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October 8th, 2018 at 2:37:21 PM permalink
Can't decide if I prefer the 'my pillow' guy or the 'your president' guy.
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October 8th, 2018 at 2:54:43 PM permalink
Quote: Maverick17

Promises made -- Promises kept


I still like Presidents who don't commit sexual assault, though.
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October 8th, 2018 at 3:52:40 PM permalink
speaking of sex assault, whatever happened to the Alabama losing senator?

if you believe the liberals, he is a pedophile. I wonder why he isn't in jail?

Surely we want all those victims of his to get closure. It was not a bunch of lies to win an election, was it?


I have asked this a number of times on this board to my liberal posters, YOUR PRESIDENT had a football team of lying women who say He committed wrongs against them. It has been three years, or longer. Can't they find their way to a courthouse to file a case?
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October 8th, 2018 at 4:05:23 PM permalink
Quote: Maverick17

Can't they find their way to a courthouse to file a case?
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October 8th, 2018 at 4:07:58 PM permalink
Quote: Maverick17

I have asked this a number of times on this board to my liberal posters, YOUR PRESIDENT had a football team of lying women who say He committed wrongs against them. It has been three years, or longer. Can't they find their way to a courthouse to file a case?

Trump said he was going to sue those women, as well as the New York Times for publishing their story. Why hasn't he? I would definitely seek legal action if somebody slandered my name like that.
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October 8th, 2018 at 4:12:51 PM permalink
Quote: Maverick17

I have asked this a number of times on this board to my liberal posters, YOUR PRESIDENT had a football team of lying women who say He committed wrongs against them. It has been three years, or longer. Can't they find their way to a courthouse to file a case?

Many of the cases are like a bus or subway pervert, touching women inappropriately. It's illegal and wrong but it's not much of a case otherwise. YOUR PRESIDENT PERVERT.
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October 8th, 2018 at 4:18:36 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

Trump said he was going to sue those women, as well as the New York Times for publishing their story. Why hasn't he? I would definitely seek legal action if somebody slandered my name like that.

Would you like "moving a goalpost for $500?"

Comparing worthless scumbags to YOUR PRESIDENT is akin to playing Electric Football and comparing it to the Super Bowl.
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October 8th, 2018 at 4:23:42 PM permalink
Quote: Maverick17


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October 8th, 2018 at 4:24:57 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Many of the cases are like a bus or subway pervert, touching women inappropriately. It's illegal and wrong but it's not much of a case otherwise. YOUR PRESIDENT PERVERT.

Which is excactly why ballsy ford can't remember a darn thing. Because there isn't much of a case otherwise. And in reality, if the liar had "recalled" those important details, you can bet the farm they would have been refuted with actual facts from Justice Kavanaugh.

The details are how liars are found out. If my attacker had kept her mouth shut and acted dumb as a board, I may not have come out of my situation so clean. I may have had to get in the mud she created with her piss and vitriol, just like Justice Kavanaugh was forced to do.
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October 8th, 2018 at 4:39:59 PM permalink
If you had no idea about any of this, and just rooted for the side with the more polite posters, which side do you think most people would root for?
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October 8th, 2018 at 4:52:06 PM permalink
Quote: FinsRule

If you had no idea about any of this, and just rooted for the side with the more polite posters, which side do you think most people would root for?

Neither. By a mile. But which side is ZK on?
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October 8th, 2018 at 4:54:12 PM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

Neither. By a mile

Nope. Gotta pick one.
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October 8th, 2018 at 5:15:14 PM permalink
Quote: FinsRule

Nope. Gotta pick one.

I'd rather use my brain and logic than rely on feelings and emotions.

Of course people are going to get mad when they get accused of something that didn't happen, or at the very least, when there is no corroborating evidence supporting the accusations. You can't expect someone to prove a negative. When the follow up is some liberal horses*** like "believe all women [without proof]", or when you have people on this very forum saying something like, 'False rape allegations are good', then yeah, people are going to get pissed off because saying and believing in that nonsense is damaging, as it turns us from a stable state towards anarchy. Mob rule can be effective (ie: detrimental) because it's baseless.

The onus of proof is always on the accuser, not the accused. It doesn't matter if it's a criminal trial, civil case, a job interview, or your friend saying, "Bruh you stole my gum." The defendant can not and should not ever be expected to prove his innocence, which is why you are consider "innocent before proven guilty", at least here in America.

So yeah, when people start saying dumb and stupid s*** that's damaging, expect people to get mad.
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October 8th, 2018 at 5:35:42 PM permalink
This is off topic, but the onus of proof is on the applicant in a job interview. They need to prove they are the best person in the world for that job.

He didn’t prove it to me, but he apparently proved it to 51 people.

But that wasn’t my point. My point is, if you see a post on any forum that is rude or calls someone names, it’s more often going to be a Republican supporter. That always makes it hard for me to take that person seriously.
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October 8th, 2018 at 5:54:25 PM permalink
I’m not so sure I agree with that. I think you’re more likely to be called a sexist or racist out of the blue for little to no reason whatsoever or some thinly veiled passive aggressive comment by a democrat. On this board they sometimes refer to people as supporters of pedos without cause. I think on this particular board RonC and Soopoo are about the most polite respectful posters in this thread. Maverick seems to be awfully agitated for #winning though, I’ll give you that.
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October 8th, 2018 at 5:55:59 PM permalink
Quote: RS

So yeah, when people start saying dumb and stupid s*** that's damaging, expect people to get mad.

I can say for sure being falsely accused of something doesn't automatically make one mad. Political dissidents often react quite calmly to trumped up terrible charges because they know they are totally innocent against awful accusations.

In Kavanaughs case his reaction leads me as much to believe there could at least be partial truth that he' s reacting to. Something not right about it, IMO.
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October 8th, 2018 at 6:10:14 PM permalink
Quote: FinsRule

This is off topic, but the onus of proof is on the applicant in a job interview. They need to prove they are the best person in the world for that job.

He didn’t prove it to me, but he apparently proved it to 51 people.

But that wasn’t my point. My point is, if you see a post on any forum that is rude or calls someone names, it’s more often going to be a Republican supporter. That always makes it hard for me to take that person seriously.

Of course the job applicant has to prove he's good for the position, is qualified, and all that. But again, he can't prove a negative. If he's unqualified, then that would have been shown through the other investigations/background checks, his history as a judge, and whatever else is necessary to get confirmed to that position. Just because it's a "job application", doesn't put the onus on him to prove he didn't sexually assault Ford 36 years ago. Just like how if I accuse you of stealing a stick of gum from me, the onus isn't on you to prove you didn't do it, but it'd be on me.

People are rude, from BOTH SIDES (tm). Check out twitter,, or really any kind of social media and you'll see it on both sides. You probably see it as being more often coming from Republicans because you're a Democrat (I suspect)....and I feel like it comes more from the left than the right (and I lean right). I chalk it up to bias. Hell, like 2-3 years ago some chick on Facebook was ranting and raving about how Trump is so bad, awful, racist, etc. etc. and I just asked what he has done or said that was racist and she went into crazy-mode and threw out plenty of insults and profanities -- she never answered the question though....well, I guess her lack of an answer was answer enough.

Even though it's not .... I don't know the word, I guess "100% fair or accurate", if we look at suspensions on this forum that came directly from politically related threads, in the last 2 months (since I'm not gonna look over the last year, several years, or since inception), we come up with the following: - Mission146 - was (is?) left / far left, but recently or since then is leaning more conservative, I think? - Romes - leans left - Billryan - left - ams - far left - TigerWu - leans left / left - rawtuff - idk where he leans (I suspect right), although I don't agree with that suspension because I think he was speaking in general and not aimed at Soopoo.
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October 9th, 2018 at 4:48:40 AM permalink
Great political ad
When somebody doesn't believe me, I could care less. Some get totally bent out of shape when not believed. Weird. I believe very little on all forums
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October 9th, 2018 at 5:46:28 AM permalink
Quote: terapined

Great political ad

That is not a bad commercial at all, though it ignores the realities of politics. There are lots of things said in primaries that seemingly disappear once the party picks a nominee.

Ted Cruz is not my favorite Senator, but I am not a fan of Beto. It will be a close race.
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October 9th, 2018 at 7:13:52 AM permalink
Nikki Haley's resignation has been confirmed.

Ethics issues with flights?

A new job?

Headed home?
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October 9th, 2018 at 7:53:42 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

Nikki Haley's resignation has been confirmed.

Ethics issues with flights?

A new job?

Headed home?

Another one bites the dust

If only Kavanaugh would resign as well :)))
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October 9th, 2018 at 7:58:21 AM permalink
Quote: Maverick17

Would you like "moving a goalpost for $500?"

Comparing worthless scumbags to YOUR PRESIDENT is akin to playing Electric Football and comparing it to the Super Bowl.

Non-sequitur. That doesn't answer my question.

MY PRESIDENT said he was going to sue those women, as well as the New York Times for publishing their story. Why hasn't he? Is MY PRESIDENT not a man of his word?

Quote: RS

TigerWu - leans left / left

For the record I consider myself just barely left of center. BARELY. Hell, I almost voted for McCain until he picked Palin, and I was going to vote Romney until the Evangelicals sunk their claws into him.
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October 9th, 2018 at 7:58:57 AM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Another one bites the dust

If only Kavanaugh would resign as well :)))

Sounds now like it was planned. She'll also have to answer questions about the flights, if any need to be answered.
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October 9th, 2018 at 9:24:12 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

Sounds now like it was planned.

Playing the 'if'' game...

Trump has just given her a glowing endorsement in her send-off. Better than anyone else that I remember, Haley has stated very clearly, that she isn't running in 2020 but campaigning for Trump.

BUT given what I think is only a very remote possibility Trump won't run in 2020, this would be a perfect set up for her to change her mind under that scenario and run for POTUS,
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October 9th, 2018 at 9:30:43 AM permalink
Quote: RS

I'd rather use my brain and logic than rely on feelings and emotions.

Of course people are going to get mad when they get accused of something that didn't happen, or at the very least, when there is no corroborating evidence supporting the accusations. You can't expect someone to prove a negative. When the follow up is some liberal horses*** like "believe all women [without proof]", or when you have people on this very forum saying something like, 'False rape allegations are good', then yeah, people are going to get pissed off because saying and believing in that nonsense is damaging, as it turns us from a stable state towards anarchy. Mob rule can be effective (ie: detrimental) because it's baseless.

The onus of proof is always on the accuser, not the accused. It doesn't matter if it's a criminal trial, civil case, a job interview, or your friend saying, "Bruh you stole my gum." The defendant can not and should not ever be expected to prove his innocence, which is why you are consider "innocent before proven guilty", at least here in America.

So yeah, when people start saying dumb and stupid s*** that's damaging, expect people to get mad.

What's ironic about all this is, the conservatives today support a man that has NEVER believed in due process or rule of law. I don't have to remind any of you what masses of people are STILL yelling "Lock Her Up", but let's not forget Central Park 5.

Trump has YET to apologize for it.

Practice what you preach? Yeah....right. You said it Donald, it's a "conjob".
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October 9th, 2018 at 10:41:09 AM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

For the record I consider myself just barely left of center. BARELY. Hell, I almost voted for McCain until he picked Palin, and I was going to vote Romney until the Evangelicals sunk their claws into him.

I consider myself just barely right of center. BARELY. Hell I almost voted for Obama the first time until people told me I had to because he was black, and I almost voted for him the second time until I realized he was pawn, and that the communists had sunk their claws into him.
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October 9th, 2018 at 11:13:09 AM permalink
Quote: Maverick17

I consider myself just barely right of center. BARELY. Hell I almost voted for Obama the first time until people told me I had to because he was black, and I almost voted for him the second time until I realized he was pawn, and that the communists had sunk their claws into him.


I lied and told a super-liberal girl I voted for Obama because I was trying to get into her pants.
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October 9th, 2018 at 11:48:06 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Playing the 'if'' game...

Trump has just given her a glowing endorsement in her send-off. Better than anyone else that I remember, Haley has stated very clearly, that she isn't running in 2020 but campaigning for Trump.

BUT given what I think is only a very remote possibility Trump won't run in 2020, this would be a perfect set up for her to change her mind under that scenario and run for POTUS,

...and she would instantly be a much better candidate than Pence...
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October 9th, 2018 at 1:48:44 PM permalink
Quote: Maverick17

I consider myself just barely right of center. BARELY. Hell I almost voted for Obama the first time until people told me I had to because he was black, and I almost voted for him the second time until I realized he was pawn, and that the communists had sunk their claws into him.

Why wouldnt you vote for who you thought was the best candidate regardless of what anyone told you

If everyone told you to vote for Trump because he was white would you have voted for Clinton?
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October 9th, 2018 at 2:02:17 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

Why wouldnt you vote for who you thought was the best candidate regardless of what anyone told you

If everyone told you to vote for Trump because he was white would you have voted for Clinton?

Low information voters tend to run with the herd.
The older I get, the better I recall things that never happened
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October 9th, 2018 at 2:09:55 PM permalink
Quote: darkoz

If everyone told you to vote for Trump because he was white would you have voted for Clinton?

Trump told me to vote for him because if I voted for Clinton there would be constant federal investigations and multiple indictments and.... oh... oh, my...

Guess these Trump quotes from 2016 didn't age well:

“As you’ve heard, earlier today the FBI after discovering new emails is reopening their investigation into Hillary Clinton… The investigation is the biggest political scandal since Watergate and it’s everybody’s hope that justice at last can be delivered.”

“If Hillary Clinton were to be elected, it would create an unprecedented and protracted constitutional crisis. Haven’t we just been through a lot with the Clintons, right?”

“Hillary is likely to be under investigation for many years, probably concluding in a criminal trial.”

“She'll be under investigation for years. She'll be with trials. Our country, we have to get back to work.”

“Hillary has engaged in a criminal massive enterprise and cover-ups like probably nobody ever before.”

“There's virtually no doubt that FBI Director Comey and the great, great special agents of the FBI will be able to collect more than enough evidence to garner indictments against Hillary Clinton and her inner circle, despite her efforts to disparage them and to discredit them. If she were to win this election, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial.”

“Her current scandals and controversies will continue throughout her presidency and we will make it honestly, look, it's gonna be virtually impossible for her to govern. Now, the Republicans have talked very tough and the Democrats. It's gonna be just another mess for another four years, folks. A mess. We've got to get back to work, right? I mean, we have to get back to work.”

“First thing you should do is get rid of Clinton. Hillary Clinton will be under investigation for a long, long time for her many crimes against our nation, our people, our democracy, likely concluding in a criminal trial.”

“The investigations into her crimes will go on for a long, long time. The rank and file special agents at the FBI won't let her get away with these terrible crimes, including the deletion of 33,000 emails after receiving a congressional subpoena. Right now, she's being protected by a rigged system.”

Gee, this Hillary person sounds like a modern day Lex Luthor... How come she's not in jail?
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October 9th, 2018 at 2:12:09 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

Low information voters tend to run with the herd.

I love the whole "low information voter" thing that some bring up. Though most won't admit it, there are PLENTY of low information voters on each side.
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October 9th, 2018 at 2:20:00 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

Non-sequitur. That doesn't answer my question.

MY PRESIDENT said he was going to sue those women, as well as the New York Times for publishing their story. Why hasn't he? Is MY PRESIDENT not a man of his word?

For the record I consider myself just barely left of center. BARELY. Hell, I almost voted for McCain until he picked Palin, and I was going to vote Romney until the Evangelicals sunk their claws into him.


Answer why the lying c's don't sue.
Statistics don't lie, they deceive.
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October 9th, 2018 at 2:33:34 PM permalink
Quote: Maverick17

Answer why the lying c's don't sue.


How the **** should I know? I'm not their lawyer.
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October 9th, 2018 at 2:34:34 PM permalink
Quote: Maverick17


Answer why the lying c's don't sue.

They have. I linked the lawsuit yesterday for you.
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October 9th, 2018 at 2:38:08 PM permalink
It just cracks me the hell up to see Trump supporters talk about honesty, truth, and lies. What world do they live in where they support a guy that has the track record below but can still call women "lying c's"?

Get real.
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October 10th, 2018 at 10:39:32 AM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

It just cracks me the hell up to see Trump supporters talk about honesty, truth, and lies. What world do they live in where they support a guy that has the track record below but can still call women "lying c's"?

Get real.

"Supporting ________________" doesn't mean you believe every word that has been said or every action of that person. I am sure every reasonable person can find something they don't like about whoever they support.
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October 10th, 2018 at 10:44:10 AM permalink
Supporting a man who has THAT track record with the truth, AND does things like this? It's no wonder they feel emboldened to call women lying c**ts. It's a disgrace and the GOP ought to be ashamed of themselves.

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October 10th, 2018 at 11:02:31 AM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

Yet another example of an incident that would have literally been career-ending for a politician prior to this administration.

But for Trump, it probably wasn't even the most outrageous thing he did that day, and it was forgotten about in 24 hours.

I don't understand it at all when he and his supporters say how unfairly he gets treated. He has literally gotten away with more than just about any other politician in history. He's had it SOOOO easy since day one; it's ridiculous.
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October 10th, 2018 at 11:23:21 AM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

Supporting a man who has THAT track record with the truth, AND does things like this? It's no wonder they feel emboldened to call women lying c**ts. It's a disgrace and the GOP ought to be ashamed of themselves.

What is your objection to this clip? The pres was having a presser about trade, and didn't want to totally change the subject for this reporter. So what?

I've heard the term feckless cu*** used, but not lying cu***. Is there a short video of calling women lying cu*** you can link?
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October 10th, 2018 at 11:33:54 AM permalink
He said that she never thinks before she asked her question. Your point is null and void. It's a disgrace that his man represents our country.

One of the posters above keeps calling women lying c**ts while supporting the most dishonest and lying POTUS our country has ever seen.

Samantha Bee apologized to Ivanka. Ivanka's father should do the same to this reporter.
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October 10th, 2018 at 11:49:02 AM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

He said that she never thinks before she asked her question. Your point is null and void. It's a disgrace that his man represents our country.

One of the posters above keeps calling women lying c**ts while supporting the most dishonest and lying POTUS our country has ever seen.

Samantha Bee apologized to Ivanka. Ivanka's father should do the same to this reporter.

Any CEO expects a meeting to stay on point. He joked her as you can see when he smiled when he said we'll get back to that later. There is nothing wrong with a CEO telling everyone what the topic is going to be, I'm sure they had more to do that day then cater to each and every reporter.

BTW, they also didn't discuss the budget, healthcare, ISIS, or a host of other topics. There is only so much time that can be allocated to each reporters wants.

Null and void, pfft. The reporter was dull and void, and out of line. He should boot her out if she continues trying to derail interviews.
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October 10th, 2018 at 11:56:16 AM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

Any CEO expects a meeting to stay on point. He joked her as you can see when he smiled when he said we'll get back to that later. There is nothing wrong with a CEO telling everyone what the topic is going to be, I'm sure they had more to do that day then cater to each and every reporter.

BTW, they also didn't discuss the budget, healthcare, ISIS, or a host of other topics. There is only so much time that can be allocated to each reporters wants.

Null and void, pfft. The reporter was dull and void, and out of line. He should boot her out if she continues trying to derail interviews.

We're not talking about the subject of her question. I am pointing out that he said she never thinks. He insulted her. And then had the expression of a 12 year old acting like he didn't just say what he said. THIS WAS BEFORE THE QUESTION WAS ASKED.


The free press of this country does not work for Donald Trump.
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October 10th, 2018 at 12:09:19 PM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

Any CEO expects a meeting to stay on point. He joked her as you can see when he smiled when he said we'll get back to that later. There is nothing wrong with a CEO telling everyone what the topic is going to be, I'm sure they had more to do that day then cater to each and every reporter.

The only joking being done was when he initially said she was surprised he called on her. That could be excused. Then he just straight up insulted her by saying she wasn't thinking and never does. Totally un-Presidential and uncalled for. And as was pointed out, this all happened BEFORE he even knew what the question was.

Quote: petroglyph

I've heard the term feckless cu*** used, but not lying cu***. Is there a short video of calling women lying cu*** you can link?

Do Samantha Bee and Roseanne have the same boss? It's not a "double standard" if they work for different bosses. Different companies would have different standards. If they work for the exact same people, I could see how it could be an issue.
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October 10th, 2018 at 12:09:31 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

The free press of this country does not work for Donald Trump.

They didn't work for any other President, either.

Free is one thing and it does not require fair. When conservative radio kicks liberal radio's behind, libs want a fairness doctrine. No one has to listen to talk radio and no one has to cover the President, or anyone else, fairly. However, don't expect anyone who feels unfairly treated to just take it.

The President was clear about how the questioning was to go because he wanted at least some of it to cover a new trade agreement; she just wanted to be first to ask a Kavanaugh question. It didn't work out for her.
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October 10th, 2018 at 12:19:20 PM permalink
Ugh. I go on vacation for four days and miss this:

The dumbass had toilet paper stuck to his shoe.
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
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October 10th, 2018 at 12:22:14 PM permalink
Quote: ams288

The dumbass had toilet paper stuck to his shoe.

The absolute horror...
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October 10th, 2018 at 12:22:45 PM permalink
What is so hard about this:

He insulted her BEFORE she asked her question.
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October 10th, 2018 at 12:24:29 PM permalink
Quote: RonC

The absolute horror...

For someone with as frail an ego as Donald, it kind of is.

Anyone else and it’d be no big deal.
Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
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October 10th, 2018 at 12:37:47 PM permalink
My favorite part about the toilet paper on the shoe is that you KNOW multiple people had to have seen it, but nobody said anything to him...

Quote: Steverinos

What is so hard about this:

He insulted her BEFORE she asked her question.

I feel like some of these folks aren't even watching the video to make up their own minds or to get all the information; they just automatically defend Trump no matter what, even when he's objectively in the wrong.
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