Quote: billryanMove to a better neighborhood. One without a 7-11 and you won't have these issues.
Now you want to separate yourself from the needy.....LMAO
Guess it's a good thing Section 8 is non discriminatory.
Typical of a, not in my backyard, liberal.
But they have such good pizza (-;Quote: billryanMove to a better neighborhood. One without a 7-11 and you won't have these issues.
Quote: terapinedWhat if Mexico increases import tarriffs from the USA 0.25%
Do you actually think tarriffs are a one way street?
Raise the tariffs 0.25% higher than they raise ours. Pretty simple. They need to export to us more than we need to export to them.
I do not care enough politically to argue whether the border security is justified or not. Your question was how do we make Mexico pay for it.
Quote: DRichI agree, this needs to be qualified. Personally i would just increase the import tariffs for Mexico by 0.25% and that would cover the cost.Quote: terapinedCare to comment on the campaign promise Mexico will pay for the wall
He said it over and over and over
WTF, now he wants me to pay for it
This would work very well, especially with Trump and his supporters showing their strong liberal ideologies and coming around to the side believing that raising taxes is the best way to increase government revenue.
Of course it would also require them to realize the income tax cuts without spending cuts are increasing our National Debt and further burdening American tax payers.
Or just continue to be completely intellectually dishonest. That’s probably the easiest way to justify all the lies.
Also, where would I then get my crack?Quote: billryanMove to a better neighborhood. One without a 7-11 and you won't have these issues.
Quote: AxelWolfAlso, where would I then get my crack?
Hire a plumber to work under your sink.
Quote: TomGOf course it would also require them to realize the income tax cuts without spending cuts are increasing our National Debt and further burdening American tax payers.
We hear that often, but no one has a clue where to make the cuts.
The dems are in control of spending and taxes. They could raise taxes, but that would slow the economy and make matters worse.
US Economic Outlook Vs. Rest of the Globe
Where do you suggest the dems make the spending cuts? If they cut military spending to zero, we would still have a deficit.
Doesn't it matter how the extra tax dollars are re-invested into the economy? Infrastructure is a free lunch. Raise taxes, invest in infrasturucture, create good paying jobs you can raise families on, pay taxes on that income, rinse/repeat.
Quote: TomGOf course it would also require them to realize the income tax cuts without spending cuts are increasing our National Debt and further burdening American tax payers.
If there was no debt there would be no money. Makes one feel a little foolish once it is understood. However, if you understand it well enough all your worries disappear. Funny how life works.
Quote: SteverinosRaising taxes makes things worse? Any historical data to prove that?
Evidence of Taxes on Growth
"Nearly every empirical study of taxes and economic growth published in a peer reviewed academic journal finds that tax increases harm economic growth."
“One study finds that increasing the average income tax rate by 1 percentage point reduces real GDP per capita by 1.4 percent in the first quarter and by up to 1.8 percent after three quarters.”
France is an example of what happens when you increase taxes on an already overtaxed population.
Germany is now thinking tax cuts to boost their slowing economy.
Quote:Doesn't it matter how the extra tax dollars are re-invested into the economy?
It matters when those extra dollars are in the pockets of the people and the corporations who spend and invest, rather than in the hands of a government that wastes it.
Quote:Infrastructure is a free lunch. Raise taxes, invest in infrasturucture, create good paying jobs you can raise families on, pay taxes on that income, rinse/repeat.
Right. “Shovel Ready Jobs”. Like Obama’s useless wasted $800 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, infrastructure Scam, that saw a more than one-third drop in infrastructure spending, and the economy still lost jobs. Rinse and repeat that.
Trump asked for $1.5 trillion for real infrastructure spending, but the dems resisted and Congress gave him only $21 billion. They had no problem finding $6 trillion to kill a million desert nomads and their kids, but could only come up with enough to fill potholes in their own country.
Quote: AxelWolfWhenever we go to the 7-11 during the beginning of the month to get a Slurpee or coffee for the wife, the line is out the door. I noticed 99% of them are black people and they are all using their food stamp cards. You can tell it's SNAP(Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) because it's blue and says NEVADA on it.
All of them are loaded up with tons of "nutritious" junk food that I assume is way over priced. God only knows if they are using the rest of it to buy Lobster and filet mignon.
I know it is used to buy lobster and crab! One of my remaining memories from Medical School was of me going to a local fish store in the bad neighborhood my school was in, and buying the cheapest fish sold (herring). The person in front of me bought lobster and crab with their food stamps. People with 'jobs' that are under the table collect welfare checks and food stamps despite having the means to not need them.....
Quote: billryanYes, and I'm sure they loaded those lobsters into their Cadillac Escalade and drove to their McMansions. Everyone knows the best way to build true wealth for ones family is through food stamps.
You as usual choose to ignore the point..... That many of the government giveaways are abused. Did I say or even imply food stamps are a good way to build wealth? Of course not. My point which seemed simple to understand, was that while working hard in school I couldn't afford the lobster, but some on the public dole could. Got it now?
Quote: SOOPOOYou as usual choose to ignore the point..... That many of the government giveaways are abused. Did I say or even imply food stamps are a good way to build wealth? Of course not. My point which seemed simple to understand, was that while working hard in school I couldn't afford the lobster, but some on the public dole could. Got it now?
I got your original point. Jealousy sucks, but being jealous of poor people is rather pathetic. Carry on.
Quote: billryanI got your original point. Jealousy sucks, but being jealous of poor people is rather pathetic. Carry on.
I believe strongly in a safety net but just as strongly that the people in that net have a responsibility to use that which is given them properly. I'm not saying that we can make them do that, though I guess we could, but seeing our money used in ways that seem wasteful should be of some concern. I know the typical response is that it isn't that prevalent and my response is that it is more prevalent than it should be.
I guess if you consider it "the government's money" then you aren't all that worried about how it is spent. I would like every dollar of my taxes spent responsibly.
Quote: RonCI believe strongly in a safety net but just as strongly that the people in that net have a responsibility to use that which is given them properly. I'm not saying that we can make them do that, though I guess we could, but seeing our money used in ways that seem wasteful should be of some concern. I know the typical response is that it isn't that prevalent and my response is that it is more prevalent than it should be.
I guess if you consider it "the government's money" then you aren't all that worried about how it is spent. I would like every dollar of my taxes spent responsibly.
I'm all for responsible use of our money. There is tremendous waste and fraud in government, without a doubt.
Does anyone believe there is more waste and fraud in the Federal food stamp program than in the Pentagon?
Is flying 5,000 Homeland security people to Vegas for a symposium and an Eagles concert a better use of our money than giving a poor person a lobster? How many lobster dinners could have been brought and distributed with the money's Ryan Zinke misused. We could have fed the homeless in DC for weeks with the money wasted on the fifth through fifteenth Congressional Investigation into Bengazi.
We can build an improved, simpler safety net without spending another dime of our money .
Should a person on food stamps be buying lobster? To me, a better question is do we need to establish another bureaucracy to determine what the poor should be allowed to eat. The average single male on food stamps gets less than $200 month.
What would it cost to put in place and enforce rules about what to buy. Lobster bad, check. Shrimp? Lobster rolls? Egg rolls with lobster?
Is that what proponents of smaller government want?
You know what they say. Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach him to scam the food stamp program, you feed him for life.Quote: SOOPOOI know it is used to buy lobster and crab! One of my remaining memories from Medical School was of me going to a local fish store in the bad neighborhood my school was in, and buying the cheapest fish sold (herring). The person in front of me bought lobster and crab with their food stamps. People with 'jobs' that are under the table collect welfare checks and food stamps despite having the means to not need them.....
Quote: billryanI'm all for responsible use of our money. There is tremendous waste and fraud in government, without a doubt.
Does anyone believe there is more waste and fraud in the Federal food stamp program than in the Pentagon?
Is flying 5,000 Homeland security people to Vegas for a symposium and an Eagles concert a better use of our money than giving a poor person a lobster? How many lobster dinners could have been brought and distributed with the money's Ryan Zinke misused. We could have fed the homeless in DC for weeks with the money wasted on the fifth through fifteenth Congressional Investigation into Bengazi.
We can build an improved, simpler safety net without spending another dime of our money .
Should a person on food stamps be buying lobster? To me, a better question is do we need to establish another bureaucracy to determine what the poor should be allowed to eat. The average single male on food stamps gets less than $200 month.
What would it cost to put in place and enforce rules about what to buy. Lobster bad, check. Shrimp? Lobster rolls? Egg rolls with lobster?
Is that what proponents of smaller government want?
My comment was "I guess we could" not "we should." As you did with SOOPOO's comments, you take off in some other direction when things I said were fairly simple to understand:
--that the people in that net have a responsibility to use that which is given them properly
--that misuse is more prevalent than many folks are willing to admit
I don't want another government bureaucracy; saying "I guess we could" is not an endorsement anything like that.
We need to identify and stop waste of all kinds. As much of it as possible.
You speak of the investigations...will you say the same thing when the Democrats start a bunch of investigations in a few days? If so, fine. If not, you really don't care about the money spent on the investigation; just about who is the subject of the investigation. I'm not telling you how you feel about it; I have no idea.
Quote: billryan
What would it cost to put in place and enforce rules about what to buy. Lobster bad, check. Shrimp? Lobster rolls? Egg rolls with lobster?
Is that what proponents of smaller government want?
I am a believer in issuing specific food staples with only a very small amount of discretionary spending.
Is it even possible to have televised hearings during a government shutdown?
Quote: DRichI am a believer in issuing specific food staples with only a very small amount of discretionary spending.
Sounds great, in theory. Short of handing the recipients the food directly, now we just need a cost effective system. Do we buy all the food from one vendor? That might be cost effective but result in picking a winner. How many businesses and jobs at small grocery stores would we lose if they lose the revenue? Should ethnicity be considered? Should so called American foods trump foreign foods like Chinese or Italian?
Do we deliver the food using the Post Office? Establish a new uniformed service?
The trouble with seemingly simple solutions is they often result in creating bigger, more.complex problems.
Quote: billryanSounds great, in theory. Short of handing the recipients the food directly, now we just need a cost effective system. Do we buy all the food from one vendor? That might be cost effective but result in picking a winner. How many businesses and jobs at small grocery stores would we lose if they lose the revenue? Should ethnicity be considered? Should so called American foods trump foreign foods like Chinese or Italian?
Do we deliver the food using the Post Office? Establish a new uniformed service?
The trouble with seemingly simple solutions is they often result in creating bigger, more.complex problems.
Obviously the government should directly provide the food

Quote: gamerfreakObviously the government should directly provide the food
How many cans of water is the proper ration?
NVM the small businesses, the soda industry would probably crumble.Quote: billryanHow many businesses and jobs at small grocery stores would we lose if they lose the revenue?
WIC seems to be able to regulate what people can buy. Why cant SNAP?
Quote: AxelWolfWIC seems to be able to regulate what people can buy. Why cant SNAP?
I think they use SNAP here. The bigger issue I see is that people will sell their SNAP cards for like 50% of their value.
Does WIC do anything different that solves that issue?
Quote: billryanSounds great, in theory. Short of handing the recipients the food directly, now we just need a cost effective system. Do we buy all the food from one vendor? That might be cost effective but result in picking a winner. How many businesses and jobs at small grocery stores would we lose if they lose the revenue? Should ethnicity be considered? Should so called American foods trump foreign foods like Chinese or Italian?
Do we deliver the food using the Post Office? Establish a new uniformed service?
The trouble with seemingly simple solutions is they often result in creating bigger, more.complex problems.
I think with our current electronic systems we could probably set something up with the major supermarket chains to provide the food. Just implementing a system that restricts the items purchased from a very basic set of staples probably wouldn't be too difficult. Just as an example I would say that 80% of your funds must be spent on your choice of 100 predetermined staples and the other 20% could be discretionary.
No, I would not account for any special ethnicity requirements but there would have to be a caveat for special medical requirements. Basically, people getting free stuff will have very limited choices. If they don't like it they can choose not to participate. I would also make it so only members of the registered family could use the funds. I would probably require a biometric scan upon usage of the card so people don't sell the cards to others.
I have no clue how WIC works, but where can I buy me some food stamps for 50% on the dollar? I would buy the FK out of that(hook a brother up). Unfortunately, I'm sure its illegal for both the seller and buyer.(?)Quote: gamerfreakI think they use SNAP here. The bigger issue I see is that people will sell their SNAP cards for like 50% of their value.
Does WIC do anything different that solves that issue?
You buy lobster, or even spend on cigarettes, and you only get a limited amount of mon3y for food how are you going to do anything but go hungry for a few days?
Btw, poor people take food from church charity food co-ops and the like. You going to stop those so they can't afford lobster with food stamps once in awhile?
Near-capacity toilets force Joshua Tree campground to close amid government shutdown.
Quote: ams288You know, with the amount of money food stamp recipients spend on lobster and crab each year, you could probably cover the secret service budget of *one* of Donald’s golf trips!
Might even be able to build a wall.😀
Quote: KeyserThe lefties opposition to the wall is bizarre.
The wall is absurd
Some parts of the border, a wall is ridiculous
Beef up border patrol in the areas that make sense.
Spend tax money smartly
Delicacy's that were once thought of as poor mans food; https://feast.media/luxury-meals-that-were-once-poor-man-s-food
Edit: orange man bad
Quote: petroglyphIt's hard to trust uppity poor folk to not make a delicacy out of trash food. At one time lobster was poor mans food and it was fed to prisoners.
Delicacy's that were once thought of as poor mans food; https://feast.media/luxury-meals-that-were-once-poor-man-s-food
I dislike Lobster and most seafood. Shrimp is about the only seafood I like. Occasionally I will eat a crab cake.
I remember reading that slaves/ indentured servants wanted to limit amount of lobster in their contracts.
In many peoples case when they say they don't like seafood, it is because they never had the opportunity to eat it fresh enough.Quote: AxelWolfI dislike Lobster and most seafood. Shrimp is about the only seafood I like. Occasionally I will eat a crab cake.
I remember reading that slaves/ indentured servants wanted to limit amount of lobster in their contracts.
I've had several tell me they don't like salmon, until I barbecue them a fresh king belly.
Cook them Dungies right on the boat in the water they came from and eat them while the boat is still rocking, or get wild caught giant Ak prawns. It's a totally different experience than what most people have tried out of the Walmart lighted case, where the shrimp are raised in a Chinese sewer lagoon.
I imagine those people didn't want 3 day old lobster that wasn't refrigerated, that would easily make you deathly ill.
Shellfish needs to be cooked while still alive in most cases.
Someone started one for ladders.
Quote: terapinedThe wall is absurd
Some parts of the border, a wall is ridiculous
Beef up border patrol in the areas that make sense.
Spend tax money smartly

Obama gave 150 billion to Iran, and 1.8 billion of it was in cash.
But Trump wanting to spend five billion on a wall is a bad idea?
By the way, Obama just recently had a 10 foot wall built around his home. Go figure. LOL!!!
To date, I've yet to read a logical argument as to why we shouldn't build one. All that's been put forth by the left is emotion, and nonsense.
Quote: Keyser
Obama gave 150 billion to Iran, and 1.8 billion of it was in cash.
But Trump wanting to spend five billion on a wall is a bad idea?
By the way, Obama just recently had a 10 foot wall built around his home. Go figure. LOL!!!
To date, I've yet to read a logical argument as to why we shouldn't build one. All that's been put forth by the left is emotion, and nonsense.
Obama RETURNED 150 billion to Iran. It was not the US' money to spend.
As for the "wall" around the Obama's home.. a simple google search would have cleared that up for you. Maybe you should think about whether something Trump says is true before repeating.
Quote: Keyser
By the way, Obama just recently had a 10 foot wall built around his home. Go figure. LOL!!!
Trump tweets a lie and you believe it
In the meantime, I suggest that you watch Fox News, the only true, fair and balanced network. :) (Rather than Yahoo News. LOL!!!)
Do you have a link for the 150B? I've never seen anything of that sort.Quote: Keyser
Obama gave 150 billion to Iran, and 1.8 billion of it was in cash.
But Trump wanting to spend five billion on a wall is a bad idea?
By the way, Obama just recently had a 10 foot wall built around his home. Go figure. LOL!!!
To date, I've yet to read a logical argument as to why we shouldn't build one. All that's been put forth by the left is emotion, and nonsense.
Have you seen anywhere that actually claims that wasn't Iran's money ?
Quote: KeyserTo date, I've yet to read a logical argument as to why we shouldn't build one. All that's been put forth by the left is emotion, and nonsense.
I don’t think $5B would scratch the surface at building an effective border wall.
Have there been any real estimates or proposals as to what the $5B will realistically purchase?
What I want to know is why are the lefties so irrational when it comes to the wall? What are the REAL reasons that they oppose it?
Quote: petroglyphDo you have a link for the 150B? I've never seen anything of that sort.Quote: Keyser
Obama gave 150 billion to Iran, and 1.8 billion of it was in cash.
But Trump wanting to spend five billion on a wall is a bad idea?
By the way, Obama just recently had a 10 foot wall built around his home. Go figure. LOL!!!
To date, I've yet to read a logical argument as to why we shouldn't build one. All that's been put forth by the left is emotion, and nonsense.
Have you seen anywhere that actually claims that wasn't Iran's money ?
Quote: KeyserFive billion is irrelevant. It's really just symbolic. Trump can build the wall without congressional approval. He has the funds available and the authority to build the wall.
What are you saying, it should be a blank check?
Where exactly is the wall going to be built?
What is the proposed cost?
What is the expected quantifiable benefit of the project?
These are really basic questions that have not been answered.