Quote: billryanIf a business opens prematurely and it ends up his employees get sick, they deserve to get sued.
Key word being prematurely. Who is going to decide what constitutes prematurely?
Quote: VegasriderHas anyone had any luck robbing a bank wearing the mask, sunglasses and hat?
Drive-thru banks now. Do I need ID for this?
Quote: unJonThe world has managed to vaccinate for past diseases without a chip tracking system.
Kind of like they were able to handle past diseases without shutting down the country. What do you do with the people who don't want to be vaccinated?
Quote: TDVegasKey word being prematurely. Who is going to decide what constitutes prematurely?
If opening up puts your employees at risk, it is premature.
Quote: billryanKind of like they were able to handle past diseases without shutting down the country. What do you do with the people who don't want to be vaccinated?
Vaccinations for kids is mandatory isn't it? you can't attend school of you don't got your shots?
Doesn't the law or child services get involved at some point?
Quote: TDVegas
I can’t imagine what restrictions will be in place once we re-open other than to say there’s going to be a LOT of displeased people whatever is mandated.
There will be people that are displeased for sure, that is and will always be inevitable. However, the key is that the people will be allowed to be there In order to be displeased, which is a much needed step in the right direction.
Quote: billryanIf opening up puts your employees at risk, it is premature.
Those employees have been at risk of second hand smoke for decades when the medical studies indicated a strong connection between exposure and health problems....even death.
We turned our back on those concerns.
The hypocrisy is astounding as we told them “don’t like the risk...quit and find another job”.....
As we still left smoking in the casino environment an ok thing. There is no “all clear” in the casino. Never has been.
Quote: billryanIf a business opens prematurely and it ends up his employees get sick, they deserve to get sued.
So IOW you do not want anyone to open again, ever?
The casinos will be protected from lawsuit's by pointing to that.
Unless they ignore health protocol set at the time of course
Quote: darkozVaccinations for kids is mandatory isn't it? you can't attend school of you don't got your shots?
Doesn't the law or child services get involved at some point?
I'm not against mandatory vaccines. I'm concerned on how we will be able to track those who choose not to.
One of the Bundys is organizing an Easter celebration in Idaho that they are hoping will attract 3,000. People with CV19 are invited, because the organizers want to show that the virus is not to be feared. Who is going to see to it that those people get vaccinated?
Who is going to keep them from going to casinos?
Last week I booked a room for May 20th at The Cosmopolitan. But that doesn’t mean it will actually be open...I’ll be kind of surprised if it is. Hope soQuote: YoyomamaJust got off the phone with Aria reservations. They are booking reservations now for rooms available starting May 1st. Casino will also be open
I have no idea how long it takes to reopen. But I’m guessing it would take at least a week after the decision is made to actually be up and running
Quote: TigerWuIf they really wanted to, the government can already track someone's every move.
I don't believe that at all.
Quote: darkozVaccinations for kids is mandatory isn't it? you can't attend school of you don't got your shots?
Doesn't the law or child services get involved at some point?
I believe almost every state (because of lawsuits) have exemptions for religious or "philosophical" objections. It's kind of BS...as many religious groups have simply sued state and local schools to allow their children to attend without vaccination. They essentially put everyone at risk....and frankly, they don't care.
I was in public elementary school in the 1970's and my understanding back then is you either had your shots or you were not allowed to attend. Home schooling wasn't big back then. My guess is if your kid didn't go to school...child welfare services showed up at your door with an edict of vaccination, prove you are home schooling or "we intervene".
So, picture Vegas without shows, without conventions and without sports betting. And without the Las Vegas Raiders. For longer than a year.
Not all the hotels and casinos are going to survive.
And Vegas is a mill town. Entertainment is the industry that was first to close and will be last to open.
Might it be the 'End of Days' for Vegas?
Quote: DRichI don't believe that at all.
Why not? Just tap the phones and computers and put a couple guys on stakeout, following them wherever they go. The government tracks mafia guys and criminals all the time.
Quote: billryan
One of the Bundys is organizing an Easter celebration in Idaho that they are hoping will attract 3,000. People with CV19 are invited, because the organizers want to show that the virus is not to be feared.
I read that somewhere this morning. That's insane.
Quote: DRichI don't believe that at all.
If you have a cell phone or drive a modern car, they can find your location.
Quote: TigerWuWhy not? Just tap the phones and computers and put a couple guys on stakeout, following them wherever they go. The government tracks mafia guys and criminals all the time.
There is no doubt they could track individuals but how would they track everyone. Leave your phone at home and walk to your destination.

Quote: billryan
One of the Bundys is organizing an Easter celebration in Idaho that they are hoping will attract 3,000. People with CV19 are invited, because the organizers want to show that the virus is not to be feared.
This is what's known as "thinning the herd."
Quote: sevencard2003Ted Bundy's relatives? i dont know anyone else named Bundy
I assume it’s the Cliven Bundy family of the BLM dispute and the Oregon Preserve takeover.
Nut case 1 thru 7.
Quote: billryanI'm not against mandatory vaccines. I'm concerned on how we will be able to track those who choose not to.
One of the Bundys is organizing an Easter celebration in Idaho that they are hoping will attract 3,000. People with CV19 are invited, because the organizers want to show that the virus is not to be feared. Who is going to see to it that those people get vaccinated?
Who is going to keep them from going to casinos?
Again, using a chip is not the right response. You could give an ID card instead. Or a million other things.
But at the end of the day, people that get the vaccination do not have to worry about getting sick from people without that vaccination.
Quote: billryanKind of like they were able to handle past diseases without shutting down the country. What do you do with the people who don't want to be vaccinated?
No. Not kind of like that at all. Total non-sequitur.
Quote: TigerWuFYI, casinos in Macau are open, but apparently they're ghost towns. Interestingly, as of a week ago Macau only claimed 41 cases of the virus and no deaths.
Yes, those citizens tend to take orders to stay home seriously. I wouldn't want to be shot either.
I don't see how this progresses.
Firstly, just working at Walmart doesn't mean it was contracted there. That will have to be proven and I don't see how. He could have caught it on the bus to work or the gas station filling up his tank. Anywhere he had contact with humans
Secondly, if this is allowed to move forward it opens business across the nation to hundreds of thousands if not millions of lawsuit's.
Finally, Walmart remains open as an essential business by the state so they probably have that to fall back on
As for casinos, this is another reason they can't open Willy nilly. They need to be certain no one is going to lib suits against them
Quote: gordonm888
Not all the hotels and casinos are going to survive.
Sad but true.
In the long run, I do think this may actually help enhance the facilities that survive and will likely help the locals facilities due to a less saturated market once all gets back to normal down the road. It will allow for a more player/guest centric approach again, which many have though has decreased over the years primarily due to the incredibly competitive market.
Quote: gordonm888
Might it be the 'End of Days' for Vegas?
I don’t think so. Eventually all will get back to normal. It may be scaled down for a bit, but it will get back to “normal”.
Quote: AceCrAAckersDoes anyone see an army of lawyers waiting in the wings waiting to sue everyone?
My client got the virus because he was in an unsafe environment( casino, theaters, buffets, cruises etc...). These slime balls will come out of the woodworks for a quick bucks.
Waiting? It has already started. Inner city Dollar General worker.... "I was forced to work in unsafe conditions and got COVID. Passed it to my mother who died. Suing for $100,000,000." Predicted by my wife before it happened.....
Quote: SOOPOOWaiting? It has already started. Inner city Dollar General worker.... "I was forced to work in unsafe conditions and got COVID. Passed it to my mother who died. Suing for $100,000,000." Predicted by my wife before it happened.....
We will probably see a shield law, similar to the Fast Food Industry who was threatened lawsuits by lumps who blamed their fat on them.
We will need it.
Quote: standbymymanQuote: TigerWuFYI, casinos in Macau are open, but apparently they're ghost towns. Interestingly, as of a week ago Macau only claimed 41 cases of the virus and no deaths.
Yes, those citizens tend to take orders to stay home seriously. I wouldn't want to be shot either.
As the playbook is being developed for future viruses....it's likely what Bill Gates advocates is the way to go. A short term lock down of everything country wide....commerce, travel, quarantine. If that means cops and national guard out with bamboo sticks cracking knees...so be it.
Quote: darkozWalmart first to be hit with Coronavirus wrongful death lawsuit
I bet Walmart is in the midst of a thousand lawsuits on any given day. This is probably business as usual for their army of lawyers.
Three week total at over 16 million
Quote: darkozAn additional 6.6 million out of work this week.
Three week total at over 16 million
The ramifications will continue to grow as each day goes by. Hearing a lot of folks out here concerned about the day their corporate health insurance cuts out.
Very easy to say stay home for Nevada. The implementation has drastic consequences beyond just the virus as each day goes by.
Quote: jjjooogggA welder from an auto plant said that his unemployment has not come back. He has been out of work for a month. I wonder if many are not getting unemployment because of too many applicants
Too many applications, and not enough employees showing up to process all of those claims.
We need to open the country up sooner rather than later.
Quote: jjjooogggA welder from an auto plant said that his unemployment has not come back. He has been out of work for a month. I wonder if many are not getting unemployment because of too many applicants
It's crazy in states like NY where a phone interview is required as a part of the process. Ssn ends in 9? Apply Wednesday. Can't get through Wednesday? Oh well, try next week.
They say "Rest assured that we have not laid off any of our Team Members and look forward to welcoming our Guests and Team Members alike, as soon as we are allowed to do so."
Quote: sevencard2003most wont be worried about the vaccine. nothing bad about a vaccine. its Bill Gates's plan to include a microchip under the skin and an ID along with the vaccine thats intrinsically evil. this is the mark of the beast talked about for the last 2000 years that permanently seperates man forever from God and seals his damnation.
without this included alongside the vaccine. id get the vaccine, but with it included no way in hell. Bill Gates is as evil or more so, than Soros.
Wow. A man that gives away billions of dollars for good causes is worse than Soros. Lol
Quote: SOOPOOBefore all this... my hospital required a flu vaccine for all workers in clinical areas. You needed documentation, which you would provide to HR. HR would give you a sticker to display on your ID badge. If you chose NOT to get the vaccine you had to wear a mask your entire shift. You'd see around a dozen workers throughout the hospital in masks.
Yeah, my gf's old hospital might have done similar. Her current hospital said, "You don't get it, you're fired."
Quote: YoyomamaJust got off the phone with Aria reservations. They are booking reservations now for rooms available starting May 1st. Casino will also be open. Buffet and shows will be closed til June 1st. I'm from upstate NY (300 miles from NYC) and would like to celebrate my birthday there mid May. Let me know if that changes!! Thank you.
I would bet the governor will change the dates. Mid May is doubtful, imo.
Quote: darkozWalmart first to be hit with Coronavirus wrongful death lawsuit
I don't see how this progresses.
Firstly, just working at Walmart doesn't mean it was contracted there. That will have to be proven and I don't see how. He could have caught it on the bus to work or the gas station filling up his tank. Anywhere he had contact with humans
Secondly, if this is allowed to move forward it opens business across the nation to hundreds of thousands if not millions of lawsuit's.
Finally, Walmart remains open as an essential business by the state so they probably have that to fall back on
As for casinos, this is another reason they can't open Willy nilly. They need to be certain no one is going to lib suits against them
I'm 5.4 miles from that Walmart. Never visited it.
Quote:It’s 18th day of self-isolation and it’s like Vegas in my house. I’m losing money by the minute, cocktails are acceptable at any hour and I have no idea what time it is. I’ve spent two weeks with myself and I’m so sorry to every person I have ever spent time with.Turns out my top three hobbies are: 1) eating at restaurants, 2) going to nonessential businesses and 3) touching my face.Mom always told me I’d never amount to anything lying on the sofa. Yet here I am, saving the world.I feel like I’m 16 again. Gas is cheap and I’m grounded.
I would love a source for this. Apologies to anyone if it is from your pen. Passed to me without attribution.
Quote: tringlomaneWow. A man that gives away billions of dollars for good causes is worse than Soros. Lol
Seems to be an image problem here. Maybe he should try giving shiny new dimes to children.
Quote: unJonAgain, using a chip is not the right response. You could give an ID card instead. Or a million other things.
For a document, you could use a special edition dollar bill. No document will have a better anti-counterfeiting option. Print "Not for legal tender" on both sides in big letters. If you get one you have proof of vaccination.
We do special edition coins, so I see no reason for bills being excluded.
You don't even need to make a database once you have these. You might need to print a few more unusual things on them making them unique, like unique serial number, image.
If it gets stolen, you'll just have to go get vaccinated again and then be more careful.
Quote: billryanIf a business opens prematurely and it ends up his employees get sick, they deserve to get sued.
Keep everything closed indefinitely. Better safe than to be sued. Don't worry about the fact that people need to work to pay for rent, food, etc....
Like I said, lawyers are busy trying to figure who they will need to sue to get $$$$$.
Quote: SOOPOOWaiting? It has already started. Inner city Dollar General worker.... "I was forced to work in unsafe conditions and got COVID. Passed it to my mother who died. Suing for $100,000,000." Predicted by my wife before it happened.....
Never let a great crisis go to waste.
People are 3 things.
1. Stupid
2. Greedy
3. Lazy
Anything made to cater to any of these things will make money. Example, lazy so we have remote control. Lazy so Blockbuster is bankrupt but Netflix thrives.
Greedy, that is why there are way too much frivolos lawsuits.
Stupid, that is why we are killing our economy and running around like a chicken with out heads cut off asking the government for a bailout.