Quote: ThatDonGuy
And if anybody tries to call the schools on it, usually by testing the students, it's met with, "The 'good' schools are teaching to the test!" and, "They're just teaching students how to take tests, and putting money into the pockets of the professional testing services!"
I laugh when I hear lefties cry "they are teaching to the test!" It is as if we dare not test to see that a teaching objective is being met. Then the cry is, "how can you blame the teacher?" Uh, I hire you to teach these kids basic algebra and when I gave them at test to solve for x only half could do so. Thus it is time I hire someone else.
Quote:And if you ask me, the problem isn't race per se; it's money. There just happens to be a correlation between your race and your income, in part because those who go to the poorer schools get the lower-paying jobs and end up living in poorer neighborhoods that, as a result, have poorer schools - vicious circle. Have fun trying to get tax money from people who will respond, "If I have to pay more money for schools, then it should go to my area's schools!", which, of course, only makes things worse.
Schools do not have a money problem, We spend far more in real terms than we did 50 years ago. We have far more of a culture problem. The elephant in the room is that people do not want to accept that different races act different towards education. When you look at the races and how they value education it seems to easily fall in declining order: Asian, White. Hispanic, Black. All the money in the world will not change the fact.
Quote: AZDuffmanI laugh when I hear lefties cry "they are teaching to the test!" It is as if we dare not test to see that a teaching objective is being met. Then the cry is, "how can you blame the teacher?" Uh, I hire you to teach these kids basic algebra and when I gave them at test to solve for x only half could do so. Thus it is time I hire someone else.
The idea of using a text should be to have students prepared to be tested on the knowledge of that text at the end of the course. Just teaching someone a bunch of answers by rote does nothing to promote the ability to learn. "Teaching to the test" becomes and issue when the test is the ONLY thing and the actual teaching and learning are not as important. Like most other issues, it is a matter of putting it all together instead of just demonizing the other side.
Teachers need to be subject matter experts that want to spread their love of learning to their students. Good ones need to be well compensated; bad ones need to go. Classrooms need to be for those who want to learn; uncooperative students should get plenty of chances but should not be allowed to stop learning.
Quote: AZDuffmanSchools do not have a money problem, We spend far more in real terms than we did 50 years ago. We have far more of a culture problem. The elephant in the room is that people do not want to accept that different races act different towards education. When you look at the races and how they value education it seems to easily fall in declining order: Asian, White. Hispanic, Black. All the money in the world will not change the fact.
Rather than just say that statement is somehow "racist", we need to figure out how to make education more important to everyone. The money we spend needs to be well spent on the right things; overly bloated school administrations are a big problem--the people getting paid the most don't teach anyone anything--so they should be as few in number as possible to maintain an organization.
We've tried flooding everything with money at various times yet we fail to learn the lesson...money alone doesn't solve anything. Someone will find a way to waste it. Accountability and standards are important.
Raise everyone up; don't yield to the ones who oppose or resist education.
At the end of the day, some will still do the wrong thing. We just need to give them a fair chance to get a decent education and become part of the workforce.
Quote: RonCThe idea of using a text should be to have students prepared to be tested on the knowledge of that text at the end of the course. Just teaching someone a bunch of answers by rote does nothing to promote the ability to learn. "Teaching to the test" becomes and issue when the test is the ONLY thing and the actual teaching and learning are not as important. Like most other issues, it is a matter of putting it all together instead of just demonizing the other side.
The thing is that they are not teaching at all in many cases. I've told the story about the kids that thought we had 52 states, I mean, I learned that in probably first grade. We have heard the stories about how many kids cannot place the Civil War in the correct half century not state its cause. Forget understanding, we are not even teaching the memorization.
Quote:Teachers need to be subject matter experts that want to spread their love of learning to their students. Good ones need to be well compensated; bad ones need to go. Classrooms need to be for those who want to learn; uncooperative students should get plenty of chances but should not be allowed to stop learning.
For this issue I say get rid of hiring on a teaching degree and start hiring on knowledge. I do not think I could teach Algebra, but I am sure I could better explain "what you use it for" than 90% of school math teachers. I never got an answer to why it mattered from anyone. I could probably handle some level of history. A guy like Wiz could do math. And let people do it part time. I would never want to hang around a school all day as a second career, but in my 50s I might love doing 2-3 hours of history classes.
Quote:Rather than just say that statement is somehow "racist", we need to figure out how to make education more important to everyone. The money we spend needs to be well spent on the right things; overly bloated school administrations are a big problem--the people getting paid the most don't teach anyone anything--so they should be as few in number as possible to maintain an organization.
We've tried flooding everything with money at various times yet we fail to learn the lesson...money alone doesn't solve anything. Someone will find a way to waste it. Accountability and standards are important.
Some will say it is racist, but I maintain pointing out facts is not racist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acting_white]It has been pointed out.
Back to the point, though. First we must ask are schools more about education, or are they as much to break people of natural instincts and get them to accept sitting in nice, neat rows for hours and follow orders?
Quote: AZDuffmanUh, I hire you to teach these kids basic algebra and when I gave them at test to solve for x only half could do so.
My daughter teaches college math and
every semester she has about 25 new
students. 2 weeks later it's always down
to 12 or 13. Half the kids walk away
because they learned no math in HS. And
because it's an elective course, they have
to hire a tutor or go to summer school.
I know a guy who is 70 and is a math tutor.
He charges $25 an hour and has more work
than he can handle.
Quote: EvenBobMy daughter teaches college math and
every semester she has about 25 new
students. 2 weeks later it's always down
to 12 or 13. Half the kids walk away
because they learned no math in HS. And
because it's an elective course, they have
to hire a tutor or go to summer school.
I know a guy who is 70 and is a math tutor.
He charges $25 an hour and has more work
than he can handle.
What level/course does she teach?
I can easily believe it. I had few interesting math teachers. Few who could explain just why I need to solve for "x." When I told an Algebra teacher how I once actually used Algebra she made me tell her again so she could write it down and explain it to the class.
All you get in Algebra books is how A left 30 minutes before B and how much faster does B need to run to catch A! I would like to go back to school and write in "it does not matter, B should have been ready when her husband A told her they had to leave!" It would be worth the detention that week!
In the real world, I had to bid a project. The sales commission was 17.5% of the gross. But I could not just take the cost and profit and mark it up by 17,5% as then the salesman got 17.5% on the mark-up. My profit would fall. Teach that kind of example and you show it in the real world!
FWIW, in that example I showed my asst manager how to do it. He stood in awe and said he could not have figured that out if I gave him a month to do so!
My mom used to teach kids about photosynthesis by having them break into groups and grow their own plants. No time for that now. Instead, the memorize meaningless information, then forget it after the test.
Once, I was a sub in a poor, mostly black school, assisting the regular teacher. We passed out a standardized test. The kids sat there for a while. Most of them didn't fill it out. A few did about half of it. The papers were turned back in. The teacher turns to me and says, "the district spends over $100 million on this test."
You don't really learn this way. You learn by doing, by working on projects. Asian countries often emphasize memorization and testing. But Americans wind up being more creative and innovative. You have to learn to work with other people, think for yourself, figure out a solution rather than remembering what was written in a book and copying it.
The "bad teachers" thing is also largely a myth, promoted by those who want to turn public education into their personal piggy bank.
As a sub, I learned that, yes, of course there are bad teachers. This is true of any job. But there are very few negligent teachers.
What happens in the poor schools, and often in the not so poor ones, is that the parents don't give a crap, so the kids don't. If that's the case, there's very little a teacher can do. This idea that teachers should be able to wave a magic wand and impart algebra to a kid who doesn't study or do homework or pay attention in class is ridiculous.
One of the only reasons to enter the teaching profession is high job security. I agree, it should be easier to fire negligent teachers. But if you start sacking everyone who has bad results, why would any intelligent person become a teacher in the first place? It's not as if they are lined up around the block as it is.
It's all just idealistic nonsense. "If we destroy their union and eliminate job security, then surely a wave of super teachers will fly to the rescue and, for $22,000 a year, transform indifferent kids into math wizards through the magic of rote memorization for robotic tests, and just by coincidence, this will also make billions of dollars for me and my friends!"
Maybe you're being sold a bill of goods there.
Quote: Rigondeaux
One of the only reasons to enter the teaching profession is high job security. I agree, it should be easier to fire negligent teachers. But if you start sacking everyone who has bad results, why would any intelligent person become a teacher in the first place? It's not as if they are lined up around the block as it is.
Actually, in many parts the line is long.
The current model probably needs replaced. Let the kids who do not want to be there quit at say grade 10. Split more kids off into trade education for half the day. More online learning. NetMeeting and video conferencing. Why hire 100 boring teachers when the whole course can be put online and interactive?
Some of the worst schools have all these stupid posters up for Yale and Harvard and they'll focus on the one kid who might get to go there (and probably be overwhelmed). But 99% of the time, if your parents are poor and/or dysfunctional, the next step up is just a solid, working class gig. Yet the schools do almost nothing to facilitate this.
Quote: AZDuffmanWhat level/course does she teach?
I think it's first year algebra where she
has all the drop outs.
Quote: RigondeauxOne of the main things I came away from subbing believing was that there needs to be more trade education. There are a lot of good kids who are just not cut out for academics and wind up not really getting much out of HS.
Some of the worst schools have all these stupid posters up for Yale and Harvard and they'll focus on the one kid who might get to go there (and probably be overwhelmed). But 99% of the time, if your parents are poor and/or dysfunctional, the next step up is just a solid, working class gig. Yet the schools do almost nothing to facilitate this.
High school qualified me for basically nothing. No marketable skill at all. We talk about graduating more kids, but for what? You hear of all these factories willing to train people but the kids are so ill equipped that they cannot even make them an apprentice. Where are they?
We now have white-collar "factories" that we call call-centers or similar work. Yet no simple training for them. If I were on the governor's task force I would get the 10-20 largest employers and get them to tell us what they need. Then get with the community colleges and have a 6-12 month "express degree" which would be more of a simple certification. Then get the employers to commit to at least an interview with the "graduates."
In many ways I agree. Education needs to be reformed to allow for trades and to point people at non-university professions. In my border town, I was surprised to here that a large percentage of graduates ended up going to colleges for trades, like "border security". Employers used to have their own educational institutions. A friend of mine described his guidance counselor telling him to become an engineer and apply to General Motors college. He ended up going to a "college" operated by GM in Flint. He also described how GM almost didn't hire him when he graduated because of a downturn in the industry.
Here in Canada our schools offer advanced (university track) and general (college track) courses similar to AP vs non-AP courses. Those in the non-AP route go to college or get a job out of high school. Schools offer co-op programs as well to spend a semester learning a trade.
I completely agree about more of a push for trades. When I was coming up, vocational schools were looked at as almost a sort of detention. It was a place all the 15yr old smokers, drinkers, and general badasses went to. It was regarded as a remedial branch, and mocked as a place for slow kids.
I wish with everything I had someone had turned me onto it when I was in school. I still see it even today, parents pushing kids into "higher learning" and dismissing the trades. But I've got to see the most common result. Many of my peers went the 4, 6, or even 8 year route, only to find out there wasn't jack available in their course line when they finished. And they weren't exactly taking Masters basketweaving; they were legitimate courses. Now they're stuck doing $12 p/hr entry level work in a field that does not use their diploma in any sense, all while trying to start a life, family, and doing so with minimum $40k in student debt. Many are close to six figures.
Compare that to the "idiots" that went the trade route, and I can't understand why there's still little attention given. Many banged out an ASE or HVAC or any number of other certifications, often for low four figures or less, and did so within several months. I dunno what it's like in CAN, but here in woefully depressed WNY, an ASE certified mechanic can walk on to $20 p/hr+. Can you imagine being 19/20yrs old with no kids, no debt, making $20p/hr? That's good damn living. And within just a few years and another low four figure sum, you can stretch that ASE cert in Master level and be making $30p/hr+. It's no different for carpentry, HVAC, welding, trucking, or any other trade.
I got a close friend from high school. He's now 32, lives in an affluent town, beautiful house. He bought his first Superbee at 17, with money he got turning wrenches. I went with him to pick it up. Here we are fifteen years later and he's got 2 of them, plus two '71 'Cudas. 4 classic hotrods, 4 trailers, a shop to house them all on his property. He's got over a quarter million dollars in those 4 cars alone. And he ain't never did nothing but turn a wrench for 40hrs a week.
Dumb kids, indeed.
That position of trade over graduate is degraded over the years. Physical work is taxing and your income ceiling is generally lower than the college graduate. Unless you go into proprietorship with your job (with some education on top of that to know how to work the small business properly), the college graduate WHO FINDS work will be better off than the trade counterpart in the long run.
Quote: FaceWelcome back, boymimbo. Glad to see you're still around.
I completely agree about more of a push for trades. When I was coming up, vocational schools were looked at as almost a sort of detention. It was a place all the 15yr old smokers, drinkers, and general badasses went to. It was regarded as a remedial branch, and mocked as a place for slow kids.
It was mostly the same here. There was an airframe class that was actually great, and taught by one of the best A/P schools in the USA.
Quote:I wish with everything I had someone had turned me onto it when I was in school. I still see it even today, parents pushing kids into "higher learning" and dismissing the trades. But I've got to see the most common result. Many of my peers went the 4, 6, or even 8 year route, only to find out there wasn't jack available in their course line when they finished. And they weren't exactly taking Masters basketweaving; they were legitimate courses. Now they're stuck doing $12 p/hr entry level work in a field that does not use their diploma in any sense, all while trying to start a life, family, and doing so with minimum $40k in student debt. Many are close to six figures.
When I was in high school, trade was equally looked down on. Auto mechanics was weird then, computers were just starting to be understood as being very important in cars, but nobody was teaching you how to use them. Right now I would tell a kid interested in that to go learn how to work on Audis. German cars equal big repair money and of the Germans I think Audi is best set to increase their market for a few reasons.
Back to trades, some people make a good living off just finding a service niche. If you are good at painting houses you can be booked out weeks in advance. Podcast I listen to the guy is in TX and his kid cleans up cleaning above-ground pools, which pool companies will not touch. People pay $30-40 to have their dog in doggie day care. Get 5-6 of those and great base.
Yet as we speak, millions this week signed up for $90,000 in college debt at not even great schools.
A woman that had the field cleared for her. Has the press virtually totally on her side. Every possible advantage. On he other side, a guy most people never even heard of one year ago. No wonder she always looks upset.

Biggest collapse since the 1951 Dodgers!
Quote: AZDuffman
Cool, an interesting race.
Would be great to see O'malley go up in the polls also.
Sanders is too old.
Why not a rock-n-roll guitarist in the Whitehouse.
I've seen O'malleys March, they're pretty good.
Just winning the Dem Nomination puts you in the fast lane to the White House :-)
Just saw a poll that both Hillary and Biden beat all Repubs still in the field, but Biden beats them by wider margins than Hillary does. He's much more the heir to the Dem base than she is, and she's starting to make that clear on foreign policy.
"May you live in interesting times."
ring for 2020. Here is excuse
number 112 for losing in 2016:
“There is this fear, there is this anger, even rage about women seeking power, women exercising power"
No, not all women, just YOU, Hillary.
We don't like YOU, we're terrified
of YOU..
Quote:No, not all women, just YOU, Hillary.
We don't like YOU, we're terrified
of YOU..
Only EB would resurrect a three year old thread to obsess over his girlfriend Hillary.
Quote: EvenBobHillary is keeping her hat in the
ring for 2020.
I bet you $10 she doesn't run for President in 2020.
Quote: EvenBobHillary is keeping her hat in the
ring for 2020. Here is excuse
number 112 for losing in 2016:
“There is this fear, there is this anger, even rage about women seeking power, women exercising power"
If we had a real media in the USA the return question would be:
"Do you think that was why there was negative reaction by so many to Sarah Palin in 2008?"
She would have a stroke at just hearing the question.
Quote: AZDuffman
"Do you think that was why there was negative reaction by so many to Sarah Palin in 2008?"
Hillary and Palin were shunned for the same reason.
They were both seen as incompetent by a lot of people.
It had nothing to do with people being afraid of women having power.
Quote: TigerWuHillary and Palin were shunned for the same reason.
They were both seen as incompetent by a lot of people.
It had nothing to do with people being afraid of women having power.
The point is such a question would be a no-win for Hillary and it would not even fall under a "gotcha" question. Hillary would have to either call out so many people on her side as sexists, or say that it is not just about her being female.
But we do not have a real media in the USA.
And those that control the message, don't plan on giving up their hold easily.Quote: AZDuffmanBut we do not have a real media in the USA.
And this is not fake news LOL
Quote: edwardjsmithHillary and former Prime Minister Julia Gillard likened the attacks on women in power to the Salem witch trials.
With Hillary, the space between hyperbolic
witch and real life witch is very blurry. She's
lucky this isn't the 1600's..
Any new candidate will look better than Hillary as the Democrat nominee - Elizabeth Warren or Chuck Schumer or whomever.
US political parties almost never run a candidate who has previously been their nominee and lost the general election.
Quote: gordonm888Hillary Clinton will NOT be the nominee of the Democrats in 2020. Half the Dems despise her
Half despised her in 16 and she got
the nomination. You don't get it.
The Clinton's still own and control
the party, they have the cash and
they know where the bodies are
buried. Hillary isn't going away.
Quote: EvenBobHalf despised her in 16 and she got the nomination. You don't get it. The Clinton's still own and control the party, they have the cash and they know where the bodies are buried. Hillary isn't going away.
As long as Trump and his supporters keep bringing her up she can’t go away. Once they stop obsessing over her, the rest of us will be glad to see her gone
Quote: TomGAs long as Trump and his supporters keep bringing her up she can’t go away. Once they stop obsessing over her, the rest of us will be glad to see her gone
Don't forget that the Democrats are the party of victims, and Clinton is the perfect victim, She won the popular vote, Dam them Russians.
Quote: edwardjsmith, She won the popular vote, Dam them Russians.
She did win the popular vote and Her
and the Dems have not forgotten that.
She beat Trump at the ballot box and
they want desperately for her to beat
him for real in 2020..
Quote: TomGAs long as Trump and his supporters keep bringing her up she can’t go away. Once they stop obsessing over her, the rest of us will be glad to see her gone
Trump has nothing to do with it. She could easily stay home and play with her grandkids or do whatever else she wants, but no. She wrote a book, toured for it, started a PAC, and runs her mouth about all the "reasons" she lost.
I say she runs in 2020. It is unlikely the Democrat Party puts the fix in to the extent they did in 2016 after they were caught. It is also unlikely that effectively all of the party leaves the field clear for her as there will be many who decide that sitting out twice is more than enough.
But she has the money people tied up and who know how many files full of dirt on how many people. "How's the family, Joe? Good to have family!"
Health is going to be her biggest foe. She cannot keep faking that.
Quote: gordonm888Hillary Clinton will NOT be the nominee of the Democrats in 2020. Half the Dems despise her for packing the DNC with her allies and having them work actively against Bernie.
Any new candidate will look better than Hillary as the Democrat nominee - Elizabeth Warren or Chuck Schumer or whomever.
US political parties almost never run a candidate who has previously been their nominee and lost the general election.
I also read somewhere that Elizabeth Warren has a good chance at being our first female President, and the person who said this said that said she is a strong woman who isn't corrupt and has good morals.
Quote: AZDuffman
Health is going to be her biggest foe. She cannot keep faking that.
Couldn't she just write her own medical report and have her doctor publish it.......?
Quote: NathanI also read somewhere that Elizabeth Warren has a good chance at being our first female President, as she is a strong woman who isn't corrupt and has good morals.
So moral that she claimed Indian heritage to get a minority professor slot. Trump will keep tearing her apart on that one.
Quote: AZDuffmanSo moral that she claimed Indian heritage to get a minority professor slot. Trump will keep tearing her apart on that one.
To be fair, I'm not the one who said Elizabeth Warren was strong woman who wasn't corrupt and had good morals. That was the person who said she had a good chance of being our first female President. To the edit button! ;)
Quote: edwardjsmithDon't forget that the Democrats are the party of victims, and Clinton is the perfect victim, She won the popular vote, Dam them Russians.
Very good point. And every time Trump and his supporters play up their victim mentality (which is more than anyone else in politics) it shows which side they are really on
Quote: TomGVery good point. And every time Trump and his supporters play up their victim mentality (which is more than anyone else in politics) it shows which side they are really on
I have never heard so much whining in my life over investigations and court cases.
Conservatives need to chill and let due process take its course.
Quote: terapinedYup
I have never heard so much whining in my life over investigations and court cases.
Conservatives need to chill and let due process take its course.
Those whiners are not conservatives in any way
Quote: NathanI also read somewhere that Elizabeth Warren has a good chance at being our first female President,
Yeah, probably not. She's a fraud and everybody
knows it. Also she'll be 71 in 2020, and she is
no Donald Trump when it comes to energy
on the campaign trail. She's more like Hillary.
Pocahontas Descendent Wants Elizabeth Warren to Take DNA Test
Quote: EvenBobYeah, probably not. She's a fraud and everybody
knows it. Also she'll be 71 in 2020, and she is
no Donald Trump when it comes to energy
on the campaign trail. She's more like Hillary.
Pocahontas Descendent Wants Elizabeth Warren to Take DNA Test
Once again, I'm not the one who said she had a good chance of becoming the first female President. That was someone else. I didn't even know who Elizabeth Warren was until the poster said that. I still don't know who she is. I was just saying what the person said. If you ask me, Michelle Obama would make an excellent female President. Michelle was such an active First Lady and worked her ass off while being First Lady.
Quote: Nathanworked her ass off while being First Lady.
You mean sticking crap in school kids
lunches that they refused to eat? This
is just some of the headlines about her
'hard' work that failed horribly. Great
presidential material that she is..
Michelle Obama's Food Program Is Non-Nutritious Waste Of Money
Michelle Obama Program Has led to Waste of Food – Daily News
First Lady's Lunch Program is a Failed Recipe
School Lunch Program Was a Failure, Most Food Ended Up in Trash
Michelle Obama Shutters 'Let's Move!' Program After Failed 3-Year Run
WASHINGTON—Citing a “widespread disinterest bordering on contempt” for the program’s most basic aims, Michelle Obama announced Monday she was shutting down “Let’s Move!,” the initiative she created in 2010 to fight childhood obesity.
This was her only real accomplishment, making
an ass of herself in Carpool Karaoke:
Quote: TomGVery good point. And every time Trump and his supporters play up their victim mentality (which is more than anyone else in politics) it shows which side they are really on
Can we get some examples?
Quote: RSCan we get some examples?
Like every post in this thread by trump supporters
I dont know whats worse. Whining losers or whining winners
"Hillary Hillary Hillary" even though Trump won
Doesnt show much faith in his ability to win another election imho
Quote: EvenBobYou mean sticking crap in school kids
lunches that they refused to eat? This
is just some of the headlines about her
'hard' work that failed horribly. Great
presidential material that she is..
Michelle Obama's Food Program Is Non-Nutritious Waste Of Money
Michelle Obama Program Has led to Waste of Food – Daily News
First Lady's Lunch Program is a Failed Recipe
School Lunch Program Was a Failure, Most Food Ended Up in Trash
Michelle Obama Shutters 'Let's Move!' Program After Failed 3-Year Run
WASHINGTON—Citing a “widespread disinterest bordering on contempt” for the program’s most basic aims, Michelle Obama announced Monday she was shutting down “Let’s Move!,” the initiative she created in 2010 to fight childhood obesity.
This was her only real accomplishment, making
an ass of herself in Carpool Karaoke:
That's what I was talking about. Her love of children. She at least TRIED to help children out with Let's Move! And The food program for children.
Quote: NathanIf you ask me, Michelle Obama would make an excellent female President. Michelle was such an active First Lady and worked her ass off while being First Lady.
And being FLOTUS gives you what qualifications to be POTUS again? "Working your ass off" is not an accomplishment, same as Hillary traveling so much or being a hard-working Senator were not. Every time I see Michelle she just looks miserable and angry. As if she would rather be any other place. She has never managed a thing of importance.
FWIW, I do not like when a Senator dies the cry is "let his widow serve the term!" Being married to someone does not mean you have part of their job.
Quote: EvenBobYou mean sticking crap in school kids
lunches that they refused to eat? This
is just some of the headlines about her
'hard' work that failed horribly. Great
presidential material that she is..
Michelle Obama's Food Program Is Non-Nutritious Waste Of Money
Michelle Obama Program Has led to Waste of Food – Daily News
First Lady's Lunch Program is a Failed Recipe
School Lunch Program Was a Failure, Most Food Ended Up in Trash
Michelle Obama Shutters 'Let's Move!' Program After Failed 3-Year Run
WASHINGTON—Citing a “widespread disinterest bordering on contempt” for the program’s most basic aims, Michelle Obama announced Monday she was shutting down “Let’s Move!,” the initiative she created in 2010 to fight childhood obesity.
That last one is from The Onion: https://www.theonion.com/michelle-obama-shutters-lets-move-program-after-failed-1819574964
Quote:Obama added that she expects to achieve far more success with her forthcoming “Fine, Let’s Just Sit Here Stuffing Our Faces Until We Drop Dead!” campaign.
I didn't check the others, but I'm guessing they're editorials from conservatives.
Michael Obama is not a female. That's already Been established.Quote: NathanOnce again, I'm not the one who said she had a good chance of becoming the first female President. That was someone else. I didn't even know who Elizabeth Warren was until the poster said that. I still don't know who she is. I was just saying what the person said. If you ask me, Michelle Obama would make an excellent female President. Michelle was such an active First Lady and worked her ass off while being First Lady.
Ya, ya, I know, Melania Trump is not a female either.