Quote: darkozIt will stop this COVID-19 fiasco.
It might do a lot of things, but stopping COVID is not one of them.
Okay so you got 1300 shares around $3. $3900. worth. And today 5000 at $4.50 which is $22,500. You say you have spent $45,000. on this stock? That means I assume then that your average basis is higher than the $4.50 it is at now. Happens. I am holding a very small amount of GE at a loss too, and then I averaged in more shares at $6. not long ago to lower my basis considerably.
Wishing you luck. $45K is a lot to put into a penny stock though.
Quote: MDawg
Wishing you luck. $45K is a lot to put into a penny stock though.
I put $1000 in this stock and am nervous. I once had about a million shares of a penny stock at an option price of $0.03. The stock went up to $0.49 right before they filed bankruptcy and went to zero. I lost out on about a half million dollars in that one.
What's ironic in a way is that when these types of companies go bust such as the way you describe, even the ones who are short lose money because there are no shares available to buy to cover, or the stock itself stops trading.
Quote: MDawgWell losing out on a $500K in potential paper profit is bad - yes - but it's not as bad as losing a half million invested. How much actual did you lose?
What's ironic in a way is that when these types of companies go bust such as the way you describe, even the ones who are short lose money because there are no shares available to buy to cover, or the stock itself stops trading.
Fortunately, I didn't lose anything. These were vested employee stock options. What I learned was not to believe anything that a penny stock company shares unless it is audited.
Yes exactly. All they do is put out releases, word for word, to the "newswires" and it always sounds good. Now, when you start seeing the regular news reporting on the news, and not word for word, it might tend to mean something.
Quote: MDawgTypically these types of companies take a drug that may or may not have worked for something else, repackage it, and then hype it as a cure for something entirely different. There are scores of penny stock "biotech" firms that have done the same, and almost all of them end up de-listed.
Okay so you got 1300 shares around $3. $3900. worth. And today 5000 at $4.50 which is $22,500. You say you have spent $45,000. on this stock? That means I assume then that your average basis is higher than the $4.50 it is at now. Happens. I am holding a very small amount of GE at a loss too, and then I averaged in more shares at $6. not long ago to lower my basis considerably.
Wishing you luck. $45K is a lot to put into a penny stock though.
There were a few buys in between but yeah $45,000 invested
Quote: rsactuaryIt might do a lot of things, but stopping COVID is not one of them.
And you base this on?
Quote: darkozAnd you base this on?
Outside of reading badly written press releases, what makes you think this will work? What, in your extensive research, does this drug offer and why aren't any doctors discussing it? Yahoo had an article on twenty bio firms that might be good plays but didn't mention this.
Why do you think everyone is downplaying this game-changer?
Quote: billryanOutside of reading badly written press releases, what makes you think this will work? What, in your extensive research, does this drug offer and why aren't any doctors discussing it? Yahoo had an article on twenty bio firms that might be good plays but didn't mention this.
Why do you think everyone is downplaying this game-changer?
Well here is a video mashup of doctors and patients discussing it.
BTW Pro-140 is it's compound name when you hear that used. It's still Leronlimab.
There is only one HIV drug being currently tested on Covid-19 so Trump is most likely talking about us.
(Non-political statement here, this is Trump discussing a covid cure)
EDIT: Since Trump is in the video (discussing a covid cure) I deleted it from the post so I don't get suspended) If you are interested in who is talking about Leronlimab doctors and patients go to YouTube with that link
I got 10,000 shares at average of $3.90
Quote: darkozMDawg
I got 10,000 shares at average of $3.90
Fees included?
I don't know if things have changed, but brokers used to make 50% commisions on pink sheet sales. It's the only way to get anyone interested in selling , what for the most part are, steaming piles of turds. Going back to the Statton days, I know a lot of people who got rich selling pink sheet stocks. I cant think of anyone I know who got rich buying them.
An old joke- How do you become a millionaire playing pink sheets? The answer is start out a multi-millionaire.
Quote: billryanFees included?
I don't know if things have changed, but brokers used to make 50% commisions on pink sheet sales. It's the only way to get anyone interested in selling , what for the most part are, steaming piles of turds. Going back to the Statton days, I know a lot of people who got rich selling pink sheet stocks. I cant think of anyone I know who got rich buying them.
An old joke- How do you become a millionaire playing pink sheets? The answer is start out a multi-millionaire.
I'm using Merrill Edge app.
Beats me how the fees work but when price goes up $3.90 I make $39,000 ($10,000 shares @$3.90)
Quote: darkozI'm using Merrill Edge app.
Beats me how the fees work but when price goes up $1 I make $3900. When it goes down $1 I lose $3900
That doesn't make sense.
If you own 10,000 share, a $1 shift either way is $10,000
Quote: billryanThat doesn't make sense.
If you own 10,000 share, a $1 shift either way is $10,000
Yeah sorry just corrected the post
But there seems to be a lot of questions about that, including very small studies and the virus work being done in only 2 months.
Even if they did, it's still going to take a very long time to make enough of the vaccine and get it to people all over the world. Therapeutics will still have a viable role for a long time, which will hopefully at least limit the deaths and help to reduce long term problems due to COVID-19.
I lost a lot today, but I'm holding and expect to see them rise again, and quite soon.
Quote: darkozAnd you base this on?
It's not a vaccine, for one. It will help sick people recover faster. That's not stopping a disease dead in its tracks. Even a vaccine is not going to stop this dead in its tracks because too many people won't take the vaccine.
Quote: rsactuaryIt's not a vaccine, for one. It will help sick people recover faster. That's not stopping a disease dead in its tracks. Even a vaccine is not going to stop this dead in its tracks because too many people won't take the vaccine.
It's finished clinical trials on mild/moderate Covid-19 patients.
If approved anyone with covid symptoms would go to the hospital, get the injection, go home.
No more hospitalization because the treatment makes you better before it gets to that level.
Once there is no more hospitalization and no more death from Covid-19 we can go back to life pre-pandemic.
That's what I mean by ending the Covid-19 situation
Yes, we did and the answers weren't quite straightforward. I do not believe you had two years where you profited $1000000 for yourself from Advantage play. One would have to assumed you have at least a million dollar bankroll if that were the case...unless you have some major leak somewhere. I mean, it's not like you would go from homeless to $1000000 a year, there certainly would have had to be some 300k, 200k, five hundred thousand a year leading up to that.Quote: darkozI have had this conversation over at Vegas casino forum.
There are always setbacks so while I make about $20,000 a week I don't make it every week.
Latest setback for example. Four months of casinos closed.
Often the money I pull out goes into another operation and that operation goes south.
And of course there is the infamous robbery last year.
The Monticello Casino closed on me (a major operation I sorely miss)
But when things go smoothly I am pulling in about twenty a week. But not necessarily a million a year
Especially since there's no reason to save money with Geico when you save all that money riding the bus.
From my understanding you don't own your own place, you rent a small apartment?
Perhaps you have a bunch of exotic pets in there?
Perhaps you have a million dollar Star Wars/ wizard of Oz collection?
Quote: AxelWolfYes, we did and the answers weren't quite straightforward. I do not believe you had two years where you profited $1000000 for yourself from Advantage play. One would have assumed you have at least a million dollar bankroll if that were the case...unless you have some major leak somewhere. I mean it's not like you would go from homeless to $1000000 a year there certainly would have had to be some 300k, 200k, five hundred thousand a year leading up to that.
Especially since there's no reason to save money with Geico when you save all that money riding the bus.
If I say I make $20,000 a week but not every week I don't know why you keep insisting I claim to make a million a year.
If a lawyer says he makes $400 an hour do you multiply $400 by 24 hours and then keep challenging him to prove he makes $16,000 a day?

Friend of yours?
Dark, as far as that $45K, you'd have been better off buying TSLA. If you'd bot it yesterday as I do daily, both trading and long term, you'd be up a hundred points just from yesterday alone...not to mention the staggering gain on the stock in the last year. I'm looking at a 8 to 9 bagger on my long term shares, and I make money trading additional shares of TSLA every time I trade it.
It's not always what you say, it's how you make it sound.
There's a big difference in saying I make $20,000 a week VS. I made $20,000 this week.
Having a $20,000 or even a $50,000 week, day or hour is meaningless what really matters is what you make in an average year. For a professional gambler it's pretty important what you have in your bank roll/ saved. Anything can change or anything can happen(such as Covid). It's obviously a good idea to know many different aspects of Advantage Play and always be able to adapt since things can change rapidly.
For some reason Dark keeps saying "I make $20,000 a week." The operative word being "A" - when he puts that defining term in there - the indefinite article - he is saying that he makes $20,000. PER week.
For a claimed writer, this sort of precision is assumed - it is assumed that he knows what he is saying. Also, he KEEPS saying that he makes "$20,000. a week" he has not let up on that exact phrase.
If he means to say that he made $20,000 LAST week, then say that. Saying "I make $20,000. a week" means just that.
For example in my stock trading, my minimum goal is $1000. per day. Some days I make a lot more, but if I said "I make $1000. a day" the meaning is clear. I wouldn't even say that though, because some days I don't even trade, and I make 0 at trading.
But I would be surprised if anyone with mostly cash income would announce that figure in public.
Quote: MDawgI have to agree with Axel on this one.
For some reason Dark keeps saying "I make $20,000 a week." The operative word being "A" - when he puts that defining term in there - the indefinite article - he is saying that he makes $20,000. PER week.
For a claimed writer, this sort of precision is assumed - it is assumed that he knows what he is saying. Also, he KEEPS saying that he makes "$20,000. a week" he has not let up on that exact phrase.
If he means to say that he made $20,000 LAST week, then say that. Saying "I make $20,000. a week" means just that.
For example in my stock trading, my minimum goal is $1000. per day. Some days I make a lot more, but if I said "I make $1000. a day" the meaning is clear. I wouldn't even say that though, because some days I don't even trade, and I make 0 at trading.
I made $20,000+ every week of July and August to date, six weeks running. I have currently made for myself over $100,000 (about $20,000 on expenses) in the last six weeks of AP
For the prior four months I made zero per week due to the shutdown.
I have had similar situations where operations have been uncovered after weeks or months of making an average of $20,000 per week and suddenly I wasn't making anything or was making substantially less until I had another operation set up.
And in some of those situations even suffered setbacks (money lost due to operation shutdown sometimes worth several weeks income)
I really don't get why this is difficult for you guys to understand
Quote: gamerfreakDarkoz could clear this all up by saying what he earned in 2019.
But I would be surprised if anyone with mostly cash income would announce that figure in public.
You would be correct!
However I will state that I had to file $249,000 spread over 42 different W2G's for 2019.
Quote: darkozIf I say I make $20,000 a week but not every week I don't know why you keep insisting I claim to make a million a year.
If a lawyer says he makes $400 an hour do you multiply $400 by 24 hours and then keep challenging him to prove he makes $16,000 a day?
Then you should have said "I often make $20k a week." When you say "I make $20k a week" the implication is that is your average week. We all know that an AP does not make the same amount week to week, let alone day to day or year to year. I've had 30 weeks last year I 'made' $20k+in the stock market. But my overall 'make' was $500k after the losing weeks are factored in, and weeks I made less than $20k. I would never say I make $20k a week in the market.
Quote: SOOPOOThen you should have said "I often make $20k a week." When you say "I make $20k a week" the implication is that is your average week. We all know that an AP does not make the same amount week to week, let alone day to day or year to year. I've had 30 weeks last year I 'made' $20k+in the stock market. But my overall 'make' was $500k after the losing weeks are factored in, and weeks I made less than $20k. I would never say I make $20k a week in the market.
So you believe a lawyer who makes $400 an hour is lying?
That lawyer should announce to everyone"I make $400 an hour but to be clear I don't work every hour of the day so in reality I only make about $50 an hour!"
Quote: darkozSo you believe a lawyer who makes $400 an hour is lying?
That lawyer should announce to everyone"I make $400 an hour but to be clear I don't work every hour of the day so in reality I only make about $50 an hour!"
It is amazing the simple concepts that you just don't get. I'll be real clear here.....
If a lawyer says he makes $400 an hour, EVERYONE will understand what he means. And what he means is that PER HOUR worked he makes $400. NO ONE will think he means $400 x 24 per day. NO ONE!
If someone says they make $20k a week, EVERYONE will think they make ON AVERAGE $20k per week. NO ONE will think if someone says they make $20k a week that they make $20k a week SOME weeks!
Maybe I'll be suspended.... but it is nearly inconceivable to me that you cannot understand these simple ideas....
Edit.... No more non Leronlimab discussion for me in this thread.
I make about $2,000 an hour consistently.
I work from 2-4 hours per day.
And no, not every day of the week.
Usually that amounts to $20,000 a week.
And no not every week.
TO BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR if I wanted to say I made a million dollars a year I would just say so. I would not say to the forum I make $20,000 a week so please do your multiplying for the year.
No, I would just be straightforward and say I make a million a year.
Clearly (apparently not clear enough) I said how much I make a week because I don't make it every week and therefore not a million a year.
But trust me I make it enough weeks consistently that it's not a once in a while situation.
But to be clear not a million a year because not every week.
Have I been clear enough?
Quote: gordonm888seems a bit P.T. Barnum-ish.
That is what most pink sheet stocks are. P.T. Barnum would be proud.
Quote: gordonm888Am I the only person who objects to the word "cure" in the title of this thread? My impression is that Leronlimnab, if it works, is a treatment for reducing the worst inflammation caused by covid. Using the word "cure" seems a bit P.T. Barnum-ish.
I accept blame for that.
I was trying to impart a "cure" to the overall crisis we face.
If the mods want to change the title I am fine with that. It wasn't my intention to mislead
Quote: darkozI accept blame for that.
I was trying to impart a "cure" to the overall crisis we face.
If the mods want to change the title I am fine with that. It wasn't my intention to mislead
So you started a thread about an unknown drug that is being pushed by shady people being the best thing since sliced beer, how it was going to cure multiple diseases that no other medicine does, but you didn't intend to mislead?
Quote: billryanSo you started a thread about an unknown drug that is being pushed by shady people being the best thing since sliced beer, how it was going to cure multiple diseases that no other medicine does, but you didn't intend to mislead?
Really Bill????????
You have done zero research.
This drug has been under study by the FDA for five friggin years.
You must be accusing the FDA of malfeasance? Is that your accusation?????
You saying the FDA doesn't know grape juice????
Bruce Patterson (https://news.stanford.edu/news/2004/june16/med-appointment-616.html) is an award winning doctor on virology and HIV in particular and associate professor at Stanford University and you say you know more than he does????????????
Charlie Sheen has been taking Leronlimab for four years now for his HIV with zero side effects and you are calling Charlie Sheen a liar???????
You promote honesty on here well be honest Bill answer those questions
Quote: darkoz
Charlie Sheen has been taking Leronlimab for four years now for his HIV with zero side effects and you are calling Charlie Sheen a liar???????
Maybe not the best example to use. His reputation is not perfect.
Quote: darkoz
Charlie Sheen has been taking Leronlimab for four years now for his HIV with zero side effects and you are calling Charlie Sheen a liar???????
Samantha Motett is a liar Bill????
Dr. Otto Yang of UCLA is a liar Bill?????
Charlie Sheen is lying Bill????
This girl is lying that Leronlimab helped her, Bill?????
Dr. Drew and Dr. Yogendra are lying Bill?????
I should not be singling you out specifically.
I just can't understand how it's possible that a drug undergoing FDA trials with five years of published data behind it and testimonials by people including medical staff of UCLa and Stamford is being labeled a hoax and scam by forum members.
Attack the science
I have to laugh. Now all you guys can do is attack Charlie Sheen character.
There is a drug finishing up Covid-19 trials and everyone here doesn't believe it even though they can look it up for themselves.
I'm just shaking my head at the refusal to do due diligence.
Quote: RogerKintThat might be the funniest stream of posts I've ever read here.
Hoisted on his own petard?
In any case, cutting through the differing semantics, I'd say that if DarkOz really thinks that grossing $20K in a given week is the same as making $20K a week, that he also probably has an imprecise idea of his expenses. He's described literally hundreds of people who work for him - given that kind of overhead I'd assume that even if he is grossing six figures in a given year, that he's personally barely netting a hundred grand. Maybe not even that.
In any case, he hasn't given us any clear idea of what he grosses on an annual basis or what his expenses are, beyond this "I make $20,000. a week" statement. He has no obligation to clear any of this up, other than that he opened up the can of worms himself.
Anyway, Dark was that you trying to dump 5000 shares at 4.15 after you said you bought them hours earlier at 4.50?