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November 8th, 2013 at 2:55:35 PM permalink
Quote: gr8player

You're about two weeks late, my friend. At that time, you made post after post, calling for my head on a platter. And you got your wish. Good job, Beethoven9th, you must be one proud gentleman......

I forgave you a long time ago, teacher, but rules are rules. Also, please seek some anger management, my friend! Would you like me to send you some links for anger management in the AC area??
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November 8th, 2013 at 3:28:50 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

But he broke Rule #5

What rule is that? Mentioning the words "Baccarat" and "winning" within the same sentence?
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November 8th, 2013 at 4:18:08 PM permalink
Quote: gr8player

What rule is that? Mentioning the words "Baccarat" and "winning" within the same sentence?

Teacher, you are making yourself look very bad by not knowing the forum rules. But please don't be angry with me for saying so. I know how bad your gr8 temper is!
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November 9th, 2013 at 8:53:41 AM permalink
Come to think of it......let's do it.......let's put those two words, "Baccarat" and "Winning" to some good use, shall we?:

Winning Baccarat

If you're going to play, play to win. There is a way, my friends. It exists. It's real. It's all about winning. Not every shoe, not even every session. But make no mistake, long-term success is both obtainable and achievable to those that will take the time and effort necessary to succeed.

Think about it. Think of your job. Aren't you well-trained in that? How else would you remain employed? Why would Baccarat be any different? It's just as much as job, and requires no less training and experience and desire to succeed.

Playing Winning Baccarat is not easy. Winning Baccarat is very much like a job, both tedious and repetitive. But the alternative is Losing Baccarat. Losing Baccarat sucks. I've been there, believe me. It's a strain on your wallet and your psyche, and neither one is acceptable to me. So, I developed Winning Baccarat out of necessity. If I were to keep on playing, I had to get paid for it, much like my job pays me. Nothing less would do.

So what is this thing I call Winning Baccarat? Is there a secret formula? Is it do-able for most anyone? Where can I obtain this Winning Baccarat? RIGHT HERE:

Part One

Patience: You want to bet every hand? IMHO, this game is not for you. Not if you want to succeed at it, long-term. When you sit down to play a session, relax. The tortoise wins the race, not the hare, remember? You must have the patience to await your preferred plays. That's what you're sitting there for, nothing else. Await your plays, for good things come to those who wait. There is nothing worse, NOTHING, than seeing your plays "come alive" AFTER you've hit your shoe/session "loss limit". And there's no excuse for it either. Bet ONLY at appearance of your preferred plays, not before. It's called Patience, my friends.

Part Two

Discipline: You want to "switch" your bet selection on a "whim" or a "hunch"? IMHO, this game is not for you. Not if you want to succeed at it, long-term. You must have to discipline necessary to play your same plays ALL THE TIME. No waivering. And that takes discipline, my friends, especially when they're not hitting as well as expected. But these plays are already "proven" as winners, and you must hold the line on them. It's your only chance at long-term success, and it's called Discipline, my friends.

Part Three

Bet Selection:'s where all your Patience and Discipline PAYS OFF, in your bet selection. Adopt a bet selection that is "statistically proven". A bet selection that has a "tight variance", so that the "lows" never get "too low".


I play the "2- and "3-holes". And I track their occurences. Now, I am already "armed" with their "statistical probabilities", and I "play" off of them. For instance:

There are about 8 to 10 "2's" per shoe. That's not just me "talking", those are the actual statistics for the "twos". So, if I'm betting what I like to call "anti-2", which simply means that at any sighting of a BB or a PP, I'm betting for the streak to end at 2. That is, for all intents and purposes, my "default bet". Why? Because there are more 2's than there are 3's, that's all. Now, does that make me an "instant winner". Nope, sorry.

BUUUUT, I KNOW THE VARIANCE STATS ON MY ANTI-2 PLAY. So, if, say I see only 4 two's in this shoe, I'll look for the "anti-2" bet to "heat up" in the next shoe. And, if I'm wrong, I'll look for it in the next shoe or session. Because the variance on that bet is both TRACKABLE and, ergo, "BET-ABLE".

Obtain a bet selection that you can gain an advantage on by "tracking it's variance". Any other bet selection methodology will FAIL in the long-term, because you can't, shall I say, "COUNT" on it.

Part Four

Money-Management: You want to make "bail-out" bets when things get "sticky"? IMHO, this game is not for you. Not if you want to succeed at it long-term. "Bail-out", or "over-sized" bets, or, for that matter, "steep negative progressions" are nothing but TROUBLE WAITING TO HAPPEN. Forget 'em.


Flat betting. Flat betting affords you the opportunity to play a "higher" unit size than any negative progression will allow you to do, with a minimal risk as well. Just flat bet. As high a unit as you're comfortable with. So that a 5, or 3, or even a 1-unit win will be "worth it". After all, let's remember, we're only flat betting. Which means, quite simply, that any time you come out ahead, you've won more bets than you lost. A very, very good feeling, is it not? You've turned a profit with minimal risk.....does it get any better than that?

Now, what of those pesky "downswings"? Surely we need a way to handle them, don't we? Sure we do. And, I do. This way:

Here's where your "tight" variance stats come into play. We're going to take advantage of those stats. When I find any one of my "proven plays" performing at 5 "under" (which means that they've not hit after being "triggered" for 5 times less than 50/50), I will raise my flat bets on that play to 50% higher until I am back to "even" on that play. When I'm back to even, I'll drop back to my original flat bet size. Important note: I will not raise my unit size in the same shoe and also not until I see evidence (at least one hit) of the impending "upswing".

What's that I hear? First you say flat-betting, and now you're raising your unit size? That ain't flat-betting! Yes, it is. I alter my flat bet "unit size" based on my variance, but I always flat bet. I'd have to be crazy not to adjust my flat bet unit sizes with my variance. If I know my play's variance stretches to a minus 7, at most, how can I then take most advantage of the impending upturn after it's at a minus 5? By raising my flat bet unit size. But, again, never in the same shoe and not until some evidence of it beginning to awaken. And, as quick as I'm back to even on that play, I'm back to my original unit size.

But, mostly, I'm flat betting. Large units. I'll take the 2 or 3 unit winners, knowing that the higher wins are also possible. How?:

Part Five

Stop Loss/Win Goals: You find yourself never winning "enough", always seeking as much as possible? IMHO, this game is not for you. Remember: Greed Kills. If I'd have quit every session every time I was up a couple of units, I'd have quit my "day job" by now. Now, I've learned the correct way, and I'm trying to impart that here. Learn to quit a WINNER. A one-unit win is better than ANY loss. Heck, yesterday I quit my session a "commission" loser. (I was even with my flat betting, but lost about half a unit to commissions.) I accept short wins exactly to avoid long losses. It's the only mode of survival in this game, my friends.


Generally, my win goal is "open", but here are my guidelines: Whenever I find myself up 5 units, I'll continue playing just in case this shoe continues to prove profitable, but at the first loss of two units I will quit the session at Plus 3. If I never get to a Plus 5, I'll quit the session with a profit. Profit. A wonderful thing, especially when the "downside" is so controlled and contained.

My loss limit is 5 units in any one shoe. If my variance is "barking", I might play another shoe looking for a potential upturn, but I will monitor it very closely after I am down 5 units, because I simply will not allow any manageable, recoverable loss to become unnecessarily damaging. There's ALWAYS another shoe/session to play. Relax. Learning to accept losses is just as important as learning to "walk" with a win. You're not a three-year-old who had their toy taken away and wants it back NOW!; rather, you're in control of your emotions and your money and know when it's best to "fold 'em".

And that's how to get to Winning Baccarat. Long-term.
Congratulations! You're on the way.

Some Patience and Discipline while utilizing a "statistically-proven" Bet Selection that has a tight variance, all the while mostly Flat Betting your way to Profits.

All pre-planned and calculated out, BEFORE you sit down to play. You are now "ONE TOUGH OUT" for any casino to face. Good job, my friends, good job. Oh, and...... always, I wish you all the very best of it.
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November 9th, 2013 at 9:26:05 AM permalink
Teacher, why are you recycling your posts? You posted this exact same message 3 years ago on GG!!

The only difference is that back then you ended your post with "Good Luck and Good Playing!" Now you end your posts with "I wish you all the very best of it".

When did you make this change, my esteemed teacher??? I do like it though!
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November 9th, 2013 at 10:17:43 AM permalink
Beethoven9th, in your rather futile atttempts to embarrass me, you're only embarrassing yourself with your incessant stalking of my posts/threads.

Of course I would post similar messages. I've been playing, rather successfully, the same way for years. Why would I alter my message? I seek to deceive no one. My objective is, and always has been, to assist, not deceive.

Rather unlike your recent rant:

Beethoven9th:>...Your "partner"? Doesn't someone else play with a "partner"???<

I wasn't referencing Baccarat play, and you'd know it if you'd read my post correctly. I was referencing my business partner, who is currently on vacation, and the reason that I cannot get to AC until next weekend.

But, you knew that. The truth doesn't matter to posters such as yourself (unfortunately, yes, there are similar members/posters among us). Only your agenda matters, all in a futile attempt to belittle myself or my play.

But those among us with brains are fully aware of your shenanigans, and, as I said above, you're succeeding only at embarrassing yourself.
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November 9th, 2013 at 10:27:26 AM permalink
Quote: gr8player

But those among us with brains are fully aware of your shenanigans, and, as I said above, you're succeeding only at embarrassing yourself.

I'm sorry to say it, but I looked through the old GG thread linked by Beethoven, and I can't imagine that anyone who posted in that thread has ever even been in the same room with a brain.
"Scientists tell us that the fastest animal on earth, with a top speed of 120 feet per second, is a cow that has been dropped out of a helicopter."
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November 9th, 2013 at 11:03:03 AM permalink
Quote: gr8player

Beethoven9th, in your rather futile atttempts to embarrass me, you're only embarrassing yourself with your incessant stalking of my posts/threads.


But, you knew that. The truth doesn't matter to posters such as yourself (unfortunately, yes, there are similar members/posters among us). Only your agenda matters, all in a futile attempt to belittle myself or my play.

But those among us with brains are fully aware of your shenanigans, and, as I said above, you're succeeding only at embarrassing yourself.

Teacher, I can tell that you are starting to get angry again. Please control your temper, my friend!! Would you like me to send you some links for anger management in AC??

Quote: gpac1377

I'm sorry to say it, but I looked through the old GG thread linked by Beethoven, and I can't imagine that anyone who posted in that thread has ever even been in the same room with a brain.

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November 9th, 2013 at 11:29:47 AM permalink
Quote: gpac1377

Quote: gr8player

But those among us with brains are fully aware of your shenanigans, and, as I said above, you're succeeding only at embarrassing yourself.

I'm sorry to say it, but I looked through the old GG thread linked by Beethoven, and I can't imagine that anyone who posted in that thread has ever even been in the same room with a brain.

Yep, that's a site full of people who are foolish enough to think that Gr8 may actually have a winning system. He thinks the same condition exists here.
"So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened." - Maurice Clarett
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November 9th, 2013 at 11:32:58 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Teacher, why are you recycling your posts? You posted this exact same message 3 years ago on GG!!

This is just a dumping ground for more attention. He
has nothing new to say, it's all on GG.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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November 11th, 2013 at 7:57:04 AM permalink
Quote: gpac1377

I'm sorry to say it, but I looked through the old GG thread linked by Beethoven, and I can't imagine that anyone who posted in that thread has ever even been in the same room with a brain.

Alas, gpac1377, we mere mortals are left with only futile aspirations to acheive your self-annointed level of superiority....
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November 11th, 2013 at 8:06:13 AM permalink
Quote: rdw4potus

Yep, that's a site full of people who are foolish enough to think that Gr8 may actually have a winning system. He thinks the same condition exists here.

I think nothing of the sort. I know exactly what I'm up against in this particular forum.

But, my friend, ain't no tougher than what I face at each new buy-in, where I've got to prove myself all over again. Might've won the last half-dozen sessions, doesn't mean a thing when I buy-in again this Saturday, where I've got to attempt to repeat those successes all over again.

That takes gumption and intestinal fortitude, combined with a relentless drive to long term success.

This forum, with all its challenges; some real, some absurd (shame if you can't tell the difference), all pales in comparison to that.
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November 11th, 2013 at 8:27:24 AM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

This is just a dumping ground for more attention. He
has nothing new to say, it's all on GG.

You're actually "almost" correct here, EvenBob.

Not the "dumping ground" part, for I've much better things to do with my time.

But, regarding your "nothing new to say" comment....

....what, exactly, would you have me do? Post something different? Like what? Do you need me to catch you up on the current weather?

Look, I run a sales meeting every Saturday morning, 8:30 AM sharp. You know what I discuss, each and every week? Pretty much the same thing, albeit wrapped in some differing verbiage. How To Improve Sales. That's it. Every week for Goodness Knows how many years.

Same thing in these forums. I've a methodology that works for me. And I express it as such. I've no reason to waver from my stated approaches.

The fact that I might be a bit ill-received in this particular forum does nothing to diminish my Baccarat theories, plays, or accomplishments. At least, not in my eyes it doesn't.

It then becomes an individual, personal responsibility to determine what each one of you will do with the information that I impart within my threads/posts.

What does, in all candor, become difficult for me to fathom is that one would find nothing useful within my posts. I speak of the challenges that we face every time we put our money onto the felt, and how we might be best prepared to face those challenges in such a way as to give us the very best chance at long term success.

This is a gaming can that information not resonate well among the majority?

Whatever....again, it bears all comes down to individual responsibilty. Both here and at the tables. Glean what you will from my messages; and perform your very best, always, at the tables. Only you can control you and your mind-set; you and your approaches to the games; you and your play; and, last but certainly not least, you and your money. Ain't nobody can do it for you, regardless of what you read here or anywhere.

As always, I wish each and every one of you all the very best of it.
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November 11th, 2013 at 8:47:28 AM permalink
Quote: gr8player

Look, I run a sales meeting every Saturday morning, 8:30 AM sharp. You know what I discuss, each and every week? Pretty much the same thing, albeit wrapped in some differing verbiage. How To Improve Sales. That's it. Every week for Goodness Knows how many years.

Teacher, you run sales meetings??? Is it possible for me to attend the next one? I had no idea that the world's foremost expert on everything baccarat is also the world's foremost expert on everything sales!!

Also, I heard that you were approached to write a book on baccarat. I can't wait to read it!!! When is it coming out?

I wish you the very best of it, my esteemed teacher!
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November 11th, 2013 at 8:51:02 AM permalink
Quote: gr8player

Alas, gpac1377, we mere mortals are left with only futile aspirations to acheive your self-annointed superiority....

gr8player, if it's any consolation, I thought you were the superior intellect within the GG thread.

The folks there seem to rely primarily on a strategy of faith, so why not follow that line of thinking to its logical conclusion?

My baccarat system would be entirely faith-based, consisting of three simple steps:

1. guess the right religion
2. pray for whatever you want
3. profit

Quote: gr8player

What does, in all candor, become difficult for me to fathom is that one would find nothing useful within my posts.

I had a technical job for a while, and at the conferences, they would sprinkle in an occasional "motivational speaker," which seems to be the general area of your expertise. I listened, because I was being paid to do so, but I found no value whatsoever. Every aspect of the content was completely obvious.

But some people loved it.

I'll see if I can look those people up, and I'll link them to your posts :)
"Scientists tell us that the fastest animal on earth, with a top speed of 120 feet per second, is a cow that has been dropped out of a helicopter."
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November 11th, 2013 at 8:52:42 AM permalink
Quote: gr8player

I think nothing of the sort. I know exactly what I'm up against in this particular forum.

But, my friend, ain't no tougher than what I face at each new buy-in, where I've got to prove myself all over again. Might've won the last half-dozen sessions, doesn't mean a thing when I buy-in again this Saturday, where I've got to attempt to repeat those successes all over again.

That takes gumption and intestinal fortitude, combined with a relentless drive to long term success.

No, having a brain injury at age seven, learning to walk again, read, write though your body doesn't want you to, and always feeling awkward and being an outsider for life takes gumption and intestinal fortitude.

Being knocked back down by cancer, going through remission, recovering and getting back to work a year after barely being able to life a cup of water to your mouth, that takes fortitude, drive and a love of life.

Cutting your own arm off when trapped by a boulder in the middle of the wilderness, then walking back to get help. That takes some level of fortitude beyond something I can ever imagine.

Shoving some chips down on the casino table and plonking them on banker or player based on some sort of statistical formulas takes no gumption or fortitude, really. If playing Baccarat is the hardest thing you've done in your life, then your life is one easy easy street, pal.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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November 11th, 2013 at 8:55:52 AM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

Shoving some chips down on the casino table and plonking them on banker or player based on some sort of statistical formulas takes no gumption or fortitude, really. If playing Baccarat is the hardest thing you've done in your life, then your life is one easy easy street, pal.

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November 11th, 2013 at 8:56:26 AM permalink
Zig Ziglar is turning in his grave.
When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.
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November 11th, 2013 at 9:26:49 AM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

No, having a brain injury at age seven, learning to walk again, read, write though your body doesn't want you to, and always feeling awkward and being an outsider for life takes gumption and intestinal fortitude.

Being knocked back down by cancer, going through remission, recovering and getting back to work a year after barely being able to life a cup of water to your mouth, that takes fortitude, drive and a love of life.

Cutting your own arm off when trapped by a boulder in the middle of the wilderness, then walking back to get help. That takes some level of fortitude beyond something I can ever imagine.

Shoving some chips down on the casino table and plonking them on banker or player based on some sort of statistical formulas takes no gumption or fortitude, really. If playing Baccarat is the hardest thing you've done in your life, then your life is one easy easy street, pal.

Gee whiz, thecesspit. Kinda dark and serious stuff right there, my friend. May God Bless all those involved.

I wasn't seeking such comparisons, and, frankly, appears rather uncalled for in this text.

But while you've opened that discussion, let's all not forget to take a few minutes on this Veteran's Day to remember those brave men and women that gave the ultimate of sacrifices to assist in defending our country and all of the freedoms that go along with it. God Bless them all, and, from the bottom of my heart, I offer countless thanks.
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November 11th, 2013 at 11:39:36 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Also, I heard that you were approached to write a book on baccarat. I can't wait to read it!!! When is it coming out?

Him and the pit boss that piggy backs his bets are
co-authoring it.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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November 11th, 2013 at 2:44:43 PM permalink
Quote: EvenBob

Him and the pit boss that piggy backs his bets are
co-authoring it.

For a sales expert, he sure does a poor job of selling his baccarat theories. lol
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November 11th, 2013 at 2:47:36 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

For a sales expert, he sure does a poor job of selling his baccarat theories. lol

Do you really lol virtually after every post? What's so funny?
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November 11th, 2013 at 2:49:34 PM permalink
Quote: treetopbuddy

Do you really lol virtually after every post? What's so funny?

Yep, why else would I write it? In fact, I did a lot of LOL'ing at your posts back in the 164 thread.
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November 11th, 2013 at 2:54:25 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Yep, why else would I write it? In fact, I did a lot of LOL'ing at your posts back in the 164 thread.

Yeah, mile marker 164 was a bitch.......I've had a few nightmares revolving around 164........another reason for you to lol
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November 11th, 2013 at 2:57:05 PM permalink
Quote: treetopbuddy

Yeah, mile marker 164 was a bitch.......I've had a few nightmares revolving around 164........another reason for you to lol

Actually, if it was anyone else, I wouldn't have LOL'ed.
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November 11th, 2013 at 3:01:01 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Actually, if it was anyone else, I wouldn't have LOL'ed.

Now don't won't be happy until the entire country is in jail. lol
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November 11th, 2013 at 3:03:57 PM permalink
Quote: treetopbuddy

Now don't won't be happy until the entire country is in jail. lol

Nah, I'm not a liberal. Only liberals want to throw their enemies in jail.
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November 11th, 2013 at 3:06:53 PM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Nah, I'm not a liberal. Only liberals want to throw their enemies in jail.

That must make you a liberal.....I'm clearly an enemy in your world
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November 11th, 2013 at 3:08:54 PM permalink
Quote: treetopbuddy

That must make you a liberal.....I'm clearly an enemy in your world view

Huh? OK, whatever...

You're not my enemy. I just think you're funny (even though it's all unintentional).
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November 11th, 2013 at 3:09:41 PM permalink
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November 18th, 2013 at 8:41:49 AM permalink

One must have a set structure to their Bac play. A mode of playing that they remain committed to, and never waver from.

I bring this up at this particular time for a reason:

Witness yesterday afternoon at the Borgata:

Two players, obviously related or very good friends, betting virtally every hand with "both fists" (between 1500 and 5000 per bet), looking for any excuse to keep pounding those bets out. Any trend was their friend.

Look, I'm a trender, so obviously I've nothing against that in and of itself. But trending shouldn't be used as an excuse to bet every hand, or even nearly every hand, nor should it ever be an excuse to over-bet. These two players were guilty of both.

I, too, as a trender, could find an "excuse" to bet every hand. Every hand poses, in some way, shape, or form, yet another trending opportunity. But all that will ever do for anyone is lead to frustration. In fact, as a sidenote, I'm absolutely convinced that most of the trending naysayers are those that, in fact, were looking at trending as an over-all big picture. IMHO, that is not the most efficient use of one's time or money. Much too scatter-shot and much too steep a variance.

Some structure needs to be implemented. A mode of play that sees one playing in a patient and disciplined and consistent manner.

Play the same few, preferred trends exactly the same way each and every time. Await to be "triggered" into them and bet for them.

Sometimes you'll win, sometimes you'll lose. In the end, you'll come to realize that it doesn't really matter, for you've a positive response for each.

You must have the patience to await your preferred trend(s).
You must have the discipline to bet only for your preferred trend(s).
You must play a consistent money-management mode that has you positioned for efficient use of both your time and your money.
Oh, and you must win more money than you lose, over the long term. There's a word for that: winning.

Your structure is like the foundation of your house. Rock-solid and self-sustaining.

Without structure you're just another one of those two players at my table yesterday....gamblers. Betting with no real rhyme nor reason. Betting for the sake of betting. The sake of the thrill. Would've been cheaper for them to go to Adventureland and ride the roller-coasters for the thrills.

When you have a structure you have a quiet confidence that all will work out just perfectly, if only you don't mess with it. Let it perform as you've designed it.

And then, it will.

And I wish it for all of you.
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November 18th, 2013 at 8:51:10 AM permalink
Teacher, did you post this 3 years ago on GG too?
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November 18th, 2013 at 9:03:19 AM permalink
If you'd have taken the time to actually read my post rather than simply "cutting to the chase" and feebly attempting to trash the messenger, you'd see that I was referencing a couple of players from yesterday's session at the Borgata. Unless I were Kreskin, would've been rather difficult to post this 3 years ago.
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November 18th, 2013 at 9:09:00 AM permalink
I apologize for being unclear, teacher. You see, last time you took a 3-year-old post from GG and just modified a few sentences. I thought maybe you had done the same thing again.

But once more, please accept my apologies. I never intended to offend the world's foremost expert on everything baccarat.
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November 18th, 2013 at 9:46:47 AM permalink
Quote: Yogi Berra


One must have a set structure to their Bac play. A mode of playing that they remain committed to, and never waver from.

I bring this up at this particular time for a reason:

Witness yesterday afternoon at the Borgata:

Two players, obviously related or very good friends, betting virtally every hand with "both fists" (between 1500 and 5000 per bet), looking for any excuse to keep pounding those bets out. Any trend was their friend.

Look, I'm a trender, so obviously I've nothing against that in and of itself. But trending shouldn't be used as an excuse to bet every hand, or even nearly every hand, nor should it ever be an excuse to over-bet. These two players were guilty of both.

I, too, as a trender, could find an "excuse" to bet every hand. Every hand poses, in some way, shape, or form, yet another trending opportunity. But all that will ever do for anyone is lead to frustration. In fact, as a sidenote, I'm absolutely convinced that most of the trending naysayers are those that, in fact, were looking at trending as an over-all big picture. IMHO, that is not the most efficient use of one's time or money. Much too scatter-shot and much too steep a variance.

Some structure needs to be implemented. A mode of play that sees one playing in a patient and disciplined and consistent manner.

Play the same few, preferred trends exactly the same way each and every time. Await to be "triggered" into them and bet for them.

Sometimes you'll win, sometimes you'll lose. In the end, you'll come to realize that it doesn't really matter, for you've a positive response for each.

You must have the patience to await your preferred trend(s).
You must have the discipline to bet only for your preferred trend(s).
You must play a consistent money-management mode that has you positioned for efficient use of both your time and your money.
Oh, and you must win more money than you lose, over the long term. There's a word for that: winning.

Your structure is like the foundation of your house. Rock-solid and self-sustaining.

Without structure you're just another one of those two players at my table yesterday....gamblers. Betting with no real rhyme nor reason. Betting for the sake of betting. The sake of the thrill. Would've been cheaper for them to go to Adventureland and ride the roller-coasters for the thrills.

When you have a structure you have a quiet confidence that all will work out just perfectly, if only you don't mess with it. Let it perform as you've designed it.

And then, it will.

And I wish it for all of you.

Hey, Yogi, can I get your autograph?
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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November 18th, 2013 at 10:34:33 AM permalink
Gr8, I'm developing this new hustle. It's flipping coins while laying 51 to 50. I see no difference between cards and coins. They're both inanimate objects, right? One is a piece of paper with pictures on it, the other is a piece of metal with pictures on it. I should be able to get a lot of action from the suckers who think they have the best of it because they get paid more when they win than when they lose, right?

But you and I know better than that, right Gr8? Because, just like in Baccarat, I should be able to see some trends pertaining to heads and tails, right? There is definitely going to be some variance I can capitalize on, right? Like adjusting bet size according to the trend, right? Now, you are a baccarat expert. Could you expound on how to apply your baccarat betting tactics to flipping coins?
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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November 18th, 2013 at 12:14:44 PM permalink
Your sarcasm is not lost on me, mickeycrimm, and I happen to resent it.

But you mention "variance" and "adjusting bet size".....

One of my trends is the "3-hole". (For the uninitiated, that's the third line down on your horizontal Bac scorecards.)

Now, as it happens in this shoe, the 3-hole is filling well. More three's than two's. Fine. A few things will happen for me:

1.) I'll bet for the 3-hole to hit.

2.) I'll gradually lessen my bet (NOT raise it) as the 3-hole trend continues, awaiting/expecting the eventual reversal.

3.) At first sign of the 3-hole now NOT filling (there's those two's, as expected), I'll bet more for the two-streak to stop right there.

4.) Now, either I'm right, and I win, or "oops", I'm wrong. It hit the 3-hole. No prob. I'll bet for the 4-hole to hit now.

5.) Now, either I'm right, and I win, or "oops", I'm wrong. It stopped at the 3-hole. No prob. A bit of a "bet size adjustment" for efficient recoup and profit, on that very same play.

5.) All in the name of profiting on the impending "negative variance" on the glut of prior runs of three.

That's how it's done, mickeycrimm. Find a couple more trends like that and you're golden.

Professional Baccarat
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November 18th, 2013 at 12:34:05 PM permalink
All this talk of "doms" and "filling the three-hole" is getting me aroused.
"Dice, verily, are armed with goads and driving-hooks, deceiving and tormenting, causing grievous woe." -Rig Veda 10.34.4
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November 18th, 2013 at 12:37:06 PM permalink
Quote: teddys

All this talk of "doms" and "filling the three-hole" is getting me aroused.

LMAO...and you a two-time Jeopardy! champion...they say happiness can't be bought, but maybe it can be rented for a few hours?
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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November 18th, 2013 at 12:52:13 PM permalink
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November 18th, 2013 at 1:15:42 PM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

Gr8, I'm developing this new hustle. It's flipping coins while laying 51 to 50. I see no difference between cards and coins. They're both inanimate objects, right? One is a piece of paper with pictures on it, the other is a piece of metal with pictures on it. I should be able to get a lot of action from the suckers who think they have the best of it because they get paid more when they win than when they lose, right?

But you and I know better than that, right Gr8? Because, just like in Baccarat, I should be able to see some trends pertaining to heads and tails, right? There is definitely going to be some variance I can capitalize on, right? Like adjusting bet size according to the trend, right? Now, you are a baccarat expert. Could you expound on how to apply your baccarat betting tactics to flipping coins?

Well actually Mickeycrimm this sounds kinda fun. How do we play?

Probably somewhere in here is the difference between an ap and just another degenerate gambler.

The line between becomes exceedingly fine.
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November 18th, 2013 at 2:22:59 PM permalink
Quote: gr8player

Your sarcasm is not lost on me, mickeycrimm, and I happen to resent it.

But you mention "variance" and "adjusting bet size".....

One of my trends is the "3-hole". (For the uninitiated, that's the third line down on your horizontal Bac scorecards.)

Now, as it happens in this shoe, the 3-hole is filling well. More three's than two's. Fine. Two things will happen for me:

1.) I'll bet for the 3-hole to hit.

2.) I'll gradually lessen my bet (NOT raise it) as the 3-hole trend continues, awaiting/expecting the eventual reversal.

3.) At first sign of the 3-hole now NOT filling (there's those two's, as expected), I'll bet more for the two-streak to stop right there.

4.) Now, either I'm right, and I win, or "oops", I'm wrong. It hit the 3-hole. No prob. I'll bet for the 4-hole to hit now.

5.) Now, either I'm right, and I win, or "oops", I'm wrong. It stopped at the 3-hole. No prob. A bit of a "bet size adjustment" for efficient recoup and profit.

5.) All in the name of profiting on the impending "negative variance" on the glut of prior runs of three.

That's how it's done, mickeycrimm. Find a couple more trends like that and you're golden.

Professional Baccarat

For those of you out there who think this is too complicated, just flip a coin. You'll get the same results as gr8.
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November 18th, 2013 at 6:04:36 PM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

Well actually Mickeycrimm this sounds kinda fun. How do we play? Probably somewhere in here is the difference between an ap and just another degenerate gambler. The line between becomes exceedingly fine.

Well, I'm having trouble developing a strategy for the game. In order to win when you are laying 51 to 50 you must be able to predict the coin flip at a greater accuracy than what the math implies. I'm having trouble deciding if I should bet heads because, since heads has landed five times in a row, it's hot. Or if I should bet tails because it is due to hit. Perhaps Gr8 could shed some light on how he does it in baccarat. After all, cards, coins, dice, they're all inanimate objects. If you can predict with a greater accuracy than the math implies with cards, then you should be able to do the same thing with coins or dice. So if Gr8 would explain with clarity how he is able to predict more winners than losers we should be able to apply it to other games. And we'll all get rich, right?
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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November 18th, 2013 at 6:21:42 PM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

Perhaps Gr8 could shed some light on how he does it in baccarat. After all, cards, coins, dice, they're all inanimate objects. If you can predict guess with a greater accuracy than the math implies with cards, then you should be able to do the same thing with coins or dice. So if Gr8 would explain with clarity how he is able to predict guess more winners than losers we should be able to apply it to other games. And we'll all get rich, right?

Mickey, I had to fix your post.
And don't forget that we have to use the "other math" while developing a winning strategy.
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November 18th, 2013 at 6:25:25 PM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

Well, I'm having trouble developing a strategy for the game. In order to win when you are laying 51 to 50 you must be able to predict the coin flip at a greater accuracy than what the math implies. I'm having trouble deciding if I should bet heads because, since heads has landed five times in a row, it's hot. Or if I should bet tails because it is due to hit. Perhaps Gr8 could shed some light on how he does it in baccarat. After all, cards, coins, dice, they're all inanimate objects. If you can predict with a greater accuracy than the math implies with cards, then you should be able to do the same thing with coins or dice. So if Gr8 would explain with clarity how he is able to predict more winners than losers we should be able to apply it to other games. And we'll all get rich, right?

I was thinking maybe there was some way to use a controlled coin toss?

The devil is always in the details.
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November 19th, 2013 at 6:20:42 AM permalink
Quote: rob45

Quote: mickeycrimm

Perhaps Gr8 could shed some light on how he does it in baccarat. After all, cards, coins, dice, they're all inanimate objects. If you can predict guess with a greater accuracy than the math implies with cards, then you should be able to do the same thing with coins or dice. So if Gr8 would explain with clarity how he is able to predict guess more winners than losers we should be able to apply it to other games. And we'll all get rich, right?

Mickey, I had to fix your post.
And don't forget that we have to use the "other math" while developing a winning strategy.

Thanks for the correction, Rob45. That's much better.
"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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November 19th, 2013 at 6:21:25 AM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

Quote: rob45

Quote: mickeycrimm

Perhaps Gr8 could shed some light on how he does it in baccarat. After all, cards, coins, dice, they're all inanimate objects. If you can predict guess with a greater accuracy than the math implies with cards, then you should be able to do the same thing with coins or dice. So if Gr8 would explain with clarity how he is able to predict guess more winners than losers we should be able to apply it to other games. And we'll all get rich, right?

Mickey, I had to fix your post.
And don't forget that we have to use the "other math" while developing a winning strategy.

Thanks for the correction, Rob45. That's much better. And I had completely forgotten about the "other match."

"Quit trying your luck and start trying your skill." Mickey Crimm
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November 19th, 2013 at 6:33:29 AM permalink
Quote: mickeycrimm

Well, I'm having trouble developing a strategy for the game. In order to win when you are laying 51 to 50 you must be able to predict the coin flip at a greater accuracy than what the math implies. I'm having trouble deciding if I should bet heads because, since heads has landed five times in a row, it's hot. Or if I should bet tails because it is due to hit.

But it's so simple. All I have to do is divine from what I know of the cards that have been dealt: have they come out in a sequence that would now favor Player or Banker? Now, a clever man would choose Player, because he would know that only a great fool would bet on the House. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wager favoring the casino. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose Player.

You've made your decision then?

Not remotely. Because Bacarrat comes from Asia, as everyone knows, and Asia is entirely populated with people battling the casino, and people battling the casino are used to having people not trust them, as you are not trusted by me, so I can clearly not choose Banker.

Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

Wait till I get going! Now, where was I?


Yes, Asia. And you must have suspected I would have known Bacarrat's origin, so I can clearly not choose Player.

You're just stalling now.

You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? You've beaten my Blackjack, which means you're exceptionally strong, so you could've chosen Banker, trusting on your strength to save you, so I can clearly not choose Banker. But, you've also bested my Mississippi Stud, which means you must have studied, and in studying you must have learned that bankrolls are finite, so you would have put the winner as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose Player.

You're trying to trick me into giving away something. It won't work.


Then make your choice.

I will, and I choose - What in the world can that be?

What? Where? I don't see anything.

Well, I- I could have sworn I saw something. No matter. First, let's play. Me from Player, and you from Banker.

You guessed wrong.

You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched wagers when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go against a system player when Bacarrat is the topic"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha...
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November 19th, 2013 at 6:48:22 AM permalink
Actually, baccarat originated in either France or Italy. I never did quite understand how it became so popular among Asians.
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November 19th, 2013 at 7:07:39 AM permalink
Quote: Beethoven9th

Actually, baccarat originated in either France or Italy. I never did quite understand how it became so popular among Asians.

And iocaine powder doesn't come from Australia. You're missing the point! ><
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