Quote: darkozQuote: DieterQuote: NathanQuote: darkozQuote: MDawgLikes or dislikes generally do come down to actions unless someone is prejudiced against something superficial like someone’s looks or name or financial or social status in which case the dislike may come regardless of actions.
Actions (or status) may be overlooked if committed by someone known to us. For example if I knew D.Oz from when he was a successful film worker and I saw him languishing in the subways of NYC I might lend him a helping hand and invite him into my house for a shower and a meal. But if I didn’t know him at all I’d probably just look at him with disdain or avoid him.
Families and friends overlook or at least don’t run from the actions of family and friends all the time.
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Well just to be clear I never would have accepted a chance from any stranger to go to their house for a shower, lol.
Maybe if you had a set of double D'S but my suspicion radar would probably have been even higher in that scenario.
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Speaking of suspicion, some guy said his attractive apartment neighbor just went up to him and started kissing him out of nowhere and he was suspicious. Other Posters were LAUGHING at his post saying something like,"LMAO, you lucky man!" I responded something like,"This actually isn't funny at all. This is suspicious that she kissed him out of nowhere. The guy in question responded something like,"Karen Nathan is right. I don't know how you guys find this suspicious activity FUNNY. She and I aren't dating or anything like that and she just kissed me out of the blue. I think she has nefarious plans for me to be honest." 💡
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In my experience, when an unfamiliar woman comes up to me and starts with the kissing, she is either very very intoxicated, or trying to get away from a creep.
Nefarious intents seem to be a distant third, possibly because I don't look like I have a liver with a high market value.
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I actually had a strange woman just come up and kiss me in a bar. It was a full body hug kiss, her arms stretched around me.
As I don't drink I was fully cognizant so it probably threw her off but very quickly as she laid on the kiss I felt her hands digging into my pants pockets and lifting whatever valuables she could snatch out.
I grabbed her hands and had a quick tug of war, when she suddenly burst out laughing and let go.
It wasn't a funny laugh like she thought it hilarious. It was more like acting and melodramatic. Perhaps a defense mechanism to getting caught or she was trying to play it off in case it was an issue in the club. But it was so crowded in there she was gone from view very quickly.
I got the kiss though (didn't really get to enjoy it)
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See? She kissed you out of nowhere because she was attempting to mug you. Like the guy said,"She probably had nefarious plans." 💡🤔
Quote: darkozQuote: DieterQuote: NathanQuote: darkozQuote: MDawgLikes or dislikes generally do come down to actions unless someone is prejudiced against something superficial like someone’s looks or name or financial or social status in which case the dislike may come regardless of actions.
Actions (or status) may be overlooked if committed by someone known to us. For example if I knew D.Oz from when he was a successful film worker and I saw him languishing in the subways of NYC I might lend him a helping hand and invite him into my house for a shower and a meal. But if I didn’t know him at all I’d probably just look at him with disdain or avoid him.
Families and friends overlook or at least don’t run from the actions of family and friends all the time.
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Well just to be clear I never would have accepted a chance from any stranger to go to their house for a shower, lol.
Maybe if you had a set of double D'S but my suspicion radar would probably have been even higher in that scenario.
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Speaking of suspicion, some guy said his attractive apartment neighbor just went up to him and started kissing him out of nowhere and he was suspicious. Other Posters were LAUGHING at his post saying something like,"LMAO, you lucky man!" I responded something like,"This actually isn't funny at all. This is suspicious that she kissed him out of nowhere. The guy in question responded something like,"Karen Nathan is right. I don't know how you guys find this suspicious activity FUNNY. She and I aren't dating or anything like that and she just kissed me out of the blue. I think she has nefarious plans for me to be honest." 💡
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In my experience, when an unfamiliar woman comes up to me and starts with the kissing, she is either very very intoxicated, or trying to get away from a creep.
Nefarious intents seem to be a distant third, possibly because I don't look like I have a liver with a high market value.
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I actually had a strange woman just come up and kiss me in a bar. It was a full body hug kiss, her arms stretched around me.
As I don't drink I was fully cognizant so it probably threw her off but very quickly as she laid on the kiss I felt her hands digging into my pants pockets and lifting whatever valuables she could snatch out.
I grabbed her hands and had a quick tug of war, when she suddenly burst out laughing and let go.
It wasn't a funny laugh like she thought it hilarious. It was more like acting and melodramatic. Perhaps a defense mechanism to getting caught or she was trying to play it off in case it was an issue in the club. But it was so crowded in there she was gone from view very quickly.
I got the kiss though (didn't really get to enjoy it)
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As a confirmed unfun wet blanket, modern nightclubs and I don't mix.
I'm fine with not being the usual target of the entourage.
Quote: gordonm888Quote: 100xOddsso 6month ban?Quote: ams288Quote: darkozWhy is MDawg in red?
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Because maybe there is a God after all.
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God is not that powerful. Just a one day penance
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My favorite god song (the g is lower case. I'm an atheist)
A Poster said something like,"Nathan, you are so off base it isn't funny. The Progressive would need more like $100,000 coin in before it hits. Another Poster said something like,"Nathan gave bad advice to a Newbie. Nathan has her own Corner and is a Long time Member, so I could see a Newbie ACTUALLY thinking you just need $400 coin in to get the Progressive and blaming US when he loses his $400 and doesn't get the Progressive. The OP said something like, I did think Nathan's quote was REALLY optimistic, but I didn't want to call out a Long time Member when I'm just a Newbie, I'm not trying to have bad blood with Long time Members as a Newbie, so I thanked her for trying to help me out. " I soon got a "You gave a brand new Newbies awful advice. You are Suspended for two weeks. I was flabbergasted. I honestly did think you needed about $400 before the Progressive hits.
There was a Thread about a guy who said another guy got a $4,000 Jackpot and asked him to claim it as his own and he would pay him $2,000. He claimed the $4,000 Jackpot as his own and the guy gave him the $2,000 but he asked WOV something like,"Should I have refused to claim the Jackpot as my own? I mean, it is pretty weird that this complete Stranger asked me to claim the Jackpot as his own for $2,000. A Poster responded something like,"The guy could have Alimony payments. I don't even know what Alimony is, but it sounds awful.
I, Nathan responded something like," Alimony is what you pay an ex Spouse after divorce. I've always hated the idea of Alimony. Why should I have to financially support another Adult that I fm no longer legally or blood bonded to, especially if the reason for the divorce was because my ex Spouse cheated on me? So, I have to financially support another Adult who cheated on me and was at fault for the divorce? Hell no!
Someone else responded,"Alimony is like buying oats for a horse you no longer own. Another Poster responded something like,"My Friend's ex Wife cheated on him and he divorced her. They didn't sign a prenup, so he has to pay her $2,000 in Alimony every month.." I responded,"Alimony sucks! It should be outlawed! I then went to another Thread and tried to respond, but I couldn't. I thought WOV was glitching. I went back to the Jackpot Thread and I saw a post saying something like,"You have hijacked this Thread by bringing up Alimony. This thread is about a guy trying to hide his Jackpot and asking a complete Stranger to claim the Jackpot as his own and split the Jackpot and the guy doing sp bit wondering if he should have refused. It has nothing to do with Alimony. You have been Suspended for two weeks for hijacking.
I, Nathan, thought another Poster who brought up Alimony first was the one who got the two week Suspension, because I just merely responded to two different People who brought it up first. I was shocked that I was the one who got a two week Suspension for the Alimony thing! 😱 And, only my quote was posted, making it unfairly look like I just started talking about Alimony out of the blue when I was in fact responding to two different people who brought it up first. Posters were like,"Nathan didn't hijack anything. She was responding to two different people who brought up Alimony first. She deserves an immediate reinstatement and a full apology for this unfair Suspension. The unfair two week Suspension stuck despite multiple Posters protesting it. I am still uncomfortable with the two week Suspension for the Alimony thing. 😵💫
Quote: NathanThere are a couple of Suspensions I got when I was a Member in Good Standing the first time that STILL make me uncomfortable to this very SECOND. One was when I was trying to help a Newbie and I innocently put the wrong amount and I got a two week Suspension. A Newbie asked something like,"How much coin in is needed for a Must Hit Progressive that says It's $40 away? I responded something like,"The Progressive may look like it's only $40 away, but you'd have to play more like $400 before the Progressive hits.
A Poster said something like,"Nathan, you are so off base it isn't funny. The Progressive would need more like $100,000 coin in before it hits. Another Poster said something like,"Nathan gave bad advice to a Newbie. Nathan has her own Corner and is a Long time Member, so I could see a Newbie ACTUALLY thinking you just need $400 coin in to get the Progressive and blaming US when he loses his $400 and doesn't get the Progressive. The OP said something like, I did think Nathan's quote was REALLY optimistic, but I didn't want to call out a Long time Member when I'm just a Newbie, I'm not trying to have bad blood with Long time Members as a Newbie, so I thanked her for trying to help me out. " I soon got a "You gave a brand new Newbies awful advice. You are Suspended for two weeks. I was flabbergasted. I honestly did think you needed about $400 before the Progressive hits.
There was a Thread about a guy who said another guy got a $4,000 Jackpot and asked him to claim it as his own and he would pay him $2,000. He claimed the $4,000 Jackpot as his own and the guy gave him the $2,000 but he asked WOV something like,"Should I have refused to claim the Jackpot as my own? I mean, it is pretty weird that this complete Stranger asked me to claim the Jackpot as his own for $2,000. A Poster responded something like,"The guy could have Alimony payments. I don't even know what Alimony is, but it sounds awful.
I, Nathan responded something like," Alimony is what you pay an ex Spouse after divorce. I've always hated the idea of Alimony. Why should I have to financially support another Adult that I fm no longer legally or blood bonded to, especially if the reason for the divorce was because my ex Spouse cheated on me? So, I have to financially support another Adult who cheated on me and was at fault for the divorce? Hell no!
Someone else responded,"Alimony is like buying oats for a horse you no longer own. Another Poster responded something like,"My Friend's ex Wife cheated on him and he divorced her. They didn't sign a prenup, so he has to pay her $2,000 in Alimony every month.." I responded,"Alimony sucks! It should be outlawed! I then went to another Thread and tried to respond, but I couldn't. I thought WOV was glitching. I went back to the Jackpot Thread and I saw a post saying something like,"You have hijacked this Thread by bringing up Alimony. This thread is about a guy trying to hide his Jackpot and asking a complete Stranger to claim the Jackpot as his own and split the Jackpot and the guy doing sp bit wondering if he should have refused. It has nothing to do with Alimony. You have been Suspended for two weeks for hijacking.
I, Nathan, thought another Poster who brought up Alimony first was the one who got the two week Suspension, because I just merely responded to two different People who brought it up first. I was shocked that I was the one who got a two week Suspension for the Alimony thing! 😱 And, only my quote was posted, making it unfairly look like I just started talking about Alimony out of the blue when I was in fact responding to two different people who brought it up first. Posters were like,"Nathan didn't hijack anything. She was responding to two different people who brought up Alimony first. She deserves an immediate reinstatement and a full apology for this unfair Suspension. The unfair two week Suspension stuck despite multiple Posters protesting it. I am still uncomfortable with the two week Suspension for the Alimony thing. 😵💫
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Get over it. You don’t have anything else in your life to distract you from that suspension years ago?
Concentrate on your Bingo exploits.
Quote: SOOPOOQuote: NathanThere are a couple of Suspensions I got when I was a Member in Good Standing the first time that STILL make me uncomfortable to this very SECOND. One was when I was trying to help a Newbie and I innocently put the wrong amount and I got a two week Suspension. A Newbie asked something like,"How much coin in is needed for a Must Hit Progressive that says It's $40 away? I responded something like,"The Progressive may look like it's only $40 away, but you'd have to play more like $400 before the Progressive hits.
A Poster said something like,"Nathan, you are so off base it isn't funny. The Progressive would need more like $100,000 coin in before it hits. Another Poster said something like,"Nathan gave bad advice to a Newbie. Nathan has her own Corner and is a Long time Member, so I could see a Newbie ACTUALLY thinking you just need $400 coin in to get the Progressive and blaming US when he loses his $400 and doesn't get the Progressive. The OP said something like, I did think Nathan's quote was REALLY optimistic, but I didn't want to call out a Long time Member when I'm just a Newbie, I'm not trying to have bad blood with Long time Members as a Newbie, so I thanked her for trying to help me out. " I soon got a "You gave a brand new Newbies awful advice. You are Suspended for two weeks. I was flabbergasted. I honestly did think you needed about $400 before the Progressive hits.
There was a Thread about a guy who said another guy got a $4,000 Jackpot and asked him to claim it as his own and he would pay him $2,000. He claimed the $4,000 Jackpot as his own and the guy gave him the $2,000 but he asked WOV something like,"Should I have refused to claim the Jackpot as my own? I mean, it is pretty weird that this complete Stranger asked me to claim the Jackpot as his own for $2,000. A Poster responded something like,"The guy could have Alimony payments. I don't even know what Alimony is, but it sounds awful.
I, Nathan responded something like," Alimony is what you pay an ex Spouse after divorce. I've always hated the idea of Alimony. Why should I have to financially support another Adult that I fm no longer legally or blood bonded to, especially if the reason for the divorce was because my ex Spouse cheated on me? So, I have to financially support another Adult who cheated on me and was at fault for the divorce? Hell no!
Someone else responded,"Alimony is like buying oats for a horse you no longer own. Another Poster responded something like,"My Friend's ex Wife cheated on him and he divorced her. They didn't sign a prenup, so he has to pay her $2,000 in Alimony every month.." I responded,"Alimony sucks! It should be outlawed! I then went to another Thread and tried to respond, but I couldn't. I thought WOV was glitching. I went back to the Jackpot Thread and I saw a post saying something like,"You have hijacked this Thread by bringing up Alimony. This thread is about a guy trying to hide his Jackpot and asking a complete Stranger to claim the Jackpot as his own and split the Jackpot and the guy doing sp bit wondering if he should have refused. It has nothing to do with Alimony. You have been Suspended for two weeks for hijacking.
I, Nathan, thought another Poster who brought up Alimony first was the one who got the two week Suspension, because I just merely responded to two different People who brought it up first. I was shocked that I was the one who got a two week Suspension for the Alimony thing! 😱 And, only my quote was posted, making it unfairly look like I just started talking about Alimony out of the blue when I was in fact responding to two different people who brought it up first. Posters were like,"Nathan didn't hijack anything. She was responding to two different people who brought up Alimony first. She deserves an immediate reinstatement and a full apology for this unfair Suspension. The unfair two week Suspension stuck despite multiple Posters protesting it. I am still uncomfortable with the two week Suspension for the Alimony thing. 😵💫
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Get over it. You don’t have anything else in your life to distract you from that suspension years ago?
Concentrate on your Bingo exploits.
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I'm still bitter and resentful over those Suspensions even if they were years ago. 😵💫
Quote: NathanI'm still bitter and resentful over those Suspensions even if they were years ago. 😵💫
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The joy of being a moderator. This is just an Internet forum, people. It's not like a suspension is taking time off your life. Just do something else with your time while on suspension.
I suggest for your own mental health you save your resentment for things that are actually important.
Quote: WizardQuote: NathanI'm still bitter and resentful over those Suspensions even if they were years ago. 😵💫
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The joy of being a moderator. This is just an Internet forum, people. It's not like a suspension is taking time off your life. Just do something else with your time while on suspension.
I suggest for your own mental health you save your resentment for things that are actually important.
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My Autism causes me to take things more seriously than someone who doesn't have Autism would. 💡🤔
Quote: NathanQuote: WizardQuote: NathanI'm still bitter and resentful over those Suspensions even if they were years ago. 😵💫
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The joy of being a moderator. This is just an Internet forum, people. It's not like a suspension is taking time off your life. Just do something else with your time while on suspension.
I suggest for your own mental health you save your resentment for things that are actually important.
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My Autism causes me to take things more seriously than someone who doesn't have Autism would. 💡🤔
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So why not spend that time trying to find a way to stop autism?
Quote: WizardQuote: NathanI'm still bitter and resentful over those Suspensions even if they were years ago. 😵💫
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The joy of being a moderator.
This is just an Internet forum, people. It's not like a suspension is taking time off your life. Just do something else with your time while on suspension.
I suggest for your own mental health you save your resentment for things that are actually important.
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You mean like go outside and face that yellow thing in the sky that can kill us?
Also, yelling at clouds...
Quote: gordonm888Nathan is correct, IMO, those were terrible suspensions -especially the length of the suspensions being two weeks. But there is nothing to be gained by going over unfair things that happened in the past -whether the unfairness was in love, at work, or in social media. We've all had unfair things happen in our lives, just let it go.
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Thank you for acknowledging that those Suspensions were terrible Suspensions and to boot they were two week Suspensions. I wanted acknowledgement that those Suspensions were unfair. 💡 I feel vindicated that Gordon acknowledged I didn't deserve those Suspensions and I feel better. 😌
I'm not considering the ones who got nuked, or simply disappeared.
Where I got the $400 from is someone asking me how I came up with the conclusion that it would be $4,000-$8,000 and I responded,"Multiple Forum Posters have said that they dropped $4,000-8,000 before The Progressive hit on Jackpots that look like they are only about $400 away."
Quote: NathanI have a radical idea for Suspensions. Maybe Admins can give potential Offenders a chance to explain themselves before Suspensions? 🤔💡😀 For example, RS wrote a VERY innocent post, something like,"Lucky you!" But his autocorrect changed "Lucky," to the F word. An Admin said something like,"I'm going to wait on Suspending RS because he usually doesn't cuss people out. This could be a glitch." RS said something like,"Autocorrect changed "Lucky," to the F word, YIKES. 🥶😵💫😱🤨😳! The Admin said something like,"I figured something like that happened since you usually don't cuss people out . I'm glad I didn't Suspend you over an Autocorrect glitch."
I got Suspended for accidentally giving a Newbie the wrong coin in required before Progressive Jackpot hits. I said something like,"You need $4,000-$8,000 coin in before you see the Progressive Jackpot hit. A Poster responded something like,"Nathan, you are so off base it isn't even funny. You need more like $100,000 coin in before the Progressive Jackpot hits. I was asked by a regular WOV Member w I came up with the $4,000-$8,000 coin in answer
I answered that lots of Posters said they played about $4,000-$8,000 coin in before their Progressive Jackpot hit." I was given a two week Suspension for giving a Newbie wrong advice. I feel that an Admin should have asked me to explain why I told the Newbie $4,000-$8,000 and I would have answered about the other Posters saying they played $4,000-$8,000 and the Admin could have said something like,"Your coin in is way off regardless of what the other Posters coin in was for their own Progressive Jackpot to hit. You will not be Suspended for this, but please stop giving Newbies advice." 🤔💡
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1. First, administrators sometimes do check on the intent or -in the case of posting a link with objectionable material -give the person a chance to voluntarily delete it.
2. Spell checkers do not change a common word like "lucky" into an F-bomb with a "y" on the end of it. That was a nonsensical excuse, if it was indeed used. I don't know what actually happened in the distant past under some other moderator so I will not presume to editorialize on that decision.
3. Nathan, you were originally nuked for cussing out BBB and since then the Wizard has graciously allowed you to return. May I suggest that it does not help you to keep airing your old grievances against BBB, especially since she is not really active on the forum anymore and thus cannot defend herself? And do you have anything to gain by baiting BBB to return to the forum to defend herself? What are you doing? Please think this through.
by laying it all out there, with the good, the bad, and the ugly!
But BBB chooses to ignore my requests for an explanation of why she accused me falsely of mis-paraphrasing her,
and why she insulted me to boot.
Mission146 was put in red until he takes care of unfinished forum business. No, we don't have such a general rule, but as long as someone deliberately avoids addressing an open issue, you can't always expect both parties to just disappear and both drop it.
I am sure that BBB sees Nathan's posts and is free to respond if she cares to. All it would take is one response to address both of these matters and settle them.
So yes, I can see how one point of view is, "Nathan leave it alone now!" but another is, "Why does BBB avoid the subject?" As a former moderator she should understand the concept of openness and not running from issues, she certainly went to great lengths to outline all this in her insults laid out to me. 🤩 Given the intensity and length to which she went to Explain Her Position when she was wrong, she might want to spend a minute in clearing the matter up.
Quote: gordonm888Quote: NathanI have a radical idea for Suspensions. Maybe Admins can give potential Offenders a chance to explain themselves before Suspensions? 🤔💡😀 For example, RS wrote a VERY innocent post, something like,"Lucky you!" But his autocorrect changed "Lucky," to the F word. An Admin said something like,"I'm going to wait on Suspending RS because he usually doesn't cuss people out. This could be a glitch." RS said something like,"Autocorrect changed "Lucky," to the F word, YIKES. 🥶😵💫😱🤨😳! The Admin said something like,"I figured something like that happened since you usually don't cuss people out . I'm glad I didn't Suspend you over an Autocorrect glitch."
I got Suspended for accidentally giving a Newbie the wrong coin in required before Progressive Jackpot hits. I said something like,"You need $4,000-$8,000 coin in before you see the Progressive Jackpot hit. A Poster responded something like,"Nathan, you are so off base it isn't even funny. You need more like $100,000 coin in before the Progressive Jackpot hits. I was asked by a regular WOV Member w I came up with the $4,000-$8,000 coin in answer
I answered that lots of Posters said they played about $4,000-$8,000 coin in before their Progressive Jackpot hit." I was given a two week Suspension for giving a Newbie wrong advice. I feel that an Admin should have asked me to explain why I told the Newbie $4,000-$8,000 and I would have answered about the other Posters saying they played $4,000-$8,000 and the Admin could have said something like,"Your coin in is way off regardless of what the other Posters coin in was for their own Progressive Jackpot to hit. You will not be Suspended for this, but please stop giving Newbies advice." 🤔💡
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1. First, administrators sometimes do check on the intent or -in the case of posting a link with objectionable material -give the person a chance to voluntarily delete it.
2. Spell checkers do not change a common word like "lucky" into an F-bomb with a "y" on the end of it. That was a nonsensical excuse, if it was indeed used. I don't know what actually happened in the distant past under some other moderator so I will not presume to editorialize on that decision.
3. Nathan, you were originally nuked for cussing out BBB and since then the Wizard has graciously allowed you to return. May I suggest that it does not help you to keep airing your old grievances against BBB, especially since she is not really active on the forum anymore and thus cannot defend herself? And do you have anything to gain by baiting BBB to return to the forum to defend herself? What are you doing? Please think this through.
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Why is Mdawg protected
He doesn't belive me
That's cool
I don't believe anything on the internet without video proof
It's common sense
But when I don't believe Mdawg
I get suspended
Why the double standard ?????????
In any case, you must have missed the video evidence I posted for a few years, actual logged in video of me navigating my casino player card accounts to verify my WINS. Not to mention winning in front of a real live person, the Wizard!
Quote: MDawgWhere have I posted that I don't believe you? About what?
In any case, you must have missed the video evidence I posted for a few years, actual logged in video of me navigating my casino player card accounts to verify my WINS. Not to mention winning in front of a real live person, the Wizard!
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Quote: MDawg
And I’d say making some unhinged posting that gets you suspended then taking months to cool down before you reappear is more a sign of Tilt than anything else I can think of.
At least Know Thyself and don’t try to claim otherwise.
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I know myself and I simply took a break
Not cooling off
Why can't you believe that
Obviously you don't know me
At the same time. I took a break from DT as well and was not suspended there.
Quote: MDawgIn any case, lately you've been returning from suspensions like a fighter coming out at the bell. Just like someone banged a tin pan at 5pm in Texas and declared, Drinking time! You haven't missed a beat.
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Questioning the double standard protecting you is not a fighter post
It's an honest question for the mods
It's not insulting you
Why don't you believe me when I said I simply took a break
I'm actually cool with you not believing me and not getting suspended.
My question is why I get suspended for the same action of not believing you
This question is for the Mods, it's not an attack on you
I think mods should be OK with one member not believing another member
Nobody believes anybody till they see the video
That's the internet in a nutshell
Quote: gordonm888Quote: NathanI have a radical idea for Suspensions. Maybe Admins can give potential Offenders a chance to explain themselves before Suspensions? 🤔💡😀 For example, RS wrote a VERY innocent post, something like,"Lucky you!" But his autocorrect changed "Lucky," to the F word. An Admin said something like,"I'm going to wait on Suspending RS because he usually doesn't cuss people out. This could be a glitch." RS said something like,"Autocorrect changed "Lucky," to the F word, YIKES. 🥶😵💫😱🤨😳! The Admin said something like,"I figured something like that happened since you usually don't cuss people out . I'm glad I didn't Suspend you over an Autocorrect glitch."
I got Suspended for accidentally giving a Newbie the wrong coin in required before Progressive Jackpot hits. I said something like,"You need $4,000-$8,000 coin in before you see the Progressive Jackpot hit. A Poster responded something like,"Nathan, you are so off base it isn't even funny. You need more like $100,000 coin in before the Progressive Jackpot hits. I was asked by a regular WOV Member w I came up with the $4,000-$8,000 coin in answer
I answered that lots of Posters said they played about $4,000-$8,000 coin in before their Progressive Jackpot hit." I was given a two week Suspension for giving a Newbie wrong advice. I feel that an Admin should have asked me to explain why I told the Newbie $4,000-$8,000 and I would have answered about the other Posters saying they played $4,000-$8,000 and the Admin could have said something like,"Your coin in is way off regardless of what the other Posters coin in was for their own Progressive Jackpot to hit. You will not be Suspended for this, but please stop giving Newbies advice." 🤔💡
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1. First, administrators sometimes do check on the intent or -in the case of posting a link with objectionable material -give the person a chance to voluntarily delete it.
2. Spell checkers do not change a common word like "lucky" into an F-bomb with a "y" on the end of it. That was a nonsensical excuse, if it was indeed used. I don't know what actually happened in the distant past under some other moderator so I will not presume to editorialize on that decision.
3. Nathan, you were originally nuked for cussing out BBB and since then the Wizard has graciously allowed you to return. May I suggest that it does not help you to keep airing your old grievances against BBB, especially since she is not really active on the forum anymore and thus cannot defend herself? And do you have anything to gain by baiting BBB to return to the forum to defend herself? What are you doing? Please think this through.
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I deleted the second part of my post after your fair warning. 💡
Quote: terapinedQuote: MDawgIn any case, lately you've been returning from suspensions like a fighter coming out at the bell. Just like someone banged a tin pan at 5pm in Texas and declared, Drinking time! You haven't missed a beat.
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Questioning the double standard protecting you is not a fighter post
It's an honest question for the mods
It's not insulting you
Why don't you believe me when I said I simply took a break
I'm actually cool with you not believing me and not getting suspended.
My question is why I get suspended for the same action of not believing you
This question is for the Mods, it's not an attack on you
I think mods should be OK with one member not believing another member
Nobody believes anybody till they see the video
That's the internet in a nutshell
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Note: underline by moderator
You are free to not believe another member.
You are free to say that you don't believe another forum member
_____As long as you don't say he is a liar or insult him or imply he is an idiot or deranged or uneducated
_____As long as you don't keep repeating your disbelief over and over, which becomes harassment and thus trolling.
General statement to everyone: If your reason for posting on the forum is to fight, feud, insult your enemy(ies) or make posts that drip with contempt, then you have come to the wrong forum. The goal is to have a civil forum. It's that simple.
Quote: gordonm888
_____As long as you don't keep repeating your disbelief over and over, which becomes harassment and thus trolling.
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I believe T.Pined passed the 1000th paper cut over a year ago.
Quote: WizardQuote: WizardOkay, that was cut #999 of a death by 1,000 cuts. Please dispense with the references to mdawg and worry about your own side of the street. The alternative will be interpreted as trolling.
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That was cut #1,000. Three-day suspension.
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Saying that you do not believe what someone has DONE is okay (but that exception is lost once it becomes trolling is what Gordo is saying).
Saying that you do not believe what someone has represented himself TO BE, is calling him a liar, and is a major insult.
Would be like if I said "I don't believe you're even a doctor" to SooPoo or started calling him "the alleged anesthesiologist" or calling Wizard the "alleged mathematician" - those are all insults, especially the first two because they go to someone's profession.

...the election betting thread.
Quote: gordonm888In one of my more spectacular feats of memory, I have released billryan from his 6 month-long suspension on time.
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Oh boy. It was a nice six months. I'll have my finger on the "ban" button should he remember to return.
Quote: WizardQuote: gordonm888In one of my more spectacular feats of memory, I have released billryan from his 6 month-long suspension on time.
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Oh boy. It was a nice six months. I'll have my finger on the "ban" button should he remember to return.
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I dont see his name on the list from 6 months ago. Was it a super secret 6 month suspension?
Quote: Zcore13Quote: WizardQuote: gordonm888In one of my more spectacular feats of memory, I have released billryan from his 6 month-long suspension on time.
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Oh boy. It was a nice six months. I'll have my finger on the "ban" button should he remember to return.
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I dont see his name on the list from 6 months ago. Was it a super secret 6 month suspension?
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I would say quite the opposite.
After doing something (can't remember now) for the umpteenth time Wizard gave a straightforward post about how fed up he was with Bill and decided it was time for a long six months vacation.
I don't check the lists but it certainly was no secret he was suspended for half a year
EDIT: Found the ban post just for the record.

Quote: WizardQuote: gordonm888In one of my more spectacular feats of memory, I have released billryan from his 6 month-long suspension on time.
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Oh boy. It was a nice six months. I'll have my finger on the "ban" button should he remember to return.
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He'll be back posting, he was just here today the day he got unsuspended. You'll get to exercise your finger because he won't be able to stand it, he's always got to walk on the line.
Quote: billryanAddition by subtraction.
Nuff Said!
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Quote: unJonI personally enjoy billryan’s posts, especially the stories, history and trivia stuff. I acknowledge that he can walk the line and that he gets on folk’s nerves.
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I agree. 90% of his posts are outstanding. The other 10% get my nerves and outweigh the good.
I vaguely recall I made a special rule for him where he could only criticize forum moderation once a month, or something like that. Does anyone recall that?
this older post from the Wizard may be of comfort to some - he gives more detail about his opinion and allowance of the MDawg thread
the 2nd paragraph is by far the most interesting and revealing
I have linked it - it is 8 posts up from the bottom of the linked page
quote from the Wizard:
"I have noticed the temperature of this thread has gone down lately and those who participate are better behaved. Mdawg's confession about his baccarat play over the entirety of his trip I found to be very honest and commendable.
At this point, let me make a disclaimer that not only do I think betting systems can't beat the house edge in baccarat, they can't even dent it. This includes whatever Mdawg is doing, without knowing much about it. 𝙎𝙤, 𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙮𝙨. In fact, if he is implying a way to beat baccarat straight up, I would strongly disagree.
However, my respect for free speech is stronger than that. For that reason, I am unhiding this thread. I know this will be met with some controversy. That is fine. I don't expect everybody to agree with me about everything. I do expect everybody here to behave themselves and not make personal attacks."
Quote: lilredrooster.
this older post from the Wizard may be of comfort to some - he gives more detail about his opinion and allowance of the MDawg thread
the 2nd paragraph is by far the most interesting and revealing
I have linked it - it is 8 posts up from the bottom of the linked page
quote from the Wizard:
"I have noticed the temperature of this thread has gone down lately and those who participate are better behaved. Mdawg's confession about his baccarat play over the entirety of his trip I found to be very honest and commendable.
At this point, let me make a disclaimer that not only do I think betting systems can't beat the house edge in baccarat, they can't even dent it. This includes whatever Mdawg is doing, without knowing much about it. 𝙎𝙤, 𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙮𝙨. In fact, if he is implying a way to beat baccarat straight up, I would strongly disagree.
However, my respect for free speech is stronger than that. For that reason, I am unhiding this thread. I know this will be met with some controversy. That is fine. I don't expect everybody to agree with me about everything. I do expect everybody here to behave themselves and not make personal attacks."
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I'm all for free speech
The internet loves websites that allow free speech that challenge the truth
Unfortunately this ain't one of those sites
Maybe the Wiz needs to define how he views free speech?
I certainly don't view this site as a beacon of free speech
Quite the opposite is the reality
I've lost a good friend to gambling addiction
It really really sucks
That's why I hate stories that say they can beat the house and go unchallenged because the wizard doesn't believe the truth cuts it as free speech.
It's BS stories and can suck another person in and ruin their life
That's why I feel this site should be totally honest about what gamblers are up against
Quote: terapined
I'm all for free speech
The internet loves websites that allow free speech that challenge the truth
Unfortunately this ain't one of those sites
Maybe the Wiz needs to define how he views free speech?
I certainly don't view this site as a beacon of free speech
Quite the opposite is the reality
I've lost a good friend to gambling addiction
It really really sucks
That's why I hate stories that say they can beat the house and go unchallenged because the wizard doesn't believe the truth cuts it as free speech.
It's BS stories and can suck another person in and ruin their life
That's why I feel this site should be totally honest about what gamblers are up against
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My opinion is that letting crazy shout into the wind is a better course of action than engaging in "debate" that can be summarized as an endless cycle of "Am too!" / "Nuh-uh!" This is the usual level of discourse I see when someone has a ridiculous claim, and cooler wisdom tries to steer them right.
My opinion isn't worth a hill of beans, so hopefully I've left some room for Wizard to chime in.
Quote: Dieter...so hopefully I've left some room for Wizard to chime in.
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I have nothing new to say. It is well established precedent that you're allowed to be wrong here. It does not violate any rule to say the earth is flat, an invisible dinosaur likes in my backyard, I've witnessed 18 yo's in a row, or I win half my Tie bets in baccarat.
It is also not against the rules to say you don't believe such claims and to argue against them without insulting the original poster.
As to terapined, you are on a very thin ice. If you want to go out in the blaze of glory, this would be a good time.
Quote: DieterMy opinion is that letting crazy shout into the wind is a better course of action than engaging in "debate" that can be summarized as an endless cycle of "Am too!" / "Nuh-uh!" This is the usual level of discourse I see when someone has a ridiculous claim, and cooler wisdom tries to steer them right.
My opinion isn't worth a hill of beans, so hopefully I've left some room for Wizard to chime in.
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Do you know that for a fact? Have you ever tried trading your opinion for a hill of beans. For all you know it might be worth more than a hill of beans, it might be worth a hill of beans plus a bunch of bananas.
I don't think terapined has yet commented on EB's claims of winning 90% of his even chance bets at roulette
iirc his original claim had him at just 80% - but he tweaked his system and got it up to a very solid 90%
something to look forward to______________𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘨𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢-𝘨𝘶𝘺 - 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦
sorry, I couldn't resist

Quote: lilredrooster.
I don't think terapined has yet commented on EB's claims of winning 90% of his even chance bets at roulette
iirc his original claim had him at just 80% - but he tweaked his system and got it up to a very solid 90%
something to look forward to______________𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘨𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢-𝘨𝘶𝘺 - 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦
sorry, I couldn't resist
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7 days for trolling and baiting. You know damn well I can't comment on that because it's not in my thread. You are wrong of course but I'm not allowed to say why.
Quote: EvenBob
7 days for trolling and baiting. You know damn well I can't comment on that because it's not in my thread. You are wrong of course but I'm not allowed to say why.
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If he's baiting you just took it hook, line, and sinker.
Quote: lilredrooster.
this older post from the Wizard may be of comfort to some - he gives more detail about his opinion and allowance of the MDawg thread
the 2nd paragraph is by far the most interesting and revealing
I have linked it - it is 8 posts up from the bottom of the linked page.
quote from the Wizard:
"I have noticed the temperature of this thread has gone down lately and those who participate are better behaved. Mdawg's confession about his baccarat play over the entirety of his trip I found to be very honest and commendable.
At this point, let me make a disclaimer that not only do I think betting systems can't beat the house edge in baccarat, they can't even dent it. This includes whatever Mdawg is doing, without knowing much about it. 𝙎𝙤, 𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙖𝙮𝙨. In fact, if he is implying a way to beat baccarat straight up, I would strongly disagree.
However, my respect for free speech is stronger than that. For that reason, I am unhiding this thread. I know this will be met with some controversy. That is fine. I don't expect everybody to agree with me about everything. I do expect everybody here to behave themselves and not make personal attacks."
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what was mdawgs confession?
(sorry about lower case. both shift keys intermittently dont work on my laptop, like i have a virus but the win10 built in virus scanner says the laptop is clean)
Every Las Vegas & casino tourism related site I’ve known of over the decades (almost ALL of them becoming for at least a while much larger and more vibrant than this one) have had at least one mascot of sorts engaging in a bunch of braggadocio involving spectacularly colorful stacks of chips and luxuriating in other phantasmagorical decadent tales of sinful splendor. Some enjoy that, others shrug & move on to practical vacation planing stuff & whatnot. The lurid accounts of their exploits generally get treated as gambling porn, and mostly seem to be appreciated for entertainment value by some folks, like tuning into a silly show for a bit of harmless fantasy distraction while normal sensible people with real jobs and actual lives and stuff are counting the minutes until their precious vacation. Year after year, site after site, the similar tales I’ve seen are almost uniformly lacking a hint of anything remotely resembling any kind of actionable SysMeth gambling prescription that could ever lead anyone to try to do anything, but they often do include lots of cool “woo-hoo look at me having more fun than God” type pics.
Most are clearly harmless; almost nobody anywhere ever takes them seriously. Except here, on this extremely small & often childishly clubby insular forum, where a tiny group is always busy creating the illusion of vast consensus & great importance by obsessively expending a lot of electrons treating a few designated targets VERY seriously. Quite obviously for their own social/emotional reasons – about themselves, even though they won’t think so. And “protecting” someone ain’t no major part of it. If y’all really sincerely wanna be protectors of the innocent like that, good, get a clear green light for that here & I’ll be super happy to play, let’s get it on. ‘Cuz there are definitely some much more deserving targets among some phony ‘sharp’ posers closer to ur home & ur homies, right there within your own little virtual clubhouse attack squad, who are definitely a whole lot more likely to have the effect of promoting superficially believeable & more potentially harmful crap.
Of course, if we did get into really publicly busting the Respected Member poseurs pissing away inheritances from selling mom’s house & collecting “disability” welfare & etc. then that’d also continue the side effect of maintaining & even enhancing the toxic cloud that keeps this forum so incredibly small – which the club seems to like for their own comfort level.
All things considered, the alternative of having an adult finger hovering over that ban button is probably well & good for anyone who may want to actually use the site occasionally for its intended purpose.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: DieterMy opinion is that letting crazy shout into the wind is a better course of action than engaging in "debate" that can be summarized as an endless cycle of "Am too!" / "Nuh-uh!" This is the usual level of discourse I see when someone has a ridiculous claim, and cooler wisdom tries to steer them right.
My opinion isn't worth a hill of beans, so hopefully I've left some room for Wizard to chime in.
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Do you know that for a fact? Have you ever tried trading your opinion for a hill of beans. For all you know it might be worth more than a hill of beans, it might be worth a hill of beans plus a bunch of bananas.
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I'm open to negotiations.
Show me the hill.
Quote: DrawingDeadExcept here, on this extremely small & often childishly clubby insular forum,
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LOL Nice.