Quote: EvenBobSpeculation, not provable. No tape of Trump
saying to Comey 'You do this or you're fired!'.
It's too bad the Dems have never heard of
'evidence' before they started screaming
their heads off. So far no crime has been
shown, and there kinda sorta has to be a
crime for an impeachment.
I believe the term is "high crimes and misdemeanors". Back to grade school for you.
SCOTUS will likely use Trump's tweets to uphold the lower court's ruling banning the travel ban as intent to ban on the basis of religion which is against the constitution.
Whether the same applies to an obstruction of justice hearing remains to be seen.
I think I will make a trip into the office tomorrow in order to avoid the mayhem on TV tomorrow.
Quote: gamerfreakour friend Bill still found himself impeached over it.
He did? I always thought he was impeached for
the crime of lying under oath. Key word here
is 'crime'. No president has ever been thrown
out of office, let alone one by his own party.
Both Andrew Johnson and Clinton were
impeached by the opposition party. No
party in it's right mind would ever impeach
their own president, it would be political
suicide in the next election. But dream on,
it's very entertaining.
October 2016: CNN calls for Comey to resign
So Comey memorialized every meeting with Trump but allowed Hillary to be interviewed without notes taken. And this man is considered credible.
Robert Gates Said He Felt Pressured To Tell Obama He Would Be Loyal
Bob Schieffert Accused Gates of a Lack of "Loyalty" In Writing a Memoir About His Obama Years
This is what real obstruction of justice by influencing an investigation looks like: Obama Says "Not Even a Smidgen of Corruption" in IRS Scandal
For some dumb reason my links aren't working even though I used the formatting codes correctly. I tried multiple times, this forum software is just screwed up.
Quote: EvenBobHe did? I always thought he was impeached for
the crime of lying under oath. Key word here
is 'crime'. No president has ever been thrown
out of office, let alone one by his own party.
Both Andrew Johnson and Clinton were
impeached by the opposition party. No
party in it's right mind would ever impeach
their own president, it would be political
suicide in the next election. But dream on,
it's very entertaining.
It was enough to put him under oath. Let's do the same for the orange man and see how long he lasts without perjuring himself.
Dems won't be the opposition party for long when the Republican's are choking this hard on the power they've been given.
Quote:I took the opportunity to implore
the Attorney General to prevent any future direct communication between the
President and me. I told the AG that what had just happened – him being asked to
leave while the FBI Director, who reports to the AG, remained behind – was
inappropriate and should never happen. He did not reply.
Sessions then recuses himself from the Russia investigation.
Sessions then recommends firing Comey, who was leading the Russia investigation.
He was compelled to document his conversations with Donald because "the nature of the person."
Translation: he's a liar and he'd lie about our meetings.
Nobody will be punished for anything and this whole situation will be forgotten by Monday morning.
Quote: TigerWuMy prediction:
Nobody will be punished for anything and this whole situation will be forgotten by Monday morning.
No way in hell.
So - the guy who was running the Russia investigation until he was fired REALLY wanted an independent Special Prosecutor to pick up where he left off?
Would he really go to those lengths if there was no "there there" to all this Russia stuff?
Maybe I missed something earlier.
Quote: rxwineJust started watching. What's up with John McCain -- what the heck. He sounds confused. Or I couldn't follow him. Not sure.
Maybe I missed something earlier.
He looks and sounds like a confused old man. He needs to retired
Quote: ams288Right now, the only thing people from the right and left seem to be agreeing on Twitter about is that something is wrong with John McCain.
Of course there is. He's delusional. He thinks he's a "war hero." War hero's don't get captured by the enemy!
he could be impeached for. This was all
just Comey being a media whore, not a
big surprise. We did learn McCain is a mental
case and that Loretta Lynch needs to be perp
walked, so the day wasn't a total loss.
Quote: EvenBobSo Trump is totally exonerated of any crimes
he could be impeached for.
This..... didn't happen today.
Quote: EvenBobSo Trump is totally exonerated of any crimes
he could be impeached for.
So, President improperly contacts the director of the FBI and then innocently daydreams vocally about a specific investigation being let alone is a story only a dope would believe.
Doesn't work for me.
Quote: ams288This..... didn't happen today.
Yes... It did.
Quote: EvenBobYes... It did.
No President is ever "exonerated of any crimes they could be impeached for." Impeachment is political...
Hell, they could impeach him for painting his face orange if they really wanted to!
But the GOP Congress is NEVER going to impeach him. That has always been clear.
They'll do much better in 2018 and 2020 if they can run against his fat ass.
Quote: ams288Hell, they could impeach him for painting his face orange if they really wanted to!
But it's a crime they want him on, that's
what all the Dems in congress are
talking about. A crime would force an
impeachment, like it did with Clinton.
He got caught lying under oath, they
had no choice. Trump has committed no
crime, as Comey testified to today.
Crushing disappointment on the Left,
somebody woke Maxine Waters from
her daily 6 hour nap and broke the bad
news to her.
Quote: EvenBobTrump has committed no
crime, as Comey testified to today.
Not once did
he say this. In fact when
asked he refused to
answer in an open
session, or said it was
not up to him to decide
whether or not Trump's
actions were illegal.
Quote: EvenBobA crime would force an
impeachment, like it did with Clinton.
He got caught lying under oath, they
had no choice. Trump has committed no
crime, as Comey testified to today.
Well, let's put Donald under oath and see what happens...
I'm sure you righties would feel great about that. It's not like Donald ever lies! lol
Quote: ams288And let's not forget: A quick impeachment for Donald would be bad for the Dems.
They'll do much better in 2018 and 2020 if they can run against his fat ass.
That's an excellent argument for why Trump's own party would want to impeach him...
Boot him out, put Pence in play, and they'll get back some of the base they've lost as well as make it harder for Democrats to oust them in the future.
Impeaching and getting rid of Trump is something the GOP should actually WANT to do at this point.... It's in their best interest.
the last 2 years, he always wins. He just
keeps going and going. The nothing
burger that was today won't slow the
Left down, but it will make the Trump
supporters more aware than ever that
they elected the right man.
Quote: EvenBobNo matter what they throw at Trump for
the last 2 years, he always wins. He just
keeps going and going. The nothing
burger that was today won't slow the
Left down, but it will make the Trump
supporters more aware than ever that
they elected the right man.
Nothing is going to happen to Trump, but that doesn't mean he's the right man. I think he's going to go down in history as a slightly-below-average President; he won't "destroy" the U.S. any more than Obama (i.e., not at all), but he also won't get much of anything done. I'm giving it a few more months and then I think the media and his opponents will get tired of trying to make something stick and we'll settle into a routine and he'll actually finish up his term with average-at-best approval ratings.
Quote: TigerWuNothing is going to happen to Trump, but that doesn't mean he's the right man. I think he's going to go down in history as a slightly-below-average President; he won't "destroy" the U.S. any more than Obama (i.e., not at all), but he also won't get much of anything done. I'm giving it a few more months and then I think the media and his opponents will get tired of trying to make something stick and we'll settle into a routine and he'll actually finish up his term with average-at-best approval ratings.
If nothing happened to Hillary for all the felonies and murders she is responsible for overseas then why would anything happen to Trump?
To say he will be a slightly below average president when no time has passed to really judge his term is unfair. Additionally to attach below average to Obama is also a misstatement. He was hands down the worse president, jimmy Carter can die happy knowing he no longer has that "honor"
Maybe Trump is an alien from the planet Leebtar or something. I'm sure your masters will put forth another narrative for you guys to latch onto soon.

Quote: MaxPenSince the much ballyhooed Comey testimony is a bust. What's next?
Maybe Trump is an alien from the planet Leebtar or something. I'm sure your masters will put forth another narrative for you guys to latch onto soon.![]()
+1. They have no idea how much damage
this lunacy is doing to their party. I hope
it goes on and on.
And like someone else said, just because he wasn't under investigation then doesn't mean that he isn't under investigation now.
Anyway, I took Comey's words from his memos as meaning that he wasn't under investigation for the Russian hooker thing. He didn't say whether he was or wasn't under investigation for something else.
Quote: Dalex64His crime is not whether or not he was under investigation. At this point, his crime will be whether or not he obstructed justice by trying to kill something he wasn't even under investigation for.
Alan Dershowitz, legal expert, has been saying
for weeks that even if Trump had ordered an
end to an FBI investigation, it was within the
law for him to do so. And Dershowitz is no
Trump fan.
"I think it is important to put to rest the notion that there was anything criminal about the president exercising his constitutional power to fire Comey and to request – “hope” – that he let go the investigation of General Flynn. Just as the president would have had the constitutional power to pardon Flynn and thus end the criminal investigation of him, he certainly had the authority to request the director of the FBI to end his investigation of Flynn."
Quote: EvenBobSo Trump is totally exonerated of any crimes
he could be impeached for....
Not even close to true.
The isolated question was, is Trump personally under investigation by the FBI for the Russian election interference? The answer was, no, at least until April 11, the last time Comey told him that; that answer could have changed since then or in the future, depending on where the investigation leads.
That is distinct from, did the Trump campaign (of which Trump is the head ) or any of Trump's associates have any involvement, to which the answer WE know is currently possibly, but classified. If that answer is yes, then Trump will inevitably become at least a person of interest, as to whether he knew, what he knew, when he knew it, did he participate, did he try to hide it after the fact, etc. Any of those may well be criminal, depending on what happened.
No exoneration possible at this time, and won't be until the investigation is concluded. Trump's personal lawyer can claim whatever he likes, but he's a paid mouthpiece, not a person with firsthand knowledge, and not under oath.
Also, impeachment is a political decision, not requiring proven criminal activity. Impropriety, bad judgement, loss of confidence in his ability or fitness for office, transgressions short of criminal liability can lead to impeachment proceedings.
Guess the Trumpster was right again. I may get tired of all the WINNING.
Quote: beachbumbabsAlso, impeachment is a political decision, not requiring proven criminal activity. Impropriety, bad judgement, loss of confidence in his ability or fitness for office, transgressions short of criminal liability can lead to impeachment proceedings.
It's a fantasy, Barb. Even the staunchest Trump
haters are seeing it's a pipe dream. Throwing
a president out of office has never happened
in our history, it's a very big deal. I wish the
Left would stop treating it like it's just a
snap of the fingers thing. He pisses a few
people off, farts crossways a couple times,
throw the bum out. Short of a president
committing provable treason, it's never
gonna happen. Maybe not even then.
Quote: EvenBobIt's a fantasy, Barb. Even the staunchest Trump
haters are seeing it's a pipe dream. Throwing
a president out of office has never happened
in our history, it's a very big deal. I wish the
Left would stop treating it like it's just a
snap of the fingers thing. He pisses a few
people off, farts crossways a couple times,
throw the bum out. Short of a president
committing provable treason, it's never
gonna happen. Maybe not even then.
I'm not holding my breath, Bob, I promise. It breaks my heart, though, to see our country crumble like this over such a piece of scum.
What Comey experienced and tried to explain was workplace harassment. He's probably always been a driven, Alpha male, tall and too smart, so he's never been subject to it before. The innuendo, the quid pro quo, the trapped feeling, all that power stuff Trump is a master at.
If Comey was a woman, and Trump was her boss, and these things happened:
- Unwanted, forced invitation to dinner that could not be turned down.,
- Dinner implied as a group, but turned out to be just the two of them.
- Asked if she wants to keep their job that is supposed to be beyond patronage, then she must pledge loyalty.
- Called out of a work crowd for personal, unwanted contact (handshake-hug) with a shot about popularity.
- Held after a required meeting for inappropriate f2f conference (chain of command) where an improper request was made.
- Claimed a personal attachment that did not exist ("that thing we had") as a reason she should do something unethical.
- Got fired for doing her job, when her job required doing things that threatened that boss.
She would sue, and win, for harassment. Company would likely fire or demote her boss. Every working woman watching that today recognized the pattern.
I think it would be brilliant and ironic if Comey filed an EOE complaint against Trump, except he's not in a class protected by that statute.
the tweet drought has ended
Quote: trumpyDonald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump 3m3 minutes ago
Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication...and WOW, Comey is a leaker!
Donald: vindication!!!
The first thing he said to her: "I won the popular vote. 3-5 million people voted illegally. And I'm not even counting California."
So when you righties complain that us lefties keep bringing up the popular vote and "it doesn't matter." IT MATTERS TO DONALD. That's why we're gonna keep bringing it up.
Our country is crumbling?Quote: beachbumbabsI'm not holding my breath, Bob, I promise. It breaks my heart, though, to see our country crumble like this over such a piece of scum.
Quote: AxelWolfOur country is crumbling?
Manufacturing jobs up 101,000 this year vs a net gain of zero in 2016.
Manufacturing profits $146 billion vs $122 billion in 1st qtr 2016.
Mining profits up $2 billion vs a net loss of $27 billion in 1st qtr 2016.
Wholesale sector profits up $1.3 billion over 1st qtr 2016.
Charles Payne
From US Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Series Id: CES3000000001
Seasonally Adjusted
Series Title: All employees, thousands, manufacturing, seasonally adjusted
Super Sector: Manufacturing
Industry: Manufacturing
NAICS Code: -
Year | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jan-May |
2007 | 14008 | 13997 | 13970 | 13945 | 13929 | 69849 |
2008 | 13725 | 13696 | 13659 | 13599 | 13564 | 68243 |
2009 | 12561 | 12380 | 12208 | 12030 | 11862 | 61041 |
2010 | 11460 | 11453 | 11453 | 11489 | 11525 | 57380 |
2011 | 11621 | 11654 | 11675 | 11704 | 11713 | 58367 |
2012 | 11838 | 11860 | 11898 | 11916 | 11927 | 59439 |
2013 | 11979 | 12000 | 12002 | 12005 | 12003 | 59989 |
2014 | 12088 | 12110 | 12125 | 12142 | 12150 | 60615 |
2015 | 12299 | 12306 | 12319 | 12321 | 12337 | 61582 |
2016 | 12387 | 12375 | 12355 | 12356 | 12335 | 61808 |
2017 | 12355 | 12377 | 12388 | 12399(P) | 12398(P) | 61917 |
P : preliminary |
....and yes profits are up, but to attribute that somehow to Trump is just so awfully dumb.
Really? Man, I tell you, if we lose our men and women because of one of Trump's stupid comments, or actions, then I hold the Gullibles accountable! Damn Sheep..........
From Reuter's:
"The Pentagon on Tuesday renewed praise of Qatar for hosting a vital U.S. air base and for its "enduring commitment to regional security," sticking to a message of reassurance even as President Donald Trump, via Twitter, applauded a decision by Arab powers to cut ties to the Gulf ally.
It was the latest example of the tightrope that U.S. officials are walking as Trump's tweets raise questions about existing U.S. policy and the carefully scripted talking points used to explain it.
In the case of Qatar, the stakes are high. More than 11,000 U.S. and coalition forces are deployed to or assigned to al Udeid Air Base, from which more than 100 aircraft operate.
Of those 11,000, nearly 1,000 work in a combined air operations center that helps oversee missions for campaigns in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, the military says."
Trump, as expected, will survive this. The Republican's talking point of "he doesn't know what he is doing, he's new" while completely bat-shi* alarming, will placate his supporters. Democrats yell, "he did this, he did that!" Republicans reply, "he's so refreshing!"
The Russia/Trump campaign investigation will continue. Comey's contribution, accurately told, was that he was fired to stop the Russia investigation, which of course is a large violation of ethics.
Does not one GOP on this forum see their own hypocrisy when it is so clear that a foreign player intervened so heavily in your election and was encouraged to by the GOP, yet simply shrug their shoulders. Exactly how would you feel if the Russians decided to support a democratic dolt like Bernie Sanders. "Communist!, Sanders is going to turn the country into a socialist dictatorship like Lenin". There were those on this forum who believed strongly 8 years ago that Obama was going to be the last president. There were those in this forum who believed the FoxNews drivel that Obama was setting up a shadow government down the street from the WhiteHouse.
And there will be those of you who believe that he had nothing to do with Russia's contribution to the election of 2016, despite the direct quotes from him on the campaign asking them to hack Hillary's email account while his campaign worked directly with Russian counterparts to undermine the democratic process that Americans so love and cherish. Hypocrisy indeed.
Quote: steeldcoSo our dumbass President doesn't even know that Qatar is home to our largest military base in the Mideast?
Really? Man, I tell you, if we lose our men and women because of one of Trump's stupid comments, or actions, then I hold the Gullibles accountable! Damn Sheep..........
From Reuter's:
"The Pentagon on Tuesday renewed praise of Qatar for hosting a vital U.S. air base and for its "enduring commitment to regional security," sticking to a message of reassurance even as President Donald Trump, via Twitter, applauded a decision by Arab powers to cut ties to the Gulf ally.
It was the latest example of the tightrope that U.S. officials are walking as Trump's tweets raise questions about existing U.S. policy and the carefully scripted talking points used to explain it.
In the case of Qatar, the stakes are high. More than 11,000 U.S. and coalition forces are deployed to or assigned to al Udeid Air Base, from which more than 100 aircraft operate.
Of those 11,000, nearly 1,000 work in a combined air operations center that helps oversee missions for campaigns in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, the military says."
He's learning k. On a scale of 1 to America, I think he's about an 8 right now.
Quote: HomelessnycIf nothing happened to Hillary for all the felonies and murders she is responsible for overseas....
Quote:To say he will be a slightly below average president when no time has passed to really judge his term is unfair.
No it isn't. He's been a public figure for decades. It is completely fair and logical to judge him as a public persona and extrapolate how he will handle the Presidency.
Quote:Additionally to attach below average to Obama is also a misstatement. He was hands down the worse president, jimmy Carter can die happy knowing he no longer has that "honor"
Uh huh. So you've studied, in complete detail, every single President in history, their personal lives, their public lives, their policies, the effects of said policies on both domestic and foreign affairs, objectively contrasted and compared all of the above information, and have personally concluded that Carter and Obama are without question the two worst Presidents in American history? That's quite an impressive feat. Perhaps you should write a book about it. I'm sure there are many Presidential scholars and historians that would love to hear your reasoning.
Two of a kind morons.
Quote: TigerWuLOL
Yup that about sums up your post.
Quote: steeldcoSo our dumbass President doesn't even know that Qatar is home to our largest military base in the Mideast?
Really? Man, I tell you, if we lose our men and women because of one of Trump's stupid comments, or actions, then I hold the Gullibles accountable! Damn Sheep..........
From Reuter's:
"The Pentagon on Tuesday renewed praise of Qatar for hosting a vital U.S. air base and for its "enduring commitment to regional security," sticking to a message of reassurance even as President Donald Trump, via Twitter, applauded a decision by Arab powers to cut ties to the Gulf ally.
It was the latest example of the tightrope that U.S. officials are walking as Trump's tweets raise questions about existing U.S. policy and the carefully scripted talking points used to explain it.
In the case of Qatar, the stakes are high. More than 11,000 U.S. and coalition forces are deployed to or assigned to al Udeid Air Base, from which more than 100 aircraft operate.
Of those 11,000, nearly 1,000 work in a combined air operations center that helps oversee missions for campaigns in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, the military says."
Yes, crumbling. In 20 directions at once. Biggest whack-a-mole Administration in our history, and the worst potential for disaster.
Edit:As I was typing this, Rex Tillerson just jumped on the air to make a statement, trying to do damage control over Trump's idiotic and uninformed tweet about Qatar. He'll be pursuing a diplomatic solution to the regional crisis.