Quote: GWAEapparently food stamps will not be given out next month because of the shut down. That is going to be a very bad situation for the people who already need help. I think it is terrible that he is holding up this budget over the wall. He is risking the lives of a lot of us over worrying about keeping some mexicans out.
Our friends to the right don't care about people sucking on the government teat,, but how about the small shop owners who count on SNAP and WIC payments to pay their rent? How about the diary who isn't going to sell as much milk?
How many grocery workers will get laid off, all because a petulant child is having a tantrum. What is he so afraid of that he will close the government to keep Congress from investigating?
Trump's boner plan is not to do what can be agreed on. That's why he will keep getting blamed.
In December, the Senate passed a budget bill 100-0
Trump said he wouldn't sign it, so they didn't even vote on it in the house.
When the Democrats took control of the house, they passed a budget bill that was substantively the same as the Senate bill.
Mitch McConnell won't bring it up for a vote in the Senate.
Quote: Dalex64Do I have this right?
In December, the Senate passed a budget bill 100-0
Trump said he wouldn't sign it, so they didn't even vote on it in the house.
When the Democrats took control of the house, they passed a budget bill that was substantively the same as the Senate bill.
Mitch McConnell won't bring it up for a vote in the Senate.
The Senate voted 100-0 for the bill AFTER VP Pence assured Senate leaders that trump would sign it. McConnell won't bring any bill to a vote unless Trump says he will sign it. That is not how Congress is supposed to work. They are an independent branch of government. Can you imagine if the third branch, the Supreme Court only took cases that the President approved of?
It used to be that the Republican leaders wouldn't introduce a bill unless the majority of Republicans would vote for it. A policy I disagree with but is understandable.
Now only bills the prez promises to sign can be introduced. MAGA.
Quote: Dalex64Do I have this right?
In December, the Senate passed a budget bill 100-0
Trump said he wouldn't sign it, so they didn't even vote on it in the house.
When the Democrats took control of the house, they passed a budget bill that was substantively the same as the Senate bill.
Mitch McConnell won't bring it up for a vote in the Senate.
Sorta. Trump initially said he would support the CR. He woke up the next morning to Ann Coulter and conservative am hate radio criticizing him and then he backtracked. Here we are. The ironic thing is I think there was a small possibility he could've grown his base had he compromised. Instead it's stuck on stupid.
I didn't know Ann Coulter was PoTUS. #MAGA
Quote: SteverinosI didn't know Ann Coulter was PoTUS. #MAGA
And to think, most people thought Hillary would be the first lesbian POTUS!
Quote: SteverinosSorta. Trump initially said he would support the CR. He woke up the next morning to Ann Coulter and conservative am hate radio criticizing him and then he backtracked. Here we are. The ironic thing is I think there was a small possibility he could've grown his base had he compromised. Instead it's stuck on stupid.
I didn't know Ann Coulter was PoTUS. #MAGA
WE THE PEOPLE have more power than you thought.
And I wonder how the body double search for RBG is going? She will wave out the window a few times for the next year until the libs admit she died? Then they will scream remember Merritt!
Quote: BozAnd I wonder how the body double search for RBG is going? She will wave out the window a few times for the next year until the libs admit she died? Then they will scream remember Merritt!
If we have to pull a Weekend at Bernie’s til 2020 or 2024, so be it!
Quote: ams288And to think, most people thought Hillary would be the first lesbian POTUS!
Reptilian* lesbian POTUS.
Quote: boymimboSomeone on this forum living in New York state was considering a move to another state to avoid paying taxes. I will look through the forum to find whom it was. In the meantime i say this to SooPoo: I am sorry to mistake what someone else said as you.
It is scamming the system to feign residency in a state to avoid paying the higher tax rate. And it's opportunism that happens all of the time that isn't available to someone collecting welfare.
You are probably remembering something I said, but just not accurately. I may move to another state but it surely won't be Pennsylvania! I will not "feign" residency, but will likely be in the new warmer state 6-7 months a year. I think as a retired person I won't be paying much in taxes, so the small savings for moving will be only the smallest factor in my decision.
Quote: MaxPenThe shutdown has cost the government approximately 35 billion dollars so far. Democrats could of given Trump a few walls, but instead they want to waste our money because they represent foreign citizens not Americans.
Mexico wouldn't give Trump his wall. The two years Republicans had a majority in Congress they wouldn't give Trump his wall. The government shuts down before the Democrats even take over in the House of Representatives and that is who Trump blames because he has been incapable of building a wall. That sort of logic and ideology makes him the most liberal president in US history.
Quote: Dalex64Do I have this right?
In December, the Senate passed a budget bill 100-0
Trump said he wouldn't sign it, so they didn't even vote on it in the house.
When the Democrats took control of the house, they passed a budget bill that was substantively the same as the Senate bill.
Mitch McConnell won't bring it up for a vote in the Senate.
McConnell does not believe the different branches of government should serve as checks and balances, he believes the Senate should be an extension of the president.
Quote: BozOr the Dems are starving these people, many of whom COULD get a 2nd PT job if they really cared about feeding their families, could end it today.
It's simple, OK Trump, you get your 5 Billion against our better judgement because we cannot sit by and allow people's "Food Stamps" to expire. Easy PR Victory IF the Dems really cared.
Equal blame to go around, instead it's a pissing contest.
It's not 5 billion. It's 25-30 billion, and this tactic of holding the government hostage to get money Congress doesn't want to appropriate can NEVER be allowed to work. If they give Trump the money, the precedent has been set to do this every time, every year, weakening the Legislative.
Congress holds the purse strings, as part of the balance of power among the 3 branches. It's not up to Trump in any scenario, and I think there's a good case for a forced opening by the SCOTUS. The Executive can recommend budget items. They can't appropriate the money. This has an element of extortion.
No wall!
Witches against Trump!
Michelle Obama is a woman!
Black lives matter!
Orange man bad!
Tax the rich more! At least 70%!
$15/hr minimum wage!
Capitalism is racism!
Quote: SOOPOOYou are probably remembering something I said, but just not accurately. I may move to another state but it surely won't be Pennsylvania! I will not "feign" residency, but will likely be in the new warmer state 6-7 months a year. I think as a retired person I won't be paying much in taxes, so the small savings for moving will be only the smallest factor in my decision.
He might be thinking of me. One of the reasons I left NY was property taxes. I've mentioned that my rent(1150 a month) is less than I paid in taxes on my Long Island house(about 14k per year)
If you work in NY, you get to pay taxes even if you live elsewhere. NY tries to consider you a resident even after you move. Their tax people can be ridiculously aggressive. In a high profile case, they insisted Derek Jeter was a full-time NY resident even though he had a humongous mansion in Tampa and trained there all winter. I was told not to do the New York Comic-Con in 2016 as I was just establishing Nevada residency and working in NY could muddy the waters.
Quote: RSNo person is illegal!
No wall!
Witches against Trump!
Michelle Obama is a woman!
Black lives matter!
Orange man bad!
Tax the rich more! At least 70%!
$15/hr minimum wage!
Capitalism is racism!
You've finally seen the light!
Start arresting any business owner who hires an illegal, and stop providing food stamps to anyone of able body and mind who isn’t working 40 hours+ a week. The Beaners will head home, jobs will open up and people won’t need food stamps.
I have a dream, oh what a dream.
Quote: BozStart arresting any business owner who hires an illegal
But I thought the president couldn’t be indicted....
Quote: Boz
Start arresting any business owner who hires an illegal
Switching sides and demanding the President gets arrested
Great post Boz
or are you demanding owners on the Left get arrested but you give Trump a pass on hiring illegals?
Or just do a giant raid and arrest them all right now. #DownWithTrump #AnyMeansNecessary #OrangeManBad #10001110101
Quote: BozHopefully today’s is no longer remembered for just being Elvis’s birthday, but as the day America started fighting back.
Start arresting any business owner who hires an illegal, and stop providing food stamps to anyone of able body and mind who isn’t working 40 hours+ a week. The Beaners will head home, jobs will open up and people won’t need food stamps.
I have a dream, oh what a dream.
So you are advocating food stamps for people who DO work 40+ hours a week?
1) Its usually the other way around
2) some people working 40+ hours a week do receive food stamps. Its based on income vs. Expenses
Quote: darkozSo you are advocating food stamps for people who DO work 40+ hours a week?
1) Its usually the other way around
2) some people working 40+ hours a week do receive food stamps. Its based on income vs. Expenses
I’m good with that. Just like subsidized Unemployment Compensation. Instead of paying people to sit at home, require them to work a lesser paying job and subsidize the difference when someone loses a job through no fault of their own.
Quote: terapinedSwitching sides and demanding the President gets arrested
Great post Boz
or are you demanding owners on the Left get arrested but you give Trump a pass on hiring illegals?
E-Verify is the right start. Then owners know the consequences of continued employment of illegals. And yes, if Trump still owned a business that employees illegals after the law is passed, of course he should be held liable.
E-Verify and penalties for hiring cash employees is the solution to so many problems including getting more tax revenue. I refuse to believe that most working Americans on both sides disagree with others paying and receiving cash to avoid paying taxes. And then allowing them to qualify for benefits for not reporting income. No to mention the lost SS dollars that hurts a program many count on for retirement.
But of course someone will come back with corporate welfare instead of addressing an issue everyone should admit is going on.
Quote: BozE-Verify is the right start. Then owners know the consequences of continued employment of illegals. And yes, if Trump still owned a business that employees illegals after the law is passed, of course he should be held liable.
Arrest Donald Trump
"The Trump Organization is the collective name for a group of approximately 500 business entities of which Donald Trump, the current U.S. President, is the sole or principal OWNER"
Quote: RSMaybe I'm biased or whatever (MAYBE!), but IMO if/when we start arresting any business owner who hires an illegal becomes a thing, there should be some sort of announcement.
lol, don't worry, I'm sure somebody will give Donny a heads up

Trump wants to kill puppies and bunnies, so he must be impeached! The outrage!!!
Quote: KeyserI just read somewhere that Trump's wall would kill and threaten the lives of puppies and bunnies.
Trump wants to kill puppies and bunnies, so he must be impeached! The outrage!!!
Glad you finally came over to our side:)
The Russian lawyer who was responsible for the Trump Tower meeting is revealed in court as a Russian intelligence asset and is under indictment.
Build that wall. Shuck that jive.
Millions of people are depending on most of us to continue working to support their life choices.
Along with Altria and RJR, if you want to add corporate America being dependent on welfare and it recipients.
Quote: BozHopefully today’s is no longer remembered for just being Elvis’s birthday, but as the day America started fighting back.
Start arresting any business owner who hires an illegal, and stop providing food stamps to anyone of able body and mind who isn’t working 40 hours+ a week. The Beaners will head home, jobs will open up and people won’t need food stamps.
I have a dream, oh what a dream.
Note: Emphasis is mine.
I'd love to throw down a suspension for this racist term, but, unfortunately, it doesn't break any forum rules, at the moment. Perhaps it is time a add a new rule. However, for now, I'd like it to be stated that forum management does not condone such language and is embarrassed that it appears on this forum.
Quote: WizardQuote: BozHopefully today’s is no longer remembered for just being Elvis’s birthday, but as the day America started fighting back.
Start arresting any business owner who hires an illegal, and stop providing food stamps to anyone of able body and mind who isn’t working 40 hours+ a week. The Beaners will head home, jobs will open up and people won’t need food stamps.
I have a dream, oh what a dream.
Note: Emphasis is mine.
I'd love to throw down a suspension for this racist term, but, unfortunately, it doesn't break any forum rules, at the moment. Perhaps it is time a add a new rule. However, for now, I'd like it to be stated that forum management does not condone such language and is embarrassed that it appears on this forum.
I was not familiar with the term. Looked it up. Wow.
Yea its not a good term
There are individuals that I dislike
I would never take an entire ethnic group of people where I don't know the individuals and tag them with an insulting name
The hate for a group of people due to where they originated from just boggles my mind
Really sad
Take Trump voters. I have many friends that are Trump supporters so I would never tag that group with an insulting name.
Quote: terapinedQuote: WizardQuote: BozHopefully today’s is no longer remembered for just being Elvis’s birthday, but as the day America started fighting back.
Start arresting any business owner who hires an illegal, and stop providing food stamps to anyone of able body and mind who isn’t working 40 hours+ a week. The Beaners will head home, jobs will open up and people won’t need food stamps.
I have a dream, oh what a dream.
Note: Emphasis is mine.
I'd love to throw down a suspension for this racist term, but, unfortunately, it doesn't break any forum rules, at the moment. Perhaps it is time a add a new rule. However, for now, I'd like it to be stated that forum management does not condone such language and is embarrassed that it appears on this forum.
I was not familiar with the term. Looked it up. Wow.
Yea its not a good term
There are individuals that I dislike
I would never take an entire ethnic group of people where I don't know the individuals and tag them with an insulting name
The hate for a group of people due to where they originated from just boggles my mind
Really sad
Take Trump voters. I have many friends that are Trump supporters so I would never tag that group with an insulting name.
I wasnt familiar with the term either
I honestly thought he was saying cutting welfare would send home the accountants (Bean Counters)
But yeah it was obviously a reference to illegals from south of the border
Quote: terapinedTake Trump voters. I have many friends that are Trump supporters so I would never tag that group with an insulting name.
Hating people because they weren't born here and didn't win the gene lottery, who escape dangerous conditions, endure even more extremely dangerous conditions on their journey, in order to try to make a better life for themselves and their family, is different. It's quite a big difference in my opinion. I have no problem lumping those people together.
Quote: WizardQuote: BozHopefully today’s is no longer remembered for just being Elvis’s birthday, but as the day America started fighting back.
Start arresting any business owner who hires an illegal, and stop providing food stamps to anyone of able body and mind who isn’t working 40 hours+ a week. The Beaners will head home, jobs will open up and people won’t need food stamps.
I have a dream, oh what a dream.
Note: Emphasis is mine.
I'd love to throw down a suspension for this racist term, but, unfortunately, it doesn't break any forum rules, at the moment. Perhaps it is time a add a new rule. However, for now, I'd like it to be stated that forum management does not condone such language and is embarrassed that it appears on this forum.
I find it hard to believe you can’t remove it, like a spammers link if you find it offensive or embarrassing to the forum. Wizard’s option and right to do anything in the best interest of the forum. Not asking for it, but you always have the Nuke button in your pocket.
As for being embarrassed, really this is the one? Compared to all the degrading talk about women being “Hot” in a lawyers ad, to massage parlor talk, happy endings etc. The sexist treatment a new female member gets here is embarrassing to me. It’s like a bunch of teenagers falling all over one another. Talk about best places in foreign countries to find prostitution. And we have a female Mod who has to see this with no consideration to her, assuming it even bothers her.
Allowing a poster to threaten casino personnel in the name of blowing off steam when we have multiple quality long term members who work in casinos is embarrassing.
The fact that many people turned their heads when a known scammer was allowed to solicit business under a sock. It was even joked about by members, that’s embarrassing.
So my use of a term may be embarrassing to you, it’s certainly not the 1st time embarrassing content to someone has been posted here, not will it be the last.
Quote: WizardQuote: BozHopefully today’s is no longer remembered for just being Elvis’s birthday, but as the day America started fighting back.
Start arresting any business owner who hires an illegal, and stop providing food stamps to anyone of able body and mind who isn’t working 40 hours+ a week. The Beaners will head home, jobs will open up and people won’t need food stamps.
I have a dream, oh what a dream.
Note: Emphasis is mine.
I'd love to throw down a suspension for this racist term, but, unfortunately, it doesn't break any forum rules, at the moment. Perhaps it is time a add a new rule. However, for now, I'd like it to be stated that forum management does not condone such language and is embarrassed that it appears on this forum.
Well at least your forum rules aren't like the Constitution. That could change today. As the loveable banned member Buzz often said: "Mike's house, Mike's rules."
And some of you weren't familiar with the word "beaner" but at least one member here questioned if I wasn't a native speaker when I didn't know the meaning of "So do you beat your wife?" when I took it as an insult because I read the phrase literally instead of its intended meaning. I mean I have known the meaning of "beaner" for years and am surprised a few Americans on this forum apparently haven't heard of it. But then again, my family is racist, so of course I've personally heard it.
Quote: BozI find it hard to believe you can’t remove it, like a spammers link if you find it offensive or embarrassing to the forum. Wizard’s option and right to do anything in the best interest of the forum. Not asking for it, but you always have the Nuke button in your pocket.
As for being embarrassed, really this is the one? Compared to all the degrading talk about women being “Hot” in a lawyers ad, to massage parlor talk, happy endings etc. The sexist treatment a new female member gets here is embarrassing to me. It’s like a bunch of teenagers falling all over one another. Talk about best places in foreign countries to find prostitution. And we have a female Mod who has to see this with no consideration to her, assuming it even bothers her.
Allowing a poster to threaten casino personnel in the name of blowing off steam when we have multiple quality long term members who work in casinos is embarrassing.
The fact that many people turned their heads when a known scammer was allowed to solicit business under a sock. It was even joked about by members, that’s embarrassing.
So my use of a term may be embarrassing to you, it’s certainly not the 1st time embarrassing content to someone has been posted here, not will it be the last.
Your comments are well taken.
First, we're not big on censorship here. Once we start sanitizing posts, where will it end? We would prefer to prevent the problem to begin with.
Second, yes, I said the staff of a particular law firm here was full of hot women. I meant it as a compliment. If anyone else thinks it was insulting, I will consider suspending myself. Any other complaints about that?
Third, I don't condone threatening anybody. As I've said hundreds of times, I don't read every post.
Fourth, to respond to everything else, we are conflicted between respecting free speech and trying to foster quality content every single day. When in doubt, we err towards respecting free speech. We also learn as we go.
Quote: tringlomane[ I mean I have known the meaning of "beaner" for years and am surprised a few Americans on this forum apparently haven't heard of it. But then again, my family is racist, so of course I've personally heard it.
I never heard it or used that term
I grew up in Baltimore and learned a lot of colorful language
Now that I leaned the term here, I would never use it. Its disgusting.
My family is not racist, probably because 1/2 my family are immigrants
If members abuse it exclude them for abuse

Quote: WizardIn other news, BookMaker.eu is taking bets on the number of false statements in tonight's address to the nation by Trump. They opened with an over/under of 3.5. The over is now -320. Wish I had an account there, I'd take the over.
It will be the over. I don't see him sticking to a script. He's totally on the defensive, and he will probably elaborate.
Quote: BozQuote: WizardQuote: BozHopefully today’s is no longer remembered for just being Elvis’s birthday, but as the day America started fighting back.
Start arresting any business owner who hires an illegal, and stop providing food stamps to anyone of able body and mind who isn’t working 40 hours+ a week. The Beaners will head home, jobs will open up and people won’t need food stamps.
I have a dream, oh what a dream.
Note: Emphasis is mine.
I'd love to throw down a suspension for this racist term, but, unfortunately, it doesn't break any forum rules, at the moment. Perhaps it is time a add a new rule. However, for now, I'd like it to be stated that forum management does not condone such language and is embarrassed that it appears on this forum.
I find it hard to believe you can’t remove it, like a spammers link if you find it offensive or embarrassing to the forum. Wizard’s option and right to do anything in the best interest of the forum. Not asking for it, but you always have the Nuke button in your pocket.
As for being embarrassed, really this is the one? Compared to all the degrading talk about women being “Hot” in a lawyers ad, to massage parlor talk, happy endings etc. The sexist treatment a new female member gets here is embarrassing to me. It’s like a bunch of teenagers falling all over one another. Talk about best places in foreign countries to find prostitution. And we have a female Mod who has to see this with no consideration to her, assuming it even bothers her.
Allowing a poster to threaten casino personnel in the name of blowing off steam when we have multiple quality long term members who work in casinos is embarrassing.
The fact that many people turned their heads when a known scammer was allowed to solicit business under a sock. It was even joked about by members, that’s embarrassing.
So my use of a term may be embarrassing to you, it’s certainly not the 1st time embarrassing content to someone has been posted here, not will it be the last.
Well said. And yes, if I wanted people to know exactly where my goat is tied, I would raise some hell here and there. But the forum has been very supportive of free speech, which I also support, including people revealing themselves to be damned fools. And it's good to know who is a misogynist and who isn't, so there's that.
And, I have to admit, I enjoyed conversation more 30-40 years ago, before PC started intruding itself. It used to be possible, at least on the face of things, to be funny without malice, to tell silly jokes. But I suppose there is a greater truth in stereotypes and prejudice that underlay those comments. They're so baked-in that it's a painful scouring over decades now, and only getting worse.
Quote: WizardIn other news, BookMaker.eu is taking bets on the number of false statements in tonight's address to the nation by Trump. They opened with an over/under of 3.5. The over is now -320. Wish I had an account there, I'd take the over.
Not sure how the determination is made if something is false or not. Some are easy to prove as outright lies and others are in the grey area, like the Pinocchio scale the Wash Post uses.
Not something I personally would be comfortable betting on, I can see disputes arising, unless of course he blows the "Over" away. False Statements seems vague to me.
Quote: BozQuote: WizardIn other news, BookMaker.eu is taking bets on the number of false statements in tonight's address to the nation by Trump. They opened with an over/under of 3.5. The over is now -320. Wish I had an account there, I'd take the over.
Not sure how the determination is made if something is false or not. Some are easy to prove as outright lies and others are in the grey area, like the Pinocchio scale the Wash Post uses.
Not something I personally would be comfortable betting on, I can see disputes arising, unless of course he blows the "Over" away. False Statements seems vague to me.
Assuming Pence has seen/helped write the speech or has been schooled on its talking points:
Assuming that's what he brought to the two interviews I saw with him from this morning:
Expect 6 or more provable, non-factual lies and a dozen misused statistics.