Quote: SOOPOOIt is NOT a VERY HIGH chance. I would guess that the average man DJT's age and general condition has a better than 70% chance to make it to 2025. My guess is PacoMartin can find an actuarial table somewhere to get a better guess.
Using an illustrative life table I have from my life contingencies classes back in the 80s, I calculate about 68.4% chance of survival. However, mortality has certainly improved since then and the Imperial Wizard in Chief would get the best of care... so i would put the estimate at about 75% chance of survival.
This is not his last 100 days. Not even close.
It probably isn't going to happen, but boy it'd be nice to see a landslide in favor of the Democrat so that the laughs at Trump can grow louder. Let's laugh, alongside the rest of the civilized world, at this guy called Trump.
Quote: SOOPOO. I would guess that the average man DJT's age and general condition has a better than 70% chance to make it to 2025.
Higher, I would say. His dad lived to 94, and
Trump has never smoked, drank or done
drugs of any kind. He also has access as
president to the best medical care on the
planet. Ever notice that ex presidents seem
to live forever? Bush Sr and Carter are still
around in their 90's. Ford was 94, Reagan
was 93. I would be shocked if Trump doesn't
make it to his 90's.
Quote: steeldcoNobody gives a crap about Hillary.
Really? She's all over the news on her
blame tour, she's everywhere. She is
in every other headline lately, somebody
seems to care. Maybe she'll run in 2020,
we can only hope..
Quote: EvenBobReagan
was 93.
But how was his quality of life near the end? He was already fading in his 2nd term.
And Donald's dad had Alzheimer's also.
Quote: EvenBobMaybe she'll run in 2020,
we can only hope..
lol yeah. That would be your only hope for 2020.
And the only reason you see her all over the news is because you only watch right wing crap. They can't talk about Donald's scandals and lack of accomplishments, so they gotta talk about Hillary like the election is still going on or something...
Quote: ams288And Donald's dad had Alzheimer's also.
So, in your mind, 94 with Alz is the same
as 70 without Alz. Fred Trump got Alz
when he was 88, but to you 88 and 70
are the same age. Amazing to live in
your world, how do you do it.
Quote: EvenBobSo, in your mind, 94 with Alz is the same
as 70 without Alz. Fred Trump got Alz
when he was 88, but to you 88 and 70
are the same age. Amazing to live in
your world, how do you do it.
I've got nothing against Fred Trump, but if someone goes back in time to 1945 can you kick him in the nuts every day in October.
Did I cross a line? Let's hope so.
Quote: EvenBobSo, in your mind, 94 with Alz is the same
as 70 without Alz. Fred Trump got Alz
when he was 88, but to you 88 and 70
are the same age. Amazing to live in
your world, how do you do it.
Dad got it at 88, maybe the son got it at 68. Who knows? Donald is already showing signs of.... something. Just look at his confusion during his recent trip to Israel.
Could just be a raging case of untreated syphilis, though. Who knows what those Russian hookers carry...
Quote: ams288Dad got it at 88, maybe the son got it at 68. Who knows?
Who knows, really? My mother in law has it
and her docs knew almost immediately. Who
knows? Do you think this is 1912? Who
knows? Really?
Quote: EvenBobWho knows, really? My mother in law has it
and her docs knew almost immediately. Who
knows? Do you think this is 1912? Who
knows? Really?
It's ams288's wishful thinking. Sad.
Quote: EvenBobWho knows, really? My mother in law has it
and her docs knew almost immediately. Who
knows? Do you think this is 1912? Who
knows? Really?
You sound upset. Do you need a #safespace? Cause it ain't here in this thread! lol
Quote: ams288You sound upset. Do you need a #safespace? Cause it ain't here in this thread! lol
I think several have tried to get Bob a safespace before, but he won't go.
(that's what we're calling it now, safespace)
Quote: ams288You sound upset. Do you need a #safespace?
Is there a safe space from ridiculous and
inane comments? It's amazing how the
worst candidate in US history losing
the election has warped so many minds.
Yes, sometimes, like never in the last 22,000 years and right until we started burning fossil fuels.... but sometimes.Quote: MaxPen
Sometimes natural changes happen quickly. One day you're a woolly mammoth grazing and the next your instantly frozen in ice with dinner still in your mouth.
Also - I'll take action that donald is not our president by 2025. Since he's the sitting president I'd imagine that would get me odds? Let me know who's interested in betting on trump being president in 2025.
Quote: EvenBobIt's amazing how the
worst candidate in US history losing
the election has warped so many minds.
He lost the popular vote, but not the election.
Quote: rxwineBest argument I've heard all day, is the US no longer considered the leader of the free world, not because Trump is not Alpha male enough, but because he is erratic and unreliable and no can rely on him.
I don't blame Trump for that. I think our pole position status has been on the downslide for years, since maybe the late '90's.
I think the next world leader is either going to be a strong EU country or China if they ever get all their ducks in a row.
I mean hell, are they wrong? The guy pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement which 190 countries (even NK) all agree to try to HELP THE WORLD from the PROVEN FACTUAL SCIENTIFIC effects of Global Warming. There is no "negotiating" about it. It's not some "deal" that he needs to "win" at or make better. It's a simple agreement to not burn the damn house down that even insane dictators (KJU) even are agreeing to. How bad do you have to look when KJU agrees to help the world and you don't. THAT'S why people don't respect the US (right now) and I wouldn't expect them to. We literally aren't the best country in the world, and that's okay... Comparing countries at its core is a stupid idea anyways. Nationalism leads to wars. Religion leads to wars. Science leads to truths, and sometimes people who can outright look facts in the face and just disagree.
Report Says NY Attorney General’s Case Led to Sealed Trump Indictment
by Ronn Blitzer | 12:05 pm, May 30th, 2017
Earlier this month, Louise Mensch and Claude Taylor reported on the patribotics blog that there is already a sealed indictment against President Donald Trump that could be used as grounds for impeachment. On Monday, they reported additional information, claiming that not only does the indictment exist, but it’s the result of an investigation conducted by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.
The report states that Schneiderman’s office was looking into Russian oligarchs and mobsters, including Semion Moglievich who reportedly lived in Trump Tower. That investigation supposedly turned up information that led Schneiderman to go to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC). FISC, the story goes, then brought evidence to a federal grand jury who indicted the President. While prosecutors won’t/can’t move forward with a criminal case against the sitting President, the indictment is supposedly being used for an impeachment case.
The report says that after the grand jury voted to indict, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein showed the indictment to Senators including Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), and that Representative Al Green (D-Texas) then called for Trump’s impeachment on the House floor. “I can report as fact that the Sergeant At Arms of the Senate … went to the White House on that Wednesday night,” the report says, adding that President Trump was notified that an impeachment case against him has commenced. The report also indicates that a judicial branch official informed Trump that he didn’t follow procedure when he declassified information that he revealed to Russian officials.
LawNewz.com reached out to the offices of Schneiderman and Graham for comment, but they have yet to respond.
The report remains unconfirmed and doesn’t go into a lot of specifics, nor is it clear on what kind of sources it relies on. Mensch drew plenty of criticism when she said in her original report that it was the Marshal of the Supreme Court who gave Trump the news, which is not how this process would go. Mensch corrected herself in the new report, saying that it was the Senate’s Sergeant At Arms who who went to the White House. While Mensch’s credibility has been called into question, she was reliable when reporting on a different story involving FISC, where she broke the news that the FBI, during the Obama administration, obtained a FISA warrant to look into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
If this new report is true, it could explain why White House lawyers were reportedly researching impeachment in the days after Trump was supposedly notified.
[Image via ABC screengrab]
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Quote: billryanEarlier this month, Louise Mensch and Claude Taylor reported on the patribotics blog
Not the most reliable of sources...
I look at their stuff as fan fiction. It'd be exciting if it were true, but it's not.
He's gotta try to deflect the attention somehow!
Quote: billryanOffered without comment.
Report Says NY Attorney General’s Case Led to Sealed Trump Indictment
by Ronn Blitzer | 12:05 pm, May 30th, 2017
The uber Lib site Snopes says this:
Quote: EvenBobThe uber Lib site Snopes says this:
They aren't a lib site, it's just that most fake news comes from the alt-right.
Quote: EvenBobThe uber Lib site Snopes says this:
Wow, Bob checks for fake news. How about that?
Quote: gamerfreakThey aren't a lib site,
"The snopes couple is no more reliable than Wikipedia, with their team of amateur editors who lie through their teeth to support an agenda (to criticize anything conservative). Snopes is just one of Obama’s (and Hillary’s) mass media shilling websites."
I missed you, Bob. How's life in Michigan?
Quote: EvenBob"The snopes couple is no more reliable than Wikipedia, with their team of amateur editors who lie through their teeth to support an agenda (to criticize anything conservative). Snopes is just one of Obama’s (and Hillary’s) mass media shilling websites."
REALLY, that's a more reliable source?!
Quote:The Democratic Party’s KKK mission was to terrorize freed slaves and any Republicans who sympathized with them.
The Democratic Party has never switched stances on racism, but rather subverted the enslavement of blacks by promoting their absolute dependence on Big Government to secure their votes. Anyone who now opposes this subversion is labeled racist.
Planned Parenthood is another subversion attempt at genocide to abort as many black babies as possible, as the organization is primarily based in inner cities and slums.
Most metropolitan cities in America are run by liberal Democrats who fuel dysfunctional anarchies full of gangs, drug dealers and poor blacks who depend on welfare for food.
Sounds like an unbiased source to me....

biased, that's why all the Lib's defend it so much.
They LUVED Obama.. We've had this discussion
before. Bad mouth Snopes and the Libs come
unglued. Ask yourself why that is..
Quote: EvenBobSnopes is no more reliable than wiki and is Lib
biased, that's why all the Lib's defend it so much.
They LUVED Obama.. We've had this discussion
before. Bad mouth Snopes and the Libs come
unglued. Ask yourself why that is..
My claim was that Snopes having a heavy liberal bias is something perpetuated by the alt-right because they don't like to be fact checked.
And you refuted that, using an alt-right propaganda site as your source.
You surely can see where that logic does not follow.
Quote: gamerfreakMy claim was that Snopes having a heavy liberal bias
My claim is that I've never seen a Lib
that's doesn't love the crap out of
Snopes, why is that. They will defend
it long and hard, don't you ever wonder
why? Think really hard for a minute..
Quote: EvenBob"The snopes couple is no more reliable than Wikipedia, with their team of amateur editors who lie through their teeth to support an agenda (to criticize anything conservative). Snopes is just one of Obama’s (and Hillary’s) mass media shilling websites."
And you are more reliable?
that doesn't love the crap out of
FoxNews, why is that. They will defend
it long and hard, don't you ever wonder
why? Don't think about it for even a second..
Quote: rxwineAnd you are more reliable?
He beats roulette with a betting system. What do you think?
The aviation system and the airspace over this country is an asset worth trillions. Do not let Trump give it away to private corporations. It is yours.
It has led to a quick arrest of the leaker so this document and its leak is being considered quite important
Here is one article on how significant
Quote: beachbumbabsTrump told about 8 lies about ATC and what his plan would do in just the 1 minute synopsis I heard. Please do not believe the promises or the hype. Privatization is very bad for this country ' s safety and the aviation community, at least in any proposals received so far (over the last 25 years, and including this).
The aviation system and the airspace over this country is an asset worth trillions. Do not let Trump give it away to private corporations. It is yours.
When airlines privatized did they become unsafe? No, air travel became better and more affordable. Privatize everything.
Quote: RogerKintWhen airlines privatized did they become unsafe? No, air travel became better and more affordable. Privatize everything.
Quote:But no evidence has yet been produced to show that privatization would reduce costs. In fact, nations that have privatized ATC have seen operational costs increase at a much higher rate than has been seen in the U.S. under the FAA.”
Personally, I'm not against privatization, but I have a lot of concerns about Trump's ideas in general and want to hear much more debate and facts on this.
Quote: rxwineQuote:But no evidence has yet been produced to show that privatization would reduce costs. In fact, nations that have privatized ATC have seen operational costs increase at a much higher rate than has been seen in the U.S. under the FAA.”
This type of thinking is why people are tuning out. Other nations are getting their asses kicked by Hitler? Well, we better surrender. Other nations haven't freed their slaves? Well we better not either. Our ATC is the best in the world because AMERICANS are doing it.
Quote: RogerKintQuote: rxwineQuote:But no evidence has yet been produced to show that privatization would reduce costs. In fact, nations that have privatized ATC have seen operational costs increase at a much higher rate than has been seen in the U.S. under the FAA.”
Our ATC is the best in the world because AMERICANS are doing it.
I am no expert in this field but I find that hard to believe
There isn't a single country on this planet that has an equal or better ATC?
Source please
(1) You have stringent hiring standards including strict medical, physical and mental examinations which endure throughout employment.
(2) You have stringent rule enforcements, regulations, and SOPs which are dutifully followed that makes air travel and ground movements safe.
(3) You pay workers well which provides longevity in a very tough and stressful environment.
It has nothing to do with AMERICANS.
Quote: terapinedQuote: RogerKintQuote: rxwineQuote:But no evidence has yet been produced to show that privatization would reduce costs. In fact, nations that have privatized ATC have seen operational costs increase at a much higher rate than has been seen in the U.S. under the FAA.”
Our ATC is the best in the world because AMERICANS are doing it.
I am no expert in this field but I find that hard to believe
There isn't a single country on this planet that has an equal or better ATC?
Source please
Babs, is blasphemy against forum rules? ;)
So, instead I will say, it ain't broke enough to fix. Leave it alone. If we are still getting good or better results than others especially.
Guess I should add, I don't mean the modernization part which is always done, just the general idea being proposed about breaking it away to private industry.
I have a guess...to line the pockets of campaign contributors, lobbyists, and political cronyism.
Also, Delta Airlines released a study in 2016 showing that consumer airline fares will go up 20-30% under a privatized ATC system.
“Proponents have claimed that privatization would lead to cost savings for consumers,” the study stated. “But no evidence has yet been produced to show that privatization would reduce costs. In fact, nations that have privatized ATC have seen operational costs increase at a much higher rate than has been seen in the U.S. under the FAA.”
The only argument I am hearing is "government is BAD, mmkay?", when in reality the FAA is doing just fine.
Trump has failed on every piece of legislation he has tried to push through, despite the repubs having control over everything. His fragile ego needs a victory, and this is the low hanging fruit.
Quote: gamerfreakTrump has failed on every piece of legislation he has tried to push through, despite the repubs having control over everything. His fragile ego needs a victory, and this is the low hanging fruit.
If I was a Republican, I would secretly want Trump gone before he can run for reelection. As long as you can keep Pence there for a year or 2.
It's a secret.
If they really want Trump for 8 years, may God or whatever have mercy on their souls, or their spiritual hoo hoos or whatever they believe.