US-bound Muslim Travelers Are Stopped From Boarding Flights
Hopefully what this eventually does is
prod the peaceful Muslims to getting
radical Muslims out of their mosques.
Things can't continue as they have been,
modern society won't tolerate it much
longer. With Trump, we aren't tolerating
it now.
Quote: gamerfreakStrange I remember the republicans being highly critical of Obama for using executive orders to carry out his agenda.
Executive Orders go back to George Washington.
Obama was actually kind of a piker when it came
to EO's. Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush jr, Eisenhower,
Truman, Nixon, Johnson all issued more EO's than
Obama. Roosevelt was the grandaddy of OE's, issuing
over 3500. Obama only had a paltry 275. So don't worry,
Trump will be setting no records. Even Teddy Roosevelt
had over 1000.
Quote: EvenBobExecutive Orders go back to George Washington.
Obama was actually kind of a piker when it came
to EO's. Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush jr, Eisenhower,
Truman, Nixon, Johnson all issued more EO's than
Obama. Roosevelt was the grandaddy of OE's, issuing
over 3500. Obama only had a paltry 275. So don't worry,
Trump will be setting no records. Even Teddy Roosevelt
had over 1000.
Right, I'm not partially opposed to them. It's just the GOP was vehemently opposed to their use when it was Obama. They are more than they're trumped up to be (heh), as they still have to work within the bounds of existing laws. The Executive branch can't create or edit laws.
Week 1 - "Alternative facts" is the only thing that anyone remembers.
Week 2 - The poorly executed "Muslim ban" that forgets to ban Muslims from countries where Donald has business interests will be what we all remember.
Quote: ams288Donald's first 100 days:
Week 1 - "Alternative facts" is the only thing that anyone remembers.
Week 2 - The poorly executed "Muslim ban" that forgets to ban Muslims from countries where Donald has business interests will be what we all remember.
Actually, I may be wrong. Some people may end up remembering this more from week 1:
Quote: gamerfreakIt's just the GOP was vehemently opposed
Governing by EO's is always bad when it's
the other party doing it. This has been the
case since Grant went hog wild with it in
the 1870's and issued over 200. Ever since
then it's whoever is in power that thinks
it's wonderful. Are you new to this? I
remember the Left went nuts when Nixon
issued 346. Then came Carter a couple years
later and issued 320 in 4 years. It's an old
old game.
Quote: ams288Actually, I may be wrong. Some people may end up remembering this more from week 1:
And we could have had this. We avoided the
bullet on this one. This would be Hillary boarding
the WH helicopter:

Quote: EvenBobAnd we could have had this. We avoided the
bullet on this one. This would be Hillary boarding
the WH helicopter:
I love how much that picture of Donald's big butt getting on Marine One bugs you.
You've seen it twice now, and your knee jerk reaction was to post a pic of Hillary in response both times.
A Kremlin statement said the 30-minute phone conversation on January 28 showed there is "a mood for restoring and improving" cooperation between the United States and Russia.
It said that "both sides showed their readiness for active, joint work to stabilize and develop Russian-American cooperation." The Kremlin said Putin and Trump both favored the idea of coordinating Russian and U.S. actions in Syria aimed at defeating Islamic State (IS) militants and what the Kremlin called "other terrorist groups."
Thank god somebody is trying to work
it out with Russia. You know how I know
this is a good thing? John McCain is
totally against it. He's a RINO to the core,
just do the opposite of what he says and
we'll be fine.
I'm really not surprised they get along so well.
Quote: steeldcoI think that we should give Mr. Trump something special, unique. Let's set the record for shortest time in Presidential position prior to impeachment.
How'she that going to happen when everything he is doing is what most people want?
Stop illegal immigration
Create/bring back jobs to U.S.
Ban people from terrorist and sharia law countries from coming here and causing problems
He's going to do more for the economy and the safety of U.S. Citizens in 100 days than Obama did in 8 years.
Most people don't care about the protesting liberals. They have their topic of the month and then they move on to the next whining topic. Occupy Wallstreet, $15 minimum wage for fast food workers, Trump is not our President, Yada Yada Yada. After the news is tired of it, the protesters move on to the next item.
Quote: ams288Donald's first 100 days:
Week 1 - "Alternative facts" is the only thing that anyone remembers.
Week 2 - The poorly executed "Muslim ban" that forgets to ban Muslims from countries where Donald has business interests will be what we all remember.
I think the Mexico debacle needs to be mentioned. (and if something interesting leaks on the putin phone call, there could be more)
present 15,000 worker EPA down to 7500.
'President Trump is seeking to slash the number of workers at the Environmental Protection Agency by at least half, leaving it significantly gutted as the administration mulls further cuts, the former head of Trump's EPA transition team said Friday.'
Then get it back to 5000 where it belongs.
Let the state EPA offices do most of the
work, cut the head of this DC snake off.
A lib Federal judge in NYC trumped Trump.
Love it!
Quote: MrVBwa ha ha!
A lib Federal judge in NYC trumped Trump.
Love it!
Nothing new. Obama had 3 orders stopped by judges in just the last 6 months. Same Country, different idiot running it.
I would worry about Don perhaps having business partners in said countries except for the fact we all know Don is an honest
fair straight shooter. :)
Quote: EvenBobJohn McCain is
totally against it. He's a RINO to the core,
just do the opposite of what he says and
we'll be fine.
You can say that again.
woman at Ms says about Trump's ExcOrder,
"If you're not afraid yet, you should be very
very afraid." The world is ending, you would
think. They're talking so fast I can barely
follow them about what's happening at the
Quote: EvenBobThey're unglued at CNN and MsNbc. The
woman at Ms says about Trump's ExcOrder,
"If you're not afraid yet, you should be very
very afraid." The world is ending, you would
think. They're talking so fast I can barely
follow them about what's happening at the
I found Chuckles Todd at NBC's "Meet the Press" unwatchable today. All he did was try to play "gotcha"...and he just talked over his guest.
Funny how different he is towards this administration than he was towards the last one.
For example, he took the Holocaust statement and attacked the lack of the word "Jew" or "Jewish" in it as if to say that meant the administration that just stopped the planned $220 million to the Palestinian Authority was somehow against Jews and, by inference, Israel. Give me a flipping break! Perhaps the words SHOULD have been in there, but they are already SHOWING that they are more pro-Israel than the Obama administration. Actions, not words, Chuckles!!
Quote: RonCI found Chuckles Todd at NBC's "Meet the Press" unwatchable today. All he did was try to play "gotcha"...and he just talked over his guest.!
A few people were inconvenienced. Listening
to the media, they were actually shipped to
interment camps and water boarded. Nine
have yet to be released, most of those have
improper paperwork. Trump has been saying
for a year he would do this and the media
acts like they never heard it before.
Quote: EvenBobAnd we could have had this. We avoided the
bullet on this one. This would be Hillary boarding
the WH helicopter:
Turns out Donald and Hillary are more alike than you'd like to admit!
at JFK fighting for the rights of the
5-7 people still being detained. The
cable networks are going bat crap
crazy with this story. Where were
these lawyers in 2011 when Obama
did the same thing to Iraq refugees
for 6 months. Never heard a peep
out of anybody. Trump does it for
90 days and there's wailing and
cries of impeachment.
Quote: EvenBobThere's a hundred pro bono lawyers
at JFK fighting for the rights of the
5-7 people still being detained. The
cable networks are going bat crap
crazy with this story. Where were
these lawyers in 2011 when Obama
did the same thing to Iraq refugees
for 6 months. Never heard a peep
out of anybody. Trump does it for
90 days and there's wailing and
cries of impeachment.
Carter did the same thing with Iran and Iranians. And not so much as a peep there, either.
Quote: EvenBobThere's a hundred pro bono lawyers
at JFK fighting for the rights of the
5-7 people still being detained. The
cable networks are going bat crap
crazy with this story. Where were
these lawyers in 2011 when Obama
did the same thing to Iraq refugees
for 6 months. Never heard a peep
out of anybody. Trump does it for
90 days and there's wailing and
cries of impeachment.
More people were deported during Obama tenure than all other Presidents combined. Stupid Libtards.
Quote: SanchoPanzaCarter did the same thing with Iran and Iranians. And not so much as a peep there, either.
Trump has been saying for over a year he
would do this ban, as a way to figure
out were we are exactly. So he does it
and the media is in shock, who saw this
awful thing coming? Who could have
seen that Trump would go so low?
Are they kidding, he talked about it a
hundred times.
Quote: EvenBobTrump has been saying for over a year he
would do this ban, as a way to figure
out were we are exactly. So he does it
and the media is in shock, who saw this
awful thing coming? Who could have
seen that Trump would go so low?
Are they kidding, he talked about it a
hundred times.
And during that time how many times did Kellyanne Conway say we should take Donald "figuratively and not literally?"
Immediately release Donald Trump's full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance.

Quote: MaxPenThe path required to win is never easy and rarely "favorable".
There's hardly been any winning.
Can you imagine if Trump campaigned on "We will build a wall, and America Consumers will pay for it." and "We will ban muslims, except from those countries that have actually sent terrorists.", in other words, exactly what is happening now?
Quote: EvenBobAnd we could have had this. We avoided the
bullet on this one. This would be Hillary boarding
the WH helicopter:
Jezebel has more on Donald's fear of stairs:
Donald Trump Can Absolutely Walk Up and Down the Stairs Like a Big Boy
Now, before some rightie gets offended and shouts "fake news!" let me say: this isn't news. It's just a collection of tweets, interviews, etc. where our "alpha-male" President indicates he is afraid of stairs.
Don't get your panties in a twist about it. It's funny.
Quote: @realDonaldTrumpAny negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.
In case: anyone didn't know (my brother-in-law for one), on 9/11:Quote: gamerfreak.....and "We will ban muslims, except from those countries that have actually sent terrorists.", in other words, exactly what is happening now?
Fifteen of the 19 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia.
Two were from the United Arab Emirates,
one was from Lebanon,
and one was from Egypt.
Quote: JohnnyQIn case: anyone didn't know (my brother-in-law for one), on 9/11:
Fifteen of the 19 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia.
Two were from the United Arab Emirates,
one was from Lebanon,
and one was from Egypt.
We will ban muslims from any country president trump has no hotel or other business offerings
Quote: lilredroosterTrump's popularity might be fading. Maybe not but maybe so. This pro Trump rally in Portland drew just 8 people. But it drew a lot of laughs.
This is why rightwingers keep pretending protestors on the left are paid.
Quote: lilredroosterTrump's popularity might be fading. Maybe not but maybe so. This pro Trump rally in Portland drew just 8 people. But it drew a lot of laughs.
Although I don't like Trumpers' ideology & hypocrisy, but I do applaud them for their determination in worshiping the racist, sexist, and rapist Trump. Speaking out, engaging in civic duty such as protesting and community organizing are not "whine and cry" acts like many Trumpers here and in the Whitehouse had led you to believe.
And I want to give Trumpers here an encouragement, the picture that you look at in the linked story and the report of only 8 protesters are totally inaccurate. Using the alternate fact and Bagdad Bob's interpretation technique, there are about a litter more than 3 million protesters if you count the number cockroaches in the nearby bushes and grassy knolls.
It is worth noting that it is a pure coincident that the number of about 3 millions aforementioned protesters is about the same number that the racist, sexist, and rapist Trump lost in popular votes to Madam Hillary Clinton. With the GOP controlling 3 branches of government, don't be surprised of a GOP's legislation giving additional 3 million cockroaches the right to vote...
Edited to add "additional 3 million"
Quote: gamerfreakRight, I'm not partially opposed to them. It's just the GOP was vehemently opposed to their use when it was Obama. They are more than they're trumped up to be (heh), as they still have to work within the bounds of existing laws. The Executive branch can't create or edit laws.
If you look at the 2016 Election thread, you will notice Trumpers' numerous oppositions to & highly critical of President Obama in the use Executive Orders. There is nothing wrong with these Trumpers' speaking out (or "whine and cry" if you are soo poo-poo about it) and letting their voice heard. What is wrong now is their hypocrisy. Where are the outcries from these Trumpers now?
To avoid any misunderstanding/misinterpretation, I'm providing a link to the Merriam Webster site.–poo
Quote: ams288Actually, I may be wrong. Some people may end up remembering this more from week 1:
Nice ass! And it is the only positive comment I have for the racist, sexist, and rapist Trump.
Quote: steeldcoI think that we should give Mr. Trump something special, unique. Let's set the record for shortest time in Presidential position prior to impeachment.
The GOP establishment doesn't like the racist, sexist, and rapist Trump. They are quietly & privately praying for Trump to make an impeachable offense because they like Pence much better.
Quote: Zcore13How'she that going to happen when everything he is doing is what most people want?
Stop illegal immigration
Create/bring back jobs to U.S.
Ban people from terrorist and sharia law countries from coming here and causing problems
He's going to do more for the economy and the safety of U.S. Citizens in 100 days than Obama did in 8 years.
Most people don't care about the protesting liberals. They have their topic of the month and then they move on to the next whining topic. Occupy Wallstreet, $15 minimum wage for fast food workers, Trump is not our President, Yada Yada Yada. After the news is tired of it, the protesters move on to the next item.
We ALL want to stop illegal immigration, to have good economy, good job growth, and safe society. We want all of those. But the disagreements among us is the best way forward to achieve those objectives. Yes, Trump won the electoral college vote and is the POTUS, but the undeniable fact is that more Americans want Hillary to take care of our concerns.
I want to give you an opportunity to dethrone the Baghdad Bob. Give us more details about the racist, sexist and rapist Trump's first 100 days vs. Obama the last 8 years. Common, I want to see you to dethrone our lovable and comical Baghdad Bob, and I know you can do it.
Quote: 777Quote: ams288Actually, I may be wrong. Some people may end up remembering this more from week 1:
Nice ass! And it is the only positive comment I have for the racist, sexist, and rapist Trump.
Donald's fatness often goes under the radar because he's always in an oversized suit that tries to hide it.
No wonder Donald is so jealous of Obama:

Quote: Zcore13Nothing new. Obama had 3 orders stopped by judges in just the last 6 months. Same Country, different idiot running it.
OMG, you are calling the racist, sexist, and rapist Trump an idiot? Am I interpreting your reply correctly? How dare you call the racist, sexist, and rapist Trump an idiot. You should be banned from this WOV site forever, and this entire thread should be taken down because no one can insult the racist, sexist, and rapist Trump.
Quote: 777OMG, you are calling the racist, sexist, and rapist Trump an idiot? Am I interpreting your reply correctly? How dare you call the racist, sexist, and rapist Trump an idiot. You should be banned from this WOV site forever, and this entire thread should be taken down because no one can insult the racist, sexist, and rapist Trump.
Something is wrong with you.
Quote: EvenBob
There's a hundred pro bono lawyers
at JFK fighting for the rights of the
5-7 people still being detained. The
cable networks are going bat crap
crazy with this story. Where were
these lawyers in 2011 when Obama
did the same thing to Iraq refugees
for 6 months. Never heard a peep
out of anybody. Trump does it for
90 days and there's wailing and
cries of impeachment.
[q=Zcore13More people were deported during Obama tenure than all other Presidents combined. Stupid Libtards.
Again, the big issue is how and what is the best way to solve problem.
People who were deported during Obama term were handled within a process that did not impact our civil liberty, or at least did not create potential civil liberty issue to law & abiding citizens. That's a big difference.
In 2015, there were 35,092 fatality in motor vehicle crashes. Should we then ban all automobiles? And there were numerous fatalities contributed to drunk driving? Should we then ban all alcohols? And there were numerous fatalities due to gun violences. Should we then ban all guns? And numerous crimes & fatalities were the results of gambling addictions? Should we then ban all gamblings? And then there were drugs, textings, and so on ....
Yes, I heard this many times before -- cars don't kill people, people kill people; alcohols don't kill people, people kill people; guns don't kill people, people kill people; BJ, poker, slot, paigow addictions don't kill people, people kill people ...
We all want safety, but then at the same time we also don't want to give up our liberty.