Quote: Boz
So if you think the Dems are a better option, I am assuming you cashed out and are sitting on Gold, Silver, Bitcoin or Wizcoin.
It does not logically follow that you should pull out of the market because you believe there will be lower performance under the rule of one party or the other. You should only do that if you think those things you listed will also outperform the lower market.
As it was, There was growth under both parties, but more growth under the recent democrat administrations.
Quote: BozAgain for an "intelligent " man if you really think this is an option you should really have invested in ZZBest carpet in the late 80's. Of course you are smarter than this as I and many others have made good money off your stock picks.
So if you think the Dems are a better option, I am assuming you cashed out and are sitting on Gold, Silver, Bitcoin or Wizcoin.
You, me or anyone else will never make a difference so why not profit from it? Unless you think the 2 party system is changing in our lifetimes. And no, you or me complaining about it won't change it. But you go ahead with your thoughts. In today's America they are welcome, and laughed at. So why not enjoy your life?
I will try to make this plainer for you, if someone supports a dimwit like Trump then they do not belong in office. This is not difficult and it doesn't matter which friggin' party. The only people who can drain the swamp are us citizens. It needs to begin somewhere. Start with the Gullibles and we can move on to whatever dimwitted Dems who do not do their jobs and do not belong in office.
Again, this is not difficult to understand. People who are taking this country down the crapper need to get flushed.
I skewered Clinton for her inability to understand the need for security and now this clown is doing it. Clinton is Trump in drag?
Lock them both up!!
Quote: SOOPOOCome on ams, you know better! Under reconciliation rules there are many things that cannot be put in the bills. It hamstrings the bill writer severely. Trumps main problem is that he can't get 50 Repub Senators to agree on pretty much anything. Can you imagine how little would be being done if HRC was President with the present Republican makeup of the House and Senate? The Repubs can't even agree on a bill that DJT would sign. What chance would there be of finding a consensus on a bill HRC would sign????!!!!!
Senate Republicans need fifty votes to pass a healthcare bill under the Senate's budget reconciliation process.
On Tuesday, Trump called for Senate Republicans to eliminate the legislative filibuster to pass a healthcare bill — although the Republicans already plan to bypass the filibuster through reconciliation.
With regarding your comment that preludes to the obstructions by the GOP, you can blame it on the abusive of gerrymandering.
It is very anti-Trump
Many Trump supporters walked out of the show
They really showed Waters, buy an expensive ticket then walk out
Thank goodness for Liberal arts to keep the masses entertained.
Conservative artists are few and not nearly as entertaining.
He got hit with a rolling pin.
We got even with the circus
We bought tickets and didn't go in.
Quote: AxelWolfYou guys are spelling error translation newbs. Due to my expertise in spelling errors, I have determined he was obviously trying to say coverage. He was then interrupted by some very important top secret presidential business that saved the world.
You mean he had some top secret info to share with someone who shouldn't be getting it........btw, aren't these types of early morning hours better with which to talk to someone in Russia?
What good would locking Trump up do? He would just end up owning the place and become the warden.Quote: steeldcoWhy is this damn Hillary back in the news. So she takes responsibility for all of the decisions made.....BUT she claims that she is not the reason that she lost the election. All she is doing is giving the dope in the White House some credence for saying that the Dems are still upset for having lost the election. LOCK THEM BOTH UP!!
Quote: AxelWolfWhat good would locking Trump up do? He would just end up owning the place and become the warden.
Naw.... I put it at 50/50 that he becomes Hillary's bitch...........
Add new word inventor to his long list of accomplishments, right after best president ever.Quote: ams288
Quote: AxelWolfAdd new word inventor to his long list of accomplishments, right after best president ever.Quote: ams288
Haters gonna hate.
Quote: Dalex64As it was, There was growth under both parties, but more growth under the recent democrat administrations.
Almost like trickle down economics don't work.
My 2 cents.
Quote: ams288Tell me again how Donald isn't Putin's puppet....
Hey, he already answered this in the debates. I think what he said was "NOT A PUPPET! NOT A PUPPET! YOU'RE THE PUPPET!"
If that's good enough for me that should be good enough for you.
Thank you for "America First." First we take America then the World.
Love and Kisses
P.S. I was right about Russian prostitutes being the best, wasn't I!
She is neither wanted, or needed.
I think I'll conduct a write in campaign for Putin. Can't be any worse than what we have.
Not to mention the dozens of "hang in there Obama" memes that came out essentially "hanging" Obama while he was president.Quote: steeldcoAlso.......so Kathy Griffin (who I have never cared for), is ridiculed for having acted out a despicable act while our King Trump actually commits despicable acts that are OK?
If Kathy Griffen worked at Lowe's I would find attacking her employment far more objectionable. However, it's a bit different when your job is being a public figure. Essentially, the only function you have is making people like you and want to watch or listen to you. So if you make them dislike you, then you no longer perform that function.
If you joke about killing the president, you aren't going to be working at CNN very long.
If Dennis Miller did a hang Obama thing, he would also have been BBQ.
Quote: RigondeauxI'm a yuge free speech guy, and generally don't think your opinions or sense of humor should affect your livelihood, as long as you express them away from your job. At this moment that probably puts me more at odds with liberals than conservatives. Hard to say.
If Kathy Griffen worked at Lowe's I would find attacking her employment far more objectionable. However, it's a bit different when your job is being a public figure. Essentially, the only function you have is making people like you and want to watch or listen to you. So if you make them dislike you, then you no longer perform that function.
If you joke about killing the president, you aren't going to be working at CNN very long.
If Dennis Miller did a hang Obama thing, he would also have been BBQ.
Even comics who do controversial material have to be careful about what lines they choose to cross, but virtually all controversial comics would likely get fired from regular jobs just for their normal comedy routines.
I'm sure her attendance will be just fine... it's not like the people who are calling for her arrest (LOL, btw) were gonna be buying tickets anyway...
Griffin acted out a despicable act and got canned.
Trump has actually committed despicable acts and gotten away with it.
Acting out Vs. Actually Committing. Doesn't anyone else see the difference?
Quote: steeldcoInteresting, most of the posts since I made my comment regarding Griffin actually missed the point that I was trying to make.
Griffin acted out a despicable act and got canned.
Trump has actually committed despicable acts and gotten away with it.
Acting out Vs. Actually Committing. Doesn't anyone else see the difference?
Yea he should have been canned before November even came. They can both F off as far as I'm concerned.
Didn't realize KG wasn't a news anchor. Still doesn't change much. Your employer can throw you out for distasteful public acts, especially when you're representing said company in a public broadcast.
Quote: steeldco
Trump has actually committed despicable acts and gotten away with it.
Like what?
I do have to say the guy made me proud to have voted for him today! Let the rest of the world kill their economies.
How will the liberals last another seven and three quarters years of Trump in office?
National debt number one and other laws passed ending with tarp bailouts while Americans have life long debt that can never be repaid or released. Stem cell research should not have been interfered with either. The babies are dead tomatoes already, could have saved lives, and the abortions happen anyways . We're so far from a real government with a basis in the constitution, it's almost like America really doesn't exist but in name. I might agree America is illegitimate if given the constitutional argument.Quote: steeldcoYou're entitled to your opinion but, I'm with Soopoo on this, nothing has been "ruined". I'm A-OK. Bush may not have been the best President but life has gone on and some have flourished. If you found difficult times during this period then maybe, just maybe, it wasn't Bush's fault?
Quote: steeldcoInteresting, most of the posts since I made my comment regarding Griffin actually missed the point that I was trying to make.
Griffin acted out a despicable act and got canned.
Trump has actually committed despicable acts and gotten away with it.
Acting out Vs. Actually Committing. Doesn't anyone else see the difference?
I get it. But most politicians are disgusting people. We have the chance to fire them every few years.
As I said before Trump has a looooooong way to go before he gets as many naughty points as the people who gave us the Iraq war.
He could certainly get there though.
Quote: AZDuffmanHow will the liberals last another seven and three quarters years of Trump in office?
You're that convinced he's gonna steal the 2020 election too, eh?
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Donald is an obese 70 year old with anger issues who eats a lot of junk food. He ain't got seven and three quarters years of life left in him.
Or at least that's what Melania prays for every night...
Quote: AZDuffmanLike what?
I do have to say the guy made me proud to have voted for him today! Let the rest of the world kill their economies.
How will the liberals last another seven and three quarters years of Trump in office?
He made incredible points today but Libs will overlook them because they hate him.
And if anyone objectively reads them , they will agree.
Quote: BozHe made incredible points today but Libs will overlook them because they hate him.
What points do you think he made today? I got the impression he has no idea what the Accord is about but somehow thinks he is going to be a hero to a bunch of unemployed coal minors. Is this supposed to convince developers to build new coal powered plants? Is surrendering Americas place at the forefront of renewable energy supposed to enhance our standing in the world?
Wow, just wow.Quote: AZDuffman
I do have to say the guy made me proud to have voted for him today! Let the rest of the world kill their economies.
Quote: billryanWhat points do you think he made today? I got the impression he has no idea what the Accord is about but somehow thinks he is going to be a hero to a bunch of unemployed coal minors. Is this supposed to convince developers to build new coal powered plants? Is surrendering Americas place at the forefront of renewable energy supposed to enhance our standing in the world?
He had absolutely no idea what he was talking about today. That was evident to anyone who knows anything.
But I can understand why his supporters think he made good points. Because his points were fictional, as is most of the stuff they believe.
Assuming Donald lasts 4 years (big assumption), this could be on the ballot bigly in 2020.
Quote: MaxPenKathy Griffin doubling down on stupid.
I figured this would happen. She didn't do anything illegal (not an excuse), and got fired for it (rightfully so in my opinion). But that's why we have civil courts.
It's all a big PR stunt for her at this point, so she'll benefit no matter what.
Quote: billryanWhat points do you think he made today? I got the impression he has no idea what the Accord is about but somehow thinks he is going to be a hero to a bunch of unemployed coal minors. Is this supposed to convince developers to build new coal powered plants? Is surrendering Americas place at the forefront of renewable energy supposed to enhance our standing in the world?
You cannot work in a coal mine if you are not 18.
Obama declared war on the coal industry. America is the Saudi Arabia of coal, lifetimes worth of the stuff to bring up. Only an incredibly stupid person would enter a treaty that effectively kills use of one of their most abundant resources. His party is against fracking as well. I suppose electricity comes magically from the outlet in the liberal mind.
If anyone wants to be a leader in renewables, they can still invest in them. What they lose is the government forcing people to buy from companies who are set up to profit from the GW nonsense. Did you notice one of the guys most upset is the guy who has a company that makes a fortune trading EV credits on cars that the government forces unprofitable production of?
Give away your freedoms if you like. Give away your money if you like. Quit forcing the rest of us to all because of fake science.
Here is where Dumb Trump is taking us:
Fewer new jobs.
Less unemployment because of fewer workers being available.
Higher hourly wage costs.
Lower GDP growth because of a shrinking populace and fewer jobs. No population growth=Lower job growth=Lower GDP growth.
Probable high inflation period even though we will have miniscule GDP growth.
Ballooning debt because of higher interest rates and lower GDP growth.
Rosey future......just friggin' rosey.
Quote: steeldcoJobs numbers out today. YTD average for this year is 162,000 vs. 187,000 for last year.
And yet, the righties were NEVER satisfied with the jobs numbers under Obama. They would always complain about how the job growth was too slow.
But somehow, this year's slightly worse numbers are evidence that Donald is doing a great job.
Makes no sense. Pure hypocrisy from the righties, as usual.
I think this is the most damaging thing trump has done (in general)... Spewing lies about real science to make his following not believe in scientifically proven sh*t like global warming. The funny thing about science is, there's one right answer, and there's no debating it... Just flat out lying and denying.Quote: AZDuffman...Give away your freedoms if you like. Give away your money if you like. Quit forcing the rest of us to all because of fake science.
Quote: gamerfreakI figured this would happen. She didn't do anything illegal (not an excuse), and got fired for it (rightfully so in my opinion). But that's why we have civil courts.
It's all a big PR stunt for her at this point, so she'll benefit no matter what.
In my view, this is a case of punishment does not fit the “crime.”
Kathy Griffin is not a news reporter/commentator/analysis/political talking head. And her New Year Eve gig with CNN is that as comedian to add humor to the coverage. She is a comedian.
Society thrives on the innovations and creative ideas from individuals, and we all strive to be creative, innovative, or to be the best. (We all want to invent a better mouse trap and create better table games, don’t we?). I think she was trying to be creative, and develop a storyline around a character of a very controversial & divisive politician that happens to be a racist, rapist, sexist and scam artist Trump. After realizing that her creative idea or “aha” moment that went too far, she admitted it was a mistake and then IMMEDIATELY offered a sincere and profuse apology. (Try to ask Trump to admit mistakes and apologize …).
If Kathy Griffin were a news reporter, CNN’s firing her would be appropriate because her ability to provide fair news/political covfefe would then be questioned. However, when considering the facts that she is a comedian, her gig with CNN as a colorful, comedic and non-political commentator, and her immediate offer of a sincere and profuse apology, firing her is a too harsh punishment and is inappropriate, and in my view it is a punishment that does not fit the “crime”. I don’t know the detail of her employment contract with CNN, but she definitely deserves a day in Court to defend her right (and our right too) to be CREATIVE.