Quote: OnceDear
And no further expletives, even in the 'in context' topic of this thread.

Quote: MDawghttps://wizardofvegas.com/forum/gambling/tables/32536-1-1-payouts/6/#post726259
Quote: MDawgI don't believe his system works. But it doesn't bother me that he is posting it, after all this is a gambling forum and as well even though most everyone put him down he remained relatively calm, collected and polite.
What does bother me is when a Mod uses profanity, harsh or dismissive words to put down a poster.
OnceDear is British, no? He's probably familiar then with Upstairs, Downstairs either the original 1971 or 2010, remake. How does Mr. Hudson deal with guests he doesn't like? Does he start swearing at them or insulting them?
The Mr. Hudson analogy is very apposite. Hudson always cared the utmost about how his and the other servants' actions reflected on the master.
Mods', such as OnceDear's, actions reflect on their masters, in this case the Wizard. And when they use profanity or are in any way less than polite or gracious towards guests it just tarnishes the image of the forum. And it reflects badly on the master, the Wizard, that he would allow such repeated impolite actions from a Mod.
I realize this isn't a typical forum in that the Mods are also posters creating content, but I think Mods should never forget that they are always wearing that Moderator hat, even if they don other hats too.
Also wouldn't make a lot of sense if he suspended someone for accusing another of being a sock.

when he did it himself soon after posting the above warning.😎

Quote: kubikulann
What you are implying is that ghetto people are less smart. And that they are not offended by foul speech.
This shows two things: you have not spent much time in ghettos. And you are—I cannot insult you, so let’s just say people who think lower class equals not smart are definitely ill informed and not very smart (but this I knew from your attitude to swearing).
Yes, in general I believe ghetto people are less smart than non-ghetto people. With your assertion I must now wonder if you grew up in a ghetto.
Quote: DRichYes, in general I believe ghetto people are less smart than non-ghetto people. With your assertion I must now wonder if you grew up in a ghetto.
Perhaps you could explain your statement
I would concur that DUE TO lack of educational opportunities and systemic abuses, there is a propensity for less intelligent outcomes.
But if both ghetto and non-ghetto people had all equivalent access to education they would be on the same level.
Or are you suggesting that ghetto people are born and are genetically not as smart as non-ghetto people?
Quote: darkozPerhaps you could explain your statement
I would concur that DUE TO lack of educational opportunities and systemic abuses, there is a propensity for less intelligent outcomes.
That is exactly what I was implying.
Quote: DRichYes, in general I believe ghetto people are less smart than non-ghetto people.
Yeah, I don't see why that's a controversial statement. People in poorer neighborhoods are generally less educated than those in middle class or higher neighborhoods.
Thanks for a pleasant reminder! I have attended quite a few of Carla's performances, though none in well over a decade. She seemed to stop performing in our area about the time her own health issues began to influence her activities and songs, then we moved away, too. I have two of her CDs: "her fabulous debut" and "Professional Smart Aleck". Could always count on her to provide a very funny (and often thought provoking) show.Quote: gordonm888... I had the pleasure to meet Carla Ulbrich, a singer/entertainer who performs funny songs....
I particularly remember her quips about where she came from: Clempson, SC. She claimed that it was important to pronounce the p, just as it was in the names of some other SC towns, like Sumpter and Columpia.
Quote: darkoz
I would concur that DUE TO lack of educational opportunities and systemic abuses, there is a propensity for less intelligent outcomes.
But if both ghetto and non-ghetto people had all equivalent access to education they would be on the same level.
Or are you suggesting that ghetto people are born and are genetically not as smart as non-ghetto people?
Are we talking about a wager, Darkov?

He didn’t say ‘educated’’, he said ‘’smart’’.Quote: TigerWuYeah, I don't see why that's a controversial statement. People in poorer neighborhoods are generally less educated than those in middle class or higher neighborhoods.Quote: DRichYes, in general I believe ghetto people are less smart than non-ghetto people. With your assertion I must now wonder if you grew up in a ghetto.
I know many people of high birth and education who are completely stupid (for those who know, our King’s brother is a notorious example). Most of the middle class is not smart (neither are the other classes). I also met a lot of people of low origin and/or education who were as smart as I and more than you all.
We are not discussing the effect of lack of education on language, we are discussing the link between IQ and use or acceptance of swear words.
Quote: kubikulannHe didn’t say ‘educated’’, he said ‘’smart’’.
I know many people of high birth and education who are completely stupid (for those who know, our King’s brother is a notorious example). Most of the middle class is not smart (neither are the other classes). I also met a lot of people of low origin and/or education who were as smart as I and more than you all.
We are not discussing the effect of lack of education on language, we are discussing the link between IQ and use or acceptance of swear words.
I didn't know Belgium has a King.
Use of swear words is affected primarily by whether peers use them.
However, individuals with a limited vocabulary (<1000 words) will naturally tend to use swear words more, as will people for whom "talking" is not one of their job skills or occupational functions. If your occupation requires you to communicate orally and speak with precision, you learn to use language without leaning on cuss words.
BelgiumQuote: gordonm888kubikulann, when you say "our King's brother," what country are you referring to?.
Studies have shown that people with a large vocabulary use more easily swear words. Also high IQ people, although I personally think that is more related to High Potential personality than high IQ per se, and that it is due to not giving a dime about what common people think. Like the scientist not wearing shoes or a tie or a haircut.Quote: gordonm888However, people with a limited vocabulary (<1000 words) will naturally use swear words more, as will people for whom "talking" is not one of their job skills or occupational functions.
Both your assertions seem to reflect a prejudiced opinion. Do you have support or did you make it out of thin air?
Quote: gordonm888If your occupation requires you to communicate orally and speak with precision, you learn to use language without leaning on cuss words.
I'm not so sure about this.
NASA took pains to prevent curse words from ending up being broadcast on live transmissions. Commander Pete Conrad supposedly was trained to hum while he was more idle than usual as he tended to randomly curse.
Quote: rxwine
Quote: gordonm888However, individuals with a limited vocabulary (<1000 words) will naturally tend to use swear words more, as will people for whom "talking" is not one of their job skills or occupational functions. If your occupation requires you to communicate orally and speak with precision, you learn to use language without leaning on cuss words.
I'm not so sure about this.
NASA took pains to prevent curse words from ending up being broadcast on live transmissions. Commander Pete Conrad supposedly was trained to hum while he was more idle than usual as he tended to randomly curse.
I also disagree with Gordon.
Like I mentioned, I work in engineering. Nearly everyone has an advanced degree and swearing is commonplace.
There are times where we have had to use chains or similar things to break up the flow of water, and they are colloquially referred to as “f**ker uppers”.
Same might be said of scientists, mathematicians, etc.
Quote: kubikulannThank you.
But, you know, I’m not so new, I used to post much some years ago before I was ill.
And I already received a kind warning by Babs.
Finally, my post in no way replies to AZDuff, who keeps cohérent in his arguments, and not too much irritating.
I receive a sanction with pleasure. It shall prove my point : form is more important than content.
Is anything I wrote false? Isn’t that what you should write about, instead of calling for or against a penalty?
I look at this quite simply. We are all guests of the Wizard here. He has asked us to not use certain words on his forum. You are aware of that. But you decided making your point was more important than following a simple request of your kind host. That says all I need to know about you.... At a minimum you should apologize to the Wizard.
Quote: SOOPOOI look at this quite simply. We are all guests of the Wizard here. He has asked us to not use certain words on his forum. You are aware of that. But you decided making your point was more important than following a simple request of your kind host. That says all I need to know about you.... At a minimum you should apologize to the Wizard.
Exactly, it is about respect.
Less is more.Quote: MaxPenOD is just trying to live up to that WMOAT rep, by not suspending kubik for the disrespect.
Yes, that’s the word. Or is it ‘simplistically’?Quote: SOOPOOI look at this quite simply.
Ha ha ha! Thank you, guys, you make my point better than a suspension would!Quote: SOOPOOWe are all guests of the Wizard here. He has asked us to not use certain words on his forum.
I expected it: NOBODY argues my point.
The only thing mo— Oops! ‘‘conservatives’’’ cackle about is a few words that makes them piss their pants.
Since neither they nor the smart people contest my point, it must be right...
The Wiz knows better, guys.
Michael knows I have a profound respect for him.
He also knows about Aristotle and Tarski and the reference levels of language. Talking about a word is not the same as using it at the primary level.
😆What do you expect? That I write « writing f*ck is forbidden, but writing f*ck is Okay » ? Sorry, guys, I tend to be comprehensible in my txts.
Of course!Quote: SOOPOOYou are aware of that. But you decided making your point was more important than following a simple request of your kind host. That says all I need to know about you....
A scientific mind thinks the advance of knowledge or truth is more important than individual quibbles. « You’re offended? So what? », said Richard Dawkins.
Yours, Soopoo, is a religious mind. « No unorthodox views are allowed if it offends the Holy Writ. » You’d rather suppress thinking than break the rules. And you call it respect to hide your ugly goals.
‘‘That says all I need to know about you...’’
Everything is relative, even the rules. The Wizard knows that.
Quote: kubikulannHa ha ha! Thank you, guys, you make my point better than a suspension would!
I expected it: NOBODY argues my point.
The only thing mo— Oops! ‘‘conservatives’’’ cackle about is a few words that makes them piss their pants.
Since neither they nor the smart people contest my point, it must be right...
The Wiz knows better, guys.
Michael knows I have a profound respect for him.
He also knows about Aristotle and Tarski and the reference levels of language. Talking about the word fuck is not the same as using it at the primary level.
😆What do you expect? That I write « writing f*ck is forbidden, but writing f*ck is Okay » ? Sorry, guys, I tend to be comprehensible in my txts.
Of course!
A scientific mind thinks the advance of knowledge or truth is more important than individual quibbles. « You’re offended? So what? », said Richard Dawkins.
Yours, Soopoo, is a religious mind. « No unorthodox views are allowed if it offends the Holy Writ. » You’d rather suppress thinking than break the rules. And you call it respect to hide your ugly goals.
That says all I need to know about you...
The Wizard knows everything is relative, even his own rules.
You can bet that the majority knows exactly what you are as well. And no it's not a pretentious prick, in case you were guessing that.
»The day you realize the majority thinks like you, it is time to review your opinions. » Mark TwainQuote: MaxPenYou can bet that the majority of knows exactly what you are as well. And no it's not a pretentious prick, in case you were guessing that.
« 14 philosophers losing to 15 imbeciles, that is the law of majority. » Plato
- -
MaxPen, why don’t you read the post I was answering to, before making yourself ridiculous by answering mine?
Correction: « *think* they know… » the more stupid, the more ‘exactly’Quote: MaxPen…knows exactly what you are …
I am an HP.
I spent 50 years not knowing it, and trying to adapt to the world of morons — thinking that, if not most, at least a substantial number of persons could reason like me. Or reason at all. What an illusion!!
This finally sent me in burn-out/depression/whatchamacallit. Four years long they told me to « let loose », « be myself », « stop caring about other people’s judgements », etc.
So I do. I accept what I am. I accept what you zombies all are. I do not think I am in any way superior. When someone accuses me of thinking that, I answer: No, you must be inferior, I am just normal. I can only survive by despising them all - otherwise the world is so bleak that suicide is the only wise path.
Still, being Hercule Mérou is a hard destiny.
(But who, in this age, still remembers who Mérou is?)
What you so-called majority thinks is the least of my concerns.
I know the probability of a majority being right is close to zero. The more my reasoning deviates from Unique Opinion, the more I know I must be in the right.
YOU may still believe you must be right because you are in the majority. That’s normal, that’s primitive social needs. Religious thinking. The group, the sentiments, all that. Rachidian brain. Animal.
I cannot be interested in anything other than coming from the neocortex. Your primitive affects just bore me.
Quote: kubikulannI accept what you zombies all are. I do not think I am in any way superior. When someone accuses me of thinking that
Gee, who would ever accuse you of that. lol
😊 Dunning-Kruger effect.Quote: EvenBobGee, who would ever accuse you of that. lol
A guy who is inferior in football knows it, admits it, recognizes that his competitors are not superior, just normal.
A guy who is inferior intellectually does not have the brains to realize it. When confronted with normal people, he either does not even see that they are superior to him, or if he does he thinks they must be genius. When they simply tell about their *relative* superiority, he quickly denies it by attributing it to arrogance.
It is just like the old story of the old lady at the theatre complaining : « They don’t talk as clearly as they used to. » No, lady, they are normal, you are the culprit.
Quote: kubikulannCorrection: « *think* they know… » the more stupid, the more ‘exactly’
I am an HP.
I spent 50 years not knowing it, and trying to adapt to the world of morons. Thinking that, if not most, at least a substantial number of persons could reason like me. Or reason at all. What an illusion!!
This finally sent me in burn-out/depression/whatchamacallit. Four years long they told me to « let loose », « be myself », « stop caring about other people’s judgements », etc.
So I do. I accept what I am. I accept what you zombies all are. I do not think I am in any way superior. When someone accuses me of thinking that, I answer: No, you must be inferior, I am just normal. I can only survive by despising them all - otherwise the world is so bleak that suicide is the only wise path.
Still, being Hercule Mérou is a hard destiny.
What you so-called majority thinks is the least of my concerns.
I know the probability of a majority being right is close to zero. The more my reasoning deviates from Unique Opinion, the more I know I must be in the right.
YOU may still believe you must be right because you are in the majority. That’s normal, that’s primitive social needs. Religious thinking. The group, the sentiments, all that. Rachidian brain. Animal.
I cannot be interested in anything other than coming from the neocortex. Your primitive affects just bore me.
One thing is clear. You're not even smart enough to figure out how to insult the forum members without violating the rules.
So you think being labeled ‘normal’ is an insult?Quote: MaxPenOne thing is clear. You're not even smart enough to figure out how to insult the forum members without violating the rules.
Interesting... Would you care lying down on the shrink’s sofa?
May I suppose you didn’t catch the reference in ‘All you zombies’ ? That’s not an insult.
Where was any rule violated, please?
Quote: kubikulannSo you think being labeled ‘normal’ is an insult?
Interesting... Would you care lying down on the shrink’s sofa?
May I suppose you didn’t catch the reference in ‘All you zombies’ ? That’s not an insult.
Where was any rule violated, please?
LOL at you trying to rephrase yourself. Give it a rest. The last person to call the members of this forum drones and use the F word is no longer with us. I don't see you as being special and receiving some sort of exemption. Although you got lucky and skated with the F word once.
Is that personal attack accepted by the rules?Quote: MaxPenYou're not even smart enough to figure out (…)
Courteline said: « Passer pour sot aux yeux d’un imbécile est un plaisir de fin gourmet. »
(To be taken for a fool by an idiot is a fine prover’s pleasure.)
Did I call the forum members anything?Quote: MaxPenThe last person to call the members of this forum drones and use the F word is no longer with us.
I spoke about the entire humanity.
Stop thinking yourself more important than you are, please.
If I am active on this forum, it is precisely because I expect a higher proportion of bright people than in day to day humanity. It is for those people that I make fun of the rest of you.
Quote: kubikulannDid I call the forum members anything?
I spoke about the entire humanity.
Stop thinking yourself more important than you are, please.
Oh, you didn't say the word "you" now? Give it up or squirm some more. Your choice.
Arguing with you is like playing chess with a pigeon.
Really,where do you see that all forum members are targeted when you are the target?
Then why did you initiate it? Leave me alone.Quote: MaxPenArguing with you is like playing chess with a pigeon.
I.m not arguing, I just show you why you’re wrong.
Quote: kubikulannYou MaxPutin, or you as in All you zombies, i.e. normal humanity.
Really,where do you see that all forum members are targeted when you are the target?
There you go crapping all over the board and trying to knock down all the pieces.....lol
You will have noticed that in this (funny) ping pong match, I am not serving. I just send back balls. Each time I score, he serves another one.
But all fun must end.
Would you shut down the thread? It has outlived its usefulness...
Discussing my person does not interest much people.
Quote: kubikulannTo the moderators
You will have noticed that in this (funny) ping pong match, I am not serving. I just send back balls. Each time I score, he serves another one.
But all fun must end.
Would you shut down the thread? It has outlived its usefulness...
Discussing my person does not interest much people.
Yes, because the world should cater to you. NOT
He needs to take lessons from you (-;Quote: MaxPenOne thing is clear. You're not even smart enough to figure out how to insult the forum members without violating the rules.
The thread, as a whole, is a useful and overdue discussion, IMO. So I'm going to leave it open for general discussion.
But all the shooters, including kubi, will please now take it down a notch. Firing back is not an acceptable excuse. Just makes for 2 suspensions instead of one.
Thank you/merçi.
Quote: kubikulannYou MaxPutin, or you as in All you zombies, i.e. normal humanity.
Really,where do you see that all forum members are targeted when you are the target?
We are now allowed to change people's names, in feeble attempts at insult. It has been officially supported.
Quote: MaxPenWe are now allowed to change people's names, in feeble attempts at insult. It has been officially supported.
No, obviously we are not.
Kubi, do not change people's user names to mock them. Your last warning. Thank you.
You MaxPutin, or you as in All you zombiesQuote: beachbumbabsNo, obviously we are not.
Kubi, do not change people's user names to mock them. Your last warning. Thank you.
If that's not mocking someone, I don't know what is.
Quote: AxelWolfYou MaxPutin, or you as in All you zombies
If that's not mocking someone, I don't know what is.
What part of the warning you quoted was unclear?
Everybody, knock it off.
Quote: AxelWolfYou MaxPutin, or you as in All you zombies
If that's not mocking someone, I don't know what is.
He's being allowed to crap all over the board and knock down all the rules.😂😂 Must have zombiefied the rule enforcement division with some sort of pixie dust or something.
Quote: MaxPenHe's being allowed to crap all over the board and knock down all the rules.😂😂 Must have zombiefied the rule enforcement division with some sort of pixie dust or something.
Maxpen vs. Axelwolf
Fight of the century
Quote: darkozMaxpen vs. Axelwolf
Fight of the century
Confused again?
Quote: MaxPenConfused again?
Russian interference:)
Quote: darkozRussian interference:)
OK😀😂😂People are wondering why I am laughing at my phone.
I did not mean it as a mockery. Sincerely. I just wondered why he chose that thumbnail, and concluded he must be an admirer of Putin.Quote: beachbumbabs
Kubi, do not change people's user names to mock them. Your last warning. Thank you.
You know, in France, Le Pen is not a name someone would gladly be called...
Quote: kubikulannI did not mean it as a mockery. Sincerely. I just wondered why he chose that thumbnail, and concluded he must be an admirer of Putin.
You know, in France, Le Pen is not a name someone would gladly be called...
I am heeding the second warning.🙄