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119 members have voted
Quote: MathExtremistWe all have basic needs and wants, and our "every man for himself" economy is set up to let Joe Sixpack fail when he can't (or won't) adapt to the next set of economic circumstances, or the next one after that, or the one after that. The Darwinian solution would be to let them fail and then throw them in debtors' prison when they run out of money. Except that's what foments the revolution I was talking about, and revolutions are worse than what got Trump elected, so let's not consider that further.
But if we're not going to just sit around and let "those that can't intellectually compete in today's America" fail, then the only alternative is to give them what they need to be successful and as productive as they want to be. For most people, that's time. Time to figure out what to do next -- or time to get the help to figure out what to do next -- while they're not busy worrying about being broke or unemployed or feeding their kids or paying the rent. An out-of-work coal miner might have the talent and inclination to be the next great movie director, or even just a better machinist than coal miner, but we'll never know if he's too busy trying to get another mining job. As a society, we absolutely suck at optimizing the productivity of the average worker. We're pretty good about letting the cream rise to the top, but we don't apply resources to the middle, where most people are. Most people just drift into a career and swirl around in an industry or two until they retire. How many people even get career counseling? If our society were designed to maximize the economic productivity of its citizens, it would absolutely not just let them flail around, guessing at what to do, and hoping they get lucky enough to not fail. That's where we are now, and look at how happy everyone is. Instead, we need more investment in our people. We need to give them time, and since time is money, that really means just giving people money, or the equivalent in basic needs so they don't need to spend that money in the first place. Why shouldn't every U.S. citizen be granted the right to sufficient nutrition, shelter, and clothing? Unlike last century, we now have the resources. It's really a distribution problem.
Except you're right -- the government can't do that. It's too much of a political grenade. It would require everyone to agree to, basically, socialism, and that will never happen at the federal or even state level.
But there is a potential solution.
We live in a world where society and corporations are distinct. You live in society, you work for a corporation. Corporations come and go, society smooshes around it. Most of the time corporations pay taxes and follow the rules society sets out for them, but there's tension when society acts to harm corporations and vice versa.
The way to get rid of that tension is to get rid of the distinction.
I propose that a corporate structure, if large enough, could supplement the government in providing for the basic needs of its "employee citizens." I haven't fully thought through the details -- because I lack the time and the macroeconomic skills -- but my instinct tells me that if enough people signed on to be part of "the company," and agreed not only to share a significant portion of their net worth but economic production during and even after their employment, we could make the math work. Here are a few major benefits:
a) There is no coersion -- the bane of libertarian philosophers. This is a voluntary association. It's a contract -- you have to agree to uphold your end of the bargain -- but nobody's forcing you to join. In other words, you can still be an American without being part of the company. But you don't get the benefits.
b) At the same time, a critical mass of, say, 100,000 people would go a long way to getting pretty favorable deals on everything. IBM has 400,000 people and they get to do things like providing their own self-underwritten health insurance. A critical mass of 1,000,000 people would be even stronger, and a mass of 10,000,000 people could -- if acting as a unified whole -- even swing elections. 10,000,000 people is bigger than all but 10 states.
c) Transferring resources from one employee to another inside a company is not a taxable event. If I'm a farmer growing food, and you're a tool-maker making farming equipment, and we're both members of the company, we can trade tools for food with no transactional friction from government taxes. Naturally, since bartering is so 18th century, there would be an internal corporate currency and economy.
d) Employees either work outside (at normal jobs) or they work inside, for the company. Working for the company may result in lower dollar compensation but higher corporate-currency compensation. Working for outside firms just means you pay a vig on any cash income to the company as part of your ongoing obligation. Nothing's free, after all. And maybe the vig doesn't even exist until there's a critical mass large enough to make things work at a minimum level. Eventually everything comes from inside the company and you don't need (outside) money at all. You can still get it, so as to interface with the outside world, but as the inside world grows your need to do that shrinks.
e) The company would, I expect, acquire many other firms. The employees of those firms would not be required to join, but the acquired firm itself would become another asset of the company, producing resources.
f) Over time, the company would acquire what it needed to become self-sufficient, leading to a virtuous cycle of increased employment, therefore increased total productivity, therefore stronger incentives for more people to join, etc. And as it grows, the company can provide higher and higher levels of employee benefits. Not just food and shelter but healthcare, education. Work up the Maslow pyramid, etc. The company is a non-profit, for the benefit of its employees, so it's not driven by profit motive and outside shareholders. It's driven by maximizing the welfare of its citizen-employees -- those are the shareholders. Sort of like "government of the people, by the people, and for the people."
g) Citizen employee innovations would inure to the benefit of the company, just like any other employee-company relationship, so after a while the company would be the world's largest IP holder. But unlike most other companies, this one would actively encourage innovation and research. It's a lot easier to be creative and/or spend years pursuing research when you're not worried about covering basic needs.
h) And yes, if you want to screw around all day, drinking beer and playing Xbox, you get to. Maybe you don't get extra benefit levels if you're not productive, but everyone's basic needs are met. But like you said, "most Joe Sixpack's actually want to go work and be valuable somewhere" and I think working to make a corporation/society where everyone can succeed and nobody gets left behind is worth sucking up a few leeches along the way.
The trillion-dollar question, of course, is whether such an organization can grow to a critical mass to accomplish the goal of providing basic needs and then the secondary goal of demonstrating higher productivity than individual-centric capitalism. I think it can, but I'm not sure it would get there before the government realized there was meaningful competition and moved to shut it down.
Maybe this is a crackpot idea that won't work for some reason that's obvious to everyone but me. Or maybe not. Please feel free to pick this apart.
Edit: after posting that, I realized just what a wall of text that is. I wonder if that's the longest post ever on this forum -- except for the numeric gibberish that gets posted from time to time when people are convinced their betting system works or their online casino is cheating them.
One of my favorite movies that closely mimics this idea is currently on EPIX. "Rollerball" (1975). It was set in 2018. Rooting for Houston to win the Rollerball championship! That drug they use in that movie seems sweet too. ;)
Quote: ams288Stop with the personal insults already.

Why did Trump throw the head of the Carrier union under the bus?
All he did was review the FACTS regarding the Carrier deal
Why are Trump supporters sending death threats to the Carrier Union
What is it about facts that make Trump supporters want to kill somebody?
Fake news is a problem
Trump promotes fake news by saying how great the Carrier deal is
Quote: terapinedNo comments from the right regarding the union head that fact checked Trump?
Why did Trump throw the head of the Carrier union under the bus?
All he did was review the FACTS regarding the Carrier deal
Why are Trump supporters sending death threats to the Carrier Union
What is it about facts that make Trump supporters want to kill somebody?
Fake news is a problem
Trump promotes fake news by saying how great the Carrier deal is
There's gonna be a lot of "no comment" by the Trumpsters over the next four years.
All the shady conflicts of interest, the blatant pay-for-play taking place in his cabinet... all would have elicited the utmost outrage if done by Hillary. Trump? *crickets* from the right.
It's hypocrisy at its finest.
He ran on a platform that consisted entirely of not acting like a politician. What's more non-political than brazenly displaying one's corruption rather than trying to hide it?Quote: ams288There's gonna be a lot of "no comment" by the Trumpsters over the next four years.
All the shady conflicts of interest, the blatant pay-for-play taking place in his cabinet... all would have elicited the utmost outrage if done by Hillary. Trump? *crickets* from the right.
It's hypocrisy at its finest.
I think it was brilliant of the trump machine. It didn't matter how bad he looked, as long as hilliary had no time to look good.
Like a lawyer, not giving a paid professional witness a chance to say what he knows.
Good move Trump
See, we on the left can give kudos to Trump
He makes a good move :-)
Quote: EvenBobWe are China's biggest customer, they need
us more than we need them. We're so
financially intertwined now that we'll never
be separated. The world will be run by the
Chinese one day, and they know it. They're
in it for the long haul, they have eternal
Greedy American businessmen who care only about making gobs of money through slave labor. They'll sell their souls. They already did.
And yes, I agree, they have eternal patience. Communism, world government, whatever you want to call it, depends on gradualism and perfect timing. They can plan years in advance. The last thing they want is for their plans of ruling the world to come unraveled because of getting impatient. Some day it won't be called "communism". It will be called something else. But it won't be benevolent, that's for sure.
Quote: terapined
This is way more offensive to me then discussing Trumps kids
He thinks vaccines equals autism
That is simply sick
You conveniently left something out. He said "massive one-time shots for children". Should I expect you to misquote and misrepresent facts in the future?
Quote: bobbartopYou conveniently left something out. He said "massive one-time shots for children". Should I expect you to misquote and misrepresent facts in the future?
I did not purposefully misquote
I read the tweets
my evaluation of the tweets
"He thinks vaccines equals autism"
I stand by my evaluation
There is no connection between autism and vaccines and yet he refers to both in the same short tweet more then once.
He also tweeted about the Carrier union rep that fact checked him
My evaluation of that tweet
He singled out a private individual and threw him under the bus
Just an evaluation, not quoting Trump
Quote: ams288but hey, I can't allow MaxPen and bobbartop to have all the fun!!
Do you think being outnumbered by the unwashed masses is fun? :-)
Quote: terapinedI did not purposefully misquote
I read the tweets
my evaluation of the tweets
"He thinks vaccines equals autism"
I stand by my evaluation
There is no connection between autism and vaccines and yet he refers to both in the same short tweet more then once.
What part of "massive one-time shots for children" did you not understand?
How many products have labels that say "not for children under 2" or something like that? Maybe there is something to cramming all these vaccines down a CHILD'S throat so young and fresh? I don't know. I'm not a doctor. Which wouldn't mean squat if I was. Doctors are quacks. You can quote me.
And don't get me started about Big Pharma. Amazing how many good little soldiers are on this forum.
Quote: bobbartopWhat part of "massive one-time shots for children" did you not understand?
How many products have labels that say "not for children under 2" or something like that? Maybe there is something to cramming all these vaccines down a CHILD'S throat so young and fresh? I don't know. I'm not a doctor. Which wouldn't mean squat if I was. Doctors are quacks. You can quote me.
And don't get me started about Big Pharma. Amazing how many good little soldiers are on this forum.
What does this have to do with autism?
Why even mention autism if he is trying to get another point across?
There is no connection between any shots and autism
Scientologist? Kind of sounding like one.
Just wondering
Quote: terapinedThere is no connection between any shots and autism
You don't know that. Who the heck are you?
The WHO, CDC, APA...all disagree with you. You know, actual learned people.
Quote: VCUSkyhawkWell, I am nobody. However, I can read. See below. Not that it will matter, its all a big conspiracy anyways, right?
The WHO, CDC, APA...all disagree with you. You know, actual learned people.
Did I mention I finished 8th grade? But you can probably tell that already.
Anyway, WHO, CDC, APA, .... BFD.
Is there a consensus on jamming ALL of the vaccines into a very young child all at once? Because that's what was brought up earlier in this thread.
By the way, LOL @ W.H.O.
Quote: bobbartopDid I mention I finished 8th grade? But you can probably tell that already.
Anyway, WHO, CDC, APA, .... BFD.
Is there a consensus on jamming ALL of the vaccines into a very young child all at once? Because that's what was brought up earlier in this thread.
By the way, LOL @ W.H.O.
Are you a Scientologist?
Quote: terapinedSeriously
Are you a Scientologist?
That should be worth a 3-day suspension. MODERATOR!
Quote: bobbartopThat should be worth a 3-day suspension. MODERATOR!
Whats wrong with being a scientologist
Its a free country
Flag , their super powers building, is 20 min from me in Clearwater
Its kind of hobby for me following the latest on scientology
Just curious because a lot of your views regarding the medical profession conforms to the beliefs of Scientology
Quote: terapined
Just curious because a lot of your views regarding the medical profession conforms to the beliefs of Scientology
Just a coincidence.
But I don't recall stating my views on the medical profession. Except I said doctors are quacks. That's not hard to figure out. They insist on giving me pills that make me feel bad, and I go to the internet and find natural foods that solve my problems and tell the doctor to shove his pills. I swear, one doctor told me, "Bob, do you realize how many years of medical school I went to?" I answered, "Does that mean I'm stupid? I am NOT taking that pill."
I just found out that eating Wakame seaweed lowers my blood pressure. I found that out by accident. No wonder the Japanese live long. Meanwhile, I've got all these bottles of pills in my cabinet. They all make me feel bad. I'm tellin ya, the doctors are QUACKS!
Quote: bobbartop
I just found out that eating Wakame seaweed lowers my blood pressure. I found that out by accident. No wonder the Japanese live long.
Maybe your heart is starting to fail since you've not been taking proper medicine.
I'm not a doctor, so not one of those "quacks." You can trust me.
Quote: rxwineMaybe your heart is starting to fail since you've not been taking proper medicine.
I'm not a doctor, so not one of those "quacks." You can trust me.
I've found in recent years that youtube videos are MUCH better than doctors. There's all kinds of foods that will lower your blood pressure, lower your blood sugar if you're diabetic, which I'm not, and the numbers that statins are supposed to bring down can be resolved with juicing the right vegetables and fruits. These damn statins, the doctors have got EVERYONE on statins. Lipitor. It's friggin poison in my opinion. I felt terrible when I first went on Lipitor. Looked on the internet and figured out why I felt like dying, it was the damn statins. Maybe they affect me worse than others, but I won't take another Lipitor if you put a gun to my head. Poison! Plus, they know it will mess up your cognitive functions after using it a long time. Screw that, I want to play video poker when I'm 80, I'm not going to mess up my brain with statins. They've got the whole country on that crap. I read an article that says the biggest profit maker for Pharma is Lipitor. No surprise there.
I stopped statins and bought a juicer, now my numbers are great, and I don't feel like death warmed over. And the right foods and juices can fix a blood pressure problem. Beets are great for blood pressure.
One of the most exciting things I've just discovered is seaweed. I had some sushi at a casino that had Wakame seaweed topping, two hours later my blood pressure was WAY low. I was almost a cadaver. Now I'm reading about different seaweeds, and the news is amazing how healthy it is. There's only one problem. First of all, you've got that nuclear plant that got damaged in Japan from the earthquake. So they are sourcing some seaweed from China. China is a big NO NO. China don't give a fk. They pollute the crap out of their rivers and ocean, the seaweed from China tests high for lead, cadmium, etc. So screw that. I ain't eating anything from China. By the way, start checking your labels on tuna cans, oysters, etc.
So there's clean seaweed from New Zealand, California, some other places, just stay away from China. I'm just beginning to learn about seaweed. Superfood, and I'm 60 and just found out about it. And it's delicious. And who is healthier than the Japanese?
Quote: RSI think part of it is that you should be eating healthy foods to begin with. Pills aren't supposed to "make you healthy". Pills are for people who eat healthily and are still sick.
Can't agree on the whole part. There are pills (herbs) which should make you healthy and cure the sickness not just the results. But the interest in farma companies is not to cure you but to sell you more drugs. Sad but true.
A loophole in the current law allows Americans to gamble online if they can find a way around the payment process.
The Restoration of America's Wire Act would make it a violation of federal law to do that.
The bill would also make it illegal to gamble on State sanctioned online gambling sites.
A version of the bill may find it's way to Trump's desk as a favor to Sheldon Adelson who donated $25 million to Trump and Republican senate campaigns.
Adelson has vowed to spend whatever it takes to get online gambling outlawed.
vast experience dealing with foreign nations.
He even got some kind of an award a couple
years ago from Russia. He has a tight relationship
with Putin, which is just what we need after the
Obama debacle.
Quote: EvenBobTillerson, what a great choice for SoS. He has
vast experience dealing with foreign nations.
He even got some kind of an award a couple
years ago from Russia. He has a tight relationship
with Putin, which is just what we need after the
Obama debacle.
Couldn't disagree with you more about him being a good pick. Zero experience as a diplomat. Stopped from making 500B deal with Russia by Obama for good reason. We are not Russia and don't need to be any closer to them.
Quote: beachbumbabsCouldn't disagree with you more about him being a good pick. Zero experience as a diplomat.
You don't think he has to be a diplomat
when doing business with foreign nations?
Of course he does. He has far more experience
with other countries than Hillary had when
she was picked for SoS. We aren't Russia
and that's exactly why we need to be closer
to them. Partner with them to wipe out
Isis, among other things.
Quote: beachbumbabsCouldn't disagree with you more about him being a good pick. Zero experience as a diplomat. Stopped from making 500B deal with Russia by Obama for good reason. We are not Russia and don't need to be any closer to them.
It's becoming clear EvenBob's only job over the next four years will be to blindly defend every single action Donald takes no matter how bad it is.
The only people who truly think Tillerson is a good pick live in Russia....
Quote: ams288It's becoming clear EvenBob's only job over the next four years will be to blindly defend every single action Donald takes no matter how bad it is.
The only people who truly think Tillerson is a good pick live in Russia....
And it's becoming clear ams288's only job over the next four years will be to blindly oppose every single action The Donald makes, no matter how good it is.
Ba dum tss.
Quote: RSAnd it's becoming clear ams288's only job over the next four years will be to blindly oppose every single action The Donald makes, no matter how good it is.
Ba dum tss.
Kinda strange, I don't know much about Tillerson but I find myself agreeing with Barbara's reasoning and thus Ams288's also. Maybe once they see me agree with them they will change their minds.
But for goodness sake, DON'T pick John Bolton for anything. Keep him out of it, he's bad news. In my humble opinion.
Quote: ams288It's becoming clear EvenBob's only job over the next four years will be to blindly defend every single action Donald takes no matter how bad it is.
Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder Sufferers

Quote: EvenBobTillerson, what a great choice for SoS. He has
vast experience dealing with foreign nations.
He even got some kind of an award a couple
years ago from Russia. He has a tight relationship
with Putin, which is just what we need after the
Obama debacle.
I am not a fan of John McCain, even though I am a republican. I forget who I voted for when he ran against Obama, I might have just left it blank and voted for local issues, but I would not vote for McCain for dog catcher. However, I was just watching an interview of him on Fox and they were talking about Tillerson, and John McCain commented on Vladimir Putin, and I couldn't agree more with what McCain said. He said "Putin is a thug, a bully, and a murderer, and anyone who says different is a liar."
Well, that may be the first time I have agreed with McCain. So, I don't know what to say or think about our diplomatic relationship with Russia, but being diplomatic with a thug, a bully, and a murderer, just seems to me there is something wrong with this picture.
Quote: bobbartopHe said "Putin is a thug, a bully, and a murderer, and anyone who says different is a liar."
He forgot to mention "Crime boss".
My wife and I visited Monte Carlo a few years ago.
On our way to the Grand Casino, a Bently convertable blew past us, and our guide exclaimed, "There goes one our little Russians. They've taken over Monaco with their oil money."
When we arrived at the casino, exotic cars were parked everywhere. The most expensive ones were parked in front of the entrance, and our guide told us they all belonged to Russians.
These were the young Russian oligarchs, hand picked by Putin to run his crime empire.
On any given day, you might see a $2 million Veyron.
Or a $1 Million Fender Bender.
Quote: bobbartopKinda strange, I don't know much about Tillerson but I find myself agreeing with Barbara's reasoning and thus Ams288's also. Maybe once they see me agree with them they will change their minds.
Nope, not changing my mind because you agree with me.
It's an awful choice for SoS.
Quote: RSAnd it's becoming clear ams288's only job over the next four years will be to blindly oppose every single action The Donald makes, no matter how good it is.
Ba dum tss.
The way things are going with all this Russia stuff, Donald won't even last four years.
Quote: RSAnd it's becoming clear ams288's only job over the next four years will be to blindly oppose every single action The Donald makes, no matter how good it is.
Ba dum tss.
Sounds like the Republicans strategy over the past 8 years.

What do the five men in this picture have in common?
So there was nothing wrong when the Obama regime sold a significant chunk of our uranium resources to Putin or paid off hundreds of millions of dollars in ransom to another non-terrorist, Sayyid Ali Khamenei. How the world has changed in just about a month!Quote: bobbartopI don't know what to say or think about our diplomatic relationship with Russia, but being diplomatic with a thug, a bully, and a murderer, just seems to me there is something wrong with this picture.
Quote: SanchoPanzaSo there was nothing wrong when the Obama regime sold a significant chunk of our uranium resources to Putin or paid off hundreds of millions of dollars in ransom to another non-terrorist, Sayyid Ali Khamenei. How the world has changed in just about a month!
Why are you talking to me like this? I think you've got the wrong person.
Quote: bobbartopWhy are you talking to me like this? I think you've got the wrong person.
That's how he talks to everyone. Just ignore him like the rest of us do.
Trump's inauguration is going to be like having an extended holiday season with an extra Christmas and an extremely Happy New Year!!!!
I don't drink but think I might have to buy a special bottle of champagne for the occasion. ;-)
Plan on taking the day off from work to watch all the pomp and pageantry.

Power was so confident they paid off all the
Hillary bets 3 weeks before the election? So
they ended up paying off everybody who
made a bet, there were no losers. This is
the funniest story I've read in a long time.
Quote: rxwineNow if only we can find a Trump.
"Anytime someone puts something in my collection drum it gives me an adrenaline rush for a good five minutes after that." - Mike hot Pence
Quote: MaxPenSettled on completion of all ballets in regardless of date but before inauguration. Delays are being implemented to fuel the fires. I that is acceptable consider it a done deal.
The popular vote was declared final on Dec. 19. Clinton won. MaxPen has settled our bet. Thank you very much for the opportunity to come out even between us, Max. You are a gentleman.