Quote: EvenBobHarley claims he got this check from Bellagio yesterday.
Am I the only one who thinks it looks photoshopped?
Is that the face of Buddha near the top middle-left?
Quote: JBIs that the face of Buddha near the top middle-left?
That's the part Bob thinks is Photoshopped. Ever since all the other kids made fun of him for seeing Elvis on his waffle he's been very cynical about these things. That's clearly a naturally occurring manifestation of the Buddha.
Quote: boymimboWhy would it be a fake? The check itself is laser printed with the date and amount and the check printer is set to the amount properly. The MICR line conforms to bank standards (the part that I can see). The clear band at the bottom of the check is the minimum height of 5/8th. The fractional routing number 64-1278/611 is also correct and matches the routing number at the bottom of the check.
So yeah, the check is likely quite real.
Check mine too, I had a big hit the same day.

Sadly, Buddha didn't smile on my win.
Quote: JBIs that the face of Buddha near the top middle-left?
I thought it was that face on Mars.

Quote: WizardHere is another $50,000 check for you. I've tried to impress the women by showing them this check, but it hasn't worked so far.
Did the bank call the cops when you tried to cash it?
Quote: Beethoven9thWell, it looks like Ahigh visited the forum today, although he didn't post anything.
Probably just checking that we're all still talking about him.
Quote: MrVSeems odd that the check amount is so even.
What, he won EXACTLY $50K at craps?
Could it be that he put money in the cage to draw against, like a marker, and decided to get it refunded?
If it's real though: nice hit.
I believe that he stated that he had a few off chips that he kept as, "Carrying money," or something to that effect.
With all due respect, this whole thing with Harley (while not a Rules violation) is hardly worth discussing, in my opinion. Who cares if it was a real or fake check? The post wasn't made on this Forum and I neither make nor lose a dollar of my own either way.
Quote: Mission146With all due respect, this whole thing with Harley (while not a Rules violation) is hardly worth discussing, in my opinion. Who cares if it was a real or fake check? The post wasn't made on this Forum and I neither make nor lose a dollar of my own either way.
What a party pooper.
Monkey's photoshop is pretty obvious -- the zeroes don't line up and the 2nd amount doesn't show.
But a gambler could easily come in with a deposit of 100K and leave with a check for $50K, no problem, just like someone else could show up with 3K in chips at the cage, take a picture of it, and then claim that as all winnings without telling you that s/he actually bought in for 10K.
his financial situation. He makes reports everyday on
his investments (doing poorly), his mortgage situation,
even his credit card debt. Its because he has no BR, his
paycheck is his BR. When you do that, your monthly nut,
your knife and fork money, as pro's used to call it, is on
your mind all the time. How far am I from going under?
Whew, not very far, I can gamble today. Scary place to
be in.
Even if they tanked, he's probably still well-heeled enough to ride the gambling crazy train to the station.
Quote: MrVI seem to recall he said somewhere that at one point he was worth a million bucks, .
Having a mil and being worth a mil are
a million miles apart. You can have a
house the bank owns and be worth a
mil, its meaningless.
Quote: EvenBobHaving a mil and being worth a mil are
a million miles apart. You can have a
house the bank owns and be worth a
mil, its meaningless.
My employer paid pension account is worth several million dollars. The monthly payments I draw are the result of a pension fund that is worth several million dollars. I am not worth several million dollars.
I have a company "worth" several million dollars based on its annual revenue. Anyone want to buy it? :-)
Besides, we don't know if the $50K represents "winnings" or what he had left.
Quote: DeMangoWe don't know who the check was made out to.
This reminds me of the first job I had working
with non whites. An education to say the last.
On payday they would leave at noon and cash
their checks at the bank. They would get all
$1 dollar bills and one $50. They would make
a BR by folding the one's in half and having the
$50 on the outside. When they pulled it out of
their front pocket, all you could see was the $50,
and it gave the impression the whole wad was
When I say 'they', there three of them and they
all did it. Every week. For months. At first I
thought it was a joke, then I realized I wasn't
in Kansas anymore, as Dorothy quipped.
It looked like this but with a $50 on the outside.

Quote: EvenBobThis reminds me of the first job I had working with non whites. An education to say the last.
Wow. This comment doesn't come from any sort of education.
To anyone who is not white, I assure you that most of us on the forum are shocked by such narrow-minded, bigoted remarks.
There are a few small-minded antagonizers who seem to have free rein here. Please do not give them the satisfaction of scaring away the more thoughtful, broad-minded thinkers.
"They" LMAO, why dont you just fire out a line like "the colored boys would......"
There is no they and us, last I checked we were all of the human race.
It sure seems that way to me, and I am fairly "liberal" and do not make this claim out of any position of implied racial superiority: it is just what I have concluded, anecdotally, from my observation of real life craps play.
My point: there seem to be some occasional differences in the way different ethnic groups approach playing particular casino games; not always of course, but sometimes.
Do whites play baccarat the same way as many Asians do, with the squeezing of cards / superstitious behaviors?
We are all the same, yet there are still some differences, which I submit are most likely cultural / learned from one's peers.
Obviously we are all human, but we are not all raised within the same, homogenous culture, at least not completely.
Quote: MrVSo then, are you saying that blacks don't bet the field any more frequently than whites?
It sure seems that way to me,...
Probably best not to judge someone by the color of their skin nor by "the way it seems."
Again, to anyone who is not white, please do not let the few small-minded forum members scare you away.
Quote: tuppProbably best not to judge someone by the color of their skin nor by "the way it seems."
Again, to anyone who is not white, please do not let the few small-minded forum members scare you away.
I keep reading MrV's post over and over and can't find any part where he is judging anyone or anything.
Quote: rainmanI keep reading MrV's post over and over and can't find any part where he is judging anyone or anything.
I will rephrase: Probably best not to draw conclusions about someone based on their skin color nor by "the way it seems."
Quote: tuppI will rephrase: Probably best not to draw conclusions about someone based on their skin color nor by "the way it seems."
That's politically correct, However suppose you and I are at the casino and 20 Asians walk in, I say to you I bet you most of them are gonna play Bac. I will give you 10-1 and all other games in the house. You will turn me down and you will do it based upon their ethnicity.
Quote: rainmanThat's politically correct,
It's correct, period. Best not to draw conclusions on someone based on the color of their skin.
Quote: rainmanHowever suppose you and I are at the casino and 20 Asians walk in, I say to you I bet you most of them are gonna play Bac. I will give you 10-1 and all other games in the house. You will turn me down and you will do it based upon their ethnicity.
"Asian" is not an ethnicity (nor, necessarily, is it a race), but many find it distasteful and offensive to hear such generalizations about a race of people.
Quote: tuppIt's correct, period. Best not to draw conclusions on someone based on the color of their skin.
"Asian" is not an ethnicity (nor, necessarily, is it a race), but many find it distasteful and offensive to hear such generalizations about a race of people.
How else would I describe them? Should I just refer to everybody as white? cannot people be proud of the race they are, can we not be happy with are ethnic and cultural differences? If I see someone rob a bank should I leave out their race when giving a description to the police? The guy was of Asian decent officer. oops that's not nice um he was short with black hair that's all I know.
Quote: rainmanHow else would I describe them? Should I just refer to everybody as white? cannot people be proud of the race they are, can we not be happy with are ethnic and cultural differences? If I see someone rob a bank should I leave out their race when giving a description to the police? The guy was of Asian decent officer. oops that's not nice um he was short with black hair that's all I know.
You made a generalization about the behavior of a race of people.
Quote: tuppYou made a generalization about the behavior of a race of people.
I made a comment which is based upon what I have observed and what others report having observed.
Do you disagree that cultural differences exist, and that they often affect how members of a particular group behave?
Consider if you will the disproporitonate number of blacks in our American prisons; then compare that with the disproportionate amount of blacks in the NBA and NFL.
Then note how few blacks have risen to become CEOs / exceedingly wealthy.
How do YOU explain the seemingly unequal success rates?
My thought: it is not racial, it is cultural: nurture, not nature.
Quote: tuppYou made a generalization about the behavior of a race of people.
I don't know about behavior but generalization yes and its accurate. People of Asian decent seem to love Bac. I don't care if its a generalization. I care if its accurate and truthful.
Quote: MrVDo you disagree that cultural differences exist, and that they often affect how members of a particular group behave?
Cultural differences exist between cultures. A race is not a culture.
The danger appears when one attaches culture to a race and/or when one associates a specific behavior to people of a culture or race.
One would be making one of or both of such associations, if one stated, "Black people make field bets more than white people."
Quote: MrVConsider if you will the disproporitonate number of blacks in our American prisons;
So, are you saying that black people are predisposed to commit crimes?
Quote: MrVthen compare that with the disproportionate amount of blacks in the NBA and NFL.
I am ignorant as to how players are developed and recruited in those sports, but the situation is certainly not as oversimplified as you suggest.
However, race is a physical attribute, so it is possible that a greater number of people in a certain race might be predisposed for a certain sport.
Quote: MrVThen note how few blacks have risen to become CEOs / exceedingly wealthy.
In regards to the lack of black CEOs, perhaps there is still a lot of discrimination. In regards to the number of black people with wealth, I am ignorant of the numbers. Let's avoid assumptions and "seems like."
Quote: MrVHow do YOU explain the seemingly unequal success rates?
The situation is not oversimplified as you suggest. There are a lot of variables involved, but one thing is for sure -- it is not a good idea to draw negative conclusions about the behavior of a race of people, nor to prejudge someone based on their race or ethnic group.
Quote: MrVMy thought: it is not racial, it is cultural: nurture, not nature.
Such generalization and oversimplification is the basis of bigotry, and leads to notions like, "This race make field bets more than another race," or worse, "I am not hiring that person because his race is predisposed to commit crime."
Quote: rainmanI don't know about behavior but generalization yes and its accurate. People of Asian decent seem to love Bac.
"Seem?" So, you are basing your generalization about an entire race on your vague assumption.
"Seems" accurate to me!
Quote: rainmanI don't care if its a generalization. I care if its accurate and truthful.
Exactly. Just like my story was accurate and truthful.
Racism now is even mentioning someone of another
race, instead of pretending they don't exist. I've never
seen anybody but Asians playing bac in my casino.
Honest truth. Is that racist? There was not a single
black in my high school the whole 4 years I was there.
Is that racist to mention it? Its the truth, it really happened.
Quote: tupp"Seem?" So, you are basing your generalization about an entire race on your vague assumption.
"Seems" accurate to me!
Nope I'm basing my assumptions on facts. I frequent many casinos and when I pass by the bac tables guess who's there? Guess which Table game dominates Macau? Guess of which descent most of the people playing there are? So I add it all up and yup it comes out to the Asian gamblers love bac. Its not an assumption its fact.
You do realize that an assumption or generalization doesn't have to be negative.
However, is it not also wrong to deny the reality of that which is plainly evident?
There ARE a disproportionately large number of blacks in the NBA, for example, at least as compared to the racial makeup of the general population.
It is what it is, isn't it?
Quote: MrVI agree that it is wrong to discriminate based on race.
However, is it not also wrong to deny the reality of that which is plainly evident?
There ARE a disproportionately large number of blacks in the NBA, for example, at least as compared to the racial makeup of the general population.
It is what it is, isn't it?
I play b-ball at the Y a couple times a month. There are a couple of black guys there that love to inform me of this when were playing.
They also like to laugh at me because I'm 6-2 + and can't dunk. White men can't jump lol.
Quote: EvenBobExactly. Just like my story was accurate and truthful. Racism now is even mentioning someone of another
race, instead of pretending they don't exist.
Actually you didn't even refer to a specific race. Nevertheless, the post was decidedly bigoted.
Shall we review?
Quote: EvenBobI've never seen anybody but Asians playing bac in my casino. Honest truth. Is that racist? There was not a single black in my high school the whole 4 years I was there. Is that racist to mention it? Its the truth, it really happened.
The bigotry in your post had nothing to do with how many "Asians" you see playing baccarat nor did it involve the lack of black people in your high school.
Quote: MrVI agree that it is wrong to discriminate based on race.
However, is it not also wrong to deny the reality of that which is plainly evident?
There ARE a disproportionately large number of blacks in the NBA, for example, at least as compared to the racial makeup of the general population.
It is what it is, isn't it?
The assertion that black people bet the field more than white people is not plainly evident.
Also, why would one attempt make such a distinction between races?
Quote: tupp
The bigotry in your post had nothing to do with how many "Asians" you see playing baccarat nor did it involve the lack of black people in your high school.
Who made you the bigot police? You don't know what you're talking about.
For that matter, how many white members here have ever been stopped for a DWB ?
As far as a black man believing in our justice system, why are so many blacks cleared of rape and death penalties , due to DNA lately ?
I mean if such injustice has appeared in death penalty cases, just imagine what representation you get from a public defender for an everyday felony .
Back to the thread. Asian women have been known to salivate over the thought of playing baccarat and squeezing the cards. Not a damn thing racist in that statement 1 !
Quote: EvenBobWho made you the bigot police? You don't know what you're talking about.
You should probably take him at his word on that Tupp, it's unlikely anyone here knows as much about being a bigot as Bob.
Quote: rainmanNope I'm basing my assumptions on facts. I frequent many casinos and when I pass by the bac tables guess who's there? Guess which Table game dominates Macau? Guess of which descent most of the people playing there are? So I add it all up and yup it comes out to the Asian gamblers love bac. Its not an assumption its fact..
An Asian at the bac table might assume, "hey, why do non-Asians play everything but Bac. They must hate it."
Well, you never know what people are going to assume. That's why the world is at war so much, probably.
Quote: onenickelmiracleDo you know why political correctness is hated by so many people? It doesn't prove anything is the reason, but people pretend it does and others gain power from using it as a weapon.
Wait, I thought that was why people didn't like stereotypes.
(Thanks for not booking my bet, sodawater...LOL)