week, it's all out of stock now.
Quote: EvenBobGlad I ordered the food from Target last
week, it's all out of stock now.
I thought you had a year of things in the pantry?
Quote: billryanA roll a week per person seems pretty high. Especially when one makes an effort to conserve it.
I used to be in low-level management for a janitorial company for businesses. With that experience, I can say the women's bathrooms would go through much more toilet paper than the men's. Women also kept their bathrooms much cleaner. This was at businesses that had close to a 50/50 ratio of men and women.
Quote: AZDuffmanI thought you had a year of things in the pantry?
Some things I'm short on. And you
can't keep acidic things like canned
tomatoes and green beans much
beyond the sell by date, they go
bad and the can leaks. I only have a
few months of those on hand.
I don't know what you mean by 'much beyond the sell by date'. What canned food has a sell by date?Quote: EvenBob... And you
can't keep acidic things like canned
tomatoes and green beans much
beyond the sell by date, they go
bad and the can leaks.
This week, I ate a can of chopped tomatoes BBE June 2017. They were fine.
I generally estimate the life expectancy of food as (BBE - date of purchase) and then happily triple it.
Acidics like tomatoes tend to have shorter life, but 5 years is typically OK. Obviously popped cans get dumped. Not dumped one yet.
Quote: OnceDearI ate a can of chopped tomatoes BBE June 2017. They were fine.
Wow, lucky you, alert the press! I
forgot you have to be ultra
specific here or somebody won't
get it. As a GUIDELINE, some
canned veggies don't keep as
well as others and should not
be kept too long after the
EXP date. But you keep yours
for years, I couldn't care less.
No TP stocked, and shelves looked picked through, but most every kind of food was available. Signs limiting to 2 of most things. I accidentally had 4 cans of corn and the register started some siren like sound! My wife is addicted to Diet Pepsi in the 12 ounce cans. I think we have 8 12 packs now....
I have lost a bunch of weight during this event, Good I think. I'm definitely eating healthier.
Wife's dental practice was at two offices. One will be closing, and the other one will be at 1/2 capacity. Owner laid off many employees so they will now be eligible for unemployment insurance payments. I feel so sad for these hard working people.
Quote: LovecompsOne thing that seems to have been overlooked (and not everyone needs it) is pet food and kitty litter. My store had plenty of it.
That was first on my mind. I spend more on pet food than on myself. About an hour ago I stopped at the market to see how it was doing. I bought some extra Milk Bones and cat litter. Can never have too much Milk Bones and cat litter.
I did change one thing, though, I used to give the dogs and cats bottled water, now they're getting tap water until this thing is over. I am drinking the bottled water. And they go to their water bowl and take smaller drinks than they did before. Like they're saying, "What's this sh*t?"
Quote: bobbartop
I used to give the dogs and cats bottled water,
Jaw on floor..
Quote: OnceDearI don't know what you mean by 'much beyond the sell by date'. What canned food has a sell by date?
Plenty have a use-by date in my pantry.
In the UK, cans have 'Best before' dates (BBE) .Quote: AZDuffmanPlenty have a use-by date in my pantry.
'Use by' dates are only on certain perishable goods like live yogurts, meat, tv dinners. Never seen 'Use By' date on a can.
Very rarely see 'sell by' dates here.
Most cans have best before dates only to assist stores in stock rotation. They are almost universally irrelevant.
Maybe the US does things differently.
Quote: OnceDear
Very rarely see 'sell by' dates here.
Meat and dairy have sell by
dates, canned stuff has best
if used by dates.
Quote: SOOPOOI went to nearby Wegman's to pick up prescriptions and figured I'd shop as well. Ran into ex-wife who was buying stuff for her elderly parents. She parked her car TWO MILES AWAY on purpose. She loaded up the small amount of groceries for her parents in a large back pack. And went on the hike for exercise.
She sounds like an amazing woman!
Quote: OnceDearIn the UK, cans have 'Best before' dates (BBE) .
'Use by' dates are only on certain perishable goods like live yogurts, meat, tv dinners. Never seen 'Use By' date on a can.
Very rarely see 'sell by' dates here.
Most cans have best before dates only to assist stores in stock rotation. They are almost universally irrelevant.
Maybe the US does things differently.
Point is they have a date on them.
Quote: LovecompsOne thing that seems to have been overlooked (and not everyone needs it) is pet food and kitty litter. My store had plenty of it.
At my store, cat litter was picked clean. I had to order on Amazon. We thought to get extra pet food about 2 weeks ago, but we forgot about needing litter.
Basically, this could be a breakdown in the supply chains, transportation of goods, functionality of retail outlets etc. I don't think that is at all likely to happen as long as governments are tracking and alert.
But right now I am seeing shortages in:
Paper Towels
Canned Soups
Canned beans and Diced Tomatos and Ground beef (Chili ingredients)
Peanut Butter
If you want to add to the above, I suggest you cut and paste this list and add your shortage items.
Quote: WizardWhen I was a kid one of my friends was in a devote Mormon family and their garage was full of cans of food. A whole side of the wall was stacked with them. I'm not sure what my point is, but I got the impression at least they thought these cans would never go bad. Then again, maybe they had some kind of rotation going, eating the oldest cans and replacing them with new ones. No particular question, just a stream of thought.
Every Mormon Temple is supposed to have a stock of food for two years, as well as guns and ammo. The book I read said they replace 5% of the food each month, donating it to the poorer members. It's not a well known event but the Mormon nation took on the U.S. Army and more than held their own.
Just in: Norwegians being fined $2,000 for ignoring quarantine.
Quote: Wizardmaybe they had some kind of rotation going
A Moron fam was next to me
in Calif. They were totally into
rotation, they had it down to
a science.

EEK. An improvised explosive device. One for the ammo store.Quote: jjjoooggg
Do not compromise your nutritional status when you are facing a possible threat. Temporary disruptions in the supply chain will not last. Aldi has reached out to service workers displaced by bar and restaurant closures announcing Aldi is hiring large numbers of restockers, crowd control and sanitation workers.Quote: billryanI'd been drinking 8-10 a day but am cutting down until it's easily available again.
Quote: WizardWhen I was a kid one of my friends was in a devote Mormon family and their garage was full of cans of food. A whole side of the wall was stacked with them. I'm not sure what my point is, but I got the impression at least they thought these cans would never go bad. Then again, maybe they had some kind of rotation going, eating the oldest cans and replacing them with new ones. No particular question, just a stream of thought.
Most people in the prepping lifestyle except when they very first start do some sort of rotation. The same concept is used by the extreme couponers who call it a "stockpile." Buy what is on sale, stock up, eat from the stockpile. FWIW grocery stores do not formally rotate their canned non perishables. They sell out enough that it does not matter.
Quote: rdw4potusWalmart, Target, grocery store are all curtailing hours and establishing a special time for seniors and other at-risk people to shop. The special hour is not on Wednesday in any case I can find. Maybe a furloughed casino employee can get a consulting contract with Kroger/Smiths and tell them what day social security pays on...
I had no idea Social Security always paid on a Wednesday. I just assumed it was the same date each month.
Quote: DRichI had no idea Social Security always paid on a Wednesday. I just assumed it was the same date each month.
Always Wednesday. Which Wednesday depends on what quarter you're born in (1st quarter, 1st Wednesday...). The Wednesday payment is why Wednesday is so frequently tied to seniors' promotions at the casino.
I went to get a hair cut yesterday. There was only one worker there. She said she was the only one keeping the place open this week and she may close the store next week. Her other 6 employees (of a chain store) were either 60 years old or older, had kids staying home from school and had to stay home, or some other qualified reason. This business is not an essential business so in other states stores of this franchise were shut down already.
The next county over has over 150 cases today when they only had 15 a couple days ago. More testing is coming. It's a 50% infection rate to testing ratio there. There was a death by a hospital worker there last week, very sudden. Person only lasted from Tuesday to Saturday. He was sent home for quarantine and was tested but had to be readmitted to the hospital. He died hours before the test results came back positive. Not sure an ICU could have saved him.
NYS waives mortgage payments for 90 days in hardship. Fast food on the interstates are take out only.
Tbh, I haven't seen shutdowns like this since the police in Boston were searching for a terrorist on the loose a few years ago.
Minnesota and Vermont classified grocery clerks as essential workers, meaning they can get free childcare.
Shouldn’t they also get free healthcare, better wages, and a union?
Narrator: nobody has N95 masks.
Just in: Maryland governor orders all malls and entertainment venues to close over coronavirus.
Quote: rdw4potusAlways Wednesday. Which Wednesday depends on what quarter you're born in (1st quarter, 1st Wednesday...). The Wednesday payment is why Wednesday is so frequently tied to seniors' promotions at the casino.
So you mean the oldest 25% of people eligible get paid the first week and the youngest 25% get paid the last week? Interesting. My gf's parents thought it was by last name, but I figured they we were wrong because my parents USED to get paid in different weeks. Sigh, been a real crappy year so far.
One good thing about them being electronically deposited is it eliminated the insane lines at the bank when everyone tried to deposit or cash them the same day.
Quote: rdw4potusAlways Wednesday. Which Wednesday depends on what quarter you're born in [(1st quarter, 1st Wednesday...). The Wednesday payment is why Wednesday is so frequently tied to seniors' promotions at the casino.
I don't think that is how the payment date is determined. I was born in February and receive my payment on the 4th Wednesday of the month.
Quote: FatGeezusQuote: rdw4potusAlways Wednesday. Which Wednesday depends on what quarter you're born in [(1st quarter, 1st Wednesday...). The Wednesday payment is why Wednesday is so frequently tied to seniors' promotions at the casino.
I don't think that is how the payment date is determined. I was born in February and receive my payment on the 4th Wednesday of the month.
You're right. It's based on the day of the month that you're born in.
From SSA.gov:
If you were born on the 1st through the 10th of the month, you’ll be paid on the second Wednesday of the month;
If you were born on the 11th through the 20th of the month, you’ll be paid on the third Wednesday of the month; and
If you were born after the 20th of the month, you’ll be paid on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
Hualapai and Flamingo.
No fruit
Only gallons on milk
No meat
No butter
No paper towels
Deli section wiped out
No bread
Plenty of frozen shrimp
Chips/crackers minimal
No eggs
Most dairy gone
Water ok
Gatorade’s ok
Deli counter person said shipments have slowed....they are trying their best to restock but for some reason shipments have slowed. Didn’t know why specifically beyond the basic assumption.
fam of 4 uses 17 two ply rolls of TP
a week. Seems high to me.
My car tires only have 10,000 miles left on them, but they only have 10,000 miles on them and they're 5 years old. They are down to 5/32nds of tread left which is the minimum for snowstorms, and 4/32nds is the minimum for rain slicked roads. I'm considering getting new tires against the advice of someone else in my life who bitched me out for getting a car inspection at a competing garage that told me I needed new brakes. He just doesn't care that the garage said I needed new brakes, he just doesn't want to hear it. He keeps telling me to turn off the cable news when I'm over there, so he couldn't give a sh*t about this national emergency either. Meanwhile the American auto manufacturers shutdown yesterday after I got my brakes replaced.
The governor of NYS just demanded that only 25% of workers show up instead of 50% this week. There could be an 18 month gov't shutdown starting this month at this rate.
State Dept. tells Americans to come home or be stranded outside of the country indefinitely.
Quote: EvenBobSaw a report that said the average
fam of 4 uses 17 two ply rolls of TP
a week. Seems high to me.
That sounds crazy to me. I would guess possible 17 a month.
Quote: DRichThat sounds crazy to me. I would guess possible 17 a month.
Women typically use a lot of TP, way
more than men.
Quote: EvenBobSaw a report that said the average
fam of 4 uses 17 two ply rolls of TP
a week. Seems high to me.
That report is total BS. I grew up in a family of four, two males, two females. No way we went through 17 rolls a week. That's 2 1/2 rolls a day. That's an insane amount of toilet paper.
Quote: TigerWuWater seemed to be one of the first things people hoarded, but now stores seem to be up to their ears in water. Maybe that's indicative of the supply chain catching up, and we'll see the same thing happen with everything else in a week or two.
That report is total BS. I grew up in a family of four, two males, two females. No way we went through 17 rolls a week. That's 2 1/2 rolls a day. That's an insane amount of toilet paper.
As to supply chain I know a guy in trucking and warehousing. He said he is getting killer biz from an outfit that makes food grade glue for cardboard boxes. Something always does well in a crisis.
Quote: AZDuffmanAs to supply chain I know a guy in trucking and warehousing. He said he is getting killer biz from an outfit that makes food grade glue for cardboard boxes. Something always does well in a crisis.
Someone's going to be looking at charts 50 years from now and saying, "why the hell did food grade glue have a 900% increase in revenue in early 2020?"
Quote: ChumpChangeNYS Governor to shutter malls statewide on March 19th at 8pm.
These orders are such garbage. It's like the people making them have never shopped or even been out in general society. What counts as a mall? What happens if an anchor tenant is also a company that is ordered to stay open (target/Walmart/grocery/pharmacy, etc.)? What happens to a restaurant with an outside entrance when an order to close the "enclosed mall" that it's physically attached to is given? What happens when RDW spends 6 hours on hold trying to find these answers?
Quote: ChumpChangeNYS Governor to shutter malls statewide on March 19th at 8pm.
The stores that have their own entrance directly to the outside are allowed to remain open.
Cuomo just now decided only 25% of workforces are allowed to go to an office. Depending on how big the office is I think the 25% is arbitrary.
My son works in an office as one of 6 workers. I texted him assuming he will no longer be working at the office. He said his office has a 'capacity' of 40 so all 6 can show up.
shelves restocked yesterday and
and is rationing almost everything.
Milk, eggs, cheese, paper products,
water, meat, canned goods. For
some reason there was never
a run on liquor.
I bought one of these on Amazon for $35 and have never looked back

It works so ridiculously well that dry TP feels just straight up stupid. I am telling you, it’s a game changer. It has ruined all other cleaning methods for me, and I feel uncomfortably dirty if I only have access to TP.
I’m convinced that dry TP is objectively the worst commercially available solution for butt cleaning.
Quote: rxwineTP must be handmade by little old ladies. I think the shelves of the local store have been bare for 5 days.
In Bisbee, the Safeway stocks TP every night and its gone within two hours of opening. Same with regular milk.The Family Dollar gets restocked once a week for frozen food and its sold out in the same day. People are saying they plan on going to Mexico for staples.
I have enough of everything to last two weeks or so, but am wondering if I should stock up some more.