Look at all those the November 1 thru May 1 time periods from 11/1/80 through 4/30/17 and tell us what the average change for the S&P 500 was only considering the Nov. 1st through the following Apr. 30th change in the S&P 500 Index.
Then compare that average to the change in the S&P 500 from Nov. 1 to April 30th after Obama's first election, then after Obama's second election and finally Trump's post election ending with today's trading close. What do those facts say?
Above post is a perfect example.
As far as the stock market, I do believe the spike IS due to at least the perception of his business friendly policies. We will never know (thank God!) what would have happened under HRC, but I would bet it would have paled in comparison to what did happen.
As far as the market rise under BHO, it has earned him $400k a day to talk about it! Paid for by Wall Street!
Quote: SOOPOOAbout his golf game, I know from credible sources that he is an excellent player for his age.
And I know from credible sources that he cheats at golf.

Quote: SOOPOOAbout his golf game, I know from credible sources that he is an excellent player for his age.
As far as the stock market, I do believe the spike IS due to at least the perception of his business friendly policies. We will never know (thank God!) what would have happened under HRC, but I would bet it would have paled in comparison to what did happen.
As far as the market rise under BHO, it has earned him $400k a day to talk about it! Paid for by Wall Street!
All former Presidents deserve and have the right to make a living, and their income can be paid for by or derived from common citizens, Wall Street, anesthesiologist lobbyist group, or any special interest group providing that all governmental guidelines and regulations are followed.
You quickly connected speech paid for by Wall Street to a former President with no direct power in setting policies and regulations, but then completely failed to acknowledge your hero -- the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump who has direct power in setting policies and regulations; are surrounded by WALL STREET! Were you under anesthesia or any pain medication by any chance? Perhaps you were under the influence of Koolaid? Anesthesia is not my area of specialty, so the only advice I can give you is: Stop drinking that Koolaid! (I don't think you were under any influence, but if you were, please take my advice seriously -- for your own sake, and America's).
I recalled you preach responsibility and denounced “needy" patients in ER where you work as irresponsible because they just simply owning smartphone. But now you are so proud of your hero; the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump's IRRESPONSIBLE act of EXCESSIVE golf outings that cost you, and all other tax payers including those “irresponsible” patients in ER where you work to the tune of tens of millions dollar (and barring impeachment, the additional cost could be in the hundreds of millions if this irresponsible behaviors continues for the next four years). There is nothing wrong with expressing pride in your hero's golf performance, but it puzzles me that you embrace your hero's EXPLOITATION, IRRESPONSIBLE & EXCESSIVE behaviors.
Furthermore, your hero is also taking advantage of tax payers by making UNNECESSARY meetings and vacations at his non-secure Mar-a-Lago private resort/club so that he can receive FREE publicity & advertising for his personal business. Can these meetings be held at the WH, Camp Davis or other well established & more secure locations? Do you know how much his exploitation & irresponsible act had cost the tax payers so far, and the projected cost for the next four years (barring impeachment, of course)? The FREE publicity and advertising that your hero exploited for his personal gain had resulted in skyrocket initiation and membership fee for your hero Mar-A-Lago resort at the cost of tens of millions (and projected to be hundreds of millions barring impeachment) to tax payers. Were the tax payers fairly compensated in your hero abusive & exploitation of tax payer money?
And you are 100% correct that the spike in stock market spike is due to at least the perception of his business friendly policies. But you failed again to mention Wall Street! I think you are a person with integrity and honesty, but your hypocrisy had caused me to question or be skeptical of your integrity and honesty. So let's stop being dishonest here, and you should have stated -- The spike in stock market is due to at least the WALL STREET’s perception of his business friendly policies.
Stock market yo-yo ups and downs (if you don't believe me ask your beloved Trumper buddy by the name of Paradigm). You were so exuberantly happy about the 100-day rise in stock market, and then conveniently stated “We will never know (thank God!) what would have happened under HRC.” You were right that “We will never know...” but you also conveniently failed to mention the followings “We will never know…”:
We will never know what would have happened to the 2016 Presidential result if Trump did not get help from Putin’s Russia, and our very own FBI …
We will never know that your hero could be a Russian spy agent …
We will never know who will pay for the wall …
We will never know that your hero would start a nuclear war …
We will never know that your hero’s business friendly policies would cause severe harm to environment and economy in a foreseeable future...
We will never know that your hero will default on our national debt … (Perhaps, we should know this because you hero is an expert in filing BANKRUPTCY, and he publicly declared that he will use our national debt as a negotiation tool, and couple with his most recent proposal of HUGELY non-revenue neutral proposal of 15% tax rate for his children, WALL STREET buddies & other wealthy people and for himself).
And so on and so on …
And what will happen to the stock market when/if your hero just simply announces or actually uses our nation debt as a hostage? Please don't answer that we will never know...
And you are so proud of your hero; the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump.
Thank god that more people voted for HRC than for your hero -- the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump.
Quote: ParadigmHow about you shorten that time frame to say the last 37 years, like 1980 and forward...you know when the S&P started trading above 100 and the rate of growth in the index was higher than 6% annually. When average individual investors started voting on the future of the US economy with their pocketbooks at places like Charles Schwab & Co.
Look at all those the November 1 thru May 1 time periods from 11/1/80 through 4/30/17 and tell us what the average change for the S&P 500 was only considering the Nov. 1st through the following Apr. 30th change in the S&P 500 Index.
Then compare that average to the change in the S&P 500 from Nov. 1 to April 30th after Obama's first election, then after Obama's second election and finally Trump's post election ending with today's trading close. What do those facts say?

"I kept my promise, and now, with your help, our brand-new Justice -- and he is really something very special -- Neil Gorsuch, sits on the bench of the United States Supreme Court. (Applause.) For the first time in the modern political era, we have confirmed a new justice in the first 100 days. (Applause.) The last time that happened was 136 years ago, in 1881. Now, we won’t get any credit for this, but don’t worry about it, the credit is in the audience, right? The credit is in the audience. (Applause.) All of those people. They won’t give us credit, but it’s been a long time, and we’re very honored."
This Trump guy is both a liar and dumb........
There have been 4 confirmations since 1881 during a President's first 100 days. Only 4 instances and when it happened they all got confirmed. Trump again is leading his gullible followers with nothing but lies and stupidity.
He thinks he's special.........LOL.
Quote: ParadigmHow about you shorten that time frame to say the last 37 years, like 1980 and forward...you know when the S&P started trading above 100 and the rate of growth in the index was higher than 6% annually. When average individual investors started voting on the future of the US economy with their pocketbooks at places like Charles Schwab & Co.
Look at all those the November 1 thru May 1 time periods from 11/1/80 through 4/30/17 and tell us what the average change for the S&P 500 was only considering the Nov. 1st through the following Apr. 30th change in the S&P 500 Index.
Then compare that average to the change in the S&P 500 from Nov. 1 to April 30th after Obama's first election, then after Obama's second election and finally Trump's post election ending with today's trading close. What do those facts say?
Trump's 12.9% gain barely beats Obama's 11.91% in Obama's inaugural year of his 2nd. term. How did Obama work out for you?
The guy with the best numbers was Bill Clinton. He AVERAGED a 14.91% gain in his 2nd. term and I consider him one of our worst Presidents.
Lastly, everybody (the one exception being Clinton) who had a double digit gain the first year, saw much smaller gains in the 2nd. year. Sounds to me like it's portending a lousy 2018.
Quote: 777All former Presidents deserve and have the right to make a living, and their income can be paid for by or derived from common citizens, Wall Street, anesthesiologist lobbyist group, or any special interest group providing that all governmental guidelines and regulations are followed.
You quickly connected speech paid for by Wall Street to a former President with no direct power in setting policies and regulations, but then completely failed to acknowledge your hero -- the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump who has direct power in setting policies and regulations; are surrounded by WALL STREET! Were you under anesthesia or any pain medication by any chance? Perhaps you were under the influence of Koolaid? Anesthesia is not my area of specialty, so the only advice I can give you is: Stop drinking that Koolaid! (I don't think you were under any influence, but if you were, please take my advice seriously -- for your own sake, and America's).
I recalled you preach responsibility and denounced “needy" patients in ER where you work as irresponsible because they just simply owning smartphone. But now you are so proud of your hero; the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump's IRRESPONSIBLE act of EXCESSIVE golf outings that cost you, and all other tax payers including those “irresponsible” patients in ER where you work to the tune of tens of millions dollar (and barring impeachment, the additional cost could be in the hundreds of millions if this irresponsible behaviors continues for the next four years). There is nothing wrong with expressing pride in your hero's golf performance, but it puzzles me that you embrace your hero's EXPLOITATION, IRRESPONSIBLE & EXCESSIVE behaviors.
Furthermore, your hero is also taking advantage of tax payers by making UNNECESSARY meetings and vacations at his non-secure Mar-a-Lago private resort/club so that he can receive FREE publicity & advertising for his personal business. Can these meetings be held at the WH, Camp Davis or other well established & more secure locations? Do you know how much his exploitation & irresponsible act had cost the tax payers so far, and the projected cost for the next four years (barring impeachment, of course)? The FREE publicity and advertising that your hero exploited for his personal gain had resulted in skyrocket initiation and membership fee for your hero Mar-A-Lago resort at the cost of tens of millions (and projected to be hundreds of millions barring impeachment) to tax payers. Were the tax payers fairly compensated in your hero abusive & exploitation of tax payer money?
And you are 100% correct that the spike in stock market spike is due to at least the perception of his business friendly policies. But you failed again to mention Wall Street! I think you are a person with integrity and honesty, but your hypocrisy had caused me to question or be skeptical of your integrity and honesty. So let's stop being dishonest here, and you should have stated -- The spike in stock market is due to at least the WALL STREET’s perception of his business friendly policies.
Stock market yo-yo ups and downs (if you don't believe me ask your beloved Trumper buddy by the name of Paradigm). You were so exuberantly happy about the 100-day rise in stock market, and then conveniently stated “We will never know (thank God!) what would have happened under HRC.” You were right that “We will never know...” but you also conveniently failed to mention the followings “We will never know…”:
We will never know what would have happened to the 2016 Presidential result if Trump did not get help from Putin’s Russia, and our very own FBI …
We will never know that your hero could be a Russian spy agent …
We will never know who will pay for the wall …
We will never know that your hero would start a nuclear war …
We will never know that your hero’s business friendly policies would cause severe harm to environment and economy in a foreseeable future...
We will never know that your hero will default on our national debt … (Perhaps, we should know this because you hero is an expert in filing BANKRUPTCY, and he publicly declared that he will use our national debt as a negotiation tool, and couple with his most recent proposal of HUGELY non-revenue neutral proposal of 15% tax rate for his children, WALL STREET buddies & other wealthy people and for himself).
And so on and so on …
And what will happen to the stock market when/if your hero just simply announces or actually uses our nation debt as a hostage? Please don't answer that we will never know...
And you are so proud of your hero; the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump.
Thank god that more people voted for HRC than for your hero -- the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump.
So much blather to respond to......
I never said BHO shouldn't cash in........ just the utter hypocrisy it represents.....
I am NOT proud of DJT. Many of his comments have made me embarrassed to have him as our President.
My "ER patient" comment stands. The number of non essential items people choose to have instead of health insurance is epidemic. Smart phone instead of cheapo. Acura instead of Prius. 3 bedroom instead of 2. Turks and Caicos instead of driveable vacation. Etc.
As far as tax policy, TRUMP and his children pay more in taxes than you AND EVERY PERSON YOU KNOW. Combined. But not enough I'm sure for you.....
And the most pathetic comment to reply to... "Thank god that more people voted for HRC...." How did that work out for you?
I agree.Quote: steeldco
This Trump guy is both a liar and dumb........
I DISagree based on the following.Quote: steeldco
There have been 4 confirmations since 1881 during a President's first 100 days. Only 4 instances and when it happened they all got confirmed. Trump again is leading his gullible followers with nothing but lies and stupidity.
"Trump has his history right. He is indeed the first modern president to fill an open Supreme Court seat within the first 100 days.
The last president to do so was Chester A. Arthur, who took office Sept. 19, 1881, and nominated Horace Gray to the bench the following December.
But this isn’t as big of an achievement as it might seem.
The reality is that very few presidents are presented with the opportunity to appoint and confirm a new Supreme Court justice within their first 100 days.
Other than Trump, just four presidents since 1900 have had that chance: Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, Harry Truman and William Harding.
And Trump is the only one of the group who entered office with a vacant Supreme Court seat from the start — meaning he had a full 100 days to nominate and confirm his pick.
For both Harding in 1921 and Truman in 1945, the Supreme Court seat opened up about 11 weeks into their respective presidencies. For Clinton, it opened up about eight weeks in. (One hundred days is about 14 weeks.) None of them nominated and confirmed a replacement until after the 100 days were up."
Quote: ams288Actual Fox News graphic:
This is such a laugh of bubble-speak . The implication that a president affects a statistic that changes in tenths over a year, in their first 3 months, is laughable. Those numbers represent the legacy from the guy before them. So, yes, Obama started there as on the graph, and ended in sub -5% range. Trump's legacy in that and many other areas is not yet known, but he was given a gift with an upward growing economy, improved employment rate, and other indicators trending better through 8 years of reversing Bush's legacy and the recession.
People forget. I don't know why, but 2007/2008, and lots of ugly stuff trailing years later, we're a complete disaster. It might be politically expedient to forget, but it's effing foolish.
Quote: ams288Actual Fox News graphic:
And anyone in business will tell you the true UC rate is close to zero. In the economy Obama left, anyone who wants to work Full Time and is actually employable is working. It may not be the job you want or the industry you want, but work is there.
The problem is so many have determined it pays more to not work at an entry level job or have a poor work history or drug problem that makes them unemployable. Therefore they stay on UC as long as possible and in many cases work cash jobs while still collecting.
Sadly the claim immigrants do the jobs "Americans won't due" is true. And the anti immigration folks haven't figured this out yet. But stop the welfare benefits and create workfare benefits and it may change.
Quote: BozQuote: ams288Actual Fox News graphic:
And anyone in business will tell you the true UC rate is close to zero. In the economy Obama left, anyone who wants to work Full Time and is actually employable is working. It may not be the job you want or the industry you want, but work is there.
The problem is so many have determined it pays more to not work at an entry level job or have a poor work history or drug problem that makes them unemployable. Therefore they stay on UC as long as possible and in many cases work cash jobs while still collecting.
Sadly the claim immigrants do the jobs "Americans won't due" is true. And the anti immigration folks haven't figured this out yet. But stop the welfare benefits and create workfare benefits and it may change.
Outstanding post, Boz, couldn't agree more.
Quote: BozThe problem is so many have determined it pays more to not work at an entry level job or have a poor work history or drug problem that makes them unemployable. Therefore they stay on UC as long as possible and in many cases work cash jobs while still collecting.
Sadly the claim immigrants do the jobs "Americans won't due" is true. And the anti immigration folks haven't figured this out yet. But stop the welfare benefits and create workfare benefits and it may change.
My parents owned a sports bar till just recently. It was very successful and a cash cow for them but they were ready to get out.
Part of the reason they decided to sell and basically retire was because they burnt themselves out working so hard. They couldn't find good help anymore so they were working harder and harder to keep the place going.
You should hear some of the stories they have about trying to hire people. It's a nightmare. No one has a good work ethic anymore. People are lazy and don't want to work. Everyone is on drugs. A couple workers got caught stealing stuff to fuel their drug habit. People would apply and then not show up for their interview.
Quote: JohnnyQI agree.
I DISagree based on the following.
"Trump has his history right. He is indeed the first modern president to fill an open Supreme Court seat within the first 100 days.
The last president to do so was Chester A. Arthur, who took office Sept. 19, 1881, and nominated Horace Gray to the bench the following December.
But this isn’t as big of an achievement as it might seem.
The reality is that very few presidents are presented with the opportunity to appoint and confirm a new Supreme Court justice within their first 100 days.
Other than Trump, just four presidents since 1900 have had that chance: Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, Harry Truman and William Harding.
And Trump is the only one of the group who entered office with a vacant Supreme Court seat from the start — meaning he had a full 100 days to nominate and confirm his pick.
For both Harding in 1921 and Truman in 1945, the Supreme Court seat opened up about 11 weeks into their respective presidencies. For Clinton, it opened up about eight weeks in. (One hundred days is about 14 weeks.) None of them nominated and confirmed a replacement until after the 100 days were up."
Hey JohnnyQ, I'm a bit confused I guess. I got my info from the US Senate website. It shows the following having been voted in:
Gorsuch on April 7, 2017
Charles Whittaker on March 19, 1957
William Brennan, Jr. on March 19, 1957
Harlan Stone on Feb. 5, 1925
Hope that helps.
Quote: billryanIke was first elected in 1952, so the two in 1957 were in his second term.
Hope that helps.
Hey billryan, got it. Thanks. I guess I took it as the first 100 days of a term, while his statement may have been meant to be first 100 days of the initial term. Although, if you read it, it can be taken either way. In any case, he wasn't the first in 118 years.
second 100 and third 100 and 10th 100
will be even better. I especially enjoyed the
first 100 days of Her retirement, that was
the purpose of the election, after all. Not
to elect Trump but to make sure She was
kept out Her bought and paid for WH.
Quote: EvenBobI loved Trump's first 100 days, I'm sure his
second 100 and third 100 and 10th 100
will be even better. I especially enjoyed the
first 100 days of Her retirement, that was
the purpose of the election, after all. Not
to elect Trump but to make sure She was
kept out Her bought and paid for WH.
Yes, Trump certainly did a fine job keeping the Wall St crowd out of the WH and Cabinet. Perhaps his finest accomplishment, after the shiny huge wall he built.
Mission Accomplished.
Quote: EvenBobI loved Trump's first 100 days,
Me too, actually. It's been very enjoyable watching him constantly embarrass you and all his other hardcore supporters with his constant flip flops and general incompetence.
He's golfing again today, BTW. Bet you wish you didn't always complain about Obama golfing now, right? Or do you not minding looking like an enormous hypocrite? (Rhetorical question).
IF the FDA has food inspections or regulations cut, that makes the business less costly. At least in the short view. If you have more food poisoning incidents that's the price you're going to pay in the long run.
I favor more protections, whereas Republicans usually call them unnecessary business killing regulation.
If a Republican president isn't doing better economically, then he is probably really screwing up somewhere.
Quote: ams288Actual Fox News graphic:
Using this exact same logic:
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: 777All former Presidents deserve and have the right to make a living, and their income can be paid for by or derived from common citizens, Wall Street, anesthesiologist lobbyist group, or any special interest group providing that all governmental guidelines and regulations are followed.
You quickly connected speech paid for by Wall Street to a former President with no direct power in setting policies and regulations, but then completely failed to acknowledge your hero -- the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump who has direct power in setting policies and regulations; are surrounded by WALL STREET! Were you under anesthesia or any pain medication by any chance? Perhaps you were under the influence of Koolaid? Anesthesia is not my area of specialty, so the only advice I can give you is: Stop drinking that Koolaid! (I don't think you were under any influence, but if you were, please take my advice seriously -- for your own sake, and America's).
I recalled you preach responsibility and denounced “needy" patients in ER where you work as irresponsible because they just simply owning smartphone. But now you are so proud of your hero; the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump's IRRESPONSIBLE act of EXCESSIVE golf outings that cost you, and all other tax payers including those “irresponsible” patients in ER where you work to the tune of tens of millions dollar (and barring impeachment, the additional cost could be in the hundreds of millions if this irresponsible behaviors continues for the next four years). There is nothing wrong with expressing pride in your hero's golf performance, but it puzzles me that you embrace your hero's EXPLOITATION, IRRESPONSIBLE & EXCESSIVE behaviors.
Furthermore, your hero is also taking advantage of tax payers by making UNNECESSARY meetings and vacations at his non-secure Mar-a-Lago private resort/club so that he can receive FREE publicity & advertising for his personal business. Can these meetings be held at the WH, Camp Davis or other well established & more secure locations? Do you know how much his exploitation & irresponsible act had cost the tax payers so far, and the projected cost for the next four years (barring impeachment, of course)? The FREE publicity and advertising that your hero exploited for his personal gain had resulted in skyrocket initiation and membership fee for your hero Mar-A-Lago resort at the cost of tens of millions (and projected to be hundreds of millions barring impeachment) to tax payers. Were the tax payers fairly compensated in your hero abusive & exploitation of tax payer money?
And you are 100% correct that the spike in stock market spike is due to at least the perception of his business friendly policies. But you failed again to mention Wall Street! I think you are a person with integrity and honesty, but your hypocrisy had caused me to question or be skeptical of your integrity and honesty. So let's stop being dishonest here, and you should have stated -- The spike in stock market is due to at least the WALL STREET’s perception of his business friendly policies.
Stock market yo-yo ups and downs (if you don't believe me ask your beloved Trumper buddy by the name of Paradigm). You were so exuberantly happy about the 100-day rise in stock market, and then conveniently stated “We will never know (thank God!) what would have happened under HRC.” You were right that “We will never know...” but you also conveniently failed to mention the followings “We will never know…”:
We will never know what would have happened to the 2016 Presidential result if Trump did not get help from Putin’s Russia, and our very own FBI …
We will never know that your hero could be a Russian spy agent …
We will never know who will pay for the wall …
We will never know that your hero would start a nuclear war …
We will never know that your hero’s business friendly policies would cause severe harm to environment and economy in a foreseeable future...
We will never know that your hero will default on our national debt … (Perhaps, we should know this because you hero is an expert in filing BANKRUPTCY, and he publicly declared that he will use our national debt as a negotiation tool, and couple with his most recent proposal of HUGELY non-revenue neutral proposal of 15% tax rate for his children, WALL STREET buddies & other wealthy people and for himself).
And so on and so on …
And what will happen to the stock market when/if your hero just simply announces or actually uses our nation debt as a hostage? Please don't answer that we will never know...
And you are so proud of your hero; the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump.
Thank god that more people voted for HRC than for your hero -- the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump.
So much blather to respond to......
I never said BHO shouldn't cash in........ just the utter hypocrisy it represents.....
I am NOT proud of DJT. Many of his comments have made me embarrassed to have him as our President.
My "ER patient" comment stands. The number of non essential items people choose to have instead of health insurance is epidemic. Smart phone instead of cheapo. Acura instead of Prius. 3 bedroom instead of 2. Turks and Caicos instead of driveable vacation. Etc.
As far as tax policy, TRUMP and his children pay more in taxes than you AND EVERY PERSON YOU KNOW. Combined. But not enough I'm sure for you.....
And the most pathetic comment to reply to... "Thank god that more people voted for HRC...." How did that work out for you?
I do not dispute that there are many irresponsible people in society. I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy. And your reply had shown that you are as irresponsible as your “ER patient”. Yes, any tax cut would work out great for you, me or anyone, and I’m doing fine with or without tax cut. But unlike you, and your hero -- the racist, sexist, rapist, and con artist Trump, I do have great concern about the future generations, and don’t want to leave huge national debt for future generations. Sure, I’m not the 1%er, but I would welcome regulations that would help to reduce our national debt. Please stop worshiping your hero -- the racist, sexist, rapist, and con artist Trump, and I highly recommend that you should look at Bill Gate and Warren Buffet as model of good & responsible citizen.
Your comment that “TRUMP and his children pay more in taxes than you AND EVERY PERSON YOU KNOW. Combined. But not enough I'm sure for you.....” reveal of your lack of responsibility and compassion and it had led me to conclude that your are as bad or even worse than your “ER patient” when it comes to irresponsibility attitude. I don’t know and what phone you have, the car you drive, the house you live in, or the size of your asset, but I do know this -- your reply had exposed you as a selfish and irresponsible person.
Yes, thank god that more people voted for HRC than your hero, the racist, rapist, sexist can con artist Trump because it gives me hope in human decency and compassion, and also a comfort that majority of the electorates are not as selfish and irresponsible as you, some of your your “ER patient”, and your hero -- -- the racist, sexist, rapist, and con artist Trump.
Quote: 777I do not dispute that there are many irresponsible people in society. I’m just pointing out your hypocrisy. And your reply had shown that you are as irresponsible as your “ER patient”. Yes, any tax cut would work out great for you, me or anyone, and I’m doing fine with or without tax cut. But unlike you, and your hero -- the racist, sexist, rapist, and con artist Trump, I do have great concern about the future generations, and don’t want to leave huge national debt for future generations. Sure, I’m not the 1%er, but I would welcome regulations that would help to reduce our national debt. Please stop worshiping your hero -- the racist, sexist, rapist, and con artist Trump, and I highly recommend that you should look at Bill Gate and Warren Buffet as model of good & responsible citizen.
Your comment that “TRUMP and his children pay more in taxes than you AND EVERY PERSON YOU KNOW. Combined. But not enough I'm sure for you.....” reveal of your lack of responsibility and compassion and it had led me to conclude that your are as bad or even worse than your “ER patient” when it comes to irresponsibility attitude. I don’t know and what phone you have, the car you drive, the house you live in, or the size of your asset, but I do know this -- your reply had exposed you as a selfish and irresponsible person.
Yes, thank god that more people voted for HRC than your hero, the racist, rapist, sexist can con artist Trump because it gives me hope in human decency and compassion, and also a comfort that majority of the electorates are not as selfish and irresponsible as you, some of your your “ER patient”, and your hero -- -- the racist, sexist, rapist, and con artist Trump.
This again?
It was clear from his tweets this morning that this afternoon's Sally Yates testimony was on his mind:
Quote: @realDonaldTrumpAsk Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. council.
(He used the wrong "counsel," BTW).
And there was this gem:
Quote: @realDonaldTrumpGeneral Flynn was given the highest security clearance by the Obama Administration - but the Fake News seldom likes talking about that.
(Obama fired Flynn).
And now multiple news sources are breaking the news that Obama personally warned Trump during their Nov. 10th meeting at the WH that he should not hire Flynn.
How's that tweet looking now?
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Yep, nothing suspicious about that, nope, nothing at all. Just ask EvenBob or Fox"News" or Vlad.Quote: ams288Trump fires FBI Director Comey.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Because he failed to imprison her.Quote: ams288Trump fires FBI Director Comey.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
I laughed, then thought about it and yeah... no joke, they really probably would be calling for an uprising/arming themselves on live TV.Quote: ams288This made me LOL:
Quote: AxelWolfBecause he failed to imprison her.
This is what I love about this story:
Their official reason for firing Comey is the EXACT OPPOSITE of that.
The hypocrisy of these people is unbelievable.
Sessions, Trump, et al. loved what Comey did to Hillary in October and said it was absolutely necessary and justified. And now that's the reason they've given for firing him.
As a non-Trump fan, I consider it a win win. Didn't particularly care if Comey stayed on but not shedding any tears over his departure since I do think he had a unnecessary negative impact on the election.
Quote: ams288This is what I love about this story:
Their official reason for firing Comey is the EXACT OPPOSITE of that.
The hypocrisy of these people is unbelievable.
Sessions, Trump, et al. loved what Comey did to Hillary in October and said it was absolutely necessary and justified. And now that's the reason they've given for firing him.
Excerpt from the link above:
President Donald Trump weighed firing his FBI director for more than a week. When he finally pulled the trigger Tuesday afternoon, he didn't call James Comey. He sent his longtime private security guard to deliver the termination letter in a manila folder to FBI headquarters.
He had grown enraged by the Russia investigation, two advisers said, frustrated by his inability to control the mushrooming narrative around Russia. He repeatedly asked aides why the Russia investigation wouldn’t disappear and demanded they speak out for him. He would sometimes scream at television clips about the probe, one adviser said.
Trump had grown angry with the Russia investigation — particularly Comey admitting in front of the Senate that the FBI was investigating his campaign — and that the FBI director wouldn't support his claims that President Barack Obama had tapped his phones in Trump Tower.
Quote: ams288This made me LOL:
I know... the stuff that Trump gets away with on a DAILY basis would be enough to crucify just about any President before him, Republican or Democrat.
I just can't be bothered to care about this anymore, because our current politics makes absolutely no sense. Wake me for the 2018 elections.
Now Jeff Sessions will select the man to lead the investigation he promised to keep his hands off of.
When did America join the League of Lesser Nations?
Quote: billryanJeff Sessions recommended firing the man leading an investigation he promised to keep his hands off of. An investigation he might be caught up in.
Now Jeff Sessions will select the man to lead the investigation he promised to keep his hands off of.
When did America join the League of Lesser Nations?
Actually the DOJ was told by the racist, sexist, rapist and scam artist Trump himself to come up with a justification to fire FBI director Comey. So Jeff Session and his deputy dutifully followed Trump's order and they came back with a Hillary's email excuse ...
Quote: @costareportsA Republican close to President tells me Trump has been increasingly isolated in recent days. Frustrated, avoiding major public appearances
Is it wrong that this makes me very happy? He deserves to SUFFER...
Quote: ams288
Is it wrong that this makes me very happy? He deserves to SUFFER...
Probably. It is a perfect illustration of what's wrong with American politics. Both parties would be perfectly happy if America burnt to the ground if it meant that their party ruled the remains. Both parties always want everything to fail when the other is in power. Messed up.
Quote: mcallister3200Both parties would be perfectly happy if America burnt to the ground if it meant that their party ruled the remains.
Nah. Just one party acts that way. The one that is in power now.
This "both sides" B.S. is just that: B.S.
There is no comparison anymore. The GOP is complicit and letting Donald get away with murder in order to give tax breaks to the rich.
More and more as the years grow on the 1% have separated themselves further and further from the rest of us. CEOs wages have gone up like 20x in the last 20 years, while the average joes has only gone up like 2x to battle inflation. People blame the system being rigged, because the republicans are trying to do exactly that. F the poor, F the middle class who can pay for the poor, and let all the rich get all the breaks and make more money.
Hell, look at Romney. Guy released his tax returns (like all presidential candidates do) and he made like 42 million and only paid like 17% taxes from mostly capital gains, etc, etc, screwing the system with laws republicans and the "good 'ol boy" network put in place.
Sh*t, I'm not even getting started down the republican path of religion, and how they want the government out of our lives, EXCEPT when it has to do with a woman's body, etc, etc, etc. Then, then apparently the gov should be making healthcare choices for the poor woman who clearly can't live her life properly without a man to make her decisions.
Point and case, the republican party is a group of old timers that want to desperately cling to the "Mad Men" ways of the past where all the rich white men just got huge tax breaks, made all the money, drank and smacked every girl on the ass all day that they wanted to. They're a huge party of hypocrites that tries to fear monger constantly. Whether it's with religion, races, or "big government" taking your rights away (gun topic often referenced here), they use that FEAR as a lightening rod to reel in and scam easily gullible minds. So no, I'm not a democrat, but yes, I can't stand the mass majority of "today's republicans."
Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has rejected calls for a special prosecutor to investigate Trump team ties to Russia, saying on the Senate floor on Wednesday that it would "only serve to impede the current work being done".
In contrast, there is in fact at least one Republican with some integrity left, perhaps the "anti-McConnell":
...John McCain, did not go as far as a special prosecutor but did reiterate calls for a "special congressional committee to investigate Russia's interference in the 2016 election.
"The president's decision to remove the FBI Director only confirms the need and the urgency of such a committee," McCain said in a statement.
Rudy Giuliani has denied that he is a candidate to be the new, permanent FBI director, despite saying that he was scheduled for a meeting at the White House Wednesday.