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November 20th, 2023 at 7:12:46 AM permalink
Quote: billryan

Thanksgiving was normally celebrated on the last Thursday in November.
When Franklin Roosevelt was President, November had five Thursdays two years in a row.
At the time, it was widely accepted you didn't start Christmas decorations and sales until the day after Thanksgiving.
Merchants were worried that the late date for Thanksgiving would affect the Christmas season sales so they petitioned FDR to move it up a week. FDR announced that Thanksgiving would now be the 4th Thursday anytime November had five Thursdays.
Republican governors of several states decided this was an evil plot and declared the last Thursday was the real Thanksgiving and so half the country celebrated on the 23rd, while Republican lead states celebrated on the 30th. Texas being Texas, they celebrated both days. It was a mess, as families in different states had to choose when to celebrate.
Store owners loved the early Thanksgiving, but its many opponents called it Franksgiving. They didn't object to the earlier date, but they didn't think the President could change a holiday unilaterally.
After two straight years of this, with America about to enter the World War, Congress stressed National Unity and declared Thanksgiving would be on the fourth Thursday every year, even if it is not the last Thursday of the month..
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Wow, what a bunch of idiocy....LOL
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November 20th, 2023 at 7:46:59 AM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

Quote: billryan

Thanksgiving was normally celebrated on the last Thursday in November.
When Franklin Roosevelt was President, November had five Thursdays two years in a row.
At the time, it was widely accepted you didn't start Christmas decorations and sales until the day after Thanksgiving.
Merchants were worried that the late date for Thanksgiving would affect the Christmas season sales so they petitioned FDR to move it up a week. FDR announced that Thanksgiving would now be the 4th Thursday anytime November had five Thursdays.
Republican governors of several states decided this was an evil plot and declared the last Thursday was the real Thanksgiving and so half the country celebrated on the 23rd, while Republican lead states celebrated on the 30th. Texas being Texas, they celebrated both days. It was a mess, as families in different states had to choose when to celebrate.
Store owners loved the early Thanksgiving, but its many opponents called it Franksgiving. They didn't object to the earlier date, but they didn't think the President could change a holiday unilaterally.
After two straight years of this, with America about to enter the World War, Congress stressed National Unity and declared Thanksgiving would be on the fourth Thursday every year, even if it is not the last Thursday of the month..
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Wow, what a bunch of idiocy....LOL
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You think that's idiocy look into what the time zones were like in this country before Congress made them official. There weren't any. You could make the time whatever you wanted it to be in your particular county or city. For instance in Iowa it might be 12:30 p.m. when you entered the state on a train and in the next town it would be 1:15. Trains were never on time because they never knew what time it was. Congress changed all that.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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November 20th, 2023 at 8:01:10 AM permalink
Before the railroads, time was flexible. Noon was when the sun was directly overhead. A human on foot, horse or bicycle couldn't outrun the sun , so it didn't matter if noon was a few minutes different in towns, as you couldn't be in two places at once. Local time was all anyone needed.
It took a person on foot over a day to travel from Bisbee to Tombstone and hours by horse so a slight difference in clocks between the two towns didn't matter. With a train, the time was cut to about a half hour so you could leave Bisbee at noon and arrive in Tombstone before the sun was directly overhead, which was noon in Tombstone. That is a made-up example, exaggerated for effect.
The older I get, the better I recall things that never happened
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November 20th, 2023 at 8:32:07 AM permalink
Quote: billryan

Before the railroads, time was flexible. Noon was when the sun was directly overhead. A human on foot, horse or bicycle couldn't outrun the sun , so it didn't matter if noon was a few minutes different in towns, as you couldn't be in two places at once. Local time was all anyone needed.
It took a person on foot over a day to travel from Bisbee to Tombstone and hours by horse so a slight difference in clocks between the two towns didn't matter. With a train, the time was cut to about a half hour so you could leave Bisbee at noon and arrive in Tombstone before the sun was directly overhead, which was noon in Tombstone. That is a made-up example, exaggerated for effect.
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The biggest problem was the times made no sense. It could be 12:30 in one town in the very next town it would be 12:47 They did not get together and agree on anything they just did whatever they wanted.
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November 20th, 2023 at 9:32:48 AM permalink
Well, in all fairness, prior to industrialization, did you really need to be on time for anything down to the minute anyway? Most people probably never even left their local area for their entire lives.
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November 20th, 2023 at 10:46:48 AM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

Well, in all fairness, prior to industrialization, did you really need to be on time for anything down to the minute anyway? Most people probably never even left their local area for their entire lives.
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Before the arrival of trains it didn't matter. Who cared what time it was. And that's true most people worldwide never traveled more than 20 miles from where they were born in their entire lives. Of course there were people who did travel but they were not the majority at all. Most people did not own horses, everybody walked. And 20 miles would be a trip but you would only take once in a great while and why would you do it. I remember when I lived in Hawaii, I lived on Oahu but on the outer edge of the island. I was sitting at a bus stop one day with an older native Hawaiian woman and she asked me where I was going. I said Honolulu, and she said I visited there once when I was very young. She had to be 70 years old and I was shocked. I said to her, you've only been there once your entire life? She said she never goes anywhere, why would she, everything she needs is right there in her neighborhood. This is how people lived for thousands of years.
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November 20th, 2023 at 4:27:07 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

And 20 miles would be a trip but you would only take once in a great while and why would you do it

Is it still true that 65% of people still live within 30 miles of where they grew up? I can't even imagine. My parents told us kids that they would pay for our college expenses if we went to school at least 500 miles away. Both of my sisters and myself all took advantage of that. I tried it with my daughter but I buckled and gave in when she went 430 miles away.
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November 20th, 2023 at 5:04:14 PM permalink
Quote: DRich

My parents told us kids that they would pay for our college expenses if we went to school at least 500 miles away.
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In your case was it the tater tot and fried chicken bill your parents had to pay every month when you lived at home? My parents didn't say that to me but my dad did say as soon as you turn 18 if you're going to live here you're paying rent. Which I did, I got a full-time job and paid for college and rent with that job. Try and do that now, not possible. And I'm not talking about her paying for a college loan, I paid for college as I went along cuz it wasn't expensive. We're talking 55 years ago.
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November 20th, 2023 at 5:55:28 PM permalink
For boomers...

Remember when you timed your love making activity to the length / duration of the LP you were listening to?

You had to stop briefly and flip it over or put on a new one.

Ah, those crazy college days...
"What, me worry?"
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November 20th, 2023 at 6:13:17 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Quote: DRich

My parents told us kids that they would pay for our college expenses if we went to school at least 500 miles away.
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In your case was it the tater tot and fried chicken bill your parents had to pay every month when you lived at home?

No, but I did live on hot dogs, Ramen, and Baco soup in college. I doubt if my daily food expenses were over $1 most days. In retrospect it is kind of funny because I was one of the few kids that had a decent amount of money as I worked as a computer programmer all five years of college. I just didn't waste it on food. I wasted it on 3 motorcycles, a car, and very large bar bills while going to school. I had saved over $20k when I graduated and moved to Las Vegas.
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November 20th, 2023 at 11:12:05 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Quote: billryan

Before the railroads, time was flexible. Noon was when the sun was directly overhead. A human on foot, horse or bicycle couldn't outrun the sun , so it didn't matter if noon was a few minutes different in towns, as you couldn't be in two places at once. Local time was all anyone needed.
It took a person on foot over a day to travel from Bisbee to Tombstone and hours by horse so a slight difference in clocks between the two towns didn't matter. With a train, the time was cut to about a half hour so you could leave Bisbee at noon and arrive in Tombstone before the sun was directly overhead, which was noon in Tombstone. That is a made-up example, exaggerated for effect.
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The biggest problem was the times made no sense. It could be 12:30 in one town in the very next town it would be 12:47 They did not get together and agree on anything they just did whatever they wanted.
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That sounds like what you did with your time, made up whatever you wanted.
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November 21st, 2023 at 5:34:49 AM permalink
Quote: DRich

Quote: EvenBob

And 20 miles would be a trip but you would only take once in a great while and why would you do it

Is it still true that 65% of people still live within 30 miles of where they grew up? I can't even imagine. My parents told us kids that they would pay for our college expenses if we went to school at least 500 miles away. Both of my sisters and myself all took advantage of that. I tried it with my daughter but I buckled and gave in when she went 430 miles away.
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In my case it is but in the interim I have lived hundreds then thousands of miles away.

I find a big difference between those who never moved away and those who did. Those who move away tend to adapt to change and challenge much better. When you never literally leave the neighborhood you never figuratively leave it, either.

There is a gender difference in leaving. Men leave to find their fortune. Always have. Army to old west to job transfer. If they know it will be better somewhere else they pick up and go. To a man this kind of move is a life adventure.

Women rarely leave on their own. They tend to leave because they are either following the man above or they meet the man above in the small town or improvised country they grew up in. I have met guys who married women because of this. The "someday a handsome prince will come" thing.

Going away to college is useful, expensive, and life changing all in one. The decline in the value of college will lessen the numbers here and I will not go into that at this moment. But even that first semester away changes you. Part of the reason I went away was to get away from the nonsense of my friends at home. It worked. For some people, though, it doesn't. Some parents send their kids away for freshmen year and find they are grandparents by spring. Some kids call home crying they want to come back. Some were popular in high school but nobody in college, other the reverse happens.

The military is not talking about the draft. But I have heard that they are starting to "talk about whether we will have to talk about it" phase. The only good part would be that it would "slap the childhood" out of our 18 year olds and give then some of these experiences.
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November 21st, 2023 at 7:39:00 AM permalink
Quote: Hunterhill

Quote: EvenBob

Quote: billryan

Before the railroads, time was flexible. Noon was when the sun was directly overhead. A human on foot, horse or bicycle couldn't outrun the sun , so it didn't matter if noon was a few minutes different in towns, as you couldn't be in two places at once. Local time was all anyone needed.
It took a person on foot over a day to travel from Bisbee to Tombstone and hours by horse so a slight difference in clocks between the two towns didn't matter. With a train, the time was cut to about a half hour so you could leave Bisbee at noon and arrive in Tombstone before the sun was directly overhead, which was noon in Tombstone. That is a made-up example, exaggerated for effect.
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The biggest problem was the times made no sense. It could be 12:30 in one town in the very next town it would be 12:47 They did not get together and agree on anything they just did whatever they wanted.
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That sounds like what you did with your time, made up whatever you wanted.
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Watches and clocks were rarities and luxuries most people couldn't afford or even need.
You worked from sunup to sundown, ate, went to sleep and did it all over again the next day.
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November 23rd, 2023 at 7:11:38 AM permalink
Crazy Eddie Antar - 80s - was an owner of a chain of electronics stores -
he did a lot of shady stuff and was eventually convicted and jailed

but his over the top commercials were a lot of fun to watch and became pretty legendary

the actor is Jerry Carroll not crazy Eddie himself - crazy Eddie himself in pictured in the mug shot beneath the yt vid

below that is SNL's hilarious (to me) spoof of the commercials - Joe Piscopo as a discount Psychiatrist - Crazy Edelman - offering great deals on treatment of Psychosis

Last edited by: lilredrooster on Nov 23, 2023
the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him
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November 25th, 2023 at 10:08:53 AM permalink
If you remember having one of these in your house, you're officially old. I'm cleaning out my basement for the first time in 25 years I found this and I cleaned it up and I'm putting it in my display cabinet. From the 1950s, every house had one, the black dial telephone. Didn't come in colors, just black. Like Henry Ford said you can get the Model T in any color you want as long as it's black. I dialed a couple numbers and it's amazing how long it takes. But because it was all we knew we didn't think about it.

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November 28th, 2023 at 12:56:25 PM permalink
Remember when you could still read fine print? You know you need your glasses when you thought a thread here said, "Will God take off."

I was gonna answer, He might if things get bad enough.

My dad used to give me something he couldn't read. Now I need someone to do that if I don't have my glasses with me.
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November 28th, 2023 at 1:07:36 PM permalink
Rotary phones were common well into the late '80s, maybe even into the early '90s. I know my family had one at least up until maybe '87 or so...
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November 28th, 2023 at 1:15:20 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Remember when you could still read fine print? You know you need your glasses when you thought a thread here said, "Will God take off."

I was gonna answer, He might if things get bad enough.

My dad used to give me something he couldn't read. Now I need someone to do that if I don't have my glasses with me.
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I just started wearing glasses last year and now I am helpless without them. Probably will need a stronger prescription very soon.
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November 28th, 2023 at 1:23:30 PM permalink
Quote: TigerWu

Rotary phones were common well into the late '80s, maybe even into the early '90s. I know my family had one at least up until maybe '87 or so...
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When we moved my Grandmother out of her house in 1996, she still had a rotary phone that she was renting from the phone company! I think it was $5/mo. At the time that you could buy a phone at a retailer like Home Depot for about $10.

As the phone company didn't want it returned, I kept it and used it in my apartment. Not sure whatever happened to it.
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November 28th, 2023 at 1:39:09 PM permalink
Quote: Joeman

Quote: TigerWu

Rotary phones were common well into the late '80s, maybe even into the early '90s. I know my family had one at least up until maybe '87 or so...
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When we moved my Grandmother out of her house in 1996, she still had a rotary phone that she was renting from the phone company! I think it was $5/mo. At the time that you could buy a phone at a retailer like Home Depot for about $10.

As the phone company didn't want it returned, I kept it and used it in my apartment. Not sure whatever happened to it.
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My parents were still renting their phone in the late 1990s. The pone company called and said, "keep it, it's yours, we no longer rent phones." IIRC they also forced my dad off pulse to tocuh-tone at the same time.
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November 28th, 2023 at 10:00:57 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Quote: AZDuffman

The day after is Black Friday, which makes me embarrassed to be an American.
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Black Friday is a good day to get some of the streaming services really cheap last year I got Hulu, peacock and one other one for 99 cents a month for an entire year. I want to see what I can get this year. I think if I use a different email address and a different credit card they won't know that I already did it last year.
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Interesting considering how you bashed me for the return stuff. Perhaps not quite the same, but there are plenty of people who would find it comparable. 22:04.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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November 30th, 2023 at 9:54:28 PM permalink
In 1960 we moved from the city to the country and it was literally like moving to Hooterville. In the city we had a private phone line, in the country we shared the phone line with eight other people. It was almost impossible to make a phone call during the day because somebody was always on the line. In the city we had Natural Gas, in the country we had a huge liquid gas submarine sitting in the backyard. We went from city water to a well with an electric pump that made way too much noise. In the city we had a gas furnace, in the country we had a coal furnace that took constant attention. Luckily 1960 was the last year they had a one-room schoolhouse in my district. That fall we had a brand new grade school to attend. In the city we walked to school, in the country we had to stand in the cold in the winter and wait for the school bus to show up. At least we had electric but even that was only 15 years old. This area did not get electric till 1945. I was 11 years old when we moved and the culture shock was really shocking.
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November 30th, 2023 at 11:05:23 PM permalink

Hooterville is not far from Petticoat Junction, which has its own attractions, namely (from left to right) the Bradley sisters Betty Jo, Bobbie Jo, and Billie Jo:

Hooterville is also not far from "Bugtussle," the original home of Jed Clampet and his family from The Beverly Hillbillies, including daughter Elly May:

Dog Hand
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December 1st, 2023 at 7:37:22 AM permalink
Quote: DogHand


Hooterville is not far from Petticoat Junction, which has its own attractions, namely (from left to right) the Bradley sisters Betty Jo, Bobbie Jo, and Billie Jo:


All these girls if still alive would be in their 80s now. Very depressing.
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December 4th, 2023 at 2:40:25 PM permalink
Perry Mason was one of the greatest of the back in the day shows
my whole family would gather around every Thursday (iirc) to see each new episode
Perry, Paul Drake, Della Street, Lieutenant Tragg and Hamilton Burger the Prosecutor
what a gem it was

the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him
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December 4th, 2023 at 3:13:10 PM permalink
Quote: lilredrooster

Perry Mason was one of the greatest of the back in the day shows
my whole family would gather around every Thursday (iirc) to see each new episode
Perry, Paul Drake, Della Street, Lieutenant Tragg and Hamilton Burger the Prosecutor
what a gem it was

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Raymond Burr, Rock Hudson, I can't imagine the world having the reaction today that we had decades ago when the private lives of these guys came out. Nobody could believe it, now everybody would say, yeah, I can see that. . Nobody would even care today. And everybody in Hollywood and in the Hollywood press knew it but you didn't report those kind of things in those days. There's lots of things in the past that have changed for the better.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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December 10th, 2023 at 2:50:45 AM permalink
Remember when "Headline News" was a way to get a quick summary of the day's news? 30 minutes of News, Finance, and Sports. You turned it on before work and could be quickly informed. It is hard to believe these days, but pre-internet you had to wait for the news to cover something to get an update. It was a good channel for places like airports or such where people had to wait for things.

The best part was it got all you needed in 30 minutes. None of this covering part of a story then telling you to tune in later for the rest.
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December 10th, 2023 at 3:19:59 AM permalink
I don't read books the way I used to pre-internet. My eyes have deteriorated so bad, I'm about to consider disposing of most books I have that have a font smaller than a certain size that I can read. I make most of my Word document fonts size 14 so that's a guesstimate on the size of font I'm looking to keep. I may keep books I've bought in the past few years because I bought them to read, but the backlog of books I've bought and did or didn't read is becoming the stuff of a hoarders episode at my age. All those paperback books I bought for a dollar while in school 50 years ago that still look appealing to me, my eyes just can't adjust. I read so much on the internet and it's all just bite size news stories that would amount to many many books if pieced together. I have no tests to take so remembering what I've read isn't a thing. It all just evaporates instantaneously.
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December 10th, 2023 at 4:03:41 AM permalink
I do still read vintage high-acid mass market paperbacks (there's something appealing about the smell), but far less than I used to. Audiobooks are just so darn convenient, if what you want is a story.

I'm really not a fan of the DRM in modern e-books. DRM'd books for coursework are a pending disaster. If you want a DRM e-book to read once for amusement, that's probably fine.
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December 10th, 2023 at 7:32:35 AM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

Remember when "Headline News" was a way to get a quick summary of the day's news? 30 minutes of News, Finance, and Sports. You turned it on before work and could be quickly informed. It is hard to believe these days, but pre-internet you had to wait for the news to cover something to get an update. It was a good channel for places like airports or such where people had to wait for things.

The best part was it got all you needed in 30 minutes. None of this covering part of a story then telling you to tune in later for the rest.
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Everything is clickbait now, I am so sick of it. Every story grabs you with a headline and if you're stupid enough to go there they never get to the story until the very last paragraph sometimes. Then there's these smaller stories that are absolute lies in the headlines, the article has nothing to do with the headline. Everything is about you clicking on that site and they'll say anything to get your click. Even the most renowned places in news are doing it. For instance any headline with the name Yellowstone in it is usually baloney. There's no news about Yellowstone that you don't already know, all they want is your click so they can show advertisers how many clicks their site gets. It used to be the number of subscriptions you had that you showed advertisers, now it's clicks.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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December 10th, 2023 at 3:34:01 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Quote: AZDuffman

Remember when "Headline News" was a way to get a quick summary of the day's news? 30 minutes of News, Finance, and Sports. You turned it on before work and could be quickly informed. It is hard to believe these days, but pre-internet you had to wait for the news to cover something to get an update. It was a good channel for places like airports or such where people had to wait for things.

The best part was it got all you needed in 30 minutes. None of this covering part of a story then telling you to tune in later for the rest.
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Everything is clickbait now, I am so sick of it. Every story grabs you with a headline and if you're stupid enough to go there they never get to the story until the very last paragraph sometimes. Then there's these smaller stories that are absolute lies in the headlines, the article has nothing to do with the headline. Everything is about you clicking on that site and they'll say anything to get your click. Even the most renowned places in news are doing it. For instance any headline with the name Yellowstone in it is usually baloney. There's no news about Yellowstone that you don't already know, all they want is your click so they can show advertisers how many clicks their site gets. It used to be the number of subscriptions you had that you showed advertisers, now it's clicks.
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The headline bait is making me tune out. It used to be you got a descriptive headline. Now you get "This will cause massive upheaval in 2024!' It used to be just the "ad stories" that did this. Now half the headlines do it.
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December 10th, 2023 at 3:37:15 PM permalink
Who went to a class reunion? Who went to more than one? I didn't go to any.
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December 10th, 2023 at 3:41:25 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Who went to a class reunion? Who went to more than one? I didn't go to any.
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I sort pf wanted to go to my 10th but did not get invited. We had a lame class and I heard they just used to find people. My parents had the same phone number and address so they put no effort in. A buddy of mine lived on the same street as the school and they did not find him. Same deal, parents never changed anything.

I forget if they tried to get hold of me for my 20th but by then I decided I could not care less. There was some kind of "mini reunion" planned on FB but I did not reply. I hated so much about that life. The whole thing was like low security prison.
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December 10th, 2023 at 3:43:51 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Who went to a class reunion? Who went to more than one? I didn't go to any.
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I haven’t. Keep in touch with a grand total of two people from then. To me these are more or less remnants of the pre internet era that would never happen nowadays if it wasn’t for traditions sake, it is no longer difficult to keep in touch with those folks if you have the desire to.
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December 10th, 2023 at 4:06:45 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Who went to a class reunion? Who went to more than one? I didn't go to any.
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My 40th reunion is this year. I will not be going. Actually, I have never been invited to one.
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December 10th, 2023 at 4:07:14 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Who went to a class reunion? Who went to more than one? I didn't go to any.
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My 35th reunion was the only one I went to and it was a yawner. My class has a picnic every summer and I've been doing a few of those but I'm not going to anymore of them because I never have a good time, I don't know why I go. I did not have a great time in high school, I hated it in fact. All you see at these reunions are the kids that had a good time, kids that were in the popular crowd, they love to see each other. And I hate to say it but I hate them just as much now that we're old as I did then. Arrogant jerks that came from money. They're not arrogant now, but that's how I relate to them. I have no patience for them. And most of them are fat, hugely fat. It's very depressing.
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December 10th, 2023 at 4:14:53 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Quote: rxwine

Who went to a class reunion? Who went to more than one? I didn't go to any.
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My 35th reunion was the only one I went to and it was a yawner. My class has a picnic every summer and I've been doing a few of those but I'm not going to anymore of them because I never have a good time, I don't know why I go. I did not have a great time in high school, I hated it in fact. All you see at these reunions are the kids that had a good time, kids that were in the popular crowd, they love to see each other. And I hate to say it but I hate them just as much now that we're old as I did then. Arrogant jerks that came from money. They're not arrogant now, but that's how I relate to them. I have no patience for them. And most of them are fat, hugely fat. It's very depressing.
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The only reason I would like to go to one is to see how old everyone looks. In my mind, I still look pretty good for my age but everyone else my age looks old.
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December 10th, 2023 at 4:23:46 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Quote: rxwine

Who went to a class reunion? Who went to more than one? I didn't go to any.
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My 35th reunion was the only one I went to and it was a yawner. My class has a picnic every summer and I've been doing a few of those but I'm not going to anymore of them because I never have a good time, I don't know why I go. I did not have a great time in high school, I hated it in fact. All you see at these reunions are the kids that had a good time, kids that were in the popular crowd, they love to see each other. And I hate to say it but I hate them just as much now that we're old as I did then. Arrogant jerks that came from money. They're not arrogant now, but that's how I relate to them. I have no patience for them. And most of them are fat, hugely fat. It's very depressing.
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It amazes me how much some people loved high school so much. Probably mostly the rich kids who did not have to work so had time to spend on all the extracurricular stuff. But not totally because even if I was one of them I would not have done much of anything. I never wanted to do any of the extra stuff in school, ever. Talking K-12. Hated the school plays. Hated being forced to sing. Had no athletic ability so never tried sports.

Why spend a minute longer there than you had to?
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December 10th, 2023 at 4:41:57 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Who went to a class reunion? Who went to more than one? I didn't go to any.
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The only one I went to was my 30th. Basically found that the people who ignored me in high school ignored me 30 years later. Not going to any future ones.
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December 10th, 2023 at 4:43:59 PM permalink
Quote: DRich

The only reason I would like to go to one is to see how old everyone looks. In my mind, I still look pretty good for my age but everyone else my age looks old.
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You have such a vivid imagination, I'm sure you think you look like a young Marlon Brando. Please do not post any pictures of yourself. Thank you. You are not missing anything but not going to a reunion. I guarantee 85% of your fellow students are 75 to 100 lb overweight and they all look like your grandparents did when you were a kid. Old and decrepit. In other words the total opposite of how you look, obviously.
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December 10th, 2023 at 4:54:52 PM permalink
Quote: AZDuffman

It amazes me how much some people loved high school so much.
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There are lots of people to whom High School was the best time of their life. They were cute and young and had no responsibilities and they had tons of good looking friends and they did lots of things together and had great times and life was just downhill after they graduated. I am the opposite of one of those people, one of the best days of my life was when I got that diploma and got the hell out. College was way different, I wanted to go there and I was an adult with a full-time job and it was nothing like High School. As soon as I got a driver's license I got a job working after school and on weekends. High school to me was like prison, my life only existed when I got out of school for the day. My biggest problem was I read too much in those days and I would sit in class and read a book rather than pay attention so my grades were never the best. I loved reading, I was addicted to it. And the only reason I graduated was couple of my teachers told me we know you're smart because you read all the time so we're not going to hold you back.
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December 10th, 2023 at 5:25:47 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

You have such a vivid imagination, I'm sure you think you look like a young Marlon Brando. Please do not post any pictures of yourself. Thank you. You are not missing anything but not going to a reunion. I guarantee 85% of your fellow students are 75 to 100 lb overweight and they all look like your grandparents did when you were a kid. Old and decrepit. In other words the total opposite of how you look, obviously.

Don't get me wrong, I dont think that I am good looking, I just think most people my age look worse.
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December 10th, 2023 at 6:35:57 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Who went to a class reunion? Who went to more than one? I didn't go to any.
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Very nice to hear I'm not the only one.
I think there's one ex who will slap me if she ever sees me (fair); another ex who would, if it didn't violate the terms of the judge's orders (also fair); otherwise there's only one classmate I occasionally talk to.

The interesting people won't be there, and I've no intention of enduring the rest of them.
This probably demonstrates that whoever called me a misanthrope was right. I maintain that misanthropy is not inherently wrong, provided you've met the people.
May the cards fall in your favor.
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December 10th, 2023 at 8:37:18 PM permalink
Quote: DRich

Quote: EvenBob

You have such a vivid imagination, I'm sure you think you look like a young Marlon Brando. Please do not post any pictures of yourself. Thank you. You are not missing anything but not going to a reunion. I guarantee 85% of your fellow students are 75 to 100 lb overweight and they all look like your grandparents did when you were a kid. Old and decrepit. In other words the total opposite of how you look, obviously.

Don't get me wrong, I dont think that I am good looking, I just think most people my age look worse.
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In other words you think you look so much better than them that you're afraid they would be so jealous they would treat you badly. I don't blame you for not going.
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December 10th, 2023 at 11:56:05 PM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Who went to a class reunion? Who went to more than one? I didn't go to any.
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I went to my 10th reunion. Before the reunion, the committee sent a questionnaire to each participant with some biographical questions (spouse? children? job?) and some open-ended queries like "Something I thought I would never do..." They then compiled the answers and sent the results to each participant before the big day.

I answered the "Something I thought I would never do..." query with "Win a Nobel Prize", because naturally I had not done so, nor had I expected to, since the Nobel Committee does not give prizes in my field.

Imagine my surprise when I was approached more than once at the reunion by former classmates asking incredulously, "You won a Nobel Prize?" "No," I replied, "the question asked for something I thought I would never do, and so far I've been correct."

To this day I am glad I rejected my initial response of "give birth" ;-)

Dog Hand

P.S. I still have not gone to Stockholm to collect my Prize, but I'll keep you posted. I also have not been to any other class reunions.
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December 11th, 2023 at 2:47:49 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Quote: AZDuffman

It amazes me how much some people loved high school so much.
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There are lots of people to whom High School was the best time of their life. They were cute and young and had no responsibilities and they had tons of good looking friends and they did lots of things together and had great times and life was just downhill after they graduated.I am the opposite of one of those people, one of the best days of my life was when I got that diploma and got the hell out. College was way different, I wanted to go there and I was an adult with a full-time job and it was nothing like High School. As soon as I got a driver's license I got a job working after school and on weekends. High school to me was like prison, my life only existed when I got out of school for the day. My biggest problem was I read too much in those days and I would sit in class and read a book rather than pay attention so my grades were never the best. I loved reading, I was addicted to it. And the only reason I graduated was couple of my teachers told me we know you're smart because you read all the time so we're not going to hold you back.
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Sounds like we would have gotten along. I read a lot in high school. I still remember the one book, "Report From Engine Company 82." It is a firsthand account of life in a Bronx firehouse in the late 60s to early 70s. It really showed the grit that was NYC in that era. Also told of how the author grew up on welfare which in his childhood had strict rules such that they hid the TV when the caseworker came.

Well, you sometimes took some crap for reading. Not a ton, but some. I was probably a freshman and some upperclassman asked about what I was reading. Told him the title as I showed him it.

"What, do you like fireman books?"

I said no, I liked interesting books and told a little about it. He backed off. Volunteer fire houses are a way of life in those parts.
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December 11th, 2023 at 4:08:24 AM permalink
Quote: DogHand

Quote: rxwine

Who went to a class reunion? Who went to more than one? I didn't go to any.
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I went to my 10th reunion. Before the reunion, the committee sent a questionnaire to each participant with some biographical questions (spouse? children? job?) and some open-ended queries like "Something I thought I would never do..." They then compiled the answers and sent the results to each participant before the big day.

I answered the "Something I thought I would never do..." query with "Win a Nobel Prize", because naturally I had not done so, nor had I expected to, since the Nobel Committee does not give prizes in my field.

Imagine my surprise when I was approached more than once at the reunion by former classmates asking incredulously, "You won a Nobel Prize?" "No," I replied, "the question asked for something I thought I would never do, and so far I've been correct."

To this day I am glad I rejected my initial response of "give birth" ;-)

Dog Hand

P.S. I still have not gone to Stockholm to collect my Prize, but I'll keep you posted. I also have not been to any other class reunions.
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Hah, I would love to walk in with a replica. Might as well wear your Olympic gold medals as well.
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December 11th, 2023 at 8:46:49 AM permalink
Quote: rxwine

Who went to a class reunion? Who went to more than one? I didn't go to any.
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I went to a 30th grade school reunion. This was very good. These were the kids that you went to school with for 8 years. They were kids that you grew up with and they were all fron the neighborhood.

When I got an invite for my 50th High School reunion I didn't go. I thought that if I didn't see these people in 50 years, why would I want to see them now.

I have been to several Army reunions. These were guys that I served with in Vietnam.
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December 16th, 2023 at 2:44:58 AM permalink
Google has turned 25 years old. Hard to believe.

Remember how it was before Googlle

BG you had 5 or so main search engines. You had your favorite. Sometimes you switched or tried a different one to find what you wanted.

You had to write a boolean statement, plain english would not work. In fact, when Google first came on it would gently tell you that "AND" was not needed as they searched all the terms. AskJeeves tried to use plain english searches, but it was very primitive.

Early on it was still going from a Model T to a Model A. But Google kept getting better. I have found links to life stories of the most obscure people. Part of this is of course 25 years of people making better websites. But really it is just how far the tech has come.
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December 16th, 2023 at 3:33:12 AM permalink
wow I got behind in this thread
Quote: DogHand


Hooterville is not far from Petticoat Junction, which has its own attractions, namely (from left to right) the Bradley sisters Betty Jo, Bobbie Jo, and Billie Jo:

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the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!”   She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
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