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January 4th, 2014 at 6:55:21 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Quote: Twirdman

Every president going at least as far back as Carter has had some embassy or consulate attacked and attacks where Americans were killed.
Bush Jr...

Here we go again with Shifty, guys!

Sorry, Shifty, but no sitting ambassadors died under Bush or Clinton!

How many normal lives is a sitting ambassador worth. Bush had 11 embassies/consulate attacks and none of those were used as political attacks. Why can't we simply see the death of an ambassador as a tragedy that is in no ways a scandal. Things happen including embassy attacks why is this particular one a scandal.
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January 4th, 2014 at 6:56:16 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Did you miss the part where 2/3 of Harvard students
in those days graduated 'with honors'? Kinda takes
away from doing 'fantastically well' when 2 out 3
did it. When Obama was a college teacher, his students
rated him very average, and detached. He was so
boring many have no memory of him at all. He was
an average student and teacher, and a less than average
president. He's a living example of the Peter Principle.

If obama was an example of the Peter Principle he wouldn't have risen to high school teacher.
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January 4th, 2014 at 6:57:11 PM permalink
Quote: Twirdman

Why can't we simply see the death of an ambassador as a tragedy that is in no ways a scandal. .

Do you even know the details of what happened,
or is your head in the sand (or elsewhere) about
this also.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:00:50 PM permalink
Quote: anonimuss

If obama was an example of the Peter Principle he wouldn't have risen to high school teacher.

He's the perfect example. He constantly gets
to the point of his own incompetence and moves
on to something else, where he does it again.
He's never shined at anything. Average student,
average teacher, average organizer, average
senator, below average president. Nobody
can argue that he's long on BS and short on results.
All hat and no cattle.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:01:28 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Do you even know the details of what happened,
or is your head in the sand (or elsewhere) about
this also.

Anyone think the terrorists that killed our people in Benghazi would be alive if Bush Jr. was president let alone sitting in cafes sipping mocha while being interviewed by the press?
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:03:36 PM permalink
Quote: Twirdman

How many normal lives is a sitting ambassador worth.

And the shift continues!

Hey Shifty, will you at least be honest enough to admit that Obama was the first president in THIRTY YEARS to see a sitting ambassador killed???????
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:07:22 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

And the shift continues!

Hey Shifty, will you at least be honest enough to admit that Obama was the first president in THIRTY YEARS to see a sitting ambassador killed???????

Sure last one was in 79 still don't see how that raises this event to the level of a scandal. Bad things happen and this was one of those cases.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:11:27 PM permalink
Quote: Twirdman

Sure last one was in 79 still don't see how that raises this event to the level of a scandal.

More shifts!

Nobody ever claimed that it's a scandal because of that, Shifty. I was simply correcting your previous shift when you said that the same thing happened under Bush and Clinton (which was a lie!).

Hell, I doubt you even know why people call Benghazi a "scandal".

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January 4th, 2014 at 7:15:33 PM permalink
Yikes. Benghazi was a scandal because of the possible coverup of the cause of the attack in a very sensitive time just before the election.

I am jaded for politics on both sides of the aisle and I have little doubt that Obama's administration (be it State, CIA, FBI) wanted the American public to know that the attack on Benghazi was a preplanned attack that had nothing to do with the anti-Muslim video. Fortunately for Obama, he had the wherewithall to call it an "act of terror" the day after the attack which gave him the win in the portion of the debate with Romney when Romney challenged Obama on this.

I wouldn't go as far as McCain calling it worse than WaterGate, but when a government withholds or bends the truth (be it Obama or Dubya), it's still disgraceful.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:17:04 PM permalink
Quote: anonimuss

Anyone think the terrorists that killed our people in Benghazi would be alive if Bush Jr. was president let alone sitting in cafes sipping mocha while being interviewed by the press?

I dunno. When do we rewrite history to show that Bush killed UBL?
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:17:50 PM permalink
Quote: anonimuss

Anyone think the terrorists that killed our people in Benghazi would be alive if Bush Jr. was president let alone sitting in cafes sipping mocha while being interviewed by the press?

Your right Bush Jr was so great at going after the people who orchestrated major attacks. Thats why Bin Laden was captured and executed a week after 9/11, oh wait that's not at all how this reality turned out at all. The fact is Obama has been quite hard on terrorism and has increased the level of drone strikes.

Also B9 what exactly do you think makes it a scandal. Incorrect intelligence is not a scandal it is a failure of intelligence and it happens. Thats been one of the big attacks and again doesn't raise to the level of scandal.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:19:33 PM permalink
Quote: Twirdman

Also B9 what exactly do you think makes it a scandal. Incorrect intelligence is not a scandal it is a failure of intelligence and it happens. Thats been one of the big attacks and again doesn't raise to the level of scandal.

You didn't answer my question, Shifty.

Why are people calling Benghazi a "scandal"???? If you're gonna deny the charges, then you should at least know what the charges are. (You even got a hint from boymimbo, so you have no excuse!)
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:23:39 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

You didn't answer my question, Shifty.

I told you he didn't know the details. A typical
low information voter. He's googling it now.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:25:14 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

You didn't answer my question, Shifty.

Why are people calling Benghazi a "scandal"???? If you're gonna deny the charges, then you should at least know what the charges are. (You even got a hint from boymimbo, so you have no excuse!)

I did list what one of the main attacks were that they said it was part of a spontaneous protest instead of a planned terrorist attack. The thing is though that is a failure of intelligence not an actual scandal. There were protest going on at the time so there was some reason to believe that. It ultimately proved to be wrong but does not show that there was necessarily a coverup.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:29:18 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

I told you he didn't know the details. A typical
low information voter. He's googling it now.

You hit the nail on the head. I bet he did just google it now.

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January 4th, 2014 at 7:29:38 PM permalink
Quote: Twirdman

I did list what one of the main attacks were that they said it was part of a spontaneous protest instead of a planned terrorist attack. The thing is though that is a failure of intelligence not an actual scandal. There were protest going on at the time so there was some reason to believe that. It ultimately proved to be wrong but does not show that there was necessarily a coverup.

I wonder if they will go back to the Kenyan birth certificate scandal once the BENGHAZEEEEEEE thing is exhausted for all it's not worth.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:34:20 PM permalink
Quote: s2dbaker

I wonder if they will go back to the Kenyan birth certificate scandal once the BENGHAZEEEEEEE thing is exhausted for all it's not worth.

Seriously with all the legitimate gripes to have against the president we end up having people with Benghazi or even worse the birthers and other idiots like that. Yet I can guarantee almost all the birthers will be completely silent about Ted Cruz except for those who were legit crazy.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:38:45 PM permalink
LOL @ Shifty and s2dbaker

New BFF's! lol...
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:39:09 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

You hit the nail on the head. I bet he did just google it now.

This is how Lefties think. They just assume any
charge leveled at the Libs is false, no matter
what the proof. Clinton never had sex with Monica
because getting a BJ isn't sex. Kerry was a splendid
leader in Vietnam, he was unjustly Swiftboated by
the men who knew him there.

Details matter not to them, everything is a cooked
up story.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:41:49 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

LOL @ Shifty and s2dbaker

New BFF's! lol...

Again though why do you think its a scandal. I addressed the most often levied attacks they lied to us and suggest the most likely solution they had bad intel. So other than bad intel what made it a scandal.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:43:12 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Details matter not to them, everything is a cooked
up story.

Yep, the second he declared that Benghazi isn't a "legitimate gripe", that put him in s2dbaker territory. Lame.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:44:42 PM permalink
Quote: Twirdman

I addressed the most often levied attacks they lied to us and suggest the most likely solution they had bad intel.

"Most likely"? lol

Yeah, your precious little Obama would NEVER lie to you, huh, Shifty?
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:44:54 PM permalink
Quote: Twirdman

Seriously with all the legitimate gripes to have against the president we end up having people with Benghazi or even worse the birthers and other idiots like that. Yet I can guarantee almost all the birthers will be completely silent about Ted Cruz except for those who were legit crazy.

I don't think Obama has anything to worry about while the "investigations" are being lead by Congressman Grand Theft Auto.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:54:00 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Quote: Twirdman

I addressed the most often levied attacks they lied to us and suggest the most likely solution they had bad intel.

"Most likely"? lol

Yeah, your precious little Obama would NEVER lie to you, huh, Shifty?

No there are plenty of lies but I subscribe to Hanlon's Razor "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" Why assume a massive coverup when a simple mistake in intel is sufficient to explain everything.

Again I don't like Obama as a president has done plenty of things I don't agree with but I'm not going to assume a coverup where a perfectly logical solution exist that doesn't require it.
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:56:07 PM permalink
Quote: Twirdman

No there are plenty of lies but I subscribe to Hanlon's Razor "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"

So you're proud to support a guy whom you readily admit is stupid?!? LOL!
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January 4th, 2014 at 7:57:47 PM permalink
I swear, trying to explain things to Shifty is like trying to explain to Stevie Wonder that the sky is blue.

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January 4th, 2014 at 7:58:52 PM permalink
And it wasn't a "failure of intelligence". There were numerous probes against the embassy for a very long time. obama was on his muslim ass kissing world tours and chose to let 4 Americans die so he could claim he really did deserve a Nobel peace prize.
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January 4th, 2014 at 8:00:48 PM permalink
Quote: anonimuss

And it wasn't a "failure of intelligence". There were numerous probes against the embassy for a very long time.


Thank you!

(Actually, I think Shifty's argument is a "failure of intelligence"
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January 4th, 2014 at 8:02:14 PM permalink
Remembers..liberals here say you can chose any doctor you want under long as they'll accept you, and George Bush is to blame for Canada's pathetic nationalized health care.
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January 4th, 2014 at 8:02:48 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

So you're proud to support a guy whom you readily admit is stupid?!? LOL!

Again I'm not a big supporter of Obama. Though in this case the stupidity is referring to the failure of the intelligence not a failure of Obama. That is why this phrase is applicable to a range of scenarios. Most attacks involve no malicious wrongdoing by people in charge simply inadequate intelligence or inadequate application of given intelligence.
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January 4th, 2014 at 8:12:02 PM permalink
Quote: anonimuss

Remembers..liberals here say you can chose any doctor you want under long as they'll accept you, and George Bush is to blame for Canada's pathetic nationalized health care.

You got that right!

Plus, I love it when the people who screamed "Bush Lied, People Died!" now scream "Obama had bad intelligence, but Bush didn't!"

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January 4th, 2014 at 8:16:53 PM permalink
Reading the posts here from the lib contingent really explains why we have the clown we do running the country into the ground. It's pathetic when the single greatest threat a country ever faced comes from the sociopath in charge. North Korea can't even make that claim.
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January 4th, 2014 at 8:35:10 PM permalink
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January 4th, 2014 at 8:39:52 PM permalink
Quote: anonimuss

Reading the posts here from the lib contingent really explains why we have the clown we do running the country into the ground. It's pathetic when the single greatest threat a country ever faced comes from the sociopath in charge. North Korea can't even make that claim.

Your hyperbole makes you sound ridiculous. You're saying Obama is a greater threat to this country then the Nazi, the former soviet union, or the South during the civil war. Those are just actual war enemies not counting certain issues that threatened to tear apart the country like the nullification crisis. You have to realize how utterly silly that sounds.
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January 4th, 2014 at 8:43:31 PM permalink
Quote: Twirdman

You have to realize how utterly silly that sounds.

It's no sillier than any of your shifts.
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January 4th, 2014 at 9:02:55 PM permalink
Quote: Twirdman

Again though why do you think its a scandal. I addressed the most often levied attacks they lied to us and suggest the most likely solution they had bad intel. So other than bad intel what made it a scandal.

Pre-attack, the absolute refusal to approve the pleas for increased security. During the attack in Benghazi, the refusal to deploy the ready and adequate forces at the command of the White House, the Pentagon or the State Department to stop the sodomy and murder of U.S. officials on sovereign U.S. land. After the attack, the pathetic and persistent outright lies of Susan Rice and the president about a video that no one had ever heard of. All which was certified by the bipartisan leaders of the House Intelligence Committee as well as the house ARB report.
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January 4th, 2014 at 9:04:48 PM permalink
From Canada, the liberal idea of perfection:

Not a single Senator from either side of the political aisle has called Barack Hussein Obama out on his palpable hatred of the country that pays his heavy freight.
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January 4th, 2014 at 9:08:15 PM permalink
Quote: SanchoPanza

Pre-attack, the absolute refusal to approve the pleas for increased security. During the attack in Benghazi, the refusal to deploy the ready and adequate forces at the command of the White House, the Pentagon or the State Department to stop the sodomy and murder of U.S. officials on sovereign U.S. land. After the attack, the pathetic and persistent outright lies of Susan Rice and the president about a video that no one had ever heard of. All which was certified by the bipartisan leaders of the House Intelligence Committee as well as the house ARB report.


(Can't wait to get a laugh out of Shifty's upcoming response)
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January 4th, 2014 at 9:14:47 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th


(Can't wait to get a laugh out of Shifty's upcoming response)

The NYT did a major article on this last week and
never mentioned Shrillary once. If Condaleeza Rice
had been SoS, her name would have led the story.
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January 4th, 2014 at 9:27:29 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

The NYT did a major article on this last week and
never mentioned Shrillary once. If Condaleeza Rice
had been SoS, her name would have led the story.

100%. Condaleeza also would have been on the cover of Time and made their Person of the Year based on Benghazi.
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January 4th, 2014 at 9:46:47 PM permalink
Quote: anonimuss

100%. Condaleeza also would have been on the cover of Time and made their Person of the Year based on Benghazi.

Now there is somebody who would have made a good
president, not like the joke we have in there now.
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January 4th, 2014 at 11:41:17 PM permalink
I still can't believe Shifty thinks that Obama denied Ambassador Stevens' requests for more security because of bad intelligence. And Obama's refusal to rescue the Ambassador once he was attacked? That's bad intelligence too. And the video Obama blamed the attack on? Yep, you guessed it! Shifty says the video was bad intelligence (even though nobody knew who the guy was that made it).

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January 5th, 2014 at 12:12:28 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Everyone join in with lovely pictures.

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January 5th, 2014 at 12:12:37 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

more lovely pictures. Everyone join it.

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January 5th, 2014 at 12:12:50 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

More pretty stuff.

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January 5th, 2014 at 12:13:03 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th


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January 5th, 2014 at 5:49:03 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Now there is somebody (Rice) who would have made a good president, not like the joke we have in there now.

For conservatives, is catastrophically failing at your job a prerequisite to becoming President? Condi was in charge of the State Department when the United States was hit by terrorists on 9-11-2001. For some reason, she remained head of the State Department and went on to see the United States start wars with two separate countries, for one of them, she could only cobble together a coalition of the British.

She's a failure, much like her boss, Dick Cheney. But she sure did look good in a matching armchair photo-op.
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January 5th, 2014 at 7:01:35 AM permalink
Meanwhile...on the subject of the disaster that is Obamacare...the program is now in effect and the impact is being felt.

" "The people in there told me that since I didn't have an insurance card, I would be billed for the whole cost of the x-ray,' Galvez said, her young daughter in tow. 'It's not fair – you know, I signed up last week like I was supposed to."

The x-ray's cost, she was told, would likely be more than $500."

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There are two major issues right now--first, many people are having problems proving that they are actually insured. They've signed up but the providers can't get proof they are insured. I am sure there is even a lot of confusion about whether or not premiums have been paid (usually you need to pay something before any kind of insurance is effective) or credited properly around the nation.

It is noted, in this case, that "no one sent me a bill"...this is typical low information voter stuff. Most everyone here would know that you don't usually get coverage without paying, but the government is doing nothing to make people understand this as they stand around and tell us how good this is and how sorry they are that people believed them when they said that you could keep your doctor and your insurance.

The second issue is that many bills like this, $500 to $10,000 or more, that may have been covered under those "inferior" policies that just had to be canceled will not be covered until a large deductible is met. Again, this is a huge problem for low information voters who tend to just read the large print and don't bother with really comparing what they will really end up paying. There have even been instances here, among people that I assume are smarter than average at least, of people claiming a lower premium without even addressing the deductible issue.

If you have one thing go wrong in a year, a $300 deductible is a lot different than a $3,000 one. A $500 x-ray and a $2,000 ER trip for something relatively minor but requiring attention will set you back $2,200 more than it would before with those deductibles. So you saved $25 a month on your premiums? Now you are still out $1,900 more than before. Wake up, folks. The new reality is that a messed up system was made even worse late at night and now those who supported it are trying to blame it on the Heritage Foundation or something crazy like that.

C'mon, my liberal friends, can you really say with a straight face that this is really better for us as a nation?

Probably. Lying is easier than saying that you stunk the joint up and that we need to get this fixed right away.
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January 5th, 2014 at 7:39:51 AM permalink
Quote: RonC

C'mon, my liberal friends, can you really say with a straight face that this is really better for us as a nation?

Absolutely. People who couldn't get health insurance before can now get affordable health insurance. The nation is far better off now than it was before.

And since we're posting random pictures of liberals lately:
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January 5th, 2014 at 8:02:52 AM permalink
Quote: s2dbaker

Absolutely. People who couldn't get health insurance before can now get affordable health insurance. The nation is far better off now than it was before.

Affordable? Please!! The "bronze" policy at $450 a month is $5,4000 with a $5,500 deductible in the case presented. That is "affordable health insurance"? I know you are wealthy enough not to be bothered by little things like deductibles but the some of the people President Obama was trying to help by subjecting all of us to this poorly designed plan are the ones who will be hurt the worst. Lower middle class folks with families who get colds, break arms, and have minor injuries will be out over $10,000 a year under this plan.

This is AFFORDABLE health care? You've got to be freaking kidding. You make $40,000 a year, lose a decent policy with the same premium partially paid by your employer and lower deductibles (maybe $1,000) and now your employer drops insurance for everyone because they are in fear of Obamacare and the rising costs and you end up paying twice as much.

ON PAPER this might sound great to everyone who supported it. IN REALITY it sucks for some of the people he thought he was helping.

Screwing up the whole system to provide unaffordable health care to those who needed affordable health care? A disaster.

The best the liberals can come up with is that the idea of a mandate came from the Heritage Foundation so this is really a Conservative plan. Most of them do not have the guts to admit this is a disaster than can be fixed...if they really wanted to fix it.

The President is more concerned with fundraising than leading. C'mon, Mr. President, take a leadership role in cleaning up the mess that you created.
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