are relaunching the "Chrysler's TC by Masserati?"
Quote: chickenmanOn the topic of commercials, what the deal with Masareti advertising on the Super Bowl? Are they trying to increase U.S. penetration from-what, ten?- to 14 units sold? Or did I just not get the gist of the whole thing? At $134,000 per second plus the huge cost of the ad's production I had to suspend my disbelief at what I was seeing.
Maserati is owned by Fiat, who also owns Alfa Romeo (last I checked, these things tend to change quickly). To be sure, they've got the clout to throw around the cash.
Now, if you were gonna spend $5mm on advertising throughout the year, would you spread it out? Would you advertise a $150,000 plaything during "American Idol", just before the Showcase Showdown of TPIR, and in a rerun of Law and Order SVU? Or would you throw that $5mm on one opportunity that guarantees viewing of hundreds of millions of people, at a time when everyone is actually paying attention to the commercials, and many of whom are of the demographic to be able to afford it (at least, more so than the demographic of "Real Housewives" viewers)?
I never see a Lexus commercial ever, but I still remember the "December to Remember Sales Event" they do every Christmas where the commercial is alluring and glamorous and wifey wakes up to a Lexus in the driveway. I don't like Lexus and would never buy one, but credit where credit's due; that's a damn good commercial. It's been years but it's still solidly in my mind. I imagine Maserati is just trying to do the same.
Quote: AZDuffmanMaybe they are relaunching the "Chrysler's TC by Masserati?"
First the porcupine power plant, now the Chrysler TC. Man, you're a funny guy today XD
A $40,000 K car. What could possibly go wrong? XD
Quote: FaceFirst the porcupine power plant, now the Chrysler TC. Man, you're a funny guy today XD
A $40,000 K car. What could possibly go wrong? XD
That was total Iacocca, put a fancy grille on the car, jack up the price, and hope it sells. Even the proper name was stupid.
I am surprised nobody caught the allusion on the power plant.
EDIT: Funny how? I make you laugh?
Quote: AZDuffman
EDIT: Funny how? I make you laugh?
Laughed right out loud at "two porcupines and 6 tons of raisin bran".
One might even begin to think you're here to amuse me (<~~That allusion I got. The other, not so much)
Quote: FaceLaughed right out loud at "two porcupines and 6 tons of raisin bran".
One might even begin to think you're here to amuse me (<~~That allusion I got. The other, not so much)
You might be a tad young at 33 to remember the porcupines one. I will give it a day to see if anyone else picks up on it first or explain later via PM.
Quote: FaceTwo weeks from now it'll all be forgotten, and we'll be back to whether Beiber turned his life around or keeps self destructing...
Actually, I totally agree with that. In two weeks, it will probably be forgotten........until the next company slips in a liberal message. lol!
Quote: FaceMaserati is owned by Fiat, who also owns Alfa Romeo (last I checked, these things tend to change quickly). To be sure, they've got the clout to throw around the cash.
Now, if you were gonna spend $5mm on advertising throughout the year, would you spread it out? Would you advertise a $150,000 plaything during "American Idol", just before the Showcase Showdown of TPIR, and in a rerun of Law and Order SVU? Or would you throw that $5mm on one opportunity that guarantees viewing of hundreds of millions of people, at a time when everyone is actually paying attention to the commercials, and many of whom are of the demographic to be able to afford it (at least, more so than the demographic of "Real Housewives" viewers)?
I never see a Lexus commercial ever, but I still remember the "December to Remember Sales Event" they do every Christmas where the commercial is alluring and glamorous and wifey wakes up to a Lexus in the driveway. I don't like Lexus and would never buy one, but credit where credit's due; that's a damn good commercial. It's been years but it's still solidly in my mind. I imagine Maserati is just trying to do the same.
I tend to agree with Face. It was a brilliant marketing ploy, if you are going to advertise an expensive model car the Super Bowl is the perfect place to do it. Not only has the 5mm paid off, I would actually estimate the media and additional coverage would be in the 2x in value.
Only thing they really didn't identify you could be in their target market. 66.5K for a Maserati to roughly 80k decked out. That puts a heck of a lot more people in the target market for the Ghibli, but they didn't recognize it during the commercial, people tend to be to lazy to seek out the information. I happened to go to Maserati and "build" a car. At the end of the ad they should have shown couple second blip saying "Starting at 66K", that would have paid major dividends IMO.
Quote: BeardgoatHuh? Tebow might be the most overhyped player ever since Brian Bosowrth
You wanna talk hype? This gay guy Michael Sam hasn't played a single NFL game, yet the media can't stop fawning over him. And unlike Sam, Tim Tebow was a Heisman Trophy winner coming out of college.
Quote: BeardgoatA gay football player is pretty big news
You're missing the point. Numerous people in the media are vigorously defending him for being gay, yet these same people did NOT vigorously defend Tebow for being Christian. That's the hypocrisy I was talking about earlier.
Quote: Beethoven9thThis sports reporter will vigorously defend a gay football player (Michael Sam), yet I don't recall him defending Tim Tebow with the same fervor. Typical lib hypocrisy.
Did Tebow need to be defended? He got plenty of opportunities to show that he was not capable of playing in the NFL.
Personally, I think that Sam will get his shot (drafted or not, he will be in a camp and get a chance to make a team). The only question is whether he is capable of playing in the NFL. He is not going to be able to play DE in the NFL. If he is fast enough he might have a chance to play OLB. I think his draft fate will come down to his 40 time at the combine. If he is fast enough to play LB I think he might go in the 3rd or 4th round. If not he will either be a 7th rounder or be in someone's camp as an undrafted FA.
His SEC defensive player of the year award is meaningless; just because someone is a great college player does not mean that he can play in the NFL. The games are not the same.
I don't particularly care about his sexuality; I only care if he can help an NFL team win games. The NFL is the ultimate meritocracy; there is no room for quotas or affirmative action. Either he's good enough or he isn't. The pressure to win is just too high -- if he is good enough someone will take him.
Completely missed my point. Please reread my initial post. (And my previous post)Quote: AxiomOfChoiceDid Tebow need to be defended? He got plenty of opportunities to show that he was not capable of playing in the NFL.
No. No, they didn't. (Now you're getting my point)Quote: BeardgoatNobody defended Tebow for being Christian?
And definitely not the doofus who came out swinging in defense of Sam.
Quote: Beethoven9thCompletely missed my point. Please reread my initial post. (And my previous post)
Christianity in the NFL is the status quo. It need not be defended. I would suspect that 80% of players or more would identify as christian.
Quote: AxiomOfChoiceChristianity in the NFL is the status quo. It need not be defended.
Boy, where were you the past few years? A quick google search will show all the anti-Christian comments Tebow had to deal with.
I'm pretty sure the bottom line is you just don't agree with the reporters opinion that gay men should be treated fairly and not discriminated against