Quote: rdw4potusThese orders are such garbage. It's like the people making them have never shopped or even been out in general society. What counts as a mall? What happens if an anchor tenant is also a company that is ordered to stay open (target/Walmart/grocery/pharmacy, etc.)? What happens to a restaurant with an outside entrance when an order to close the "enclosed mall" that it's physically attached to is given? What happens when RDW spends 6 hours on hold trying to find these answers?
Restaurants are pick up or delivery only. They may find no need to stay open unless it's fast food.
I'd have to go back to the mall next week to see if Target is still open. It's hard to say. They are in a strip mall.
I would think only grocery stores, pharmacies, and banks have to stay open. You may not even get car repairs or gas soon.
Quote: gamerfreakImpossible to get TP here as well, but I’m not worried about it.
I bought one of these on Amazon for $35 and have never looked back
It works so ridiculously well that dry TP feels just straight up stupid. I am telling you, it’s a game changer. It has ruined all other cleaning methods for me, and I feel uncomfortably dirty if I only have access to TP.
I’m convinced that dry TP is objectively the worst commercially available solution for butt cleaning.
I posted similarly in another thread a week or so ago, but people didn't seem to be too fond of the idea.
I have the same model, and have been using it for 3-4 years.
I'll backup everything you wrote, and add that if you have a septic system this is far better than using all the tissue.
That would also be great in an RV.Quote: HullabalooQuote: gamerfreakImpossible to get TP here as well, but I’m not worried about it.
I bought one of these on Amazon for $35 and have never looked back
It works so ridiculously well that dry TP feels just straight up stupid. I am telling you, it’s a game changer. It has ruined all other cleaning methods for me, and I feel uncomfortably dirty if I only have access to TP.
I’m convinced that dry TP is objectively the worst commercially available solution for butt cleaning.
I posted similarly in another thread a week or so ago, but people didn't seem to be too fond of the idea.
I have the same model, and have been using it for 3-4 years.
I'll backup everything you wrote, and add that if you have a septic system this is far better than using all the tissue.
Quote: ChumpChangeCalifornia Governor is telling Trump that half of California will be infected in 8 weeks. No word if the other half get infected on week 9.
Nevada needs to shut down the borders! California need to be a separate country with their own currency.

The wine inventory was about 40% gone.
Quote: ChumpChange
I went to get a hair cut yesterday. There was only one worker there.
That sounds like a very bad idea. Not just for you, but it sounds like it's bad for everyone. I'm assuming a hairdresser would be one of the most likely people to spread this stuff around.
Just in: California Governor Gavin Newsom issues state-wide order to stay at home.
Now... This will be interestingQuote: ChumpChange
Just in: California Governor Gavin Newsom issues state-wide order to stay at home.
Any California members care to comment?
Quote: OnceDearNow... This will be interesting
Any California members care to comment?
Welcome to the club - I live in the San Francisco area. Ironically, the county with Travis AFB in it - where planes with quarantined passengers coming in from Asia landed - was one of the last ones to declare a "shelter in home" order.
Quote: gamerfreakImpossible to get TP here as well, but I’m not worried about it.
I bought one of these on Amazon for $35 and have never looked back
It works so ridiculously well that dry TP feels just straight up stupid. I am telling you, it’s a game changer. It has ruined all other cleaning methods for me, and I feel uncomfortably dirty if I only have access to TP.
I’m convinced that dry TP is objectively the worst commercially available solution for butt cleaning.
What do you use to dry off after using that ?
Quote: OnceDearNow... This will be interesting
Any California members care to comment?
I might be wrong, but I think you're still allowed to wander around aimlessly by yourself.
Quote: OnceDearNow... This will be interesting
Any California members care to comment?
Only a mild irritation that I don't get to pick up my random junk of the week anymore. Or my weekly burrito out of San Manuel. Those things are good. I'm more annoyed that I ended up with five cruises cancelled.
The shopping is interesting though; there was staff guarding the sole mostly-empty pallet of rice at Costco, limited one per party, and somebody tried to buy it from me in the parking lot. (No, I'm not selling a 17$ bag of rice for 20$ when it's this rare...)
Quote: rxwineI might be wrong, but I think you're still allowed to wander around aimlessly by yourself.
Basically. You're still allowed to mill about outside, just do it away from people.
I've no idea about that but I know the amount of one young man's disability payment and I recall seeing him several years ago buy in at Seminole Immokalee for that amount month after month.Quote: rdw4potusAlways Wednesday.
If you know of other (food) chains doing this feel free to post.
I have bills due to JPM and Amex. I have cash at home that I need to deposit at the bank tomorrow so I can wire payment. Due tomorrow.
As long as JPM and Amex say “no problem”...get it to us when the order is lifted....then I’m good with it.
There are 100’s of scenarios like this that I can lay out. Newsom has made provisions for all this? You are getting to a point where you have to “suspend” life, so to speak, to make this actually work without putting even more undue burdens on the citizens.
I’m on board as long as others are...but shit, I called turbo tax about the July 15 delay....and their operators were clueless. “If you need an extension, call the IRS”....Um, miss, they already declared the delay.....”they did”?
Did they change the tax filing date yet? Last I heard they just extended the date for payment - still had to file 4/15 or file an extension by then.Quote: TDVegasI’m on board as long as others are...but shit, I called turbo tax about the July 15 delay....and their operators were clueless. “If you need an extension, call the IRS”....Um, miss, they already declared the delay.....”they did”?
You can still go out and utilize the businesses that remain open like banks, groceries, etc.
Quote: LoquaciousMoFWDid they change the tax filing date yet? Last I heard they just extended the date for payment - still had to file 4/15 or file an extension by then.
You can still go out and utilize the businesses that remain open like banks, groceries, etc.
Filing date is still April 15. If you owe...you can defer payment until July 15.
I didn't read the fine print on the shelter in place. Thanks.
Same reporter claimed she saw the same dog being walked by a half dozen different people.
The Mayor closed all bars in Tucson so some bar just outside the city line did an advertising blitz to say they were open.
I'm on day six of self imposed exile, although I have ventured out twice to my shop and once to the supermarket.
But did you stock up on 99 cent ribeyes? 😋Quote: billryanIn Italy, you are only supposed to go out to go shopping. Clerks told reporters that people would come in and buy a quart of milk , then return an hour later for a tomato and a third time for a banana.
Same reporter claimed she saw the same dog being walked by a half dozen different people.
The Mayor closed all bars in Tucson so some bar just outside the city line did an advertising blitz to say they were open.
I'm on day six of self imposed exile, although I have ventured out twice to my shop and once to the supermarket.
I saw a more in-depth page somewhere else, but that was also a few hours before the statewide announcement was made, so it may have been changed in the meantime.
trying to return all the toilet paper and water
and rice and whatever other stuff they went
nuts buying last week. Costco is telling them
hey, you bought $200 worth of toilet paper,
you're stuck with it you greedy hoarding jerk.
I really don't want to know what goes on in
people's tiny minds. I think it would frighten me.
Quote: michael99000Quote: gamerfreakImpossible to get TP here as well, but I’m not worried about it.
I bought one of these on Amazon for $35 and have never looked back
It works so ridiculously well that dry TP feels just straight up stupid. I am telling you, it’s a game changer. It has ruined all other cleaning methods for me, and I feel uncomfortably dirty if I only have access to TP.
I’m convinced that dry TP is objectively the worst commercially available solution for butt cleaning.
What do you use to dry off after using that ?
Ok you caught me. I do 1 wipe with stupid TP to dry. If things got really bad and none was available, you could just stay seated for a few minutes and air dry.
Quote: LoquaciousMoFWDid they change the tax filing date yet? Last I heard they just extended the date for payment - still had to file 4/15 or file an extension by then.
You can still go out and utilize the businesses that remain open like banks, groceries, etc.
Shows you how fast things are changing and evolving. Treasury Dept announced this a.m. filing has also been delayed until July 15.
Quote: TDVegasShows you how fast things are changing and evolving. Treasury Dept announced this a.m. filing has also been delayed until July 15.
Federal only. State returns are left up to the individual states, but many have already said July 15th, and I'm sure they'll all eventually follow suit.
falling daily. Nobody has anywhere
to go.
Quote: TigerWuFederal only. State returns are left up to the individual states, but many have already said July 15th, and I'm sure they'll all eventually follow suit.
Ah....I see. I’m in Nevada so state income tax doesn’t apply. States should probably follow the fed mandate to streamline filing and payment.
Quote: EvenBobGas is $1.48 at Sam's Club and is
falling daily. Nobody has anywhere
to go.
What state?
Quote: TDVegasWhat state?
non-club $1.91
club $1.87
Last week
non-club $2.45
club $2.41
Quote: EvenBobCostco is reporting that people are already
trying to return all the toilet paper and water
and rice and whatever other stuff they went
nuts buying last week. Costco is telling them
hey, you bought $200 worth of toilet paper,
you're stuck with it you greedy hoarding jerk.
I really don't want to know what goes on in
people's tiny minds. I think it would frighten me.
I went to the grocery store yesterday for the first time in days. The paper section was wiped out. But I didn't need any. I was able to buy everything that I wanted: butter, milk, salmon, pot roast and a can opener. Checkout was fast as usual.
My workers want to buy 96 rolls per family. I told the bookkeeper that I'm willing to ration out free toilet paper which would cost nothing to them. I said that I don't understand why people want to buy so much She said that 96 rolls is small for a family of 5. She got fustrated and said she has to leave. But we ordered 2400 rols of toilet paper for them. Expect to see a beautiful pic of 25 cases. Actually, I wont be at the loading area. So it will be dispersed before I see it.
Quote: EvenBobCostco is reporting that people are already trying to return all the toilet paper and water and rice and whatever other stuff they went nuts buying last week. Costco is telling them hey, you bought $200 worth of toilet paper, you're stuck with it you greedy hoarding jerk.
Meanwhile, chances are that the Costco store itself is still out of these things.
How soon before people park in the Costco lots and offer to sell their excess goods out of the trunks of their cars?
Quote: jjjooogggI went to the grocery store yesterday for the first time in days. The paper section was wiped out. But I didn't need any. I was able to buy everything that I wanted: butter, milk, salmon, pot roast and a can opener. Checkout was fast as usual.
My workers want to buy 96 rolls per family. I told the bookkeeper that I'm willing to ration out free toilet paper which would cost nothing to them. I said that I don't understand why people want to buy so much She said that 96 rolls is small for a family of 5. She got fustrated and said she has to leave. But we ordered 2400 rols of toilet paper for them. Expect to see a beautiful pic of 25 cases. Actually, I wont be at the loading area. So it will be dispersed before I see it.
96 rolls is small for a family of 5 for what duration? The 24 roll pack I bought last month barely fit in my cart. My family of 3 (2 ladies and me) has used half of it in 5 weeks. There are really people who buy 4 of those packs with any frequency at all? When do they shop? I don't think I've ever seen one of those people out in the world.
96 rolls wouldn't even be me doubling up on my usual stock.
Quote: EvenBobGas is $1.48 at Sam's Club and is
falling daily. Nobody has anywhere
to go.
Wow, I paid $2.89 yesterday for the cheap stuff.
Quote: EvenBobGas is $1.48 at Sam's Club and is
falling daily. Nobody has anywhere
to go.
E-15 Gasohol was $1.99 in PA which had to be some unusual reason as E-10 (regular unleaded) was $.50 more.
Quote: DRichWow, I paid $2.89 yesterday for the cheap stuff.
It was 3.29 where I live, although that wasn't for the cheapest brands.
Trip to Safeway: little to no bread (including hamburger/hot dog buns and English muffins), pasta sauce, eggs (or even egg-like substitute), or sugar, and the guy behind the deli counter told me they had gone through something like 250 pounds of $5/lb deli turkey breast that day - and it was only about 3 in the afternoon. Oh, and don't even think about going to the bulk bins; if you're into flaxseeds, you will have to do without, or buy the pre-ground bags, until further notice.
Also, there's a new policy; if you bring your own bags, you have to pack them yourself. A bagger started bagging my stuff before he suddenly remembered this and backed off. I joked about getting a "Pak & Save" discount.
Work made us bug out today. Talk about a weird feeling. I have been in mass layoffs where we all went out like this but this is no layoff, I will still be macking OT heavy again next week. So I decided to go to pick up some fill-ins.
What a difference a week makes. Just being out feels like a weird "normal," Sort of like France had to be like after the Germans settled in. Curfews, yes, but people still need food and stores open. I got there what I figure is 1 hour before closing, IIRC they are closing at 7 during the emergency.
Last week lines were crazy Friday night. Today?
For one, it appears they have corralled half the carts somewhere in back. Meat department was pretty picked over but at the same time other than chicken and ground beef there was choice. The sushi counter was open! The bakery closed the self-serve donuts but most of the rest of the regular stuff was there. Cleaning supplies picked over. Most of the rest was.......stocked. Here and there empty slot. But not the USSR look of the meat department last week.
Crowds were small. No line.
And------the Beer DIstributor next door was OPEN! Kid at the register seemed unhappy it was, but open they were.
I've had a cough for ten days which isn't very often, but I have had a cough. Was hoping I had had it and it was over, but probably not. Kind of got worried thinking my joints were hurting, but eventually remembered the reason was because I banged my knee not paying attention to where I was walking.
Quote: ChumpChangeTrump declares certain states major disaster areas, but neglects to declare his press room.
Please keep the political crap off
the forum.