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February 12th, 2018 at 4:23:27 PM permalink
All of you can go back and forth circling around the same garbage. The point is, tipping needs to be abolished, but you know what tipping isn't even the problem to the bigger problem in this world, which no one seems to bat an eye to. Not many people can think this critically, but that's why im here. The main problem in this world is 'money' in general. Why is there even a monetary system in place? Why can't everything just be free and everyone looks out for each other? Every single thing in the world becomes free: food, services, drinks, bills, cars, insurance, houses, EVERYTHING. What difference would it make?

The current system in place just cancels itself out with the re-distribution of money in society. You build me a house, but then waste money on food, services, bills, cars, etc. throughout the year just giving back what you made by building a house so on and so forth. Do you guys realize this whole system with money, all it does is divide, control, and create immoral, unethical people who lie, steal, and do everything for a buck, basically selling their soul just to keep their job or to make some money. All this creates is a world that is a disgrace to live on.

For example, just look at the casino industry, one of the most disgusting, immoral, unethical scum on the face of the earth, as well as the state courts that back them up because they're too scared to lose the tax revenue from these casinos. All of them selling their soul for a dollar. And you want to know what's worse? The pit managers and security guards who simply follow any orders from their higher-ups no matter if the order is immoral and unethical just to keep their jobs. They have no problem lying straight to your face asking for ID, lying, and threatening you, etc when they damn well know I haven't done anything wrong and that I don't have to show anything to them. These people don't give a damn about lying straight to your face and being as immoral and unethical as possible just to keep their little garbage job.

That's what happens when money is involved, all it does is create an immoral, divided, pathetic society cause everyone is too busy chasing the inflationary paper in their wallet and will do whatever it takes to get it and waste their whole life chasing it because they need it to live on, rinse and repeat to the next generation. Everyone is being strung by this illusion of paper, which in reality has no value at all, but forget about that for a second, let's not digress, because the whole point is that there doesn't need to be any monetary system in place at all because all it does as I've said before is destroy humanity to act disorderly, immoral, and unethical.
Last edited by: ZenKinG on Feb 12, 2018
Any private business open to the PUBLIC (ie. droned out casinos) cannot have a criminal trespass enforced against an individual without GOOD CAUSE (Disruptive or Disorderly conduct). You will never go to prison for being thrown out of a casino for legal advantage play and then returning because it's simply unconstitutional 'as applied' to the individual. 'As applied' constitutional issues must FIRST be raised in DISTRICT COURT (trial court) to have it thrown out. You CANNOT raise it on APPEAL This is the best kept secret in the world of casinos not just in Vegas but everywhere in the country. Thank me later.
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February 12th, 2018 at 4:26:28 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

Well, you have separation of church and state, or should. In retrospect, I have no problem whatsoever with the church taking in the money tax free because taxes have already been paid on that money, and it is not technically required and is being given of one's own volition...though no good/service is being sold.

Technically wages aren't income either, and shouldn't be taxed. I gave a piece of my life for a paycheck, and it should belong to me, It's my life right, or is it?

I remember WJC stating Americans, if all taxes were included were paying north of 80% in tax. I believe the church cut a deal with the pols when writing the Constitution, that the church would exchange all their support for ratification, if it was written in that the church would always be tax exempt. These same controllers have been hand in hand for eternity. Splitting up the tax pie, like the 5 family's of organized crime. It's always about the money. The rich have been able to buy their way out of military service, the same way xtions have been able to buy their way out of purgatory. Same same, the only difference is who's collecting the vig.

The Catholic church is bigger than Exxon. Other xtion churches have stock in Lockead and General Dynamics, while we are fighting handfuls of foreign wars. Some god advocate needs to splain that. Hypocrites all, IMO. Either that or legendary double speak.


I guess churches are theoretically non-profit. I have to believe income tax (and other associated payroll taxes) must be paid on any monies paid directly to clergy as a salary, or am I mistaken?

Dunno, I think the priests get free indulgences? Makes me ill that they are still considered xtion, after getting busted nearly weekly, damaging children. The pope dude just had to give one of his first apology's after bashing victims in Peru.


I'm not entirely sure that I agree with that because SSI/SSD reflects money that has been paid directly into that system for that reason.

The SSI lockbox was looted long ago and put in the general fund. The only place the funds collected by uncle Sam are separated, is in the hearts/ minds of the working class. "Taxes are for the little people" Leona Helmsley. : )


It just seems to me like two totally different things. SSI/SSD are theoretically supposed to be completely self-contained systems, whereas welfare isn't.

They both come from the same place, Control + print. 46% of every dollar the gov spends now is borrowed. Forty six cents of every dollar the gov spends, is borrowed @ interest. Those that will be saddled with the debt may not have been born yet. Should put an apology in a time capsule. : )
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February 12th, 2018 at 4:40:28 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

What dislike?

Dislike + assumptions:

Quote: Mission146

The church wouldn't have called anyone had they not been called out.

Quote: Mission146

I refuse to believe that they didn't know that there was no tip because they would know how much the order is and how much they gave the guy. They'd want the receipt. Thus, they fully well knew there was no tip. If they wanted to rectify that, they could have easily done so that day.

Did you read the article? It said they were having a big conference that day. I don't think it's unreasonable for them to have called a day or two later to make Yoder "whole".

Quote: article

“That night, we had a volunteer go to the restaurant and pick up the order since we were having a big conference. He probably didn’t know to tip since it was a rush of the moment thing,” said Lonsberry.

Quote: Mission146

I'm just saying this behavior coming from a church doesn't surprise me.

So you don't have a dislike towards Christians or republicans, yet...this?

If someone stole a car or shot someone or was dealing drugs, found out the guy was black, what would someone think about me if I said, "Yeah, not surprised the guy was black."

Or if the article was about a Jewish man not tipping, if I said, "Not surprised he's a Jew."

Or if there was an article about a Mexican guy who got fired because he was sleeping and being lazy on the job, "Not surprised he's Mexican."

Or an article about an Asian guy who invented some crazy computer thing or solved an insane math problem, "Not surprised he's Asian."

Or if a woman got in a car accident, "Not surprised it was a woman."

If I made one of those comments, do you think I'd have a dislike towards people in that group?

That's a rhetorical question.

Quote: Mission146

The church probably made it to go because they'd feel guilty about not tipping

Also, the church probably could have had something catered for that...but then they'd have to stiff the caterers on a tip face-to-face, now wouldn't they?

Quote: Mission146

Even if it had been delivered, the church wouldn't have tipped.

Quote: Mission146

Quote: AxelWolf

Quote: Joeman

Waitress ranted about being stiffed on Facebook and was subsequently fired.

As it should be(unless she was hot). Ranting about tips is not usually part of your job description.

I'd probably agree had it not been one of those oh so giving and charitable Houses of the Lord.

You're saying you'd probably agree with Axel that she should be fired had it not been a church that was involved? IOW she should not be fired because it was a church? Am I reading this correctly?????

Quote: Mission146

He probably went there with the exact amount, to the penny, in a tithing envelope. The church wouldn't have wanted to do anything had they not been called out.

Quote: Mission

I would say that pizza places and many Chinese places are different. At those places, it's sometimes not expected that someone will eat in. In other words, they're going to have to put the pizza in the box no matter what, they're not doing anything extra to do that and it's not taking them away from anything else. It's literally something that they have to do for every single pizza, take-out or delivery. I've went and picked up a few $50+ pizza orders, so I usually go ahead and tip on something that big.
Not tipping on a $735 order, though. Come on. Nobody can be that dense. Then they throw the kid who picked it up under the church bus! Totally uncool. If they wanted to resolve it, they could have done it that day. How could they not know he didn't end up tipping?

Quote: Mission146

I would like to think you would on a $735 order. If it's $50-$100, or whatever, I think people should tip a few bucks, but I'm not going to take a hard stand on it at all.

Why's it matter if it's a $50 meal or a $735 meal? If you don't believe they should be tipped for a $50 meal, why do you believe they should be tipped for a $735 meal?

Just save us the BS.
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February 12th, 2018 at 5:20:04 PM permalink
Quote: ZenKinG

All of you can go back and forth circling around the same garbage. The point is, tipping needs to be abolished

I like the rest of your post, but the pros and cons of a money free society is a whole different discussion.

Abolishing tipping would require some sort of regulation law to be enacted, which if you cross reference those that hate tipping in this thread with the poltical thread .... not gonna happen.

What business owner is going to give up paying employees $3/hr and then be forced to raise prices on top of that? None. The competition would just undercut their prices and keep paying their employees pennies while passing that cost onto the consumer, who will keep going to that establishment for the “lower” food prices.

And what server is going to give up $400/night in tips in exchange for minimum wage?

I hate tipping as much as you, but trying to abolish it at this point is a fool’s errand. Everyone in our society wants every single cake they can get their hands on (and eat it too). And as a result, we end up with solutions that suck for everyone.
Last edited by: gamerfreak on Feb 12, 2018
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February 12th, 2018 at 5:39:06 PM permalink
The other thing (IMO) that would likely happen if tipping was removed and the cost was added to the customer is the restaurant would be taking more of that money and giving less to the employees.

Without making it overly complicated, say there is a restaurant that serves 100 people a night, each meal costs $100, and every person tips $20. There are 10 employees, so they each make $200 tips + $5/hour, for a total of $240/night, or $30/hour.

Now the restaurant wants to get rid of tipping, so now every meal costs $125 instead of the previous $120 (an increase of $5/meal). Now the employees are getting paid $25/hour, whereas in the past the employees were making $30/hour.

As a consumer, I don't want to pay more. I'm sure employees also don't want to get paid less.

Best case scenario is the restaurant increases prices directly proportional to what people would normally be tipping and they also increase the pay wages directly proportional to what employees were making before. So overall, there is no net change. Really? THAT's what you want? Employees would be getting paid the same amount and you'd be paying the same amount for the food.

Can someone give me a GOOD reason to get rid of tipping? I certainly hope people don't believe that all a restaurant has to do is increase the pay and prices of food wouldn't be increased as well.

Pay them a reasonable wage? If that's what you really want, then tip them more.
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February 12th, 2018 at 5:44:58 PM permalink
Tipping should be abolished because it upsets ZK. Isn't that reason enough?
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February 12th, 2018 at 6:14:17 PM permalink
If ZK was just in charge of everything life would be so much better. He knows what to do about everything. The only problem is that he is cursed.
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February 12th, 2018 at 6:30:42 PM permalink
The problem of course with this world is that without motivation nobody would work. That means that there is no production, no agriculture, no food, and no life.

All societies from ground zero have had goals with motivation rewards and that motivation has always been reward based in the form of goods, services, or something you can exchange for what you want and/or need.

Today's motivations include "what makes you happy" mixed with financial incentives so that one can live. There are always jobs where almost no one is happy but it is balanced by financial incentives tied in to your skill level which are influenced by life decisions.

For example, if you are picking grapes in 110 degree heat in Southern California it is likely that your need for money >> your skill level << desirable job openings.

Capitalism works relatively well when there is a degree of socialism (it used to be corporate, now government) built in to take care of the sick and those born without pre-built advantages (parents that stay together, IQ, physical/mental ailments, etc). It also works well when Government is not corrupt and taking too much money out of the economy and making decisions that benefit the public.
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February 12th, 2018 at 7:13:42 PM permalink
Mission I should point out that servers in Canada have to be paid the same minimum wage which is why I’ll never feel bad about a server who makes $11.15/hour getting stiffed.

Also since when are Canadians bad tippers? We have the same tipping standards in Canada as the USA.
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February 12th, 2018 at 7:26:40 PM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

Mission I should point out that servers in Canada have to be paid the same minimum wage which is why I’ll never feel bad about a server who makes $11.15/hour getting stiffed.

Also since when are Canadians bad tippers? We have the same tipping standards in Canada as the USA.

According to my friend you guys have a bad rep. I know you do not personally fall into that category.
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February 12th, 2018 at 7:44:13 PM permalink
Quote: MaxPen

According to my friend you guys have a bad rep. I know you do not personally fall into that category.

That’s weird I’ve never heard that before. 15% is standard in Canada. Slightly lower because our servers make more per hour.
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February 12th, 2018 at 8:28:32 PM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

Also since when are Canadians bad tippers? We have the same tipping standards in Canada as the USA.

IIRC, Monopoly "Canadian" money is worthless.

What's 15% of 0?

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February 12th, 2018 at 8:58:21 PM permalink
Quote: Steverinos

In regards to tipping for valet, do you all tip when dropping off AND receiving? Or just receive?

Both. Usually $2 each way.
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February 12th, 2018 at 9:11:10 PM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

That’s weird I’ve never heard that before. 15% is standard in Canada. Slightly lower because our servers make more per hour.

Worked several years waiting table.here and there in Minnesota. Canadian stinginess was considered standard. Talking 30+ years ago, so maybe things have changed. Most of my relatives are Canadian : I did not see it from them. My cousin was a huge overtipper, in fact.
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
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February 12th, 2018 at 9:38:07 PM permalink
When I used to slang pies (delivering pizza), Indians would tip the worst, followed by the Coast Guard. Usually the Indians were staying at an airport motel for business or something. Coast Guard it's probably because I couldn't go into the coast guarding area but had to wait for them outside, which looked like quite a walk.

Fun Fact: enlisted military people tipped the most, especially if they lived in the barracks.

While getting nothing or very little sucked, overall the average tip per customer was a decent amount, especially for the amount of work involved, which was driving to their location to drop off the pizza. My lowest non zero tip was like 30 cents or so, and my biggest was like $10 for a $20 order. I averaged about $16 per hour in tips alone. Turns out once you know the addresses of all the regulars you can get there quite fast and treating people like an normal person you can get above average tips.
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February 12th, 2018 at 11:12:15 PM permalink
Quote: RS

IIRC, Monopoly "Canadian" money is worthless.

What's 15% of 0?


Mods RS is once again attacking my nationality! When does it stop? Is he not held to the suspension rules? Does he get some special treatment? Seriously what the hell?
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February 12th, 2018 at 11:18:03 PM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

Mods RS is once again attacking my nationality! When does it stop? Is he not held to the suspension rules? Does he get some special treatment? Seriously what the hell?

You trynna get me suspended. :(

BTW I was attacking the currency, not your nationality.
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February 12th, 2018 at 11:43:36 PM permalink
I'm surprised that no one showed any sympathy for her for getting fired just for ranting on social media about not getting a tip on a $735 food order. That would suck majorly if you didn't get a tip on a $735 food order and I feel so bad for her for getting fired for that which was not even a big deal. She seemed like she was letting steam off like many waiters and waitresses do when they don't get tipped and they still have their jobs.
In both The Hunger Games and in gambling, may the odds be ever in your favor. :D "Man Babes" #AxelFabulous "Olive oil is processed but it only has one ingredient, olive oil."-Even Bob, March 27/28th. :D The 2 year war is over! Woo-hoo! :D I sometimes speak in metaphors. ;) Remember this. ;) Crack the code. :D! :D "For about the 4096th time, let me offer a radical idea to those of you who don't like Nathan -- block her and don't visit Nathan's Corner. What is so complicated about it?" Wizard, August 21st. :D
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February 13th, 2018 at 12:41:28 AM permalink
Quote: RS

You trynna get me suspended. :(

BTW I was attacking the currency, not your nationality.

Haha RS when I sent that I thought there was a chance a mod wouldn’t get my sarcasm lol. But I was on a plane to northern Thailand and had no data after take off. Would have been funnier if your name was in red when I landed.
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February 13th, 2018 at 12:45:37 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

Quote: RS

You trynna get me suspended. :(

BTW I was attacking the currency, not your nationality.

Haha RS when I sent that I thought there was a chance a mod wouldn’t get my sarcasm lol. But I was on a plane to northern Thailand and had no data after take off. Would have been funnier if your name was in red when I landed.

I am assuming that you would have went up to bat for RS if his name was in red after you landed. :) Something like, "Mods, I was just being sarcastic! Unban RS!" :)
In both The Hunger Games and in gambling, may the odds be ever in your favor. :D "Man Babes" #AxelFabulous "Olive oil is processed but it only has one ingredient, olive oil."-Even Bob, March 27/28th. :D The 2 year war is over! Woo-hoo! :D I sometimes speak in metaphors. ;) Remember this. ;) Crack the code. :D! :D "For about the 4096th time, let me offer a radical idea to those of you who don't like Nathan -- block her and don't visit Nathan's Corner. What is so complicated about it?" Wizard, August 21st. :D
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February 13th, 2018 at 2:50:56 AM permalink
Quote: RS

You trynna get me suspended. :(

BTW I was attacking the currency, not your nationality.

Lmao I wasn't sure either. I was thinking maybe I should stop saying negative things about canada. However I really do hate the $2 coin.
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February 13th, 2018 at 4:46:53 AM permalink
Na Nathan, I would just laughed my ass off that I got my friend suspended.

GWAE you better watch yourself! I know where you live! Haha jk or am I? Was that a threat? Mods I’m not sure? Anyone? I’m probably just kidding but I maybe wouldn’t drink your Pepsi this morning, who knows what might be in it? 🤣
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February 13th, 2018 at 5:30:20 AM permalink

Know a kid (20's) who was a bartender at outdoor place that had a band Friday and Saturday nights. Place packed. He said he made as much as $800 in tips a night. Just seems too much. But I can't imagine buying that $5 beer and not leaving $1.

What do you tip when you buy a $3 beer in a shot-an-beer bar with a middle aged bartender whose knees and feet are giving out from being on the slats so long and doesn't even dream of 800 a night?
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February 13th, 2018 at 8:30:24 AM permalink
Quote: FleaStiff

What do you tip when you buy a $3 beer in a shot-an-beer bar with a middle aged bartender whose knees and feet are giving out from being on the slats so long and doesn't even dream of 800 a night?

$5 at the end of my visit. $10 if I'm a bit of a regular. There is one bartender I regularly leave a $20, but she treats me very well and I'm still hoping she will have my baby someday.
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February 13th, 2018 at 9:05:33 AM permalink
Quote: petroglyph

Technically wages aren't income either, and shouldn't be taxed. I gave a piece of my life for a paycheck, and it should belong to me, It's my life right, or is it?[

I remember WJC stating Americans, if all taxes were included were paying north of 80% in tax. I believe the church cut a deal with the pols when writing the Constitution, that the church would exchange all their support for ratification, if it was written in that the church would always be tax exempt. These same controllers have been hand in hand for eternity. Splitting up the tax pie, like the 5 family's of organized crime. It's always about the money. The rich have been able to buy their way out of military service, the same way xtions have been able to buy their way out of purgatory. Same same, the only difference is who's collecting the vig.

That may well be true, but I think that's counting the fact how many times parts of the, "Same dollar," get cycled through the tax system. I believe that it also assumes that the dollar doesn't leave the system for any period in time. The line on it, I believe, is guy makes money, gets taxed, goes to a grocery store, buys stuff, pays sales tax, the remainder of that dollar goes to an employee....etc

I don't know. I'm a Liberal, as you know, so it wouldn't really be consistent for me to complain about taxes.

Again, if the church is a bona fide NPO, I really don't see the problem. In my view, something is either an NPO or it isn't.


The Catholic church is bigger than Exxon. Other xtion churches have stock in Lockead and General Dynamics, while we are fighting handfuls of foreign wars. Some god advocate needs to splain that. Hypocrites all, IMO. Either that or legendary double speak.

I don't know what they do or don't have stock in. Although, I wouldn't have a problem with profits by way of direct investments being taxed. I'm just saying tithing, or offering, whatever you want to call it, probably shouldn't be taxed.


Dunno, I think the priests get free indulgences? Makes me ill that they are still considered xtion, after getting busted nearly weekly, damaging children. The pope dude just had to give one of his first apology's after bashing victims in Peru.

Individual people do individual things and make individual decisions. I don't know that I would revoke a tax status for an entire category predicated upon what a few individuals have done.


The SSI lockbox was looted long ago and put in the general fund. The only place the funds collected by uncle Sam are separated, is in the hearts/ minds of the working class. "Taxes are for the little people" Leona Helmsley. : )

That's why I said, 'Theoretically.'


They both come from the same place, Control + print. 46% of every dollar the gov spends now is borrowed. Forty six cents of every dollar the gov spends, is borrowed @ interest. Those that will be saddled with the debt may not have been born yet. Should put an apology in a time capsule. : )

The apology won't be of much use. Nobody will ever read it. Just by domain rights for a website for one-hundred years and upload the apology letter to it, preferably in .pdf format.
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February 13th, 2018 at 9:15:56 AM permalink
Quote: RS

Dislike + assumptions:

Did you read the article? It said they were having a big conference that day. I don't think it's unreasonable for them to have called a day or two later to make Yoder "whole".

There's no mention in the article that the church had noticed the failure to tip on its own, just that after, 'Finding out about it,' they reached out to the restaurant.


So you don't have a dislike towards Christians or republicans, yet...this?

If someone stole a car or shot someone or was dealing drugs, found out the guy was black, what would someone think about me if I said, "Yeah, not surprised the guy was black."...etc

If I made one of those comments, do you think I'd have a dislike towards people in that group?

I see your point, but don't forget that I grew up and spent substantial time in my youth as a member of three different churches. I never once knew of any of the higher ups of those churches to tip a penny on anything. Limited sample size, sure, but all three churches were penny pinchers.

In fact, we once went to a conference that required a one night stay, each kid who went to this youth conference paid $100 for the pleasure of going there. They packed ten of us into one hotel room and had six of us hide in the bathroom while they called down for, "As many extra towels and blankets as we can have, please." The room was obviously registered for the maximum of four people, so a clear unashamed violation of the hotel's policy on maximum guests to a room. Plus, we had to pay for all of our own food. Basically paid $100 to sleep on the floor, bus transportation and sharing a blanket/towels with another kid.

So, yes, based on my experience, it doesn't surprise me that a church wouldn't tip. Beyond that, all of the stuff that I've Googled and read that servers have said. I have no evidence to the contrary that would result in my not believing any of it.


You're saying you'd probably agree with Axel that she should be fired had it not been a church that was involved? IOW she should not be fired because it was a church? Am I reading this correctly?????

No, she should definitely be fired, regardless. I read the article again and noted that complaining about customers on social media was a violation of the restaurant's policy. That being the case, she clearly violated the restaurant's policy and I'm assuming that particular violation can result in, "Disciplinary action up to, and including, termination."

So, please excuse that line. I believe I corrected that already in a later post, but you might not have saw that.


Why's it matter if it's a $50 meal or a $735 meal? If you don't believe they should be tipped for a $50 meal, why do you believe they should be tipped for a $735 meal?

Just save us the BS.

Would a $50 meal not take substantially less time to put together than a $735 meal? Hell, I bet she could have brought out a $50 meal making only one trip to the customer's car.

I also didn't say a $50 meal shouldn't be tipped, I said I could excuse that. My post that you quoted specifically said, "I think they should," so I have no idea where you get your apparent notion that I don't believe $50 should receive a tip.
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February 13th, 2018 at 9:19:08 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

Mission I should point out that servers in Canada have to be paid the same minimum wage which is why I’ll never feel bad about a server who makes $11.15/hour getting stiffed.

Also since when are Canadians bad tippers? We have the same tipping standards in Canada as the USA.

I didn't say anything about, 'Canadians,' personally. If they are making $11.15/hour base, then I don't even know that using the word, 'Stiffing,' is appropriate.
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February 13th, 2018 at 10:00:15 AM permalink
Quote: Mission146

There's no mention in the article that the church had noticed the failure to tip on its own, just that after, 'Finding out about it,' they reached out to the restaurant.

I don't think it's unreasonable for an accounting issue to not be figured out the same night of the expense. Would they have gone through the effort to see the bill was $735 and no tip was added then reach out to the server to tip her? I have no idea, but probably not (who would?), IMO. I can certainly see how someone paying for something on someone else's dime may not know to tip the restaurant, because if I were spending someone else's money, I wouldn't know either. On top of that, if I were using my own money to be owed money later, I would be hesitant to leave a $200 tip if I thought there was a chance I wouldn't get reimbursed for the tip.

Quote: Mission146

I see your point, but don't forget that I grew up and spent substantial time in my youth as a member of three different churches. I never once knew of any of the higher ups of those churches to tip a penny on anything. Limited sample size, sure, but all three churches were penny pinchers.

Sure, but if I grew up in Compton with a bunch of gang bangers n whatnot....? It's the same thing. In your youth, were you even in situations where you'd be aware of the higher ups not tipping? That seems almost made up, TBH.

Quote: Mission146

In fact, we once went to a conference that required a one night stay, each kid who went to this youth conference paid $100 for the pleasure of going there. They packed ten of us into one hotel room and had six of us hide in the bathroom while they called down for, "As many extra towels and blankets as we can have, please." The room was obviously registered for the maximum of four people, so a clear unashamed violation of the hotel's policy on maximum guests to a room. Plus, we had to pay for all of our own food. Basically paid $100 to sleep on the floor, bus transportation and sharing a blanket/towels with another kid.

This isn't as uncommon as you probably think. I've been in that situation plenty of times, although I don't think we got quite to 10/room.

Quote: Mission146

So, yes, based on my experience, it doesn't surprise me that a church wouldn't tip. Beyond that, all of the stuff that I've Googled and read that servers have said. I have no evidence to the contrary that would result in my not believing any of it.

And according to "my" experience, black people are just gang bangers and Jewish people are stingy with their money (google that one, probably can't get past "Je" before autofill kicks in). That doesn't make it right. Nor does it mean there isn't hypocrisy in thinking just because I have experience with a group of people in one regard, I can say X about them, but when it comes about Y people, even if I have experience, I can't say something about them.

No I don't think black people are just gang bangers nor Jewish people are all stingy with their money. I'm saying if I had the experience of growing up with those people, which many people have.

Quote: Mission146

Would a $50 meal not take substantially less time to put together than a $735 meal? Hell, I bet she could have brought out a $50 meal making only one trip to the customer's car.

A $50 meal takes substantially less time and would also receive a substantially smaller tip. If you don't believe she should be tipped $10 for 1 trip to the car, why should she be tipped $140 for 14 trips to the car?
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February 13th, 2018 at 10:19:14 AM permalink
Quote: RS

I don't think it's unreasonable for an accounting issue to not be figured out the same night of the expense. Would they have gone through the effort to see the bill was $735 and no tip was added then reach out to the server to tip her? I have no idea, but probably not (who would?), IMO. I can certainly see how someone paying for something on someone else's dime may not know to tip the restaurant, because if I were spending someone else's money, I wouldn't know either. On top of that, if I were using my own money to be owed money later, I would be hesitant to leave a $200 tip if I thought there was a chance I wouldn't get reimbursed for the tip.

They certainly knew what the bill was prior to sending the guy, one would surmise. I mean, are you going to call and place a rather large order somewhere and let the total be whatever it will be? I'm also suggesting that the church would send the guy with the church's money and tipping instructions, though I'll admit that the guy could theoretically have that much in cash on him already.

I don't know when I said anything about a $200 tip. 27.2%? Seems a little excessive for carry-out, even for such a huge order.


Sure, but if I grew up in Compton with a bunch of gang bangers n whatnot....? It's the same thing. In your youth, were you even in situations where you'd be aware of the higher ups not tipping? That seems almost made up, TBH.

What do you want from me? Names, dates, locations, what was ordered? I'm talking anywhere from 16-24 years ago, here, so I don't clearly recollect all of that stuff. I know we took a couple cabs during the conference, no tip. I know we had pizza delivered for multiple overnight functions at the actual church, and on one of those occasions, I was specifically asked to go to the door, wait, and get the pizza. I was specifically told to get a receipt and was given the precise amount.

I also went out to eat with the pastor once (I was fifteen) along with a couple of other people because I got selected to do that to help with the planning of an event. The total tab came out to some amount, they paid, took the change off the table and left. I made some excuse about having to go to the bathroom, because even as a fifteen year-old, I was embarrassed to have any involvement...so I left the tip myself.


This isn't as uncommon as you probably think. I've been in that situation plenty of times, although I don't think we got quite to 10/room.

I managed a hotel, at one point, so I know it's not uncommon. That doesn't make it any less theft of services. Besides that, what was the $100 for? You don't think they could have put four of us in a room of our own and the $400 between the four of us would cover two hours of bus transportation (the church owned the bus) each way as well as more than cover the room cost? Probably not any specific people, but as an organization, I find it very hard to believe the church didn't come out way ahead ($$$) on the deal.


And according to "my" experience, black people are just gang bangers and Jewish people are stingy with their money (google that one, probably can't get past "Je" before autofill kicks in). That doesn't make it right. Nor does it mean there isn't hypocrisy in thinking just because I have experience with a group of people in one regard, I can say X about them, but when it comes about Y people, even if I have experience, I can't say something about them.

No I don't think black people are just gang bangers nor Jewish people are all stingy with their money. I'm saying if I had the experience of growing up with those people, which many people have.

People have experiences and they talk about them. I'm sure there are many churches who do tip when they have some sort of church function out in the secular world. I'm just saying that churches (as a whole) are batting 0/3 in my limited experience. My experiences combined with things that I have heard said, or have read, make the notion of a church not tipping very believable to me. I'm sorry if my experiences offend you.


A $50 meal takes substantially less time and would also receive a substantially smaller tip. If you don't believe she should be tipped $10 for 1 trip to the car, why should she be tipped $140 for 14 trips to the car?

1.) I never specified a tip amount.

2.) Are you even reading what I'm writing? Please do. It would be appreciated. I never said that a $50 carry-out order should not receive a tip. I specifically said that a $50 order should also receive a tip. The only thing I said was that I wouldn't, "Take a huge stand," which is to say I wouldn't shout from the rooftops about someone not tipping on a $50 order, church or otherwise.

I think $140 would be way in excess (19%) of what would be acceptable for an order of $735 and take-out. Even though the percentage would suck, I wouldn't throw a fit about a tip as low as $25. I'm just saying to not tip on that kind of order embodies the definition of, "Stiffing."

Although, one thing that makes me curious is the notion that maybe, just maybe the church DID include a tip when they sent the errand boy and the errand boy pocketed it. Were that the case, then it would actually be very forgiving of the church not to throw him under the bus, they'd essentially be covering for him. I guess that's a possibility.
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February 13th, 2018 at 11:06:09 AM permalink
Quote: PokerGrinder

Mission I should point out that servers in Canada have to be paid the same minimum wage which is why I’ll never feel bad about a server who makes $11.15/hour getting stiffed.

Also since when are Canadians bad tippers? We have the same tipping standards in Canada as the USA.

Snowbirds in FL (and likely AZ) are probably known as bad tippers because they're older, watching their nickels (no pennies in Canada), and tend to be more curmudgeons and sensitive to server issues.
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February 13th, 2018 at 11:08:30 AM permalink
Liberals are fine to complain about taxes not being spent efficiently. As well, liberals should be worried about the deficit as well.
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February 13th, 2018 at 6:20:46 PM permalink
About tipping actually becoming a problem for the WAITRESS, a woman found herself basically fired when she got a $200 tip on a $13 dollar plate of food or something like that. The customer came back a week later claiming he meant to tip her $2 and demanded she pay his $200 back or something like that. Her copy and his copy of his receipt both said,"$200.00" in the tip section.

He said something like,"Why would I tip $200 on a $13 plate of food? She should have seen a red flag right off the bat at the exhoribitant tip." The rub is she had already spent the $200 as once again he came back a week later. It was mentioned she had a young child she was raising on her own IIRC. You can see how fast $200 goes when you are raising a young child on your own. ;) Her boss told her something like,"You are welcome to quit right now," after the customer complained.

People taking her side said,"How did he get $2.00 and $200.00 mixed up? That was his fault. A $20.00 would have been reasonable as it could have been really easy to accidentally add one extra zero, but to add two extra zeros by accident is not very plausible at all.

Plus he came back a week later rather than like the very next day to complain which makes him look sketchy."People taking his side said,"She should have alerted to him that he just have her a $200.00 and ask him if he really meant to pay her so much on just $13 plate of food. How hard is it to ask,"Excuse me sir, this tip is really big, $200. Are you sure you mean to tip me so much?"
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February 15th, 2018 at 3:49:56 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

Pizza is totally different. I've yet to hear of a pizza place where the tips aren't over and above minimum wage because all of the employees make the standard minimum wage. Maybe there are some out there, but I've never heard of a non-predominantly dine-in pizza place not paying the non-tipped minimum wage.

That's like McDonald's. They all make the regular minimum wage, or more, so there is no expectation of tipping.

During the 90s I delivered pizza for three different places. Two had no hourly wage - one payed 50 cents per delivery, the other a dollar (which was a dine-in place). The one who payed minimum wage expected me to clean and make dough when it was slow.

The worst tippers were not surprisingly college students. Best tippers were the ones that would ask for me to pick up cigarettes or something on the way. Also not surprisingly, waitresses were great tippers. Even had one that would answer the door topless (with her boyfriend laughing in the background) and still tip three dollars on like a 15 dollar order. Worst tip I ever got wasn't a bad tip in absolute terms. I delivered a pizza during a tornado, had to hide under a viaduct for awhile due to severe hail. I get there and the guy says, "I'm giving you the biggest tip you've ever seen." Then he gives me two dollars.
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February 26th, 2018 at 7:16:57 PM permalink
Quote: jmills

During the 90s I delivered pizza for three different places. Two had no hourly wage - one payed 50 cents per delivery, the other a dollar (which was a dine-in place). The one who payed minimum wage expected me to clean and make dough when it was slow.

I've never heard of anything like the first two, the third seems typical. They usually help out with after-shift cleanup and stuff like that, as well.


The worst tippers were not surprisingly college students. Best tippers were the ones that would ask for me to pick up cigarettes or something on the way. Also not surprisingly, waitresses were great tippers. Even had one that would answer the door topless (with her boyfriend laughing in the background) and still tip three dollars on like a 15 dollar order. Worst tip I ever got wasn't a bad tip in absolute terms. I delivered a pizza during a tornado, had to hide under a viaduct for awhile due to severe hail. I get there and the guy says, "I'm giving you the biggest tip you've ever seen." Then he gives me two dollars.

I'm surprised you were able to get away with picking up cigarettes, is that a relatively common request?
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February 26th, 2018 at 9:17:34 PM permalink
I can just imagine a 17 y/o kid ordering something cheap like 4 chicken wings from the pizza store then asking the guy to stop by and buy him 2 cartons of Marlboro Reds. lol
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February 26th, 2018 at 11:38:20 PM permalink
Quote: jmills

During the 90s I delivered pizza for three different places. Two had no hourly wage - one payed 50 cents per delivery, the other a dollar (which was a dine-in place). The one who payed minimum wage expected me to clean and make dough when it was slow.

The worst tippers were not surprisingly college students.

Keep in mind, most are burning their tuition and textbook on Drugs & Alcohol.

I work with people in their 30's who still haven't kicked those habits including being poor tippers. Whenever they would order out, they would ask if I wanted to order with them the first two times I said "Sure, get me XXXX." It usually cost $8 and I would throw him a 10 and say use the change as tip.

He would then hand me a wad of bills and say, the delivery guy is down stairs, can you go pick it up. I would naively say "Okay, you included tip right?" and he says "Yea, yea." I head down with what I thought was an abundant amount of cash. The delivery guy would say "$49.65 please!" And much to my surprise the amount of money I have in $10's,$5's and $1's adds up to exactly $50!!!

So now I have to stand there and hand this guy a bunch of crumpled bills and a lousy tip to boot. To which he thinks I'm the one who gave him the low tip. Even though I provided a fair tip amount which my "co-workers" decided to use to cover their tab and not contribute a penny more to what should at least be a minimum tip of $2. I quickly decided I will never order out with this guy and his buddies again.

On the flip side, I went to dinner with 3 friends at a Hooters in NJ when we were all in college. Two of them were waiters at On the Border and felt the need to Over tip because "they know how it is." I initially tipped $4 on an $18 tab and thought that was fair, they looked at me like I had three heads and said "They gotta split that with the bartender and the bus boy and the hostess, etc.." So I made it $8 and they said "Were putting $15 each, you can put whatever you want but know that every bit helps them make ends meet. So I just threw a $5 bill on top of the $8 and said "Thanks guys, I coulda spent this money on gas for the week, but now I can sleep better knowing the Hooter's girl has more money than me tonight!"
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February 27th, 2018 at 6:31:48 AM permalink
Quote: Mission146

I'm surprised you were able to get away with picking up cigarettes, is that a relatively common request?

I had a buddy in college who had the delivery guy to do exactly this on a regular basis. The Little Caesars on campus was just starting their delivery service to the dorms. He would call in a pizza order, then have the driver call him before he left the store. At which time he would ask the delivery guy to pick up his cigs on the way and that he would "take care of him." He'd usually give him the money for the cigarettes & pizza plus a $5 tip (on a $10 order).

The way food service at the university operated at the time, you (or your parents) could put money on an account, then use your student ID to pay for food on campus, debiting from your account. It turns out my buddy was running a scam on his parents. They didn't altogether trust his handling of money. They would not send him cash outright, but wouldn't hesitate to put more money in his dining account. Their boy had to eat, right? This was his way of having his folks finance his smoking habit!

This was back in the 90's, so I'm sure things have changed since then.
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February 27th, 2018 at 3:19:34 PM permalink
Quote: Mission146

I'm surprised you were able to get away with picking up cigarettes, is that a relatively common request?

Not uncommon. Typically they would ask for the driver to call before leaving, as if the address needed some explanation. When I called they would request cigarettes, a gallon of milk, or something similar. Only thing I would balk at was alcohol.
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February 27th, 2018 at 5:45:09 PM permalink
Apparently not!

I just found it strange because I've had an actual taxi company refuse a very similar request on one occasion. Essentially, I offered them to stop at the gas station, grab the smokes and bring them to me...In exchange, I'd reimburse for the cigarettes, pay as if I had physically went to the gas station and back and would throw a $5 tip on there...anyway, they said no even though the driver was clear at the time of my call.
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